MINI-REFINERY 1.DESCRIPTION OF THE EQUIPMENT 11. Footprint: length 16 m (52,5 ft), width – 10 m (32,8 ft); Mini oil refinery H-60 can produce: - Straight-run gasoline; 12. Dimension of equipment: Unit B-1: - Diesel fuel L or Z; length 10,06 m (33 ft), width 2,48 m (8,14 - Furnace oil ft), height 3,00 m (9,84 ft); Unit P-1: at oil or gas condensate field, or at oil product length 5,94 m (19,49 ft), width 2,48 m consumers area. Also, mini refinery can produce (8,14 ft), height in transport position kerosene and motor fuel. (except chimney) 2,55 m (8,37 ft), height Mini refinery can proceed both oil and gas in work position (including chimney) 8,0 m condensate without making any changes in (26,25 ft); construction. 13. Mass 25 t (55127 lbs); Oil production is organized quickly and doesn't 14. Life-time 6 years require huge capital investments. 2. COMPONENTS OF H-60 Mini refinery H-60 is completely automated, and ● Heater it requires minimum operating stuff. H-60 TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS 1. Crude capacity 36 ÷ 62,4 tons/day (460 2. Light products capacity 33,6 tons/day with one heater in a separate unit. Heater consists of two sections (radiant and convective sections), all-welded Weishaupt (Germany). This provides long and safe exploitation. Type of fuel for burners is (11400 gal/day); 3. Types of crude: oil, gas condensate, oil and gas condensate mixture; chosen by consumer. ● Technologic module 4. Maximum overpressure in devices 0,65 kilogram-forse/cm2 (9,3 PCL); Technologic module combines all the equipment of H-60 mini refinery. Technologic 5. Climate conditions: module is necessary for separation of raw temperature -40 ÷ +350 C (-40 ÷ 0 - equipped coils from steel AISI 309, burners made by bbpd) ; - is material according to boiling point of fractions. +95 F); ● ● Horizontal rectification device makes a relative humidity 0 ÷ 100%; wide range load oil rectification. It provides a 6. Voltage of external power circuit - 380 V; high quality of fraction separation clearness. 7. Approved electric power - 53 kWt; This device is all-welded; it can work in 8. Type of fuel diesel fuel, black oil, natural conditions of considerable horizontal deviation, including sea tossing conditions. Horizontal or liquefied gas; 9. Consumption of fuel for crude heating 54 kg/hour (16 gal/hour); 10. Personnel (per shift) - 2 PINTER WORKS 171/1/177 Rákóczi str., Kecel H-6237 rectification device is 1,9 times lighter than rectification column of the same output; exploitation is more easy. WWW.PINTERMUVEK.HU Tel. +36 78 420 551 Fax +36 78 420 551 E-mail: info@pinterworks.hu MINI-REFINERY ● ● Evaporators and reflux container and ●● Automated system of technological other containers provide stable work of pumps. process This guarantees constant high quality of oil functions: products. control performs collection - ● ● Pumps. Frequency of pumps work can be the of following technological information; regulated. It allows lowering power consumption - making automatic regulations; and noise to 30-40 %. Frequency transformers - anti-hazard protection; by Fuji Electric (Japan) enlarge resources of - distance logic control; pumps, so there is no need to duplicate pumps. - visualization of information; - making archives (saving information ● ● Heat exchangers save up to 40 % of heat for a long period of time, sending necessary for raw material heating. Depending on mini refinery output, heat exchangers can be information to higher operation system). of the following types: annular pipe, shell-and- Automated system of technological process tube, finned. Annular pipe heat exchangers are control is all-welded and non-collapsible, so oil products Yokogawa. can not mix with raw material. Shell-and-tube Operator's working place is based on SCADA and finned heat exchangers are used in mini system made by Citect (Australia) 3. CRUDE REQUIREMENTS refineries of increased output. ●● Air cooling devices are used for gasoline vapours condensation and based on controllers made by cooling of oil To provide normal work of mini refinery and good product output, the crude (oil or gas products. They are equipped with anti-spark condensate) for H-30 must meet the following frequency regulated fans. standards: Control ●● and measurements instruments installed in mini refinery are made 1.Content, % mass products; Hydrogen sulphide - absent Mercaptans - absent Sulphur - not more than 1% Paraffin - not more than 9% Water not more than 0,15% Chloride salt not more than 15mg/dm3 . 2.Fraction output below 3500 C – not less than - pressure in devices and conduits; 50% of crude - raw 3. After light fractions below 3500 C according to the State Standard. Their functions are to control and measure the following: - temperature of raw material and oil material and diesel fraction consumption; separation, residue will meet standards of fuel - level of liquid in devices; oil 100, State Standard 10585-75. - amount of combustible and 4. Crude must be stabilized. All gases up to C4 vapors at the working place of mini (including) must be removed. Saturated vapor refinery. pressure must be not more than 66,7 kPa. PINTER WORKS 171/1/177 Rákóczi str., Kecel H-6237 gas WWW.PINTERMUVEK.HU Tel. +36 78 420 551 Fax +36 78 420 551 E-mail: info@pinterworks.hu MINI-REFINERY 4. EQUIPMENT PLACEMENT Pipelines and cables are laid on steel To install a mini refinery on basis of small-sized bearings; cables placed in troughs, power oil refinery H-60, a building site 16x10 m cables and control cables placed in separate (52,5x32.8 ft) is required. It must be not less troughs. than 1000 m (3280 ft) far from inhabited area. Conditions of water supply, sewerage Storehouse workshop must meet the following system, lighting, lightning protection, fire requirements to provide everyday crude supply protection, accomplishment, etc. depend on and transportation of products: project of mini-refinery. - crude vessel 50 m 3 2 units - technologic vessels for oil products and other 50 m - 3 - 5 units vessels for high-octane components 20 m 3 – 2 units - emergency vessel (underground) 50 m3 - 1 unit If the crude is transported by railway, confluent railway rack and crude vessels are necessary. Crude and product vessels must meet need in products for 15-20. If the products will be transported by motor transport, loading rack (3 posts) is necessary. Technological equipment and technological vessels must be installed on trays to prevent oil products from getting into soil. Trays may be standard, made from reinforced Operating room must be situated in a capital building (30-50 meters (100-160 ft) from the mini-refinery). Operating room, laboratory and other services may be equipped in a block-module building. Electricity supply for mini-refinery H-60 is made according to II group. Above the crude and electricity, the following items are necessary: - diesel fuel or fuel oil (self fabrication) – 54 kg/h (16 gal/hour) - gasiform nitrogen in cylinders (8 units, 40 l (10 gal), 150 at (2150 PCL) for launching period It is necessary to equip a laboratory to control crude quality and quality of output oil products. If the crude contains water and sodium concrete. Vertical vessels must be placed so that bottoms were 0,5-1 meter (1,5-3 ft) higher chlorite, mini-refinery H-60 must be equipped with dehydrator D-60. than base of technological unit. Heater P-1 must be placed at one level with base of technological unit. Stud is made from steel weldless pipes. Power cables and control cables used in mini-refinery H-60 are shielded and have copper strands. PINTER WORKS 171/1/177 Rákóczi str., Kecel H-6237 WWW.PINTERMUVEK.HU Tel. +36 78 420 551 Fax +36 78 420 551 E-mail: info@pinterworks.hu MINI-REFINERY SIZE OF MINI-REFINERY H-60 RECTIFICATION UNIT B-1 HEATER P-1 FRONT TOP PINTER WORKS 171/1/177 Rákóczi str., Kecel H-6237 WWW.PINTERMUVEK.HU Tel. +36 78 420 551 Fax +36 78 420 551 E-mail: info@pinterworks.hu
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