Tourism-Insider Media Kit 2014 _English_


Tourism-Insider Media Kit 2014 _English_
Tourism Insider is the largest German, Chinese and English speaking online-magazine for tourism executives. Our main focus is an
authentic independent reporting in the tourism branch with a close view to worldwide interconnections. We publish highly topical
and explosive insider-knowledge out of the tourism branch with the fastest news about current trends and events, as well as
Marketing and PR news.We also work as a newsagency with and for international media.
We write about Tourism because it is the main part of our life!
Our target: the success of our partners
Facts and Figures
Tourism Insider reports about current affairs in the tourism industry. Of course, we are represented at all major trade affairs around
the world (WTM, ITB, IMEX, AIME, IT&CMA, ATM, ATF, MITTM, EMITT, IT&CM, CULTOUR etc.) and exclusively cover the newest
trends and events. Our third important column deals with the trends in political developments pertaining to the promotion and
development of tourism. Our readership works and represents the tourism industry and appreciates our first-hand reporting which
is edited by professional journalists.
We have 81.425 readers in 143 countries ( according to google analytics).
Also Tourism-Insider is acting as news agency – many of our articles will be published in other media
We are working in the fields of print,radio and TV
Readers of Tourism-Insider
International Area*
Tourism Industry
Banner Advertisements (Rates)
• Banner advertisements only on the home page
• Price for a linked horizontal banner (width 354
pixels, max. height 284 Pixels) for one month
• Direct Hyperlink to your website, monthly
• Exclusiv send out to our database
• Translation in german, english and
Chinese, per DIN A 4 page
* PR article written by the client
• PR article written by us
• Textlink
• We have more ideas for your MarCom – please contact us
• Organising your Pressconference or your Roadshow inclusig our contacts
All prices in USD
price on request
• Newsletters are issued to 81.550 tourism experts
around the world
• Once a week / 4 times a month
• German and English
• Coverage is advertisement-free
• All PR Coverage is Search Engine Optimized (SEO)
• This ensures a top ranking of the stories on popular search
engines, such as Google, Yahoo & MSN
• The PR Coverage is always shown on a separate page with one or
two photos
• Your brand fills the headline!
• Your home page is directly linked!
• Your recent articles are of course published as top stories!
Technical Data
Data requirements:
QuarkXPress, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Macromedia Freehand, Adobe Photoshop.
(Programs and Formats)
For PDF & EPS files, text must be embedded and files must be saved with a resolution of 72
dpi (CMYK) and include the original image data.
Advertisements and texts: -
Terms and conditions:
Business terms of the federation of the German press apply.
Team& Facts
Editor-in-Chief, Publisher
Joachim Fischer,
Advertising, Marketing
Ilja Pankow
IT, Technique
Max Beier
Language, Editorial Office
Antonin Voigt
Target audience:
Executives in the tourism industry, MICE, economy and politic
Founding year:
newsletter weekly. News in the web daily and breaking news
German, Chinese and English
Terms of payment:
Within 7 working days (net)
Schwedenstraße 15 b
13357 Berlin, Germany
Tel: +49 30 – 887 666 45
Fax: +49 (0) –3212 137 6378
Mobil: +49 173 40 77 947
Skype: fischerberlinde

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