Using 3D-SHORE and MAP-MRI to Obtain Both Tractography and Microstructural Contrast from a Clinical di usion MRI Acquisition 1 2 13 3 2 Rutger Fick , Mauro Zucchelli , Gabriel Girard , Maxime Descoteaux , Gloria Menegaz , Rachid Deriche 1 1 Athena, INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France 2 University of Verona, Italy Always Spread Your Sample On More Shells No Increase in Acquisition Time More Recovered Tissue Information Acquisitions in Di usion MRI (dMRI) are time consuming. Current clinical protocols measure between 30 - 90 dMRI images per patient. Depending on the scanner this can take 10 - 30 min. 2 The strength and orientation of the di usion gradients over dMRI images must be spread to get the most information. Current Clinical Practice (Single-Shell) What Is More Useful (Multi-Shell) b-value (s/mm2) b-value (s/mm2) b=0 b=0 Multi-Shell dMRI Signal MAP-MRI 3D-SHORE Di usion Propagator Pore Model Tissue Structure Information MAP-MRI2 is a functional basis that simultaneously describes the 3D di usion signal attenuation and di usion propagator as a series of basis functions. Here wave vector is related to b-value as . MAP-MRI's basis functions and are Fourier Transforms of each other, so the dMRI signal and di usion propagator are described by the same coe cients. b=1000 No Data The basis is tted using regularized least squares 3. Its rst basis function, i.e. , is equivalent to an anisotropic DTI tensor. 3D-SHORE is a special case of MAP-MRI where is isotropic. b=2000 b=3000 b=3000 From Multi-Shell to Microstructure The di usion propagator links the dMRI signal to the tissue microstructure, and represents the probability that a particle will travel a distance in the given di usion time. We must get the most out of this investment 1 With the same number of images over multiple shells , we obtain the same tractography results as single-shell dMRI, but we gain access to microstructural contrasts. 3 SCIL, Univerity of Sherbrooke, Canada Main Contributions Introduction MRI Scanner 3 1 Peak and Tractography Results We compare peak recovery between (single shell) constrained spherical deconvolution (CSD)4, 3D-SHORE and MAP-MRI (below). We nd: - 3D-SHORE and MAP-MRI can infer smaller crossings than CSD. - MAP-MRI has estimation bias (green = ground truth, red = recovered) Di usion Propagator to White Matter Directionality We obtain the orientation distribution function (ODF) by integrating radially. is a sharpening factor. Di usion Propagator to Microstructure Parameters We model tissue as pores (astrocytes as sphere, axons as cylinders) Given long di usion time, we estimate mean pore volume and mean cross-sectional area through the return to origin and axis 2 probability (RTOP and RTAP) : 4 Microstructural Contrasts Despite MAP-MRI's bias in angle, it's signal recovery is better than 3D-SHORE. We use the Human Connectome Project (HCP) data 6. We can recover RTOP and RTAP with just 60 samples. We use Tractometer5 on the 2013 ISBI challenge data (below) to quantify tractography (SNR=10,20,30). There are 27 arti cial bundles. (T) ISBI challenge data. (L) Seed points in green. (M/R) (in)valid connection. Conclusion b-max 3,000 Above: MGH HCP data. b-values=1000,3000,5000, 10.000 s/mm2 with 64, 64, 128, 256 samples. The relative di erence in axon radius remains even with a (clinically feasable) b-value of just 3000 s/mm2. By just spreading the same number of dMRI samples over multiple shells, we can still recover accurate tractography, and we gain access to tissue constrasts such as the axon radius, which should prove helpful in understanding normal and pathologic nervous tissue. ISBI, April 2015, New York City, New York We also estimate the axon radius from RTAP in di erent parts of the Corpus Callosum. In agreement with literature7, we estimate larger axon radii in the midbody than in the genu or splenium. radius ( m) b-max 5,000 We nd (graphs below) that 3D-SHORE and CSD are similar in VCCR, and 3D-SHORE is always higher in CSR. MAP-MRI is never best. Above: WU-Minn HCP data. b-values=1000,2000,3000 s/mm 2 with 90 samples per shell. b-max 10,000 We use 2 evaluation criteria 7: - Valid Connection to Connection Ratio (VCCR) - Connection to Seed Ratio (CSR) were provided [in part] by the Human Connectome Project. This research has Acknowledgements Data been partly supported by project MOSIFAH (ANR-13-MONU-0009-01) Caruyer et al. MRM, 2013. 2. Ozarslan et al. Neuroimage, 2013. 3. Fick et al, ISBI, 2015. 4. References 1. Tournier et al. NeuroImage, 2007. 5. Cote et al. MIA, 2013. 6. Van Essen et al. NeuroImage, 2013. 7. Aboitz et al, Brain Research, 1992. Contact: rutger., url: