steel trims - Bailey Metal Products Limited
steel trims - Bailey Metal Products Limited
AND ACCESSORIES FOR DRYWALL CONSTRUCTION Quality in your corner. MONTREAL • TORONTO • CALGARY • EDMONTON • VANCOUVER THE STRENGTH WITHIN STEEL TRIMS S TEE L T R IMS A N D ACCESSOR I ES for Dr ywall Co ns t ruc t i on BAILEY H AS YO U R TR I M SO LU TIO N Quality in your corner. The Bailey Group of Companies is recognized as the industry leader, offering building solutions to both the commercial framing and drywall finishing residential markets. We offer a range of drywall trim solutions including metal trims, Platinum® Paper-faced metal beads and vinyl trims. For further information on our Platinum® Paper-faced product line or our vinyl trims please visit us at Our metal trims are made of sturdy zinc-coated steel, for excellent protection to external corners. Our trims provide superior compound adhesion and can be applied either with nails or screws. Custom-made profiles and shapes are available to meet your specifications. 2 B A I L E Y M E TA L P R O D U C T S LT D . S T E E L T R I M S A N D A C C E S S O R I E S F O R D R Y WA L L C O N S T R U C T I O N STANDARDS BAILEY products are designed and produced to meet and exceed all codes and standards. Applicable standards for Trims and Accessories are as follows: PROFILE, STEEL THICKNESS AND DIMENSIONS – ASTM C645 (With permissible tolerance) for stud and track and furring channel. GRADE OF STEEL – ASTM A1003 For sheet metal, metallic and nonmetallic coated. COATING (GALVANIZING) Zinc/galvanized coated steel to – ASTM A653 Aluminum zinc coated steel to – ASTM A792 INSTALLATION – ASTM C754 STANDARDS FOR TRIMS AND ACCESSORIES – ASTM C1047 WWW.BMP-GROUP.COM 3 DRYWALL CO RN ER BEA D & METAL TR I MS D1 00 - 90 ˚ DRYWAL L C ORN E R B E AD • P rovides excellent protection and precision to 90˚ external corners • Holes and knurled surface allow for superior joint compound adhesion • Can be applied either with nails, screws or clinch-on tools • Available from stock with 1-1/4” or 1-1/8” flanges Stud Stud 1-1/4” or 1-1/8” 1-1/4” or 1-1/8” D100 Drywall D100 D1 00 - 13 0 ˚ DRYWAL L C ORN E R B E AD • Provides excellent protection and precision to wide angle corners from 130˚ to 135˚ • Holes and knurled surface allow for superior joint compound adhesion • Can be applied either with nails, screws or clinch-on tools • Available from stock with 1-1/4” or 1-1/8” flanges 1-1/4” or 1-1/8” 130˚ 4 B A I L E Y M E TA L P R O D U C T S LT D . S T E E L T R I M S A N D A C C E S S O R I E S F O R D R Y WA L L C O N S T R U C T I O N Drywall D2 0 0 DRYWALL M E TAL L T RIM • P rovides a neat finish and solid protection to gypsum wallboard at window and door jambs where wood trim is omitted • U sed with 1/2” and 5/8” wallboard • H oles and knurled surface allow for superior joint compound adhesion • C an be applied either with nails or screws Metal Metal StudStud = 1/2” A = A1/2” or 5/8” or 5/8” A A Drywall Drywall 1-1/8” 1-1/8” D200 D200 D4 0 0 DRYWALL M E TAL J T RIM • P rovides edge protection at window and door openings, and where wallboard butts against concrete or other materials • U sed with 3/8”, 1/2” or 5/8” wallboard • F inishing compound is optional 3/8” 5/8” or 3/8” or 1/2” WWW.BMP-GROUP.COM 5 DRYWALL CO RN ER BEA D & METAL TR I MS 4 4 11 C H A N N E L T RIM • P rovides a tapeable steel casing that provides maximum protection at door and window jambs • Used with 1/2” and 5/8” wallboard • Quickly installed by nailing through channel and board into the jamb or framing Stud Stud A= = 1/2” 1/2” A or 5/8” 5/8” or A A 1/2” 1/2” 1-1/8” 1-1/8” 6 Drywall Drywall 4411 4411 B A I L E Y M E TA L P R O D U C T S LT D . S T E E L T R I M S A N D A C C E S S O R I E S F O R D R Y WA L L C O N S T R U C T I O N DRYWALL REV EAL TRIM S D3 0 0 DRYWALL RE V E AL T RIM • Provides crisp clean reveals around openings or at ceilings and floors • Holes and knurled surface allow for superior joint compound adhesion • Available from stock with 1/2” or 5/8” flanges to provide a 1/2” reveal B = 1/2” B = 1/2” B B 1” A = 1” A = 5/8” 1/2”or 1/2”or 5/8” A A Drywall Drywall D8 0 0 DRYWALL RE V E AL T RIM (DIFFUSER TR IM) • Used at doors, windows, ceilings, etc. • Surface is ready for painting and additional finishing is not required • Available from stock with 1/2” reveal • Custom reveals are available upon request (please inquire for availability by region) 1/2” or 5/8” WWW.BMP-GROUP.COM 7 T R I M S & SPECIA L PRO FILE S D5 00 A N G L E T RIM • F inishes and protects drywall edges • A pplied using standard joint compound adhesion after board is in place • Available from stock 1-1/4” X 1/2” 90˚ 1-1/4” 1/2” D7 00 A N G L E FRAM IN G T RIM • V ery versatile 90˚ angle used to connect, reinforce or secure framing in various drywall applications • Common applications include column framing, bulkheads, soffit framing and floor and ceiling runners • Available from stock 1” X 2” Stud Stud 1” 1” D-700 D-700 90˚ 90˚ 2” 2” Drywall Drywall 1 3 0˚ A N G L E T RIM S 130˚ • Designed for 130˚ external corner construction 1-1/2” or 2” 130˚ • F lange size and angle can be varied to meet design criteria vailable from stock with 2” x 2” or 1-1/2” x • A 1-1/2” 8 B A I L E Y M E TA L P R O D U C T S LT D . S T E E L T R I M S A N D A C C E S S O R I E S F O R D R Y WA L L C O N S T R U C T I O N D9 0 0 Z T RIM 1-1/4” olds rigid insulation in place and provides • H a face to fasten finishing (drywall, siding, etc.) A • Suitable for interior or exterior applications • Available in steel thicknesses up to 68 mils (14ga) 1-1/4” Stock A = 1-1/2” or 2” vailable from stock 1-1/2” X 2” insulation • A thickness S P E C I A L PROFILE S • S pecial profiles and custom shapes are manufactured from different steel thicknesses and widths up to 68 mils • Girts, battens and purlins are made to specification • Please inquire for availability by region R E TAI N ER TEE S TU D : FOR R I GI D I N SUL ATI ON D1 0 0 5 RE TAIN E R T E E ST UD 1-7/8” D-1005 Retainer Tee Stud Placed Between Adjoing Sheets of Rigid insulation Rigid Insulation 1/2” Drywall Screws Drywall • H olds rigid insulation against a masonry wall when placed between adjoining sheets • The top surface is knurled to easily accept screws to secure drywall • M anufactured from zinc-coated steel with pierced holes for securing the “Tee” to the masonry wall One Edge of Rigid Insulation Either Ship-Lap or Butt Insulation May Be Used Note: To Finish at Openings and Wall Junctions an Angle such as D700 is Recommended • H oles are 5/16” diameter spaced 6” o.c. to allow for greater flexibility 1-7/8” 1/2” WWW.BMP-GROUP.COM 9 F UR R I NG CHAN N ELS & TO P H AT SECTI ON S D1 00 1 DRY WALL FU RRIN G C HAN NELS • A hat-shaped framing accessory designed to “furr” out any surface for the application of the final finish (i.e. metal siding on steel studs, drywall on masonry, etc.) • Furring channel used in conjunction with cold rolled channel is the ideal system for the construction of a drywall ceiling • Install 1-1/2” cold rolled galvanized channel at 4’ o.c. suspended from floor joist or deck using the specified hanger wire (Lighter than #9 (gauge) wire should not be used) • Drywall furring channel is installed perpendicular to the cold rolled channel at 16” o.c. • Steel stud or D700 1” x 2” angle may be used for perimeter connection of gypsum board • Fully engineered in .018, .033 and .043 thicknesses • Contact us at for the published span tables Hanger Spacing 4’0” o.c. Maximum 1-3/8” 1 1/2” Cold Rolled Channel 4’0” o.c. Maximum Tie Wire 1-3/8” 7/8” 7/8” 2-3/4” 2-3/4” Drywall Furring Channel TO P H AT S E CT IO N S • Similar to D1001 Drywall Furring Channel, Top Hat sections are designed for areas where a wider face or a deeper section is required (roof purlins, etc.) • A vailable in .018, .033 and .043 thicknesses to enable construction over greater spans 10 B A I L E Y M E T A L P R O D U C T S L T D . S T E E L T R I M S A N D A C C E S S O R I E S F O R D R Y W A L L C O N S T R U C T I O N R E SI LI EN T CHAN N EL S YSTEM: F OR SOUN D CON TROL BAILEY RC PLUS™ DELIVERS SUPERIOR STC RATINGS* Although there are many products and techniques available to enhance sound attenuation between living spaces, resilient channel remains the most cost effective and commonly used technique. Bailey RC PLUS™ Resilient Channel is a single leg specially formed metal component that, when used to support the drywall (instead of directly fastening drywall to the studs or joists), greatly improves the sound transmission characteristics of the wall or ceiling assembly. 1-1/4” 1/2” 2-1/4” • Installs on wood or metal framing • National Research Council tested for Bailey Metal Products Limited • Use RC PLUS™ to meet sound ratings with less board, or use the same layers of board to get enhanced ratings • F eatures knurled face for easy screw penetration. Innovative slots punched in the metal web provide resiliency to reduce sound transmission through the steel • P re-drilled holes at 1" o.c. coordinate with web slots to offer inherent alignment of stud to web slots, thereby eliminating potential for installer error • T he unique design of the slotted web assists in faster, more accurate spacing and easier installation * Sound Transmission Class (or STC) is a rating of how well a building partition attenuates airborne sound W W W . B M P - G R O U P . C O M 11 STEEL TRIMS AND ACCESSORIES FOR DRYWALL CONSTRUCTION The technical data in this brochure is intended as an aid to the design professional and should not be used to replace the judgement of a qualified Engineer or Architect. • ST08IN16-2000 MONTREAL TORONTO CALGARY EDMONTON VANCOUVER 525 Avenue Edward VII Dorval, QC H9P 1E7 Tel. (514) 735-3455 800-263-3455 Fax. (514) 735-5052 1 Caldari Road Concord, ON L4K 3Z9 Tel. (905) 738-9267 800-668-2154 Fax. (905) 738-5712 3924 27th Street NE Calgary, AB T1Y 5K7 Tel. (403) 248-3536 800-665-2013 Fax. (403) 248-0288 101-5710 Roper Road NW Edmonton, AB T6B 3G7 Tel. (780) 462-5757 800-563-1751 Fax. (780) 450-3378 7715 Anvil Way Surrey, BC V3W 6A2 Tel. (604) 590-5100 800-818-2666 Fax. (604) 590-5105
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