
Mass schedules in our Pastoral Area
Otari Parish
St Teresa’s Church
Saturday Vigil : 5.30pm
Sunday : 9.30am
Monday : None
Tuesday : 9.30am (Eucharistic Service)
Wednesday: 9.30am
Thursday : 9.30am
Friday : 9.30am
Saturday : 9.00am
5pm Divine Mercy Devotion
Adoration : Thursdays 9.00am to
Reconciliation : 9.30am Saturday and
other times by appointment
St Thomas More Church
Sunday: 9.00am
Reconciliation: By appointment.
Baptism - by appointment
Parish contact details:
Email: office@otariparish.co.nz
Ph 476 6131
PO Box 17011
Parish Priest : Fr Seph Pijfers
Ph 476 6131 pijfers.joseph@xtra.co.nz
Lay Pastoral Leader: Mary-Anne Peetz
476 6131/027 235 9372
Parish Council Chair: Sandra Thomas
Finance Committee Chair: John Pfahlert
St Teresa’s school : 939 1725
Principal - Mary Angela Tombs
Cardinal McKeefry School : 475 3262
Principal - Colleen Restieaux
Sacred Heart Parish
Saturday Vigil: 5.30pm
Sundays: 10.30am, 7.00pm
Monday to Friday: 8am & 12.10pm
Sat: 8.30am -in Cathedral Chapel
Reconciliation: before12.10 Mass
(Mon-Fri) and after Saturday Mass
Baptism: By appointment
Email ; cathedral.parish@wn.catholic.org.nz
Ph : 496 1700
St Mary of the Angels Parish
Sunday: 7.00am– Parish Hall,
9.00am - Sacred Heart Cathedral; Midday
(Choral) St John’s in the City, Presbyterian
5.00pm - St Joseph’s (Mt Victoria)
Monday to Friday:
7.30am,12.05pm,5.15pm - Parish Hall
Saturday: 11.00am – Parish Hall
Adoration: Monday to Friday: 6.457.30am; Friday 11.00am
Reconciliation – In Presbytery: Monday to
11.30am to 12.00pm; 12.30pm to 1.00pm;
4.30pm to 5pm
Saturday: 10.30 to 11.00am;
4 to 5pm
Web : www.smoa.org.nz
Email: smoaoffice@xtra.co.nz
Ph ; 473 8074
Archdiocesan Justice Peace and Development Commission
The option for the poor is not a preference for some people over other people. It is
a matter of taking up the cause of the poor as opposed to the cause of the rich
(Albert Nolan OP).
6th of Easter Sunday
10 May 2015
hat is that noise inside of you?
A mother told me this question
came from her nearly three year old
as she held her close.
This conversation followed:
That’s my heart you can hear.
Why is it making that noise?
What does the noise sound like?
It’s a hitting sound.
It’s really a pumping sound. Blood is pumped
through the heart to keep us alive.
Is it just for mothers?
No, dear. Everyone has a heart. If we didn’t have a heart we wouldn’t
be able to do all the things we have to do.
Where do you get your heart from?
It comes from God. Like everything else in our bodies, the heart is a
gift from God. Not only does your heart keep you alive, it helps you to
love. God gives us a heart so we can love.
Does God have a heart?
Oh yes. God has the biggest heart because God loves everybody.
I have a big heart?
How do you know?
Because I love all of you.
The mother held that conversation in her heart for over 40 years. She
said the memory of it was a wonderful comfort. It’s my everlasting
Mother’s Day present, she said. Today we each give thanks for our
own mother, especially for her heart.
Fr James Lyons
For all rosters and other parish information
Wine & Cheese Get-Together:
Otari Parish CWL, St Vincent de Paul and JPD Groups
Tuesday 12th May at 7.30pm at St Thomas More Church Lounge.
Come along and spend some time together to get to know the members of other
similar groups in the Parish: sharing about your Group and what they do.
If you are not a member of any of these groups you are most welcome to come
along and listen. We promise you will not be forced to join.
Otari Parish Multi Cultural Mass
Otari Parish are proud to once again be celebrating
our many cultures and heritages with our Multi
Cultural Mass on Pentecost Sunday 24th May at
St Teresa’s church 9:30 a.m.
Please note there is no 9am Mass at St Thomas More on 24th May.
We extend a warm welcome to everyone for this celebration which will be
followed by a morning tea.
Many people like to come along in national dress at this Mass. This is a
welcome addition to the celebrations and highlights the significance of our many
Parishioners from Otari parish are asked to please bring a plate of finger food for
the morning tea. Contributions can be delivered to the foyer before Mass.
Tax Receipts
Receipts for planned giving are available for collection from the foyer .
Parish Council Meeting
Wednesday 13th May 7.30pm in the St Thomas More Lounge.
Otari St Vincent de Paul Conference
Sincere thanks are extended to all the parishioners who donated to our recent
campaign for funds. A grand total of $840 was raised. This is an outstanding
amount! Thank you all very much for your generosity. The money will go towards
the charitable works of St Vincent de Paul in the Otari Parish.
Friends of St Teresa’s Movie fundraiser
Join us at 7.30pm on Thursday 14 May at the Penthouse Cinema to see the
movie Noble.
The incredible story of Christina Noble, a fearless Irish heroine driven by her
daring vision to escape the slums of Ireland and risk everything to help
children on the streets of Vietnam.
Tickets are $25 (includes a glass of bubbly) from stteresastickets@gmail.com send your name and number of tickets.
Flat wanted
A retired couple in our parish are looking for a large one bedroom or smaller two
bedroom flat in Karori near amenities for a reasonable rental.
If you can help, please contact the parish office. Thank you.
Joshua Catholic Men’s Fellowship Wellington
invites you to come and join us for our monthly meeting of prayer, praise and social
time on Thursday 21st May at 7:30pm
in Connolly Hall, Guilford Terrace, Thorndon (behind Sacred Heart Cathedral).
Theme: "Courage. Be one in your witness to me".
Speaker: Michael Powell
Want to know more? Ring John Taylor (04) 389-8915 or 021-107-8538 or e-mail:
Dove Wellington
Invites all women to their meeting on Saturday 16 May, between 1.30-3.30pm
at Connolly Hall, Guildford Terrace. This month we are blessed and excited to
have Father Tony Alex as our guest speaker. It will be a meeting not to be
missed, if possible. For enquiries, please phone Rachel on (04) 2332553.
A cancer awareness evening (organised by Karori Rotary)
A panel of cancer specialists will be coming together to convey the latest trends in
their fields of expertise and to help people understand treatments and support systems. The topics are Prostate, Bowel and Melanoma cancer.
Panel members : Panel chair Prof John Carter (head of the Wgtn Blood & Cancer
centre); Blood cancer - Prof John Nacey - Urologist; Colon cancer - John Groom Colorectal specialist; Melanoma - Audrey Fenton - medical oncologist.
Held on Thurs 14 May at Karori Baptist Church, 7.30-9.30pm. Gold coin entry
The Sisters of St. Peter Claver Ethnic Dinner with Entertainment
Saturday 16 May 2015, 6.30pm at Polish House (Dom Polski) 257 Riddiford St
Newtown Tickets are available from the Sisters or at the entrance to the hall.
Please bring your favourite Dish. Enquiries - 383 8401
Caritas: Nepal Emergency Appeal
Internet banking deposit to Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand, account number:
03 0518 0211216 00 (reference: Nepal). Donate online at www.caritas.org.nz
Text NEPAL to 833 to donate $3 to Caritas' relief work in Nepal
Post a cheque to Caritas, Freepost 689, PO Box 12193, Thorndon, Wellington
Readings for the Week
11 - 17 May
Monday : Acts 16:11-15; Jn 15:26 - 16:4
Tuesday : Acts 16:22-34; Jn 16:5-11
Wednesday : Acts 17:15, 22 - 18:1; Jn 16:12-15
Thursday : Acts 1:15-17, 20-26; Jn 15:9-17
Friday : Acts 18:9-18; Jn 16:20-23
Saturday : Acts 18:23-28; Jn 16:23-28
Sunday - the Ascension of the Lord:
Acts 1:1-11; Eph 1:17-23 or Eph 4:1-13;
Mk 16:15-20
Please pray for
those who have
died recently,
and for those whose
anniversary occur around
this time.