CV writing workshop pwn norway


CV writing workshop pwn norway
WORKSHOP: CV writing, interview skills & salary negotiation with Filip Skogstad
Tuesday, 28th April 2015
18:00 - 21:00
Oslo International Hub, Oscar Gate 27, 0352 Oslo, Norway
 How to write a good resume? Layout and content
 How to write an awesome application
 How to come up with the right questions during the interview
 Salary and benefits negotiation
PRESENTATION: Filip Skogstad
It’s not easy to write a god CV. But, there are a few tricks that can help you to get the job you want.
Every CV should include:
1. Layout
- Needs to be tidy and visible
2. Picture
- Recommendation is to use picture, but that depends on job ad you are applying for
3. Biography
- Always include your contact information (phone, address)
4. Summary
- Short like elevator speech
- To the point, needs to intrigue and attract attention
- If possible add your goals and objectives here (example: explain how you managed to realize
projects on your last position)
5. Sweet spot
- The spot on the CV that the recruiter watches the longest (upper middle part of your CV)
- It’s important to put here the most relevant information about yourself (example: put here
the most relevant work experience)
6. Specific personal interests
- Not very relevant
- If you have a special interest it’s ok to mention it, but don’t use common interests that
everybody has in their CV (example: don’t put - I love traveling, reading books…etc.)
! Remember:
Rule: the shorter the CV the better – however, this does not apply when you have several
years of experience (for example: if you have between 30-40 years of experience your CV
should have at least 2 pages, if you have 40+ then at least 3 pages)
Always try to update your CV according to the job you applying for
LinkedIn profile should always look professional and needs to be in line with your CV
Recruiters call between 10-15 people for an interview, 5 people will go to 2nd round, and
only 3 will be presented to the company
What are the most important aspects of resumes that recruiters look for? (See picture below)
A letter of application, also known as a cover letter, is a document sent with your resume to provide
additional information on your skills and experience:
Short, to the point (5 – 7 short sentences)
Which position you are applying for
Source – where you found the job ad
Why you are applying, you need to provide detailed information on why are you are qualified
for the job you are applying for
Mention your current situation (working, looking for a job…)
Job interviews are usually preceded by the evaluation of CVs submitted by candidates who have applied
for the job; recruiters/employers usually invite the best of these candidates to an interview. The job
interview is considered one of the most useful tools in evaluating potential employees.
How to be prepared:
Analyse 3 critical points, find 3 questions for each
Prepare examples for all relevant questions
Strengths and Weaknesses (weaknesses examples should lead to your strong qualities)
Clothing – always professional
Listen and answer only what you are asked
Prepare answers to questions like: How long would you like to stay on the position?; How do
you deal with stress?
Prepare your questions:
o about organization charts
o about development opportunities in the company
o about the company and what they do/company culture….etc.
! Remember: After sending out the job application or after the interview, only call if you have a good
Before you accept the offer, take some time to reflect and assess whether the position is going to meet
your professional and personal goals, and whether the salary and benefits package is going to work for
Also check: Hay Group, PayScal, Universities, Recruiter,