05 April 2015 - Our Lady of the Rosary Church
05 April 2015 - Our Lady of the Rosary Church
Rectory 1659 Columbia Street Pastoral Center Parish Office 1629 Columbia St. Italian National Catholic Parish 1668 State Street; San Diego, California 92101 (619) 234-4820 ~ FAX (619) 234-3559 ~ www.olrsd.org Church Hall 1654 State Street This Sunday’s Rosary is led by the Madonna del Lume 10:00 AM Next Sunday’s Rosary will be led by the Sacred Heart Society 10:00 AM Our Lady of the Rosary April 5th, 2015 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord Thank you! The OLR Parish community wishes to thank all of the volunteers who aided us in the celebration of the Lord’s Passion and Resurrection, by putting together all of the Palm Crosses for last week’s Masses and decorating the church for this weekend. God Bless you all! Happy Easter! Buona Pasqua! Maligayang Pagkabuhay! Feliz Pascua! Our Lady of the Rosary Page 2 We welcome all visitors to our celebration. While Holy Communion may only be received by prepared Catholics, our non-Catholic guests are welcome to receive a special blessing from the priest during distribution. Simply cross your arms on your chest as you approach the priest. Masses of the Week: April 5th to April 12th, 2015 Saturday, April 4: Holy Saturday This Sunday, April 5: Easter, Resurrection of the Lord 7:30 a.m. Parishioners, Benefactors & Friends 9:00 a.m. Joseph Carini JoAnn Carini 10:30 a.m. Donald Corona † Wife & Children 12 noon Sara & Vincenzo Bruno † their Children 6:00 p.m. David Martinez † wife, Carmel Monday: 7:30 a.m. Caterina Zizzo † Joe & Tina Principato 12 noon Petrina D'Acquisto † D'Acquisto Family Tuesday: 7:30 a.m. Mr. E. Pumar † Giovanni & Lani LoCoco 12 noon Angie Giacalone † Lia LoCoco Wednesday: 7:30 a.m. Lisa Carini Gonzalez † JoAnn Carini 12 noon Ignazia & Onofrio Pecoraro † Fredy Principato Thursday: 7:30 a.m. Venus Weaver † Family 12 noon Peggy Vowell Ruth Suszko Friday: 7:30 a.m. Mario Sanfilippo † Chuck & Frances Sanfilippo & Family 12 noon Mark Jeong † Hermisa Picatoste Saturday: 7:30 a.m. Maria Zaso † Nino & Dorothy Zizzo 12 noon Dominic Vitrano † Nina & Sergio Gonzales 5:30 p.m. (Vigil) Karrie Taravella † Joe & Barbara Sciuto Next Sunday, April 12: Divine Mercy Sunday 7:30 a.m. Howard & Edna O'Riordan † Dcn. Stephen & Vickie O'Riordan 9:00 a.m. Umberto & Adriana Assenti † Assenti & Sardo Families 10:30 a.m. Parishioners, Benefactors & Friends 12 noon Jack, Lilly & Frank Tarantino † JoAnn & Nick Pecoraro 4:00 p.m. Micah Huff Grimm Family Please remember that our daily Mass Calendar fills rapidly. Presently the wait is six to eight months in advance. If you hope to have a mass celebrated on a special date, look ahead and call early. Little Italy, San Diego, CA Pastor’s Corner It was after the funeral of old Mr. Rocco, and Francisco and his mother went back to Mr. Rocco’s house for one last look. “Wow—I have great memories of Mr. Rocco. He’s the one who taught me carpentry; I wouldn’t have this business today if it weren’t for him.” “Yes,” his mother agreed. “After your father died, he stepped in to be sure you’d have a man in your life.” His neighbor’s house was exactly as Francisco remembered. Every picture, every piece of furniture… except... “Wait,” Francisco stopped suddenly... “Where is his old gold box, he always kept on his desk? He would only ever tell me, it contained the thing he valued most. Now I guess I’ll never know what that was.” About two weeks later, a small package was special-delivered to Francisco. He tore it open, and his hands began to shake. “Upon my death, please forward to Francisco Tempo.” As Francisco opened the small gold box, his heart was pounding. Inside was a beautiful gold pocket watch. Francisco unlatched the cover and read the words engraved: “Francisco, Thanks for your time!–Liberato Rocco.” Francisco felt tears in his eyes. “I was just a kid. He was busy, he must have had more important things to do. I can’t believe the thing he valued most was... my time.” The Easter miracle can be quietly relived, time and again, by us—whenever we give the precious gift of time—really, the only gift we have to give to others. A joyful Easter, everyone! Oh, and—thanks for your time. Go in peace to love and serve our God! Our Lady of the Rosary Sanctuary Candles Dedication for the week of April 5th Birthday Intentions of Maria Medina & Raquel Hall Are you registered In the Church? Or are you a new Member? An active Our Lady of the Rosary Membership is Important A parishioner is, “One who is registered and actively participates in the liturgical/pastoral life of the parish through the generous, sacrificial and proportionate sharing of his or her Godgiven giftedness of time, talent and treasure.” Registration and regular use of our envelopes or Online Giving service is essential to the proper administration of a parish and necessary in order to become a properly identified member of a Parish family. This is the only way that we have of knowing that you are attending Our Lady of the Rosary and are an active participating member. This will be necessary in the event a letter of acknowledgement is requested for parish membership, and other sacramental requests or letters of permissions. Once you have reached the age of 18 you are no longer considered registered under your parents and must establish yourself as an adult parishioner. Church Parking Washington Elementary School Parking Lots are being made available to OLR for parish functions happening when school is not in session! Union Street and Date Street (South Lot) Fir Street and State Street (North Lot) First 2 hours free $2 per hour after Latin & Popular Catholic Questions Fr. Louis gives a stirring presentation and lesson every Wednesday evening on the official language of the Church and reviewing the questions we as Catholics are asked all the time. Join us downstairs in the Parish Hall at 7:00 PM. Page 3 Little Italy, San Diego, CA By Your Cross, We Are Saved. JOHN 3:16-17 Jesus, on the cross you feel the whole weight of evil, and with the force of God’s love you conquer it, you defeat it with your resurrection. As I embrace your cross with love lead me not to sadness, but to joy, to the joy of having been saved and of doing a little of what you did on the day of your death. Through your love, God conquered evil. Pope Francis Divine Mercy Sunday Next Sunday April 12th, at 3 PM our parish will join many other parishes honoring the infinite merciful love of the Lord Jesus, as He Himself has requested through Saint Faustina Kowalska. In celebration of Divine Mercy Sunday, we will have a Special Hour of Adoration and we invite everyone to participate. Our Lord said to Saint Faustina: “The very depths of My Mercy will be opened on this day. I will pour out a sea of graces upon those souls that will approach the fount of My Mercy.” Literature is provided in the back of the Church. Marriage Banns ~ The following couples have exchanged a promise to marry in Christ: Andrew Cardillo & Nina Heck Sean Henning & Nadia Lizarraga Francesco Russo & Kristine Hawk March 22nd’s Collections Due to early transmission dates for Easter Sunday please look for last week’s totals in a future bulletin. Weekly Goal = $11,000 Masses$6,836 Mailed In$1,640 Online $932.50 Total $9,408.50 Thank You for your continued generosity! Online Registration The link for the “Registration Form” and “Contact Information Update” is under the “Contact Us” tab. Our Lady of the Rosary Page 4 Little Italy, San Diego, CA Giving Ourselves Completely to God “We have been buried with Christ Jesus by baptism into death, so that, just as he was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life.” (Romans 6:3-4) Today I really felt a deep joy that Jesus can’t go anymore through the agony, but that he wants to go through it in me. More than ever I surrender myself to him. Yes, more than ever I will be at his disposal. Total surrender consists in giving ourselves completely to God, because God has given himself to us. If God owes nothing to us and is ready to impart to us no less than himself, shall we answer with just a fraction of ourselves? I give up my own self and in this way induce God to live for me. Therefore to possess God we must allow him to possess our souls. How poor we would be if God had not given us the power of giving ourselves to him. How rich we are now. How easy it is to conquer God. We give ourselves to him, then God is ours, and there can be nothing more ours than God. —Bl. Mother Teresa Jesus, help me give myself wholly to you and to your service. Today I will… Padre Pio Devotions Monday, April 6th The Padre Pio Group will meet at 6:35 PM in the Church for Recitation of the Rosary with Mass at 7:00 PM followed by Prayers & Benediction. Anyone is welcome to join us in Padre Pio Devotions on the First Monday of the Month. Our Lady’s Gifts will be open in the evening for this event. It’s that time of year again! Please join the I.C.F for their annual Pancake Breakfast benefitting scholarships Next Sunday, April 12, 2015 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM Adults $7.00 Children $4.00 Fruit, Pancakes, Sausage, Juice and Coffee will be served Come one, come All! Thank You! We wish to thank Bishop Emeritus Robert Brom for his presentation here on March 22nd to our parishioners. We also want to thank everyone who came. It was a well-attended and beautiful event. Our Lady of the Rosary Please pray for our former candidates and catechumens who were welcomed Church last night at the Easter Vigil. into full communion with the These individuals began this journey at the start of last Fall and have now received all their Sacraments of Initiation. Baptism Angel Alvarez Blayne Amigliore William Reed First Communion Angel Alvarez Blayne Amigliore Maren Impala William Reed Tanya Valencia Confirmation Angel Alvarez Blayne Amigliore Robert Erker Ian Guiab Maren Impala Tara Kelly Lisa Kendall Tony Marcon Tony McDonald Bethany Moore Brittany Nuno Joe Orlando William Reed Tanya Valencia Page 5 Little Italy, San Diego, CA Our Lady’s Gifts Easter Sunday - Open 10 AM - 12 PM Free Easter Treat for all ages! Easter Monday - Open for Padre Pio 4 PM - 9:30 PM Regular Schedule resumes Easter Tuesday! Baptism Class The next Baptism class will be this Thursday, April 9th at 6:30 PM in the St. Gianna Room of the Pastoral Center. Parents wishing to have their child baptized and confirmed adults who have been asked to be a godparent must attend this program, which is regularly offered by all the parishes. Releasing Lost Power Those who want to save their life will lose it. —Luke 9:24 The animated film, Frozen, is a parable about the wonders and dangers of power. Elsa is a girl possessed of magical abilities of cold and ice, but when she accidentally injures her sister, the sages of her world instruct her to minimize contact with others and keep her powers hidden. The Easter version of that story might be called Fiery or Enlightened, for we follow a Lord possessed with powers of the sun that are also a two-edged sword. The light of Christ thaws frozen hearts, but it also sheds the discomforting light of truth on those who lurk in darkness. The fire of the Spirit can change the world, but it also puts the unwelcome heat of change on the status quo. Prophets know the perils of openly wielding the double-edged razor of God’s word. Like Queen Elsa and Christ’s disciples, Easter children of light might be tempted to lock themselves away in fear. Yet, in the film and in the gospel, fear is the great enemy of power. We are called to “let it go,” so that the light of Christ may illuminate the world and his power might birth an eternal spring. Melt our frozen powers so that we may rise in the light of Christ. From A Season for Reclamation Jerry Welte Our Lady of the Rosary Page 6 Mass Schedule Daily (Monday - Saturday): 7:30 am - 12 Noon Saturday Vigil: 5:30 pm Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30, 12:00 (Noon Mass in Italian on 1st Sunday of the Month) Holy Days: 7:30 am, 12:00 Noon, 7:00 pm 2nd Sunday, Gregorian Chant Latin Mass: 4:00 pm Devotions Sacred Heart: 1st Friday at 7:30 am Blessed Mother: 1st Saturday at 7:30 am Mother of Perpetual Help: Tuesday at 7:30 pm Goretti Mass & Devotions: 1st Friday at 6:30 pm St. Padre Pio: 1st Monday of the month at 6:30 pm Sacraments Baptism ~ Given to registered parishioners. Parents & Little Italy, San Diego, CA Pastor Fr. Joseph M. Tabigue, C.R.S.P. Associate Pastor Fr. Louis M. Solcia, C.R.S.P. Deacon Stephen O’Riordan ~ deaconstephen@olrsd.org deaconstephen.blogspot.com Parish Office Monday - Friday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Phone: (619) 234-4820 ~ Fax: (619) 234-3559 Pastoral Offices Antoinette Cotton antoinette@olrsd.org (Office Manager/Accounting/Secretary) Godparents must attend a BAPTISM CLASS. Instruction given on the 2nd & 4th Thursdays of the Month, 6:30 - 8:00 PM. Baptisms scheduled on the 1st Sunday of the Month. Register Online. Reconciliation (Confession) ~ Saturdays from 4:00 to 5:00 pm, weekdays 11:30 am to 12:00 noon, 30 minutes prior to each Mass (must approach the altar and request from the priest). Our Lady’s Gifts Matrimony ~ Notice is required 9 (nine) months in Donna Piranio (Receptionist, Mass Requests) advance and before any other arrangements are made (i.e. hall rental, invitation printing, etc). Contact Timothy. shop@olrsd.org Timothy Horning tim@olrsd.org (Bulletin & Newsletter Editor/Database Manager/ Accounting/ Weddings/Website) Lori Lopez lorilopez@cox.net Angela Rieta anglrieta@gmail.com (Faith Formation Co-Principals) donna@olrsd.org To Register Christian Education Classes (CCD) ~ Offered to Come to the Pastoral Center or go to our website and fill in the form found in the “Contact Us” tab. You will be considered a Registered Parishioner AFTER one year. R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) ~ Pastoral Center Parking Lot Monday - Wednesday: 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM Thursday: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM Friday: 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM Saturday: 10:00 AM - 5:30 PM Sunday: 8:30 AM - 2:00 PM all registered parish students attending public school. Kindergarten through Confirmation attend on Sundays from 9 to 11 am. Registered private school students wishing to receive Communion & Confirmation must attend the two year program for each Sacrament. Instructions for Adults desiring to receive the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist meet Tuesdays at 7:00 pm in the Downstairs Hall from September to Pentecost Eucharist For Homebound/Sick ~ Contact Sophie Piconi at piconi@att.net to schedule receipt of Eucharist at home. Our Lady’s Gifts www.ourladysgiftshop.org (619) 234-0162 ~ shop@olrsd.org Please, come to Church Dressed Appropriately! To be modestly and tastefully dressed is a sign of respect for God, for our selves, and for others. It’s a false assumption that God does not care how we dress. Jesus told us “Whatever you do to the least of my brothers, you do it to me.” If our attire is indecently provocative (short shorts, strapless, backless, spaghetti strap dresses/tops, or displaying cleavage), displaying unwholesome graphics (skulls, advertisements, scantly clad people) or tattered, it becomes offensive to our brothers and sisters who are worshipping the Lord and therefore offensive to God’s Majesty. Ask this question: “Would you dress this way before God?” You are! He sees everything and you are in His house. Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. FAMOUS FOODS SINCE 1950 (619) 232-5094 1747 I NDIA STREET MONA LISA Italian Restaurant & Delicatessen HOMEMADE RAVIOLI • TORTELLINI • GNOCCHI • FETTUCCINE RETAIL / WHOLESALE • DELICATESSEN 2044 India Street • San Diego • 234-1927 239-5367 619/239-5117 • Quality Italian Food Products Open Sundays 2061 India St. San Diego, CA 92101 TREASURE TROVE ESTATE LIQUIDATORS ANTIQUES • COINS • JEWELRY Buy & Sell at Great Prices CALL (619) 283-7139 Jim/Martha Cardinale Hill Parishioners Gracious European-Style Guesthouse Accommodations At Affordable Prices. 3538 University Ave. AN EXCLU SIVE F U LL SERVICE MORTUARY Jerry Balistreri Funeral Director 2911 Peter LoCoco • Billy Gigante Burials • Cremation • Pre Planning 619.280.0101 For a location nearest you visit www.wingsnthings.com A way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. 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