Island Makers Project Lexicon ©


Island Makers Project Lexicon ©
“There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil.... To one
who is striking at the root.” —Henry David Thoreau
Glossary of Terms used in the Island Makers Project. This glossary defines some of
the common terms of the project. The descriptions are of our construction and based on facts
and law. They define subjects in review and also illustrate people and their problem areas.
1. All Roads lead to Rome. It's simple. Think about it. There is nothing new under the sun.
2. Agent Provocateur. Traditionally, an agent provocateur, French for “inciting agent(s)”,
is a person employed by the police or other entity to act undercover to entice or provoke
another person to commit an illegal act. More generally, the term may refer to a person
or group that seeks to discredit or harm another by provoking them to commit a wrong
or rash action. Due diligence and common sense assist in detecting these types.
See Lapdog, Operative, and Maintainers
3. Anarchists. Persons who do not believe in government, or “rulers”. Some anarchists
refer to themselves as “Voluntaryists”. These sorts have been pigeon-holed into planned
opposition programs, so they care less about understanding law. As they are rendered
ineffective, the New World Order is able to stay in control of the governments of the
countries that have been formed by them. See Tool, Unruly Subject, and Useful Idiot
4. Civil Disobedience. This was a method practiced by Mahatma Gandhi in order to
make strides toward the independence of his people. Following this method, it is also
being implemented by some “citizens and nationals of the United States”. This practice
may lead to such citizens being prosecuted civilly and/or criminally for being unruly
subjects. See Gandhi Method, and Unruly Subjects
5. Civil Rights. Rights, or better, privileges that come from government under a system
of private law governed by the Law of Persons. As a rule, matters that are set forth by
the will of the legislature in opposition to the common law (that is formed by customs
and usages). Such rights are developed under the citizen and national of the United
States status and encompass the privileges and immunities under the 14th
Amendment, and not the Constitution. See Common Law, and Natural Rights
6. Common Law. Although there are many facets to common law, a general
explanation is it is distinguished from statutory law created by legislatures; the
common law comprises the body of those principles and rules of action, relating to
the government and security of persons and property, which derive their authority
solely from usages and customs of immemorial antiquity which are not of the will of
the legislature. See Civil Rights, and Natural Rights
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7. Conspiracy Theory. Sometimes a term or verbiage used by “maintainers” to convince
people there is nothing illegal (or secretive) going on when there actually may be.
8. Constituent. Someone that is represented by a member of a legislature or other political
entity by the method of being a citizen of a body politic. See National of a State
9. The Deceived. People in the United States who are mislead into participating in the
political system under the 14th Amendment. Such system has replaced the law of God
and has been replaced with a law system fabricated by men. The system is kept in place
by maintainers who use such people for profit and gain through the law of jus gentium,
which is the law of the foreigner. This translates as United States citizens being deemed
foreigners in their own countries. Such deception is considered lawful under the common
law maxim of: Let him who wishes to be deceived, be deceived. See National of a State
10. De facto Sandbox. A place where most “sovereigns” reside. Such individuals want to
have their cake and eat it too as they receive the benefits of United States persons.
Many seem to think they can turn their United States status on and off at will even
though they are actually deemed in the de facto sandbox full-time due to their waffling
ways. See Sovereign Citizen, Gray Area, and Fence Walker
11. Disinformation. Information that is intentionally bad in order to mislead people. Such
type of information is usually spread by maintainers or agent provocateurs in order to
provoke confusion and prosecution in some instances. See Misinformation
12. Distractor. A person that demands the attention of others but fails to work with them
on a large scale. Such persons cause people to be divided and thereby create a lack
of unity. See Divide & Conquer, Self-Importance, and Unity
13. Divide & Conquer. Also known as divide and rule, is a combination of political, military
and economic strategy of gaining and maintaining power by breaking-up larger
concentrations of power into chunks that individually have less power than the one
implementing the strategy. In reality, it often refers to a strategy where small power
groups are prevented from linking-up and becoming more powerful, since it is difficult to
break up existing power structures. See Self-Importance, Sovereign Citizen, and Unity
14. Due Diligence. Taking the time to understand a particular issue rather than be taken by
someone at their word. It is found that most people in the movement are into political and
historical background rather than looking at the law where the control actually takes place.
15. Facts Denier. A practice that is sometimes used by maintainers, or attorneys and/or
lawyers. The thought process of these persons is grounded in the misconception that the
14th Amendment does not change anything in American law. Such persons may use
conceptual tools such as the “Living Constitution” in assisting to back-up their delusion.
Such thoughts and methods are used so that the manipulation of law can be maintained
under the political system of the 14th Amendment. See Maintainers, and Sophistry
16. Fear Monger. This is someone that seems to center on issues that instill fear onto
people. It may be observed that such individuals generally will not offer any real solutions
to any problem they use to inculcate fear with. See Gate Keeper
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17. Fence Walker. A person that preaches the Constitution is being violated and wants
constitutional freedom, but may also want the benefits of the private law that only
applies to United States citizens. These types are considered hypocrites and are
dangerous to the education of others. See Gray Area, and Useful Idiot
18. Fringe. A derogatory term used to demonize people considered to embrace socalled “extreme” views. In actuality, such people may just understand history and law
better than the ones doing the demonizing. Sometimes the term “cult” is also used to
defame the character of a “target”. See Maintainers
19. The Gandhi Method. Mahatma Gandhi was the pre-eminent political and spiritual leader
of India during the Indian independence movement. His fundamental message was noncooperation or abstinence from the system. Although some of the things he professed
were questionable, the peaceful solution of separation was effective. Similar methods can
also be observed in the Bible. Civil disobedience is not used by the Coalition as we have
regained our lawful nationalities which remove us from the state of the forum in regard to
certain private law. See Civil Disobedience, Fence Walker, and Unruly Subjects
20. Garbage Win. An action that has the illusion of a win. Such wins against government
municipalities, or companies, generally lack substance of law and may have been
deposed of just for cost/expediency. See Gray Area
21. Gate Keeper. This is a person or organization that is put in place to keep people
pacified with a certain level of information. Such is of purpose to guard the whole truth of
what the real problem may be. See Maintainers
22. Gibberish. A word used by attorneys who fail to have valid legal retort for the position
of an opponent. It is noted that at times the word “nonsense” is used it its place. The
use of these words is generally a sign of such persons being deceptive, incompetent,
or jealous. The users of these words appear to believe that form is over substance
which violates the substantive rights of which they use it on. See Facts Denier
23. God (or Creator). The paramount Sovereign of the Universe, hence the Land. The United
States Constitution recognizes such fact as it is only the “supreme” law of the land. Under
international law, a “State (government)” or a “King” is sovereign. See King Nothing
24. Gray Area. As the original Constitution was not done away with, the Fourteenth
Amendment created a dual system of law. People who do not correct their nationalities
like to play with both sides of the system rather than making a stand to do what is right.
This plays right into the hands of the government as it allows it to keep the system intact
and execute selective prosecutions on such people. See Fence Walker
25. Island Effect. Something that is desired by the New World Order, which may include
ideals that would appeal to self-centered individuals not interested in unity but only
themselves. The effect creates and keeps a small percentage of people who would resist
their plan, out of the way so they could maintain control of the countries they have
subversively taken over. See Sovereign Citizen, and Sovereign Individual
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26. Island Makers. People who are dividing the movement by various means, which may
include the following: misguided patriotism or ignorance, self-importance, fear mongering,
agent provocateurs, and gate keeping. See Useful Idiots
27. King Nothing. One that calls himself a “sovereign”: a “New Age” trend. In American
law, the bodies politic are sovereign in their totality, not each individual. When people
are a member of a body politic they are subject to, at minimum, the public law under a
constitution. See Anarchist, God, Sovereign Citizen, and Sovereign Individual
28. Lapdog. As a general rule, a person who is under the control of another due to the
lack of critical thought. Such persons may be subsidized in some fashion which may
include monetary gain or immunity. See Maintainers
29. Living Constitution. A concept in American constitutional interpretation meant to
lend an air of flexibility to a document that was specifically written to avoid such
misunderstandings. Whenever someone refers to the constitution as a living document,
he is exposing one of the very methods depended on for increasing the power to
control people that negates the republican rule of law. Simply put, the phrase “Living
Constitution” is a constantly repeated mantra to expand Marxism in America. See the
plan in Title 8 USC § 1101(37) and Title 8 USC § 1101(40).
30. Maintainers. Individuals and organizations of numerous kinds that use various methods
to maintain control of America through the 14th Amendment political and legal system.
Such entities are generally beneficiaries of what the system produces, hence have a
pecuniary (profit) interest as motivation. See Gate Keeper, and Lapdog
31. Misinformation. Bogus information that has been handed down from either an agent
provocateur as disinformation, or information that is parroted by someone that is based
on a belief system without substance of fact or law. See Disinformation, and Patriotard
32. The Movement. People in the United States of America who are interested in finding out
what is obviously wrong. Some groups or individuals may refer to the movement as the
truth movement to the patriot movement, among other truth related issues including, but
not limited to, people interested in the 9-11 matters. See The System
33. National of a State. A status that is recognized by constitutional and international law.
Such status is in contrast to the citizen and national of the United States status. To gain
such status, a man or woman has to follow the lawful means to regain the status, and
also must reject the benefits of the latter. See State Nationals Society
34. Natural Rights. Rights considered innate or those that come from God; also referred to
as inalienable/unalienable rights. See Civil Rights, and Common Law
35. New World Order. George H. W. Bush made the New World Order public in his
speech in front of the United Nations of September 21, 1992. This “Order” is of
purpose to create totalitarian communist dictatorships in all countries of the world.
Such “Order” is grounded in private law and private international law which seeks to
The Island Makers Project Lexicon
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empower corporations and also limits the natural rights or freedoms of people under a
system of Roman Civil Law, i.e., civil rights. See Conspiracy Theory
36. Operatives. Persons who work behind the scenes or out in the open to make sure
people stay confused or off-track from learning the truth. This so that the status quo
may stay in their position of control. See Agent Provocateur, and Gate Keeper
37. Opportunists. Persons who think they have all the answers and are generally making
profits from people in the name of freedom. See Distractor, Self-Importance, and Tool
38. A Patriot. This is a man or woman who appears to be for truth and justice, but may fail
to understand the true foundation of law of that he or she is attempting to fight.
Although the intentions of such people may be just, they may unwittingly playing the
role of a useful idiot due to lack of due diligence or hypocrisy.
39. Patriotard. A patriot or person that retards the correct information. Such a person
has a willing deficiency that parrots the information of others without accurate
foundation to back it up. As a rule, this individual fails to practice due diligence and
cites bogus information as though it is a religion. These types can usually be
shutdown with a few educated questions. See A Patriot, and Useful Idiot
40. Pisser & Moaner. An American who likes to complain, especially on social media sites,
but does not have the fortitude to be responsible for him or herself and does nothing to
change the situation. See Status Quo Joe, and United States Citizen
41. Private Law. Law that has a limited sphere of operation and operates on “persons”.
Such law generally encompasses some kind of privilege granted by government.
Someone under such law form gives license to the government to exercise such privilege;
and in most cases is also giving-up some natural or common law right in lieu of such
privilege. See Civil Rights, Natural Rights, and Public Law
42. Public Law. The law that regulates a governmental body (via a constitution) and has an
effect on all people within a particular politic sphere. See Civil Rights, and Private Law
43. Quick Fix. Something that most individuals (or patriot types) are after rather than
exercising due diligence to research a particular issue. Such individuals fall prey to
misinformation and disinformation and are generally taken by people who are
profiteers. See Due Diligence, Opportunists, and Patriotard
44. Race Card. A term used to define individuals interested in maintaining control with the
collectivist legislative system under the 14th Amendment and use race to do so. One of
the methods used by these types is to play-up “civil rights” over natural rights or the
common law. The former “rights” are generally dealt-out by the federal government.
See Civil Rights, Common Law, Natural Rights, and Maintainers
45. Repeater. Someone who parrots information he has heard. In general, most repeater
types fail to use scrutiny which includes failing to research or verify the things that they
repeat, that in turn causes misinformation to plague “the movement”. See Patriotard
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46. Self-Importance. This encompasses the nature of someone who thinks he can
provide the answers, by fee or no fee, solely without working with others. Such
persons generally do not have their own research or information and sometimes
plagiarize others. This causes information to be duplicated and slows down the
education process of people due to them having to review more material and having
to decipher it from being right or wrong. Accordingly, these types cause a divide and
conquer effect that works to the advantage of the adversary. See Useful Idiot
47. Sophistry. Sophism, in its modern definition from Plato, is noted as a specious
argument used by a person or sophist in order to deceive someone. This is a
technique popular with lawyers and/or attorneys to gain control over their
adversaries in litigation proceedings. See Maintainers
48. Sovereign Citizen. This is a person who believes he or she is someone under the
original constitutional system, but usually has not followed any recognized legal process
to claim it. Moreover, the term is somewhat an oxymoron as no individual was ever
considered individually sovereign under the system of law in the United States. Most
people who use the term cannot even explain what it means. See Fence Walker
49. Sovereign Individual. In general, such persons think they are individually sovereign
and are not a member of any governmental system. Such persons are anarchists and
may be considered stateless under international law. They hold no posterity as a member
of a nation in the United States and ultimately have no rights that international law does
not prescribe. Most of these types would be considered as selfish and lost.
50. Stateless. Someone that claims no political affiliation to a country (or state, body politic).
Generally someone who believes in anarchy, or no government. People that are stateless
can be denounced to occupy a country and requested to leave. See Sovereign Individual
51. Status Quo Joe. This is someone who goes along with the program that has been
handed to us even though he knows it is wrong. This sorry individual cares not for the
future of his family or his country, only himself. See United States Citizen, and Useful Idiot
52. Straw Man. This is a specific term of law that is misapplied by the Redemption and/or
the UCC movement. If you run across anyone using or promoting this concept it is
recommended that you run in the other direction as he does not know law and he is a
parrot of bad information. Such people are victims of agent provocateurs/useful idiots.
53. State Nationals Society. A private society of peoples of the several states in the
American union who have taken back their lawful nationalities. See National of a State
54. Sui Juris. An abused term by the “movement”. In general, someone that is of age to
enter into contract. Such people are presumed competent to handle their own legal
affairs. This is the problem with most people in America. The government is under the
presumption that everyone agrees with everything it does, for not only do they vote,
but also stay silent as to agree. See Due Diligence, and Patriotard
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55. The System. A term used to describe the political and legal system under the 14th
Amendment which is grounded wholly on state and federal private law.
56. Tax Denier. A term that has replaced “Tax Protestor”. It is of purpose to demonize
citizens and nationals of the United States who challenge the income tax. The root of the
term is believed to have been originated by the Anti-Defamation League in order for the
14th Amendment system to be maintained for its beneficiaries.
57. Tool. Someone that is used to further an agenda with, or without, monetary gain. Such
types sometimes lack the ability of critical thought and are either seeking a controlling
position over others or looking for a position of recognition. See Lapdog, and Maintainers
58. United States Citizen. Under the 14th Amendment and its ancillary legislation, a
person that is a citizen and national of the United States, i.e., US citizen. Such person
agrees, by silence, taking benefits, or voting, to be of this status; and also such citizen
is deemed party to the rebellion caused by the 14th Amendment and also agrees to be
represented and treated as a legal entity by both the state and federal governments as
the amendment prescribes. See Fence Walker, and Unruly Subjects
59. Unity. An agreement desired by a group of people that have a common interest in order
to strengthen their cause. A division is sometimes accomplished by an individual or
faction that encourages a group to “take sides” in issues rather than seeing the
commonality of their goals and agreeing to disagree on the rest. Unity is something the
movement lacks mainly due to self-importance. See Self-Importance, and Unruly Subjects
60. Unruly Subjects. In American law, people who are part of the body politic under the
14th Amendment are subject to its law. These “citizens of the United States” or “subjects”
who go against their government and fail to obey the laws of the State and the United
States would be deemed unruly subjects. See United States Citizen
61. Useful Idiot. The communists of the USSR referred to people that were doing the deeds
of the Communist Regime as if they were on the payroll. In other words, people who are
not correct in law might as well be working as agent provocateurs for the government as
their actions accomplish the same destructive results. See Patriotard
Island Makers Project Lexicon
A glossary (lexicon) of the terms used in the Island Makers Project may be viewed at the following:
IMP Lexicon :
PDF version :
Also see this useful material on how to spot maintainers of the system:
Disinformation and How to Fight Back :
The Island Makers Project Lexicon
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Many people in America fail to understand the principles of how the system of government
works under the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution. Below we have
provided a graphic that illustrates the political state of affairs of the American Union:
Even if you are not a voter, signing any government form could put you in the "Gray Area".
The Coalition has been separating the wheat from the chaff since 1998.
The primary goal of PAC is to assist people of America in gaining back their freedoms under
the pre14th Amendment style system of law. To aid in this endeavor, our latest proposal is
entitled The PAC Unification Project. The objective of this project is to provide people with an
understanding that working together is required to achieve proper knowledge and our goals.
Please join us in appropriating education and freedom that the republics provide!
Visit People's Awareness Coalition at :
Join us at the PAC Open Forum :
People who are dividing the movement need to be exposed. The purpose of the Island Makers
Project is to accomplish such measure and to also show people where they are in their quest.
 IMP Site :
 PAC Unification Project :
The book entitled The Red Amendment is an in law exposé
on the legal operations of the Fourteenth Amendment to
the Constitution of 1868 and its intended destruction of the
lawful governmental system. It also illustrates a remedy.
 Visit The Red Amendment WebSite at :
 Please DO NOT omit this page during distribution
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