5th Sunday of Lent, Year B 220322015


5th Sunday of Lent, Year B 220322015
ROSTERS (28/29 March)
Eucharist Ministers
5.30 pm Anne Brick, Pauline Daly, Michael Daly,
Brian Dummett, Anna Leung
9.00 am Jill Butler, Sr Mary Gabrielle Clarke,
Averil Ferguson, Carmel Holmes
10.30 am Anne Maree McKernan, Tricia Norman,
Margaret O’Connor, Paul Nieuwenhuizen
Daniela Katsiamakis
5.00 pm Cathy Frawley, Chiara Mant,
Tahryn Mant, Chloe Steele, Emma Steele
Leaders & Lectors (28/29 March)
5.30 pm Ann Alexander, Patricia Robertson,
Anne Weymouth
9.00 am Irena Heath, Lorraine Simpson,
Mary Ryan
10.30 am Brendan Avallone, Frank Shelton,
Simon Zebrowski
5.00 pm Mark Campbell, Judy Savage,
Matthew Wheelahan
Altar Servers (28/29 March)
5.30 pm Nicholas Weymouth
9.00 am Lawrence Dinh, Clarise Dinh
10.30 am Aleida Ryan, Mary Ryan
5.00 pm Lachlan Mant, James Whelan
Musicians (28/29 March)
5.30 pm John Weymouth (O),
Nicholas Dinopoulos (C)
9.00 am Julia Morkham (O), Jacinta Ryan (C)
10.30 am Andrew Ryan (O), John Caddy (C),
Angela Ryan (C)
5.00 pm Michael Ryan (O), Erin Towns (C)
This week: John Timbs, Peter Lauritsen
Next week: Greg & Averil Ferguson, John Koa
Sacristy Linen (OLGC)
Adrienne Whittaker (29 March)
Altar Roster (All Hallows)
Kath Treloar, Doris Sage (27 March)
Asylum Seeker Baskets
Stella Robinson (5 April)
This Week: Fifth Sunday of Lent
First Reading: Jeremiah 31:31-34
Second Reading: Hebrews 5:7-9
Psalm: Create a clean heart in me, O God.
Gospel Acclamation Glory to you, Word of God,
Lord Jesus Christ! If you serve me, follow me, says
the Lord; and where I am, my servant will also be.
Glory to you, Word of God, Lord Jesus Christ!
Gospel: John 12:20-30
Next Week: Palm Sunday
First Reading: Isaiah 50:4-7
Second Reading: Philippians 2:6-11
Gospel: Mark 14:1, 15:47
Rite of Reception First weekend of the month
at any Mass
Rite of Baptism
12 noon on the 2nd & 4th Sunday
of the month at OLGC Church
By appointment
Sacrament dates for 2015
First Eucharist Weekends of 9/10 May, 16/17 May
and 23/24 May
Sunday, 13 September
Reconciliation Tuesday, 10 November and
Thursday, 12 November
Please enrol online via the parish website for the
Catechist preparation program and contact Tricia
Norman for more details. The six week program for
Eucharist has now commenced.
It was with great sadness that we heard ofAllthe
of Sr Catherine Kelly CSB. Sr Catherine was our
constant contact at the Brigidine Asylum Seekers’
Project and liaised with so many parishioners over
many years as they delivered countless donation
baskets. She worked tirelessly in welcoming
refugees and asylum seekers over many years. She
will be greatly missed.
Each parishioner witnesses Christ
in their own way, every day.
We acknowledge that we stand on land for which the Wurundjeiri
people are the traditional custodians, we remember their
forbears with respect and commit ourselves to working for
reconciliation and justice.
Sunday, 22 March 2015
Fifth Sunday of Lent,
Year B
Parish Priest
Fr Brendan Reed
Parish Pastoral Associate (Tue, Wed, Thurs & Fri)
Tricia Norman
Stewardship Coordinator (Tues, Wed, Thurs & Fri)
Kate Baines
Youth Engagement Coordinator
Paul Salmon
0434 254 233
Principal – OLGC Primary School
Jennifer Gray
9817 5744
Sunday Mass
All Hallows
Weekday Mass
All Hallows
Vigil 5.30 pm, Sunday 10.30 am & 5.00 pm
Sunday 9.00 am
Wednesday and Friday at 9.15 am
Tuesday and Thursday at 9.15 am
Prior to Saturday evening Mass at OLGC
or before weekday Mass at All Hallows.
OLGC (Church and Offices)
All Hallows (Church)
52 Deepdene Road
17 Brenbeal Street
Deepdene, 3103
Balwyn, 3103
(All correspondence to 52 Deepdene Road, Deepdene 3103)
Telephone: 9816 9291
Fax: 9817 5881
Email: parish@olgc.com.au
Website: www.olgc.com.au
Easter Services
Holy Thursday – 2 April
7.00 pm
Mass of the Lord’s Supper
at All Hallows
Good Friday – 3 April
11.00 am
Stations of the Cross at OLGC
3.00 pm
Celebration of the Lord’s
Passion at OLGC
Easter Vigil – 4 April
7.30 pm
Vigil Mass at OLGC
Easter Sunday –5 April
9.00 am
Mass at All Hallows
10.30 am
Mass at OLGC
(No 5.00 pm Mass)
Communal Penitential Service
Tuesday, 24 March at 7.30 pm at All Hallows
Thursday, 26 March following
9.15 am Mass at All Hallows
Tuesday, 31 March at 6.00 pm at OLGC
Welcome to the Quinn family presenting Elijah for
the Rite of Baptism this weekend.
Welcome to the First Eucharist candidates and
their families who will be presented to the community
at 5.00 pm Mass this weekend.
The Solemn Procession for Palm Sunday will take
place at 10.30 am Mass next Sunday. Please gather
at the front of the church.
Please complete the sheet in the churches if you
would like to be part of the Washing of the Feet
during the Mass of the Lord’s Supper to be held on
Holy Thursday at 7.00 pm at All Hallows.
Elect, Ellen Bourke continues to prepare for
initiation into the Church at Easter and will celebrate
the Third Scrutiny at 10.30 am Mass this Sunday.
This is an opportunity for the community to pray for
Ellen during this time.
FCJ Community invites parishioners to a Taize
Prayer to be held on Monday, 23 March 7.30 pm –
8.30 pm at the FCJ Community House, 1 Moonbria
Avenue, Kew. All welcome.
Caritas Australia Project Compassion
Caritas Australia’s annual Project Compassion campaign
continues during Lent and this year’s theme is Food for
Life. Each week, Caritas Australia features stories from
different countries explaining the issues facing local
communities. Project Compassion boxes are still
available in the churches.
Fifth Sunday of Lent: Peru
In a remote Andean village, Caritas is helping farmers like
Cristian to grow and harvest a wide variety of high-value,
sustainable fruit crops, which will provide a secure
income and a wide variety of food for life. Cristian’s
community lives a traditional life, and until recently the
closest water source to the village was over a kilometre
away, so they had no running water and no irrigation for
their farms. Visit www.caritas.org.au/projectcompassion
for Cristian’s story and learn more about the work of
Caritas Australia.
Parishioner Information Evening
OLGC Church Refurbishment
Thursday, 26 March at 7.30 pm
OLGC Church
Stage 2 of our Master Plan is under way with
the Aslyum seeking houses in Jurang Street
now taking shape. In preparation for the
works at Deepdene, you are invited to attend
an information session at OLGC Church on
Thursday evening. All welcome.
Tuesday, 24
7.30 pm Penitential Service, All Hallows
Wednesday, 25 7.30 pm PLT Meeting, Parish House
Thursday, 26
7.30 pm Parishioner Information Evening
on Church refurbishment, OLGC Church
Tay Ng, Cecilia Param, Sr Elizabeth Scheer MSC
Helen Olsen, Sr Marie Bernadette RSC, Rita O’Halloran,
Michael Corridon, Alexander Waniewski, John Froster
OLGC Primary School is holding its Open Morning
on Tuesday, 24 March 2015. Principal’s address at
9.30 am and 2.15 pm with school tours at 9.45 am
and 2.30 pm. For enquiries, please contact the
School Office on 9817 5744.
Genazzano FCJ College is holding its Open Day
for 2015 to take place this Sunday, 22 March from
1.30-4.00 pm.
Around the Piano As Easter falls on the weekend of
5 & 6 April, the next gathering will take place on
Monday, 30 March at 7.30 pm at 7 Harcourt Street,
East Hawthorn. All welcome. For more details,
please call Laurie Frazer on 9817 1168.
Youth Engagement Project (YEP) activities:
 Checkpoint – Tuesday, 24 March from
6.45-9.00 pm for post school at Hawthorn Parish.
 TGI Fridays – Friday, 27 March from 7.3010.00 pm for Years 9-12 at Hawthorn Parish.
 April 2015 Days of Service SVDP Soup Van,
Backyard Blitz and St Joseph’s South Yarra.
Contact YEP for details and registration.
 Save the date - Dinner and Dialogue –
Tuesday, 19 May from 7.00-9.00 pm.
Please visit www.yepmelbourne.com.
Palm Sunday Walk for Justice for Refugees
Come and join the parish’s Asylum Seeker and
Refugee Support Group again this year on Sunday,
29 March at 1.30 pm outside the State Library.
Speakers will commence at 2.00 pm and we will
meet outside the main entrance of RMIT in La Trobe
Street at the statue. Please call Helen Darrer on
0418 991 753.
Stewardship envelopes to September 2015 are
available for collection in the Churches. If you would
like to review your pledge, alter your method of
contribution to credit card or direct debit or
alternatively wish to join our Stewardship program,
please contact Kate Baines.