Ver.di Vereinte Diensleistungsgewerkschaft Fachbereich
Ver.di Vereinte Diensleistungsgewerkschaft Fachbereich
Ver.di Vereinte Diensleistungsgewerkschaft Fachbereich Postdienste, Speditionen und Logistik Paula-Thiede-Ufer 10 10179 Berlin Federal Republic of Germany Dear VERDI colleagues in Deutsche Post DHL Our organisation Tümtis is part of the international family of unions representing workers in the DP-DHL Group worldwide, working together under the umbrella of global unions UNI and ITF (*). We have recently been informed about management’s full-on attack against a signed contract and understand that you consider this an unprecedented breach of the collective agreement which is in place to protect workers in Germany against unlimited outsourcing. In addition to that, thousands of high-quality jobs are threatened to be outsourced into a low-cost subsidiary “DHL Delivery” through this appalling management manoeuvre. · With this message, we call upon corporate management in Bonn to abide by the contract it has signed! A breach of a collective agreement must not be allowed, and we express our outrage about this behaviour! · With this message, we express our full solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Germany in your fight for workers rights! We stand by you shoulder to shoulder and will support you in your struggle. Yours in Solidarity, Kenan Öztürk Tümtis (*) The International Transport Workers Federation, ITF, and UNI Global Union, UNI, represent millions of transport and logistics workers worldwide, including unions representing workers in postal services and express delivery companies. Throughout the DP-DHL Group, unions are closely connected as part of a global network of unions representing workers in this multinational company.