Palm Sunday 15 - Our Lady of the Assumption RC Church Rhyl


Palm Sunday 15 - Our Lady of the Assumption RC Church Rhyl
Palm Sunday
1st Reading: Isaiah 50: 4-7
Responsorial Psalm 21 Response:
My God, my God, why have you forsaken me.
1. All who see me deride me. They curl
their lips, they toss their heads. “He
trusted in the Lord, let him save him; let
him release him if this is his friend.” (R)
2. Many dogs have surrounded me, a
band of the wicked beset me. They tear
holes in my hands and my feet. I can
count every one of my bones.. R)
3. They divide my clothing among them.
They cast lots for my robe. O Lord, do
not leave me alone, my strength, make
haste to help me! (R)
3. I will tell of your name to my brethren
and praise you where they are assembled.
“You who fear the Lord give him praise;
all sons of Jacob give him glory.
Revere him, Israel’s sons. (R)
2nd Reading: Hebrews 5: 7-9
Gospel Acclamation: Christ was humbler yet, even to accepting death, death
on a cross. But God raised him high and
gave him the name which is above all
Gospel: Mark 14: 1-15:47
Communion Antiphon: Father, if this
cup may not pass, but I must drink it,
then your will be done.
“No one’s mouth is big enough
To utter the whole thing.”
Alan Watts
Please pray for the repose of the souls of:
Joseph Goodwin, Rose Daly, Christian Johansen,
David Bryan, Joan Ann Goodall , Sonia
McKenzie, Cecil Hubbard, Margaret Davies. Frances Lavelle-Jones, Joseph Turrell, Paddy Kerrigan, Mary Blacoe, George Francis Murphy, Barbara Gaffney, Eileen Jones, Michael Angelo
Gizzi, Mary Humphries, Christopher and Clifford
Browne, John Michael Sharkey. Islwyn Hughes,
Sheila Mary Butler, Elodia Dekmyn, Michael
James Crilly, Donald Garvin, Michael Hassett,
George Parker, John McKillen, James Kerr, Joseph Sherlock, Theresa Golden, Margaret Stott ,
Mary Harrison, Frank Rozario, Anne Goudie,
Christine Eddlestone, Jimmy Prendergast, June
Pinchon, Pat Loftus, Martin Keane, Janina Majka,
Paul Clarke, Robert Herdman, Margaret McCarroll, Louie Gizzi , Joan Norris, Margaret Evans,
Ian Yates and Matthew Mark O’Brien
Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord, may they
rest in peace. AMEN.
For the sick: Barbara and Frank Cottington,
Josephine Brady, James Warburton, Arthur
Jones, Aileen Bull, Joseph Crinigan, Marion Roberts, Norrie and Bill Jones, Lisa Gawn, Brian
Harris, Mrs. Whitely, Thomas Nelson, Sonia and
Ronnie McNeill, Edith Lowe, Val Byrne, Georgina
Wright, Rhoda Gracey, Arthur Underhill, Jack
Doyle, Mary Peters, Myra O’Hara, Brian Newell,
John, Corina Edwards, John Burke, and all sick
(Please let us know if you wish to add a name to
the sick list, or let us know if people no longer
need to be prayed for).
Volunteers would be most welcome to help
with an Easter lunch for people who
are homeless on Easter Sunday. We
need you between 11.30am and 2pm. Can
anyone make a trifle please ? We need six.
Please give your name to Tom Wilkie
855750 or Fr Charles if you can do this.
Don’t forget this Saturday evening,
Amici Del Canto Choir singing in
church at 7.30pm “FOR THE FALLEN”
Thanks to the KSC for welcoming our
guests and doing the refreshments.
Our Lady of the
Catholic Church
Palm Sunday of the Passion
29th March 2015
Year of Mark (ie Year B of the three year cycle of readings)
10.00am - Mass for the People
Fifth Sunday Ecumenical Service
The experience of exile
- no service TUESDAY
9.30 am - Madge Ward RIP
WEDNESDAY 9.30 am - Margaret Jones Special Intention
Holy Thursday, Mass of the Lord’s Supper 8.00 pm - Margaret McCarroll RIP
Good Friday
11.15 am Walk of Witness, Rhyl Town Hall
3.00 pm Commemoration of the Lord’s Passion
6.30 pm Prayer around the Cross
Holy Saturday Easter Vigil Mass 8.00 pm - Sick, Housebound and
Deceased of the Parish (SVP)
Easter Sunday 10.00 am - Mass for the People
Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturdays10.30am-11.15am and 4.15-4.45pm
Open Office Day Thursdays 9.00am—4.00pm
For all enquiries or sacraments see as below
For Baptism tel 01745354311
Please let Fr Charles know of anyone who is ill or housebound
Who would like to receive Holy Communion at home or the Anointing of the Sick for healing
Priest: Fr Charles Ramsay
Tel 01745 353395 email
Parish website:
( webmaster Simon Johnson )
Diocese of Wrexham Registered Charity No 700426
Parish Finances: The church
collection for Sunday, 22nd
March amounted to £568.23p of which
£306.23pwas ‘loose’ and £262.00 was
Gift Aid..
Fifth Sunday Service here at St.
Mary’s at 6.00 p.m today - Palm
Sunday - all welcome.
On Good Friday each year Rhyl Christian churches do a Walk of Witness
together. The Gospels ask us to be
witnesses, to show people how we
value our faith, to let people see our
faith in action. We will be assembling
at the rear of the Town Hall at 11.15
am, prior to walking en masse to the
High Street for an Open Air service.
Please come along if you can.
Holy Week Photographic Exhibition
- Christ Church on Water Street are
hosting a photographic exhibition during Holy Week. The photographs follow
a journey through Lent with local photographers taking a picture a day connected with a word supplied by Rethink
Church. The exhibition can be viewed
for its entertainment/artistic/aesthetic
value, or be used as a thoughtprovoking meditation.
Prego Holy Week prayer leaflets are
available at the back of church , a superb way to pray through Holy Week.
These are also available online.
There is a Beetle Drive on Wednesday,
15th April, at 7.00 pm in St. Mary’s, in
aid of the British Heart Foundation. All
We welcome into our parish community
Sylvia Hepnar, who is to be baptised after
Mass this Sunday. Please pray for her and
her family and godparents.
Holy Week All are welcome to
attend the Mass of the holy
Chrism at Wrexham Cathedral. It’s
on Wednesday evening at 7.00pm.
(You can park in the shopping centre car park at the back of the Cathedral free between 6pm and
10.00pm.) The Bishop will bless
the new oils for parishes throughout the Diocese of Wrexham— the
whole of North Wales.
The holy oils for baptism, confirmation and healing, are then
brought back to the parish and
displayed throughout the THREE
DAYS (Sacred Triduum in Latin).
This is a Three Day period of constant prayer for Catholic Christians.
Holy Thursday’s Mass of the Last
Supper ends in silence and flows
into a period of quiet prayer in ‘the
Garden of Gethsemane.’ The
Good Friday Liturgy of the Cross
begins and ends in silence. On
Saturday evening, again in silence,
we flow into the greatest Mass of
the Year, The Easter Vigil, with its
four parts, Liturgy of the Word,
Liturgy of Light, Liturgy of Baptism
and Liturgy of Communion.
The Washing of the Feet. At Holy
Thursday’s Mass of the Last Supper we re-enact the washing by
Jesus of his disciples feet. Volunteers for this are greatly appreciated. Ideally we should all have
our feet washed by each other—
symbolising our humble service of
each other. Please consider joining in with this ?
This Sunday evening the Fifth
Sunday Churches Together Service takes place here at St Mary’s
at 6.00pm on the theme of pilgrimage and exile. Please come along
and support this if possible.
Weekly Guide to Daily Prayer
This is the week we call “Holy” because
It is a memorial of God’s saving deeds
for us in Jesus. We might be tempted to
be sad or conflicted this week. It is not
easy to get close to the reality that we are
sinners and our Lord and Saviour went
through this betrayal, suffering and death
for us. So, sometimes, we avoid looking
at this week closely and praying with it,
because we fear getting into our guilt.
The invitation this week is to come closer
to the reality of God’s profound love for
us. Yes, we are all sinners, but we are
loved sinners. We are being invited to be
grateful, not to beat our breasts. We are
invited, in this spirit, to geel all that we
can feel this week. Yes, we will feel
some discomfort - after all, we feel discomfort when anyone puts themselves
through some sacrifice for us. And the
sacrifice here is the gift of his very self so that we might always know how completely Jesus entered into the reality of
our human existence - “even unto death,
death on a cross.”
Even if our work or circumstances require us to be quite busy and involved in
many secular things during the Tridium,
we remind ourselves that the drama we
recall as we celebrate the liturgies this
week is that this overwhelming love is
for us. The central mystery of our salvation is that, in Jesus, God entered our
world completely, experiencing all that
we experience, and suffering temptation,
loss, grief, humiliation and even an unjust death on a cross.
Holy Thursday is a day to wake up and
ask for the grace to grow in some sense
of the gift of the Eucharist for us.
For those of uys who will celebrate
tonight, let this be a day of reflective
preparation to enter into this Eucharist
and come away with a renewed sense
of the meaning of his love.
On Good Friday we can spend the day
with an inner quiet. We can practice
this as a day of fast to heighten our
awareness of the sacrifice of Jesus..We can pause - sometime between 12 noon and 3.0 pm and simply
say “thank you”. If we are able to
celebrate with others, let our veneration of the cross be full of intimacy
and personal gratitude for God’s
mercy and love.
Holy Saturday is a solemn day to ask
for the grace to imagine Jesus lying in
the tomb, in death. It is from this death
- the same death that we will all experience - that Jesus is raised. We
cannot feel the deepest joy of Easter
without spending sometime reflecting
on this good news. The Easter liturgy
is the fullest celebration of the Resurrection and a renewal of our sense of
Baptism., our opportunity to celebrate
the Resurrection of Jesus, who draws
us to the fullness of life with him.
Taken from the “Weekly Guide to Daily
Prayer” on the Creighton University’s Online
Ministries web site. Used with permission.
Church Spring Clean Thanks to all
of you who did the big church cleanup, inside and outside ,last Wednesday morning. Several remarked how
enjoyable it all was. Everybody came
to the parish house kitchen afterwards
and enjoyed some wonderful pasta
and soup—a big thanks to the cooks !
Not satisfied with cleaning the church,
they started cleaning and reforming Fr
Charles’ kitchen !! Thanks for that