DIARY EVENTS: SUNDAY 19 th th MONDAY 20 st TUESDAY 21 nd WEDNESDAY 22 rd THURSDAY 23 th SATURDAY 25 SUNDAY 26 th 1.30 pm: 4.30 pm: 7.00 pm: 7.00 pm: 6.00 pm: 7.30 pm: 6.30 pm: 10.00 am: 7.00 pm: 10.00 am: 4.30 pm: SVP Central Council Meeting Confirmation Candidates’ Meeting Christian Meditation Group Senior Singles at Deja Vu First Holy Communion Session 2 Prayer Meeting Cenacolo Prayers and Meeting Readers’ Meeting Bingo Night at Dean Gibson Childrens’ Liturgy Confirmation Candidates’ Meeting th WEEKLY DUTIES: Commencing SUNDAY 26 April 2015 INFANT LITURGY: JUNIOR CHURCH: COFFEE: COUNTING: CLEANING: FLOWERS: FIRST FRIDAY SOUP: Fliss Connolly & Tracy Winkley Francesca Scott & Mary Thompson Overseas Aid Group S Hudson & J Cate M Delaney, Mrs B Stuart, Mrs P Roberts st Mrs L Pritchard (1 May - thank you) st NO soup Friday 1 May PRAYER MINISTRY After every 10am Sunday Mass two members of the congregation will be available to pray with individuals. Whether it is for a special intention, concern for a friend or relative, a need for healing or a big event approaching you can ask Jesus to minister to you through the intercession of others. REGULAR NOTICES BLESSED SACRAMENT ADORATION: The Oratory is open Monday to Friday 7am to 10pm (except Mass times.) See Deacon John Selby if you wish to take an hour. LARGE PRINT HYMN BOOKS available from the sacristy corridor. Wheelchair access via the parish centre. Hearing aid users should turn to ‘t’ for the loop system. PASTORAL VISITS: To request a pastoral visit from one of the clergy, please complete a yellow card at the back of church and hand it in. NEW PARISHIONERS: Please pick up an information leaflet from back of church. DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET: is recited in church every Friday at 3pm. HOUSE GROUPS are now running. Please see list in porch for details. The Wednesday Word will remain available each week. Lancaster R.C. Diocesan Trustees Registered – Registered Charity No. 234331 HOLY TRINITY & ST GEORGE CATHOLIC CHURCH NEW ROAD, KENDAL, CUMBRIA. Also serving Sedbergh THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER 19th April 2015 TODAY’S READINGS: In the First Reading, Peter shows great courage when he confronts the people with their part in the death of Jesus. However he goes on to excuse them on the grounds that they acted in ignorance. In this he may have been inspired by the dying prayer of Jesus: “Father forgive them, they do not know what they do.” He urges them to repent, assuring them that if they do, their sins will be forgiven. In the Gospel, Luke’s primary interest is to show that the risen Jesus is the same person the apostles had known prior to the Crucifixion – hence the emphasis on showing them His hands and His feet and reiterating the Scriptures, that He is the fulfilment of the Law of Moses, the prophets and the psalms. This wonderful meeting with the Risen Jesus must have changed their lives forever, and we too, have the opportunity each day to have a similar experience – not only in Church or through receiving the Sacraments – but when we become aware of the splendour of Creation – or as Fr Daniel O’Leary writes, “When we become aware of the Extraordinary in the ordinary events of our daily lives”. A WARM WELCOME TO OUR VISITORS At Sunday 10am Mass there is a Children’s Liturgy (term-time) to which visitors are very welcome. Refreshments are available in the Parish Centre after the 10am Mass. Green envelopes are available in the church porch if you wish to Gift-Aid your offertory donation. Priests: Hugh Pollock. Deacons: Bernard Loveland & John Selby. PRESBYTERY& PARISH OFFICE (9am-noon, Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri) 33, Blackhall Road, Kendal, LA9 4BW. Phone: (01539) 720063 E-mail: kendalcatholicchurch@gmail.com Website: www.kendalcatholicchurch.org Dr Peter Campbell (Deacon Ret’d.) (Sedbergh) th MASSES THIS WEEK: 19 April 2015 Mass Text ~ p121 Office: Proper Psalter week 3 Readings: Sundays Yr B. Sun th 18 th 19 THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER 6.00 pm (Vigil): Mary Jolly & deceased family 10.00 am: James & Josephine Regan RIP 12.00 noon: People of the parish (at Sedbergh) 6.00 pm: Geordie & Ral Munro, Tony Ramas & Balry Michael SVP Collection Mon 20 th Tues 21 Wed 22 nd Thurs 23 Fri 24 th Sat 25 Sun th 25 th 26 th rd th Tuesday of third week of Easter 9.15 am: Derek Crawford, family & friends RIP st SENIOR SINGLES meeting at Deja Vu for a meal, on Tuesday 21 April at 7pm. Contact Malcolm Nightingale on K. 737400. (note time) Wednesday of third week of Easter 7.00 pm: Mass or Eucharistic Service (to be confirmed) St George 12.15 pm: th READERS MEETING for all readers of the parish, on Saturday 25 April at 10am in the parish centre. We hope this will be the first of a number of meetings. HOLY LAND PILGRIMAGE MEETING on Tuesday 28 at 7pm in the parish centre. If you think you would like to use the coach to the airport please let Fr Hugh know. Monday of third week of Easter 9.15 am: McCartney family (past and living) st The Holy Father’s Prayer Intentions for April 2015 General Intention: That people may learn to respect creation and care for it as a gift of God. Mission Intention: That persecuted Christians may feel the consoling presence of the Risen Lord and the solidarity of all the Church. Mass or Eucharistic Service (to be confirmed) Friday of third week of Easter 12.15 pm: Margaret and famiy (sick) RETREAT LEADER VACANCY at Castlerigg Manor required for July and August – st contact Ruth Corless, 017687 72711 for full job description. Closing date 1 May. INFORMATIVE ‘FREE’ LEAFLETS AND MAGAZINES are always available in the church porch. They are there for you so please feel free to help yourself to a copy! MARY’S MEALS’ BOXES: Thank you to everyone for their generosity and for supporting the Mary's Meals initiative as a parish. A total of £360 has been collected and deposited to the Makalanga Primary School, Malawi. St Mark FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER 6.00 pm (Vigil): John H Haslett RIP 10.00 am: People of the parish 12.00 noon: Holy Souls 6.00 pm: Natalie, Ryan and Noah th FAMILY BINGO NIGHT in aid of Dean Gibson PTFA on Saturday 25 April, 7pm, in the school hall. Adults £5, children £2.50 to include hot supper. Contact school office, 723363, for tickets. Refreshments available and lots of prizes to be won! th CARLISLE RENEWAL DAY on Saturday 25 April, St Edmund’s Church, Carlisle, 11 – 4pm - please join us even for part of the day. Contact Janice on 01768 868489. (at Sedbergh) Collection for Ecclesiastical Education Fund CONFESSIONS: SATURDAY 25TH APRIL IN CONFESSIONAL 5.10 - 5.40PM PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS: SICK: Bernadette Watts, Eric Marney, George Weld-Blundell, Thomas Barszczewskq, Holly Howe, Anne Riding, Ged Hillon, Francis Gallagher, Will Flitcroft, Tony Park, Irene O’Brien. ANNIVERSARIES: Peter Deegan, Mary Grant, May Dooley, Hubert Aindow, Evelyn Campbell, Mary Towell, Frederick Hurley, John Henry Haslett, Sarah Mitchell, William O’Connor, Jeremiah O’Shea, Thomas Mackie, Sarah Ross, Margaret Murray, Maureen Cuniffe, Teresa Natrass, Margaret Bamber, William Swarbrick, Sarah Knowles, Emily Elvey, Brian Wright. DIOCESAN VOCATIONS TEAM: Have you ever thought that God may be calling you to serve his people as a priest? If yes, contact Fr Darren Carden 01772 719604 or Fr John Millar 01228 521509 and begin to discover what God’s plan is for you. WORLD BOOK NIGHT at Kendal Library with Simon Sylvester, author of the novel, rd ‘The Visitors’, Thursday 23 April at 7pm. Tickets £1 includes refreshments. LANCASTER SAFEGUARDING TRAINING DAY for all catechists and others... on th Saturday 25 April, 10am - 3.30pm, at Our Lady & St Edwards Fulwood Preston. NEW CHURCH MINISTRIES ROTA now available. Please collect a copy from the back of church – plenty available! Thank you. MASS REQUESTS: If you would like a mass to be said for a loved one or maybe a special occasion, please take an envelope from the church porch. Please ensure that the request details are printed clearly to avoid any spelling errors. Thank you. THE EASTER COLLECTION is traditionally for the priests of the parish and this year came to £2364, which is extremely generous, and I thank you all for it very much. Fr Hugh Last week (12th April): Offertory: £879.25