Bulletin for April 26, 2015 - Our Lady of Lourdes Church


Bulletin for April 26, 2015 - Our Lady of Lourdes Church
WATERLOO WELCOMES “POP STAR PRIEST”, May 10 at 2 p.m. at St. Agnes Parish!
Father Rob is an ordained priest and is currently serving at St. Kilian’s Church in Bendigo,
Australia. After years of touring around the world, the “Pop Star Priest” has acquired quite the
international following. With his vibrant personality Fr. Rob has been able to connect with and inspire
many people around the world, especially the youth, in a way that no other priest has. The concert will
feature songs from his albums, along with inspirational stories behind the songs and from his own
personal experiences. Advance tickets are on sale now online at http://bit.do/FrRobWaterloo for only
$10 each, or $12 at the door. Students can get a 50% discount. People of all ages and faiths are
welcome! Kids 12 years & under are free. St. Agnes Parish is located at 75 Bluevale St. N.,
Waterloo. Make this a family event!
HEALING MASS on the first Friday of every month at 7:30 p.m. at St. Teresa Church, 44 Leonard St.,
Kitchener. Call 519-743-4525 for more information.
WORTH A SECOND LOOK thrift shop, located at the former location of St. Vincent de Paul, is
looking for donations. We are a charity that is a project of the Working Centre. Our goal is to provide
low cost furniture and housewares to the community and help support many of our projects including
The Soup Kitchen. Items requested are furniture, all decorator items , small electrical appliances, clean
household items, books and current magazines, health and beauty products, jewelry of all kinds, crafts
and art supplies, collectibles, music and movies, toys, gardening and hardware items. Items can be
dropped off at 97 Victoria St. N. (entrance off of Duke or Weber Sts. at Heit Lane). Pickups are
available for larger donations by calling 519-569-7566 ext. 1 to make an appointment.
JOIN US FOR A MOTHER’S DAY BREAKFAST at St. Clements Community Centre, 1 Green St.,
St. Clements, on Sunday, May 10 from 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Tickets are $10.00 for adults; children
4-8 are $5.00 and children 3 and under are free. All proceeds are going to the St. Clements Parish Hall
retrofit. For tickets please call Donna Druar at 519-699-5304 or Marilyn Curry at 519-669-8747.
Tickets will be available at the door.
MOTHER’S DAY TEA: St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Women’s League will again be hosting their
annual Mother’s Day Tea on Saturday, May 9 from 1-3 p.m. at St. Teresa of Avila Church Hall, 19
Flamingo Dr., Elmira. There are door prizes, bake and penny tables, and of course tea and dessert!
Keep this date in mind. This is an open invitation for everyone (men too) to come out for an enjoyable
afternoon to honour our mothers.
Tuesday, May 5, 1 to 4 p.m. Light lunch at 1 p.m. St. Francis
of Assisi Parish, 49 Blueridge Ave., Kitchener. Proceeds to
Birthright – baby shower gifts gratefully accepted. $15.00 per
ticket – advance sales only by calling St. Francis at 519-7457301. Sponsored by St. Francis C.W.L.
Strange St., Kitchener) is having their annual Spring Fling
Card Party on Tuesday, April 28 starting at 7:00 p.m. Doors
will open at 6:00 p.m. There are many prizes and good food.
Cost is $7 per person.
Our Lady of Lourdes Church
173 Lourdes Street
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 1N5
519519-886886-0349 (fax)
Rev. Edward (Ted) Hughes
S. Barbara Meinzinger SSND
Deacon Miles Schell (Chaplain, Grand Valley Inst. for Women)
Bette Honsinger
(Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.)
Saturday 7:00 p.m.
Sunday 8:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
Sunday 3:00 p.m. Vietnamese Martyrs Community
Rev. Hanh Van Tran, O.M.I.
Deacon Phong Hoang
By appointment – please phone the parish office
Wednesday, 7:45 to 8:15 a.m.
Saturday, 11:00 a.m. to noon
By appointment – please phone the parish office
BLESSING OF EXPECTANT PARENTS: Last Sunday of each month after all Masses
Church door collections – last Sunday of each month
Announced Mass intentions for the week of April 26 to May 2, 2015
Monday .........................
Tuesday .........................
Wednesday ....................
Thursday .......................
Friday ............................
8:30 a.m. ....... Father John D. Geary CSSp – Bruce & Mary Jane Gowans
8:30 a.m. ....... Gaynell Dowling – Clifford Family
8:30 a.m. ....... Patrick Lively – Ed & Carmel Kennedy
8:30 a.m. ....... Deceased of Ryndak & Rola Families – Dorothy Rola
8:30 a.m. ....... Joseph & Eva Schuster – Helmut Schuster & Family
Offertory collection for Sunday, April 19, 2015: $8,024.15
Budget Review
Cumulative financial objective – 16 weeks @ $7,500 .......................... $120,000.00
Actual weekly contributions .................................................................. 117,053.10
Over (under) objective ........................................................................... (2,946.90)
APRIL 26, 2015
LOCAL FARMING – WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 2015 – 7:00 P.M.: All
parishioners are invited to attend this very interesting and much-debated issue of
eating locally grown, organic food. The Catholic Women’s League is hosting Ken
Norton from Norton Farms to speak to us. Ken is an entrepreneur and chef with local
and international culinary experience and influence, so food really means a lot to
him. Ken will make a presentation on how they cultivate without hormones and antibiotics, allowing
them to protect and enhance the environment in a sustainable way and making the end product healthy
and flavourful. He will answer questions and let us sample some of his products. We promise you an
educational, interesting and fun evening. Everyone is welcome!
MOTHER’S DAY BAKE SALE – MAY 10TH: Since we had fun and a good
response last year, the Catholic Women’s League is having a bake sale on Mother's
Day. To make this happen we count on your help. All ladies, men and children of
the parish are invited to bake to your heart's content to make this another special
event. Please bring your “goodies” to the church hall on Saturday, May 9, between
9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. The tunnel door off Lourdes Street (lower street-level door) will be open for
your convenience. Your contribution to this event will be greatly appreciated. The proceeds from the
bake sale will be used for donations to the charities supported by the CWL.
EXPLORING PATHS OF JOY: As part of Catholic Education Week 2015, the High School
Councils of the Waterloo Catholic District School Board invite you to join renowned speaker and
missionary Sister Miriam Heidland SOLT from Corpus Christi, Texas, as she speaks on the themes of
Catholic Education Week. Thursday, May 7 at Alumni Hall, St. Mary’s High School (1500 Block Line
Rd., Kitchener). Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Speaker begins at 7:00 p.m. Cost: free! For an advance
peek, examples of Sister Miriam’s style are available on YouTube.
KW RIGHT TO LIFE 36TH ANNUAL WALK FOR LIFE fundraiser is being held on Saturday,
May 9. Registration is at 10:00 a.m. at Historic St. Paul’s Church 137 Queen St. S., Kitchener. Walk
begins at 10:30 a.m. (about 3 km). Great prizes and food. Call the office for pledge forms at
519-746-5433 or visit kwrtl.ca for our Spring Newsletter (see page 3)
May 5, 1-3:30 p.m. (doors open at noon) for all who are involved in prayer shawl ministry or would like
to learn about it. Hosted by the St. Louis and St. Michael Prayer Shawl Ministries at St. Louis Church,
53 Allen St., Waterloo. Bring your shawls, patterns and resources to share. There will be a free-will
offering. Prayer shawl knitting and crochet books will be available for sale. Please register by April 28
by contacting Linda Guacci at 519-888-6954 or prayershawlgathering2015@gmail.com.
WATERLOO KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS invites you to a pasta dinner and card party on April 30
at 6:00 pm. Many great door prizes. $15.00 at the door. See you there!
PILGRIMAGE IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF ST. PAUL: Father Ed Henhoeffer will be leading a
pilgrimage October 27 to November 6 to Greece and Turkey to discover the places where St. Paul
travelled and preached. This journey will take us through Athens, Thessaloniki, Philippi, Istanbul,
Ephesus and much more, plus a 7 night cruise. For those who would like more information there will be
an information meeting on Tuesday, April 28 at 7:30 p.m. (after the 7 p.m. Mass) at St. Paul the Apostle
Parish, 2265 Headon Rd., Burlington. For further information please contact Joanne Cothran at Skylink
Holidays at 1-866-296-3345 or joannecothran@skylinkholidays.com.
THANK YOU! The Saint Vincent de Paul Society would like to take this opportunity to thank the
students, staff and parents of Our Lady of Lourdes School for their Lenten food drive. They collected
355 pounds of food. Our food supply was getting low, and this will help serve those in need in our area.
LENT/EASTER COLLECTIONS: Our parish community needs to be grateful to all families and
individuals who made contributions to our parish (and beyond) over the Lent/Easter season. Our Easter
collection to date is $16,898. The Share Lent Collection was $18,390 which will be forwarded to
Development and Peace and the Good Friday Collection for Support of the Holy Land was $5,495. May
our prayer-filled contributions support our parish ministries and give help to those in need around the
ABORIGINAL BROTHERS AND SISTERS: Our Lady would love to see her children spending time
together. On Sunday, April 26, the feast of Our Lady of Good Counsel, you are invited to an ecumenical
prayer service at 3:30 p.m. at St. Michael Church to get to know our aboriginal neighbours. At the prayer
service, you will see how our Native friends praise the Creator with drum and dance. We will share some
of our mutual concerns with God, our Creator. Prior to the prayer service, there will be a workshop at
3 p.m. on smudging, a purification ceremony of our Native brothers and sisters. This event is a
collaboration of four groups hoping to cultivate friendships among children of God. We hope you can
join us. Bring a friend too!
This Fourth Sunday of Easter is traditionally referred to as “Good
Shepherd Sunday.” Today we listen to the words of the Lord as he
refers to himself as the “good shepherd who lays down his life for the
sheep.” It is sometimes so difficult for us to grasp the reality that
anyone would lay down his or her own life for the sake of someone
else. This is especially true in a society that places high value on
power and personal advancement, often at the cost of “trampling” on other people in order to
climb the ladder. Today’s scriptures point to the one we are called to emulate—the one who
lays down his life for his sheep. Today’s scriptures challenge us to discover ways to bring life to
those around us—to build up rather than to tear down. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
What does it mean to gather together in the name of Jesus? Today’s scriptures give us a hint.
Saint Peter tells us that it was in the name of Jesus that the crippled man was healed. The psalm
reminds us that Jesus is the stone rejected by the builders that has become the cornerstone. And
Jesus himself reminds us in today’s Gospel that he is the good shepherd who lays down his life
for the sheep. So today we gather in the name of the one who is healer, a rejected stone that
became the cornerstone, a good shepherd, and ultimately the one who laid down his own life to
save us from our sins. Let us absorb the richness of the Lord Jesus made present in the
proclamation of today’s readings. From Saint Margaret Sunday Missal, copyright © J. S. Paluch Company