March 22nd newsletter - Mary Immaculate Parish


March 22nd newsletter - Mary Immaculate Parish
Lenten talk on Thursday evening
7.30pm in the House of Retreat—Annexe
Thursday, March 26th
Brother Richard
Mindfulness for Today
Praying for the Sick in our Parish and Community
Let us continue to keep in our prayers those people in our
community, families and parish who are sick and who have asked for
prayers including
John Brogan, Fr Jim Hartford, Séan Valentine
Oblate Gospel Choir
They’re back!
with a new line-up and under new direction
Saturday, March 28th 7pm Mass
Come along, show your support and join in joyful
worship and song
Many thanks to all who supported the Fairtrade stand at Masses on
March 8th. Remember to look for the Fairtrade symbol on products when
you are shopping.
Oblate Basketball News
Congratulations to the Oblate Under-12 team who won the Dublin Cup by
3 points in a very exciting final against Meteors.
The under -6 boys have won the Dublin league.
The Senior girls national team are in the top four play off and
the Dynamites’ sessions (6-8 year olds) on Saturday mornings
are going well.
EASTER BASKETBALL CAMP—Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
April 1st, 2nd and 3rd 10am-4pm.
Contact the basketball hall to book a place 01– 4534327
Newsletter 22nd March 2015
Mary Immaculate Inchicore D8
Tel: 01 4534408 Fax: 01 4543466
Parish Team
Fr. Michael Guckian, Fr. Pat Carolan,
Fr. Willie Fitzpatrick, Br. Frank Flanagan,
Joanne Lanigan.
Tree of Life
As we travel with Mahlet, her family and the people
of Ethiopia this Lent, we can see clearly how climate change
has turned once rich soil into wilderness in such a
short period of time.
Climate change is the greatest injustice of our time.
The people who are suffering are usually the ones who have
done the least to cause it.
Did you know that each Irish person produces as much
carbon emissions as 88 Ethiopians each year?
We can be overwhelmed by the scale of the task required to
make the changes that can help the situation.
But let us each do a little thing - do it consistently and
encourage others to do so also. Let us show our children how to
respect the planet and so ensure their future as well as that of
their Ethiopian brothers and sisters.
In our Sacred Space this year, there is a bare tree.
In the basket beside the tree, there are cards with
challenges for us- challenges for a day, for a week or as
permanent changes. Take a card, accept the challenge,
and hang your card on the tree.
There are also blank cards so you can write your own action
and challenge. Let us see if by Easter we can make the tree
bloom with positive action.
Change is difficult, but together there is nothing we cannot
The future of our planet depends on the actions we take to-day.
Parish Lotto
Annual concert to raise funds for
Capuchin Day Centre for the
Homeless (Brother Kevin Crowley)
Friday April 10th
Inchicore Sports & Social club
(CIE hall) starting at 8pm. €5
Great music so bring along a friend!
Next draw March 23rd
House of Retreat—annexe
All Welcome
A workshop with people committed to bringing about an environmentally
friendly, socially just and spiritually ful illing world.
Learn about our role in creating a sustainable future.
Be the change you wish to see in the world"Gandhi
Gandhi said:
“Be the change the world is waiting for”
Recently Baptised
Yuan Zhen David
Yuan Jie Jack Chen
Holly Jaida Bakekolo
Aisha Ntuli
Charlie Peter Gillan
Erin Bridget Coulson
Harper Derek Coady
We welcome them into the
Community and wish them
every blessing in their lives.
Pause for Thought
Creativity is God’s gift to you.
What you do with it is
your gift to God. Bob Moawad
Fr Liam Lawton
In concert
St Michael’s, Inchicore
Sunday 26thApril at 8pm.
Tickets €20
St Michael’s parish
Phone 01- 4531660.
Easter Ceremonies
If you would like to play an active part
in any way during the Holy Week
ceremonies, we would love to hear
from you. We need people for feet
washing, (Holy Thursday) meet &
greet and more… Please leave your
name into the parish office.
Easter Ceremonies 2015
Holy Thursday, April 2nd
Morning prayer 10am
Children's Liturgy 12midday
Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7.00pm
Please bring your Trocaire boxes along to the 7pm ceremony.
Quiet Prayer and Reflection “Stay with me, watch with me” 8-9pm
Good Friday, April 3rd
Morning prayer 10am
Confession 12-1pm
Good Friday ceremony and Veneration of the
Cross 3pm
Stations of the Cross. 8pm
Holy Saturday, April 4th
Morning Prayer. 10am
Confession 12-1pm and 7.30-8.30pm
Easter Vigil 9pm
Easter Sunday, April 5th
Masses at 8am, 10am and 12 midday
There will be no evening Mass
Easter Week
Easter Monday April 6th
Mass at 11am only
Tuesday-Friday ( April 7th -10th)
Mass at 10am only
There will be no evening Mass this week
Saturday April 11th
Mass at 11am and Vigil Mass at 7pm