
New technologies for SLT Associations
The ASTTLR Case Study
carolina.bodea.hategan@gmail.com tdorina@yahoo.com
Web-site: www.asttlr.ro
Blog www.asttlr.wordpress.com
Nowadays, there is a wide range of technologies available for SLT practice, the number of AAC and Apps developed and
used in SLT practice is increasing both in clinic and school settings. Telepractice is used with very good results and
offers increased access to SLT and SLP services. Aphasia, Apraxia, Dysarthria, Voice disorders, Dysphagia, Fluency
Disorders, Diagnosis of Speech and Language Disorders and Articulation were all investigated from the telepractice
point of view in a analysis performed by Edwards, Stredler-Brown, Houston, (2012). All the studies listed in the review
demonstrated that there was no significant difference in the results when participants were evaluated or treated in
face-to-face and/or online conditions. Caution is needed when the patient is in severe condition. McCrea, (2013) also
presents in his article 3 Online Speech Therapy Success Stories.
High-tech augmentative and alternative communication devices are already implemented in schools settings on a daily
bases but also in therapies for autism spectrum disorders. (Still, Rehfeldt, Whelan, May, & Dymond, 2014). Unaided or
aided AAC (Mirenda, 2009) are intended to provide an alternative to speech for maintaining social communicative
interaction with others. (Waddington, 2014)
Follow the right steps
Search the Apps libraries from AppleStore and Google Play
Assess the needs
Search the literature
Collaborative working
Consult the association's members
Test and evaluate the feedback
Starting with the accessibility of tablets and smart phones and given the proliferation of them, speech therapy gains a
new dimension. The demands of clients and the needs of SLTs and SLPs lead to new products such as APPS for speech
therapy. A wide range of APPS are available in Google Play and AppStore. Proloquo2Go-Symbol-based AAC,
Proloquo4Text-Text-based AAC, Pictollo, Language therAppy ,Splingo's Language Universe, Tactus Aphasia Therapy
Toolkit, Able AAc,Polly Verbs,Comprehension TherAPPy, Conversation TherAPPy, SLP FlashCards,SLP TAT Speech,
Comprehension: Builder SLP 2Stutter Counter, Articulation Speech Therapy are just a few to name from the APPS
Widespread in English language, SLT and SLP Apps are gaining ground among others languages such as Romanian.
SLTs and SLPs are using Apps for lots of diagnosis: aphasia (Lingraphic, 2014) and non-aphasia Apps (Ramsberger, &
Messamer, 2014), language skills development (Milo, 2012), communication disorders in cerebral palsy (Desai, Chow,
Mumford, Hotze, & Chau, 2014), articulation and most often in autism spectrum disorders (Waddington et al 2014,
Still et al, 2014).
An important goal for SLT Associations is to keep up with all this new technologies and ASTTLR is no exception.
New ASTTLR Android APP. Released April 2015
Walk through the world of sounds
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Research activity
- A new collection for SLT
- 2 electronic books
- 2 assessment tools
Posibility to make an
electronic listing
Assessment Tools
Easy navigate through
text or music material
In print and
electronic pdf. format
Assess articulation disorders
and create an e-mail report
With an increased numbers of APPS and ACC from SLT and SLP field, ASTTLR
makes efforts to be updated and to offer high quality resources for its members, to
improve the quality of services provided for clients and students.
It is very important to be constantly in touch with speech therapy professionals and
to be aware of the new directions established in the field of SLT or SLP
Future SLT materials will be released.
Ramsberger, G., & Messamer, P. (2014). Best Practices for Incorporating Non- Aphasia-Specific Apps into Therapy.Seminars In Speech & Language, 35(1), 17.
doi:10.1055/s-0033-1362992. ISSN 0734-0478
Lingraphica (2014). Lingraphica Introduces Award-Winning Integrated iPad App and Cloud-Based Speech Therapy Solution to Help Survivors of Stroke and
Traumatic Brain Injury Recover Language Skills. Business Wire (English).
Still, K., Rehfeldt, R. A., Whelan, R., May, R., & Dymond, S. (2014). Review: Facilitating requesting skills using high-tech augmentative and alternative
communication devices with individuals with autism spectrum disorders: A systematic review. Research In Autism Spectrum Disorders, 81184-1199.
Waddington, H., Sigafoos, J., Lancioni, G. E., O'Reilly, M. F., van der Meer, L., Carnett, A., & ... Marschik, P. B. (2014). Three children with autism
spectrum disorder learn to perform a three-step communication sequence using an iPad®-based speech-generating device. International Journal Of Developmental
Neuroscience, 39(Developmental Perspectives of Autism), 59-67. doi:10.1016/j.ijdevneu.2014.05.001
Mirenda, P.( 2009). Promising innovations in AAC for individuals with autism spec-trum disorders. Perspect. Augment. Altern. Commun. 18, 112–113.
McCrea, B. (2013). 3 Online Speech Therapy Success Stories. The Journal, 40(8), 9-12.
Desai, T., Chow, K., Mumford, L., Hotze, F., & Chau, T. (2014). Implementing an iPad-based alternative communication device for a student with cerebral
palsy and autism in the classroom via an access technology delivery protocol. Computers & Education, 148. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2014.07.009
Edwards, M. Stredler-Brown, A. Houston, K. T. (2012) Expanding Use of Telepractice in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology The Volta Review, Volume
112(3), Winter 2012, 227-242
Advocate Staff R. (2013). Grant assists in iPad use in speech therapy. Advocate, The (Baton Rouge, LA).
xxx (2012). Best Selling Speech Therapy App Now Available on Android. PRWeb (USA).
European CPLOL Congress: Open the Doors to Communication
Florence, Italy, 8-9 May 2015