Learning Events - University of Alberta
Learning Events - University of Alberta
Addiction and Mental Health May, 2015 Daily Event Listings Practice Evidence Collections Online Resources Learning Events Pages 1- 10 Page 11 Page 12 May Healthy Minds/Healthy Children, Online Continuing Professional Development, Coaching parents to reclaim their power and Cyberbullying. Call (403) 220-4310 hmhc@albertahealthservices.ca Register at http://www.albertahealthservices.ca/4723.asp May On-demand Video Interviewing Series, Understanding ASAM criteria and the 5 levels of care with the Centennial Centre for Mental Health & Brain Injury and Claresholm Centre for Mental Health & Addictions. concurrent.disorders@albertahealthservices.ca May 1 Workshop, Suicide intervention/self harm training with Blain Clouthier. 9 am- 5 pm at 6770- 129 Avenue, Edmonton ($75) http://www.boscohomes.ca/OurPrograms/SupportServices/PES/docs/2015/2015Training.pdf May 1 The Inaugural Alberta Nursing Informatics Boot Camp at MacEwan University. Contact manal.klelb@ualberta.ca May 2- 3 nd 2 Annual Western Canada Addiction Forum in Vernon, British Columbia. Call 778-471-6489 Rachel@chemicaldependency.ca May 2- 3 Workshop, Mental Health First Aid. 9 am- 4pm. ($250) Provided by NAIT. Call 780 471-6248 http://www.nait.ca/course_CPRS900.htm May 4- 5 Workshop, Mindfulness-Integrated Cognitive Behaviour Therapy training: For crisis intervention and relapse prevention by Dr Bruno Calhoun. 9 am – 5 pm at the Four Points by Sheraton Edmonton South. http://www.jackhirose.com/workshop/micbt-edmonton/ May 4- 5 Workshop, Worries and woes: Working with anxiety disorders in children and adolescents by Dr Lynn Miller. 9 am- 4 pm in Calgary. http://www.jackhirose.com/workshop/anxiety-miller-calgary/ May 5 Children’s Mental Health Learning Series, Prevention, intervention and postvention of suicide with Dr Michael Trew. 9:15- 10:45 in Red Deer or by webcast. Free registration at http://www.research4children.com/theme/common/page.cfm?i=10002604 May 5 st 1 Annual Dr Peter McCracken Memorial Lecture in Geriatric Medicine, The management of older persons with dementia: The challenge of coordinated models of care between primary and specialty care by Dr Howard Bergman (McGill University). 12- 1 pm in the Auditorium, Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital or by videoconference. Register at http://bit.ly/geriatricgrandrounds May 6 Adult Psychiatry Grand Rounds,12- 1 pm. Register or add your site by Telehealth at https://vcscheduler.ca/ahs Call 780 407-1611 agr@ualberta.ca. Video recordings are archived on InView at http://inview.albertahealthservices.ca/UI/Content/Secure/Login.aspx May 6- 7 Grounding Trauma Conference, Trauma, youth and young families: Research, prevention and intervention. In Alliston, Ontario. http://www.cast-canada.ca May 6- 9 th CGPA: Group Therapy, Group Training, Group Facilitation 36 Annual Conference, The brain in group: How individuals flourish together in Toronto. http://cgpa.ca/conference-2/ May 7 Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Grand Rounds. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation by Dr Jennifer Benz. 9- 10 am at the Auditorium, Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital. Register or add your site by Telehealth at https://vcscheduler.ca/ahs Call 780 407-1611 capgr@ualberta.ca Video recordings are archived on InView at http://inview.albertahealthservices.ca/UI/Content/Secure/Login.aspx Information, Evaluation & Professional Practice, Addiction and Mental Health, Edmonton Zone http://insite.albertahealthservices.ca/9250.asp Contact Daniel.scott@albertahealthservices.ca to be added to the emailing list or to send event listings. 1 Addiction and Mental Health May, 2015 Learning Events May 7 Geriatric Grand Rounds, Advanced dementia: Clinical course, complications and decision making by Dr. Susan Mitchell (Harvard Medical Scool). 12- 1 pm in the Auditorium, Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital or by videoconference. Register at http://bit.ly/geriatricgrandrounds May 7- 8 Two Workshops, Creating inside out classrooms and Intelligence, executive function and resilience: Shaping the forces that define our lives with Dr Sam Goldstein. In Lethbridge. https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/intelligenceexecutive-function-and-resilience-shaping-the-forces-that-define-our-lives-by-dr-sam-tickets-10373833415 Sponsored by the Mental Health Promotion Committee of Southern Alberta. May 7- 8 Workshop, Deactivating the buttons: An introduction to radical exposure tapping with Dr Laurie MacKinnon.. In Calgary. www.radicalexposure.com Call 403- 242-2909. May 7- 8 Workshop, Decision-making capacity assessment for psychologists. 8:30 am- 4 pm in Calgary. Presented by the Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee. (free) November 26- 27 in Edmonton. Call 780-638-3252 melanie.blackwell@gov.ab.ca May 7-8 Conference on Children and Adolescents, Overcoming behavioural, emotional and learning challenges. In Vancouver. http://www.jackhirose.com/workshop/child-youth-conference-vancouver/ May 7- 9 th Canadian Association of Cognitive and Behavioural Therapies, 5 Annual Meeting, at the University of Calgary. Workshops include the treatment of insomnia with Dr Colleen Carney and the treatment of selfinjurious behavior with Dr Alex Chapman. https://www.eply.com/cacbt2015 May 8- 9 Adult Male Survivor of Child Sexual Abuse Seminar, Bringing healing! 8:30 am- 4:30 pm in Calgary. ($250) https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/bringing-healing-adult-male-survivor-of-csa-training-seminar-tickets16006805787?utm_campaign=new_event_email&utm_medium=email&utm_source=eb_email&utm_term=ev enturl_text Call 403-245-6453. frances@cc4ms.ca May 11- 12 rd Workshop, Applied Suicide Intervention Training (ASIST) 8:30 am- 4:30 pm at CMHA, 3 Floor 10010-105 Street, Edmonton. ($250) Call 780-414-6300 http://edmonton.cmha.ca/programs-and-services/workshops/ May 11- 12 The Conference Board of Canada, Western Health Summit, Making change that makes a difference at the Westin Edmonton. http://www.conferenceboard.ca/conf/healthwest/default_old.aspx May 11- 12 International Conference on Behavioral and Psychological Sciences in Montreal. https://waset.org/conference/2015/05/montreal/ICBPS/call-for-papers May 11- 12 Workshop, Mental Health First Aid, Working with Youth. 9:15 am- 4:15 pm. ($250) Provided by NAIT. Call 780 471-6248 http://www.nait.ca/course_CPRS900.htm May 11- 17 National Nursing Week https://www.cna-aiic.ca/en/events/national-nursing-week-2015 May 12- 13 Jack Hirose Workshop, Healing broken bonds: Traumatic attachment and affect regulation with Dr Janina Fisher. 9 am- 4 pm in Burnaby, British Columbia. http://www.jackhirose.com/workshop/healing-broken-bondsburnaby/ May 12- 14 Conference, Innovative strategies in criminal Justice: From policy to practice. Robbins Health Learning Centre, MacEwan University, Edmonton. Keynote speakers include Dr Gabor Maté speaking on addiction. http://www.macewan.ca/wcm/MacEwanEvents/Conferences/InnovativeStrategiesinCriminalJusticeFromPolicytoPractice/index.htm May 12- 14 th 15 Annual Missing or Exploited Children Conference in Winnipeg. mecc@protectchildren.ca 1-800-532-9135 Hosted by the Canadian Centre for Child Protection. May 13 Education Series, Tobacco trends by Kari Jesswein. 9 am- 2:30 pm at Inglewood A, 12803 – 116 Avenue. (Free) Registration and information: 780-644-3642 prevention.edmonton@albertahealthservices.ca Presented by Addiction Prevention and Mental Health Promotion (AHS). Information, Evaluation & Professional Practice, Addiction and Mental Health, Edmonton Zone http://insite.albertahealthservices.ca/9250.asp Contact Daniel.scott@albertahealthservices.ca to be added to the emailing list or to send event listings. 2 Addiction and Mental Health May, 2015 Learning Events May 13 Adult Psychiatry Grand Rounds,12- 1 pm. Register or add your site by Telehealth at https://vcscheduler.ca/ahs Call 780 407-1611 agr@ualberta.ca. Video recordings are archived on InView at http://inview.albertahealthservices.ca/UI/Content/Secure/Login.aspx May 14 Concurrent Disorders Series, Trauma-informed approach to care by Nathalie Mercier. 9:30- 11 am. Accredited. Register and/or add your site by Telehealth at https://vcscheduler.ca/ahs. Video recordings are archived on InView at http://inview.albertahealthservices.ca/UI/Content/Secure/Login.aspx May 14 rd Workshop, Applied Suicide Intervention Training (ASIST) Tune Up 8:30 am- 12:30 pm at CMHA, 3 Floor 10010-105 Street, Edmonton. ($145) Call 780-414-6300 http://edmonton.cmha.ca/programs-andservices/workshops/ May 15- June 26 Seven Week Online Course, Mindfulness-Integrated CBT with Dr Bruno Cayoun. Must have taken the workshop on May 4- 5. http://www.jackhirose.com/workshop/mindfulness-integrated-cbt-foundation-course/ May 16- 20 th 168 APA Annual Meeting, Psychiatry: Integrating body and mind, heart and soul. In Toronto. http://annualmeeting.psychiatry.org/scientific-program/2015-call-for-abstracts May 19 Workshop, Advanced First Aid for Complex Trauma with Dr Jacqui Linder.9 am- 4 pm in the Santa Maria Goretti Centre, 11040- 90 Street, Edmonton. Presented by the Spiral Phoenix Trauma Institute. http://www.psychologistsassociation.ab.ca/ieadmin/files/SPIRAL_PHOENIX_TRAUMA_SEMINAR_INFORMATION.pdf Call 780 504-0329 http://www.spiralphoenix.org/ May 19 Geriatric Grand Rounds, Developing ease from disease: The role of functional medicine by Dr. Angela Juby (University of Alberta). 12- 1 pm in the Auditorium, Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital or by videoconference. Register at http://bit.ly/geriatricgrandrounds May 19- 22 Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association Annual Conference in Niagara Falls. http://www.ccpaaccp.ca/conference/index.php May 20 FASD Learning Series, What’s new in FASD research by Dr. Jacquie Pei and Dr. Carmen Rasmussen, 9-11 th am. Live webcast in Boardroom, 12 Floor Milner Building, 10040 104 St NW, Edmonton. Free. jgillis@casaservices.org http://fasd.alberta.ca/current-year.aspx May 20 Workshop, Historic trauma and Aboriginal client services by Dr Patti LaBoucane-Benson. 8:30 am- 12 noon in the Commonwealth Community Recreation Centre, 11000 Stadium Road, Edmonton. www.reachedmonton.ca/training May 20 Adult Psychiatry Grand Rounds,12- 1 pm. Register or add your site by Telehealth at https://vcscheduler.ca/ahs Call 780 407-1611 agr@ualberta.ca. Video recordings are archived on InView at http://inview.albertahealthservices.ca/UI/Content/Secure/Login.aspx May 21 Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Grand Rounds. e-Health interventions in adolescent mental health: Evidence from the literature and observations from a trial by Ashley Radomski. 9- 10 am at the Auditorium, Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital. Register or add your site by Telehealth at https://vcscheduler.ca/ahs Call 780 4071611 capgr@ualberta.ca Video recordings are archived on InView at http://inview.albertahealthservices.ca/UI/Content/Secure/Login.aspx May 21- 22 Conference, Face it: Elder abuse happens- Building connections, creating solutions. In Calgary. Call Janet Schimmel 403-948-0286 www.faceitelderabuse.ca Hosted by Alberta Elder Abuse Network. May 20- 22 RPNC World Congress for Psychiatric Nurses, Building on strengths: A global perspective. In the Fairmont Banff Springs. http://worldcongress.rpnc.ca/ Information, Evaluation & Professional Practice, Addiction and Mental Health, Edmonton Zone http://insite.albertahealthservices.ca/9250.asp Contact Daniel.scott@albertahealthservices.ca to be added to the emailing list or to send event listings. 3 Addiction and Mental Health May, 2015 Learning Events May 22 University of Calgary, Women’s Mental Health Day Conference, Focusing on perinatal health In Calgary http://cumming.ucalgary.ca/files/med/Womens_Mental_Health_2015_Save-the-Date.pdf May 22 th 14 Annual Psychiatry Research Day in the Bernard Snell Hall, University of Alberta Hospital. Keynote by Dr Jamie Hallak (University of São Paulo) on the ‘Role of Nitric Oxide in the Pathogenesis and Therapeutics of Schizophrenia’. http://psychiatry.med.ualberta.ca/GrandRounds.aspx May 22 st Canadian Association of Marriage and Family Therapy Annual Conference, Couple interventions in the 21 century: Shaping the bonds of love with Dr Sue Johnson. In Winnipeg. http://www.aamft.ab.ca/#!trainingconferences/c22r8 May 22 AFMS/ACR Training, The Child Centered Continuum Model for increasing child focus in family mediation/ADR processes with Dr Lorri Yasenik and Jon Graham LLB. 9 am- 4:30 pm in Calgary. https://afms.ca/index.php?pid=26 May 22- 24 Canadian Federation of Clinical Hypnosis, Spring Conference & Workshops, Hypnosis, family and sexuality. In the Banff Park Lodge. http://www.clinicalhypnosis.ca/ab_conferences.html May 22- 24 Canadian Association of Music Therapy Conference in Calgary. http://conference.musictherapy.ca/2015/index.html May 23 and 30 A two session course, Mindfulness for educators. Saturdays, 9 am-3 pm. ($295 + GST) Call Joyce at 780919-0693 www.mindfulnessinstitute.ca May 24- 26 Annual Addictions and Mental Health Conference. In Toronto. http://www.addictionsandmentalhealthontario.ca/2015-conference.html May 24- 27 th 9 Annual Canadian Neuroscience Meeting in Vancouver. http://can-acn.org/meeting2015 May 25- 26 Workshop, Making sense of anxiety by Dr Gordon Neufeld. 9 am – 4 pm in Executive Royal Inn West Edmonton. http://www.jackhirose.com/workshop/neufeld-anxiety-edmonton/ May 25- 26 rd Workshop, Applied Suicide Intervention Training (ASIST) 8:30 am- 4:30 pm at CMHA, 3 Floor 10010-105 Street, Edmonton. ($250) Call 780-414-6300 http://edmonton.cmha.ca/programs-and-services/workshops/ May 26 Telehealth Education Session, Mental Health Act. 1:30- 3:30 pm. Register on MyLearningLink http://insite.albertahealthservices.ca/1881.asp Key search word: Mental Health Act. Presented by the Provincial Addiction and Mental Health CTO and MHA Team, AHS. May 26- 27 Conference, Rural homelessness is real: What can we do about it? At the Executive Royal Inn, Leduc. http://ardn.ca/ May 27 Lunchtime Ethics Series, Navigating murky waters: The ethics of functional risk assessment by Gary Lepine. 12- 1 pm in the Robbins Theatre, Royal Alexandra Hospital, and by telehealth. Register and/or add sites at https://vcscheduler.ca/ahs More information at www.bioethics.ualberta.ca May 27 Adult Psychiatry Grand Rounds,12- 1 pm. Register or add your site by Telehealth at https://vcscheduler.ca/ahs Call 780 407-1611 agr@ualberta.ca. Video recordings are archived on InView at http://inview.albertahealthservices.ca/UI/Content/Secure/Login.aspx May 27 Workshop, Working effectively with Aboriginal Peoples with Bob Joseph. 8:30 am- 4 pm. ($399) http://www.ictinc.ca/event/working-effectively-with-aboriginal-peoples-training-edmonton May 27 Workshop, Making sense of attention problems by Dr Gordon Neufeld. 9 am- 4 pm at the Executive Royal Inn West Edmonton. http://www.jackhirose.com/workshop/attention-problems-edmonton/ Information, Evaluation & Professional Practice, Addiction and Mental Health, Edmonton Zone http://insite.albertahealthservices.ca/9250.asp Contact Daniel.scott@albertahealthservices.ca to be added to the emailing list or to send event listings. 4 Addiction and Mental Health May, 2015 Learning Events May 27- 28 Workshop, Motivational Interviewing, Level 2. 9 am- 4 pm at ATA Barnett House, 11010- 142 Street, Edmonton. https://www.ahvna.org/index.php?page=events&action=vieweventdetails&event_id=136 May 27- 29 Canadian Bioethics Society, Annual Conference, Shadows and light: Bioethics and human rights. In Winnipeg. http://www.bioethics.ca/ethics/conference.html May 27- 30 CAOT Conference, Occupational justice: Rising to the challenge in Winnipeg. http://www.caot.ca/default.asp?pageid=173 May 28 nd 2 Annual Health Care Symposium, Current advances and trends in the diagnosis and treatment of Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. (Free) 5:30- 8 pm in Calgary. http://www.mcleod-law.com/HealthCareSymposium2015 May 29 th 12 Annual Flor-Henry Lectures, Psychiatry 2015: Are its paradigms still valid? with Professor Norman Sartorius. 8 am- 3 pm at Fairmont Hotel Macdonald, Edmonton. ($125 before May 1, $150 after) Registration and information at 780 342-5473 kimberly.snyder@albertahealthservices.ca May 29 PAA Connect, Inaugural forum for learning connection, and renewal. In Cochrane. http://www.eventbrite.ca/e/paa-connect-2015-our-inaugural-forum-for-learning-connection-and-renewaltickets-13941024981?ref=ebtnebtckt May 29- 30 th 18 Annual Meeting, Society for Interpersonal Theory and Research (SITAR) in Toronto http://sitar2015.weebly.com/ June On-demand Video Interviewing Series, Alberta Mental Health Patient Advocate Office- What they do and why with Beverly Slusarchuk concurrent.disorders@albertahealthservices.ca June 1 Workshop, Pregnancy and drug use: Emerging trends in policy and practice at the Coast Edmonton Plaza Hotel. ($100) http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/1148225?utm_source=Keeping+in+Touch++March+5%2C+2015&utm_campaign=March+28%2C+2014+Newsletter&utm_medium=email June 2 Nursing Links Workshop, Physical assessment pearls by Barb Bancroft. 8:30 am- 4:30 pm at Ramada Hotel on Kingsway. http://www.nursinglinks.ca/frameset_workshops.html June 1 in Calgary. June 2 Workshop, Suicide intervention/self harm training with Blain Clouthier. 9 am- 5 pm at 6770- 129 Avenue, Edmonton ($75) http://www.boscohomes.ca/OurPrograms/SupportServices/PES/docs/2015/2015Training.pdf June 2-3 th 13 Annual Harm Reduction Conference, Policy, practice and research: Creating positive change. In the COAST Edmonton Plaza Hotel. http://albertaharmreduction.com/ June 2- 3 Canadian Domestic Violence Conference 4, Connecting the grassroots across the country in Toronto. http://www.canadiandomesticviolenceconference.ca/?page_id=648 June 3- 6 th 17 Annual Conference of the International Society for Bipolar Disorders in Toronto. http://www.isbd2015.com/ June 4 Presentation, The hungry ghost: A biopsychosocial perspective on addiction, from heroin to workaholism by Dr Gabor Maté. 9 am- 5 pm at the Fantasyland Hotel, West Edmonton Mall. Call 780- 689-1800. http://drgabormate.com/event/hungry-ghost-biopsychosocial-perspective-addictionf-rom-heroin-workaholism/ June 4 Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Grand Rounds. Binge Eating Disorder in Children by Erin Stolte. 9- 10 am at the Auditorium, Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital. Register or add your site by Telehealth at https://vcscheduler.ca/ahs Call 780 407-1611 capgr@ualberta.ca Video recordings are archived on InView at http://inview.albertahealthservices.ca/UI/Content/Secure/Login.aspx Information, Evaluation & Professional Practice, Addiction and Mental Health, Edmonton Zone http://insite.albertahealthservices.ca/9250.asp Contact Daniel.scott@albertahealthservices.ca to be added to the emailing list or to send event listings. 5 Addiction and Mental Health May, 2015 Learning Events June 4- 5 Workshop, Trauma- Strategies for resolving the impact of post traumatic stress. 9 am- 4 pm at Hampton Inn by Hilton Edmonton South. http://www.ctrinstitute.com/node/961 June 2- 3 in Calgary. June 4- 6 rd 3 North American Correctional and Criminal Justice Psychology Conference, Psychology getting smart on crime. In Ottawa. http://www.cpa.ca/NACCJPC/ June 4- 6 th 76 Annual Canadian Psychology Association Convention in Ottawa. http://www.cpa.ca/Convention/ June 8- 9 rd Workshop, Mental Health First Aid at CMHA, 3 Floor 10010-105 Street, Edmonton. ($185) Call 780-4146300 http://edmonton.cmha.ca/programs-and-services/workshops/ June 9 Children’s Mental Health Learning Series, Helping children recover from eating disorders with Sue Huff. 9:15- 10:30 at Radisson Hotel Edmonton South or by webcast. Free registration at http://www.research4children.com/theme/common/page.cfm?i=10002458 June 10 Workshop, Aboriginal cultural awareness with Kathy McKinnon. 9 am- 5 pm at 6770-129 Avenue, Edmonton. ($50) http://www.boscohomes.ca/OurPrograms/SupportServices/PES/docs/2015/2015Training.pdf June 10 Education Series, Tobacco trends by Kari Jesswein. 9 am- 2:30 pm at Inglewood A, 12803 – 116 Avenue. (Free) Registration and information: 780-644-3642 prevention.edmonton@albertahealthservices.ca Presented by Addiction Prevention and Mental Health Promotion (AHS). June 11 Concurrent Disorders Series, Chronic pain and addiction by Judy Boyd. 9:30- 11 am. Accredited. Register and/or add your site by Telehealth at https://vcscheduler.ca/ahs. Video recordings are archived on InView at http://inview.albertahealthservices.ca/UI/Content/Secure/Login.aspx June 11 rd Workshop, Suicide Awareness for Everyone ((safeTALK) 8:30 am- 12 pm at CMHA, 3 Floor 10010-105 Street, Edmonton. ($150) Call 780-414-6300 http://edmonton.cmha.ca/programs-and-services/workshops/ June 11 Covenant Health Ethics Conference, From abandonment to shared humanity. At the Delta Edmonton South. http://www.covenanthealth.ca/ethics-centre/ethics-conference.aspx June 11- 13 th 7 Conference on Ethics in Mental Health in Coburg, Ontario http://www.jemh.ca/ June 12 rd Workshop, Suicide awareness for everyone (SafeTALK) 8:30 am- 12 noon at CMHA, 3 Floor, 10010-105 Street, Edmonton. ($150) Call 780-414-6300 http://edmonton.cmha.ca/programs-and-services/workshops/ June 15 Videoconference, Nicotine replacement therapy project: Tobacco cessation pharmacology for the mental health population by Ron Bohar. 11:30- 1 pm. Register at https://vcscheduler.ca/register?id=722305-7482 June 15- 16 rd Workshop, Applied Suicide Intervention Training (ASIST) 8:30 am- 4:30 pm at CMHA, 3 Floor 10010-105 Street, Edmonton. ($250) Call 780-414-6300 http://edmonton.cmha.ca/programs-and-services/workshops/ June 15- 16 Workshop, Mental Health First Aid. 9:15 am- 4:15 pm. ($250) Provided by NAIT. Call 780 471-6248 http://www.nait.ca/course_CPRS900.htm June 16 Telehealth Education Session, CommunityTreatment Orders. 10:30 am- 12 noon. Register on MyLearningLink http://insite.albertahealthservices.ca/1881.asp Key search word: Community Treatment Order. Presented by the Provincial Addiction and Mental Health CTO and MHA Team, AHS. June 16- 20 th 28 World Congress of the International Association for Suicide Prevention, New discoveries and technologies in suicide prevention. In Montréal. http://iasp2015.com/ Information, Evaluation & Professional Practice, Addiction and Mental Health, Edmonton Zone http://insite.albertahealthservices.ca/9250.asp Contact Daniel.scott@albertahealthservices.ca to be added to the emailing list or to send event listings. 6 Addiction and Mental Health May, 2015 Learning Events June 17- 19 Knowledge Translation in Mental Health and Addictions Conference. In Toronto. http://www.waypointcentre.ca/cms/one.aspx?portalId=10043&pageId=10059&objectId.502=162221&contextId .502=10146&parentId.502=10147 June 18- 20 th 16 Canadian Collaborative Mental Health Conference, Jump on the bandwagon. In Calgary. http://sharedcare.ca/page.aspx?menu=57&app=269&cat1=758&tp=2&lk=no June 22- 23 CMHA Workshop, Mental Health First Aid. 8:30 am- 4:30 pm at 3rd Floor, 10010 – 105 Street, Edmonton. Call 780 414-6300. ($185) http://edmonton.cmha.ca/programs_services/mental-health-firstaid/#.VRl8uvnF9g1 June 24 Lunchtime Ethics Series,”Could you just squeeze me in?” Ethics of professional courtesy in healthcare by Gary Goldsand. 12- 1 pm in the Robbins Theatre, Royal Alexandra Hospital, and by telehealth. Register and/or add sites at https://vcscheduler.ca/ahs More information at www.bioethics.ualberta.ca June 24 Aboriginal Health Telehealth Learning Series, 12- 1 pm. To register or add your site: https://vcscheduler.ca/schedule20/register/register.aspx?id=663076-5782 Call 403-943-0768 tyler.wells@albertahealthservices.ca June 24- 27 Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, Biennial International Conference in Victoria. http://www.sarmac.org/ June 29- 30 rd Workshop, Applied Suicide Intervention Training (ASIST) 8:30 am- 4:30 pm at CMHA, 3 Floor 10010-105 Street, Edmonton. ($250) Call 780-414-6300 http://edmonton.cmha.ca/programs-and-services/workshops/ July 3 Workshop, Suicide intervention/self harm training with Blain Clouthier. 9 am- 5 pm at 6770- 129 Avenue, Edmonton ($75) http://www.boscohomes.ca/OurPrograms/SupportServices/PES/docs/2015/2015Training.pdf July 6 Workshop, Understanding mental illness by Jennifer Short. 9 am- 4 pm at Hampton Inn by Hilton Edmonton South. http://www.ctrinstitute.com/node/961 July 14 in Calgary. July 7- 9 Workshop, Counselling skills: An introduction and overview by Jennifer Short. 9 am- 4 pm at Hampton Inn by Hilton Edmonton South. http://www.ctrinstitute.com/node/1007 July 15- 17 in Calgary. July 8 Education Series, Tobacco cessation and reduction by Kari Jesswein. 9 am- 4:30 pm at Inglewood A, 12803 – 116 Avenue. (Free) Registration and information: 780-644-3642 prevention.edmonton@albertahealthservices.ca Presented by Addiction Prevention and Mental Health Promotion (AHS). July 8- 11 Workshop, Advanced applications in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy: Four day intensive training by Dr David Burns. 8:30 am- 4:30 pm in Red Deer. http://www.jackhirose.com/workshop/advanced-cbt-reddeer/ July 12- 16 th 56 Annual Institute on Addiction Studies in Barrie, Ontario. http://www.addictionstudies.ca/ July 13- 14 rd Workshop, Applied Suicide Intervention Training (ASIST) 8:30 am- 4:30 pm at CMHA, 3 Floor 10010-105 Street, Edmonton. ($250) Call 780-414-6300 http://edmonton.cmha.ca/programs-and-services/workshops/ July 13- 15 Workshop, Trauma treatment: Three day intensive- Heal yourself and your clients, New high speed T.E.A.M. therapy techniques by Dr David Burns. In Winnipeg. http://www.jackhirose.com/workshop/trauma-treatmentwinnipeg/ July 14 Workshop, Understanding mental illness with Amber McKenzie. 9 am- 4 pm in Calgary. https://ca.ctrinstitute.com/workshops/understanding-mental-illness-6/ July 14 Education Series, Tobacco trends by Kari Jesswein. 9 am- 2:30 pm at Inglewood A, 12803 – 116 Avenue. (Free) Registration and information: 780-644-3642 prevention.edmonton@albertahealthservices.ca Presented by Addiction Prevention and Mental Health Promotion (AHS). Information, Evaluation & Professional Practice, Addiction and Mental Health, Edmonton Zone http://insite.albertahealthservices.ca/9250.asp Contact Daniel.scott@albertahealthservices.ca to be added to the emailing list or to send event listings. 7 Addiction and Mental Health May, 2015 Learning Events July 15- 17 Workshop, Mindfulness inside and outside the therapy hour: Three day intensive training with Dr Ronald Siegel. 9 am- 4 pm in Banff. http://www.jackhirose.com/workshop/mindfulness-cbt-banff/ July 22- 24 CTRI Workshop, Mindfulness retreat for counsellors, therapists and caregivers with Vicki Enns. 9 am- 4 pm daily at the Delta Banff Royal Canadian Lodge, Banff. ($685) http://www.ctrinstitute.com/node/853 July 27- 28 rd Workshop, Applied Suicide Intervention Training (ASIST) 8:30 am- 4:30 pm at CMHA, 3 Floor 10010-105 Street, Edmonton. ($250) Call 780-414-6300 http://edmonton.cmha.ca/programs-and-services/workshops/ August 4 Workshop, Suicide intervention/self harm training with Blain Clouthier. 9 am- 5 pm at 6770- 129 Avenue, Edmonton ($75) http://www.boscohomes.ca/OurPrograms/SupportServices/PES/docs/2015/2015Training.pdf August 12 Workshop, Aboriginal cultural awareness with Kathy McKinnon.. 9 am- 5 pm at 6770-129 Avenue, Edmonton. ($50) http://www.boscohomes.ca/OurPrograms/SupportServices/PES/docs/2015/2015Training.pdf August 12 Education Series, Tobacco trends by Kari Jesswein. 9 am- 2:30 pm at Inglewood A, 12803 – 116 Avenue. (Free) Registration and information: 780-644-3642 prevention.edmonton@albertahealthservices.ca Presented by Addiction Prevention and Mental Health Promotion (AHS). August 17- 18 rd Workshop, Applied Suicide Intervention Training (ASIST) 8:30 am- 4:30 pm at CMHA, 3 Floor 10010-105 Street, Edmonton. ($250) Call 780-414-6300 http://edmonton.cmha.ca/programs-and-services/workshops/ August 19 Education Series, Tobacco cessation and reduction by Kari Jesswein. 9 am- 4:30 pm at Inglewood A, 12803 – 116 Avenue. (Free) Registration and information: 780-644-3642 prevention.edmonton@albertahealthservices.ca Presented by Addiction Prevention and Mental Health Promotion (AHS). August 20- 22 CBT Canada Workshop, CBT for Depression. Royal Canadian Lodge in Banff ($895) http://cbt.ca/locations/cbt-banff/ August 24- 25 CMHA Workshop, Mental Health First Aid. 8:30 am- 4:30 pm at 3rd Floor, 10010 – 105 Street, Edmonton. Call 780 414-6300. ($185) http://edmonton.cmha.ca/programs_services/mental-health-firstaid/#.VRl8uvnF9g1 August 24- 27 Summer School, Formulating evidence based treatment for targets of workplace bullying with Pat Ferris, Evelyn Field, Marie-France Hirigoyen. At Mount Royal University, Calgary. http://www.iawbh.org/summerschool Sponsored by the International Association on Workplace Bullying and Harassment. August 31- September 1 rd Workshop, Mental Health First Aid at CMHA, 3 Floor 10010-105 Street, Edmonton. ($185) Call 780-4146300 http://edmonton.cmha.ca/programs-and-services/workshops/ September 14- 18 Mental Health First Aid Instructor Training, 8 am- 5 pm daily in Edmonton. ($3000) http://www.mentalhealthfirstaid.ca/EN/course/Pages/findCourse.aspx?CourseId=7192 September 14- 15 Workshop, Mental Health First Aid, 8:30 am- 4 pm daily in Edmonton. ($300) http://www.mentalhealthfirstaid.ca/EN/course/Pages/findCourse.aspx?CourseId=7193 September 14- 15 rd Workshop, Applied Suicide Intervention Training (ASIST) 8:30 am- 4:30 pm at CMHA, 3 Floor 10010-105 Street, Edmonton. ($250) Call 780-414-6300 http://edmonton.cmha.ca/programs-and-services/workshops/ September 17 Telehealth Education Session, Mental Health Act. 10:30 am- 12 noon. Register on MyLearningLink http://insite.albertahealthservices.ca/1881.asp Key search word: Mental Health Act. Presented by the Provincial Addiction and Mental Health CTO and MHA Team, AHS. Information, Evaluation & Professional Practice, Addiction and Mental Health, Edmonton Zone http://insite.albertahealthservices.ca/9250.asp Contact Daniel.scott@albertahealthservices.ca to be added to the emailing list or to send event listings. 8 Addiction and Mental Health May, 2015 Learning Events September 22 Nursing Links Workshop, Interpretation of lab tests by Barb Bancroft. 8:30 am- 4 pm at Ramada Hotel on Kingsway. http://nursinglinks.ca/info_lab_tests.html September 21 in Calgary. September 28- 29 rd Workshop, Applied Suicide Intervention Training (ASIST) 8:30 am- 4:30 pm at CMHA, 3 Floor 10010-105 Street, Edmonton. ($250) Call 780-414-6300 http://edmonton.cmha.ca/programs-and-services/workshops/ September 30 th Canadian Academy of Geriatric Psychiatry, 24 Annual Scientific Meeting, The spectrum of geriatric psychiatry: From prevention to palliation. In Vancouver. http://cagp.ca/2015-ASM September 30- October 2 Prevention Matters Conference 2015 in Saskatoon. http://www.skprevention.ca/prevention-matters-2015/ October 1 rd Workshop, Suicide Awareness for Everyone (safeTALK) 8:30 am- 12 pm at CMHA, 3 Floor 10010-105 Street, Edmonton. ($150) Call 780-414-6300 http://edmonton.cmha.ca/programs-and-services/workshops/ October 1- 3 th Canadian Psychiatric Association, 65 Annual Conference in Vancouver. http://www.cpaapc.org/browse/documents/92 October 4- 6 th Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 35 Annual Meeting in Quebec City http://www.cacap-acpea.org/en/cacap/Annual_Conference_p811.html October 7- 9 th Custody & Caring, 14 Biennial International Conference in Saskatoon. http://www.usask.ca/nursing/custodycaring/ October 8- 10 rd 3 International Conference on Youth Mental Health, Transformations: Next generation youth mental health in Montréal. http://www.iaymh2015.com/ October 15- 17 International Conference, Claiming full citizenship: Self determination, personalization and individualized funding. In Vancouver. http://interprofessional.ubc.ca/ClaimingFullCitizenship2015/ October 16 nd 32 Annual Feldman Lecture with Dr Jeffrey Lieberman (Columbia University Medical Centre), Topics include: ‘Schizophrenia- Past, Present and Future’, ‘Treatment of Schizophrenia’, and ‘SHRINKS- The Untold Story of Psychiatry’. ($150 before September 1, $175 after) http://www.feldmanlecture.ca/ Call Sharon Reimer 780-735-7145 sharon.reimer@covenanthealth.ca October 16- 17 th Pain Society of Alberta 9 Annual Conference at the Banff Conference Centre. http://painsocietyofalberta.org/calendar-of-events/ October 17- 21 Canadian Association of Threat Assessment Professionals, Conference and Workshop in Lake Louise, Alberta. http://www.catap.org/ October 19- 20 rd Workshop, Applied Suicide Intervention Training (ASIST) 8:30 am- 4:30 pm at CMHA, 3 Floor 10010-105 Street, Edmonton. ($250) Call 780-414-6300 http://edmonton.cmha.ca/programs-and-services/workshops/ October 20 Telehealth Education Session, Community Treatment Orders. 1:30- 3 pm. Register on MyLearningLink http://insite.albertahealthservices.ca/1881.asp Key search word: Community Treatment Order. Presented by the Provincial Addiction and Mental Health CTO and MHA Team, AHS. October 21- 23 Canadian Federation of Mental Health Nurses National Conference in Niagara Falls, Ontario. http://cfmhn.ca/content/cfmhn-2015-national-conference October 26- 27 rd Workshop, Mental Health First Aid For Adults Working with Youth 8:30 am- 4:30 pm at CMHA, 3 Floor 10010-105 Street, Edmonton. ($195) Call 780-414-6300 http://edmonton.cmha.ca/programs-andservices/workshops/ Information, Evaluation & Professional Practice, Addiction and Mental Health, Edmonton Zone http://insite.albertahealthservices.ca/9250.asp Contact Daniel.scott@albertahealthservices.ca to be added to the emailing list or to send event listings. 9 Addiction and Mental Health May, 2015 Learning Events November 2- 4 International Conference on Mental Health and Recovery, Perspective, early intervention and recovery of mental health in Toronto. http://mentalhealth.conferenceseries.com/ November 5 rd Workshop, Applied Suicide Intervention Training (ASIST) Tune Up 8:30 am- 12:30 pm at CMHA, 3 Floor 10010-105 Street, Edmonton. ($145) Call 780-414-6300 http://edmonton.cmha.ca/programs-andservices/workshops/ November 9- 10 rd Workshop, Applied Suicide Intervention Training (ASIST) 8:30 am- 4:30 pm at CMHA, 3 Floor 10010-105 Street, Edmonton. ($250) Call 780-414-6300 http://edmonton.cmha.ca/programs-and-services/workshops/ November 12- 15 th 8 Annual Addiction Day & Networking Fair/ Canadian Society of Addiction Medicine Annual Scientific Conference XXV in Banff. http://www.addictionday.ca/ http://www.csam-smca.org/ November 16- 18 Issues of Substance 2015, Addiction matters. In Montréal. http://www.ccsa.ca/Eng/newsevents/Issues-ofSubstance-Conference/Pages/default.aspx November 19 Telehealth Education Session, Mental Health Act. 1:30- 3 pm. Register on MyLearningLink http://insite.albertahealthservices.ca/1881.asp Key search word: Mental Health Act. Presented by the Provincial Addiction and Mental Health CTO and MHA Team, AHS. November 23- 24 rd Workshop, Applied Suicide Intervention Training (ASIST) 8:30 am- 4:30 pm at CMHA, 3 Floor 10010-105 Street, Edmonton. ($250) Call 780-414-6300 http://edmonton.cmha.ca/programs-and-services/workshops/ November 26- 27 rd Workshop, Decision-making capacity assessment for psychologists. 8:30 am- 4 pm in 3 Floor, Standard Life Centre, 10405 Jasper Avenue.. Presented by the Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee. Call 780-638-3252 melanie.blackwell@gov.ab.ca November 30- December 1 rd Workshop, Mental Health First Aid at CMHA, 3 Floor 10010-105 Street, Edmonton. ($185) Call 780-4146300 http://edmonton.cmha.ca/programs-and-services/workshops/ December 2 Workshop, Aboriginal cultural awareness with Kathy McKinnon. 9 am- 5 pm at 6770-129 Avenue, Edmonton. ($50) http://www.boscohomes.ca/OurPrograms/SupportServices/PES/docs/2015/2015Training.pdf December 7- 8 rd Workshop, Applied Suicide Intervention Training (ASIST) 8:30 am- 4:30 pm at CMHA, 3 Floor 10010-105 Street, Edmonton. ($250) Call 780-414-6300 http://edmonton.cmha.ca/programs-and-services/workshops/ December 15 Telehealth Education Session, Community Treatment Orders. 1:30- 3 pm. Register on MyLearningLink http://insite.albertahealthservices.ca/1881.asp Key search word: Community Treatment Order. Presented by the Provincial Addiction and Mental Health CTO and MHA Team, AHS. Information, Evaluation & Professional Practice, Addiction and Mental Health, Edmonton Zone http://insite.albertahealthservices.ca/9250.asp Contact Daniel.scott@albertahealthservices.ca to be added to the emailing list or to send event listings. 10 Addiction and Mental Health May, 2015 Learning Events Practice Evidence Collections ☼ The Cochrane Collaboration provides a systematic review of healthcare treatment practices and promotes the search for evidence in the form of clinical trials and other treatment studies. http://summaries.cochrane.org/ ☼ Alberta Family Wellness Initiative Provides resources for the application of science to addiction and mental health treatment issues. http://www.albertafamilywellness.org/ ☼ Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse (CCSA) The Knowledge Centre reflects important activities and initiatives related to gathering, generating and disseminating knowledge, and is intended to contribute to CCSA's national mandate to promote and increase awareness of matters relating to alcohol and drug abuse. http://www.ccsa.ca/ ☼ Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) provides the Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) Series of best-practice guidelines for the treatment of substance abuse. http://www.kap.samhsa.gov/products/manuals/tips/ ☼ McMaster University provides a set of reliable and current reviews evaluating the effectiveness of healthcare practices and health promotion. http://www.healthevidence.org/ ☼ Alberta Addiction and Mental Health Research Partnership Program Knowledge Notes are concise summaries of current research in a specific area. Each note is a maximum of three pages to allow readers to become familiar with a given topic without getting lost in the complexity of a typical academic paper. http://www.mentalhealthresearch.ca/Publications/Pages/KnowledgeNotes.aspx ☼ The CRGI Resource Directory is a searchable web-based repository of resources related to mental wellness of seniors and adults with disabilities including, but not limited to: practitioners/researchers/policy makers, published literature, websites, organizations, and learning opportunities. The Directory provide information and knowledge sharing, in addition to addressing communication needs of Alberta researchers and service providers, thereby facilitating collaborative work. Visit the Directory at: http://www.mentalhealthresearch.ca/RIC/Pages/default.aspx ☼ Published clinical guidelines from the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) http://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/index.jsp?action=byType&type=2&status=3 ☼ A comprehensive collection of psychiatric rating scales and diagnostic aids from the University of Adelaide http://libguides.adelaide.edu.au/content.php?pid=457647&sid=5139266 ☼ Bridging the Gap is an e-newsletter from the Alberta Addiction and Mental Health Research Partnership Program. This e-newsletter was developed for addiction and mental health practitioners. It provides a brief summary of some of the latest addiction and mental health research and highlights their implications for practice. Archived issues of Bridging the Gap can be found here: http://www.mentalhealthresearch.ca/Publications/BridgingtheGap/Pages/default.aspx. ☼ The Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH) provides decisionmakers with the evidence, analysis, advice, and recommendations they require to make informed decisions in health care. Funded by Canada’s federal, provincial, and territorial governments, CADTH is an independent, not-for-profit agency that delivers timely, evidence-based information to health care leaders about the effectiveness and efficiency of health technologies. http://www.cadth.ca/en/priorities/mentalhealth Information, Evaluation & Professional Practice, Addiction and Mental Health, Edmonton Zone http://insite.albertahealthservices.ca/9250.asp Contact Daniel.scott@albertahealthservices.ca to be added to the emailing list or to send event listings. 11 Addiction and Mental Health May, 2015 Learning Events Online Video Resources InView The content includes video presentations on rounds, concurrent disorders and Aboriginal health issues. This Alberta Health Services website requires registration but is available on non-AHS computers http://inview.albertahealthservices.ca/UI/Content/Secure/Login.aspx VC Scheduler Online access to all Alberta Health Services Telehealth services. You can view a calendar of all education events, register to participate, request for your meeting/event to be broadcast or request equipment. http://insite.albertahealthservices.ca/telehealth.asp Alberta Family Wellness Initiative Video presentations by outstanding experts in early childhood development and addiction sponsored by the Alberta based Norlien Foundation. http://www.albertafamilywellness.org/resources/search Healthy Minds/Healthy Children The Alberta Health Services Healthy Minds/Healthy Children Online Continuing Professional Development (CPD) program provides accredited, online opportunities in children’s mental health. http://hmhc.ca/online.htm Alberta Centre for Child, Family and Community Research The Centre was established to support and disseminate research knowledge and evidence on policy issues related to improving the well-being and health of children. http://www.research4children.com/admin/contentx/default.cfm?h=2&grp=1&PageId=2 TED: How the Mind Works Annual conference of the world's most fascinating thinkers and doers, who are challenged to give the talk of their lives (in 18 minutes). http://www.ted.com/index.php/themes/view/id/4 University of California TV : Think About It UCTV delivers documentaries, faculty lectures, cutting-edge research symposiums and artistic performances from the University of California http://www.uctv.tv Schizophrenia.com Over 120 schizophrenia-related audio and videos files below, ready for immediate listening and viewing at http://www.schizophrenia.com/video/index.htm FASD Education and Training The Government of Alberta provides a free online Learning Series about FASD Across the Lifespan. http://www.fasd-cmc.alberta.ca/education-training https://www.mailoutinteractive.com/Industry/Subscribe.aspx?m=31475&utm_source=mailoutinteractive&utm_ medium=email&utm_campaign=February%20TICbyte Information, Evaluation & Professional Practice, Addiction and Mental Health, Edmonton Zone http://insite.albertahealthservices.ca/9250.asp Contact Daniel.scott@albertahealthservices.ca to be added to the emailing list or to send event listings. 12