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Page 1 of 3 PS 107, Brooklyn | School Leadership Team (SLT)
PS 107, Brooklyn | School Leadership Team (SLT)
Meeting Minutes
March 18, 2015
2:50-4:30 pm
Eve Litwack, Pascale Pradel, Julie Tayala, Peg Galella, Tamara Chebar, Shirley Harkins,
Alyse Dosik, Heidi Igoe, Deb Iarussi, Mariko Beck, Kim Berney-Brooke, Susie Jen (standing in
for Julie Rosenberg)
Governor Cuomo’s Education Proposals
The SLT discussed how our school community could build awareness around these proposals
and how the evaluations are currently calculated and scored
• If parents are considering an Opt Out for their child, it must be sent in writing to Eve,
and received no later than Thursday, April 2
• Opt out decisions may have a negative impact on teacher evaluation, school and
district rankings, and potentially have a long term affect on school funding and
o The requirements are that 95% of each sub-group of students must be tested
(general ed, special ed, etc…)
• New this year, students who have been Opted Out of testing do not need to complete
promotional portfolios unless there is a serious question abou promotion to the next
• Protest on Saturday, March 28 @ 12noon at Cuomo’s mid-town offices – The PTA and
PASS Committee will notify parents
• Special Education waivers in budget proposal
o It was mentioned that Governor Cuomo’s budget proposal would allow school
districts to seek broad waivers from laws and regulations that provide important
protections for students with disabilities. For example, these waivers could
allow school districts to avoid certain requirements regarding class size,
behavior intervention plans, and notification of certain changes in placement.
• How test scores are used to evaluate teachers this year (2014-2015)
o 2014-2015 evaluations will be 40% of test scores (20% of which are the state
test results)/60% of classroom observations
o The other 20% is based on a default metric or by a value-added metric defined
by the school. The Measures of Student Learning (MOSL) committee and
teachers have selected the default metric for this year. The value-added metric
was used last year.
• Value-added model (VAM) and 3rd grade teachers
o VAM looks at scores to see how much a teacher adds to the child & evaluates
if the teacher has added value to the child’s education
o State creates a theoretical class model that is used as a target
o VAM does not apply to 3rd grade because there are no state test
measurements prior to 3rd grade
o 3rd grade is base line for growth expectations in 4th & 5th grades
o Tests and the results are not transparent
§ Teachers do receive an items skills analysis, but no information on the
test results (e.g. which questions did the child miss that impacted score)
• Test scores for teachers on lower grades and cluster teachers
o Measures of Student Learning (MOSL) model is the basis for these
evaluations, with a default to all testing results
Page 1 of 3 PS 107, Brooklyn | SLT Meeting Minutes March 18, 2015 Registration Projections 2015-2016
Reviewed projections of registration
• It is expected that registration will be down again in 2015-2016 (due to the rezoning a
few years back)
• The DOE takes a final count of school population on October 31 / December 31
• The projections and final count have an impact on the budget
• For 2014-2015 school year we had reductions in our budget since there was a
reduction in registration from original projections
• Next year, anticipate another reduction in student population, which will impact 3rd and
4th grades for configuration
Comprehensive Educational Plan (CEP)
SLT discussed the next topic for next year’s CEP goals
Rigorous Instruction: Instruction is customized, inclusive, motivating, and aligned to the
Common Core. High standards set in every classroom. Students are actively engaged in
ambitious intellectual activity and developing critical thinking skills.
o Teachers College continues to provide staff development in defined areas of
o Literacy coach on staff working with all teachers; works directly with TC Staff
Developer and follows up with the teachers on the work addressed during
these visits
o Professional book clubs for teachers has been very helpful in additional
development for the teachers
o Vertical teams have been helpful; every teacher is an expert in a subject on
their grade (4 teams: Reading, Writing, Math, and Social Studies/Science);
these teams meet regularly to discuss each grades’ curriculum ensuring there
is a thread from K-5
• Math
o Will invest in an online program called Dreambox – oriented around how we
teach math and will allow for additional differentiated math instruction for
o Building capacity in the school having experts on various subjects that can be a
resource for all teachers
• Other areas
o Having grade leaders and teams
o Working on translating what teachers are learning in professional development
into the classroom that actively engages the students; there will be visible
evidence of learning and engagement in the classroom
o Student advisory council has been set up where students share the way they
learn best
§ Asking the students “What conditions do you need to do your best
learning?” By asking this question, the students must consider what
kind of learner they are.
§ Some answers: Working with partners; learning through doing (e.g.
Page 2 of 3 PS 107, Brooklyn | SLT Meeting Minutes March 18, 2015 Next month’s goal for discussion
Effective School Leadership: Principals lead by example and nurture the professional growth of teachers and staff, developing and delivering the instructional and social-­‐
emotional support that drives student achievement. Sexual Health Education Curriculum
Continued discussion around sexual health education and what could be offered as several
parents inquired about this topic earlier in the year
• SLT members looked through the book It’s so Amazing
• Focus on changes in the body, not so much reproduction
• Still in the exploration phase of the program, but it will be for 5th graders only
• Some suggested topics include:
o Parts of the body (boys and girls)
o The science of reproduction
o Boys/girls separated Q&A session
o Using the book “It’s So Amazing” or something similar
o Taught from a science perspective
o Team taught with two teachers
• Eve will continue to explore further with the 5th grade teachers
5th Grade Trip
One last inquiry regarding the overnight trip (one night vs two nights);
• It was discussed that if a 5th grade parent team would like to organize an overnight trip
outside of school, the PTA will assist in the efforts
• The school is unable to sponsor this trip, but is open to suggestions for the one day trip
and alternatives from Club Getaway
Suggested Camp: Trailblazers
Location: 210 Deckertown Turnpike, Montague, NJ 07827
Phone: 973-875-4116
Topics for Next Meeting
• Sexual Health Curriculum
• CEP Goal Topic: Effective School Leadership
Next Meeting: Wednesday, April 15 – 2:50-4:30pm
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