CV - - Singapore University of Technology and


CV - - Singapore University of Technology and
8 Somapah Road, Singapore 487372
Phone: (+65) 96255164
Passport: AE0412764
Nationality: Bangladeshi
Residency: Australian Permanent Resident
Date of Birth: 07-Dec-1982
Ph.D. in Engineering
(Apr. 2009 – Dec. 2012)
The Australian National University (ANU)
Research School of Engineering
Canberra ACT 0200 Australia
Thesis title: Signal processing for distributed nodes in smart networks.
Supervisors: Dr. David B. Smith (ANU, NICTA), Prof. Thushara
Abhayapala (ANU), Dr. Jian A. Zhang (CSIRO), and Dr. Tharaka
Lamahewa (DSTO)
B.Sc. in Electrical and
Electronic Engineering
(May 2002 - June 2007)
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh
Research Scientist
(Mar. 2015 - Present)
Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD)
SUTD-MIT International Design Center (IDC)
8 Somapah Road, Singapore 487372
Key Responsibilities:
• Leading one project as Lead Principal Investigator (PI) and two
projects as Co-PI.
• Managing the budget of the projects, establish communications with
the sponsors and industry partners for various activities such as
meeting the milestone of the projects, submission of progress report,
establishment of testbeds and coordination between different projects.
• Serving as a member of the Evaluation Committee Board for the
construction of IDC funded power grid testbed. As a member of the
board the key responsibilities are to prepare the technical
specifications and evaluation of the tender responses.
• Establishing international collaboration with foreign universities in
order to explore new research opportunities in the field of smart grid.
• Conducting research in the field of energy management for smart grid
and energy sustainability in the MICE industry.
• Supervising research assistants and visiting students to achieve the
targets of different project milestone within the designated time
• Writing grant applications for new projects.
Postdoc Research Fellow
(Sep. 2013 – Mar. 2015)
Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD)
Engineering Product Design Pillar
8 Somapah Road, Singapore 487372
Key Responsibilities:
• Conducting research in the field of energy management for smart
grids as a member of the team for project “Demand Focused Smart
Energy Management in End User Environments for Sustainable
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• Conducting research to integrate renewables in smart grid and
promoting the use of renewables for electric vehicle charging.
• Assisting the PIs of various projects to write grant applications.
• Helping the PIs to prepare the presentations for showcasing key
milestones of various projects.
• Participating in the recruitment process of test subjects for user
behavioral study in smart grid.
• Writing Journal and conference papers and presenting papers in
international conferences.
• Supporting the visiting students in conducting their researches.
Visiting Researcher
(Jan. 2013 – June 2013)
National ICT Australia (NICTA)
Future Energy Systems
7 London Circuit, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia
Key Responsibilities:
• Working towards designing energy management policies of a
photovoltaic powered electric vehicle charging station in order to
minimize the total operational cost of the station.
• Developing mechanisms for energy exchange between vehicles,
charging stations and electricity grid while considering many
practical constraints related to such energy exchange activities.
Ph.D. Student
(Apr. 2009 – Dec. 2012)
The Australian National University (ANU)
Research School of Engineering
Canberra ACT 0200 Australia
Key Responsibilities:
• Developing an electric vehicle-charging scheme for optimal charging
of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) in energy constrained
smart grid environment in peak hour.
• Designing a socially optimal energy management scheme for smart
grid networks considering the consumers’ preferences as priority.
• Developing an efficient energy curtailment scheme is developed
based on two-way communications structure of future smart grid to
minimize the total cost incurred by the system due to a power outage
in the network.
• Formulating a power control mechanism for wireless sensor network
in a multi-source multi-receiver environment using non-cooperative
game theory.
• Developing a data-funneling scheme using distributed transmitbeamforming for energy savings of the transmitting sensors for long
distance communications of signal in a clustered wireless sensor.
• Investigating a transmit-beamforming technique for a distributed
sensor network with a moving receiver using a three-bit feedback
• Investigating the speed of convergence to a steady state value of the
signals from different distributed transmitters in a wireless sensor
Visiting Student Research
Collaborator (VSRC)
(Summer 2011)
Princeton University
School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Princeton, NJ, USA 08540, USA
Key Responsibilities:
• Gaining an understanding of energy management in smart grids and
the application of game theory to model this management in an
efficient manner.
• Initiating the research activities in smart grids by designing a suitable
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system model for efficient charging of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles
in smart grid networks.
IEEE Membership
Member (2013-Present), Student Member (2006-2012)
Industrial Electronic Society Member (Since 2014)
Academic Tutor
(Apr. 2009 – Dec. 2012)
The Australian National University (ANU)
Research School of Engineering
Canberra ACT 0200 Australia
Courses: Electronic Systems and Design; Signal Processing; Digital
Communications; and Introduction to Electronics.
Key Responsibilities:
• Conducting tutorial classes and help students including solving
problems to understand the course properly.
• Conducting lab classes, demonstrate the experiment procedures, and
supervise students to conduct the experiments.
• Examining the reports and marking them.
• Assisting the Course Instructors to prepare the mark sheet of the
respective courses.
(June 2007 – Apr. 2009)
Presidency University
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Gulshan 2, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh
Courses: Digital Signal Processing; Electrical Circuits I (DC circuits);
Electrical Circuits II (AC circuits); Digital Communications, VLSI Circuit
Key Responsibilities:
• Preparing and deliver course lecture.
• Preparing examination questions.
• Conducting examinations.
• Conducting hardware and software laboratory classes.
• Marking the assignments and exam scripts.
• Assessing the lab performance of the students.
• Preparing lab manuals.
• Preparing course outlines and contents.
• Advising students on their education/course/examination related
• Helping the Head of the Department in preparing the labs and
classrooms for external audits.
Smart grid
Demand Focused Smart Energy Management in End User
Environments for Sustainable Cities
Role in the Project: Co-Principal Investigator
Sponsor: Energy Management Authority (EMA), Singapore.
Duration: Apr. 2013 – Mar. 2016.
Smart Grid
A General Grant for IDC Leveraged Pilot Project
Role in the Project: Principal Investigator
Sponsor: International Design Center (IDC), SUTD
Duration: Apr. 2015 – Mar. 2016.
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On the Sustainability in the MICE Industry in Singapore
Role in the Project: Co-Principal Investigator
Sponsor: Singapore Tourism Board, Singapore.
Duration: Feb. 2015 – Jan. 2016.
Best Paper Award in IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2013.
Best Student Paper award in Australian Communications Theory Workshop (AusCTW), 2012.
NICTA Travel Grant 2012.
ANU Vice-Chancellor’s Higher Degree Travel Grant 2012.
ANU CECS Deans Travel Grant, 2011 (Two top CECS PhD students are awarded each year).
ANU-NICTA PhD Scholarship (2009 - 2012)
ANU-NICTA Tuition Fees Scholarship (2009 - 2012)
NICTA Assignment Scholarship (2009 - 2012)
NICTA Assignment Scholarship (2009 - 2012)
NICTA Travel Grant 2010
IEEE Bangladesh section Best Undergraduate Student Paper Award, 2007.
Bangladesh Government Scholarship for outstanding academic record (1999 - 2007)
Smart Grid
I have a sound understanding of the current state of art in energy management
approaches and demand side management schemes in smart grids. My recent works in
smart grid include 1) three-party energy management for a shared facility controller in
smart grid, 2) energy management in smart grid with a emphasize on consumers
priority, 3) designing discriminate pricing scheme for energy trading in smart grid, 4)
studying the charging of electric vehicles in smart grid when the total available energy
from the station is exclusively supplied by solar energy, 5) charging of plug-in hybrid
electric vehicles in a constrained energy system, 6) exploring the potential of energy
storage devices in smart grid grid-consumer, and 7) studying the optimal power outage
management in smart grids. I am also involved in designing customer engagement
plans for peak load reduction and quantifying economic benefits in the ancillary
market for smart appliances. I am looking forward to explore the potentiality of social
network for designing energy management schemes for smart grids.
Game Theory
I have a good understanding of non-cooperative game theory and basic understanding
of cooperative games. I have skills to formulate various energy management problems
in smart grid network in the framework of non-cooperative Stackelberg games. I also
have sound skills in non-cooperative Nash games, Generalized Nash games
(particularly jointly convex Nash problems), and double auction theory. I have used
these above-mentioned skills on game theory to formulate and solve various energy
management power control problems in smart grids and sensor networks. Recently, I
have also explored the potentiality of using canonical coalition game to design energy
management schemes for nanogrids.
I have a reasonable understanding of communications theory. My first two years PhD
work gave good understanding of the basics of wireless networks, in particular
wireless sensor networks. I have good understanding of cooperative communications,
distributed beamforming and power control in sensor networks considering different
channel conditions.
Quantitative and
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I have an aptitude for mathematics and an advanced level of mathematical education. I
have applied these skills in areas of technical engineering, my undergraduate thesis
and PhD research. I have good competency in Matlab, which I used throughout my
PhD research. I also have good understanding of C++ and HFSS, which I used during
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my undergraduate research. I have basic understanding of Python and Gurobi
optimizer that I used during my visit to NICTA as a visiting researcher. I also have
skills using the following design tools: Microwind, Orcad and DHCL. I have excellent
familiarity with MAC and Windows operating systems. I have a sound knowledge of
Microsoft office and Latex.
Management and
Leadership Skills
As a Research Assistant at SUTD-MIT International Design Center, I am involved in
three projects, in which I have to manage project related activities such as budget
management, collaboration with industry partners, working together with the sponsors
for meeting the key milestone of the projects. I also need to supervise research
assistants and visiting graduate students to lead the projects in right directions.
Through these activities, I have learned how to work in a group, lead a project and
meet the expectations of sponsors and industry partners, which are significantly crucial
for the successful completion of project. I am also involved in the Evaluation
Committee Board for the construction of IDC funded power grid testbed. As a member
of the board the key responsibilities are to prepare the technical specifications and
evaluation of the tender responses.
I have experience and an aptitude for teaching demonstrated by tutoring and lecturing
in the areas of Electrical and Electronic engineering, for which I have received positive
feedback. I have also given seminars and presented my work to national and
international audiences. I also have skills in preparing lectures, presentation slides and
technical reports. I have also prepared and presented multiple posters in local and international
• Accepted/Published (Google Scholar Citation: 118)
Journal Publication (6)
Smart Grid
Smart Grid
Smart Grid
Smart Grid
Smart Grid
[J1] W. Tushar, B. Chai, C. Yuen, D. Smith, K. L. Wood, Z. Yang, and H. V. Poor,
“Three-party energy management with distributed energy resources in smart grid” in
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 62, no. 4, pp. 2487-2498, Apr. 2015.
[J2] N. U. Hassan, Y. Khalid, C. Yuen, and W. Tushar, “Customer engagement plans
for peak load reduction in residential smart grids,” in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid,
2015 (Preprint)
[J3] S. Huang, W. Tushar, C. Yuen, and K. Otto, “Quantifying economic benefits in the
ancillary electricity market for smart appliances in Singapore households,” in Elsevier
Sustainable Energy, Grids, and Networks, vol. 1, pp. 53-62, Mar. 2015.
[J4] W. Tushar, J. A. Zhang, D. B. Smith, H. V. Poor, and S. Thiebaux, “Prioritizing
consumers in smart grid: A game theoretic approach,” in IEEE Transactions on Smart
Grid, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 1429-1438, May 2014.
[J5] D. B. Smith, M. Portman, W. L. Tan, and W. Tushar, “Multi source-destination
distributed wireless networks: Pareto-efficient dynamic power control game with rapid
convergence,” in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 63, no. 6, pp. 27442754, Dec 2013.
[J6] W. Tushar, W. Saad, H. V. Poor, and D. B. Smith, “Economics of electric vehicle
charging: A game theoretic approach,” in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 3, no.
4, pp. 1767-1778, Dec. 2012.
Conference Publication (13)
Smart Grid
Smart Grid
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[C1] B. Chai, W. Tushar, N. U. Hassan, C. Yuen, and Z. Yang, “Energy management of
HVAC systems with online control in commercial buildings,” in Proc. IEEE
International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), Cambridge, UK, July 2015.
[C2] W. Tushar, C. Yuen, B. Chai, D. B. Smith, and H. V. Poor, “Feasibility of using
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Smart Grid
Smart Grid
Smart Grid
Smart Grid
Smart Grid
discriminate pricing scheme for energy trading in smart grid,” in Proc. IEEE Global
Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Austin, TX, Dec. 2014.
[C3] W. Tushar, S. Huang, C. Yuen, J. A. Zhang, and D. B. Smith, “Synthetic
generation of solar states for smart grid: A multiple segment Markov chain approach,” in
Proc. IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe, Istanbul, Turkey, Oct. 2014.
[C4] W. Tushar, B. Chai, C. Yuen, D. B. Smith, and H. V. Poor, “Energy management
for a user interactive smart community: A Stackelberg game approach,” in Proc. IEEE
Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Asia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May 2014.
[C5] S. Huang, K. L. Wood, C. Yuen, K. Otto, K.H-Otto, Y. Gu, S. Ahipasaoglu, S.
Benjaafar, W. Tushar, C. Withanage, T. Wang, A. R. Molla, R. Ashok, and S. Ying,
“Innovations in the design of smart grid systems for future cities,” in Proc. Complex
Systems Design & Management Asia: Designing Smart Cities, Singapore 2014.
[C6] W. Tushar, J. A. Zhang, D. B. Smith, S. Thiebaux, and H. V. Poor, “Prioritizing
consumers in smart grid: Energy management using game theory,” in Proc. IEEE
International Conference on Communications (ICC), Budapest, Hungary, Jun. 2013.
(Best paper)
[C7] W. Tushar, J. A. Zhang, D. B. Smith, H. V. Poor, G. Platt, and S. Durrani, “An
efficient energy curtailment scheme for outage management in smart grid,” in Proc. IEEE
Global Communication Conference (GLOBECOM), Anaheim, CA, Dec. 2013.
[C8] W. Tushar, D. B. Smith, J. A. Zhang, T. Lamahewa, and T. Abhayapala,
“Distributed transmit beamforming: Phase convergence improvement using enhanced
one-bit feedback,” in Proc. IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference
(WCNC), Paris, France, Apr. 2012.
[C9] W. Tushar, D. B. Smith, W. Saad, and H. V. Poor, “Distributed transmit
beamforming: Performance improvement using two-bit feedback,” in Proc. International
Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, Gold Coast, Australia,
Oct. 2012.
[C10] W. Tushar, D. B. Smith, T. Lamahewa, and J. A. Zhang, “Non-cooperative power
control game in a multi-source wireless sensor network,” in Proc. Australian
Communications Theory Workshop (AusCTW), Wellington, New Zealand, Jan. 2012.
(Best student paper)
[C11] W. Tushar, D. B. Smith, and T. Lamahewa, “Distributed transmit beamforming:
Data funneling in wireless sensor network,” in Proc. Australian Communications Theory
Workshop (AusCTW), Wellington, New Zealand, Jan. 2012.
[C12] W. Tushar and D. B. Smith, “Distributed transmit beamforming based on a 3-bit
feedback system,” in Proc. IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless
Communications (SPAWC), Marrakech, Morocco, June 2010.
[C13] A. B. Islam, S. Mostofa, W. Tushar, and A. B. M. H. Rashid, “Effect of variation
of thickness on integrated antenna system in silicon,” in Proc. International Conference
on Information and Computer Technology (ICICT), Dhaka, Bangladesh, Mar. 2007.
• Publication Under Review: Journal-5, Conference-2.
§ Prof. H. Vincent Poor, School of Engineering and Applied Science, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ
08540, USA.
§ Prof. Walid Saad, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA
24061, USA.
§ Prof. Sylvie Thiebaux, College of Engineering and Computer Science, Australian National University,
ACT 2600, Australia.
§ Prof. Kristin L. Wood, Engineering Product Development, Singapore University of Technology and
Design, 8 Somapah Road, Singapore 487372.
§ Prof. Chau Yuen, Engineering Product Development, Singapore University of Technology and Design, 8
Somapah Road, Singapore 487372.
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§ Prof. Kevin Otto, Engineering Product Development, Singapore University of Technology and Design, 8
Somapah Road, Singapore 487372.
§ Prof. Thushara Abhayapala, School of Engineering, Australian National University, ACT 2600,
§ Prof. Zaiyue Yang, State Key Laboratory of Industrial Control Technology, Zhejiang University,
Hangzhou, China.
§ Dr. Jian Andrew Zhang, Senior Research Scientist, Digital Productivity, CSIRO, NSW, Australia.
§ Dr. David B. Smith, Senior Researcher, Networks, National ICT Australia, ACT 2601, Australia.
§ Dr. Salman Durrani, Senior Lecturer, School of Engineering, Australian National University, ACT 2600,
§ Dr. Shisheng Huang, Ministry of Home Affairs, Singapore.
§ Dr. Bo Chai, State Key Laboratory of Industrial Control Technology, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou,
2014: Conference presentation of the paper titled, “Synthetic generation solar states for smart grid: A
multiple segment Markov chain approach,” in IEEE Wireless Innovative Smart Grid TechnologiesEurope (ISGT-Europe), Istanbul, Turkey.
2013: International Optimization Summer School, Kiola, New South Wales, Australia
2013: Teaching Quality Program-1, 2 and 3 at ANU, ACT, Australia.
2012: Conference presentation of the paper titled, “Distributed transmit beamfoming: Phase convergence
improvement using enhanced one-bit feedback,” in IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking
Conference (WCNC), Paris, France.
2012: Invited talk on “Non-cooperative power control game in a multi-source wireless sensor network”
in Australian Communications Theory Workshop (AusCTW), Wellington, New Zealand.
2012: Poster presentation of the paper, “Distributed transmit beamfoming: Data funneling in wireless
sensor network,” in Australian Communications Theory Workshop (AusCTW), Wellington, New
2012: Poster presentation on “Distributed transmit beamfoming” in ANU CECS Annual Poster Day,
ACT, Australia.
2012: Tutorial on source coding at AusCTW, Wellington, New Zealand.
2011: Poster presentation on “Non-cooperative power control in a multi-source wireless sensor network”
at ANU CECS Annual Poster Day.
2010: Seminar talk on “Distributed transmit beamforming in a time-varying channel” at CSIRO ICT
Center, NSW, Australia
2010: Poster presentation on “Distributed transmit beamforming based on a three bit feedback system”
in Australian Communications Theory Workshop (AusCTW), ACT, Australia
2010: Workshop on Microwave and Radio Frequency Circuit Design at ACT, Australia
2009: Graduate teaching program (GTP) organized by ANU, ACT, Australia
2008: Faculty development program organized by Presidency University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Evaluation Committee Board Member (for the construction of IDC funded power grid testbed).
o To prepare the technical specifications.
o Evaluation of the tender responses.
Technical Reviewer for Journals
o IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
o IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
o IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
o IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine
o IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems
o IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
o Ad Hoc and Sensor Wireless Networks
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Elsevier Performance Evaluation
IEEE Systems Journal
Technical Reviewer for Conferences
o INFOCOM 2013
o SMARTGRIDCOM 2013, 2014
o ICC 2014
o CDC 2014
Prof. H. Vincent Poor
School of Engineering and Applied Science
Princeton University
Princeton, NJ 08540, USA
Phone: (+1) 609-258-1816
Prof. Chau Yuen
Engineering Product Development
Singapore University of Technology and Design
8 Somapah Road, Singapore 487372
Phone: (+65) 6303 6660
Dr. David B. Smith
Senior Researcher
Networks Group
National ICT Australia (NICTA)
7 London Circuit, ACT 2601, Australia
Phone: (+61) 2 6267 6254
Prof. Sylvie Thiebaux
Research Leader
Optimization Research Group
National ICT Australia (NICTA) &
Australian National University
7 London Circuit, ACT 2601, Australia
Phone: (+61) 2 6267 6311
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