1.00 Off - Peak On The Go
1.00 Off - Peak On The Go
June 2015 What's inside: Budget that summer vacay, 3 Coming up! 3rd Annual Peak Triathlon & Paratriathlon, 4 Hunger Run results & photos, 6 Edgebrook Farmers' Market, 9 Ask the Farmer, 10 Summer beauty, 10 & 11 %HQHÀWVRI)LVK2LOFRQW G Peak Member Spotlight, 14 Splash into summer savings! 3-month Individual..................................$229 3-month Couple/Single-Parent Family. . .$399 3-month Family........................................$499 w w w. p e a ko n t h e g o . c o m 1.00 Off $ Expires June 30, 2015. Page 2 June 2015 Summer means "Go!" By Emily Bruns, Editor (being outdoors, concerts, grilling out, being on the water), my favorite thing about summer is that general feeling of spontaneity that hovers in the air. When the weather is nice out and everyone is in a good mood, it’s a lot easier to say “yes” to an impromptu concert, outdoor run with a friend, mini trip and so on. Things that were a lot more of a hassle a few months ago are just lot easier to justify right now. Outdoor Fitness at Anderson Gardens Body Flow Class Spontaneous country bike ride with my sister Caitlin and friend Mark (front to back). S ummer is finally here! After being cooped up indoors for so long, now is the easiest time of year to feel inspired to travel, visit friends, try new things and knock all of the fun itinerary you dreamt of during those long winter days. AG classes are of charge & open to PEAK & AG members Although there are many things to be happy about this time of year We all owe it to ourselves to get out and take full advantage of feeling a little more “game” for things than usual. If not for the fun, do it for the personal growth of taking in new experiences. It will always be easier to sit at home and feel bogged down by a busy seasonal calendar (weddings, graduations, etc) but don’t let that stop you from chasing the summer adventure you deserve! So get out, see friends, enjoy that sunshine and max out those feel-good summer vibes! Quote of the month: 5-Week Summer Sessions: Session 1.....May 26 – June 23 Session 2.....June 30 – July 28 Session 3.....August 4 – September 1 All classes are on Tuesdays at 9am. 40 spots available – Please register at the Peak Sports Club front desk or by phone at 815-877-4401. 318 Spring Creek Road, Rockford, Illinois, 61107 Tel. 815.229.93390 | www.AndersonGardens.org June 2015 Page 3 Paying for summer adventure: By Heather Wick, Marketing and Communications Coordinator, Alpine Bank I t’s that time of year again – travel and adventure. Vacations can add up and put a dent in your pocketbook. But, you can ¿QDQFLDOO\PDNHLWWKURXJKWKHVXPPHU with a few tips: Book it Online There are numerous sites, such as Expedia and Travelocity, you can visit RQOLQHWR¿QGGHDOVRQDLUIDUHKRWHOV and excursions. Many times they will have last minute deals for vacations. If \RXKDYHDÀH[LEOHVFKHGXOH\RXFDQ pick up some amazing vacations at a huge discount. Plan Ahead Planning ahead for a vacation can give you a better idea of how much money you will need to save up for your trip. Working with a travel agent FDQKHOS\RX¿QGDYDFDWLRQSDFNDJH in the price range you are willing to pay. Many times, once you book your trip and give your down payment, you have time to save the remaining amount of the trip. The extra time before your trip can also be spent saving a little extra for spending cash. If you know well in advance that you are taking a trip, buy your “vacation wardrobe” during the off season. You are sure to get everything you need for a sunny vacation at a discounted or clearance price at the end of summer. Save Some people like to be spontaneous when it comes to vacations. But, they don’t have the money to pay for an extravagant vacation. Even though you may not know where your next WEDNESDAYS May - Oct • 9:00am - 1:00pm W NE THURSDAYS June - August • 3:00pm - 6:30pm Flowers, plants, produce, and baked goods all locally grown and made. vacation may take you, you can start a savings account to put aside funds. That way when you are ready to make \RXUFKRLFH¿QGLQJDZD\WRSD\IRULW will not be a problem. Use Your Credit If you ever get to the point where you just NEED to get away, you always have the option of applying for a loan or using your credit card. This is only advisable if you are ready to pay back a vacation after it is over. If using credit, look for the best credit card or loan deal. Things to consider are fees, interest rates and payments. If you own a home, you may be able to XVHWKHHTXLW\LQ\RXUKRPHWR¿QDQFH your trip. Wherever and whenever you decide to vacation, always make sure to spend within your means. As much as you may want a trip of a lifetime, you won’t want to spend a lifetime paying for it. Visit us at our new, larger location across the street from Peak Sports Club! NEW ADDRESS: 6718 Broadcast Parkway in the Perryville Ridge Shopping Center SATURDA JUNE 20Y 10:00am www.edgebrookshops.com mission POSSIBLE! - 5:00pm A free-admissio arts and craf tsn, one day exhibit. 1639 N. Alpine Rd • Rockford, Illinois • 815.226-0212 • orputcompanies.com Hydrate & Energize with $1.00 OFF G.T. KOMBUCHA Choices Natural Market – 6718 Broadcast Parkway Perryville Ridge Shopping Center Page 4 June 2015 3rd annual Peak Triathlon & Paratriathlon returns Aug. 22nd Growing community event to include Rockford Park District and Chicago “Dare2tri” volunteer involvement in its third year LOVES PARK—Peak Sports Club, in partnership with the Rockford Park District, will host the 3rd annual Peak Triathlon and Paratriathlon on Saturday, August 22nd. Proceeds from this event will benefit the Rockford Chariots and Junior Chariots Wheelchair basketball teams. There will be two distance divisions to compete in: Sprint Distance 300-yard swim/14 mile bike/3 mile run/push Super Sprint Distance 100-yard swim/5 mile bike/ 1-mile run/push New Developments Dare2tri Paratriathlon Club will also join in the event this year. Dare2tri is a club from Chicago that serves all ability levels of youth and adults that have physical disabilities and visual impairments. Their mission is to positively impact athletes by developing paratriathlon skills. Paratriathletes will have guides or handlers available to help either race with the athlete or assist with transitions. Both individual and teams (2 to 3 participants) are welcome. More details The Peak triathlon has grown over the past three years as a great family event. It is a perfect race for youth and first-time triathletes (welcome to all ages). The swimming portion of the event will take place in Peak Sports Club’s outdoor pool and the following biking and running segments will be clearly marked around the facilities with signs and volunteers. We are always looking for volunteers to help with this event and anyone interested can contact Cindy at cindy@peakfitnessusa. com. Member Cameron Poole participated in last year's event (photo submitted). June 2015 Page 5 JOIN US TO DISCOVER COOLSCULPTING ® NON-INVASIVE, PERMANENT AND VIRTUALLY PAINLESS FAT REMOVAL TUESDAY, JUNE 23 I 10 AM -2 PM Join us for lunch and discover the procedure that uses controlled cooling to freeze and eliminate unwanted fat cells without surgery or downtime. FDA-cleared, safe and permanent. Come see for yourself – the results are proven, lasting and undeniable. Live demonstration! SPECIAL EVENT PRICING! LIMITED AVAILABILITY. CALL TODAY TO MAKE YOUR RESERVATION. 855-DRPRYOR (377-7967) I BEFORE AFTER BUY 3 GET 1 FREE W W W. D R P RY O R . C O M ® American Board of Plastic Surgery ABMS MOC® Certification Matters EDGEBROOK PROFESSIONAL BUILDING SUITE 400 I I 1639 NORTH ALPINE RD ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS 61107 Page 6 June 2015 Hunger Run 2015 results Congratulations to all of the 2015 Hunger Run participants and thank you to everyone who came out and supported this event to raise funds for the Rock River Valley Pantry! Here are the results from this year's event: Top 3 Overall Females Top 3 Overall Males 1.) Lisa Teunissen – 19:54 1.) Phil Martino – 17:21 2.) Deanna Menzies – 20:08 2.) Luke Johnson – 17:23 3.) Deysi Torres – 21:04 3.) Joe Casica – 18:25 Above and below, male and female overall winners Phil Martino and Lisa Teunissen cross the finish line (photos submitted). June 2015 Page 7 Page 8 June 2015 RACE away the summer! By Melissa Pratt, Partner, Beefaroo W hat does your summer look like? Are you laying by the pool after a PEAK class? Are you worried that summer snacks and drinks may take a toll on your ¿WQHVVSURJUHVV<RXUVXPPHUFRXOG EHDQDGYHQWXUH&RQVLGHUD¿WQHVV challenge. When most of us think of a race, we think the traditional events like 5Ks or marathons. There is a huge trend in adventure races now. These types of events can be obstacle based, mud runs, races involving kayaking, and even races with foam and bubbles! A quick Google VHDUFKRIDGYHQWXUHUDFHVZRXOG¿OO\RXU calendar every weekend this summer. I love that some races are for families ZLWKNLGV%URRN¿HOG=RRUXQRUZLWK \RXUVLJQL¿FDQWRWKHURUDVDWHDP5LE Mountain Adventure Challenge). There are even races you can attend with your canine bud (PAWS run in Chicago). In our own backyard, consider the PEAK outdoor Tri in August. This is a family friendly, low stress event! Some readers of this article may be shaking their heads, thinking no way can I do this. But research shows that getting out of our comfort zone and creating a personal challenge is good for us. A ¿WQHVVDGYHQWXUHLVZKDW,DPZULWLQJ about today. But consider how many other comfort zones we are in that could use a little shaking up. :KDWDUHWKHEHQH¿WVRIHPEUDFLQJD challenge however scary or unknown? Let perfection go! Many of us stay in our routines because we are good at what we do! Last year, I promised myself I would compete in the Chicago Triathlon. I began my training as a novice swimmer and a slow bike racer. But I pushed myself to train the Tri distance and come UDFHGD\,PDQDJHGMXVW¿QH7KHEHVW part is that I told myself that I would be ready to compete, not win. No one wins at everything. But setting goals that you Check us out! joy and en Join our CSA varied box ly nt da un ab an and herbs s ie gg of fresh ve mid-June m every week fro to September! Enjoy fresh, locally-grown, certified organic produce with a FULL or HALF SHARE in Anderson Organic’s CSA for the new 2015 season! We have over 100 varieties of veggies & herbs throughout the season. consider a win for you is crucial. possibilities. Live a life without regret! Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda! We have all heard that saying. How many times have people asked us to do something, but fear held us back? Jump in and give something new a try this summer. I would like to add a little personal UHÀHFWLRQKHUH:ULWLQJIRU3($.RQWKH *RKDVEHHQDQDGYHQWXUHIRUPHDV,¿QG P\VHOIVKDULQJVWRULHVRIP\¿WQHVVDQG wellness journey with virtual strangers. As you read this, I will have hopefully FRPSOHWHGP\¿UVWPDUDWKRQLQ0D\DW the Rockford Marathon. In October I am running for Team One Step (children’s oncology) sponsoring a child at camp in the Chicago Marathon. Distance training has been an adventure in terms of time and energy. But I am learning a lot about myself and my loved ones. My husband is a saint for putting up with my early nights so I can get up super early to run. My wonderful daughter is more encouraging than I probably was at 20, FDOOLQJDQGWH[WLQJPHWR¿QGRXWKRZ my long runs went. My family at work is kind and considerate, putting up with my chatter about my running progress. As for myself, I have never felt more patient and grateful. I am immensely blessed to have the ability to get out and run on healthy legs, the means to shop and cook nutritious food, and the gratefulness for the people that run with me, even if only for a few miles. Happy and Healthy Summer to you all! 'H¿QH\RXUOLIHDXWKHQWLFDOO\,QRXU safety zone of what is known and comfortable it is easy to see ourselves compared to who and what we know. By getting into something new, we can GH¿QHRXUVHOYHVDVWKHSHRSOHZHWUXO\ are. How freeing to break away from our comfortable routine and measure ourselves based only on our personal goals Gain control! Many of us feel that our lives are not our own. Between family obligations and work constraints, it is hard to carve out priorities for ourselves. By SLFNLQJD¿WQHVVJRDOOLNHWUDLQLQJIRUDQ event), it allows you to take a measure of time that is for you. Make your life experience fuller! Your life should be lived on your terms. By embracing a new challenge you are allowing yourself to be open to new Visit our website for more info or see us at the Edgebrook Market and Rockford City Market! 5404 Paulson Rd, Caledonia, IL • 815-566-7911 (Just 1 mile N. of Sportscore 2 / Same road as Northeast YMCA) www.andersonorganics.org andersonorganics1@gmail.com PEAK on the Go is a monthly newspaper focusing on the members of PEAK Fitnes and Sports Club and happenings at its facilities. PEAK on the Go is published by the Rochelle Newspapers, Inc. at 211 IL Route 38 E., Rochelle, IL 61068. The newspaper is distributed free of charge at PEAK facilitie and participating advertiser locations. Contact 815-561-2126. June 2015 Page 9 Edgebrook in Season! REdgebrook Shopping Center to host annual "Edgebrook Farmers Market" every Wednesday and Thursday. Check schedule below for produce from your local farmers today! Darcy Hanson, Marketing and Events Coordinator, Orput Companies T he sun and warm weather KDV¿QDOO\UHWXUQHGWRWKH Stateline and with the changes in the season, nutrition is growing all around us. Spring and summer is the perfect time to kick your clean eating regimen into high gear and there is no better way to do so than shopping at your local farmers market. Farmers markets put the relaxing simplicity back into shopping for produce: Enjoy the setting of an openair market. Relish in the knowledge that every item offered is locally grown and produced. Choose from goods that have been picked within WKHODVWKRXUV*HW¿UVWKDQG knowledge of the produce you are choosing to eat—and even swap recipe ideas—with the foremost expert on the subject: the farmer. From farm fresh items to locally grown produce there are endless possibilities for creating the perfect, healthiest, and freshest recipes. You FDQ¿QGDOOWKHVHLWHPVLQDGGLWLRQ to others at the Edgebrook Farmers Market now held two days weekly. Every Wednesday, and now every Thursday, at the Edgebrook Farmers Markets, local farmers display their highest quality vegetables, fruits, ÀRZHUVDQGSODQWVDVZHOODVIUHVK baked breads & sweet treats, artisan cheeses, stuffed and marinated olives, maple syrup, honey, locally raised free-range meats, farm fresh eggs, jams and jellies, and more. Of all produce vendors at the Edgebrook Farmers Market, about 15 percent are organic. In addition to organic vegetables, fruits, and herbs, organic baked goods are also available. Vendors will differ from Wednesday to Thursday so be sure to stop by both days for the best selection. For more information, including a list of local vendors, visit edgebrookshops.com. Farmers Market Balsamic Bruschetta Makes 8 servings 8 roma tomatoes, diced 1/3 cup chopped fresh basil 1/4 cup shredded parmesan cheese 2 cloves minced garlic 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar 1 teaspoon olive oil 1/4 teaspoon kosher salt 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 1 loaf French bread, tasted and sliced Farm f resh recipes! In a bowl, gently mixed together tomatoes, basil, parmesan cheese, and garlic. Mix in the balsamic vinegar, olive oil, kosher salt, and pepper. Serve on toasted bread slices. Farmers Market Grilled Jalapeño-Lime Corn on the Cob Makes 8 servings 8 ears fresh corn, husks removed Vegetable cooking spray Salt and freshly ground pepper 1/2 cup butter, softened 1 jalapeño pepper, seeded and minced 1 small garlic clove, pressed 1 tablespoon lime zest 1 tablespoon fresh lime juice 2 teaspoons chopped fresh cilantro Preheat grill to 350° to 400° or medium-high heat. Lightly coat corn with cooking spray. Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste. Grill corn, on covered grill for 15 minutes or until golden brown, turning occasionally. While corn is cooking, stir together butter, jalapeño pepper, garlic, lime zest, lime juice, and cilantro. Remove corn from grill, and cut into thirds. Serve corn with butter mixture. Garnish with lime zest. Market Schedule: Every Wednesday 9am-1pm May-October Every Thursday 3pm-6:30pm June-August SALA=SOLD IS THIS THE YEAR YOU MOVE? Please call for a consultation Peggy Sala, ABR, BROKER Luxury Collection Specialist Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Crosby Starck Realtors 815-871-1673 PeggySala1@gmail.com Page 10 June 2015 Ask the farmer with Philip Anderson, Anderson Organics Farm Q: Why should I buy organic produce from local farms? A: This is a question that gets raised often and I think reveals some important misconceptions that people can have concerning our nation’s food supply. Most of our country’s produce comes from California (more than 90%) and most of that comes from one area in northern California called Salinas. The great vegetable climate there has enabled growers to develop KLJKO\HI¿FLHQWV\VWHPVDQGORZSULFHV (relative to other places) per item. Even so, I can think of three very good reasons why we should be willing to pay a little bit more for locally grown. +DYLQJDVWURQJGLYHUVL¿HG food system is extremely important! If anything happens in Salinas that hinders growing, what are we going to do as a country? Stop eating vegetables for the year? This is a distinct possibility if drought sets in (a very real concern for California) or any other natural disaster (earthquakes) which would make growing that year impossible. Though we are all thankful that California is able to grow great veggies, and the overall current system LVYHU\HI¿FLHQWZLWKJURZLQJSUDFWLFHV and transportation, if one link in the chain is broken, we are in trouble. With many local and regional producers of food we have a much stronger overall system. 2. When we support local farms we invest in our own economy and region which makes wherever we live a better place for everyone! Opportunities and jobs can be created and more money stays in our area, helping develop infrastructure and becoming a catalyst for more local economic growth. This is a win-win for farmers and residents alike. 3. Local is fresher! There is nothing that compares with eating a fresh, out RIWKH¿HOGKHLUORRPWRPDWRH0DQ\ great tasting vegetable varieties cannot be shipped across the country because they have been bred for resilience and transportability, not for taste! Try comparing a grocery store tomatoe with a fresh heirloom from a farmer’s market--you’re not even buying the VDPHWKLQJ,W¶VYHU\GLI¿FXOWWRRSHQ a box of California grown baby greens without some of them beginning to decay,especially the more perishable red leaves. When you get local greens in season they are typically 1-3 days old and have not been subjected to a week of shipping and another week sitting on a store shelf. This means they will stay fresh in your fridge much longer! I encourage shoppers to ask farmers why their produce costs what it does. The answers are often very enlightening. Many farmers know what it costs to grow, harvest, and market WKHLULWHPVDQGWKHSUR¿WPDUJLQVDUH not as high as you might think. Local farmers are not getting rich, rather they are committed to making healthy food as accessible as possible. Retirement Clarity All your retirement answers in one place. Choosing a retirement planning team is a very important decision and our reputation for integrity is the cornerstone of our business. klaasfinancial.com 4707 Perry Ridge Ln, Loves Park, IL 61111 815-877-8440 877-495-5227 5951 McKee Rd Ste 200 Fitchburg, WI 53719 608-442-5637 800-396-0928 Securities by licensed individuals offered through Investacorp, Inc. A registered Broker/Dealer -- Member FINRA/SIPC. Advisory Services Offered Through 88´8O8Ü´´b¼ÜYÇ´±´V ~~Ü+ *bt´¼b±bYÇb´¼b¼ÜYÇ´±Ê±¡88´8O8Ü´´b¼ÜYÇ´±´V ´¼8no8¼bYȼ|Çb´¼8O±VO¡ June 2015 Page 11 Starting to look a little different? Aging and appearance: why it happens and a few ways to slow it down I t eventually happens to all of us. You have plenty of energy, you feel great, but that person staring back at you in the mirror looks tired and old, which can be very depressing. We work out to help keep our mind, body and heart in shape, but what about our faces? hollowed eyes, deeper nasolabial folds between our nose and cheeks, jowls along our jawline, and a sagging around the mouth area (commonly called marionette lines), which can give us a negative and tired-looking expression, and make us appear older than we really are. In order to understand what you can do about this, it’s important to understand the anatomy of the facial aging process. Years ago it was believed that the only way to look younger required plastic surgery or a facelift. While this did tighten the skin, many times it resulted in a tight, unnatural look that was unappealing to many people. With the recent advances of noninvasive cosmetic procedures, coupled with very little to no downtime, the ability to look younger is much easier than it has every been! First and foremost, the one single thing that you can do for the health and surface of your skin is to start using sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or more. The sun ages your face more than anything else. As time goes on, the middle layer of skin thins due to collagen loss. This reduces the skin’s ability to retain elasticity (from elastin) and moisture (from hyaluronic acid). A youthful look depends on having the right amount of facial fat, muscle and bone in the right places. To give an analogy, it’s kind of like the main structure of a house and its frame. If the main structural framework of a house weakens, the walls and roof would cave in. The same thing happens to our face. All of this volume loss leads to an aged look. Cheeks sag as we age due to a loss of supporting tissues like fat, muscle and bone. Once our cheeks start sagging, the rest of our face follows suit. Eventually the fat pads in our face starts to diminish, and the downward push from saggy cheeks leads to ,QMHFWDEOH¿OOHUVDUHDTXLFNDQG easy way to look 5 years younger. As stated above, volume loss starts in your cheeks and works its way GRZQ,QMHFWLQJD¿OOHUOLNH9ROXPD starting in the apples of your cheeks will give you a gentle lift instantly, and replace the volume in our faces that time has taken away. This nonsurgical treatment helps restore a more \RXWKIXOSUR¿OHIRUXSWRWZR\HDUV and allows you to still look like you, only younger! 7R¿QGRXWPRUHDERXW¿OOHUVDQG other things that you can do to help you look and feel younger, please call us for a free cosmetic consultation at 815-226-9642 today! www.Canopymd.com June Special CanopyMD Introduces Give yourself a lift with Voluma! adds volume, creates contour, and will give you a subtle lift for up to two years! Buy two syringes of for $1800, Get one syringe of Juvederm Ultra or Ultra Plus free! (A $750 Value) 815-226-9642 7402 Riverside Blvd., Loves Park, IL www.CanopyMD.com Page 12 June 2015 summer beautiful Adopt a "less is best" philosophy and other tips for your prettiest summer look Mary Swaab, Founder of Colorlab Cosmetics International W hen summer turns up the heat and humidity, it can wreak havoc on your usual makeup routine. Your best defense? Wear less makeup and be strategic. Look for waterproof formulas of your favorite products or modify your routine with your existing makeup. A tint is all you need for your skin. Skip the foundation - go for a tinted moisturizer or BB cream to give your skin just a hint of color. To simulate a tan, go one shade darker than your skin tone. Cover up any blemishes or skin discoloration with a concealer. If you must wear powder, choose a loose powder (instead of pressed) as they tend to look more natural in hot humid conditions. To keep it fresh, use a makeup setting mist that will hold your look in place all day. Blotting papers are also another option to absorb excess oil and perspiration. Summer's best bet for your lips is sheer, shiny lipsticks or gloss. Pinks, peaches, corals and bronze will dazzle a tan. Keep your eyes simple with light eyeshadows in pinks and peaches and just a touch of liner and mascara. Add a dash of blusher just above your temple area for a an instant color lift. For a softer look try lining just the upper lashes (right into lash line) and ¿QLVKZLWKDOLJKWFRDWRIPDVFDUDRQ the top lashes—this will bring out your eyes while keeping your bottom lash line clean as you perspire. 1112 5th Ave, Rockford, IL 61104 (815) 965-0026 June 2015 Page 13 Fish oil, revisited By Dr. Christopher Chalk, D.C., C.C.S.P, C.S.C.S, Optimum Rehabilition Center I n the Journal of Nutrition (April 1, 2015) vol.145 no4, in an article entitled Fish-Oil–Derived n–3 38)$V5HGXFH,QÀDPPDWRU\DQG &KHPRWDFWLF$GLSRNLQH0HGLDWHG &URVVWDONEHWZHHQ&RFXOWXUHG 0XULQH6SOHQLF&'+ T Cells and $GLSRF\WHVZH¿QGWKDW¿VKRLOPRGL¿HV the communication between fat cells and our immune system. The fact that our fat talks to our immune system may be a surprise to many, but our fat is more than just a storage organ. We know WKDW¿VKRLOKDVDQDQWLLQÀDPPDWRU\ effect. Just one new mechanism is by reducing the talking that occurs from our fat to our immune system, which WULJJHUVLQÀDPPDWLRQ,WDOVRKRZHYHU targets and reduces other chemicals that can lead to insulin resistance, by forming resolvins and protectins. Other mechanisms include inhibiting SURLQÀDPPDWRU\FKHPLFDOVDQGHYHQ UHGXFLQJWKHH[SUHVVLRQRILQÀDPPDWRU\ genes (epigenetics in action). ,QÀDPPDWLRQWKDWLVDFXWHLV EHQH¿FLDOWRWKHERG\:LWKRXWDFXWH LQÀDPPDWLRQLQIHFWLRQDQGFDQFHUZRXOG not be cleared up, nor would you heal from that injury. White blood cells are initially deployed to the site of injury or infection to neutralize the pathogen (in infection), or clean up the debris (in injuries). After this phase the body releases a newly discovered group of PROHFXOHVWRVWRSWKHLQÀDPPDWLRQ and promote healing. These molecules are called pro-resolution molecules and consist of lipoxins, resolvens and protectins. Problems arise when FKURQLFLQÀDPPDWLRQHQVXHVDQGWKH LQÀDPPDWRU\SURFHVVLVQRWVKXWRII &KURQLFLQÀDPPDWRU\GLVHDVHVODFN these pro-resolution molecules. Fish oil it turns out is the precursor to these pro-resolution molecules. Age also may reduce the amount of these needed PROHFXOHV7KLVGH¿FLHQF\LVRQHRIWKH reasons why as we age these diseases of FKURQLFLQÀDPPDWLRQDUHVRSUHYDOHQW The best way to restore levels of these SURUHVROXWLRQPROHFXOHVLVWRHDW¿VKRU WDNH¿VKRLO Chronic diseases like metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, lung diseases like Asthma and COPD, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Dementia, DQG&DQFHUDOOKDYHDQLQÀDPPDWRU\ component and in each case there is some evidence that omega 3 fatty acids may help reduce symptoms or facilitate healing. My recommendations have been IRU¿VKRLOLQDSUHYHQWLYHPDQQHURI 1-2 grams per day. If you are suffering from a disease process, consult with a physician knowledgeable on nutrition, the dosage should be higher in the range of 2-5 grams per day. As always if you have a medical condition consult with a SK\VLFLDQEHIRUHWDNLQJ¿VKRLO Dr. Christopher Chalk is a Chiropractic Physician specializing in sports injuries, acupuncture and treating internal disorders with nutrition. He can be reached at Optimum Rehabilitation Center 815-580-8270. DAD WANTS A BIKE! Store Hours: M-F 9-7, SAT 9-5, SUN 11-5 Visit Our Store At 4169 N. Perryville Road, Loves Park, Il 61111 Www.rockfordbikes.com Page 14 June 2015 June Member Spotlight: Michael Szlamczynski & Kimberly Camm went from 30% to 18%. I also lost a few inches from my waist. %RWKRI\RXDUHLQYROYHGZLWK*5,7DQGWKLVLV\RXUÀUVW3HDNFODVV:KDW FRPSHOOHG\RXWRWU\LW"$Q\IHHGEDFN" .LPEHUO\ – What drew me to GRIT is the format. 30 minutes, high intensity workout that you do at your own pace. The class size is small which allows the instructors to watch your form and push you at all the right times. I have tried group classes in the past and I felt as if I was lost in the crowd so to speak. In GRIT I feel like I’m part of a group. 0LNH—Kimberly talked me into trying it and all I can say is that it is one of the best things I’ve done for myself! Great instructors and it’s an amazing workout. ,WҋVVXPPHUWLPH:KDWDUHVRPHRI\RXUIDYRULWHWKLQJVDERXWWKLVWLPHRI \HDU" .LPEHUO\ – I love to be outside, so I try to spend every minute outdoors in the summer. I enjoy biking, running, gardening, boating, summer concerts – anything outdoors. 0LNH—I love being outside…hiking, boating and grilling out, outside gatherings, FRQFHUWVELNLQJ¿VKLQJHWF :KHUHDUH\RXIURP" .LPEHUO\ – Chicago suburbs 0LNH – Syracuse, NY 'HVFULEH\RXUIDPLO\ .LPEHUO\ – I have three kids (two boys and a girl) – 24, 17 & 12. 0LNH – I have three kids (all girls) 2FFXSDWLRQ" .LPEHUO\ – Financial Analyst in the wireless industry 0LNH – Project Manager for US Cellular 7KLVLVVXHIRFXVHVRQ´VXPPHUDGYHQWXUHµ'R\RXKDYHDQ\IXQSODQVWULSVRU HYHQWVLQWKHQHDUIXWXUH" .LPEHUO\– No big adventures planned this summer. Weekend trips to visit college campuses for my son. We did sign up to do another Tough Mudder with the GRIT group from Peak in September, so perhaps some training over to summer to better prepare for the race. 0LNH—Kimberly pretty much summed it up!R :KHQGLG\RXMRLQ3HDNDQGZKLFKORFDWLRQWR\RXJRWRPD\EHERWK" .LPEHUO\– I joined when I moved to Rockford 5 years ago. 0LNH—I have been a member for 2 years. $10 OFF ,XQGHUVWDQGWKDW\RXWULHGWKH/HV0LOOVGD\FKDOOHQJH:KDWZDV\RXUJRDO ZLWKWKLVDQGZKDWZHUHWKHUHVXOWVOLNH" .LPEHUO\– I was/am already a fairly healthy eater. My goal with the program was to step up my eating habits to the next level. By following the plan I lost 8 lbs. and an inch off my waist. More importantly I am continuing to limit my carb intake and incorporate veggies into every meal. 0LNH—I’m a fairly healthy eater as well. My goal was to learn better eating habits and lose some body fat after the 21-day challenge. I lost a total of 18 lbs. and my body fat Specializing in clutter removal, general cleaning & safer products. Saving our planet one client at a time! Or $100 OFF Required First Time Deep Clean. Expires 9/1/15. New clients only. Must present coupon at appointment. willow1272@aol.com • www.willowscleaning.com BEFORE 10 WRAPS LATER www.aliciamsalazar.myitworks.com First Ten Visits Valid through June 30, 2015. Cannot be combined with other offers. June 2015 Page 15 PEAK swim totals Top 25 for year Jan. 1st through May 22nd 14. Kristie Mullins 40,700 yds 23.13 miles 2. Nancy Blomquist 337,300yds 191.65 miles 15. Mimi Fagan 37,950yds 21.56miles 3. Wei Gao 196,750yds 16. Jana Brady 22,750yds 12.93miles 4. Bill Barrett 151,150 yds 85.88 miles 17. Jen Egan 21,400 yds 12.16 miles 5. Jean Geller 132,850 yds 18. Gretchan Markgraf 18,450yds 10.48miles 19. Tawnie Miller 15,350yds 8.72miles 1. Paula Reiter 423,800 yds 6. Kathy Bowerman 112,900 yds 240.80 miles 111.79miles 75.48 miles 64.15 miles 7. Melissa Pratt 89,850 yds 51.05 miles 20. Erik Lewinski 9,550yds 8. Sheryl Preiss 83,560 yds 47.48 miles 21. Eddy O’Neill 7,600yds 9. James Olson 69,300 yds 39.38 miles 22. Kathy Bement 7,450yds 4.23miles 10. Steve Dewar 66,750 yds 37.93 miles 23. Madison Brady 7,300yds 4.15miles 11. John Irving 66,100 yds 37.56 miles 24. Radison Akerman 6,000yds 12. Dave Reiter 59,750 yds 25. Deanna Menzies 5,550yds 13. Jim Schmitt 47,000 yds 26.70 miles 33.95miles AGES 3-14 5.43miles 4.32miles 3.41miles 3.15miles The top progressive school in the region. Come in and see the difference! Enroll your • 3 mornings per week preschool Approximately $84 a week child today! We create a comfortable, safe and vibrant experience. 2909 N Main St | Rockford, IL 61103| (815) 877-1600 • 5 mornings per week Approximately $99 a week 1/2 Or Full Day Preschool & Kindergarten. www.spectrumschool.org Page 16 GRIT 101: June 2015 Penn State GRIT study, part II L ast month I wrote about how Les Mills Grit can LPSURYHUHJXODUJURXS¿WQHVV SDUWLFLSDQWV¶FDUGLRYDVFXODU¿WQHVVMXVW by simply adding Grit (a HIIT training program) two times a week. This month I will share the results of the other half of the Penn State Study that wanted to know how HIIT programs could improve athletes. This second study observed 18 female soccer players. In this study, Penn State replaced 7 hours of their usual training with 4 hours of their off-season training and added 2 Les Mills Grit workouts. The study found that despite reducing 2 hours of training time per week, the female soccer players still saw vast improvements in their physical training. By offering GRIT to these athletes, it offered a variety to their training that could potentially reduce overuse injuries, which usually occur during sustained long-term training. It is also safe to say that this is not only limited to soccer players. This can be incorporated within nearly any type of athletic program. Les Mills Grit is a safe, evidencebased HIIT program. Last month I had PHQWLRQHGP\RZQ¿WQHVVSODWHDX/LNH the study found, I also discovered that adding GRIT just twice a week massively improved not only my cardiovascular levels, but also more all-around athletic abilities while giving me more time to enjoy my summer days! So question to you is what will you do with all this time? GRIT is a new 30-minute program offered to members that it is HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). GRIT is an additional $45 per month for unlimited classes; you can sign up at the front counter at Peak Sports Club. You can also drop into a class for $10 per session. Classes: Mon.: 6 a.m. and 5 p.m. Tues: 5:15 a.m. Wed.: 6 a.m., 10:15 a.m., 5:30 p.m. Thurs: 5:15 a.m. Fri.: 6 a.m., 10:15 a.m. Sat. 10:15 a.m. Dr. Chris Chalk is now practicing at OPTIMUM REHABILITATION CENTER! Chris Chalk, D.C., CCSP®, CSCS® Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician Certified in Acupuncture At Optimum Rehabilitation you will have access to a Doctor of Physical Therapy, Massage Therapists and Chiropractic. 1860 South Bell School Rd. Cherry Valley, IL 61016 815-580-8270 Marcus Choppa, GRIT Coach June 2015 Page 17 MindBody Studio trainer spotlight: Polly Fitz just starting an exercise program as it is for serious athletes. Q: I think a lot of people have heard of Pilates but may not know exactly what it is. What makes Pilates different from other forms of exercise? A: A lot of exercises focus on large muscles that we can see like biceps, quadriceps, etc. Pilates focuses instead on the smaller, deeper muscles that connect to the spine. In that way, a Pilates practice can help improve posture and balance. We like to say that Pilates strengthens the body from the inside out. Q: What do you think are some of the misconceptions about Pilates? A: I think the biggest one is that Pilates is somehow not a “real” workout. It’s true that most of the time Pilates doesn’t get your heart rate up, so clients don’t work up a sweat. But if you talk to people who do Pilates, I think most of them would tell you that it’s incredibly challenging. I completely understand the misconception, though. If you were to peek in the studio and watch clients working out, it would look like they’re not moving very much. Pilates exercises often involve very small ranges of motion. But the reason is that we’re focused on intense DFWLYDWLRQRIYHU\VSHFL¿FPXVFOHV When we can get clients to engage the right muscles in the right way, moving MXVWDFRXSOHRILQFKHVIRUWKUHHRU¿YH reps is often all that we need. Q: What do you most like about Pilates? A: I really love that Pilates can meet people wherever they are and continue to grow with them and challenge them. I’ve been practicing Pilates for more than eight years, and ,VWLOO¿QGQHZH[HUFLVHVWRGRP\VHOI and to share with clients. Pilates can be just as fun and effective for people Q: What would you say to someone thinking about starting Pilates? A: Please do! I so enjoy working with new clients, So I encourage anyone to give it a try. And I would also say, “Please be patient with yourself.” Pilates is a different kind of exercise, and it takes time for your mind and body to “get it.” The changes are subtle and take time. You’re not going to instantly see results or drop 10 pounds. But Pilates does work. I’ve felt it myself as someone who had a back injury, and I’ve seen it in my clients. Polly welcomes new clients for private and semi-private instruction. Call her at 815-721--0701 or e-mail polly@ SROO\¿W]FRPWRVHWXSDQDSSRLQWPHQW Parents’ Night Out FRIDAY, JUNE 19TH 4-9PM Cost is $17 for members or $22 for non-members NEW – must sign up by Friday, May 15th (no more “day of” sign ups) Pool Information POOL HOURS Monday-Friday – open 10am-8pm Saturday & Sunday – open 10am-6pm Concessions Concessions opens 1 hour after pool opens and closes 1 hour before pool closes Please remember that alcohol and glass containers are prohibited on the outdoor pool deck Cabana Rentals $15 for weekday $30 for weekend/holiday $25 for weekday $50 for weekend/holiday Live Music Live Music by Radio Stars Saturday, June 6th 1-4pm at the outdoor pool New Department Hours Xtend Barre Class for June: Monday, 9 a.m. Tuesday, 10 a.m. Wednesday, 6:40 p.m. Thursday, 10:05 a.m. Friday, 10:15 a.m. Saturday, 8:05 a.m. *No class Friday, June 5th. Please contact Shelly@peakfitnessusa.com for details on Xtend Barre classes. New Department Hours Effective June 1st: Kids Zone changing, effective June 1st: Monday-Friday open 8am-8pm Saturday open 8am-2pm Sundays – closed Rockwall Hours changing, effective June 1st: Monday-Friday open 12pm-8pm Saturday open 10am-4pm Sunday open 12pm-4pm Page 18 June 2015 June 2015 Page 19 Membership Rates Membership rates include full use of the designated facility, equipment orientation and classes offered. Some club services are offered at an additional charge. Please ask for details. Peak Platinum Includes: Access to both Peak Fitness and Peak Sports Club, JURXSÀWQHVVJODVVHVIUHHWRZHO service and free child care with membership. Single: $99 down $49.95 per month Couples/Single Parent: $149 down $89.95 per month Family: $199 down $109.95 per month Peak Gold Includes: Access to Peak Fitness and all group classes. Single: $49 down $29.95 per month Couples/Single Parent: $79 down $49.95 per month Family: $99 down $69.95 per month Free fitness consultation with Peak membership Whether you are thinking of hiring a personal trainer RUZRUNLQJRXWRQ\RXURZQWKH¿WQHVVFRQVXOWDWLRQLVD great baseline or starting point! The consultation covers body composition (body fat/lean mass), health history, nutrition, goal setting, DSK\VLFDO¿WQHVVDVVHVVPHQWDQGZHFRYHUSHUVRQDO training prices and packages. The information we collect during the consultation can be used to build a more effective workout program! We can also help you decide which training package will work best for you, based on your goals and availability or we will make some recommendations that will help you get started on your own. ,I\RXZRXOGOLNHWRVFKHGXOH\RXU¿WQHVV consultation, you can call the service desk 815-877RUHPDLOQLFN#SHDN¿WQHVVXVDFRP Peak Sports Club 4401 Peak Drive Loves Park, IL 61111 p. 815-877-4401 Peak Fitness 4304 East State Street Rockford, IL 61108 p. 815-398-7300 Page 20 June 2015 Get In Quicker Convenient Care and Emergency Department Scheduling GO TO: RHSInQuicker.org You can reserve your spot at one of four Convenient Care locations or the Rockford Memorial Hospital Emergency Department. Fill out the online form. ¨ ¨ Wait in the comfort of your home. ¨ Arrive at your projected treatment time. ROCKFORD HEALTH PHYSICIANS CONVENIENT CARE Rockford – 3401 N. Perryville Road M-F: 7:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. • Sat-Sun: Noon to 8 p.m. Rockford – 2300 N. Rockton Avenue M-F: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. • Sat: 8 a.m. to noon Belvidere – 1747 Henry Luckow Lane M-F: 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. • Sat: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Roscoe – 5000 Prairie Rose Drive M-Th: 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. • Sun: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. EMERGENCY CARE 24/7 Rockford Memorial Hospital Emergency Department • 2400 N. Rockton Avenue