Term 2, 2016 - New Hope International
Term 2, 2016 - New Hope International
NEWS Second Term June 2016 ETLS training in Pakistan Catriona Wansbrough, Principal of St Andrews Christian College in Melbourne writes of a recent training experience in Pakistan. At the invitation of the Open Theological Seminary (GTS) in Lahore, Pakistan, she was invited to come and train educators in Christian Education and best-classroom practice and run a Leadership workshop for leaders involved in Christian Ministry. Teaching Workshops Two separate workshops over two weeks were deliv2016 Graduates ered to over 60 educators (teachers, head teachers, teacher trainers, pastors, college lecturers). To her knowledge it is the first time that Christian educators in Pakistan have had training in Christian Education. Most of the participants were from Punjab province in Pakistan, though one participant was a pastor from Kashmir wanting to open a Christian School in his church, as the Christian children in government schools are being strongly discriminated against. Not knowing whether this training was to be a 'one-off event or just the beginning of more training, after much prayer and research Catriona decided to deliver a course that would present the most vital aspects of Christian education and classroom pedagogy. The participants in both weeks were all Christians and had varied backgrounds, training and experience. Although most were from Christian schools, some of these schools have a majority of Muslim teachers and students. Interestingly, the quality of the education in Christian Schools attracts Muslim families who desire a better education for their children. Of course in all these schools, Christian teachers need to be careful not to speak against Mohammed or the Koran. A couple of the participants were also from Muslim Schools where they had to teach Muslim curriculum (particularly in subjects such as 'Health'). Catriona commenced both weeks of the workshops with 2 separate sessions about Christianity (Who is Jesus to you?) to clarify and make sure all were “on the same page” in regards to our faith. She then challenged each participant in the vital ministry of teaching asking them, 'Why are you a teacher?' This was a great session for all our educators to be reminded of their privileged and vital roles not only as leaders and teachers, but as Christian educators. Catriona then presented different sessions from Series 1 (NHI Effective Teaching Learning Series) combining some sessions and leaving others out cognisant of their restrictions and laws that do not allow people to be evangelistic in their faith. To be fully practical and to exhibit 'best-classroom' practice she was very intentional in presenting workshops in a variety of ways and utilising best practice. Both groups really enjoyed the session of being a Christian teacher, as they could really understand how they could individually make an impact by just being a good role model and being salt and light for Jesus in their community, wherever they are placed. The impact of this course was huge and they want more of it. Please pray for our brothers and sister in Pakistan. ETLS Training in Indonesia Recently NHI Indonesian Coordinator, Beth Boland, led a ETLS training seminar in Manado , Sulawesi .. It was a time of great blessing both to participants and also to the team involved in the organising / running the training. Shirley Puspitawati who translated the NHI books into Bahasa and Beth had 5 full days to build a Christ-centred, Bible-based, God-fearing, Spirit-led learning community, and we believe one was established amongst the 32 participants. There were some great testimonies shared and it was encouraging to find out that God is moving in the lives of many workers in the Christian schools in Manado. Jason, a connection from Indonesia, was also involved in the teaching by interpreting for Beth and sharing his testimony at various times throughout the week. Jason also preached at our closing ceremony. There was a special visit from the Minister for Education in North Sulawesi one morning and there were surprise performances given throughout the week. These included an amazing quartet consisting of MPK committee members, the Eben Haezer school choir (Wow!) and a group of Kindergarten students on the Angklung (Gorgeous!). These were wonderful to be a part of. The food was another great blessing. The Eben Haezer school hosted us for 2016 Graduating class Manado Sulawesi, Indonesia breakfast, which included a wide variety of dishes, then at lunch we were served a marvellous buffet and in the evenings we ate lovely fresh fish. Wow! Manado left a great impression on us. Thanks for all your prayers for the week. Please continue to pray : God would equip us to be effective in following up participants. We have spoken to some key people located in Manado to assist with this. He would bring more people to join with us in delivering the training For future training planned at the schools. Eben Haezer High School in Manado already has plans in place to train the material at their school next July. For participants to be beacons within their school communities. That other schools would be able to build shalom learning communities at their school. For Beth to learn Bahasa Indonesia in order that she can deliver training in the native language. New NHI Office is opened in Uganda 2016 started in style for NHI in Uganda! Through God’s provision, Tom (NHI Community Development Coordinator) and Juliet Galiwango (National Director for NHI Uganda) managed to negotiate the lease of an office for NHI which will be shared by a related ministry called ‘Women of Destiny’. In Uganda, it is a legal requirement prior to registration for an organization to have a physical office. We are grateful to God for those He is using to support the establishment of this new office in East Africa. The office is located in Misindye town Goma sub-county, Mukono district. It was a great blessing to have it officially opened by David Langford, the NHI Community Development Director, on March 14th 2016. The next step is to officially register NHI Uganda with the government of Uganda. A vital part of this ministry is the provision of a reliable second-hand vehicle for them to use. This will cost about $10,000 AUD. Already donations are coming in for this and for the full equipping of the office and the payment of the legal fees for registration which are quite expensive. Dave Langford and Juliet Galiwango open the new office. We will hear more about this amazing development in our next Newsletter. But if any schools can raise a few hundred dollars to help with this project it will make an amazing difference. NEW HOPE INTERNATIONAL LIMITED email admin@newhopeinternational.net Mail 129 Kingsland Road Regents Park NSW