29 March 2015 - Our Lady of the Rosary Church


29 March 2015 - Our Lady of the Rosary Church
March 29th, 2015
Palm Sunday, The Passion of Our Lord
Our Lady of the Rosary Mission Statement
1659 Columbia Street
Pastoral Center Parish Office
1629 Columbia St.
(619) 234-4820 ~ FAX (619) 234-3559 ~ www.olrsd.org
1668 State Street; San Diego, California 92101
Italian National Catholic Parish
Our Lady of the Rosary
Church Hall
1654 State Street
We, the Parish of Our Lady of the Rosary, are a pilgrim church. Under the
mantle of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we grow as a people of God following Jesus,
celebrating the Eucharist, living apostolic service, continuing faith formation
and Marian devotions. We strive to bring the joy of the gospel and imitate Jesus
through compassion, mercy and love, especially for the poor and marginalized. We seek to be faithful stewards providing a heart and home for all. Our Lady of the Rosary
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We welcome all visitors to our celebration.
While Holy Communion may only be received by
prepared Catholics, our non-Catholic guests are
welcome to receive a special blessing from the priest
during distribution. Simply cross your arms on your
chest as you approach the priest.
Masses of the Week:
March 29 to April 5th, 2015
Saturday, March 28:
5:30 p.m. Pasquale & Antonina Brunetto †
This Sunday, March 29: Passion Sunday
7:30 a.m. Girolamo & Antonina Carini † Mimmo Carini & Family
9:00 a.m. Parishioners, Benefactors & Friends
10:30 a.m. Giuseppe Giacalone †
Paul & Giustina Crimi
12 noon Madonna del Paradiso
7:30 a.m. Dominic Vitrano †
Nino & Dorothy Zizzo
12 noon Fares Family
7:30 a.m. Salvatore Cresci †
Marie De Santi
12 noon Caterina Zizzo †
Ignazio & Angela Sanfilippo
7:30 a.m. Mario
Ted Garland
12 noon Salvatore Russo & Sal Russo †
Caterina Russo
Thursday, April 2: Holy Thursday
Friday, April 3: Good Friday
Saturday, April 4: Holy Saturday
Next Sunday, April 5: Easter, Resurrection of the Lord
7:30 a.m. Parishioners, Benefactors & Friends
9:00 a.m. Joseph Carini
JoAnn Carini
10:30 a.m. Donald Corona †
Wife & Children
12 noon Sara & Vincenzo Bruno †
their Children
6:00 p.m. David Martinez †
wife, Carmel
Please remember that our daily Mass Calendar fills rapidly.
Presently the wait is six to eight months in advance.
If you hope to have a mass celebrated on a special date,
look ahead and call early.
This Sunday’s Rosary is led by the
Madonna del Paradiso 10:00 AM
Next Sunday’s Rosary will be led by the
Madonna del Lume 10:00 AM
Little Italy, San Diego, CA
Pastor’s Corner
When Christ came riding into Jerusalem
for his final Passover feast, he rode on a young
donkey that had never been ridden before. The
owners of the brand new donkey must have
been surprised and rather shocked when two
complete strangers came along to them at the
crossroads (literal translation of the Greek
text) in the one-donkey town of Bethphage and
started to take away their animal. How would
we feel if someone came out of the blue and
started to drive away our car and when we said
‘hang on a minute!’ or something to that effect,
they just said: The master needs it!
We would probably be nonplussed, and
then outraged: at least I would be. But our
possessions are not an absolute right, because
God has first claim on them. If Jesus Christ
is the Lord of Creation, then every bit of that
Creation belongs to him by right, and so all our
possessions and indeed our very lives belong to
him and will revert to him sooner or later.
Christ knew that Solomon had taken his
throne by riding into Jerusalem on a mule
belonging to his father David. Now the Son of
David, a greater one than Solomon, was here
to claim what belonged to him by right. And
Christ also wanted to show that he was Israel’s
rightful Messiah by fulfilling the prophecy of
‘Lo, your king comes to you, triumphant
and victorious is he, humble and riding on a
Christ had no donkey of his own, nor the
money to buy one, so he had to borrow one.
As St Teresa of Avila observed, Christ now has
no body on earth but ours. The donkey-owners
were given the grace to agree with the taking
of the donkey. He demands more from us his
disciples: ‘my soul, my life, my all!’ in the
words of Isaac Watts. The donkey-owners got
back their donkey when Jesus was crucified,
but we disciples get back so much more, in
fact we get back everything in eternal life, so
long as we stay with the Master on the road to
the cross. The donkey at the crossroads was
already marked out with the sign of the cross
on its back: so we too are already marked out
by our baptism as belonging to Christ. At the
crossroads of our life: will we chose to give up
our lives and follow him wherever he leads?
Go in peace to love and serve our God!
Our Lady of the Rosary
Church Parking
Washington Elementary School Parking Lots
are being made available to OLR for parish
functions happening when school is not in session!
Union Street and Date Street (South Lot)
Fir Street and State Street (North Lot)
First 2 hours free
$2 per hour after
Decorate the Church!
Buy an Easter Lily for a Loved One.
Call Rosa Crivello
(619) 295-0694
Thank You to Peter, Sophie, Dominic and
Annamarie Piconi for representing our Parish at
the Diocesan Chrism Mass, celebrated by over
100 Priests at Good Shepherd Church in Mira
Mesa on Thursday, March 26th, and for accepting
the Sacred Oils to be used this year in our Parish
for the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and
Anointing of the Sick.
Thank you!
The OLR Parish community wishes to thank all
of the volunteers who aided us in the celebration
of the Lord’s Passion and Resurrection, by putting
together all of the Palm Crosses for this week’s
masses. God Bless you all!
March 22nd’s Collections
Due to an early transmission date for Palm
Sunday please look for last week’s totals in a
future bulletin.
Thank You for your continued generosity!
Our Lady’s Gifts
Holy Week & Easter Schedule
Closed - Holy Thursday, Good Friday &
Holy Saturday
Easter Sunday - Open 10 AM - 12 PM
Free Easter Treat for all ages!
Easter Monday - Open for Padre Pio
4 PM - 9:30 PM
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Little Italy, San Diego, CA
Special after Mass Celebration for a
successful completion to
Meeting our ACA Goal!
Please join your fellow parishioners after each
mass in the hall upstairs today, March 29th,
for free coffee & donuts and a wonderful video
presentation about the works of our Diocese and
how our contributions through the Annual Catholic
Appeal (ACA) impact so many, if not all, the people
living in this diocese. These gatherings are purely
informative to share how your local church is
living out the message of Jesus, so no one will be
obligated to participate in the ACA.
* Any contributions over our $30,000 assessment
will be returned to the Parish! *
Holy Week Schedule
Celebrate with us Jesus’ merciful love in
the Eucharist on the Cross, in His Glorious
April 2 ~ Holy Thursday
• Confessions 11 AM - 12 noon
• Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7:30 PM
• Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament to 10 PM
April 3 ~ Good Friday
Confessions 11 AM - 12 noon
Stations of the Cross at 12 Noon
Confessions 2 PM – 3 PM
Celebration of the Lord’s Passion and
Adoration of the Cross 3 PM - 9 PM
Day of Fast and Abstinence
April 4 ~ Holy Saturday
• Confessions from 4 to 5 PM
• Celebration of the Easter Vigil at 7:30 PM
April 5 ~ Easter Sunday
Masses: 7:30 - 9 - 10:30 AM - 12 Noon (Italian) - 6 PM
Overflow Mass at 9, 10:30 & 12 (English) in the Hall
Easter Duty: All Catholics must receive Holy
Communion during the Easter Season ending on
Trinity Sunday, May 31st, 2015.
Confessions: OLR Priests are always available for
Confessions, especially before Services.
Easter Baskets: We ask the children to bring their
Easter Baskets to Church on Easter Sunday and
we will be happy to bless them at every Mass.
The Sixth Week of Lent: Palm Sunday
Meditations for the
Season of Lent
The King of the Jews
Mark 14:1—15:47
The final week of Jesus’ life was filled with activity, from his triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Sunday until his death on
Friday. We remember his actions, his prayers, his trial, his sufferings, and finally his death. As Lent draws to a close, we
have the opportunity to join our sorrows more deeply with him so that we, too, can rise again with him on Easter.
Bridgeman Images, Above: W.P. Wittman Ltd.
• What part of the
Passion narrative
touches you the
most deeply?
• Can I set aside
time this week to
simply be in the
presence of the
Today we are given the entire story of the Passion that will play out this week. One way to enter
more fully into these events is to imagine that you are present at Christ’s passion. Take in the details
and think about what you would have been thinking or feeling if you were present when Jesus
entered into Jerusalem to be greeted by palms and “Hosannas.” How would you have reacted when
the woman poured precious oil on his feet? What would have been going through your mind at the
Last Supper, the Garden of Gethsemane, or the way of the Cross? By allowing yourself to enter more
fully into the experience of the Passion, Easter Sunday will become even more meaningful.
• As I prepare
for Easter, am I
spending as much
time on spiritual
preparations as
I am on Easter
baskets and a
special meal?
And though every day a man lives may rightly be a day of repentance, yet is it in these days
more becoming, more appropriate, to confess our sins, to fast, and to give alms to the poor;
since in these days you may wash clean the sins of the whole year.
— St. John Chrysostom
Suffering Servant
The Old Testament, especially the Book of Isaiah,
foretold that the Messiah would have to suffer and die.
During this Holy Week, look up the following Scripture
passages and see how they can be applied to Jesus, the
Suffering Servant of God.
Apostoli /
Isaiah 49
The words of God’s
servant about himself.
Isaiah 50
How salvation will come
through the suffering of
God’s servant.
Isaiah 52
The suffering of God’s
servant will be the salvation
of many nations and
Palm Crosses
W. P. Wittman Ltd
A traditional way of preserving palms from
one year to the next is to make palm crosses.
Unto to you, I cry, my God!
“My God, my God, why have you
abandoned me?” — Psalm 22:2
Out of the depths of my sorrow, I call
to you. Do not let me be forgotten,
Lord, but hear and answer me.
Holy Week
“Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem manifested the coming of the kingdom that the
King-Messiah was going to accomplish by the Passover of his Death and
Resurrection. It is with the celebration of that entry on Palm Sunday that the
Church’s liturgy solemnly opens Holy Week.”
— Catechism of the Catholic Church, 560
Karen Callaway
For print use only. Copyright © by Our Sunday Visitor, Inc. Nihil Obstat: Msgr. Michael Heintz, Ph.D. Censor Librorum Imprimatur ✠ Kevin C. Rhoades, Bishop of Fort Wayne-South Bend
HOLY THURSDAY liturgy recalls the
Last Supper and the First Eucharist,
where Jesus models for us how to
serve when he washes the discples’
feet. It also commemorates the
establishment of the priesthood.
GOOD FRIDAY is the only day of
the year on which Mass is not
celebrated. The Good Friday liturgy,
in its solemnity, invites us to enter
deeply into the passion of Our
Lord. This is a day of fasting and
HOLY SATURDAY is the final day
of preparation for Easter. During
the Easter Vigil, new members are
brought into the Church, and we
celebrate the great mystery of our
redemption. The Pascal candle
that is lit at the Vigil remains
throughout the year.
Our Lady of the Rosary
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Little Italy, San Diego, CA
Marriage Banns ~ The following couples have
exchanged a promise to marry in Christ:
Andrew Cardillo & Nina Heck
Sean Henning & Nadia Lizarraga
Baptism Class
The next Baptism class will be Thursday, April 9th at
6:30 PM in the St. Gianna Room of the Pastoral
Center. Parents wishing to have their child
baptized and confirmed adults who have been asked
to be a godparent must attend this program, which is
regularly offered by all the parishes.
Thank You!
We wish to thank the
St. Joseph Society for
another successful Feast
Day and to thank the
Knights of Columbus
for their Color Guard
participation during the Mass. This fun (and
delicious) annual event raises funds to help the poor.
Good Friday Collection
A Pontifical Collection
Christians around the world are united in a special
way during Lent, Holy Week and Easter. Our hearts,
minds and prayers are also especially aware of the
Holy Land.
Our parish, once a year on Good Friday, is called
on to support Christians in the Holy Land. Many
Christians in the Holy Land depend on the collection
for their lives.
As a pontifical collection requested by Pope
Francis, the annual Good Friday Collection offers a
direct link for parishioners to be witnesses of peace
and to help protect the Holy Places. When you donate
on Good Friday, you are supporting Christians in the
Holy Land.
Franciscans and others in the Holy Land are
housing and feeding the poor, providing religious
formation and education, maintaining shrines and
parishes, and conducting pastoral ministry. For more
information, visit MyFranciscan.org/good-friday.
The Good Friday Collection is requested by
the Holy Father. Please be as generous as your
abundance allows.
Consider Remembering
Your Parish in Your Will.
For further information,
please call the Parish Office.
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Our Lady of the Rosary
Mass Schedule
Daily (Monday - Saturday): 7:30 am - 12 Noon
Saturday Vigil: 5:30 pm
Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30, 12:00
(Noon Mass in Italian on 1st Sunday of the Month)
Holy Days: 7:30 am, 12:00 Noon, 7:00 pm
2nd Sunday, Gregorian Chant Latin Mass: 4:00 pm
Sacred Heart: 1st Friday at 7:30 am
Blessed Mother: 1st Saturday at 7:30 am
Mother of Perpetual Help: Tuesday at 7:30 pm
Goretti Mass & Devotions: 1st Friday at 6:30 pm
St. Padre Pio: 1st Monday of the month at 6:30 pm
Baptism ~ Given to registered parishioners. Parents &
Fr. Joseph M. Tabigue, C.R.S.P.
Associate Pastor
Fr. Louis M. Solcia, C.R.S.P.
Stephen O’Riordan ~ deaconstephen@olrsd.org
Parish Office
Monday - Friday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Phone: (619) 234-4820 ~ Fax: (619) 234-3559
Pastoral Offices
Antoinette Cotton
(Office Manager/Accounting/Secretary)
Godparents must attend a BAPTISM CLASS. Instruction
given on the 2nd & 4th Thursdays of the Month, 6:30 - 8:00
PM. Baptisms scheduled on the 1st Sunday of the Month.
Register Online.
Reconciliation (Confession) ~ Saturdays from 4:00 to
5:00 pm, weekdays 11:30 am to 12:00 noon, 30 minutes
prior to each Mass (must approach the altar and request
from the priest).
Our Lady’s Gifts
Matrimony ~ Notice is required 9 (nine) months in
Donna Piranio
(Receptionist, Mass Requests)
advance and before any other arrangements are made (i.e.
hall rental, invitation printing, etc). Contact Timothy.
Timothy Horning
(Bulletin & Newsletter Editor/Database Manager/
Accounting/ Weddings/Website)
Lori Lopez
Angela Rieta
(Faith Formation Co-Principals)
To Register
Christian Education Classes (CCD) ~ Offered to
Come to the Pastoral Center or go to our website and fill
in the form found in the “Contact Us” tab.
You will be considered a Registered Parishioner
AFTER one year.
R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) ~
Pastoral Center Parking Lot
Monday - Wednesday: 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Thursday: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Friday: 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Saturday: 10:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Sunday: 8:30 AM - 2:00 PM
all registered parish students attending public school.
Kindergarten through Confirmation attend on Sundays from
9 to 11 am. Registered private school students wishing to
receive Communion & Confirmation must attend classes at
OLR for two years.
Instructions for Adults desiring to receive the Sacraments of
Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist meet Tuesdays at
7:00 pm in the Downstairs Hall from September to Pentecost
Eucharist For Homebound/Sick ~ Contact Sophie
Piconi at piconi@att.net to schedule receipt of Eucharist
at home.
Our Lady’s Gifts
(619) 234-0162 ~ shop@olrsd.org
Please, come to Church Dressed Appropriately!
To be modestly and tastefully dressed is a sign of respect for God, for our selves, and for others.
It’s a false assumption that God does not care how we dress. Jesus told us “Whatever you do to the least of my brothers,
you do it to me.” If our attire is indecently provocative (short shorts, strapless, backless, spaghetti strap dresses/tops, or
displaying cleavage), displaying unwholesome graphics (skulls, advertisements, scantly clad people) or tattered, it becomes
offensive to our brothers and sisters who are worshipping the Lord and therefore offensive to God’s Majesty.
Ask this question: “Would you dress this way before God?” You are! He sees everything and you are in His house.