Draft Practice Guide for feedback


Draft Practice Guide for feedback
April, 2015
ROWP Practice Guide – YOUR Input Requested
ASTTBC Council has approved in principle and for discussion purposes the ROWP Practice Guide,
March 19, 2015. ASTTBC is asking all ROWPs and other interested parties to review the document
and submit comments and suggestions. With your assistance we will be assured of the best possible
document before it is officially approved for use.
Your feedback is requested by May 31, 2015 to rowpguide@asttbc.org
After we receive all input we will make adjustments and post again, likely toward the end of summer
2015. This Fall ASTTBC will take the amended paper to the Onsite Wastewater Registration Board and
Practice Review Board for their endorsement. We plan to take the Practice Guide document to the
ASTTBC Council in January 2016 for final approval.
A special thank you to Jim Andersen, ROWP as the lead author and several members of staff, the
Onsite Wastewater Registration Board and others for reviewing the document.
And… THANK YOU, the ASTTBC members, for your assistance in reviewing this important
professional practice guide.
Charles Joyner, AScT
10767 – 148th Street, Surrey, BC V3R 0S4 | TEL: 604.585.2788 | FAX: 604.585.2790 | EMAIL: techinfo@asttbc.org
WEB: www.asttbc.org