The hydrogen molecule in a vice
The hydrogen molecule in a vice
Oral presentations 13 The hydrogen molecule in a vice M. Stocker1 S. Röger1 B. Koslowski1 1 Universität Ulm, Institute of Solid States [1] F. Natterer, F. Patthey, H. Brune, PRL 111, 175303 (2013). [2] S. Li, A. Yu, F. Toledo, Z. Han, H. Wang, H.Y. He,R. Wu, W. Ho, PRL 111, 146102 (2013). [3] M. Stocker, S. Röger, B. Koslowski, arXiv 1503, 07702 (2015). Tuesday Molecular Hydrogen physisorbed on metal surfaces leads to strong characteristic features in scanning tunneling spectroscopy [1][2]. At low bias not only a strong inelastic signature occurs but also a huge change of the elastic channel is observed. We show that the molecular vibration opens an inelastic channel as expected but stalls concurrently the entire elastic channel due to the forces exerted on the electrodes by the vibrating molecule. The required compliance of the stylus is surprisingly large but is possible in the wide spectrum of experimental conditions. Additionally, the inelastic channel experiences a saturation from which the lifetime of the molecular vibration can be deduced to be approximately 1 ns. This experiment allows resolving the forces corresponding to specific vibrational states of a single molecule.[3]
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