Portsmouth Cathedral Financial Statements 31.12.14
Portsmouth Cathedral Financial Statements 31.12.14
FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 THE CATHEDRAL CHURCH OF ST THOMAS OF CANTERBURY PORTSMOUTH PORTSMOUTH CATHEDRAL ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 PREFACE This year’s Annual Report and Audited Accounts has been produced in accordance with the 2006 Accounting and Reporting Regulations for English Anglican Cathedrals, prepared for the Association of English Cathedrals and specified by the Church Commissioners, under Section 27 of the Cathedrals Measure 1999. A copy of the Regulations may be read in the reception area of the Cathedral office. A simplified version of the accounts is again being made available at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting this year, together with a full report of the activities of the Cathedral and its various groups. To reduce printing costs, this formal version of the report will be made available on the Cathedral website: www.portsmouthcathedral.org.uk. Paper and large print copies can be made available for those who wish to have them; please ask for a copy from my Personal Assistant in the Cathedral Office, telephone: 023 9289 2963, email: liz.snowball@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk. David Brindley Dean of Portsmouth PORTSMOUTH CATHEDRAL ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE DETAILS Page Legal and administrative details 1–2 Mission 3 Structure, governance and management 4–5 Review of activities 6 – 10 Independent auditor’s report 11 Statement of financial activities 12 Balance sheet 13 Accounting policies 14 - 15 Notes to the accounts 16 – 24 Report on investments 25 - 26 PORTSMOUTH CATHEDRAL ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE DETAILS Members of the Chapter The Very Revd David Brindley, Dean of Portsmouth The Revd Canon Peter Leonard, (from April 2014) Canon with Responsibility for Discipleship, Growth and Community Outreach The Revd Canon Nicholas Ralph, Diocesan Head of Mission and Society & Social Responsibility Adviser, Diocese of Portsmouth The Revd Canon Dr Anthony Rustell (from November 2014) Head of Mission, Discipleship and Ministry, Diocese of Portsmouth The Revd Canon Michael Tristram, Canon with responsibility for Liturgy and Music Mrs Fiona Alsop (from December 2014) Mr Jeremy Barrett Mrs Caroline Speller (Chairman of the FIC) Miss Hilary Spurgeon Other members during 2014 The Revd Canon David Isaac (to September 2014), Mrs Ann Wilson (to September 2014) In attendance The Chapter Clerk The Churchwardens: Emeritus Professor Michael Purvis and Mrs Susan Ward The Assistant Curate The Dean’s PA as Secretary Members of the Finance and Investment Committee Mrs Caroline Speller (Chairman) The Very Revd David Brindley (Dean, ex officio) The Revd Susan Judd Ms Hilary Meades The Revd Canon Michael Tristram Other members during 2014 Mr Frank Reid and Ms Michelle McGrade (to September 2014) In attendance The Chapter Clerk Members of the Fabric Advisory Committee Mr Deane Clark (Acting Chairman) The Revd Canon Jeremy Davies Mrs Ann Elliot Dr Karen Fielding (from November 2014) Mr Robert Hunt Mrs Jane Jones-Warner Mr John Pike Emeritus Professor Michael Purvis Other members during 2014 Ms Rolly Thomas (to September 2014) In attendance The Dean The Cathedral Architect The Cathedral Archaeologist The Chapter Clerk as Secretary to the FAC Mrs Finni Robertson-Golden - Observer The Dean’s PA as Assistant Secretary to the FAC Page 1 PORTSMOUTH CATHEDRAL ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE DETAILS Members of the Cathedral Council The Dean Mr James Blott Mr David Carpenter Sir John Chadwick Mrs Shirley Grayson-Smith The Revd Wendy Kennedy Councillor Robert New (from June 2014) Dr David Price Canon Susan Rodgers The Revd Canon Dr Anthony Rustell (from November 2014) Dr Samantha Sartain Mr Nicholas Speller Commodore Andrei Spence Royal Navy Miss Hilary Spurgeon Others serving in 2014 Major General Martin White (to June 2014) , The Revd Canon David Isaac (to September 2014) Mrs Samantha Keen (to July 2014), Councillor Philip Smith (to May 2014) In attendance The Bishop of Portsmouth The Chapter Clerk as Clerk to the Council The Dean’s PA as Secretary Cathedral Administrator, Chapter Clerk, Clerk to the Cathedral Council and Secretary to the Fabric Advisory Committee Mr Peter Sanders Cathedral Offices 64-68 St Thomas’s Street Old Portsmouth Hampshire PO1 2HA Cathedral Organist and Master of the Choristers Dr David Price Cathedral Architect Mr Simon L. Ablett Ablett Architects Kingfisher House 21-23 Elmfield Road Bromley Kent BR1 1LT Bankers Lloyds Bank 2-4 Palmerston Road Southsea Hampshire PO5 3QH Archaeological Consultant Mr Richard Whinney 9 Pinegrove Road Sholing Southampton Hampshire SO9 2PD Solicitors Brutton & Co West End House 288 West Street Fareham Hampshire PO16 0AJ Page 2 Auditors Blue Spire South LLP Cawley Priory South Pallant Chichester West Sussex PO19 1SY PORTSMOUTH CATHEDRAL ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 REPORT OF THE CHAPTER STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Encountering God through transformative worship, challenging discipleship, generous hospitality and prayerful engagement. Portsmouth Cathedral is a distinctively spiritual and prayerful space, into which everyone is welcome to come; a Christian community committed to promoting social justice, equality and compassion. In grateful response to God’s goodness we will act ethically and responsibly in managing our resources and in caring for the environment. Transformative Worship We will be a centre of excellence for liturgy and music. Our worship will be beautiful, relevant, creative and engaging. It will be transformative in that each act of worship offered and experienced will leave us changed and better prepared to serve God in the world. Challenging Discipleship We will provide a wide range of educational opportunities for children, young people and adults which will deepen our understanding of the Christian faith and how it relates to the world in which we live. It will develop our spirituality and challenge us to model our lives after the example of Jesus Christ. Generous Hospitality We will be an inclusive Christian community where all are welcomed. We will model our life together so that we can offer not only an initial welcome but ongoing hospitality to regular members, occasional visitors, concert goers, exhibition visitors, the local community, the City and the Diocese of Portsmouth. Prayerful Engagement Our pattern and rhythm of prayer and worship will equip us to serve our local parish community, the City of Portsmouth, the Bishop, the Diocese and beyond in relevant practical ways which have a positive impact on the lives of others and help to build the Kingdom of God. GOALS AND KEY ACTIONS • • • • • • • • • Demonstrate God’s love by being an inclusive Christian community where all are welcomed. Support the Bishop of Portsmouth in his teaching and pastoral role and be a readily available resource for the Diocese of Portsmouth. Enhance our exceptional liturgy and music so that the Cathedral is seen as a centre of excellence for worship, draws people in and engages them. Develop the service offered through weddings, baptisms and funerals. Explore new ways of worship in order to engage as many people as possible. Ensure internal and external communications are effective and everyone can access the information they require easily. Raise awareness of the Cathedral and all that it offers. Establish the Cathedral as a recognised place for exploration and engagement with a wide range of national and global faith, social, political and environmental issues. Introduce an annual theme which provides a clear and dynamic focus for the Cathedral Community. Page 3 PORTSMOUTH CATHEDRAL ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 REPORT OF THE CHAPTER • • • • • Begin a programme of child, youth and adult education in Christian spirituality and faith. Develop the compassionate pastoral care offered into an accessible and sustainable model. Support the work of, and connection with, the Cathedral Innovation Centre. Protect and enhance all Cathedral buildings and landscape so that we can offer a warm welcome and they can be used effectively and creatively for worship and hospitality. Be responsible stewards of all that God has given to us including money, buildings, time, talents and natural resources. STRUCTURE AND MANAGEMENT (GOVERNANCE) The authorities listed in this section each have a specific role in the governance of the Cathedral. The Chapter of the Cathedral The Cathedrals Measure 1999 requires that it shall be the duty of the Chapter to direct and oversee the administration of the affairs of the Cathedral and in particular, to: Order the worship and promote the mission of the Cathedral; Formulate, after consultation with the Bishop, proposals in connection with the general direction and mission of the Cathedral and submit them to the Council for its advice; Prepare an annual budget for the Cathedral; Submit to the Council the annual report and audited accounts prepared by the Chapter and such other reports as may be requested by the Council on any matter concerning the Cathedral; Submit to the College of Canons the annual report and audited accounts prepared as aforesaid; Keep under review the Constitution and Statutes of the Cathedral and submit any proposals for their revision to the Council; Manage all property vested in the Cathedral and the income accruing from it and, in particular, ensure that necessary repairs and maintenance in respect of the Cathedral and its contents and other buildings and monuments are carried out, and Perform such other functions as may be prescribed. The Chapter is also responsible under the requirements laid down by the Church Commissioners under the powers given them by Section 27 of the Cathedrals Measure 1999 for: Preparing and publishing an annual report and audited accounts which give a true and fair view of the financial activities for each financial year and of the assets, liabilities and funds at the end of each financial year of Portsmouth Cathedral and its related entities; Stating that they have complied in all material respects with the guidelines on the subject prepared by the Association of English Cathedrals or describing which recommendations have not been complied with and giving reasons for the non-compliance; Selecting suitable accounting policies and then applying them consistently; Page 4 PORTSMOUTH CATHEDRAL ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 REPORT OF THE CHAPTER Making judgments and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; Keeping proper accounting records from which the financial position of the Cathedral can be ascertained with reasonable accuracy at any time; and safeguarding the assets of the Cathedral and taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities. A list of Chapter members is shown on page 1. Finance and Investment Committee The Constitution requires the setting up of a Finance Committee, known as the Finance and Investment Committee (FIC), with the function of advising the Chapter in connection with its responsibilities in the field of financial and investment management. Chapter receives and acts with the guidance and the advice given to it by FIC. The Chapter appoints the members of this Chapter sub-committee. During the year Mr Frank Reid retired and Ms Michelle McGrade resigned. The Members of the Committee are listed on page 1. Fabric Advisory Committee Under the Care of Cathedrals Measure 1990, the Fabric Advisory Committee (FAC) is responsible to the Cathedrals Fabric Commission for England and considers applications from the Chapter in regard to proposed development of and changes to the Cathedral's fabric. There are eight voting members of the Fabric Advisory Committee, four appointed by the Cathedrals Fabric Commission after consultation with the Chapter, and four by the Chapter after consultation with the Commission. The members appoint a Chairman from among their own number. In 2014 Ms Rolly Thomas resigned from the committee and her place as a Chapter nominee was taken by Dr Karen Fielder of the University of Portsmouth. The Dean and Chapter Clerk attend meetings on behalf of the Chapter, and other Chapter members are free to attend; no members of the Chapter have a vote. The Cathedral Archaeologist, and the Cathedral Architect have, under Section 4 of the Care of Cathedrals Measure 1990, a duty to attend meetings, although neither has a vote. Members of the Committee are listed on page 1. Cathedral Council It is the duty of Cathedral Council to support the work of the Cathedral Church; spiritual, pastoral, evangelistic, social, and ecumenical, receiving and considering the annual budget and annual accounts, reviewing and advising Chapter accordingly. Reserves Policy Reserves are needed both to maintain the level of the Cathedral’s current activities and to enable the completion of long-term projects. Maintaining unrestricted reserves protects the Cathedral against a sudden deterioration in its financial results (e.g. a significant drop in income or a major repair project). It also provides a buffer in the event of long-term planning or restructuring. Chapter’s aim is to retain a short-term reserve of 6 months of ordinary activity to protect the Cathedral’s operations. Where specific future funding needs are Page 5 PORTSMOUTH CATHEDRAL ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 REPORT OF THE CHAPTER identified, Chapter has the discretion to set aside free funds for designated purposes, those funds being declared as Designated Funds. Investment Policy Chapter aims to keep a balanced portfolio of investments that adopts a balanced approach to risk. The attainment of long-term objectives requires the acceptance of a level of investment risk, which manifests itself primarily in the fluctuation of the capital value. Chapter currently has three appointed investment brokers, Sarasin Partners LLP (appointed in 2013), Rathbones (on receipt of a legacy portfolio) and CCLA as brokers to the Cathedral’s original portfolio. Funds are required to be invested, as far as is possible, in accordance with the Statement of Ethical Investment Policy issued by the Church of England Advisory Group. Responsibility for the management of this policy rests with the Chapter, but authority to conduct stock transactions on a day-today basis under this policy is delegated to the cathedral’s investment managers. Chapter plans to rationalise the number of brokers and will be undertaking a review of investment performance in 2015. Investment return is shown in note 5(i) to the annual report and the investment report is on page 25. Portsmouth Cathedral Development Trust (PCDT) The Trust was formed originally in the 1980s and exists principally to receive funds from appeals made on the Cathedral’s behalf and to make grants to the Cathedral in accordance with the terms of the Trust Deed and the relevant appeal. The Trust presently holds funds arising from such appeals and releases them to the Cathedral under the terms of the Trust Deed. As a separate Charity with its own body of trustees, PCDT prepares its own annual accounts which are submitted to the Charity Commissioners. PCDT is chaired by Major General Martin White. The Role of the Cathedral in the Diocese Every day throughout the year prayers are offered in the Cathedral for the parishes in the Diocese, their clergy, office holders and parishioners. The Cathedral provides the venue (and the organisational, administrative and musical support) for a number of Diocesan services, such as ordinations and confirmations, and other major events. The Cathedral also hosts civic occasions locally, nationally and internationally. Chapter members and Cathedral Staff actively participate in the Mission and Ministry of the Diocese, serving on the Bishop’s Staff and many Diocesan committees and working groups. Time spent by Chapter members on Diocesan tasks (which can be significant) in the regular and normal course of their work, whether for formal joint events or work which they undertake voluntarily, is not charged to the Diocese. It is felt that to do so would be inconsistent with common mission and ministry. Cathedral clergy and lay ministers regularly take services in churches throughout the diocese to cover sickness, leave and interregnum and are happy to do so where Cathedral duties permit. REVIEW OF ACTIVITIES There were a number of changes to the membership of Chapter in 2014. Canon Peter Leonard was appointed as Residentiary Canon with the newly created role with responsibility for Discipleship, Growth and Community Outreach. Canon Michael Tristram, formerly the Canon Pastor took over responsibility Page 6 PORTSMOUTH CATHEDRAL ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 REPORT OF THE CHAPTER for Music and Liturgy. Canon David Isaac retired in September after 22 years as a Residentiary Canon and Canon Anthony Rustell was appointed as Residentiary Canon and Head of Mission, Discipleship and Ministry for the Diocese of Portsmouth. Mrs Ann Wilson (Lay Member) on completion of her term of office retired in September and Mrs Fiona Alsop (Lay Member) took up office from December. The Cathedral staff also underwent a number of changes in 2014. Following the review of the Cathedral’s education provision by The Revd Alice Wood, interview for a permanent Education Officer took place in November and Mrs Sarah Page was appointed from January 2015. Following the retirement in April of Mr David Lee as verger, Miss Jessica-Louise Hallion was appointed as Head Verger from May. Mr Adam Bullivant, Assistant Verger, left in November to volunteer at the Taizé Community in France and Miss Malina Wyzykowska was appointed Assistant Verger from November. A rearrangement of hours for the Administrative Assistant led to the appointment of Mr Jason Stanbridge-Howard from September. There was the usual departure of ‘Gap Year’ Choral Scholars in July and the arrival of new Choral Scholars in September. Mrs Kitty Price was licensed as Reader in September and joined the Ministry Team. Mr Frank Reid stood down as Churchwarden and Mrs Sue Ward was elected to serve alongside Emeritus Professor Michael Purvis, who was re-elected, at the APCM. Various staff attended training days and conferences throughout the year and our Finance Officer continued with her AAT accounting qualification training. Our ‘Development Plan’ discussions identified the need to undertake an Administration Review and Stephen Dawson, the Deputy Diocesan Secretary for the Diocese of Salisbury, assisted with this and work on it is still ongoing. Chapter having decided to review its Vision and Strategic Framework (2012-2017) with a view to establishing a ‘Development Plan’ undertook a staff ‘Away Day’ in February, a Chapter ‘Residential’ in May and a series of discussions and consultations with the Cathedral’s various committees and congregation. The Revd Tim Daykin, radio broadcaster, and Mr James Blott and Mr David Carpenter from the Cathedral Council assisted with facilitating discussion and drawing up a framework for layout and publication of the ‘Development Plan’ which was launched on 29 September to considerable appreciation. It’s ‘Statement of Purpose’ and ‘Goals and Key Actions’ are set out on pages 3 – 4. A major focus of the year has been the maintenance and repair of the Cathedral’s various properties long overdue and now possible through the William Groves and other legacies received. A surveyor was appointed in January and improvement work undertaken on: the Deanery, 51 High Street, 29 Penny Street and Cathedral House Flat 2. The electrics of these properties were also tested and appropriate certification issued. Cathedral House had a number of windows replaced and it is planned to repair and replace more in 2015. Considerable time and money has also been spent on the Cathedral with repair work to the Nave and Cloister windows, general maintenance of the roofs and essential immediate repair works to the Tower Cupola in preparation for major repair work in 2015. Chapter is very pleased to have been awarded grant aid from the First World War Centenary Cathedral Repair Fund (FWWCCRF) to undertake essential structural and water damage repair work to the Tower and South Transept planned for completion in 2015. It is planned as part of the work that a number of specialist tours will be facilitated by our architect, Simon Ablett, to view the Tower. Work has continued throughout the year on the Cathedral’s ‘Landscape Project’ with our landscape architect, Max Askew, supported by the archaeologist Gerry Wait facilitating a number of discussions in the Cathedral’s committees and consultation events for the congregation and public. These resulted in Page 7 PORTSMOUTH CATHEDRAL ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 REPORT OF THE CHAPTER an ‘indicative design’ being drawn up and further discussions with the Cathedral’s Fabric Commission for England (CFCE), Portsmouth City Council, Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) and others has continued. Conservation Plus consultancy have been appointed to assist with making an HLF bid and it is planned this will be done in 2015 with a Stage One bid for c£100,000 to undertake: detailed design, planning applications and engagement work with the public followed by a Stage Two bid for c£1,500,000. It is planned, subject to HLF funding, to offer a range of opportunities and activities to engage the public with the heritage and future of the Cathedral including a number of archaeological ‘digs’ which it is understood will be immensely rewarding and worthwhile. The life of the Cathedral remains vibrant and varied and along with the traditional Eucharistic and Evensong services, using the wide range of musical resources including a jazz mass, the Cathedral has continued with its monthly Taizé style worship and developed and expanded its participation in ‘Messy Cathedral’ which has attracted new families to the Cathedral. A new venture for the year has been engagement with the acclaimed ‘Pilgrim’ course which has been followed by ‘Soul Spark’ in 2015. Each year the Cathedral is the venue for a variety of concerts and exhibitions which this year included sculptures by Philip Jackson and an ‘open workshop’ enabling the public to experience gilding our herald ‘Fama’, now returned to its place above the pulpit, and which proved very popular. One of the elements to come out of the ‘Development Plan’ was to establish an annual theme for the Cathedral and for 201415 this is ‘political awareness’. A number of challenging lectures have already been well received and a series of Lent lectures are planned for 2015. Part of Cathedral House is leased to the Cathedral Innovation Centre (CIC) to promote, develop and assist ‘start up’ and fledgling businesses by providing business premises and professional business mentoring continues to be a success. Currently it is supporting over 30 ventures and is gaining national recognition with new projects started or planned in other cities and countries. The reports of activities of the various groups in the booklet issued at the APCM show a high level of commitment and we are grateful to staff and volunteers for their hard work and support. Finance The management of the ‘Operational’ budget went essentially according to plan with income slightly greater than expenditure and both a little over 100% of budget forecast. The William Groves legacy, final payment of this being received in December, along with other legacies from: Roy Scott, Richard Eckersley, Danielle Taylor, Angela Barrett and Muriel Van Staveren, for which Chapter is very grateful, helped not only with operational costs but most specifically with ‘Development Plan’ initiatives. The receipt of the William Groves legacy in 2013 marked a step change in the Cathedral’s finances. We now have significant reserves, enabling us to put the Cathedral on a sound footing for the future, and allowing the base finance for projects developing in line with the ‘Development Plan’ launched in 2014. As part of the William Groves legacy the Cathedral received ownership of a small shop in Petersfield, which following a review of its future with its tenants, who ceased to trade, was sold in October 2014 for £146,246.80 net of sale expenses and the proceeds have been invested. The main indicator of performance on the Statement of Financial Activities (page 12) is the General Fund result before “other recognised gains”. The General Fund is an unrestricted fund into which the income from our ordinary activities goes and from which we pay for our general running costs. Page 8 PORTSMOUTH CATHEDRAL ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 REPORT OF THE CHAPTER General reserves now stand at £3,184,733 (2013 £2,997,778) and exist to enable us to continue the Cathedral’s mission in the event of an emergency or a need to make a major investment. The Finance and Investment Committee (FIC) continues to place focus on sustainability of income and cost control and aims to ensure that expenditure has a measurable benefit to the mission of the Cathedral and aligns with the ‘Development Plan’. The focus of the FIC has developed this year to include consideration of investment performance as part of its regular business. Following the William Groves bequest and the appointment of Sarasin Partners LLP in 2013 as brokers for the bulk of the portfolio the committee gave them the investment objectives: to achieve long-term capital and income growth and to provide a reasonable, regular and foreseeable income to support the Cathedral’s current financial needs. This should be achieved by investing in a diversified portfolio of Investment Funds. The selection of the Funds will be made to reflect the benchmarks established for asset classes. A medium to low risk profile is taken on equities and performance is measured against a composite benchmark index. The committee has made regular reviews of their performance and also of CCLA’s as the incumbent brokers for the majority of the Cathedral’s other investments including managed property funds. Chapter owns property to house clergy and staff and to use for offices and some is held for investment purposes and is rented out on a commercial basis where possible to generate funds for the day-to-day operation of the ministry of the Cathedral. At 31 December 2014 total investments excluding direct property holdings totalled £2,338,213 (2013: £2,207,606). More detail on the investments can be seen in the Report and Accounts and Chapter will be looking at rationalising its investment management in 2015. The members of FIC would like to thank the congregation for their support and generosity and are always grateful for their views and comments. The Cathedral Shop continues to provide a significant contribution to income and has benefited from the Electronic Point of Sale (EPOS) system installed in 2013, evidenced through improved stock recording and sales data, and had another successful and profitable year in 2014 and generated a net income of £6,757. We would like to thank the Shop Manager, Christine Richardson, and her team of volunteers, for their ongoing service and dedication. In summary, 2014 was the first full year of activity backed by a more foreseeable income stream, allowing new activity to take place in line with the ‘Development Plan’ but none the less retaining focus on core costs. Risk management The Chapter delegated to its Finance and Investment Committee the development of a Risk Management Register which has been accepted and ratified by Chapter. The principal areas of the Cathedral’s operations were examined and the major risks faced in each of these areas considered. In the opinion of the Finance and Investment Committee and of the Chapter the Cathedral has put in place resources and review systems which would allow these risks to be mitigated to an acceptable level in its day-to-day operations. Page 9 PORTSMOUTH CATHEDRAL ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 REPORT OF THE CHAPTER The Chapter’s responsibilities for the financial statements The Chapter is responsible under requirements laid down by the Church Commissioners under the powers given them by Section 27 of the Cathedrals Measure 1999 for: • preparing and publishing an annual report and audited accounts which give a true and fair view of the financial activities for each financial year and of the assets, liabilities and funds at the end of each financial year of the Cathedral; • stating that they have complied in all material respects with the regulations on the subject prepared by the CAFA or describing which recommendations have not been complied with and giving reasons for the non-compliance. • selecting suitable accounting policies and then applying them consistently; • making judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; • keeping proper accounting records from which the financial position of the Cathedral can be ascertained with reasonable accuracy at any time, and safeguarding the assets of the Cathedral and taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities. In so far as the Chapter is aware: • there is no relevant audit information of which the Cathedral's auditors are unaware; and • the Chapter has taken all steps that they ought to have taken to make themselves aware of any relevant audit information and to establish that the auditors are aware of that information. The Chapter is responsible for the maintenance and integrity of the Cathedral and financial information included on the Cathedral's website. Legislation in the United Kingdom governing the preparation and dissemination of financial statements may differ from legislation in other jurisdictions. Approved by the Chapter at its meeting on 10 March 2015 and signed on its behalf by: David Charles Brindley Dean of Portsmouth Page 10 PORTSMOUTH CATHEDRAL ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 INDEPENDENT AUDITORS’ REPORT TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CHAPTER OF PORTSMOUTH CATHEDRAL We have audited the financial statements of Portsmouth Cathedral for the year ended 31 December 2014 which comprise the principal accounting policies, the consolidated statement of financial activities, the consolidated balance sheet, the Cathedral balance sheet, the consolidated cash flow statement and the related notes. The financial reporting framework that has been applied in their preparation is applicable law and United Kingdom Accounting Standards (United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice). This report is made solely to the Chapter, as a body, in accordance with the regulations made under Section 27 of the Cathedrals Measure 1999. Our audit work has been undertaken so that we might state to the Chapter those matters we are required to state to them in an auditor's report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the Cathedral and the Chapter as a body, for our audit work, for this report, or for the opinions we have formed. Respective responsibilities of the Chapter and auditors As explained more fully in the Statement of the Chapter's Responsibilities, the Chapter is responsible for the preparation of the financial statements which give a true and fair view. Our responsibility is to audit and express an opinion on the financial statements in accordance with applicable law and International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland). Those standards require us to comply with the Auditing Practices Board's (APB's) Ethical Standards for Auditors. Scope of audit opinion A description of the scope of an audit of financial statements is provided on the APB's website at www.frc.org.uk/apb/scope/private.cfm. Opinion In our opinion: • the financial statements give a true and fair view, in accordance with United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice, of the state of affairs of the Cathedral as at 31 December 2014, and of its incoming resources and application of resources for the year then ended in accordance with United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice; and • the financial statements have been properly prepared in accordance with the regulations specified by the Church Commissioners under the powers given to them by Section 27 of the Cathedrals Measure 1999. Blue Spire South LLP Statutory Auditors Chichester 10 March 2015 Page 11 PORTSMOUTH CATHEDRAL ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL ACTIVITIES Note 2014 2013 Unrestricted Restricted Endowment Total Total Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds £ £ £ £ £ INCOMING RESOURCES Voluntary income 1 276,150 6,874 Grants receivable 1 183,475 167,434 Charges and fees arising in the course of mission 1 41,308 - Income from activities for generating funds 1 78,051 Income from property and investments 1 130,506 Other incoming resources 1 TOTAL INCOMING RESOURCES Cost of generating funds 709,490 2 58,301 24,745 307,769 3,186,615 - 350,909 284,718 - 41,308 34,636 - - 78,051 80,282 4,422 - 134,928 93,005 178,730 - - - 2,158 24,745 912,965 3,681,414 - 58,301 53,874 NET INCOMING RESOURCES AVAILABLE FOR MISSIONS 651,189 178,730 24,745 854,664 3,627,540 EXPENDITURE ON MISSION Ministry 4 220,194 121,888 - 342,082 296,521 Cathedral and precincts upkeep 4 215,121 149,521 - 364,642 622,669 Education and outreach 4 124,283 11,981 - 136,264 125,840 Other expenditure on mission 4 - - 11,905 10,273 - 854,893 1,055,303 TOTAL EXPENDITURE ON MISSION 11,905 571,503 283,390 GOVERNANCE COSTS Administrative services 4,206 112,861 134,763 Total expenditure 4 108,655 680,158 283,390 - 4,206 967,754 1,243,940 NET INCOMING/(OUTGOING) RESOURCES (28,969) (104,660) 20,539 (113,090) 2,437,474 OTHER RECOGNISED GAINS/(LOSSES) Investments Property 5(i) 6 34,562 5,888 54,583 95,033 107,629 - - 55,872 55,872 - 181,362 31,391 (212,753) - - 186,955 (67,381) (81,759) 37,815 2,545,103 TRANSFERS Gross transfers between funds 11 Net movement in funds RECONCILIATION OF FUNDS Total funds brought forward 11 2,997,778 121,440 2,808,994 5,928,212 3,383,109 Total funds carried forward 11 3,184,733 54,059 2,727,235 5,966,027 5,928,212 Page 12 PORTSMOUTH CATHEDRAL ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2014 2014 2013 Unrestricted Restricted Endowment Total Total Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds £ £ £ £ £ 5 386,867 100,452 Property 6 2,610,000 Cathedral inventory and equipment 7 Note FIXED ASSETS Investment assets Investments 1,850,894 2,338,213 2,207,606 250,000 2,860,000 2,950,000 Non investment assets Total fixed assets - 48,011 - 3,044,878 100,452 2,100,894 48,011 52,139 5,246,224 5,209,745 8,400 8,400 CURRENT ASSETS Stocks Debtors 8,400 8 - - 61,095 - 37,098 98,193 164,605 Cash at hand and in bank 113,686 (35,537) 589,243 667,392 590,717 Total current assets 183,181 (35,537) 626,341 773,985 763,722 43,326 10,856 54,182 45,255 139,855 (46,393) 626,341 719,803 718,467 2,727,235 5,966,027 5,928,212 LIABILITIES FALLING DUE WITHIN ONE YEAR Creditors: amounts falling due within one year 9 Net current assets/(liabilities) Total assets less current liabilities 3,184,733 54,059 - LIABILITIES FALLING DUE WITHIN ONE YEAR Creditors: amounts falling due after one year - Net assets/(liabilities) - 3,184,733 - - - 54,059 2,727,235 5,966,027 5,928,212 - - 2,727,235 2,727,235 2,808,994 - 54,059 - 54,059 121,440 3,184,733 - - 3,184,733 2,997,778 3,184,733 54,059 5,966,027 5,928,212 THE FUNDS OF THE CHARITY Endowment funds Restricted funds 11 Unrestricted funds 11 Total cathedral funds 2,727,235 The notes on pages 16 to 24 form part of the annual report. Approved by The Chapter on 10 March 2015 and signed on their behalf. David Brindley Caroline Speller Dean Chairman of Finance Committee Page 13 PORTSMOUTH CATHEDRAL ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 ACCOUNTING POLICIES Basis of preparation The accounts have been prepared in accordance with the Accounting and Reporting Regulations for English Anglican Cathedrals issued in November 2006 by the Cathedral Administration and Finance Association. They have been prepared under the historical cost convention except that property and investments are included at a valuation. The principal accounting policies have remained unchanged from the previous year and are set out below. Funds Unrestricted funds are funds where no restrictions are placed on the use by the Cathedral as regards either the capital or the income. Designated funds are unrestricted funds set aside by Chapter for specific purposes. Restricted funds are funds which are to be used in accordance with specific restrictions imposed by the donor and are set out in notes to the financial statements. The reserve arising on the revaluation of properties within the Cathedral Close is deemed to be a restricted fund. The Cathedral's expendable endowment funds are set out in notes to the financial statements. They arise from a legacy received. Income from the funds is unrestricted. Income Dividend income and bank interest are included at the time of receipt at amounts which include recoverable income tax where appropriate. Voluntary income is received by way of general donations, special donations, church collections, Gift Aid donations and legacies. Such income is included at the time of receipt at amounts which include recoverable income tax on Gift Aid donations. Other income is included at the time of receipt or, in the case of grants, when the necessary conditions have been met. Resources expended Liabilities are recognised as soon as there is a legal or constructive obligation committing the Chapter to the expenditure. All expenditure is accounted for on an accruals basis and has been classified under headings that aggregate all costs related to the category. “Costs of generating funds” comprise costs of attracting voluntary income, costs of trading for fund raising purposes, and costs of managing the investment properties. “Expenditure on mission” comprises costs of the Cathedral’s ministry, upkeep of the Cathedral fabric and precincts, and education and outreach. “Governance” comprises costs of meeting the constitutional and statutory requirements of the Cathedral and its subsidiary companies. “Support costs” comprise salaries and office costs and have been allocated to the activity cost categories based on an estimate of the time spent. Fixed assets In accordance with the Accounting and Reporting Regulations for English Anglican Cathedrals, no value is attributed in the balance sheet to the Cathedral as it is an inalienable and historic building for which no reliable cost information or conventional valuation basis is available. The cost of the Cathedral church building is not included in the balance sheet. Property assets are included at market value. Items in the Cathedral inventory purchased prior to 1999 are not included in the balance sheet as their value is not readily ascertainable. Page 14 PORTSMOUTH CATHEDRAL ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 ACCOUNTING POLICIES Depreciation Depreciation is calculated to write off the cost or valuation less estimated residual value of all tangible fixed assets (other than buildings) by equal annual instalments over their expected useful economic lives. The rates generally applicable are: Office equipment 25% Fixtures and fittings 20% Cathedral inventory Other equipment 2% 33⅓% Buildings are not depreciated (on the basis that such depreciation would be immaterial) but are subject to an annual impairment review. Investments Investments are included in the balance sheet at their market values. Stocks Retail stocks in the bookshop are stated at the lower of cost and net realisable value. In accordance with the Accounting and Reporting Regulations for English Anglican Cathedrals, no value is attributed in the balance sheet to the Cathedral inventory which comprises items of architectural, archaeological, artistic or historical interest. Pension schemes The pension costs charged against the surplus represent the amount of the contributions payable to pension schemes in respect of the accounting period. Page 15 PORTSMOUTH CATHEDRAL ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS 1. Voluntary income 2014 2013 Unrestricted Restricted Endowment Total Total Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds £ £ £ £ £ Voluntary income Congregational collections and giving 102,474 3,049 - 105,523 105,327 Donations 42,921 - - 42,921 41,131 Income from appeals and fundraising 25,368 3,825 - 29,193 60,515 Tax recoverable under gift aid 20,341 - - 20,341 20,611 Miscellaneous income Legacies Portsmouth Cathedral Development Trust - - 191,104 - 6,874 - 197,978 - 227,584 85,046 - 24,745 109,791 2,959,031 - - - 276,150 6,874 24,745 307,769 3,186,615 168,175 107,021 - 275,196 266,668 15,300 60,413 - 75,713 18,050 183,475 167,434 - 350,909 284,718 - - - Grants receivable Church commissioners Other revenue and capital grants Charges and fees arising in the course of mission Facility and fees 41,308 - - 41,308 34,636 41,308 - - 41,308 34,636 Cathedral bookshop sales 54,726 - - 54,726 56,373 Use of Cathedral buildings 20,669 - - 20,669 21,076 2,656 - - 2,656 2,833 78,051 - - 78,051 80,282 Income from activities for generating funds Coffee machine income Income from property and investments Residential property 50,101 - - 50,101 42,531 Investments 80,405 4,422 - 84,827 50,474 130,506 4,422 - 134,928 93,005 - - - - 2,158 - - - - 2,158 Other income Insurance recoveries 709,490 Page 16 178,730 24,745 912,965 3,681,414 PORTSMOUTH CATHEDRAL ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS 2. Cost of generating funds Unrestricted Cathedral bookshop costs Coffee machine costs Costs of appeals and fundraising Restricted Endowment 2014 2013 Total Total 46,026 - - 46,026 41,782 1,943 - - 1,943 1,856 10,332 - - 10,332 10,236 58,301 - - 58,301 53,874 3. Employees 2014 Gross wages 2013 Total Total Funds Funds £ £ 315,349 277,013 Employer's national insurance costs 21,805 19,856 Pension costs 29,813 32,205 366,967 329,074 The average number of employees analysed by function was: 2014 2013 Clergy with cathedral duties only 3 3 Clergy with significant diocesan duties 2 2 Laity - full time 5 4 Laity part-time 10 10 20 19 The remuneration of the members of the Chapter during the year was as follows: 2014 The Very Revd David Brindley (Dean) The Revd Canon Nicholas Jepson-Biddle (to March 2013) 2013 Stipends/ Pension Stipends/ Pension salary contributions salary contributions £ £ £ £ 34,340 10,616 33,665 10,393 - - 6,633 2,041 The Revd Canon Peter Leonard (from April 2014) 18,588 - - - The Revd Canon Michael Tristram 27,973 8,492 27,425 8,315 80,901 19,108 67,723 20,749 Employer's National Insurance contributions for the year in relation to Stipends were £7,014 (2013: £5,935) The total of expenses reimbursed to members of the Chapter during the year was £5,746 (2013: £5,278) There were no other transactions with related parties that require disclosure in the financial statements. Page 17 PORTSMOUTH CATHEDRAL ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS 4. Expenditure on mission 2014 2013 Unrestricted Restricted Endowment Total Total Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds £ £ £ £ £ Ministry Clergy stipends and working costs - 115,164 99,582 Clergy housing costs 13,463 - - 13,463 12,179 Clergy support costs 46,871 - - 46,871 48,065 151,717 14,867 - 166,584 136,695 220,194 121,888 - 342,082 296,521 - 122,285 - 122,285 403,532 Maintenance and interior upkeep 44,664 27,236 - 71,900 96,836 Cathedral insurance 20,139 - - 20,139 16,385 Precincts, security and gardens upkeep 40,632 - - 40,632 30,187 109,686 - - 109,686 75,729 622,669 Services, music and congregational costs 8,143 107,021 Cathedral and precincts upkeep Major repair and restoration Support costs 215,121 149,521 - 364,642 Education and outreach Grants and scholarships 3,049 9,164 - 12,213 8,026 Educational activities 13,059 - - 13,059 10,865 Diocese 98,760 - - 98,760 95,632 9,415 2,817 - 12,232 11,317 124,283 11,981 - 136,264 125,840 7,750 Charitable and other giving Other expenditure on mission Charitable donations in furtherance of mission 6,500 - - 6,500 Other expenditure 5,405 - - 5,405 2,523 11,905 - - 11,905 10,273 - 854,893 1,055,303 113,572 Total expenditure on mission 571,503 283,390 Administrative expenses Administration and finance Auditors remuneration (audit services (inclusive of VAT)) Information technology Personnel and training 82,159 - 4,206 86,365 6,000 - - 6,000 6,000 15,983 - - 15,983 12,852 4,513 - - 108,655 - 4,206 Page 18 4,513 2,339 112,861 134,763 PORTSMOUTH CATHEDRAL ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS 5. Investments Carrying (market) value brought forward 2014 2013 Unrestricted Restricted Endowment Total Total Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds £ £ £ £ £ 336,307 110,564 Additions at cost Transfer for expenses born by unrestricted funds Carrying (market) value carried forward 1,675,852 425,645 618,152 618,152 1,191,687 - - 16,000 (16,000) - - - - (68,570) (68,572) (46,118) 34,562 5,888 54,792 95,242 104,638 386,867 100,452 1,833,355 2,320,674 1,675,852 17,539 17,539 531,754 1,850,894 2,338,213 2,207,606 Disposals at carrying value Gain/(Loss) on revaluation 1,228,981 (2) Cash deposits held at 31 December 2014 - - 386,867 100,452 5(i) Total return on investments 2014 2013 Unrestricted Restricted Endowment Total Total Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds £ £ £ £ £ 54,792 95,242 104,638 Gain/Loss on investments Unrealised (from above) 34,562 Realised on disposal of fixed asset investments 5,888 - - 34,562 5,888 54,583 (4,206) (4,206) (1,888) Investment income 1 21,238 4,422 58,991 84,651 42,321 Total return on investments 55,800 10,310 109,368 175,478 148,062 Investment management fees 1 (209) (209) 95,033 2,991 107,629 All investment income is recognised within unrestricted funds 5(ii) Investment assets by investment class 2014 2013 Unrestricted Restricted Endowment Total Total Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds £ £ £ £ £ UK equities 82,211 21,347 590,569 694,127 537,260 Overseas equities 59,546 15,461 628,273 703,280 462,416 UK fixed interest 1,958 508 372,321 374,787 187,758 Overseas fixed interest 3,832 995 9,658 14,485 90,484 224,663 58,335 85,582 368,580 281,757 10,717 2,783 113,222 126,722 71,350 3,939 1,023 51,269 56,231 576,581 386,866 100,452 1,850,894 2,338,212 2,207,606 Property Alternative assets Liquid assets and cash Page 19 PORTSMOUTH CATHEDRAL ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS 6. Property 2014 2013 Unrestricted Restricted Endowment Total Total Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds £ £ £ £ £ Carrying (market) value brought forward 2,610,000 - 340,000 2,950,000 Additions - from legacy - - - - Transfer of building following review of legacy - - - - Disposals at carrying value - - (90,000) (90,000) Gain/(Loss) on revaluation - - - - Carrying (market) value carried forward 2,610,000 - 250,000 2,860,000 2,950,000 2,950,000 Gain/Loss on property Unrealised (from above) - - - - - Realised on disposal - - 55,872 55,872 - - - 55,872 55,872 - The Cathedral's property was externally revalued in February 2011 by D M Nesbit & Company, Chartered Surveyors and by Daniells Harrison, Chartered Surveyors, on an open market basis. Properties within endowment funds are included at probate value. 7. Cathedral inventory and office equipment - Unrestricted Cathedral Fixtures Office Other inventory & fittings equipment equipment Total £ £ £ £ £ Cost At 1 January 2014 49,977 81,073 49,884 3,240 Additions - - - - Disposals - - - - 49,977 81,073 49,884 3,240 184,174 Accumulated at 1 January 2014 8,731 81,073 39,531 2,700 132,035 Charge for the year 1,000 - 2,588 540 4,128 At 31 December 2014 184,174 - Depreciation On disposals - - - - 9,731 81,073 42,119 3,240 136,163 Net book value at 31 December 2014 40,246 - 7,765 - 48,011 Net book value at 31 December 2013 41,246 - 10,353 540 52,139 At 31 December 2014 Page 20 - PORTSMOUTH CATHEDRAL ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS 8. Debtors 2014 2013 Unrestricted Restricted Endowment Total Total Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds £ £ £ £ £ 37,098 37,098 41,641 Other debtors Accrued income - - 61,095 - - 61,095 122,964 61,095 - 37,098 98,193 164,605 9. Creditors: amounts falling due within one year 2014 Trade creditors 2013 Unrestricted Restricted Endowment Total Total Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds £ £ £ £ £ 30,104 10,856 - 40,960 25,445 5,011 - - 5,011 4,404 - - - - 8,211 - - 8,211 - - - - 5,000 43,326 10,856 - 54,182 45,255 Social security and other taxes Portsmouth Cathedral Enterprises Limited Other creditors Loans from congregation 2 10,404 10. Analysis of net assets between funds 2014 Investment assets Investment assets - shares in PCE Property - Cathedral activities 2013 Unrestricted Unrestricted Endowment Total Total Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds £ £ £ £ £ 386,867 - 100,452 - 48,011 8,400 2,207,604 2 2,100,000 2,100,000 - - 48,011 52,139 - - 8,400 8,400 61,095 - 37,098 98,193 164,605 Cash at bank and in hand 113,686 (35,537) 589,243 667,392 590,717 Creditors: amounts due within one year (43,326) (10,856) (54,182) (45,255) Debtors - - - Stocks 2,100,000 3,184,733 Page 21 54,059 250,000 2,338,213 850,000 Cathedral inventory and equipment - - 760,000 Property - Cathedral clergy and staff housing 510,000 1,850,894 2,727,235 5,966,027 5,928,212 PORTSMOUTH CATHEDRAL ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS 11. Analysis of net movement in funds Total funds Total Total Change in Transfers Total funds brought incoming resources market between carried forward resources expended value funds forward £ £ £ £ £ £ Endowment funds William Groves Expendable Endowment 2,808,994 24,745 (4,206) 110,455 (212,753) 2,727,235 2,808,994 24,745 (4,206) 110,455 (212,753) 2,727,235 107,020 (107,020) Restricted funds Church Commissioners Stipend Grant QARNNS - Chapel of healing and - - - 3,267 - 540 - - - 3,807 110,564 4,422 - 5,888 (16,000) reconciliation Ritchie bequest Cathedral Sing 104,874 147 2,769 (9,164) - 6,248 - Sunyani 2,723 2,509 (2,818) - - 2,414 Monks project 1,000 - - - - 1,000 Let the Building Speak 2,097 2,000 (15) - - 4,082 Memorial garden 494 204 (92) - - 606 Other restricted funds 952 - - - - Landscape Project - - (27,145) - - (27,145) Organ repairs - - (12,814) - 12,814 - East End Redecoration - 3,431 (14,867) - 11,436 - Cathedral Tower - 11,233 (15,419) - 4,186 - Cathedral Cloisters Windows - - (37,531) - - (37,531) Cathedral House Gate Repairs Flower - 43,602 (56,505) - 12,903 - Guild - 1,000 - - - 1,000 Total restricted funds 196 121,440 178,730 (283,390) - (196) 952 - 5,888 31,391 54,059 350,000 Unrestricted funds Development appeal fund Property sinking fund Revaluation reserve Parish choir 350,000 - - - - 61,856 - (42,624) - - 19,232 1,517,959 - - - - 1,517,959 100 - - - - (100) (100) - Total designated funds 1,929,915 (42,624) - General fund 1,067,863 709,490 (695,835) 34,562 181,462 1,297,542 Total unrestricted funds 2,997,778 709,490 (738,459) 34,562 181,362 3,184,733 Total funds 5,928,212 912,965 (1,026,055) 150,905 - The deficits in the note above on the External Redevelopment and Cathedral Tower will be made good by funding in subsequent financial years. Page 22 1,887,191 5,966,027 PORTSMOUTH CATHEDRAL ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS 12. Explanation of transfers Unrestricted Restricted Endowment Funds Funds Funds £ £ £ 4,000 Allocation of overhead costs to the music fund Transfer from endowment to cover repairs and works from unrestricted funds - - 12,000 (12,000) - 196 (196) - Additional staff costs to be borne by music fund Alloction of costs incurred by unrestricted funds Transfer to make good a deficit on restricted funds (4,000) 212,753 (47,587) 47,587 181,362 31,391 (212,753) (212,753) 13. Description of funds Endowment funds William Groves Expendable Endowment Funds received from the William Groves legacy as an expendable endowment to be used in support of the Cathedral's activities and upkeep of the Cathedral. Restricted funds Church Commissioners Stipend grant These funds represents the payment of Stipends by the Church Commissioners directly. The total cost and corresponding income are reflected in the Statement of Financial Activities and detailed in the notes to these accounts. QARNNS – Chapel of healing and reconciliation This fund represents monies raised to fund improvements & enhancements to the chapel of healing and reconciliation. Ritchie Bequest This fund was created on receipt of a legacy, and has been restricted for use in support of music. Cathedral Sing Cathedral Sing is a joint initiative funded by the Cathedral and the Diocese providing choir workshops across the Diocese. Sunyani These funds, raised from events and congregational giving, are used to support the Cathedral and Diocese of Sunyani, Ghana. Landscape Project Funds received for works to the Cathedral surrounds. East Roof works Funds received towards the cost of the roof repairs over the medieval part of the Cathedral. Organ repairs Funds received towards the cost of repairs, improvements and additions to the organ. East End redecoration Funds received towards the cost of internal redecoration of the Cathedral. Cathedral Tower Funds received towards the cost of repairs to the Cathedral's tower. Page 23 PORTSMOUTH CATHEDRAL ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS Cathedral Cloister's Windows and Roof Funds received towards the cost of repairs to the Cloister's windows and roof drainage. Unrestricted funds General fund These funds are unrestricted and available for the Cathedral’s use. Development appeal fund This fund represents amounts raised through the development appeal. Property sinking fund This fund is set up to provide for the planned preventative maintenance and improvements of the housing stock. Revaluation reserve This fund represents the uplift in value of assets over and above their cost. 14. Capital commitments There were no capital commitments as at 31 December 2014 or at 31 December 2013. 15. Pension schemes The Cathedral participates in the Church of England Defined Contributions Scheme, part of the Church Workers Pension Fund. The Cathedral also operates a stakeholder defined contribution scheme for the benefit of employees not in the Church of England scheme. The Cathedral’s contributions to these schemes are disclosed in Note 3 to these financial statements. Page 24 PORTSMOUTH CATHEDRAL ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 REPORT ON INVESTMENTS The investment objectives given to our principal fund managers, Sarasin, are to achieve long-term capital and income growth and to provide a reasonable, regular and foreseeable income to support the Cathedral’s current financial needs. This should be achieved by investing in a diversified portfolio of Investment Funds. The selection of the Funds will be made to reflect the benchmarks established for asset classes. A medium to low risk profile is taken on equities and performance is measured against a composite benchmark index. Funds are invested in accordance with the Statement of Ethical Investment Policy issued by the Church of England Advisory Group. Investments in property are to be either capable of efficient local management or in the form of managed property funds. Locally managed property is retained either for the use of clergy or staff or may be let commercially. Managed property funds are held through CCLA. Responsibility for the management of this policy rests with the Chapter, but authority to conduct stock transactions on a day-today basis under this policy is delegated to the cathedral’s investment managers. Property Investments The Cathedral owns property to house clergy and staff and to use for offices. Other property is held for investment purposes and is rented out on a commercial basis where possible to generate funds for the day-to-day operation of the ministry of the Cathedral. Part of the Cathedral House building is leased to the Cathedral Innovation Centre at a rent below market value. Chapter consider this to be a contribution towards encouraging socially responsible business innovation and an appropriate use of the facilities which would otherwise be under-utilised. As part of the Groves legacy the Cathedral received ownership of a small shop in Petersfield, which following a review of its future with its tenants, who ceased to trade was sold for £150,000 in 2014. The proceeds less expenses have been invested. Returns from property excluding investment funds were £50,101. Financial investments: The Cathedral’s investments are made up as follows: Asset allocation Manager Fund CCLA The CBF Church of England Investment Fund COIF Charities Property Fund COIF Charities Investment Fund Segregated Portfolio Managed Fund – Endowment Managed Fund- Short term reserve CCLA CCLA Rathbones Sarasin Sarasin Overall asset allocation UK Equities Global Equities % % 47.0 34.9 48.1 5.05 28.8 UK Fixed Interest % Global Fixed interest % Property 1.1 2.1 6.6 100 32.4 31.1 41.1 1.2 11.9 11.7 2.5 1.7 0.1 7.0 9.5 10.7 69.1 29.7 30.1 16.0 UK Equities Global Equities UK Fixed Interest £ Alternative Assets % Liquid Assets Total % % 5.8 2.5 100 100 7.8 7.2 3.5 8.0 1.6 1.3 2.5 100 100 100 0.6 3.5 6.6 100 15.8 5.4 2.4 100 % 0.6 Market value Manager Fund CCLA The CBF Church of England Investment Fund COIF Charities Property Fund COIF Charities Investment Fund Segregated Portfolio Managed Fund – Endowment Managed Fund- Short term reserve CCLA CCLA Rathbones Sarasin Sarasin Market value £ 76,146 £ 56,542 1,782 Global Fixed interest £ 3,402 - - - - 27,412 18,465 684 254,935 310,021 25,613 156,999 442.426 28,848 694,127 703,281 Property Liquid Assets £ 4,050 £ 162,012 268,316 - - 238,316 1,425 3,989 4,103 912 56,990 60,074 125,946 186,301 8,582 1,076 - 83,964 1,618 17,669 86,117 9,436 6,563 26,912 17,794 504,821 1,076,462 269,611 374,787 14,485 368,580 126,722 56,231 2,338,213 Page 25 £ Total 9,397 At 31 December 2014 our total investments excluding direct property holdings totalled £2,338,213. £ 10,693 Alternative Assets PORTSMOUTH CATHEDRAL ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 REPORT ON INVESTMENTS Performance Manager CCLA CCLA CCLA Rathbones Sarasin Sarasin Fund The CBF Church of England Investment Fund COIF Charities Property Fund COIF Charities Investment Fund Segregated Portfolio Managed Fund – Endowment Managed Fund- Short term reserve % Return 10.2 20.0 9.7 4.9 6.3 8.6 Returns are stated gross before management fees and expenses. The FTSE WMA balanced index returned 4.2% over the year. Page 26