JAERD Effect of climate change on maize production in Nigeria
JAERD Effect of climate change on maize production in Nigeria
Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development JAERD Vol. 2(1), pp. 022-025, May, 2015. © www.premierpublishers.org, ISSN: 2167-0477 Research Article Effect of climate change on maize production in Nigeria Obasi IO and Uwanekwu GA Department of Agricultural Economics, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Nigeria. The study was conducted in Nigeria. The objective of the study was to examine the effect of climate change on maize. The data for the study was obtained from secondary sources. The result shows that the average rainfall and temperature statistics were 1288.311mm and 31.7173oC in Nigeria within the period under study. The average maize output within the period was 4.84mt while hectarage and yield were 3.36mha and 1.44t/ha respectively. The result from the study equally shows that the area cultivated and productivity of maize increased as temperature and rainfall increased. However, there were deceleration of output and area of maize cultivated which may have been induced by the increase in temperature and rainfall over these period. Maize productivity accelerated. The climate change variables show significant effect on maize production with the period under review. Based on findings from the study, it is recommended that since temperature and rainfall are relatively beyond the control of farmers, there should be proper enlightenment of the farmers on the proper climate adaptation practices to employ in order to minimize the adverse effects of climate change on their output. Key words: Climate change, rainfall, temperature, maize, output, productivity. INTRODUCTION Climate change is a serious environmental threat to food security and it worsens poverty because of its impact on agricultural productivity. Almost all sectors of agriculture depends on weather and climate whose variability have meant that rural farmers who implement their regular annual farm business plans, encounters total failure due to climate change effects (Ozor et al, 2010). Local climate variability can influence people’s decision, with consequences for their social, economic, political and personal conditions and can affect their lives and livelihood (UNFCC, 2007). Climate change has been defined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) (2001) as statically significant variations in weather conditions that persist for an extended period of time, typically decades or longer. There is a scientific consensus that continual accumulation of heat-trapping “greenhouse” gases in the atmosphere is contributing to changes in global climate, and in climates of regions around the world (Crosson, 1997). The problem is expected to be most severe in Africa where current information on climate change is limited, the technological change slow and the domestic economy depending heavily on agriculture (Action Aid, 2008). In Nigeria, agriculture is important. About 42% of the country’s GDP comes from agriculture and related activities and about 80% of the country’s poor live in rural areas and work primarily in agriculture (NBS, 2006). Nigeria’s agriculture therefore depends heavily on climate because temperature, sunlight, water, relative humidity are the main drivers of crop growth and yield (Adejuwon, 2004). *Corresponding Author: Obasi I. Oscar, Department of Agricultural Economics, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Nigeria. Tel.: +2348033551206, +2348065836666, E-mail: excellentmind2009@yahoo.com Effect of climate change on maize production in Nigeria Obasi and Uwanekwu 022 There is a growing consensus in scientific literature that over the coming decades, higher temperature and changing precipitation levels caused by climate change will be unfavourable for crop growth and yield in many regions and countries including Nigeria (Yusuf et al, 2008). It is therefore projected that crop yield in Africa may fall by 10-20% by 2050 or even up to 50% due to climate change, particularly because African agriculture is predominantly rained and hence fundamentally dependent on the vagaries of weather (Jones and Thornton, 2003). Most of the crop production in Nigeria are lowtechnology based and are therefore heavily susceptible to environmental factors and climate change, which are problems to farmers (Obioha, 2008). Farmers face challenges of tragic crop failures, reduced agricultural productivity, increased hunger, malnutrition and diseases due to adverse effect of climate change (Zoellick, 2009). These problems hamper agricultural output and contribution of the agricultural sector to the Nigeria’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The specific objectives were to: i. estimate the average maize output, hectarage, productivity and climatic parameters from (1980-2010). ii. estimate the trend of climatic parameters (rainfall and temperature) from 1980 – 2010. iii. Confirm acceleration, deceleration and stagnation of the climatic trend variables from 1980 – 2010. iv. estimate the significant effect of climate change on maize crop output. procedure described by Onyenweaku and Ezeh (1987) and Onyenweaku and Okoye (2005). Y bt = boe ……………………………………… (i) When linearized in logarithm, equation (i) becomes (Y = bo + bt ) Where: Y Rainfall, temperature t Time and variables bo,b1 Regression parameters to estimated. For objective 3, in order to confirm the existence of acceleration, deceleration or stagnation in rainfall and temperature variable in Nigeria, quadratic equation in time variable was fitted to the data as follows: Log Q = a + bt + Ct2 ………………………….. (ii) In the above specification, the linear and quadratic time terms gives the secular path in the dependent variable 2 (Q). The quadratic time t allows for the possibility of acceleration, deceleration or stagnation during the period of the study (Onyenweaku and Okoye, 2005; Onyenweaku, 1993 and 2004; Sewat, 1981). Significant positive value of the coefficient of t2 confirms significant acceleration; significant negative value of t2 confirms significant deceleration while non-significance of the 2 coefficient of t implies stagnation or absence of either acceleration or deceleration in the climate variables. Objective 4 was analyzed by the use of ordinary least square regression method specified thus; MATERIALS AND METHOD Q This study was carried out in Nigeria. Nigeria's latitude and longitude are 10° 00' N and 8° 00' E. Nigeria is the most populous black nation in the world and agriculture is a major activity especially in the rural areas. The data (1980- 2010) for the study was obtained from secondary sources. The sources include reports of National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), FAOSTAT (The Food and Agriculture Organization Online Agricultural Database), production yearbook of Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (FMARD), several issues and publications of Central Bank of Nigeria, as well as Annual Reports and Statement of Accounts. Other complimentary sources include published and unpublished materials like proceedings, thesis, textbooks, bulletin and academic journals. Information from these sources covers variables of interest, literature and other findings. The analytical tools employed include descriptive tools and Ordinary Least Square regression models. Objectives I was achieved using descriptive statistics. For objective 2, the trend was computed by fitting an exponential function in time to data following the = bo+ b1 x1 + b2 x2 + e ……………………… (iii) Where Q= maize output, x 1 = rainfall, x2 = temperature. The four functional of forms of linear, exponential, semilog and Cob Douglas was analyzed and the lead equation selected based on certain econometric (high R2 value, F- ratio, number of significant factors) criteria. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Maize output, hectarage, productivity and climatic parameters. The average maize output, hectarage productivity and climatic parameters from 1980-2010 are presented in Table 1. The result shows that the average rainfall and temperature statistics were 1288.311mm and 31.7173oC in Nigeria. The average maize output within the period was 4.84mt while hectarage and yield were 3.36mha and 1.44t/ha respectively. Effect of climate change on maize production in Nigeria J Agric. Econ. Rural Devel. 023 Table 1. Average maize output, hectarage productivity and climatic parameters from 1980-2010 Item Rainfall Temperature Output Hectarage Yield Mean 1288.311 31.7173 4,838,1.09 3,3618.10 1.4419 STD. DER. 97.6199 0.5656 2128530 1461,745 03275 Mini 985.31 308083 612,000 438,000 0.9700 Max 1468.33 33.2667 7,525,000 5,472,000 2.2 Source: FAOSTAT and NIMET. (units: output in metric tonnes, rainfall in millimeter, temperature in Degree Centigrades, yield in metric tonnes ). Table 2. Estimated functions for production area and productivity of maize in Nigeria, 1980-2010. Production: Constant term (a) 2 Coefficient (b) R F 0.5656 37.75*** 0.3687 16.94*** 0.4635 25.05*** 14.2075 0.0623 (76.50***) (6.14***) 14.0979 0.0475 (66.65***) (4.12***) Area: Productivity: 0.1029 0.0148 (2.01***) (5.01***) Figures in parenthesis are t-values, * and *** is significant at 10% and 1% level of probability respectively Table 3. Estimated function Rainfall Temperature Constant term (a) 7.0731 (299.55***) 3.4405 (606.70***) Constant term (a) 0.0054 (4.15***) 0.0010 (3.22**) R2 0.3730 F 17.25*** 0.2704 10.38*** Figures in parenthesis are t-values, ** and *** is significant at 5% and 1% level of probabilities respectively. Trends in maize production and climate variable in Nigeria 1980-2010. variables and this has a possibility of affecting crop performance. From Table 2, the coefficients of the trend variable were all highly significantly at 1% level of probability indicating that output, area and productivity of maize in Nigeria increased with time within the period under review. The means that area cultivated increased as well as productivity irrespective of the climatic condition within this period. Confirmation of Acceleration, Deceleration and stagnation of maize production and climatic variables in Nigeria: 1980-2010 Trend in rainfall temperature variables in Nigeria: 1980-2010. Table 3 shows the estimated log linear function in time variable for rainfall and temperature within the period and it showed positive trends. The coefficient of the trend variables for rainfall was highly significant at 5% level of probability. This implies that rainfall and temperature increased with time within the period. The coefficient in Table 3 also shows the relationships. The implication is that there was increase in these climatic From Table 4, the coefficients of the b2 for temperature and rainfall were negatively signed but not significant. The non-significance of the coefficient of b2 was a confirmation of stagnation within the period following Madu and Chinaka 2011. This implies a relative stagnation of maize output within this period because there was no significant increase or decrease. This may be attributed to the variation on climatic conditions. Confirmation of Acceleration, Deceleration and stagnation of production, area and productivity of maize in Nigeria. 1980-2010. The coefficients of b2 for output and area were negatively signed and highly significant at 1% level of Effect of climate change on maize production in Nigeria Obasi and Uwanekwu 024 Table 4. Estimated quadratic function in time variable for rainfall and temperature in Nigeria. 1980-2010. Defendants variable Estimated coefficients bo 7.0497 (189.85***) 3.4389 (380.07***) Rainfall Temperature b1 0.0096 (1.79*) 0.0013 (0.99) 2 b2 -0.0013 (-0.82) -0.0000088 (-0.22) R 0.3877 F 8.86** 0.2717 5.04* Figures in parentheses are t-values. *,*,*, and *** is significant at 10%, 5% and 1% respectively. Confirmation of Acceleration, Deceleration and stagnation of production, area and productivity of maize in Nigeria. 1980-2010. Table 5. Estimated quadratic functions in time variables for output, Area and productivity of maize in Nigeria. Defendants variable Estimated coefficients Production bo 13.3066 (67.99***) 12.9514 (70.39***) 0.3540 (5.71***) Area Productivity b1 0.2261 (8.02***) 0.2559 (9.66***) -0.0296 (-3.32**) b2 -0.0051 (-5.99**) -0.0065 (-3.11***) 0.0014 (5.13***) R2 0.8095 F 59.49*** 0.8113 60.21*** 0.7236 36.66*** Figures in parentheses are f-values ** and *** is significant at 5% and 1% level of probability respectively. Table 6. Regression estimates of the effect of climatic variables in maize output, hectarage and yield in Nigeria 1980-2010. Variable Constant Output (semi-log)+ Hectarage (double log+) Yield (Semi-log+) -284052574 -60.1031 -27.3099 (-5.42) (-2.67*) (-2.83**) 13913496 3.1299 1.6133 (4.09***) (2.14*) (2.58*) 54769251 15.2048 4.9770 (3.53**) (2.28*) (1.75*) R 0.5988 0.3332 0.3283 F (20.14***) 6.75** (6.60**) Rainfall Temperature 2 Figures in parentheses are f-values ** and *** is significant at 5% and 1% level of probability respectively. probability as shown in Table 5. This implies a confirmation of deceleration of output and area of maize within the period, (Chi-Chung et al, (2004). The coefficient of the b2 for productivity was positively signed and highly significant at 1% level of probability. This implies a confirmation of acceleration of yield within the period under review. This may be related to better management of the farm to increase output per area cultivated. Effect of climatic variables on maize output, hectarage and yield of maize in Nigeria. The results from Table 6 show that the semi-log functional form was chosen as the lead equation because of a high R2 value of 0.5988 which indicates 59.88% variability in maize output explained by the climatic variables. The F- ratio was highly significant at 1% indicating a regression of best fit. The coefficients of rainfall and temperature were positively signed and significant, this implies that increase in rainfall and temperature to corresponding increases in maize output at a deceleration within the period. For maize hectarage, the Cobb Douglas functional farm was chosen as the lead equation because of a high R2 value of 0.3332 indicating 33.32% variability in hectarage of maize explained by the climatic variables. The result showed that increase in climatic variable led Effect of climate change on maize production in Nigeria J Agric. Econ. Rural Devel. to corresponding increases in area planted with maize within the period though with a deceleration. The result for maize yield revealed that the semi-log functional form was chosen as the lead equation because of a higher number of significant variables with a R2 value of 0.3283 indicating a 32.83% variability in maize yield explained by the independent variables. The coefficients of rainfall and temperature were all positively signed and significant; this implies that increases in the climatic variables led to corresponding increases in maize yield. Therefore, generally, there was an increase in output, hectarage and yield within this period but at decreasing rate. This shows that even though increases were recorded with the increase in the climatic variables, the effect of these climatic variables was shown through the decelerating rate of output, hectarge and yield. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the findings of the research on this study, climate change significantly affected the productivity of maize crop in Nigeria. As temperature and rainfall increased, there were increases in output and area at a deceleration which may have been induced by climate change. This goes a long way indicating the importance of climate to crop production. Thus, climate variability is an important determinant resource for crop production in Nigeria very important to agriculture in Nigeria. Considering the result of the analysis, the following recommendations were made: i. There is need for governmental policies towards mitigation measures, such as conservation of resources and the development and deployment of alternative energy sources, massive campaign on green house gas emission activities in the country. ii. The government should gear efforts towards developing technologies such as research and extension methodologies, which will address changes in climate, as well as providing effective irrigation facilities. iii. The use of environmentally friendly equipments, machines, infrastructures and technologies that produces less of the green houses gases emphasized. Partnerships between government and other stakeholders, farmers, private sectors and local communities to ensure a win-win situation against climate risks should be encouraged. REFERENCES Action Aid (2008). The time is now; lesson from farmers to adapting to climate change. Retired from: www.actionaid.org. on August 10,2009. Adejuwon SA (2004). Impact of climate variability and climate change on crop yield in Nigeria.Contributed paper to Stakeholders workshop on assessment panel on climate change. Adejuwon SA (2004). Impacts of climate Variability and Change on Crop Yield in Nigeria. Lead Paper Presented at the Stakeholders. Workshop on 025 Assessment of impacts and Adaptation to Climate Change, Conference Center, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ill-ife 20-21 September, 2004. Chi-Chung C, McCarl B.A. and Schimmelpfenning D (2004). Yield Variability as Influenced by Climate: A Statistical Investigation. Climate Change 239261,204. Crosson P (1997). Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture. 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This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are cited. Effect of climate change on maize production in Nigeria
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