March 19 - Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association


March 19 - Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association
March 19, 2015
* A member benefit of the Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association *
News You Need
Keystone Press Awards winners announced!
Results of the 2015 Keystone Press Awards are in, and
hundreds of outstanding journalists are being recognized
for their efforts. Listings of all winners, including
Sweepstakes and specialty award recipients, can be
viewed on the PNA website. More than 4,100 entries
were received from 133 PNA newspapers. Entries - in 27
categories across seven circulation divisions - were judged
by journalists in Michigan. Winners will be recognized May
30, in conjunction with the Pennsylvania Press
In This Issue
News you Need
PNA Member News
People News
Legal and Lobbying
Association News
Foundation News
Affiliate News
There's still time! America East advance
registration deadline Monday, March 23
Advance registration for
America East is available until
Monday, March 23. We
encourage attendees to
register ahead of time, but
don't worry if you miss the
advance cutoff - on-site registration is also available.
Check out an America East preview and follow the social
media discussion at #AMEast15!
Mark your calendars: Pension Reform Town Hall
to be held March 26 in Harrisburg
Training and Events
Town Hall Meeting on
Pension Reform
March 26, 2015, Widener Law
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America East
The PNA Foundation is joining with the Pennsylvania
Chamber of Business and Industry to host an informational
town hall meeting on pension reform. The 7 p.m. event on
March 26 will be held at Widener Law School in
Harrisburg, Pa., and is open to the public.
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March 30- April 1, Hershey
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Register today for the 2015 PA Press
April 15, 2015, Harrisburg
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Join us May 29 - 30 at The Wyndham Gettysburg as we
"connect with the community" at the 2015 Press
Conference. Online registration and the event brochure
are coming soon. In addition to engaging sessions, special
guest speakers and multiple awards presentations, the
PNA Foundation is offering a
Readership Workshop on
May 29. Full-time attendee
registration includes access
to this workshop, with
Sales Leadership
Training: Managing,
Coaching and More
Northrop Local
Government Boot Camp
April 23-24, Harrisburg
Learn More»
Newspaper Carrier of
the Year Contest
keynote speaker Tom
Rosenstiel, executive
director of American Press
Institute. The deadline to
make hotel reservations is
May 4. After that, rooms are
subject to availability, and
the group rate cannot be
guaranteed. To secure your
hotel room, call the
reservations department at
717-339-0020 and mention PNA Press Conference to
receive the discounted rate of $129. Contact Kristin
Bleiler at or 717-703-3069 with any
DEADLINE: April 30
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Edith Hughes
Community Workshop
May 7, 2015, Harrisburg
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Walk-in registration
available at ACES
national conference
Interested in attending the
American Copy Editors
Society national conference,
held in Pittsburgh March 2628? Walk-in registration will
be available.
Find out more.
PNA Member News
Philadelphia City Paper launches new design
The Philadelphia City Paper launched a new, edgier design this
week - the first complete overhaul of the paper's look since 2009.
Despite the new look, the paper remains committed to offering
the best in investigatory journalism and staying on top of the
local arts, music and food scenes. The redesign will allow the
company to deliver stories, reviews and events in a more
engaging way.
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Calkins Media featured by LMI for use of video
Local Media Insider featured Calkins Media's use of video in a recent case study. LMI
examines why Calkins invested in creating video news and its step by step approach that
is generating new revenues from major sponsors. Included in LMI's report: Two main types
of video produced, technology and positions required, pricing models and clips from the
shows. Gain access with this free trial.
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The Pottsville Republican-Herald wins Flagship Award
The Pottsville Republican-Herald was named the Flagship Print property of 2014 by
Times-Shamrock Communications. It marked the third time in six years the newspaper
was honored as the group's outstanding print performer. Members of the Times-Shamrock
Advisory Board, which includes publishers from across the Scranton-based media
company, reviewed the group's print properties, nominating newspapers that stood out
for financial results and quality journalism. Read more from the Republican-Herald.
People News
Donna Barrett elected Newspaper Association of America
Donna Barrett, president and CEO of Community Newspaper Holdings
Inc., has been elected as the Newspaper Association of America's next
chairman. The gavel was passed to Barrett by last year's chairman,
Robert J. Dickey, during NAA mediaXchange 2015 in Nashville on March
17. Other officers and board members were also elected. Read more on
the NAA website.
Legal and Lobbying
National Archives crowdsources transcription of records as part of
Sunshine Week
The National Archives presented a crowdsource challenge to
transcribe records, including declassified and redacted
records, as part of Sunshine Week. These are PDF records that
are handwritten or type written, and therefore need to be
transcribed so they can be searchable. This week, more than
1500 records have already been transcribed as part of this
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ONA offers Sunshine Week toolkit
This week, ONA joined dozens of media organizations in celebrating Sunshine Week, the
annual nationwide promotion of access to public information. Check out resources, opeds and more in their Sunshine Week toolkit.
Pennsylvania Budget and Policy Center to hold 2015 Budget Summit on
March 25
Members of the media are invited to cover the Pennsylvania Budget and Policy Center's
2015 Budget Summit on Wednesday, March 25, at the Hilton Harrisburg. The day's
highlights include an overview and analysis of Gov. Wolf's budget plan by PBPC Research
Director Michael Wood and the keynote address by Kathleen McGinty, the governor's chief
of staff. More information is available on the PBPC website.
Legal Hotline
Q: Our newspaper would like to pursue legal action against a local agency for Sunshine
Act violations. Are there civil or criminal penalties for violating the act?
A: Both criminal and civil penalties are available under the Sunshine Act, but neither are
frequently imposed by the courts.
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Sign up for PNA's Legal Update for legal and legislative news
Get legal and legislative news in Friday's Legal Supplement, the PNA's weekly update on
case law, legislation and other legal issues affecting the industry. Not a subscriber yet?
Sign up here.
Association News
Get up close and personal with drones at AE
This America East session, held on March 30 at 2:45 p.m.,
will feature Christopher Vo, Robotics Researcher and President
of the DC Area Drone User Group, and Jason Kaplan, Founder
of Milestone Pod, presenting a big-picture look at the
phenomenon shaping tech, including products and entire
behavioral shifts. These experts will explain just how far these
emerging technology sectors have come - and where they are going. This "show and tell"
session with actual drones and wearable technology is a can't miss!
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Digital Media Contest winners to be announced at America East
The 2015 America East Digital Media Contest award winners
will be announced and honored March 30 at America East. Plan
to attend this presentation that recognizes excellence in the
digital realm! Arrive early and attend a bonus session on the
Importance of SEO with Jeff Schroeffel, VP of search marketing at CityPortals, as he
discusses how organic search traffic and news search are critical to the success of a news
PNA #opengov Hackathon scheduled as part of Philly Tech Week
Don't forget to mark your calendars and join us on April 21, for a fun, creative and
competitive environment to develop and create the best media you can to increase
or improve transparency in government. Create blogs, apps, video, APIs, social media,
games, or a combination of things - anything you can to make the most compelling case
to the widest audience. Come with a team, or join one in Philly. Interstate General
Media, home of, The Philadelphia Inquirer and the Philadelphia Daily News,
has partnered with PNA to co-host the event. Details and registration information are
available on the PTW website.
PNA LaunchPad company FEM Inc's Evan Ambinder writes piece on
growing your news site's online video business
Evan Ambinder of FEM Inc. (PNA LaunchPad participant) wrote an informational piece on
leveraging media technology to grow your news site's online video business. He begins,
"It's no secret that online video is exploding. 195 million Americans (76% of the U.S.
Internet audience) watched online videos via a desktop device in January 2015 according
to comScore. And 2015 digital video ad spending is projected to increase 30% over last
year to $7.77 billion according to eMarketer. What is your news organization doing to
meet this growing demand from your online audience and advertisers?" Read the piece in
its entirety on PNA's website. Learn more about FEM Inc. at America East.
Job Bank
MANSI Media is accepting applications for an Advertising Network Sales representative.
The ideal candidate will be a self-starter who can successfully build a new list of clients.
For more information about this job, and others like it, visit the PNA Job Bank.
Foundation News
Online Reporter Project interns selected
The PNA Foundation, in conjunction with PSNE, announced the 2015 Online Reporter
Project interns selected to cover PNA's Pennsylvania Press Conference in May. Students
accepted are sophomores Stephanie Kulikowski, Clarion University of Pennsylvania; Rachel
Makansi, Juniata College; and Gabriella Santoliquito, Penn State University. During three
days in Gettysburg, they will produce a website chronicling the conference and awards
presentations through reporting, interviewing, video, photography and copy editing.
Serving as professional mentors are Liz Allen, Erie Times-News and George Spohr, The
Times Leader, Wilkes-Barre. Check out past student-created sites.
Strengthen your local reporting skills at Northrop Boot Camp
Are you an inexperienced journalist covering local government in Pennsylvania? Improve
your understanding of school boards, townships, boroughs and counties. Apply for one of
20 expense-paid fellowships at the PNA Foundation's annual Northrop Boot Camp, April
23-24. Application details available on our website.
Sales leadership training set for April 15
Learn to be a successful manager and make a difference as a sales leader. The PNA
Foundation's sales leadership training on April 15, is an interactive and informationpacked three-hour session that features tips on setting expectations, delegating and
coaching with case studies and roundtable discussions. More information is available on
our training page.
May golf outing supports carrier contest
Calling all golfers! Plan to participate in the PNA Foundation Carrier Golf Outing. Play
the Penn National Golf Club on May 14 and raise funds for the Newspaper Carrier of the
Year Contest. Proceeds go directly to winners' awards.
More than 20 attend writing workshop in
Washington, Pa.
Twenty-four registrants attended a March 18 regional "Write
Like Your Hair Is on Fire" workshop in Washington, Pa. The
workshop, featuring Penn State professor Russell Frank,
helped attendees improve clarity and sharpness in their
writing and was hosted by Observer Publishing
Company. Find out more about PNA Foundation training
Affiliate News
Southern Lithoplate and CRON-ECRM Formalize Exclusive Distributorship
Agreement on Newspaper Prepress
Southern Lithoplate, Inc. and CRON-ECRM LLC recently announced an agreement that
names Southern Lithoplate the exclusive distributor of CRON-ECRM thermal computer-toplate systems and accessories for the newspaper and coldset web printing markets in
North America.
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