Link - SAPERION Multisite Porta


Link - SAPERION Multisite Porta
Known Issues for Saperion versions 7.5.x and 7.1
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Table of Contents
Introduction .........................................................................................................
Known Issues - April 17, 2015 ............................................................................
2.1 DE39237: Unicode problem with SearchSQL and Oracle .................................
2.2 DE39246: Jadice WebViewer displays incorrect timestamp ..............................
2.3 DE39587: Rich Client: ENTER key doesn't begin search ...................................
2.4 DE40018: eFile can be deleted even if it has registers ......................................
2.5 DE40097: Can't open document folders in the Rich Client ..............................
2.6 DE40099: Sections of multi-page TIFFs don't archive correctly. ......................
2.7 DE40102: Refreshing workflow pool or group inbox doesn't work correctly ...
2.8 DE40104: Importer client closes after one import despite import time range .
2.9 DE40106: R/Link: KPI event not fired in a multi-tenant system .......................
2.10 DE40107: Multi-format viewer can't be used without a document viewer in
the query form ...................................................................................................
2.11 DE40109: Not possible to add note when document is opened with
EditIndex and linked document is edited ..........................................................
2.12 DE40111: Display problems when using the Client Server Virtual Viewer
Applet ...................................................................................................................
2.13 DE40115: Multi-client DDC without SysAclUserList can be used to create
applications ..........................................................................................................
2.14 DE40117: Incorrect handling of mirror media when using file system media .
2.15 DE40119: Problems with Office Integration link (insert) feature ......................
2.16 DE40121: Not possible to add a document in existing structure in document
tray ........................................................................................................................
2.17 DE40124: Multi-format viewer in index form causes rollback of archiving .......
2.18 DE40125: Editing structure from within the viewer behaves unexpectedly .......
2.19 DE40126: Snowbound: Documents not displayed properly ............................
2.20 DE40131: Calendar control in embedded index form doesn't work correctly ....
2.21 DE40132: Wrong handling of storing changed DDC in case of full media .......
2.22 DE40141: Snowbound: Certain PDF files cannot be viewed .............................
2.23 DE40220: *.tmp files in SAP barcode folder are not deleted ...........................
2.24 DE40226: Snowbound: Certain PPT files cannot be read when displayed .......
2.25 DE40227: Fulltext recognition in big text files leads to Rich Client and API call
hang .....................................................................................................................
2.26 DE40258: "User must change password at next login" function causes
hanging user sessions or licenses .....................................................................
2.27 DE40342: Editing the module user settings in the EventScript window leads
to log out .............................................................................................................
2.28 DE40375: Replace function deletes Unicode characters from string ................
2.29 DE40415: Opening index form with Office Integration results in maximized
Rich Client in foreground ..................................................................................
2.30 DE40428: In Workflow, docflow.DFUID is empty with onExit macro ...............
2.31 DE40446: Wrong WindowPositions entry causes query form problem ...........
2.32 DE40448: Workflow ends with error when invalid user in API .........................
2.33 DE40532: No refresh of index data in query forms when ACL on document ....
2.34 DE40551: Web Client server script doesn't work with client EventScript ..........
2.35 DE40605: Cannot send email from "Send" in the quick access toolbar ...........
2.36 DE40641: Renditions folder not cleaned up by Saperion .................................
2.37 DE40657: Settings for structure window are ignored ......................................
2.38 DE40706: Filename in viewer thumbnail section not correct ...........................
2.39 DE40712: Wrong file extension when downloading with SAP Web Viewer .......
2.40 DE40717: Single sign-on not handled correctly by Web Client ..........................
2.41 DE40734: Problem with key makes Adhoc workflow unusable ........................
2.42 DE40738: SER Connector does not handle SAP print lists correctly ................. 20
2.43 DE40779: Some searches in multivalue fields in the Web Client return
incorrect results ...................................................................................................
2.44 DE40824: Embedded viewer ignores compression setting when saving file ....
2.45 DE40910: Escalation date is incorrect for Timer Sequence Flow (interrupting)
2.46 DE41020: Office Integration: Rendition of oversize PDF results in cut-off
TIFF ......................................................................................................................
2.47 DE41021: Documents with known ID can be accessed via REST web services
by anyone .............................................................................................................
2.48 DE41046: Multiple selection in multivalue fields doesn't work in index forms
in the Web Client ................................................................................................
2.49 DE41049: Large multipage TIFFs can't be archived using UBI [SEB] ..............
2.50 DE41053: "Next Page" doesn't work for COLD documents ..............................
2.51 DE41058: Setting the drop-down list of a lookup field back to default doesn't
work ......................................................................................................................
2.52 DE41132: Deleting eFile files or registers via the navigation doesn't work
correctly ................................................................................................................
2.53 DE41164: Fields in embedded index forms need to be clicked twice ................
2.54 DE41189: The description for Event ID 8001 from source Saperion R/Link
cannot be found ................................................................................................
2.55 DE41191: JDBC timeout on database field conversion ......................................
2.56 DE41237: Logging function for check-in and check-out doesn't work ............... 26
2.57 DE41266: Unique fields in DDCs are not considered when creating or
changing documents in Classic Connector .......................................................
2.58 DE41320: Missing client type after failed SSO login in Web Client ...................
2.59 DE41402: Integration Server: Inconsistent events on eFile plans .....................
2.60 DE41404: Cursor doesn't appear in text field in index form when "Display for
Indexing" is selected ...........................................................................................
2.61 DE41493: API Application.RemainingOCRUnits does not work .......................
2.62 DE41620: Picea skin switches to Classic skin after logging back in .................
2.63 DE41622: Navigation area font turns bold after closing dialog box .................. 29
2.64 DE41640: "Several recipients" option is grayed-out in workflow designer .......
2.65 DE41706: User has revision access without appropriate privileges .................
2.66 DE41708: When database field is set to NULL, SetProperty has no effect on
it ...........................................................................................................................
2.67 DE41740: "Show full page" option in embedded viewer scales inconsistently .
2.68 DE41767: Groups that are not activated for workflow pool usage can be
selected as workflow receivers ...........................................................................
2.69 DE41768: Web Client result list: SYSROWID not used as unique field in
protocol table by default .....................................................................................
2.70 DE41766: Some .msg files are not rendered correctly by the Snowbound
render engine ......................................................................................................
2.71 DE41799: Drop-down for field with default values doesn’t work .....................
2.72 DE41824: Ribbon context menu for lookup tables ............................................
2.73 DE41853: sastub64.dll is not included in Saperion update ...............................
2.74 DE41854: Tooltip of document in the results list superimposed on Windows
application ...........................................................................................................
2.75 DE41858: mmcgw.dll and mmcrlink.dll must be registered manually ..............
2.76 DE41886: Documents in A4 format were not printed to A4 .............................
2.77 DE41900: Individual profile settings do not match ..........................................
2.78 DE41906: Drag & drop in eFile handling causes unintended multiselect
actions ..................................................................................................................
2.79 DE41910: Copy text from mask’s control Workflow history not possible ..........
2.80 DE41920: No localization of Workflow history ..................................................
2.81 DE41950: Office Integration: Can’t render attachments without archiving
original attachments ...........................................................................................
2.82 DE42044: Workflow: Users of nested organizational units are not usable .......
2.83 DE42059: Group.Addgroup does not work with Russian letters and Russian
code page ............................................................................................................
2.84 DE42083: Import empty currency field error ....................................................
2.85 DE42088: ClassicConnector logins hang when option “User must change
password at next login” is activated for user ....................................................
2.86 DE42089: Copy and paste of R/Link content repositories in MMC creates
wrong INI entries ................................................................................................
2.87 DE42164: Performance issue with Web Client workflow inbox when many
workflows run simultaneously ............................................................................
2.88 DE42257: Email client character encoding detection does not detect Saperion
emails as UTF-8 ..................................................................................................
2.89 DE42278: "Previous Link" button doesn't work ................................................
2.90 DE42294: 100% CPU when in high-load situation (wait event in media
database) .............................................................................................................
2.91 DE42295: Log messages are not written to the log file in high-load situations
2.92 DE42302: Multiformat viewer changed name of structure elements back .......
2.93 DE42318: Saperion Rich Client splash screen overlaps all other windows and
does not show a wait cursor .............................................................................
2.94 DE42337: ClassicConnector method getVersionIDs doesn't return initial
revision for documents created with Saperion version 7.1 ...............................
2.95 DE42354: Creating a global media pool causes exception in MMC when no
pool exists ............................................................................................................
2.96 DE42371: Deleted users/groups are not synchronized via LDAP .....................
2.97 DE42384: Sending email from context menu of the structure in document
preview does not work ........................................................................................
2.98 DE42387: For each document view, the Snowbound viewer creates additional
Tomcat sessions ..................................................................................................
2.99 DE42389: Thumbnails for documents generated in COLD are incorrect .........
2.100DE42432: Localization of jFileUpload Area in Web Client doesn’t work ...........
2.101DE42534: Using Document.SaveChanges with multipage TIFF results in large
files .......................................................................................................................
2.102DE42535: Favorites folder can be deleted ..........................................................
2.103DE42536: Document Tray: Buttons “Add page” and “Add all” don't work .......
2.104DE42755: Fulltext index field of text retrieval/retrieval Unicode shows no
results after editing application file ...................................................................
2.105DE42758: Drop-down list in the MMC lists multiple certificates .....................
2.106DE42777: Rich Client flickers when forms are opened by COM API ................. 49
DE39237: Unicode problem with SearchSQL and Oracle
Known Issues for Saperion versions 7.5.x
and 7.1 SP6
This document lists all known issues in current versions of (version 7.5 and 7.1 SP6). Issues are listed
by bug number, in chronological order from oldest to newest.
Refer to the documentation and the Best Practice guides in the Saperion documentation portal for more
details regarding each feature. In addition, please refer to the current technical specifications list for
useful information regarding the system.
Known Issues - April 17, 2015
DE39237: Unicode problem with SearchSQL and
When SearchSQL is used with a Unicode field, the total number of results does not appear when using
an Oracle database.
2.1.1 Workaround
None listed.
DE39246: Jadice WebViewer displays incorrect
When using the Jadice WebViewer, text annotations are displayed with the current timestamp instead
of the timestamp at creation.
2.2.1 Workaround
None listed.
DE39587: Rich Client: ENTER key doesn't begin search
In some circumstances, pressing the ENTER key does not begin a search.
Known Issues - April 17, 2015
2.3.1 Steps to reproduce
Open two query forms (non-embedded).
In the first form, open a document for indexing.
In the second form, enter a search criterion and click ENTER.
Result: A line break is added in the search field, instead of the search being carried out.
2.3.2 Workaround
None listed.
DE40018: eFile can be deleted even if it has registers
An eFile can be deleted even when it has registers. It should only be possible to delete eFiles that don't
have registers.
2.4.1 Workaround
None listed.
DE40097: Can't open document folders in the Rich
You can no longer open document folders in the Rich Client. Nothing happens, and errors appear in
MSSQL and Oracle.
2.5.1 Steps to reproduce
In the Rich Client, document folders inside personal folders cannot be opened.
In a personal folder, create a document folder.
Try to open a document folder.
Result: Nothing happens, document folder cannot be opened.
2.5.2 Workaround
None listed.
DE40099: Sections of multi-page TIFFs don't archive correctly.
DE40099: Sections of multi-page TIFFs don't archive
When you archive parts of a multi-page TIFF file, only the first page is shown, and the file can't be saved.
2.6.1 Steps to reproduce
Import a multi-page TIFF file containing many pages.
Split this up into multiple folder structures.
Archive a structure from the middle of the file.
Result: File archives correctly, but once archived, Saperion only shows the first page, regardless which
page is clicked. In addition, the file cannot be saved.
2.6.2 Workaround
None listed.
DE40102: Refreshing workflow pool or group inbox
doesn't work correctly
The workflow counter in the workflow pool does not reflect when the number of workflows in the inbox
is decreased.
2.7.1 Steps to reproduce
Using two Saperion clients, move several workflows into a group inbox.
In the first client, open a group inbox.
In the second client, remove a workflow from the group inbox.
Result: No update is completed, process runs a long time to no avail.
In the second client, put the workflow back into the group inbox.
Result: Update is done, as reflected in the workflow counter.
2.7.2 Workaround
None listed.
Known Issues - April 17, 2015
DE40104: Importer client closes after one import
despite import time range
Even when an import time range is configured in the import driver, the importer client closes after only
one import.
2.8.1 Workaround
Rearrange the events so that the ribbon event has the last ID.
In the user-specific archief.ini, reduce the event count for the import user by one, so that
the ribbon macro is not executed:
EventCount=7 (reduced by one)
DE40106: R/Link: KPI event not fired in a multi-tenant
The Java Core Server (JCS) doesn't fire the KPI event in a multi-tenant system.
2.9.1 Steps to reproduce
Store and assign a document via SAP (OAAD transaction).
Result: Error message in JCS log
2.9.2 Workaround
None listed.
2.10 DE40107: Multi-format viewer can't be used without a
document viewer in the query form
In Saperion version 7.5.x, it is not possible to render a file from the results list in the multi-format viewer
without adding the document viewer to the query form and activating it.
2.10.1 Steps to reproduce
Create an application in Saperion.
DE40109: Not possible to add note when document is opened with EditIndex and linked document is edited
In the query form, activate the multi-format viewer.
From the results list, select "Display" to display a PDF file.
Result: File is not rendered.
2.10.2 Workaround
Prior to version 7.5.x, it was possible to render a document without activating the viewer in the form.
In version 7.1 SP6, add the following section to the program.ini.
Restart the Rich Client.
Remove the viewer from the query form.
From the results list, select "Display" to display the PDF file.
Result: File is rendered.
2.11 DE40109: Not possible to add note when document is
opened with EditIndex and linked document is edited
It is not possible to add note when document is opened with EditIndex and linked document is edited
before you add the note.
2.11.1 Steps to Reproduce
Open an index form (link document) via macro with EditIndex in an embedded viewer.
Open the structure and click the linked document.
Add a stamp or a note.
Go back to the index form (macro button) and save the linked document.
Add a stamp or a note to the original document and save it.
Result: The note is not saved in the document.
2.11.2 Workaround
None listed.
Known Issues - April 17, 2015
2.12 DE40111: Display problems when using the Client
Server Virtual Viewer Applet
Display problems appear when the thumbnail toolbar is supposed to be displayed on the same side of
the Client Server Virtual Viewer as the annotations toolbar.
2.12.1 Steps to reproduce
ClientPreferences.xml, sample 1:
Result: Annotation toolbar is also removed
ClientPreferences.xml, sample 2:
Result: Problem displaying the thumbnail toolbar.
2.12.2 Workaround
None listed.
2.13 DE40115: Multi-client DDC without SysAclUserList can
be used to create applications
When you have a multi-client DDC that doesn't contain the SysAclUserList function, every client can
create applications and queries with the DDC.
2.13.1 Steps to Reproduce
Create a multi-client DDC with no SysAclUserList function.
DE40117: Incorrect handling of mirror media when using file system media
Create an application for each of two clients.
Archive a few documents with the first client.
Create an ACL with all administration rights for the first client.
Add the ACL to the documents.
Log in as the second client, run a query on the application.
Result: Documents are displayed without a lock symbol and are accessible. However, when you log in to
the first client with a user with no ACL rights and run a query, the lock symbol is shown.
2.13.2 Workaround
None listed.
2.14 DE40117: Incorrect handling of mirror media when
using file system media
When plug-in media are installed on the main server, and file system media are installed on the mirror
server, the automatic switch-over generates the wrong mirror media.
2.14.1 Workaround
None listed.
2.15 DE40119: Problems with Office Integration link (insert)
In the Office Integration (OI), linked documents are stored to a user's \Temp directory, but are not
deleted when the main document (containing the links) has been closed. This leads to the latest revision
of the linked document being opened, even when the "Always link to current revision" check box is
selected. There are also problems when checking the document in or out.
2.15.1 Steps to reproduce
Create an Insert Profile in the OI.
In Office, open an archived Office document for editing.
Insert a link in another Office document.
Result: Document is copied into the \Links directory in the user's \Temp directory.
Close the document and create a revision.
Known Issues - April 17, 2015
Result: Document in the \Links directory is not removed.
Open the main document again for editing.
Result: Linked document is also checked out, and the old revision is opened via the link.
Close the document.
Result: Linked document stays checked out.
2.15.2 Workaround
Delete the contents of the \Links directory and reopen the main document for editing.
Result: Linked document is not checked out, and link opens current revision.
2.16 DE40121: Not possible to add a document in existing
structure in document tray
After a TIFF document is imported into a structure in the document tray, it is not possible to add a
further TIFF into the structure.
2.16.1 Steps to Reproduce
Create a format rule for XSL files.
Import a TIFF document, and put it into a structure.
Import a second TIFF document.
Result: The structure is destroyed and the imported document is not in the correct location.
2.16.2 Workaround
None listed.
2.17 DE40124: Multi-format viewer in index form causes
rollback of archiving
Archiving of a structure is rolled back when the multi-format viewer is part of the index form.
2.17.1 Steps to reproduce
Create a structure that contains at least two PDF documents and a document of some
other format.
DE40125: Editing structure from within the viewer behaves unexpectedly
Drag the structure to an application which is linked with an index form that uses the
multi-format viewer (PDF).
Enter index data and confirm with OK or Save.
Result: The structure is not archived, and you get the following notice from the broker:
FinishTransaction: Rollback transaction [CSM-VM-01.0000091C,DE070A001C0013]=Ok :
rollback successful
2.17.2 Workaround
None listed.
2.18 DE40125: Editing structure from within the viewer
behaves unexpectedly
Editing unarchived files with the viewer and its thumbnail view works fine until you try to save the file
or close the thumbnail view.
2.18.1 Steps to reproduce
On a structure page, double-click in the document tray to open a document.
In thumbnail view in the viewer, delete some documents.
Result: The document structure changes in the tray as well as in the thumbnail view.
Closing thumbnail view, you are prompted to save the document. Click "Yes".
Result: The thumbnail view remains. Closing it again results in another prompt to save
the document.
Clicking "No" results in thumbnail view closing, and the document no longer contains the
deleted page and can be archived.
2.18.2 Workaround
Clicking "No" instead of "Yes" when closing thumbnail view in step 3, above.
2.19 DE40126: Snowbound: Documents not displayed
After importing and displaying a document in the Snowbound viewer, not all pages are legible.
2.19.1 Workaround
None listed.
Known Issues - April 17, 2015
2.20 DE40131: Calendar control in embedded index form
doesn't work correctly
A calendar control in an embedded index form doesn't work correctly when a document goes into Edit
2.20.1 Steps to reproduce
Embed an index form in a query form.
Note There must be a calendar control activated in the index form, and an Edit button
must exist as well.
Carry out a search with the query form, and in the embedded index form, click the Edit
button to edit the document.
Result: Calendar control can only be expanded when the check box has not been selected.
None listed.
2.21 DE40132: Wrong handling of storing changed DDC in
case of full media
Every index change to a document with a changed DDC on a full medium leads to the changed DDC
being written to the default medium
2.21.1 Steps to reproduce
Archive until your storage medium is full.
Make a change to the DDC.
Make index changes to existing documents.
Result: With each change, the DDC is written to the default medium.
2.21.2 Workaround
None listed.
DE40141: Snowbound: Certain PDF files cannot be viewed
2.22 DE40141: Snowbound: Certain PDF files cannot be
It is not possible to view certain PDF documents in the Web Client Snowbound viewer.
2.22.1 Workaround
None listed.
2.23 DE40220: *.tmp files in SAP barcode folder are not
Temp files for barcodes from SAP are not deleted. Instead, they remain in the SAP barcode folder and
appear in the OAM1.
2.23.1 Workaround
Delete the contents of the SAP barcode directory.
2.24 DE40226: Snowbound: Certain PPT files cannot be
read when displayed
Certain PPT files cannot be read when displayed in the preview in the Web Client due to poor quality.
2.24.1 Workaround
None listed.
2.25 DE40227: Fulltext recognition in big text files leads to
Rich Client and API call hang
2.25.1 Steps to reproduce
Doing a fulltext extraction for large files using either FileText in the Rich Client or via API call causes the
client to hang. Sample file size was approximately 574 Mb.
Known Issues - April 17, 2015
2.25.2 Workaround
None listed.
2.26 DE40258: "User must change password at next login"
function causes hanging user sessions or licenses
Selecting "User must change password at next login" can lead to an internal user session not ending.
The sessions are not cleared out by the session timeout. This can lead to all licenses being used up.
2.26.1 Steps to reproduce
In the Saperion user management, select the "User must change password at next login"
check box for an internal user.
Open the Web Client and go through login process.
Close the user profile dialog by clicking "Cancel".
Check session in the MMC.
Result: The user session hangs instead of ending, which can lead to all licenses being in
use. Even when you use the Task Manager to end the Rich Client, the session remains
active and is not cleaned out by the session timeout as expected.
None listed. It is difficult to recognize hanging sessions for Classic Connector logins.
2.27 DE40342: Editing the module user settings in the
EventScript window leads to log out
When you edit the module user settings in the EventScript window, you are logged out when you close
the window, and must log in again.
2.27.1 Steps to reproduce
Open the EventScript window "Scripts..." and select a script.
Click the [Module...] button.
Edit something (or not) and click [OK].
Close the EventScript window.
Result: You are logged out.
DE40375: Replace function deletes Unicode characters from string
2.27.2 Workaround
None listed.
2.28 DE40375: Replace function deletes Unicode characters
from string
2.28.1 Steps to reproduce
Kopiere russische oder andere Unicode Zeichen in ein Volltextfeld (zusammen mit anderem
Text) und führe anschließend folgendes Makro aus: Sub buttonClicked_Replace() Dim oUtil as
object Dim orgstring as string Dim newstring as string Set oUtil = Application.Utility orgstring =
Mask.Field("EX7_COMMENT") MsgBox orgstring newstring = oUtil.Replace("abc", "XXX", orgstring)
Msgbox newstring Set oUtil = Nothing End Sub Für dieses Beispiel sollte auch noch abc in dem Text
stehen, welches dann durch XXX ersetzt wird. Zusätzlich werden aber alle Unicode Zeichen gelöscht,
die aber nicht ersetzt werden sollten.
Copy Cyrillic or other Unicode characters to a fulltext field. Also include text like "abc"
which will then be changed to "XXX".
Execute the following macro:
Sub buttonClicked_Replace()
Dim oUtil as object
Dim orgstring as string
Dim newstring as string
Set oUtil = Application.Utility
orgstring = Mask.Field("EX7_COMMENT")
MsgBox orgstring
newstring = oUtil.Replace("abc", "XXX", orgstring)
Msgbox newstring
Set oUtil = Nothing
End Sub
Result: All Unicode characters are deleted, even though they weren't supposed to be
2.28.2 Workaround
None listed.
2.29 DE40415: Opening index form with Office Integration
results in maximized Rich Client in foreground
When you open an index form with Office Integration, a maximized Rich Client comes to the foreground.
Known Issues - April 17, 2015
2.29.1 Steps to reproduce
Set TwoScreenSystem=True (error doesn't happen when set to False).
Activate Late Index Mask.
Maximize the Rich Client and archive a document in Word.
Result: Maximized Rich Client comes to foreground
None listed.
2.30 DE40428: In Workflow, docflow.DFUID is empty with
onExit macro
Docflow.getproperty("DFUID") returns an empty strings instead of the DFUID.
2.30.1 Steps to reproduce
Create a basic workflow, with a Start, Task and End, and the following onExit macro in the
user task:
Dim dfuid as String
dfuid = Docflow.getproperty("DFUID")
MsgBox "DFUID: " & dfuid
Result: Docflow.getproperty("DFUID") returns an empty string
2.30.2 Workaround
None listed.
2.31 DE40446: Wrong WindowPositions entry causes query
form problem
A wrong entry for the query form appears in the [WindowPositions] section in the user-specific archief.ini.
It's unclear how the wrong entry ends up there, but it causes the form to open only as a diminished box.
2.31.1 Steps to reproduce
To mimic the error, in the archief.ini of your test user, make an entry such as the following:
DE40448: Workflow ends with error when invalid user in API
Loggin in as the user, open the query form in the client.
Result: The form appears as a small box. It is unclear how the incorrect entry ends up in
the archief.ini.
2.31.2 Workaround
The administrator must delete the incorrect entry from the user archief.ini file. The user can continue
to work until the error appears again.
2.32 DE40448: Workflow ends with error when invalid user
in API
When an invalid user is entered for Activity_GetUser, the workflow ends with an error, and there's no
entry in the XFDOCVECTOR for the DFUID from the document.
2.32.1 Steps to reproduce
Create a simple workflow, with Start, Edit and End.
In the Edit section, add a user selection per macro.
Create a simple macro and enter "win" for Activity_GetUser ("win") should be a
nonexistent user).
Run the workflow.
Result: An "Invalid User" error appears and the workflow locks. There's no entry in the
XFDOCVECTOR for the DFUID from the document.
2.32.2 Workaround
None listed.
2.33 DE40532: No refresh of index data in query forms
when ACL on document
Index data in a query form does not refresh for documents with an ACL on them.
Known Issues - April 17, 2015
2.33.1 Steps to reproduce
Create an application for the Rich Client (DDC plus index and query forms).
Add an additional field with index fields to the query form.
Create an ACL: administrator has all privileges, and user can only view.
Archive multiple image files in the application.
Apply ACL to some of the archived documents.
Log in as a user who has only read privileges for certain documents.
In the results list, switch between documents with ACL and those without, and observe
the index fields area in the query form.
Result: Index data does not refresh for the documents with the ACL.
2.33.2 Workaround
None listed.
2.34 DE40551: Web Client server script doesn't work with
client EventScript
When you create an OnItemDrag event, the result list server script for the Web Client doesn't work.
2.34.1 Steps to reproduce
Create a server script for the Web Client that creates a menu.
Test the script in the Web Client.
Result: Works.
Add an OnItemDrag event to the form for the result list.
Result: Menu is no longer shown in the Web Client. To reproduce the bug again, restart
the server.
2.34.2 Workaround
Use separate forms for the Rich and Web Clients.
2.35 DE40605: Cannot send email from "Send" in the quick
access toolbar
The "Send" command doesn't work from the Saperion quick access toolbar.
DE40641: Renditions folder not cleaned up by Saperion
2.35.1 Steps to reproduce
Add "Send" to the quick access toolbar.
Select a document in the results list and click the "Send" command you added.
Result: No dialog opens, document cannot be sent.
2.35.2 Workaround
None listed.
2.36 DE40641: Renditions folder not cleaned up by
When images are rendered by the client, they are temporarily stored to the \renditions folder, and then
deleted. Saperion does not automatically clean the folder.
2.36.1 Steps to reproduce
Use Office Integration to locally render with the 3-Heights printer.
Check the %appdata%\Saperion\renditions folder.
Result: File can be found in folder.
2.36.2 Workaround
None listed.
2.37 DE40657: Settings for structure window are ignored
Beginning with Saperion version 7.5.0, settings made with the structureMode parameter are ignored.
2.37.1 Steps to reproduce
In th results list, open a document for editing.
Result: Corresponding structure window is not always opened, and the "structureMode"
parameter defined in the [Setup] section is not evaluated.
2.37.2 Workaround
None listed.
Known Issues - April 17, 2015
2.38 DE40706: Filename in viewer thumbnail section not
In the \Temp directory, the timestamp is added to filenames to distinguish them from each other.
Unfortunately, the timestamp is still part of the filename when displayed in the viewer thumbnail view.
2.38.1 Steps to reproduce
The error was reproduced using a PDF Tools viewer.
For archiving, it doesn't matter if you use an index form with or without a viewer.
The following settings in the archief.ini were used.
Result: Filename includes timestamp when displayed in the viewer. This did not happen when the
RenderEngine was set to Snowbound.
2.38.2 Workaround
None listed.
2.39 DE40712: Wrong file extension when downloading
with SAP Web Viewer
When a PDF watermark is applied to a TIFF file and then downloaded with the SAP Web Viewer, the .tif
file extension is appended to the file, instead of .pdf.
2.39.1 Steps to reproduce
In the Web Client, archive a TIFF document.
Add a PDF watermark to it.
Display the file in the SAP Web Viewer and then download it.
Result: The .tif file extension is appended to the downloaded file, instead of .pdf.
2.39.2 Workaround
None listed.
DE40717: Single sign-on not handled correctly by Web Client
2.40 DE40717: Single sign-on not handled correctly by Web
When single sign-on is used in the Web Client, you run into problems with the cleanup timeout and the
session timeout.
2.40.1 Steps to reproduce
Configure the Web Client to use single sign-on (SSO).
Log in with SSO and let the Web Client sit idle for a while.
Result: The cleanup timeout function (defined in the archief.ini) executes before the
session timeout has expired. When the session timeout expires, an empty login dialog
box appears.
None listed.
2.41 DE40734: Problem with key makes Adhoc workflow
In some cases, it is not possible to use the Adhoc workflow in Saperion, although the required licensing
and key information is correct.
2.41.1 Steps to reproduce
Use a 64-bit non-client system and a DDC with unlimited SYSDOCFLOWDATA.
Create an application that includes an index and a query form.
Archive a document with the application, and start an Adhoc workflow.
Result: You get the following error:
DIAG Workflow RETC=2009[Request activity id # case activity id], PROCESS=ADHOC.0, DFUID=,
DOCUID=, USER=Administrator
ERROR Workflow: InvalidCommand
DIAG Workflow RETC=1004[InvalidCommand], PROCESS=ADHOC.-1,
DOCUID=7D23BEAFC83841420F00010000001900000000000000, USER=Administrator
Known Issues - April 17, 2015
2.41.2 Workaround
None listed.
2.42 DE40738: SER Connector does not handle SAP print
lists correctly
SAP print lists are not formatted correctly when provided by the SER Connector. The documents are split
SER files that are delivered by the SER Connector as multiple separate files instead of one file, and with
the incorrect content type: image/tiff instead of application/x-alf.
2.42.1 Workaround
None listed.
2.43 DE40779: Some searches in multivalue fields in the
Web Client return incorrect results
When searching on a value in a multivalue field, the Web Client only returns hits when you search for
the complete value. Searching for parts of the value, with or without wildcards, returns no hits.
2.43.1 Steps to reproduce
Create a DDC with a "character" index field, and select multivalue field. Do not define a
separator, so that comma is used by default.
Create an application consisting of index and query form.
Archive a document with the application, and, in the multivalue index field, enter multiple
index values, such as "house" and "child", separated by commas.
In the Rich Client, run a search on "hou" or "chi". Then run the same search in the Web
Result: In the Rich Client, the corresponding result is shown in the results list. In the Web Client, the
same search returns no hits. Even when wildcards are used ( * ), or with "ExactMatch=false" set in the file, the Web Client doesn't find anything. The Web Client only finds results when
one enters the complete word as the search criterion.
2.43.2 Workaround
None listed.
DE40824: Embedded viewer ignores compression setting when saving file
2.44 DE40824: Embedded viewer ignores compression
setting when saving file
When you save a document from inside the structure window in the embedded viewer, the viewer always
prompts to save without compression. Even when you have set the PicCompression parameter to 1 in
the user archief.ini, this setting is ignored.
2.44.1 Workaround
None listed.
2.45 DE40910: Escalation date is incorrect for Timer
Sequence Flow (interrupting)
In a workflow, when a weekend is involved in the Escalation Level, the escalation date is incorrect for
Timer Sequence Flow (interrupting)
2.45.1 Steps to reproduce
Create a simple workflow (Start, UserTask1, UserTask2, End).
Set an Escalation Level ("Timer Sequence Flow (interrupting)") with the timeframe
(workdays) large enough to include a weekend, and target Friday as the escalation date.
Result: Escalation skips Friday and happens two days later on Sunday, but the script is
not executed. Escalation works fine as long as no weekends are included, or as long as
escalation date is Monday through Thursday.
2.45.2 Workaround
None listed.
2.46 DE41020: Office Integration: Rendition of oversize
PDF results in cut-off TIFF
In rendering with the Office Integration or PDFTools: when an email attachment in Outlook contains an
extra-large PDF, only the centered part is rendered to TIFF format.
2.46.1 Workaround
None listed.
Known Issues - April 17, 2015
2.47 DE41021: Documents with known ID can be accessed
via REST web services by anyone
Using REST web services, you can call any document you know the ID for, regardless of access privileges.
When logged in to one client, you can call a client-specific document from another client, and ACLs are
not taken into consideration.
2.47.1 Steps to reproduce
Create a client-specific DDC, for client M01.
Archive a document and apply an ACL.
Deploy the web service and, in the web.xml file, define a second client (M02) as follows:
<description>The client for authorization. (Optional parameter, default: "")
Browse to the document and log in as client M02.
Result: You are able to access the document via the web service, in spite of the ACL.
2.47.2 Workaround
None listed.
2.48 DE41046: Multiple selection in multivalue fields
doesn't work in index forms in the Web Client
Multiple selection in multivalue fields doesn't work in index forms in the Web Client.
2.48.1 Steps to reproduce
In the Web Client, activate a multivalue field.
Select multiple values in that field in an index form.
Result: You can't.
DE41049: Large multipage TIFFs can't be archived using UBI [SEB]
None listed.
2.49 DE41049: Large multipage TIFFs can't be archived
using UBI [SEB]
Large multipage TIFFs can't be archived via the document tray, neither as a complete document nor as
a document split into individual pages.
2.49.1 Steps to reproduce
Using a large (53Mb) multipage TIFF document containing 178 pages, it can't be archived via the
document tray.
"InsertImage" method works for the individual pages (all 178 are attached to the document, as
confirmed in the debugger), but it's slow (5-6 seconds per page).
When the "Store" method is called, errors occur: The VM claims it cannot find the
"Basisfunctions!OnArchive" macro, even though it's there.
Individual pages can be archived with the document tray, but the customer gets a "the document
could not be completely archived" error message. Archiving is possible using the Rich Client.
None listed.
2.50 DE41053: "Next Page" doesn't work for COLD
The "Next Page" function in the viewer doesn't work for COLD documents.
2.50.1 Steps to reproduce
Open a COLD document for display, and click the "Next page" button in the viewer.
Result: Nothing happens, and the "Next document" button stops working as well.
2.50.2 Workaround
None listed.
Known Issues - April 17, 2015
2.51 DE41058: Setting the drop-down list of a lookup field
back to default doesn't work
In the forms editor, setting the drop-down list of a lookup field back to standard doesn't work
2.51.1 Steps to reproduce
In Saperion, open the forms editor to a form containing a lookup field.
Edit the drop-down list in the lookup field by deleting a row.
Right-click to execute the "Set back to default" command.
Result: Nothing happens.
2.51.2 Workaround
None listed.
2.52 DE41132: Deleting eFile files or registers via the
navigation doesn't work correctly
Deleting eFile files or registers via the navigation deletes the record, instead of simply changing the
2.52.1 Steps to reproduce
With an eFile containing SYSINDEXSTATE in the DDC, delete a file or a register in the
eFile form.
Result: The SYSINDEXSTATE field is filled with "65002" (correct behavior).
Now delete a file or register via the navigation.
Result: The record is completely deleted from the table.
2.52.2 Workaround
None listed.
2.53 DE41164: Fields in embedded index forms need to be
clicked twice
In an index form embedded in a query form, you have to click a text field twice in order for it to have focus.
DE41189: The description for Event ID 8001 from source Saperion R/Link cannot be found
2.53.1 Steps to reproduce
Create an application containing a query form with (in a new area) an index form. The
index form should contain an "Edit" button.
Archive documents using this application.
Select an entry in the results list and click the "Edit" button in the embedded index form.
Index fields can now be edited.
Result: To be able to enter index values in a field, you must click the field twice instead
of once (expected).
2.53.2 Workaround
None listed.
2.54 DE41189: The description for Event ID 8001 from
source Saperion R/Link cannot be found
When there is an error in the Saperion R/Link, the following is written to the event logging:
"The description for Event ID 8001 from source SAPERION RLink cannot be found. Either the component
that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can
install or repair the component on the local computer. If the event originated on another computer, the
display information had to be saved with the event."
2.54.1 Workaround
None listed.
2.55 DE41191: JDBC timeout on database field conversion
Under certain circumstances, the Web Client doesn't show data, or doesn't come back from a query, while
the Rich Client has no problems showing the same data. The problem seems to come from converting
data that are not available in Unicode format ("nvarchar"). These are converted from "varchar" to
"nvarchar", and with large volumes of data, this can take a long time. When conversions are run on small
amounts of data, you hardly notice it.
This is primarily a problem with the JDBC, since it doesn't take the field type into consideration during
queries. The conversion only takes place under certain circumstances: when the MSSQL server gets an
nvarchar request in a varchar field from the JDBC, the server decides, based on the collation that was
set up for that field, whether or not the data will be converted.
Known Issues - April 17, 2015
2.55.1 Steps to reproduce
To reproduce this defect, you need the following.
An MSSQL database with bad collation.
Varchar type fields containing a lot of data
A Web Client.
2.55.2 Workaround
Change the DB collation, for example to Latin1_General_CI_AS.
2.56 DE41237: Logging function for check-in and check-out
doesn't work
You can log check-in and check-out events, but when you select a log table, Saperion doesn't write to this
table, but to one in the DDC. This makes it impossible to log to two separate log tables based on events.
2.56.1 Steps to reproduce
Add a log table to a DDC.
In the client GUI, select a different log table for the "check-out" event.
Result: Nothing is added to the log table that was created for the "check-out" event, but only to the log
table in the DDC.
2.56.2 Workaround
None listed.
2.57 DE41266: Unique fields in DDCs are not considered
when creating or changing documents in Classic
When you archive a document with a DDC containing a unique field, the field isn't considered when you
use the Classic Connector. With the exception of counter fields, the type of field (character or numeric)
is ignored, making it possible to archive multiple documents with the same unique criterion.
DE41320: Missing client type after failed SSO login in Web Client
2.57.1 Workaround
None listed.
2.58 DE41320: Missing client type after failed SSO login in
Web Client
When a login to the Web Client with single sign-on (SSO) fails, and then the login dialog box is called
up, the client type is missing in the dialog box.
2.58.1 Workaround
None listed.
2.59 DE41402: Integration Server: Inconsistent events on
eFile plans
In an eFile project, adding or moving documents into registers results in inconsistently different events
for the Integration Server, depending on how the document is added.
2.59.1 Steps to reproduce
File new document directly from file system (such as Explorer) into Saperion eFile register
using drag & drop.
File new document from Saperion tray into Saperion eFile register using drag & drop.
Also copy existing document into another register using <CTRL> + drag & drop.
Move existing document into another register using drag & drop.
Observe events (shown in wrapper.log)
Result: Expected events, such as CreateDocumentEvent, UpdateDocumentEvent and
LinkDocumentToFolderEvent, are frequently missing from the log.
2.59.2 Workaround
To catch the missing CreateDocumentEvent, file the document via tray and not directly from Explorer.
Known Issues - April 17, 2015
2.60 DE41404: Cursor doesn't appear in text field in index
form when "Display for Indexing" is selected
When "Display for Indexing" is selected in the System Configuration dialog box, the cursor doesn't
appear in the text field in the index form. When you deselect the option, the cursor behaves as expected.
2.60.1Steps to reproduce
In Saperion, in the "System Configuration" dialog box, select "Display for indexing."
Drag a document from the document tray to an application.
Result: The index form opens but the cursor is not placed in any text field.
None listed.
2.61 DE41493: API Application.RemainingOCRUnits does
not work
When Application.RemainingOCRUnits is used in a function, it is ignored.
2.61.1 Steps to reproduce
Start a Saperion client on a Windows server (2008 R2 or higher).
Run the following process:
Sub OcrRemaining()
msgbox application.RemainingOCRUnits()
End Sub
Result: No error message, no message box, and no log entry. The line is simply skipped.
2.61.2 Workaround
Works on Windows 7.
DE41620: Picea skin switches to Classic skin after logging back in
2.62 DE41620: Picea skin switches to Classic skin after
logging back in
Picea skin switches to Classic skin after relogin, even when the skin is defined to be Picea in the Rich
Client. In the user-specific archief.ini, Skin=Picea is not updated to Classic.
2.62.1 Steps to reproduce
In the server program.ini file, make sure that the following setting is deactivated.
Log in to the Rich Client in the System Settings dialog box, select the "Picea" skin.
Result: Picea skin is activated.
Log out of the client and log in again.
Result: Classic skin is now activated.
None listed.
2.63 DE41622: Navigation area font turns bold after closing
dialog box
After closing the "Administration" dialog box in the user management, the font for the navigation area
turns bold, regardless of which skin is being used.
2.63.1 Steps to reproduce
In the Rich Client, navigate to Administration > User and select Administration.
Close the "User Management" dialog box.
Result: The font in the in the navigation bar on the left in the Saperion workspace is now
2.63.2 Workaround
None listed.
Known Issues - April 17, 2015
2.64 DE41640: "Several recipients" option is grayed-out in
workflow designer
To address multiple users in a workflow using a macro, you must activate the "several recipients" option.
However, since this option is grayed-out in the workflow designer when a receiver macro is selected, the
option is easily overlooked.
2.64.1 Steps to reproduce
In the Rich Client, create a workflow and create a new user task.
In the "Workflow user task" dialog box, click Next.
Select the "Selection macro" and select a macro (or not).
Result: In the "Workflow user task" dialog box, in the "Receiver Options" area, the "several
recipients" options are grayed-out.
Select "Several receivers" before you define the receiver macro.
2.65 DE41706: User has revision access without
appropriate privileges
When a user is in a group with a profile in which only "Query" is selected, the user can still read the
index data and revision history using a macro.
2.65.1 Steps to reproduce
Create an event in the results list for OnView:
Function OnView( controlId As Long ) As Boolean
OnView = False ' set to False if Event is handled by you End Function
For the results list, change the default action from "Edit" to "Display".
Create a profile in which only "Query" is selected.
Use that user to view a document from the results list.
Double-click the revision symbol.
Result: You get an error message, as expected.
Double-click the document to display it in the viewer.
DE41708: When database field is set to NULL, SetProperty has no effect on it
Result: Macro is executed. In the viewer you can select "Revisions" from the "Document"
menu, and see the revision history including index data.
2.65.2 Workaround
None listed.
2.66 DE41708: When database field is set to NULL,
SetProperty has no effect on it
When SetProperty is used to set a float index value to 0 where the value NULL is in the database, no
change is carried out on the database, however the value is updated in the document.
When there is already a value in the float field, such as 1, the update works, but only if there's no NULL
in the database.
2.66.1 Steps to reproduce
Create a DDC with a float field.
Archive the document and enter a number into the float field, such as 1.23.
In the database, set the value for the float field to NULL.
Using the "SetProperty" function, enter 0 in the float field.
Result: In the database, the float field value is still NULL, while in the document, the value
has been updated to 0.00 (as expected).
None listed.
2.67 DE41740: "Show full page" option in embedded viewer
scales inconsistently
"Show full page" option in an embedded viewer scales the display depending on the resolution of the
image being displayed. Scaling should not depend on resolution.
2.67.1 Steps to reproduce
In the forms editor, in a query form, integrate a document viewer and select "Save scale"
as well as "Show full page".
Known Issues - April 17, 2015
Archive the two sample files as image files, each with a separate structure.
Run a query and select the first image in the results list.
In the viewer you embedded in your form, select "Show full page".
Close the query form (application) to save the change in scale size.
Open the application again, and this time select the second file in the results list.
Result: Image is shown too small in the viewer window. If you save the scale size in the
viewer again and reopen the application and display the first image file, it is now shown
too large.
The expected result is that "Show full page" shows the actual full page, regardless of the
resolution (dpi) of the image file.
2.67.2 Workaround
None listed.
2.68 DE41767: Groups that are not activated for workflow
pool usage can be selected as workflow receivers
Groups that are not activated for workflow pool usage can be selected as workflow receivers. It would
make more sense to let the user only be able to choose groups that are also workflow participants.
2.68.1 Steps to reproduce
In Saperion, have two groups, one with workflow pool active, and the other without an
activated workflow pool.
Address a workflow to the first group.
Result: The workflow is shown in the group tray. Expected: Groups would not be shown
Address a workflow to the second group.
Result: The workflow isn't shown anywhere and thus cannot be worked on.
None listed.
DE41768: Web Client result list: SYSROWID not used as unique field in protocol table by default
2.69 DE41768: Web Client result list: SYSROWID not used
as unique field in protocol table by default
The Web Client results list doesn’t show the correct entries. Some are shown multiple times, and
sometimes the results vary. Only after another field was made a unique field in the DDC was the results
list correct.
2.69.1 Workaround
None listed.
2.70 DE41766: Some .msg files are not rendered correctly
by the Snowbound render engine
In the file included with this case, certain text is not rendered when the render engine is set to
2.70.1 Steps to reproduce
In the program.ini, activate rendering to PNG format:
Or, in version 7.5.x, make this setting in a query form for an application.
Archive the attached .msg file and display.
Result: Some of the text is not rendered.
Use the corresponding external viewer, such as Outlook, to display the file.
2.71 DE41799: Drop-down for field with default values
doesn’t work
When you have a field in a DDC that contains default values (for selection, not as a lookup table), and
then create a query form with this field, you can’t open the field in the query form. But the values are
selectable using the arrow keys.
Known Issues - April 17, 2015
2.71.1 Steps to reproduce
In a DDC, in a value field without a lookup table, add some default values.
Create a new query form.
Open the query form.
Result: The drop-down list doesn’t contain any values, but they can be selected using the
keyboard arrow keys.
2.71.2 Workaround
None listed.
2.72 DE41824: Ribbon context menu for lookup tables
When using lookup tables, if you deactivate „Edit“ and „Delete” in a query form, these functions are still
available in the ribbon context menu, even though clicking them doesn’t do anything.
2.72.1 Steps to reproduce
Create a query form for a lookup table.
In the accompanying results list, deactivate the “Edit” and “Delete” functions.
Create an embedded application with this form.
Use the form to execute a search, and then select an element in the results list.
Result: The “Edit” and “Delete” functions in the ribbon are not grayed-out. However, no
action is executed when they are clicked.
2.72.2 Workaround
None listed.
2.73 DE41853: sastub64.dll is not included in Saperion
When updating to Saperion version 7.5.3, the sastub64.dll file is not copied to the application\server64
directory, even though it’s available on the ISO. Also, no entry about this is logged in the installation
log file.
DE41854: Tooltip of document in the results list superimposed on Windows application
2.73.1 Workaround
None listed.
2.74 DE41854: Tooltip of document in the results list
superimposed on Windows application
When the Saperion Rich Client is open and another Windows program, such as Notepad, has focus, a
tooltip is shown in the Saperion results list and may be superimposed over the Windows program.
2.74.1 Steps to reproduce
Open the Rich Client and run a query in an application.
Open Windows Notepad and write some text.
Mouse over a document in the results list.
Result: A Saperion tool tip is shown, although the Rich Client doesn’t have focus.
2.74.2 Workaround
None listed.
2.75 DE41858: mmcgw.dll and mmcrlink.dll must be
registered manually
The “mmcgw.dll” and “mmcrlink.dll” MMC snap-ins must be registered manually when updating.
Corresponding errors, such as “Executing action RegisterSnapIns failed”, are written to the install log file.
2.75.1 Workaround
None listed.
2.76 DE41886: Documents in A4 format were not printed to
If you print documents with the format A4 from Saperion client, the documents does not print to A4
without "scale to page".
Known Issues - April 17, 2015
2.76.1 Steps to reproduce
Import an A4-format picture to Saperion.
You don’t have to archive it, and it doesn’t matter whether or not DocLoadOriginal was
used when importing.
Result: You get a print-out approximately A6-sized, in the A4 page (basically only the upperleft quarter of the document), even if you’ve used DocLoadOriginal. The original should
be left untouched.
2.76.2 Workaround
Use "scale to page", although this unfortunately modifies the original.
2.77 DE41900: Individual profile settings do not match
When using a profile with limited access, functions that should not be available to the user are marked
in bold text.
Expected behavior: Deactivated functions should only be bold once they have been activated.
2.77.1 Steps to reproduce
Create an access profile that includes „Index“, „Query“, „Display/Print” and “Edit”.
Log in to Saperion.
Result: In the ribbon, the Administration options are in bold text, even though these
functions are not available for the defined user.
2.77.2 Workaround
None listed.
2.78 DE41906: Drag & drop in eFile handling causes
unintended multiselect actions
When selecting multiple documents in an eFile application for dragging, additional documents are
included in the selection and dragged to the new location as well. The selection in the results list expands
for some reason.
2.78.1 Steps to reproduce
Add various documents to a register.
DE41910: Copy text from mask’s control Workflow history not possible
Open the register in an eFile application.
Open a results list and click the mouse to select a document (but don’t let go of the mouse
key) and drag the document.
Result: Multiple documents are selected.
2.78.2 Workaround
None listed.
2.79 DE41910: Copy text from mask’s control Workflow
history not possible
It is no longer possible to copy text from the „Workflow history“ form control.
2.79.1 Steps to reproduce
Add a form control to the workflow inbox.
Try to mark the text and copy it from the control.
Result: You can't.
2.79.2 Workaround
None listed.
2.80 DE41920: No localization of Workflow history
When working with a workflow in a given language, changing the language results in all tasks appearing
in the original language in the workflow history.
2.80.1 Steps to reproduce
Work in a workflow in one language.
Change to another language and look at the workflow history.
Result: It appears in the original language.
None listed.
Known Issues - April 17, 2015
2.81 DE41950: Office Integration: Can’t render attachments
without archiving original attachments
In the Office Integration, it is not possible to archive only the renderings of your attachments without
also archiving the original attachments. When you try to archive only the renderings, you get an error
message ("The rendering has failed. Please try again.")
2.81.1 Workaround
None listed.
2.82 DE42044: Workflow: Users of nested organizational
units are not usable
In a workflow user task, a user groups that was created in a lower level cannot be selected as receiver
when the workflow user task was created at the top level and the receiver was defined as the highest
organizational unit.
2.82.1 Workaround
You must also define the lower level organizational units as receivers in the workflow.
2.83 DE42059: Group.Addgroup does not work with
Russian letters and Russian code page
Group.Addgroup does not work with Russian letters and Russian code page.
2.83.1 Steps to reproduce
Execute the following macro with a Russian code page:
sub TestLeonid()
Dim oGroups As Object
Dim oGroup As Object
Dim oParentGroup As Object
Dim sNewGroupName As String
Dim sParentGroupName As String
sNewGroupName = "#####"
sParentGroupName = "level3"
Application.AddGroup sNewGroupName
Application.AddGroup sParentGroupName
DE42083: Import empty currency field error
Set oGroups = Application.Groups
If sParentGroupName <> ""
Then For Each oGroup In oGroups
If oGroup.FullName = sParentGroupName
Then Set oParentGroup = oGroup
oParentGroup.AddGroup sNewGroupName
Exit For
End If
End If
end sub
Result: The "oParentGroup.AddGroup sNewGroupName" line doesn't work until the code
page is set to English or German.
2.83.2 Workaround
Use English code page
2.84 DE42083: Import empty currency field error
When you export a document with an unfilled currency field (NULL) and then import the document,
you get an error message ("Please enter a decimal number"). However, the field is not a required field
in the DDC.
2.84.1 Steps to reproduce
Prerequisite: In the database, the currency field must contain NULL and not "0".
In a result list, select a document with an empty currency field.
In the Start ribbon, click Export > As file > Save as type Scenario, and enter a name.
Open the DDC file and on the Properties tab, click Import > As File > Save as type Scenario.
Select previously-exported file.
Result: Error message appears.
None listed.
Known Issues - April 17, 2015
2.85 DE42088: ClassicConnector logins hang when
option “User must change password at next login” is
activated for user
A Classic Connector or Web Client login is not possible when the user is supposed to change his
password at the next login. A message box is generated in the server process, causing the login thread
on the server to hang, and the request never returns. When you login with a debugger and skip over the
message box, login works.
2.85.1 Workaround
Execute the JCS Service as a "Local System" user. Note that logging in via Classic Connector may be slow.
2.86 DE42089: Copy and paste of R/Link content
repositories in MMC creates wrong INI entries
You can manually edit the archief.ini file to increase the content repository and user counts, as well as
add R/Link user sections.
However, when you want to increase the counts using copy and paste in the Saperion R/Link MMC,
incorrect entries are created in the INI file.
2.86.1 Workaround
None listed.
2.87 DE42164: Performance issue with Web Client workflow
inbox when many workflows run simultaneously
When you run 20 - 30 workflow simultaneously on a document, and then right-click a workflow in the
Web Client, the context menu takes about 10 seconds to open.
When only one workflow is being executed on a document, performance is fine.
2.87.1 Steps to reproduce
Start a lot of workflows on one document.
Activate Hibernate and ODBC logging.
Right-click in a workflow in the inbox to open the context menu.
DE42257: Email client character encoding detection does not detect Saperion emails as UTF-8
Result: When 20 to 30 workflows are started, the context menu takes approximately 10
seconds to open.
2.87.2 Workaround
None listed.
2.88 DE42257: Email client character encoding detection
does not detect Saperion emails as UTF-8
The depiction of special characters in Saperion email is not correct in email clients such as Outlook or
Thunderbird. Saperion emails are supposed to be encoded as UTF-8, but the emails are displayed with
the default encoding (Western European).
Emails sent by Saperion contain information claiming they are encoded as UTF-8, but this seems to
apply only to the email subject.
2.88.1 Steps to reproduce
Send email to a workflow. The email should contain diacritical marks such as umlauts
and accents.
Check the emails in a mail client such as Outlook.
Result: Corrupted characters where the diacritical marks should be.
2.88.2 Workaround
None listed.
2.89 DE42278: "Previous Link" button doesn't work
When you open a link from inside a document, it is not possible to return to the original document using
the "Previous Link" button.
2.89.1 Workaround
None listed.
Known Issues - April 17, 2015
2.90 DE42294: 100% CPU when in high-load situation (wait
event in media database)
100% CPU when in high load situation (wait event in media database).
None listed.
2.91 DE42295: Log messages are not written to the log file
in high-load situations
Log messages are not written to the log file in high-load situations.
2.91.1 Workaround
None listed.
2.92 DE42302: Multiformat viewer changed name of
structure elements back
For certain file types, when you rename structure elements and archive the structure, after rendering the
old filenameis shown the viewer structure window.
2.92.1 Steps to reproduce
Activate rendering in viewer (such as Snowbound) for PDF.
Configure the viewer in the forms editor so that the structure is shown.
Add a document, such as a DOCX file, to the document tray, and give it a structure.
Rename the document inside the structure, and archive it.
Archive the document.
Do a search and start rendering.
Result: In the structure window of the viewer, the old document name appears. But if you
only call the structure from the result list, you see the new/changed name.
DE42318: Saperion Rich Client splash screen overlaps all other windows and does not show a wait cursor
None listed.
2.93 DE42318: Saperion Rich Client splash screen overlaps
all other windows and does not show a wait cursor
Saperion Rich Client splash screen overlaps all other windows and does not show a wait cursor.
2.93.1 Steps to reproduce
Start the Saperion Rich Client.
Result: When the start is slow, there is no wait cursor to let the user know that Saperion is
still active. Also, the splash screen overlaps all other windows, and cannot be minimized
or hidden.
2.93.2 Workaround
None listed.
2.94 DE42337: ClassicConnector method getVersionIDs
doesn't return initial revision for documents created
with Saperion version 7.1
When a document has been archived with Saperin version 7.1 or earlier, the archive version of the
document is missing when available revisions are displayed via Classic Connector or the Web Client.
In documents archived with version 7.5, the archive version is included.
2.94.1 Steps to reproduce
Archive a document using Saperion version 7.1.
Update Saperion. Alternatively, delete the initial revision of a document archived in version
Call the ClassicConnector method "getVersionIDs" on the document.
Result: Initial revision ID is missing.
Modify the database function "getrevisions". Contact Support for more details.
Known Issues - April 17, 2015
2.95 DE42354: Creating a global media pool causes
exception in MMC when no pool exists
When you try to add a global pool in the MMC after installing, the Saperion snap-in fails with an error
2.95.1 Steps to reproduce
Complete a new installation.
In the MMC, add global pool.
Result: The Saperion snap-in fails, with the following error message.
EXCEPTION unhandled: WHOLE-OVERFLOW at FolderDialogs.445
2.95.2 Workaround
In the server program.ini file, add the following parameter to the [Archive.Folders] section.
2.96 DE42371: Deleted users/groups are not synchronized
via LDAP
When you delete a user directly in the user management, the user is not synchronized with LDAP, even
when the user meets filter requirements.
2.96.1 Steps to reproduce
Run LDAP sync in a client.
Delete a user from the Saperion user management.
Run the sync again.
Result: User remains deleted.
Reactivate the user in the database by setting SYSINDEXSTATE to 0.
DE42384: Sending email from context menu of the structure in document preview does not work
2.97 DE42384: Sending email from context menu of the
structure in document preview does not work
Sending email from context menu of the structure in document preview does not work.
2.97.1 Steps to reproduce
Display a document in the viewer.
In the structure view context menu, select "Send as copy".
Result: It doesn't work.
2.97.2 Workaround
Send from the context menu under the thumbnail view.
2.98 DE42387: For each document view, the Snowbound
viewer creates additional Tomcat sessions
In the Web Client, when you use the Snowbound viewer to view a document, a separate Tomcat session
is created for each view. The session remains until the session timeout, so the session count and storage
use (heap size) increase. The higher the user count and the more documents being viewed, the more
sessions are created.
When the heap size maximum is reached, Java garbage collection is executed, which can cause the CPU
to approach 100% use. This only happens when the "httponly" session flag is set, which is a default
setting in Tomcat 7.
2.98.1 Steps to reproduce
Use Tomcat version 7 with the default settings.
In Jconsole, check the session count.
View various documents in the Web Client and check the session count.
Result: The session count increases with each additional document viewed.
In the Tomcat context.xml file, set "httponly" to false, as shown in the following sample code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Context xmlBlockExternal="false" useHttpOnly="false">
<Manager className="org.apache.catalina.session.StandardManager" pathname="">
Known Issues - April 17, 2015
2.99 DE42389: Thumbnails for documents generated in
COLD are incorrect
In documents created in COLD, the thumbnail view has errors. The background image is shown in the
first three thumbnail images. The first document in the structure is shown as missing, and there are no
thumbnails for the second and following documents.
2.99.1 Workaround
None listed.
2.100DE42432: Localization of jFileUpload Area in Web
Client doesn’t work
When messages are shown in the Web Client Upload area, they aren't necessarily in the
language the Web Client is set to. Various German localization strings are missing from the file. Modifying the file has no effect.
2.100.1Steps to reproduce
Delete the Tomcat \work directory and any applets cached locally.
Restart Tomcat.
Log in to the Web Client (in German) and select an application.
Drag two documents to the Upload area to get the error message.
Result: English string ("Only a single document is allowed to upload.") is displayed.
Modifying the file doesn't change anything.
None listed.
DE42534: Using Document.SaveChanges with multipage TIFF results in large files
2.101 DE42534: Using Document.SaveChanges with
multipage TIFF results in large files
When you use InsertImage to add a multipage TIFF file to a new document (NewDoc), Saperion creates
a structure with a number of pages, as expected. Each individual page is about 40Kb in size. Execute
Document.Store, and all behaves as expected.
When Document.Load is used to load a previously-archived document, and you add another multipage
file to it with the same InsertImage command and then execute Document.SaveChanges, each page is
now the size of the complete original file. This fills up the medium very quickly.
2.101.1Steps to reproduce
Execute the following macro:
sub Import_grosse_Rechnung
dim oCur as object
dim oDoc as object
dim ok as boolean
const sFile = "C:\temp\EINGANGSRECHNUNG.tif"
set oDoc = Application.CreateDoc
oDoc.DBname = "Test1"
ok = oDoc.SetProperty("Name", "Storniert2")
'ok = oDoc.SetProperty("Barcode", "20150402005")
oDoc.InsertFile "C:\temp\Hallo_Welt.txt"
'oDoc.InsertFile sFile
ok = oDoc.Store
'exit sub
msgbox "Store: " & cstr(ok)
ok = oDoc.LoadLink
oDoc.InsertImage sFile, 0, false, false, true
ok = False
' ok = oDoc.Store
ok = oDoc.SaveChanges
msgbox cstr(ok)
set oDoc = Nothing
end sub
Result: A file per page is created on the medium, and each file is as large as the original
multipage TIFF file.
None listed.
Known Issues - April 17, 2015
2.102DE42535: Favorites folder can be deleted
When you delete the last "favorite" by navigating to Folder > Edit > Delete, the "Favorites" folder itself
can be deleted, and there's no easy way to restore it.
2.102.1Steps to reproduce
Run a query in any Rich Client application.
Make the query a favorite by navigating to Sart > Search > to Favorites.
Saperion automatically switches to the Favorites folder in the Rich Client workspace.
Delete all existing favorites by navigating to Folder > Edit > Delete.
Result: Once all the favorites have been deleted, the Favorites folder itself is selected, and
can now be deleted via Folder > Edit > Delete.
None listed.
2.103 DE42536: Document Tray: Buttons “Add page” and
“Add all” don't work
The "Add page" and "Add all" buttons in the document tray (and in the "Document Tray" ribbon) don't
work. "Add page" should add a page with the selected document structure, while "Add all" should add
all pages of the selected document structure. Neither button does anything.
None listed.
2.104DE42755: Fulltext index field of text retrieval/retrieval
Unicode shows no results after editing application file
After editing an archived document (application file) in a result list in a query form in the Rich Client,
the fulltext or fulltext Unicode fields are no longer filled.
2.104.1Steps to reproduce
Create a DDC with fulltext and fulltext Unicode index fields.
Create an application with an index and a query form for the Rich Client.
DE42758: Drop-down list in the MMC lists multiple certificates
Activate the fulltext property in the ODBC database source in the Saperion MMC.
Edit the index form again, by defining filetext for the two fulltext fields.
Edit the query form again, by adding the fulltext fields.
Restart the Saperion server.
Archive a PDF or text file in the application, and close the dialog box that opens.
Result: The fulltext fields in the result list are empty. This doesn't happen with image files.
Create a revision of the document.
2.105 DE42758: Drop-down list in the MMC lists multiple
The drop-down list in the MMC lists multiple certificates
2.105.1Steps to reproduce
Open the MMC and under the "R/Link Server" select the certificates tab.
Click the certificate. A drop-down list opens.
Result: The list shows multiple certificates, when it should only show one.
None listed.
2.106DE42777: Rich Client flickers when forms are opened
The Rich Client flickers when forms are opened using the COM API, such as with the
application.openquery method.
2.106.1Steps to reproduce
Run a script with the application.openquery method.
Result: The main window of Saperion is re-initialized and flickers.
None listed.
Known Issues - April 17, 2015