April 12th 2015 - St Etheldreda`s


April 12th 2015 - St Etheldreda`s
Our Lady & St Etheldreda, Newmarket
Our Lady & St Philip Neri, Kirtling
14 Exeter Road CB8 8LT
2nd Week of Easter
Saturday 11th
Parish Office
(9 -3.45. Mon-Fri.)
01638 662492
14, Exeter Road
Newmarket CB8 8LT
Email: stetheldreda
18.30 Michael Quinlan †
Sunday 12th
Second of Easter
9.00 Susanna Hegarty †
Monday 13th
Parish Priest
01638 666305
at 47 Lisburn Road
(Mc Groary family)
10.30 For the People
Martin McGrath †
(E. Cafferkey)
Tuesday 14th
12.00 Rose Spear † (R. Munns)
Wednesday 15th
9.15 Lena &Joe McElligott Ints
Thursday 16th
18.30 Prayers for healing.
19.00 Holy Souls
12.00 Anne Whelan Ints.
(C. Loughnane)
9.30 Claes GÖran Johansson Ints
Fr. Simon Blakesley
Psalter Week 2
Please note earlier time...
07946 390060
(S. Wood)
11.00 Wedding of Celia & Gary
Please use out of office hours
Fr Anthony Foreman
Fr. Michael Griffin
Deacon John Morrill
01223 811822
Parish Administrator:
Rita Harben
18.30 Cathy Teaney †
(K. & J. Sheridan)
Third of Easter
9.00 For the People
10.30 Nicholas Fell †
(Jean & family)
Confessions are heard on Saturdays from 10.30 to 10.50
and then before Evening Mass from 6.00pm to 6.20.
Walsingham—Bank Holiday Monday 4th May 2015.
Procession from Friday Market –12.30 pm
Sacrament of reconciliation on arrival at the Shrine.
Mass at the Shrine at 3pm led by Bishop Alan.
London To Walsingham Walk (via Newmarket) Applications are invited
for the four remaining places on this traditional walking pilgrimage. No special
fitness level is necessary and full guidance will be given. An additional support
vehicle with driver is also required. Contact Peter Walters (walk administrator)
on 01799550398 jpw33@live.co.uk
HUSTINGS 2015 — 14th April at 19.30 - On behalf of Churches
Together in Newmarket we are hosting an open meeting of the
parliamentary candidates for the constituency of West Suffolk.
This will be an opportunity to ask our local politicians of their
own and their party’s ethical and moral stance on the important
issues of our time. Please do make it a priority to come along.
Lourdes 2015 August will be here soon enough and we will be able to join in the Diocesan Pilgrimage which forms
part of the Catholic Association which includes four other dioceses as well as Stonyhurst College as well as the
British Carmelites and the Glanfield Childrens Group. If you would like to come along please speak to Fr. Simon
or check out the Tangney Tours website at tangneytours.co.uk. and click on the ‘Diocesan Pilgrimages’ page. The
dates are 21st to 28th of August (Friday to Friday) and the Diocese will be lead by Bishop Alan Hopes and
Deacon Clive Brooks…
Progress Report on Lisburn Road—the roofers are nearly at the end of their work
and the scaffolding should be coming down next week. I have come to realise that
this property has been ‘out of sight—out of mind’ for the parish as a whole and I am
hoping that I will be able to agree a scheme with the bishop and his advisors to
build accommodation on the church site for the parish priest as a priority and then
the house can be sold so that it no longer poses uncertainty to the parish finances…
Confidential counselling for relationship difficulties, which is
not restricted to Roman Catholics. For all appointments please
phone 0800 3893801
Parish Film Nights: In April we will be showing our 100th film.!!
The film we have chosen is “The Water of the Hills” (Manon des
Sources), written by Marcel Pagnol (who wrote “The Well-Diggers
Daughter”). The story is unusual and because the film is nearly 4 hours
long we have decided to show it on SUNDAY 26th APRIL, 2015, starting
at 16.00 and have shared refreshments halfway.
We welcome people who have not yet been to the club to give it a try.
The film is in French, with English subtitles. We look forward to sharing
this celebration with you and all our regular members. Thank you all the
people who have come to watch the films for their past support and encouragement. We have shown interesting films and hope this will continue into the future. Many thanks from Linda Pector, Joan and Ken Snare.
Ignite Diocesan Youth Festival, - May 2nd –4th, Swaffham, and walk to
Catholic Clothing Guild - April 22nd at 2pm in the Church hall.
The Biblical Story Of The Mass the next session will be on Tuesday 21st April
(due to the Hustings being this coming Tuesday) from 7pm until 9pm in the bar.
Open to all comers even if you have not attended any of the earlier sessions.
Congratulations to John Downing and Jennifer Schooling
who were married here in our Church on Friday. We wish
them both many happy years of married life together.
Welcome to Philip Goldsmith and Gavin William who were received into
the Church and congratulations to Caitlin Davies who made her First
Holy Communion at Easter.
Many thanks for your kindness in giving the sum of £2,474.19
in the Easter Offering. Your support of the clergy is constant
and certainly much appreciated. Fr. Simon.
Your prayers are asked
For the sick: Kevin Barry, Peter Giblin, Eden
King, Sr.Bernadette, Joan Heflin, Isobell
Wright, Tim Holden, Olga Agier, Christopher
Browne, Declan Upton, Charlie Mooney, Sheff
Wilson, Edward McNamara, Christine O’Neill,
Margaret Jane Smith,
Rex Davis, Barry
Whitney, Brenda Sharp, Frank O Leary,
Michael McLean, Phyllis Page, Fr.Terry
Donnelly, Joan Fox, Maureen Mulvihill, Thea
& James Cox, Ann Callaghan, Gina Bird, Janet
Murphy, Sr. Rosaleen Shaw, Mara. Margaret
Rice. John Taylor, Nicholas, John & Mary
Prytherch. Gerard Connor, Chris McGrath,
Sr. Teresa Walsh, Bill Haley, Margaret Wilson,
Anne Lake, Pat O Malley, Cherry Ackerley.
Jean Fell.
Those who have died recently
especially Keith Munns
and for those whose anniversary occurs at
this time:
Beryl Higgs, Sr. Kathleen McTeague,
Jessica Woods, Philip Buckner, Patricia
Giblin, Fr. Michael Kennedy, James
White, Rose Spear, Nora Sinfield,
Countess Barbara Koziell , Lily Dillon,
Teresa Hadley, Peter Brannigan, Thomas
Burke, Thomas Toomey, Douglas
Cottrell, James Tilbury, Frank Tuite, Tina
May their souls and the souls of all the
Faithful departed rest in peace.
We pray for the Holy Land of Jesus birth,
that the barriers of intolerance, injustice,
hatred and violence may give way to the
gift of Peace.
Ministers for THIS WEEKEND
6.30pm N C. & N. Brynolf-Trett
P. McKernan
J. & P. Mitton
9.00am K K. Prosser
P. Armstrong
10.30am N
F. Franklin
J. & C. Dyer
C. Dore.
A. Moore
l. Blade
J. Ingram
Ministers for NEXT WEEKEND
N T. Coyle
R. Munns
09.00am K
M. Armstrong
10.30am N L. Pelloe
T. Selvey
B. Sugrue
N. Goff
J. Borda
F. Morgan
J. Motley
A. Fox L. Blade
Ma. Spalding
D. Blair A. Sugrue
Money Matters
Thank you very much for your generous
contribution of £2474.19 in the Easter
collection for the Clergy.
The collection on Good Friday for the Holy
Land Shrines raised a total of £430.46.
Thank you very much.
Our Gift Aid Co-ordinator is: Frank Morgan.
He can be contacted on 01638 602313 or by e-mail at