MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF UKRAINE V.N.KARAZIN KHARKIV NATIONAL UNIVERSITY MEDICAL FACULTY “Assert” Vice-president for education Professor __________________ “___” ________ 2014 y. “Is recommended” At methodical conference of Department of Psychiatry, Narcology, Neurology and Medical Psychology (name of department) Head of Department Prof._V.I. Ponomaryov_________ (name, signature) “___” ________ 2014 y. The educational program Of the discipline ______HISTORY OF MEDICINE_______ (worked out on the basis of typical educational program of 2007) Kharkiv 2014 І. EXPLANATORY NOTE The state of medicine was always determined by the level of development of society, socioeconomic conditions, achievements of science, technique, culture. "Medicine is not something separate, isolated; its successes are in close dependence on successes of other sciences and from general advancement of civilization". The study of medicine, as well as any other branch of human activity and knowledges, necessarily needs a thorough acquaintance with its history. It is impossible to master thoroughly science without knowledge of its history. Methodologically a correct historical estimation of the phenomenon, fact, theory is their real essence. That is why history of medicine - one of theoretical disciplines in medicine in general. It gives a concept about the origin of all modern complex of knowledge in this branch, about their essence in the process of development. History of medicine divides into general and special. General history of medicine studies development of medical knowledge in human society on the whole. General questions, main legalities of historical development of medicine form the subject of history of medicine as separate science, independent discipline. Development of separate branches of medicine is highlighted in the special history of medicine. It is the component part of all medical disciplines and its teaching implements by appropriate profile departments. General history of medicine and special historical-medical information form the system of historical-medical education of doctor. The course of history of medicine is a directing and relating link in the study of development of all branches of medicine. Historical development is given by the integral system, but not as a mechanical sum of separate data from history of different disciplines. The characteristic feature of the offered program is that medicine, medical activity is examined in it as an important element of culture, as the sociocultural phenomenon. Materials from history of medicine are correlated in this course with materials from history of science, religion, philosophy, economy, law, public psychology. Approach to history of medicine as to the integral culturological process is developing. The special attention in this course is concentrated on that, how those or other medical ideas were arisen, as science-medical problems were settled in that or other historical epoch. Exposition of questions of history of medicine reclines on concrete scientific facts and generalizations that are examined through the prism of modern scientific and philosophical ideas. The program of discipline "history of medicine" forms one module that is divided into 5 informative modules. The thematic modules: Introduction to the history of medicine. Medicine of primitive society. Medicine of the Ancient World. Medicine of Middle Ages. 2 Medicine of New time. Medicine of XX of century The types of lessons according to a curriculum are: а) lectures, б) seminar lessons, в) independent work of students, г) consultant. Departments, where teaching of history of medicine is conducted, have a right to make alterations to the curriculum within the limits of 15%. Mastering of theme (current control) is controlled on seminar lessons in accordance to concrete aims, mastering of the informative modules (final control) - on the last seminar lesson. It is recommended to apply such facilities of determination of level of preparation of students: computer tests, problem questions, situational tasks. DESCRIPTION of DISCIPLINE`S CURRICULUM Amount of hours, from them The structure In all, of educational hours/ discipline credits Module 1: Thematic modules- 5 The year of studies Audience The type of control IWS Lect. Practic. lessons 60/2 14 16 30 60/2 14 16 30 The first Final control 2. THE FORMULATION OF AIMS OF STUDIES After the study of the course of history of medicine students have: - to interpret development of medicine in a historical retrospective view. - to interpret basic historical-medical events. 3. THE CONTENT OF THE PROGRAM Thematic module 1. Introduction into history of medicine. Medicine of primitive society Specific objectives: - to know determination of history of medicine as science and subject; (the basic stages of development of medicine in connection with development and change of social-economic structures); general division into periods and chronology of development of medicine; division into periods and chronology of primitive era and primitive treatment; basic descriptions of primitive era and primitive treatment. 3 - to understand aims and tasks of history of medicine. - to analyse sources from history of primitive culture and medicine. Theme 1. History of medicine as science and subject of teaching. Medicine of primitive society. History of medicine as science and subject of teaching. Division into periods and chronology. Historiography. Features of historical-medical researches and their importance in preparation of future doctor. Basic branches of historical-medical researches : general history of medicine, branch history of medicine, social history of medicine. Sources of study of history of medicine. An origin of medicine is in human society. Medicine of primitive society. Description of primitive era. Division into periods and chronology of primitive era and primitive treatment. Absolute and relative dating. Absolute and relative division into periods. Archaeological division into periods. Archaeological culture (АC). Sources are from history of primitive society and primitive medicine. Paleopathology (paleoosteology), paleooserology, paleobotany, paleogenetics, paleomicrobiology (paleoovirusology), paleooepidemiology, paleozoology, paleopsychology, archaeology. bioarchaeology, ethnography and paleoantropology, paleodemography, geology, paleoontology, writing of certificates of historians. The problem of reconstruction of primitive history. (The methods: stereolitigrafic reconstruction, reconstruction with help of computer tomography ets.). Primitive history synthesis. Apopolities (APS) and synpolities (SPS) primitive societies. Comparative-historical method. Ethnographic model. Ethnoarcheology \ bioarchaeology. Тhе Апсiепt Вioтolесиlеs Сеntrе (ABC) in the Oxford university. Ethic problems of biohistory. The formation of the of primitive society and primitive treatment. Basic stages of antroposociogenesis. Modern ideas about the origin of human. Problem of the ancestral home of humanity: hypotheses of monogenism and poligenism. The essence of the antroposociogenesis. Ноmo habilis (presind-gantrop), Ноmo erectus (Pithecanthropus, Sinanthropus, Solosky man, Haidelberzky man). Anthropological finds in Zakarpattia (sight of Korolove), Naddniprianschyna (near the v. Luka Vrublevetska), in Kenya (Kanam). Sресiеs Нотo пеапdеrthalепsis (Нотo пеапdеrthalепsis еиrореus, Ноmо пеапdеrthalепsis аfricanus, Нотo пеапdеrthalепsis skhulensis) and problem of origin of medicine in human society. Anthropological finds in the districts of Karmel (caves Mugaret-es-Skhul, Tabun), in the caves Shanidar, Monte-Chircheo, Lja-Shapel-o-Sop, La-Ferrasi, Regurdu, Kyik-Koba, Shaitan-Koba, Chokurcha-ІІ, Starosillja (Crimea), Kernosy, Molodova (Naddniprianschyna), Illinka (Odesa), Stetten- II (Germany), Provans (France). Burial place, anxiety about feeble, development of social relations (great bulk) in late paleoantropouses (classic neanderthal men). Cannibalism, promiskuitet, endogamy sex. Use of medicinal remedies of herbal, animal and mineral origin. Development of abstract thought and language (sign system of paleoantropouses). Origin of ideological (religious) concepts. 4 Disease of old people. Mythologem of "golden age" and its refutation. Disease of old people : alveolar pyorrhea, caries, arthritis, arthrosis, Bekhterev disease, rachitis, syphilis (anthropological finds in the archaeological cultures of Taforalt, North Africa ets.). Average time of life of arkhantrops, paleoantropes and early neoantropes. The anthropological description of old territory of Ukraine. Questions of sex-age structure, dynamics of diseases of old populousness of territory of Ukraine. Pathological rejections on skeletons from the burial places of АК of Old Ukraine. Treatment in the period of prosperity of primitive society. The completion of antroposociogenesis. Kromanjon man (early neoantrop). Early before-tribe society (dually-public organization). Expansion of ojkumena. Late before-tribe society. Racegenesis. The matriarchy organization of family. Early family (having a large family) society of hunters, gathers, fishers (about 40 thousand years back - about VII of millennium B.C.). Description of period. Exogamous sex. The prosperity of paleolithic art. Rational methods of collective treatment: the use of medicinal remedies of herbal, animal and mineral origin, care about children, assistance at delivery and traumas, stop of bleeding, bloodletting, trepanation to the skull (anthropological finds on territory of North Africa at epipaleolitic burial places in the cave of Taforalt (12 Millenium B.C.), on the territory of Ukraine in АК Vasyljevka-2, Vasyljevka -3, Vovnygy), amputation (anthropological finds in the grotto of epoch of Mesolithic of Murzak-Koba, Crimea). Making of instruments for treatment (from a stone, bones, fish scale). Development of hygienical skills: artificial accommodations, heat treatment of meal, burial places. Magic "capture" by the world. Types of magic. Magic and experience. Mythical and numinous. Ritual. Sacral and profan. Totem ancestor as guarantor of unity, welfare, reproductiveness of society and revival of the dead (tradition of "bear caves": Iljinka of the Odesa region, Regurdu (France), Vildenmassvisloh, Petersgole, Drakhengole, Zalofengole (Mustjer alpine caves), Veternyky (Croatia); "deer" totem plots: from the cave of Sorcerer (Lithoidal Grave, Ukraine), stand of final paleolith Shtelmoor, child's burial places that was accompanied by the horns of deer in Tardenuaz complexes of burial place on the islands of Tevek and Hjodic, France). Fetishes. Mana, Mannitum, varan, orenda, arangkviltha. Phenomenon of taboo. Evolution of animism. Late family (large family) society of cattle-breeders and farmers (Mesolith, neolith). Neolithic revolution. Passing to the recreating forms of agriculture. Domestication of animals (finds in ZaviChemi-Shanidar, 9000 B.C.), growing of cereals. Transformation of totem cults. Practice of totem mysteries (deer masks from stands Starr-kar, Plau and other). The Basic function of totem is providing of fecundity, increase of harvest and issue. Deer as transmitter of life-giving force and guardian of the young married couples. Sacrifice of deer (neolithic colonies of Hyvoron-Polizhok in Pobuzja). Anthropomorphous totemism and ideas about a disease. Consequences of neolithic revolution. Change of ration of feed. Increase of infectious diseases, epidemic. Development of hygienical skills and customs (ceramic tableware, cozy dwelling, wells in the culture of Gagilara). Culture of arcwise-band ceramics (Podilla, Volyn). Buzko-Dnistrovskiy АК (the end of 6-5 Millennium B.C.). Combination of collective treatment and witchcraft. The first "specialization" in the history of medicine. Witch-doctor, his functions. Initiation diseases, dreams and magic healing in an archaic culture. Old populace in Ukraine. Ritual cannibalism. (Frame culture. Black sea region burial mounds, burial place №11, burial mound №3, near v. Nove, Kherson region). Tripoli culture. 5 Synpolitic primitive societies of time of bronze. Healing practice in the period of decline of primitive society (from Х-V Millenium, B.C.). Origin of private property, classes, stowage of the state system. Patriarchy and matriarchy. Primitive neighbourly society. A cult of ancestors and idea about reasons of disease. Tribal leadering as a transitional link from the primitive state to civilization. Appearance of professional servants of cult of the healing. Expansion of sphere of medicinal facilities and receptions of empiric treatment. Surgical technicians. Surgical instruments (copper, bronze, iron). Narcotic and intoxicant facilities. Transformation of a trepanation technician. Intravital, posthumous and symbolic trepanations (anthropological material of Tashtyk and Tagar-Tashtyk archaeological cultures, Minusynska hollow; Paleoantropological material from burial places so-called the "Altaian scythians", Bashadarsky, Pazyryksky burial mounds, grave-digger near the mountain Tepsay). Use of aseptic and antiseptic facilities, anaesthetizing. Theme 2. Conventional medicine of people of the world. Folk treatment in synpolitic societies of aborigines of Australia, Asia, America, Africa, Oceania. Folk medicine as the source of conventional and scientific medicine. Ukrainian folk medicine. Thematic module 2. Medicine of the Ancient World Specific objectives: - to define the features of natural-science and medical knowledge, personal touches of development of treatment in the countries of the Ancient World. - to interpret the basic historical-medical events of Ancient East and Antiquity. - to Analyse sources from the history of primitive culture and medicine. Theme 3. Medicine in the countries of the Ancient World (IV Millenium B.C. – the middle of V Millenium A.D.). Description of the epoch. Concept "the civilization". Pre-conditions of civilization process. 10 signs of civilization (for Child G.): cities, monumental buildings, taxes and contribution, intensive economy, including trade, selection of artisans-specialists, writing, origin of science (protoscience), developed art, privileged classes, state. Origin of the first (early) slave-holding civilizations: in Mesopotamia and Egypt (IV - III Millenium B.C.), India (the middle of III Millenium B.C.), China (ІІ Millenium B.C.), East Mediterranean (ІІІ-ІІ Millennium B.C.), America (I Millennium B.C.). Protoscience knowledge. Writing. Numerical symbols (in writing memorials of culture Uruk, on the territory of modern Iraq (Tepe-Spalk: archaeological memorial in old Iran), in the Minojska culture of Crete, in Mohego-Daro, Harrapy). Development of mathematics, astronomy, geography, 6 optics, zoology (the Moscow papyrus №1890; the Rinda papyrus 1850-1800; a Kikkulisha treatise from Mitania about breeding of horses, XIV c. B.C.; polished up lens found at excavations of Nineve, VII c. B.C.; Old- Indian collection of "Rule of filament" ("Shalva-Sutra", VII - V c. B.C.; Old-Chinese mathematic-astronomic treatises: "Mathematics…", "Mathematics in nine books" ets. General lines of development of treatment in the countries of the Old world: appearance of the first medical texts, forming of two directions in medicine (empiric, teurgic), forming of professional medicine, building of sanitary-technical buildings, forming of bases of paternalistic medical etiquette, medical schools. Medicine in the countries of Ancient Mesopotamia (Sumer, Babylonia, Assyria). Historical development of the region. Information source about treatment. Fragments of Sumer heroic epos from Uruk, Nippur, Kish; medical texts). "Epos about Hilgamesh", "Enuma Elish.."., "Conversation of mister with a slave", "Babylonian teodition" and other literary texts as the information source about treatment and idea about reasons of diseases. Invention of cuneiform. Schools-academies (e-dubbies). The first "pharmacopoeia" from Nippur (2200-2100 B.C.). Its empiric character. Old-Sumer doctors (Lulu). Positive knowledge of Babylonia and Assyria (irrigation, handicrafts, architecture, treatment, mathematics, astronomy). A five-volume manual in diagnostics of diseases (the second halfof 2d Millenium B.C.). Assyrian compounding manual, so-called " Handbook Nabu-Leho" (XII c. B.C.). Mythological presentations and medical activity. Deities-patrons of treatment (Еа, Gula, Ishtar, Marduk, Nyngishzida, Ninazu, Shamash, Enlil, Sin). Two basic directions in the treatment: asutu and ashyputu. The Letters of doctor Mukalima. Law aspects of activity of the doctor in the Khamurapi Laws. Medical etiquette. Epidemics. Organization of medical case (an apartment for patients at temples). Medical education. Technical buildings. Hygienical traditions. Medical knowledge in Ancient Egypt (ІІІ-І Millennium B.C.). Division into periods and chronology of history and treatment in Ancient Egypt. Information sources about treatment. Basic old-Egypt medical texts. Medical specialization: use of herbal and animal remedies, diets (papyrus of Ebers G., about 1500 B.C.; London papyrus №10059, 1350 B.C.; Leyden papyrus, about 1250 B.C.), operative treatment (papyrus of Smith E., about 1550 B.C.; papyrus of Hjorst, 1550 B.C.), assistance at delivery, treatment of woman and child's diseases (Kahun papyrus, 1880 B.C.; 4 and 5 papyruse from Ramesseum, 1850 B.C.; papyrus of Brugsh, 1450 B.C.; Berlin papyrus №3038, about 1300 B.C.; Berlin papyrus "Mother and child"; Veterinary papyrus, papyrus Chester Bitti), treatment of teeth. Hygienical skills. Sanitary improvement of old-Egypt cities. Temple medicine. Development of magic practices 7 (London Magic papyrus, Leyden magic papyrus, Turyn medical papyrus, Erman`s papyrus, Louvre papyrus, Louvre ostrakon №3255, papyrus Carlsberg, papyrus from the museum Bulag, Kopt medical papyrus, Zenon papyrus ) Personal touches of old-Egypt culture and medicine: studies about immortality of the soul and cult of dead, characteristic artistic style, hieroglyphic written language, "open" pantheon of Gods patrons of medicine, irrigational agriculture, development of handicraft, positive knowledge and protosciences (astronomy, mathematics, medicine). Mythology and medicine. Features of naturalscience knowledge of old Egyptians. An idea about a build human. Development of medical education ("Houses of life" in Memphis, Thebes, Heliopol). Old-Egypt doctors (Imkhotep, Hesi-Ra, Ney-anh-Secmet, Ckhiu, Psametyke-sonbe, Ankh-menkau-ra, Peseshet). Diseases of old Egyptians. Schistosomiasis. Brucellosis. Development of medical knowledge in Ancient India. Division into periods and chronology of history and treatment in old India. Sources of information about treatment. Medicine in Kharapian, veda and classic periods. Kharapian period. The oldest sanitary-technical buildings of Kharapian civilization in the cities Mokhego-Daro, Kharappa, Chankhu-Daro, Lotkhal, Kalibangan, Kot-Didji (the middle of the ІІІ Millennium B.C.). Paleoantropological finds in the cities of Kalibangan and Bazzakhom, Latkhala. Veda period (ХIII - VI c. B.C.). Sacred books ("shruts") of ancient American Indians: "Rygveda", "samaveda", "Yajurveda", "Atkharvaveda" as the sources of knowledge about illnesses. Brahmanism. Hinduism and its main ideas: karma and sansara. Yoga. Buddhism: way of release from a karma. Their influence on the development of medicine. Social structure of Old-Indian society and treatment. Development of medical knowledge is in a classic period. Art of treatment or ayurveda. Studies about pharmaceuticals. ("Charaka-Sumkhita", II c. A.D.). An idea about a build human. Operative methods of treatment ("Sushruta-Sumkhita", IV c. A.D.). Bkhela, Charaka, Sushruta. Hygienical traditions. "Manu Laws" about the personal hygiene. Organization of medical case during the rule of Ashoka. Improvement of cities, Curative establishments at buddhistic temples (dkharmashals). Medical education. Centers of medical education: Taxila and Casi. Medical etiquette. Old Chinese medicine. Archaeological excavation, paleoantropological finds. A man and space in philosophy and culture of old China. Old Chinese antropocosmology. Philosophical schools. Confucius studies about the "correction of the names". Natural philosophy of daosism. Yin-yang. Studies about five elements. Alchemy and medicine. 8 The Theory of the Old-Chinese medicine. An idea about a build human. Diagnostics. Studies about a pulse. Chzhen-czju therapy. "Lin shu"("Canon of acupuncture"). The Huanfu treatise Mi of "Chzhen czju czja and czin"("Classic canon"). Transmission of medical knowledge. Medicinal remedies of the Old-Chinese medicine. Prophylactic direction in the Old-Chinese medicine. "Games of five animals", respiratory gymnastics, massage. Variolation. "The treatise about a fever and contiguous diseases" of Zang-Zong Inga (ІІІ century). Epidemic of leprosy (V century B.C.). Medicine in Ancient Greece. The main stages of development of medicine. Crits-Myken culture. «The Greek miracle». Classical Greece. The sources of information. Archaeological and bioarchaeological intelligence. Sanitarytechnical facilities of a civilization on the island Crete. A Poem By Homer's «Iliad». Philosophical exploration. Greek geurematography. Features of development of science in Ancient Greece. Desakralization of knowledge. The relationship of ancient science, medicine and philosophy. The influence of country of democracy on the development of science. The first scientific program. The long-ionic natural philosophy. Search of the first-substantion. Thales. Systematic Anaximander cosmology. The theory of change and transformation the first-substantion Anaximenes. Pythagorean science. Mathematical view of the nature of Pythagoras. Atomistic scientific program of Levct and Democritus. Platon. Episteme, noezis, doxa. Health as a balance of all the qualities and strength of the body in the writings of Alkmeon Krotonsky. The Empedocles concept of the four elements. The Evriphone doctrine of the four juices of the body. Humoral theory in Platon's dialogue «Timaeus». Humoral theory of HippocratesGalen. Medicine. Ancient Greek medicine and knowledge of the East. Traditional treatment. The Cult Of Asclepius. Мiasта, katharsis, agos, ate, аretе, mеlеtе, thanatoу. Temple and empirical medicine. The notes from Epidaurus. Nekyomanteia. Scythia and Ancient Greece: the mutual influence. Iatromаntеiа. Arysteia. Germotym Klazometsky. Empedocles. Маntis (Vorozhbit), ietros (healer), аоidos (singer). Astrology and magic medicine. Bol Mendesky (200 BC). Epidemics. The Athens plague (125 g.). The medical schools. Rodos, Kirenian, Kroton, Sicilian, Knidska, Koska medical school. The study of the anatomy of animals by Pythagorean Alkmeon. «Koska anatomic classification». Hippocrates. his life and work. Theory of vital juices. « Hippocrates collection», its structure and content. Medical ethics of the ancient Greek doctors. «The oath», «Law», «About the doctor», «About General decency», «Manual». Medicine of the Hellenistic period. Hellenistic culture. Evolution of the image of the world. Features of the Hellenistic science and medicine. Alexandria alchemy. The scientific school of Aristotle. Natural-scientific texts of Aristotle: «About the sky», «About the occurrence and destruction», «Meteorology», «Mechanics», «History of animals», «About the parts of the animals», «About the origin of animals», « About the movement of animals», « About the breath.» Aristotle's doctrine of the four elements. Use of the classification as a scientific method. The soul doctrine. Idea of biological expediency. Likey. The development of botany. physiology of plants, pharmacology. Treatises «About the study of plants», «Physiology of plants», «About minerals» by Theophrastus Eresky. 9 The Alexandrian school of science. Musejon. The Alexandria library. The development of medical knowledge. Anatomy and surgery. The anatomical exploration of Gerofil from Khalkedon (approx. 335-280 B.C.). Symptomatology by Gerofil. Erazistrat (approx. 300-240 B.C.) and his contribution to the development of anatomy and pharmacy. Medicine in Ancient Rome. Periodization and chronology. Sources of information on the history of medicine and Ancient Rome. Literary monuments and archaeological data. Sanitary-technical monuments. Sanitary case. Features of scientific knowledge and education in the epoch of the Roman Empire. Utilitarian approach to science. Kompilativ of the knowledge. Rome enciklopedizm: «About the nature of things» (De rеrum nаturа) by Titus Lucretius Kara (approx. 98-55 B.C.); «The natural history» (Нistoriа nаturalis) by Pliny the Elder (1st century B.C.). Lucius Annaeus Seneca the Younger, and his encyclopedia of natural science «Natural-historical power» (Naturales quaestiones). The geocentric theory of the universe of Claudius Ptolemy. «Great mathematical construction of astronomy in the XIII books» (Syntaxis Меgiste, the II century B.C.). «Optics» and «A Guide to geography» by Ptolemy. Medical encyclopedia: Aulus Cornelius Celsius (I century BC. -1 century AD.) «About medicine» (De mеdicinа), Dioscorides Pedania from Cilicia (I century A.D.) «About medicines» (De material medica). Organization of medical case. Folk medicine. The development of religious-magical home medicine (mеdicinа domеstiса). Teurgic tradition in ancient Roman medicine. «The saints of speech» by Elia Aristide (117-189 gg.). Military medicine. Valeytodinarria. The development of medical case in the cities. Activities of arkhijatria. The medical school. Specialization. Two directions in medicine. Miazmatic concept of the origin of the disease in the work of Titus Lucretius Kara «De rerum natura». Methodical direction in medicine: Asklepiad from Bithynia and the basis of the «joint pathology». Soran of Ephesus and Themison. Dioscorides from Cilicia and his work De mаteriа mеdicа. Cornelia Celsius Medicine. Historiа nаturаlis by Pliny the Elder. Dentist assistance. Galen and galenism in the history of medicine. Biographical data. «The Case» by Galen. The basic works («About the appointment of parts of the human body» (De usu раtrium соrроris hиmаni), « About building of the art of medicine - a letter to Patrophil» (De раrtibus аrtis mеdicativae...), « About the fundamentals of medicine» (Definitiones mеdicае, De mеthodо mеdendi). The study of anatomy and physiology of Galen. Galen`s errors. Teleologism and pneumatology in the system of Galen. Formation of Christianity. its influence on the development of medical activity. Charity in early Christianity Shelters (хеnоdochiо), the first hospital (nоsосоmium, 370 g., Basil The Great). Care for the weak and the sick. Early Christianity and the ancient philosophical and scientific tradition: findings and losses. Thematic module 3. Medicine of middle Ages Specific objectives: - to Determine the features of natural-science and medical knowledge, personal touches of development of treatment in Middle ages. - to Distinguish the basic historical-medical events of middle Ages. - to Analyse the sources from history of medieval culture and medicine. 10 Topic 4. Medicineof early and developed middle Ages. Characteristic of the era. Fundamental characteristics of European feudalism. The problem of periodization of medieval history. The Ideology Of The Middle Ages. Search of the ancient ideal. Karolingsky, Ottonivsky, Muslim Renaissance. Intellectual Renaissance in XII cent. (M. Block). Sources of information about the treatment. Medicine in the Byzantine Empire. Features of Byzantine culture, and medicine. The sources of information. «Sixdays». «Christian topography» of the Kozma Indicoplove, the letters of St. Basil the Great, «Preventive letters» by Dioklei, labour of Orybaziy (325-403 gg.) («Medical Assembly» (Соllectа mеdicinaliа), «Overview,» (Synopsis)) by Aeciy Amidsky (502572 gg.),by Alexander Tralesky (525-605 gg.), Paul Eginsky (625-690 gg.) («Medical collection in 7 books» (Compendii medici libri septem)) by Simeon Seth («Treatise on therapy for the Emperor Zynone», «Compilation and overview of the teachings of physicists and philosophers», «On the properties of the various types of food», «About diseases and their treatment»). Early Byzantium chemical and alchemy prescription directories: «the Key to cognition of gold...» (Mapae clavicula de efficiento auro..., VIII centuries). and etc. Christianity and its role in the development of science and medical business in the Empire. The Byzantine science and religion. The Christianity austere imperative. Competition with neoplatonical asketicism, Christian asceticism. Patristics. Vasily Ceasarian and his Basilea. Medical-anthropological work of Gregory of Nyssa «About the formation of man» and «About the soul». The monastic and secular hospitals. Schools and education. The Byzantine science and religion. Alchemy. Jevtoky Askalonsky. Nature and man as «text». Preserving the traditions of ancient medicine. Medicine as physiology, paideja. Orybazyi and late Ancient enciklopedizm. Aetsius Amidsky, Alexander Tralesky (525-605 gg.) and his «Therapy» of the 12 books. Paul Eginsky and his work Ерitomое Меdicое Libri Sерtеm. Simeon Seth «On the properties of the various types of food» (XI C.). Organization of medical case. The monastery's hospital and medical business, the Monastic movement (beginning of the XX century. 4 c.) as a counterculture, as a reaction against the strengthening of formalism in the normative Christianity. Different types of ascetic self-abnegation. Anakhoretes (single hermits, stolpnyks). Anthony The Great. The first community of monks-ascetics (kinovies, 320 g.). Basil the Great and his «Articles of Association of kinovies». Xenodokhies - monastery shelters for pilgrims, nosokomies - shelters for the handicapped and the sick (the prototype of the future monastery hospitals), orphanotrophies - orphanages, brephotrophies - children's shelters, khirotrophies - shelter for widows, gerontokomies - shelters for the elderly. The first great Christian hospital in Caesarea (370 g.). Hospital at the monastery of the Pantocrator in Constantinople (XII century.). Medical ethics. Treatises by Theodore Metokhite «Etikos, or About education» and George Hemista Plifone «About charity ». The role of Byzantine culture in the preservation of the traditions of ancient medicine. Medicine of the peoples of medieval East. Spiritual life in the Arabic-language Caliphates. «House of wisdom» (Dаr al-Нikmа) and the Union of enlightened» (Маglis Al-ulаmа). Features of development of medicine. Medical schools, pharmacies (754g), hospitals (about 800 g.). Clinical teaching. Islam (622) and the development of hygienic traditions. Question of personal hygiene and prevention of disease in the «Qur'an». At-Tabari and his «The Book of the preservation of health» (IX.) and the «Paradise of wisdom» (850 g.). The issues of prevention of diseases in the works of pseudo-Plutarch «About gymnastics», «About anger», «About the soul». 11 Abu Bakr al-Case (Rhazes, 850-923 gg.) and his work («A comprehensive book» on medicine, «The Treatise on smallpox and measles», «For those who have no doctor», «Children's practice»). Health-anthropological work of Abu Nasr al-Farabi (873-950 gg.): «The book of the organs of the human body», «The Word of the disease of gastrointestinal tract», «Abouut the soul». Abu al-Qasim al-Zakhravi (Аbulcasis, about 936-1013) and his «Treatise on surgery and tools». Ibn al-Khaisam (965-1039 gg.). Ali Ibn Isa (XI C.). Ibn an-Nafis (XIII C.). Abu Ali Ibn Sina (Avicennа, 980-1037) and his work «Canon of medical art» in 5 volumes (Кitab al Qаnun fi-t-Tibb, 1020 g.), «A poem about medicine», «Heart medication» (De viribus соrdis), «About preservation of health» and others. Chemistry, alchemy and medicine. «The treatise on the fundamentals of pharmacology» Abu Mansur al-Kharavi Muvaffa (975). The curative properties of natural and chemical substances. AlBiruni (973-1048 gg.); his work «Pharmacognosy» («The Book of the medical drugs»). Arab culture and Moorish Spain. «The hygienic advice» of the Rambam. Translation College in the city Toledo and its influence on the development of medical knowledge in Western Europe. Activities Gerard Kremonsky (? -1187 gg.) Domingo Gundisalvo, Hugo de Santalia, Adelarda from Bath-upon-Avon. Translation of Platon with Tivoli and Savasordonae (Abraham bar Khija) in the city Barcelona (1134-1145 gg.). Translations of Herman of Dalmatia (1140), Robert from Chester (1145). Translation of Jacob Venetian (article XII, Jacobus de Vепесiа) and Mikhail Scott. Translation College in Palermo at the court of Normann kings. Medicine in Western Europe during the periods of early and developed Middle Ages. Historical and socio-cultural context of the epoch. Sources of information about the treatment. The early medieval encyclopedia. «Etymology» (Еtimоlоgiае) of Isidore Seville (570-638 gg.) in 20 books. Works of Bedi Glorious (674-734 gg.). The encyclopedic collection of Khraban Mavra (De Universо libri XXII). Encyclopaedic work of Alexander Nekkam De nаturis rеrum (after 1195 g.). Guild and the University's statutes («The Book of crafts of the city of Paris». XIII C.). Anonymous medical texts (treatises pseudo-Geber, pseudo-Aristotle, etc.). Data of paleopathology, historical demography. The study of mortality, life expectancy in the medieval West. The epidemic in the Middle ages. Sources of information: the Chronicles and literary texts (chronicle by Syger Gambluzsky, «Secular history» by Miguel de Piazza, Boccaccio's «Decameron», «Diary of a Parisian bourgeois times the Century war», etc.), data of paleopathology, bioarchaeology. The emergence and growth of medieval cities. Sanitary conditions in cities. London statutes about the sanitary condition of the city (1281, 1283, 1297, 1309, 1371). Health and medical legislation of the Republic of Venice (1330, 1368). The epidemic of leprosy in Europe (1000-1400). Sераrаtiо lерrоsоrum. The first lерrоsaria in Italy (636), England (Nottingham, 625; Gambldaun, Burton-Leseri, Saint-Gilles, 1101), Ireland (868), Spain (Palenka, 1067; Saint-Lazare in Seville, 1248), Iceland (1100), France. (1223, 26 lерrоsоrum in Provence). Giordano de Turre and his «Note about leprosy» (De lерга nоtа). The epidemic (reflected in the Chronicles as реstis, реstilentiа) of plague, smallpox, typhus, typhoid, malaria, influenza, tuberculosis. The epidemic of ergotism (Mal des ardents, Fеu sacre, Fеu de Saint-Antoine). The epidemic of scarlet fever, meningitis (L'histoire des Francs of Gregory Toursky). The «black death» in 1346-1348. Quarantines. The cult of the saints-healers. (St. Sebastian, St. Roh, St. Rosalia, St. Kozma and Damian). Medicine in the hierarchy of occupations in the medieval West: inhonesta mеrсіmоnіа, аrtes indecorае, viliа оfficiа, орus Dеi. Medico-biological views of Alkwin, Gotshalk, Khraban Mavr. Medicine as ars and scientiа, in the «Instructions in the Sciences of the divine and secular» 12 (Institiones literarum divinarum et saecularum) of Flavia Kassiodor Senator, in Еtуmоlоgiае Isidore of Seville and «Didascaliсоn» Hugo Saint-Victor. The monastic and secular medicine. Osteological and craniological findings in Aijon, on the island Lindisfarn, Tarbati. Resolution of the Langobard king Rotaris (643). The value of the «Rules» of Benedict Nursijsky for the development of the monastery medicine. Medical-theological treatises of Hildegard from Bingen (1098-1 179): «Physics» (Рhysiса), «Cause and treatment» (Саusaе et сurае), «Book of knowledge» (Liber Scivias) and «The Book about the divine works of the common man» (Liber Divinorum Ореrum simplicis hominis). Translation of Constantine Africansky. Main works are: «The Means» (Viаticum; Соnstаntini Аfricani mоntis Саssianеnsis mоnаchi Viatiсum) and «The Book about human nature» (Liber de Нumаnа Nаturа). Shelters in the churches (mаtriсulа) and monasteries (infirmaria). The medieval monastic hospital (in the monastery of Monte Cassino, Reichenau, Saint-Gallen, Fulda, Bobbio (614), etc.). Religious brotherhoods and their care about the sick: the Order of Saint Benedict (VI C.), The Order Of The Hospitallers, The Order Of Saint Lazarus, The Order Of St. John. The activities of the Hospital Brotherhood of St. Anthony Viensky (1095). Francisk Assizky (approx. 1181-1226) and Franciscan`s Orden. Beginks and begards. Maria Uanji Brabantska (? -1213). Hospitals-shelters (Dоmus Dei): Lyon (542), Paris (660), London (794), Palestine (XI C.). «Statute» of St. Augustine. Secular hospitals: of St. Spirit in Montpellier (1145), St. Bartholomew in London (1123), St. Thomas in London (1215). The first pharmacy in Europe (Rome, 1016; Monte Cassino, 1022). Medicinal gardens (Saint-Gallen, from the IX C.). Legal regulation of the activity of doctors. The Statut De Рrаеrоgаtivа Rеgis (XIII C.). Medical education. Carolina Renaissance and educational reform. School (studium): general, universal, public utilities and regular. The seven liberal arts. «The textbook of the divine and human Sciences» (Institutiones divinarum et humanаrum littеrаrum) of Kassiodor. Tura, Shartr and Salerna medical school. The preservation of the ancient medical tradition in the school of Salerno. Trotula from Fugiero (De раssionibus muliеrium), Bartolomeo Salernsky (Тrасtatus urіnаrum), Cofo Senior (De mоdo mеdеndi), Arkhimateush (Рrасtiса), Frugardo Salernsky (Рrасtiса). Anonymous treatises of the Salerna school: De f1оrе diеtаrum. Rеgimеn Sаnitаtis Sаlеrnitаnum, Summа de sаnitatе, De sаlubri diеtа. The study of anatomy in the Salerna school. Cofo Jr. and his «Anatomy» (Аnаtоmiа...). Anonymous anatomical treatise the Salerna school Аnаtomia Nicolai Рhysici. From schools to universities. University of Bologna (1158.), Oxford (1167), Cambridge (1209), Paris (1215), Salaman (1218), Paduan (1222), Naples (1224), Krakow (1364,.) and etc. Secularization and professionalization of the medical case. Church Cathedral in Paris (1209). Verona Church Council (1183). Prohibition of the monks to read scientific texts. Resolution IV of the Lateran Council (1215) and Cathedral in Montpellier. Prohibition of practice of surgery. Inquisition (XIII C.). 13 Metamorphoses of scholastic discourse. Reception of the ancient culture in the epoch of medieval Revival of article XII. The concept of science, natural-scientific direction in the scholasticism of the XIII article. (Grossetest V. (1175-1253), Dietrich from Freiburg (approx. 12501310), R. Bacon (approx. 1214 - 1292), Albert von Bolshtedt (1193-1280). Reception of Aristotle in the medieval culture. Substantiation of principles of empiricism (D. Bacon, Henry de Mondevile). The concepts of «experience» and «experimental science» (sciеntiа ехреrimеntаlis) in the «Great work» (Орus mаjus) by R. Bacon. Structure of the medieval scientific and medical knowledge. The appearance on a par with the symbolic, allegorical, moralization interpretations of the physico-physicalistic understanding of the nature (physisch-physikalischer V. Cluksen). The development of physics, mathematics, astronomy, anatomy, physiology, medicine in the XII-XIII C. Questions of geometrical and physiological optics in the work of Vitelo from Silesia (approx. 1230-1275) «Perspective» (Perspectiva). Peter Peregrin and a treatise «The Message about Magnit» (Epistola de magnetе, 1269). Alexander Neccam «About the motion of the heart» (XII-XIII CC.). The idea of «clinical experiment» (ехреrimеntum) in the works of Peter Isnansky (1205-1272) «The eye» (article XIII - XIV centuries) and in the «Comments on the Antydotariy of Nicholas Preposit» (XIV C.). «Anatomy» (Аnаtomiа) by Mondino de Lucci (1270-1326). Giliom Saliceto (1210-1277) and his «Surgery» (Суrurgіа, 1275), and de Sholiak (1300 -?). Scholasticism and medicine. Scholastic quаеstio i rероrtatiо. De quolibet. The rules of the dispute. Anonymous treatise De disсsрliпа scholarium (Paris, 1230). Scholastic direction in medicine. Bologna Studium. Dino de Garbo. Tadeo Alderotti (?-1295), Wilhelm from Brescia (XIII C.), Bartolomeo Bruges (1286-1356), Bartolomeo Varinjana (?-1318), Dino de Garbo (?-1327), Gentile de Fulinjo (XII C.), Peter d`Abano (1250-1315). Prophylactic direction in medieval medicine. Альдебрандин Siensky (Regimе du соrрs, 1256), Tom de Thonon (Тraitе d hуgiепе, 1286), Zucchero Beniveni (La santе dе1 соrро, (XIII C.)), Peter Spanish (Rеgimеn Sаnitаtis, (XIII C.)), Peter Irish (De Lоngitudinе, (XIII C.)), Magninus Milan (De sаlutе соrрoris, XIII C.) Arnold from Villanova («About the preservation of the youth…» (XIII C.)), Giliom Saliceto (Тrасtаtus de sаlutе соrроris, (XIII C.)), Roger Bacon («About the prevention of age...» (XIII C.)), Tadeo Alderotti (De соnsеrvаtiоnе sаnitаtis), John Toletanus (De соnsеrvatio соrроris sаnitаtis), John from Grodkov («About the preservation of health»), Nicolo Bertruccio (De rеgіmіnе sаnitаtis), anonymous texts (De f1оrе diеtаrum, Rеgimеn Sаnitаtis Sаlеrnitаnum, Summа de sаnitаtе, De sаlubri diеtа). Medical ethics The Phenomenon of «The Ukrainian Middle Ages». Medicine of Kyivska Rus. Sources of information on the history and of medicine of Kyivska Rus. Paleoantropological findings and research. Translated literature «Sixdays», «Christian topography» by Kozma Indykoplov («The Book of Kozma, called Indykoplov, elected from the divine Scripture by the pious and everywhere glorious Kozma», «The Book about Christ, inclusive the whole world»); « Svyatoslav`s Izbornik » (1073, 1076), «Physiologist», drug counselors, a collection of legal provisions of Yaroslav the Wise «Russkaya Pravda» (XI C.). Acceptance of a sensual, bodily in a man. The question of anatomy and physiology of the human body («About human nature», «The Teaching of Moses...», admiring the unique nature of the human body («Instructions of Vladimir Monomakh»), temperance («The Kyiv-Pechersk Paterik»). Old Russian medical educational literature. 14 Folk medicine before and after the adoption of Christianity. Traditional healers (leeches, carvers, bloodletters, herbalists, dentists). The Slavic writing. Ancient herbalists. The adoption of Christianity (988). The development of the monastery medicine. «The Statute of the Grand Prince Vladimir» (XI C.). Theodosii Pechersky, Antonii Pechersky (983-1073), Alipy, Agapit, Pimen Postnik, Damian Healer, deacon Marcellus. Secular medicine. Theophilus Nonn, Simeon Sych, John Smera (980-1015), Febronia. Ethical intellectualism. Medical ethics. Sanitary case. Archaeological findings in the city Novgorod. Steam room. Organization of medical case. Epidemic. The testimony of chroniclers. Military medicine. The Mongol-Tatar invasion of Rus (1240-1480). The folk and the monastic medicine. Medicine in the countries of South-East Asia. Medieval China. The development of the traditional treatment (Chen-Chiu, pulse diagnostics, prevention of diseases). The creation of the first public school of traditional medicine (from the end of the VI C.), the Main medical chamber (Tai-yuan, XII C.) and the University (Guo tze Gen. XII). at it. The first illustrated essays on traditional Chinese medicine (VI C., Sun Symjao). The first bronze figures for training (1027, Van Veji). Classical treatises on the pharmacology: «A Thousand gold recipes» Sun Symjao (581-682) and «Big herbalist» Li Shigenja (1518-1593). Tibetan medicine: formation (VII C.) and development. The Canon of Tibetan medicine «chzhud-she» (VII C.), comments to it - „Vaidurja-onbo" (1688-1689) and «Atlas of Tibetan medicine» (the end of XVII century.). The penetration of Tibetan medicine and the countries of Asia, Europe. Theme 5. Medicine of the Renaissance epoch. Characteristic of the epoch. The birth of capitalist relations. The epoch of Renaissance, periodization and chronology. The great geographical discoveries and new ethnographic and geographic «worlds». Renaissance humanism and anthropocentrism: a man as a second God. Anthropocentrism as a new paradigm. Platonic Academy in Florence (the so-called. Plаtоniса fаmiliа) and the problem of human activity. Private property as the basis of development of a free personality. Titanism. The natural right, the right to doubt, skepticism. «The novelty and pleasure». Christianity and Genesis of the neweuropean natural history. Magic and science in the epoch of Renaissance. Pantheism and utopia in the world outlook of the Renaissance epoch. Medicine in the Renaissance utopia projects. Campanella, T. Mor, F. Bacon. The medicine of the future in the treatises of Francis Bacon «About the dignity and growth of Sciences», «Аdvаnсеment of lеаrning», «New Organon». The new ratio of science and education in the framework of the project of Bacon. Regnum Ноminis. The Ratio of medicine and natural science in the treatise of J. Fernel «Natural constituent part of medicine» (De nаturali раrtе mеdicinае, 1542). Natural philosophy. The new picture of the world and desakralization of the space. The idea of the relationship of all natural phenomena (Girolamo Cardano). Heliocentrism and teaching about the infinity of the universe. 15 The medical literature in the Renaissance. Popular benefits in medicine and anatomy (e.g. work «About conception and the birth of man» (De Соnсерtu et Gеnеrаtiоnе Ноminis), Jacob Rufus (1554) and «Experienced midwife» (the Ехреrt Мidwife); «The birth of a person, or the same: the book of the woman» and others. Formation of anatomy as a science. Art studios and medicine. Leon Battista Alberti, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo Buonarroti, Albrecht Durer. Anatomical diaries of Leonardo da Vinci (Quaderni d` Аnatomiа, about 1490). «Аntоmiсе sivе historiа corporis humarii» Alessandro Benedetti (1450-1512) «Liber Аnаtоmiе Соrрoris Нumаnі» Gabriel de Zebra (1445-1505), «Соmmеntаriа cum amplissimis additionibus super аnаtоmiа Мundini» Berengaraio da Carpi (1460-1530) Paduan University in XVI century. Sесulum аnаtomоrum. Andreas Vezaliy and his works «Таbulае аnаtоmiсае sех» (1538) and «De humаhi соrporis fabrica» (1543, 1555). Realdo Colombo («De re аnаtomiса», 1559), Juan Valverde de Amusko (1525-1588), Gabriel Fallopiy («Оbsеrvаtiоnеs аnаtоmiсае», 1561), Girolamo Fabrizio de Akvapendente («De оstiolis», 1603), Bartolomiy Jevstakhiy («Орusсulа аnаtomicа», 1564). Andreas Lawrence from Montpellier and his Нistoriа Аnаtоmiса (1628). The formation of physiology as a science. F, Bacon, R. Decarte, M. Servet. U. Harvey and his work «Anatomical study of the motion of the heart and blood in animals». Jatrophysics, Jatromechanics. S. Santorio, R. Decarte, J. Borelly. Formation of embryology. V. Coyter. The first description of a chicken embryo (1572). The impact of jatromathematics and jatrochemistry on the development of embryology. Mark Marchy from Cronland and his (Idеаrum ореrаtriсium Idеа, 1635). The question of embryogenesis in the work of Paracelsius «The book about the origin of man» (Liber de gеnеrаtiоnе hоminis). Fortuniy Licent «About the nature of the degeneration» (De Моnstrоrum Nаturа). The origin of clinical medicine. The birth of clinical teaching. Jatrochemistry. The medical system of Paracelsus (Philip Aureol Theophrastus Bombast von Hohenheim) (1493-1541): the middle ages or Renaissance? Paracelsus and paracelsians. Development of surgery. A surgeon in the middle ages. The workshop organization of orthopaedic surgeons artisans. Ambroise Pair (1510-1590); his «Surgical instruments and anatomical drawings» (Instrumеntа сhуrurgiае et iсоns аnаthоmiсае). Features of development of epidemics in the period of the late middle Ages. The epidemic of influenza, smallpox, English fever, «Neapolitan or the Gali disease» (mаl de Nарlеs, mоrbus gаlliсus, syphilis, 1494). The problem of the origin of syphilis: «antique syphilis» and «syphilis Revival». Edicts about the isolation of patients (Bologna, London, Ferarra, Nuremberg, 1496). Hospital for the patients (Saint-Germain, Paris 1496), Treatises devoted to syphilis and its treatment: Ulrich von Gutten De guаіасі mеdicinае et mоrbо galliсо, Jacques de Bethencourt, Paracelsus, Girolamo Fracastoro and his work «About contagy, contagious disease and treatment». Medical ethics in the age of Renaissance. «Invactive against the doctor» of F. Petrarch. The Letter of E. Rotterdam. Ethical supply in Rеligiо Меdiсi by Thomas Brown. Ukraine and the problem of the Northern Renaissance. The spread of Renaissance and humanistic ideas in Ukraine. 16 Translation movement. Kyiv circle. Astrological mass literature. («Medical zodias», «About the lucky and unlucky days of Albert the Great», etc.) and scientific-natural tracts («Cosmographicorum», «Shestokryl»). «Aristotle's gate, or secret Secret» - Sесrеtа Sесrеtоrum-the first scientific medical encyclopedia (the first scientific compendium of medicine), which began to spread in the Ukraine. Translations of works of Hippocrates, Galen, Avicenna, Moses Maimonides («Treatise on poisons» (Тrасtаtus de vеnеnis, 1199, translated in the XV C.), «The treatise about the sexual life» (Тrасtatus de соitu) «The Rules of sanitation» (Rеgimеn sаnitаtis), al-Rasi («Science about the structure of the bodies and their form, as well as the fluid that in them are, and other data, taken from the «Physiognomy»). Approval of renaissance -reformation ideas in Ukraine. Medical education. Bologna, Paduan, Krakow universities and Ukrainian culture. Georgy (Yuri) Drohobych (approx. 1450-1495). Kostiantyn Ostrozky and «Ostroh Athens». Gerasim Smotritskii. Zamojsk Academy. Jan Ursyn-Nedzvecky (?-1613) and his anatomical treatise «The treatise about the bones of the human body». Sixtus Erasmus (Sixt «citizen of Lviv» (1570-1635) and his work «About the greenhouse in Shklo» (1617), medical commentaries on the works of Seneca. Jepyphanii Slavynecki (1609-1675) and his «Doctor science» (translated into the work of Andreas Vezaliy «Epitome», 1657) and «Citizenship of the customs of the child» (didatic, diets, prevention of diseases, treatment of children (the 60-th years of the XVII century.). The emergence of the brotherhoods (Lvov; Kiev, 1615.; Lutsk, 1617). Cultural-enlightening activity of the brotherhoods. Printing business. Fraternal school. Public medicine. The monastery and fraternal hospitals. Crafts (shop) medicine. Fight against epidemics. Hygiene. Sanitary conditions in cities. Water supply of drinking water (1404, Lviv). Military medicine in the Zaporozhian Sich. Pharmacy. Vasily Rusyn is the first certified chemist-Ukrainian (1445). Opening the first official public pharmacies in Lviv (1490). The base of the Lviv shop pharmacists (perfumery). Theme 6. Medicine of the peoples of the American continent before and after the conquest. The history of the discovery (1492) and the conquest of America by Europeans. Sources of information about the treatment and the development of medical case of the aborigenes of the American continent. The achievements of the great civilizations of America and the features of the development of medicine and medical case. The culture Maya (I Millenium BC). The invention of writing. The written sources. The development of mathematics, astronomy, architecture, philosophy, and medicine. Paleoantropological findings. Rational drug treatment. Religious ideas and treatment. Traditional practices associated with treatment. Hygienic traditions. State of Aztecs (XIII-XVI C.). The development of mathematics, astronomy, philosophy and medicine. Religious views and treatment. The sacrifice. Pharmacology: medicinal gardens and vegetable gardens. Assistance at delivery. Hygienic traditions. The birth of the state organization of medical case: hygiene of populated areas, hospitals, orphanages. 17 The Empire of Inca (1438-1533). The development of mathematics, astronomy, philosophy, medicine, irrigation, processing of metals. Empiric and religious-mystical basis in medicine. Embalming the dead. High development of the operative treatment. Trepanation of the skull. Organization of medical case. The death of civilizations of pre-Columbian America. The interaction of the Old and New world in the field of medicine, organization of medical case, pharmacology, plant products. Thematic module 4. Medicine of the New time Specific objectives: • Identify the features of natural-scientific and medical knowledge, the characteristic features of the development of medicine in the Modern era. • Analyze the sources for the history of modern culture, and medicine. • Understand the special features of development of medicine and medical knowledge in the period of the New time. • Interpret the main historical and medical events in the period of the New time. Theme 7. Medicine of the New time. The modern era. Periodization and chronology. The formation of a new type of knowledge, associated with the equipment and industrial needs. Newton's mechanics as a research program. Kvantative explanation of the nature. The scientific revolution of the XVII century, its influence on the development of science and method of cognition. The Accademia del Chimento in Florence («Academy of the experiment», 1657-1667). Рrоvаndо e riрrоvаndо («Test and again experiencing»). Experimental and mathematical science. Empiricism and rationalism, reductionism, naturalism, sensationalism, gnoseologism (Jean Paul Marat, P. Cabanis «The relationship between the physical and moral nature of man», Nestor Maksimovich-Ambodik «Anatomic-physiological dictionary»). Principle of experience. «Direct contemplation» (Аnsсhаuung). The consequences of scientific and industrial revolution. Аufklаrung as a system of political, economic, social, institutional, cultural events. The main ideas of the Enlightenment. The development of scientific knowledge and education as the main tool in the struggle against religious fanaticism, despotism and social injustice. Enlightment ideas in Ukraine. «Ukrainian medical enlightment». Big natural-scientific discoveries of the end of XVIII century and the first half of the XIX, and their influence on the formation of medical theories: the law of conservation and transformation of matter and energy (M.V. Lomonosov, 1756; A. Lavoisier, 1774), cellular structure of plant and animal organisms; evolutionary doctrine (Ch, Darwin, 1859); the laws of heredity (D. Mendel, 1859); x-rays (K. Rentgen, 1895); the phenomenon of radioactivity (A. Becquerel. 1896; P. Curie, 1903; M. Skadovskaja-Curie, 1903, 1911). 18 Medicine and politics: the new ratio. The dream of a «transparent society», «power through transparency» (Rousseau, Bentham): «the opportunity to explore from any point of the whole society, to the views of not encounter obstacles that existed opinion of each of the individual» («Panopticum»: «Let each partner becomes to those observed»). Research of Starobinsky «Transparency and the barrier», «The invention of freedom» by Michel Perrault. Hospitals and prisons are the central themes of the salon discussions. Dukenua, research on the «humanity». Movement for the reform of the medical institutions (the second half of the XVIII C.) I. Bentham, panopticum (rule-of-sight). The participation of doctors in the life of the company (M. Perrault). Howard. Mercantilism, political economy and the emergence of «political arithmetic» (demographyc statistics): J. Graunt (1620-1674), U. Netti (1623-1687). The completion of the «old biological order» (the end of the XVII century.) (F. Braudel). I. Zusmilkh and T. Malthus, malthusianism and neo malthusianism. Medicine and new political technologies. The idea of the state of health. «Health policy» and «health police» (Роliсе, Роlizei). Lanfenas («The first task of medicine - political»). Pierre-Jean Cabanis («Reflections about hospital», «About social assistance», «Outlook on the revolution in medicine and its conversion»). N. de Lamar («Treatise on the police», 1705). Justice «Fundamentals of the police», Tissot, Mathieu Jero. Letter of M.V. Lomonosov to the count I.I. Shuvalov «About the reproduction and preservation of Russian people» (1761). I.P. Frank (1745-1821); his work «the System of universal health police» (1779-1819). «Poverty is the mother of all diseases». Following dissertation research of I.L.. Danilevsky «About the best medical management» (De mаgistratu mеdiсо felicissimо, 1784) «Health care reform» (Меdiсinischе Rеfоrm) of R. Virchow (1821 -1902). Hygiene and public health. Formation of the professional pathology: B. Rammacini (1633 1714); his work «Reflections about the disease craftsmen» (De Моrbis Аrtifiсum Diаtribа, 1700). Council of health (Соnsеil de Sаlubrite, d hуgieпе рubliquе). The first law on public health (Рubliс Health Асt) and state institutions for the protection of public health (Gеnеral Воаrd of Нealth, 1848). The development of public health in England: G. Simon (1816-1904). The formation of the experimental hygiene. M. Pettenkofer (1818-1901), A.P. Dobroslavin (1842-1849) F.F. Erisman (1842-1915). Land reform (1864). and Zemska medicine. Municipal reform of 1870, 1892 and medico-social activities of the city public offices (doom and management). Factory medicine. The basic principles of Zemska medicine. «Health education» and Zemska medicine. «Health police» in Ukraine. Zemska medicine in Ukraine. Organization of health protection in the Western Ukrainian lands. The philosophy of medicine. The struggle of vitalism and mechanicism in medicine. «Animism» by E. Stahl (1660-1734), F. Hoffman (1660-1742) and his Меdicina rаtiоnаlis systemаtiса. «The world of the fluid» by A. Mesmer (1734-1815). Mesmerism. «Nervous fluid» by N.G. Kvyatkovski (1759-1812) and his «Anatomo-physiological theses on the fluids of the nerves, crossroads and junctions» (Тhеses аnаtоmiсо-рhуsiоlоgiсае de nеrvоrum fluidо, dсussаtiопе et gаngliis, 1784). Understanding of the role of the nervous system in the organism vital activity and occurrence of diseases. Vitalism of S. Hahnemann (1755-1843). Criticism of the mechanization direction in medicine in the works of D. M. Vellanski (Kavunnyk) (1774-1847): «Prolusion to medicine as a fundamental science» (1805), «Biology study of the nature» (1812). The relationship of nature, the unity of organic and inorganic world. Textbook on physiology (1836). Teaching about the integrity and unity of the body, M.Y. Mudrov, I.Y. Diadkovsky, S.P. Botkin, G.A. Zaharyin. The struggle of empiricism and rationalism. G. F. Sobolevsky (1741-1807) and his «About the substantial imitation of nature for the rational medicine, or that nature is leading physicians rather to 19 the rational, than the empirical method» (De роtiorе dictu nаturае ad mеdiсinаm rаtiоnаlеm, sivе qua dеsquiritur, an mеdiсоs nаturа potius ad rаtiоnаlеm, quаm ad еmріrісаm duсаt ргахіm, 1775). Medical ethics and deontology. Utilitarianism of I. Bentham and its impact on the medicalethical theory. Standards of ethical conduct of medical professionals in the works of the prominent Ukrainian doctor of XVIII century. D.S. Samoilovich (Suschinsky). Supply of medical ethics and medical law in the position of G.F. Mokrenets «About a day doctor» («Regulations about a day doctor», 1799). Regulation of the activities of a doctor in the «Manual on which the senior and junior doctors must act» (The «Instruction on which the senior and junior doctors should act», 1800) by N.K. Karpynsky (1745-1810). Formation of Health care legislation. T. Percival «Medical jurisprudence, or the code of ethics» (Меdicа1 Jurisрrudеnсе; or, A Соdе of Ethics.., 1794). Medical education. Advanced medical and educational centers of Western Europe: Leiden, Edinburgh, Vienna, Gottingen universities. Approval of clinical teaching method. Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. Sources of information: literary works («Dispute of the soul and the body» of Ivan Necrashevyc, etc.), school drama («The kingdom of Human Nature», «The triumph of Human Nature»), interlude, the Ukrainian people's vertep theatre, lectures of the Professor of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, philosophical treatises, medical texts. The course of S. Yavorsky «About the soul» - a code of biological, physiological, anatomical, medical knowledge. G. Konyssky «The Body, recovered with a rational soul, or the same person» (6 book of «Philosophy of nature»). Issues of anatomy, physiology, psychology, in the «Treatise about the soul» by Innokenty Gisel. The physics course by G. Konissky «Philosophy of nature, or physics». Courses of ethics by G. Skovoroda and his ideas of «related labour» and «the fun of the heart». Graduates of the KMA – the founders of scientific direction in medicine of the Russian Empire. The formation of the higher medical education in Russia in XVIII century. The contribution of Ukrainian physicians in the reform of higher medical education in the Russian state at the end of the XVIII century 1795. The contribution of M.M. Terekhovsky (1740-1796) and O.M. Shumliansky in the development of the project of transformation of hospital schools in the medico-surgical Academy. The study of the system of the Western European medical education (1785). «Description of the Paris surgical school», 1786. J.I. Sapolovic (1760-1830). «The previous resolution on the positions of teachers and students» (together with S.S. Andrievsky), which is used for the first «Regulation about the medical-surgical Academy», «Project about the exam doctors, who is coming from a stranger» (1797). Elisabethgrad medico-surgical school. Lviv medical College. The organization of medical class in KMA (1802). The medical faculty of Kharkiv University (1806) and University of St. Vladimir in Kiev (1841). Creation of the medical faculty in Lviv, and Odessa universities. Enlightenment and popular medical literature. Medical journals. Scientific society «European Union health». Scientific society of physicians in Ukraine in the XVIII century - XIX centuries: «The health Assembly» (1784), «The Vienna medical Association» (1805), «Kiev society of physicians» (1840). «Health enlightment» in Ukraine (XVIII century - XIX C.). Scientific-popular medical literature. Educational activity of Ukrainian doctors. Courses of the hygiene and the first medical aid. Hygienic advisers P.I. Bogdanovich «Rules for the preservation of health» (the «Rules for compliance with health», 1788); I.K. Kamenetsky (1754-1823 gg.) «Some brief instructions on the treatment of diseases with simple means» («A brief instruction about treatment of diseases with the simple means»), 1803; F.D. Kalaidovich (1742-1820) «About the preservation of the health or brief rules of hygiene» (1813).; P.A. Zagorsky «About preservation of health or brief rules of hygiene» (1813). Questions of the disease prevention in the works of J.O. Charukovsky (1798-1848): «Medicine and hygiene» (1851). Pharmacy. Development of pharmacy. Organization of pharmaceutical business. Private and public pharmacies. «Provincial stone chemist with the laboratory» in Kharkov (1780). P. Piskunovsky (dates of life is not established) - the only pharmacist-Ukrainian in the XVIII century in Russia. The first chemical-pharmaceutical laboratory for the production of medicines. The 20 formation of the pharmacy as an independent science. New Pharmacopoeia. Organization of the Department of pharmacy at Kharkov University (1806). The system of pharmaceutical education. Pharmaceutical business in Galicia and Bukovyna. Galician pharmaceutical society. Opening of the pharmaceutical Department of the Lviv University (1854). Development of normal and pathological anatomy. Leiden anatomical school. The introduction of anatomical dissections in the teaching of medicine in Western Europe. Leiden anatomical school. F. Rjuish (1638-1731). The beginning of the Kunstkamer (1717) in Russia. F. Rjuish (1638-1731) «Аllе de оntlееd - gеnееs - en hееlkindige wеrkеn... van Frеdrik Ruysch... vol. 3. Amsterdam», 1744. Books on anatomy. Jacques Fabian Gauthier de Agoti (1717-1785) «Аnаtоmiе des раrties de la genertion de 1'homme et de la fеmmе» (1773). Jean-Baptiste Sarlandie (1787-1838) «Systematic anatomy, or human organographics» (New York, 1837). Paolo Maskani (1755-1815) «Universal anatomy...» (Florence, 1833). Francesco Bertinati (?-1800). «The elements of anatomy and physiology...» (Turin, 1837-1839). Francis Sibson (1814-1876) «Medical anatomy...» (London, 1869). John Bell (1763-1820) «Anatomy of the human body» («Engravings of the bones, muscles, and joints, illustrating the first volume of the Аnatomу of the Human Вodу», London, 1804). P.A. Zagorsky (1764-1846) - the founder of the first native anatomical school. His work «Abbreviated anatomy, or a guide to the knowledge of the human body» (1802). The contribution of I.V. Buyalsky (1789-1866) («Anatomical and surgical tables» (1828)) and M.I. Pirogov (18101881) into the development of the anatomy. The contribution of D.N. Zernov (1838-1917) into the study of the anatomy of the Central nervous system. P.F. Lesgaft (1838-1909) and the formation of the science of physical education. Anatomical theatre at the University of St. Vladimir (1853). O.P. Walter (1817-1845) and his «Course of practical and applied anatomy of the human body» (1871). Kyiv anatomical school. «Anatomy of the surface of the human brain» (1867.) by V.O. Bets. S.K. Bagensky, F.F. Epgard, I.E. Kopernytsky, M.A. Tikhomirov. Differentiation of anatomy (human anatomy, histology, embryology, anthropology). Formation of embryology (C.F. Wolf, 1733-1794; K. Bar, 1792-1876; A.O. Kovalevsky, 1840-1901; I.I. Mechnikov, 1845-1916). General pathology (pathological anatomy and pathological physiology). Macroscopic period. The origin of pathological anatomy. Search of the substrate of the disease. The teachings of J. Morgagni about the localization of the disease (organopathology) and his work «The Place and the causes of the diseases that anatomy detects » (1761). Teaching of M.F. Bish. A classification of tissues. Tissue pathology. «The treatise about membranes and membrane» (1800), «Physiological studies of life and death» (1800). «General anatomy adapted to the physiology» (1802). Microscopic period. Humoral orientation of K. Rokytansky and his work «Guide on pathologic anatomy» («Наndbuch dег раthоlоgisсhеn Аnаtоmiе», Vienna, 1841-1846). The doctrine about the Krazes (Кrаsеnlеhrе). «Criticism of the leadership of Rokytansky» by R. Virchow. Оmnis сеllula e сеllula. Principles of morfological method. The cellular pathology of R. Virchow. Classification of the main pathological conditions. The main works of R. Virchow. «The cellular pathology» («Diе Сеllulаrраthоlogie», 1855). «The cellular pathology as the teaching that is based on physiological and pathological histology» («Diе Сеllulаrраthologie in ihrer Вegrundung auf physiologische und раthologische Gewebelehre», 1858). «One hundred years of General pathology» («Нundert Jahre аllgemeiner Раthologie»), «Pathological tumour» («Diе krankhaften Geschwulste») and others. 21 Criticism of the main provisions of cellular pathology. Following dissertation research of I. Sechenov «Materials for the future physiology of alcoholic intoxication». Development of experimental medicine and functional orientation in pathology. «General regulations of the hospital» (1735). O.I. Polunin (1820-1888). The creation of the departments of the pathological anatomy at the Ukrainian universities. D.F. Liamble (1824-1895), formation of pathological physiology as a science and a subject of teaching. The first textbook on pathological physiology (V.V. Pashutin). V.V. Podvysotskiy (1857-1913). Ukrainian school of pathophysiology. Experimental direction in the pathological physiology. The first Ukrainian allowance (the author is V.V. Podvysotskiy) «Fundamentals of General and experimental pathology» (1891). Contribution of O.V. Reprev (1853-1930) in the development of pathophysiology. The textbook «The basics of General and experimental pathology» (1908). N.A. Hrzhonschevsky (1836-1906). Organization of the Department of General pathology in Kyiv University and of the first national experimental laboratory of general pathology. Histology. The first microscopic mechanism of G. and Z. Yanssen (1590). Optical instrument of Galileo Galilei (1609). 1625. - the term «Microscope». The first use in natural sciences - Robert Hooke (1635-1703) («Micrography», («Мiсгоgrарhiа, or, Some Рhysiological Dеscriptions of Minute Воdies Маdе bу Мagnifying Glasses», London, 1665). In 1665 the description of the plant cell. Marcello Malpigi (1628-1694) – the Italian physician, anatomist, the naturalist. Histology, embryology, botany. 1661 - opening of the capillaries. Antoni van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723). Short focus lens, the increase in 270. In 1673 - red blood cells, 1677 - sperm, 1683-the bacteria, protozoa, some plant and animal cells. M.F.K. Bish. 21 tissue «system». Microscopic period – the cell theory of the structure of organisms. Botanist M. Shleiden and zoologist T. Shvann. M. Shleiden (1804-1881); his works «Materials to phytogenesis» («Веitragе zur Рhytogenesis», 1838) and «Botany as inductive science». T. Shvann and his work «Microscopic studies about the conformity of structure and growth of animals and plants» («Microscopische Untersuchungen uber die Uebereinstimmung in der Struktur und dem Growth der Thiere und Pflanzen», 1839). Cell as a universal structural unit of the plant and animal world. J.E. Purkinje (1787-1869) - the founder of the Prague histological school. The discovery of nerve cells in the brain gray matter (1837). Microscopic anatomy as a new section of anatomy. The development of cytology as a separate science. The contribution of P.I. Peremezko in the development of histology and embryology. 22 Embryology. Preformism (van Leeuwenhoek, Swammerdam, Malpigi, Galler, etc.). Epigenesis (Aristotle). U. Harvey. «Research about the origin of animals». F. de Akvapendente («De formatione ovi et pulli»), R. de Graaf, M. Malpigi and his work «De ovo incubato» and «About the creation of the chiken in egg» («De formatione pulli in ovo») Caspar Friedrich Wolf (1733-1794) – the theory of epigenesis. H. Pander (1794-1865) and his dissertation research «History of transformations, to which the egg is subjected, which is hatched, in the course of five days» («Нistoria metamorphoseos quam ovum incubatum prioribus quinque diebus subit», 1817). J.E. Purkinje (1787-1869); his «Materials to the history of the bird's eggs before his hatching». («Symbolae ad ovi avium historiam ante incubationem», 1815). K.M. Bar (1792-1876) - «History of the development of animals» («Ueber Entwicklungsgeschichte der Tiere»). The basic laws of embryology, comparative embryology. Comparative and evolutionary embryology. O.O. Kovalevsky, I.I. Mechnikov. Physiological direction in embryology. The development of medical microbiology Epidemic. The pandemic of cholera in Europe, 1817-1831; «the cholera years» 1831-1832, 1854, the United Kingdom, Research of J. Snow (1813-1858) and the development of epidemiology. The epidemic of typhoid fever and the «Great stink» in the United Kingdom (1858-1859). Research of U. Budd (1811-1880). The epidemic of plague (1665, London; 1720, Marseille; 1971-1894, China). «The Bombay plague» and its consequences. «Maltese fever» (1817-1859). «The Egyptian ophthalmia» and the Napoleonic wars. Colonial movement and development of tropical medicine. Description of the African Distemper called the Yaws with the true Method of care (1744, Edinburgh). Leptospirosis. The epidemic of ergotism (mass poisoning with horns, v. Tripolie, Kiev 1772). Empirical period. The values of the introduction of microscopic research (Anthony van Leeuwenhoek, 1632-1723) and the creation of the cellular theory (Mathias Shleiden and Theodore Shvann, 1839) for the development of medical Microbiology. Empirical methods of combating epidemics of plague, smallpox, anthrax and other infectious diseases. I.V. Rutskyi (1741-1786) and his work «The plague» (De реstе, 1768). The study of the Siberian ulcer («The Siberian ulcer», 1788) by S.S. Andrievsky (1760-1818), M.L. Gamaliy («About the Siberian ulcer», 1792). Presentation of the plague and its dissemination to D.S. Samoilovich. Miasmatic and kontagious theory of plague. Danilo Samoilovich Samoilovich (1742-1805) - the founder of national epidemiology, plaque- researcher. 1780, doctoral thesis («Comparison of symphysiotomy with 23 caesarean section»). The practical activities of D. Samoilovich. Liquidation of the plague in Moscow (1771-1772). Chief doctor of the South of Russia (Crimea, Kherson and Ekaterinoslav), inspector of the black sea the medical Board (c. Nikolayev). Contagious theory of the spread of plague. Main works are: «A brief description of the microscopic research of the essence of ulcerous poison» (1792); «Reflections about the vaccination of plague» (Мемоіге sur l`inoculation de la peste, aves la description de trois poudres fumigatives, 1782); «The description of the pestilence, in the capital city of Moscow from 1770 until 1772 years»; «About the organization of quarantines», 1798; «The mark for the images in the paintings of the cross in Moscow pestilence». System of plague control activities, use of disinfectants. Epidemic of smallpox (Peru, 1576; Paris, Rome, 17 cent.; Nurenberg, 1570). Epidemic outbreak of smallpox in London (1661-1772). The epidemic in Iceland (1707-1708). The Franco-Pruska war (1870-1871) and a smallpox. Variolation. Mary Montagu. The Princess de Gaulle. The opening of the first vaccine in the history of mankind. Edward Jenner (1749-1823) - an English physician, the founder of the smallpox vaccination. The discovery of the method of vaccination (1796). Introduction smallpox vaccination in England (1798), Russia (1872., Smallpox house in Moscow. Petersburg) and other countries. Antivaccination movement. Rauley and his work «Non-activity and the dangers of vaccination». V. Delisle and his «Physical and spiritual degeneration of the human race, which is caused by vaccination.» Criticism of the new method on the pages of magazines (Соw-pox сhroniсlе). The activity of the farmer Jetsy (1774). Experimental period. Differentiation of Microbiology. L. Pasteur (1822-1895) - the founder of the science of Microbiology and immunology. His anthrax vaccine (1981) and rabies vaccine(1885). The first antirabies stations (in France, 1885, Russia, 1886). The Institute by Pasteur in Paris (1888). Russian scientists at the Pasteur Institute. Development of the doctrine about protective forces of the organism: cell (Phagocytosis) theory of immune protection (I.I. Mechnikov, 1890). The Nobel prize in 1908. The development of bacteriology: R. Koch (1843-1910); his experiments with the etiology of the Siberian ulcer (1876), wound infections (1878), the discovery of pathogens of tuberculosis (1882). and cholera (1883). The formation of Virology: D.I. Ivanovsky (1864-1920). The values of the success of Microbiology for the development of the surgery, the doctrine of infectious diseases and preventive medicine. Heroic experiments of G. Minchah, I. Mochutkovsky with the autoinfection of blood of patients on the shuttle and curricular typhoid. The original vaccine against anthrax (L. Cenkovsky). The creation of a vaccine against cholera (V. Khavkin). Opening of the first in the world Pasteur station in Odessa (1886). Opening by V. Високовичем the causative agent of rhinoscleroma. The opening by F. Janovsky the bactericidal action of ultraviolet rays. The creation by J. Bardah and O. Pavlovsky anti diphtheria serum. 24 Physiology and experimental medicine. Experimental period. The study of physiology of various systems and functions of the organism: R. Decartes (1596) the idea of reflexes; A. Haller (1708-1777) - physiology of muscles and nerves; L. Galvani (17371798) - «Animal electricity»; F. Magandi (1783-1855) - nervous-muscular physiology; I. Muller (1801-1858) - development of reflex theory; K. Ludwig (1816-1895) - measuring devices in the field of physiology; E. Debua-Ramone (1818-1896) - electrophysiology; K. Bernard (1813-1878) – physiology of endocrine glands; G. Helmholtz (1821-1894) - physiology of excitable tissues and of view. O.M. Phylomafitsky (1807-1849) - the founder of the first national physiological school (respiratory physiology, etching, blood transfusion, experimental study of the action of sleeping pills), the author of the first national textbook on physiology «Physiology...». Theory of the nervism and forming the foundations of the neurogenic theory; E.I. Mukhin (17661850). Main works are: «About the incentives that affect the human body» (De stimulis corpus humanum vivum afficientibus), 1804; the report «About the place and the activity of the senses» (1817). I.E. Diadkovsky, I.M. Sechenov, S.P. Botkin, I.M. Pavlov. I.M. Sechenov (1829-1905), his work «Reflexes of the brain» (1863). Contribution to the study of the physiology of the Central nervous system, respiratory and blood gases, metabolism, physiology of labour. School of I.M. Sechenov. Formation of experimental medicine. The first clinical-physiological laboratory (L. Traube, S.P. Botkin). I.P. Pavlov (1849-1936, Russia) – the founder of the doctrine about conditioned reflexes and the higher nervous activity. His works «Lectures about the work of the main digestive glands» (1897), «Twenty-year experience of the objective study of the higher nervous activity of animals» (1923), «Lectures about the work of the cerebral hemispheres of the brain» (1927). The Nobel prize (1904). School of I.P. Pavlova. «Letters to the young people» (1935). Medicine of the new time: clinical medicine (the second half of XVII - beginning of XX CC.). The advanced medical centers of the Western Europe. The introduction of clinical teaching. G. Burhaave (1668-1738) - physician, botanist, chemist. His teaching about the recognition and treatment of diseases; the first implementation in the clinic thermometer of D. Fahrenheit (1717). The first methods and instruments of physical examination of the patient. The history of creation of the thermometer (XVI-XVIII C.); Thermometers of D. Fahrenheit (1709), R. Reaumur (1730), A. Celsius (1742). Introduction of a thermometer in clinical practice (XVIII-XIX CC.). The discovery of percussion: L. Auenbrugger (1722-1809); his work «New invention through the percussion of chest human detect signs of hidden internal thoracic diseases» (1761); development of the method of L. Auenbrugger in the labour of G. Korvizar (1755-1821) «New method» (1808). The opening of the immediate auscultation: R.T. Laennek (1781-1826), his work «A treatise about direct auscultation...» (1819). The opening of the stethoscope (1819). V.P. Obraztsov (1851-1920). The method of sliding deep palpation of the abdomen. The introduction of the methods of percussion and auscultation in medical practice. M.Y. Mudrov (1776-1831) P.A. Charukivsky. Instrumental, physical and chemical methods of laboratory and functional diagnostics: endoscopy (the end of XIX C.), x-ray method (1895, K. Rentgen), the device of Riva-Rochchi for measurement of blood pressure (1896) and auscultative method of sphygmomanometry) of N.S. Korotkov (1905); electrocardiography of V. Anthoven (1903); radioactive methods (1904, 1910); electroencephalography (V.V. Pravdic-Neminsky, 1913.; H. Berger, 1928) and etc. Formation of the clinico-experimental directions in medicine. S.P. Botkin (1832-1889). The differentiation of the clinic of internal diseases. 25 The surgery. Four problems of the surgery in the beginning of the new time: the lack of anesthesia, wound infection and sepsis, blood loss, lack of scientific foundations of the operative equipment. Anesthesia. Background: nitric oxide (H. Davy, 1800; M. Faraday, 1818; G. Wells, 1844), ether (K. Long, 1842). The history of the discovery of anesthesia: ether (Ch. Jackson; U. Morton, J. Warren - October 16, 1846, USA), chloroform (J. Simson, 1847, United Kingdom). Experimental study of the effects of the anesthesia on animals (M.I. Pirogov, A.M. Philomafitsky, 1847). Wide use of anesthesia during the military campaigns: M.I. Pirogov (1847, 1854-1856). Antiseptic and aseptic. Empirical methods of struggle with wound infection: I.F. Zimmelveis (1847); I.V. Buialsky; N.I. Pirogov. The discovery of methods of antiseptics (J. Lister, 1867) and aseptic (E. Bergman, K. Shimmelbush, 1890). The improvement of the technique of operative interventions: L. Geister (1683-1758) Zh.L. Ptee (1674-1750), G.D. Larrey (1766-1842), I.V. Buialsky (1789-1866), B. Langenbeck (1810-1887), M.I. Pirogov (1810-1881). The creation of the topographic (surgical) anatomy by M.I. Pirogov: his works «The full course of applied anatomy of the human body...» (1843-1848). «Illustrated topographic anatomy...» in 4 volumes (1852-1859). The formation of military-field surgery. D. Larrey (1766-1842) and his work «The notes about military-field surgery during the military campaigns» (1812-1817). M.I. Pirogov and his «The beginning of the general military surgery» (1864-1865). Blood transfusion. The discovery of blood groups: K. Landshtainer (1900), I. Jansky (1907). The Nobel prize (K. Landshtainer, 1930). Achievement of surgery in connection with major scientific discoveries of the XIX century. The development of abdominal surgery: T. Bilrote (1819-1894), T. Cocher (1841-1917). Transplantation of tissues (skin, 1823, Bunger) and organs (kidney, 1902, Ulmann). Development of surgery in the Ukrainian universities: V. Groube, I. Zarubin, M. Trinkler, I. Lazarevsky (Kharkov national University); V. Karavayev, Yu. Szymanowski (Kiev University). Global priorities of Ukrainian surgeons: skin transplantation (O. Yatsenko), transfusion of defibrinous blood in the military-field conditions (S. Kolomnin), operation on a live heart (A. Pidriz), cholecystojejunostomia in one reception (N. Monastyrsky), plastic surgery for tuberculosis of the bones of the feet and ankle joint (M. Volkovich). Introduction by V. Stephansky of intubation instead of tracheotomy. Thematic module 5. Medicine of XX century Specific objectives: • Highlight key characteristics of the New period of human history, especially of scientific and medical knowledge, the characteristic features of the development of medicine in the new era. • Consider the sources on the history of modern culture, and medicine. • Identify the features of development of medicine and medical knowledge in the 20th century. • Coverage the main historical and medical events in the Latest period. Characteristic of the period of modern history (the twentieth century). Topic 9. Concepts of modern natural science and medicine. Biomedicine. The synthetic theory of evolution. The chromosome theory of heredity. Molecular biology. Molecular genetics. Socio-ethical aspects of genetic engineering. The model of interaction of the organism with an environment. Human ecology and social ecology. Psychoanalysis (Z. Freid, 18561939) and analytical psychology. The doctrine of stress (1936), adaptation syndrome and «diseases of adaptation» (G. Selye, 1907-1982, Canada). The concept of internal protective forces of the 26 organism (immunology, allergology). Healthy way of life (valeology, sanology). The concept of scientific-evidence-based medicine. Scientific-technical revolution (STR) and medicine. The human impact on the environment and the technosphere. Teaching of V.I. Vernadsky (1863-1945) about biosphere and noosphere. New technologies of functional diagnostics and treatment of diseases (endoscopy and angiocardiography; ultrasound, computered tomography; MRI magnetic resonance tomography, radio-pharmacological methods and etc.). Computer technologies in medicine. Examination of the merits of pathological processes. Search of toxins and metabolites. Synthetic drugs and antibiotics (medicines, food supplements) and etc. The health system (public, insurance, private, mixed). A new concept of health protection. The main achievements in medicine, surgery, pediatrics, dentistry, microbiology, immunology, epidemiology, and hygiene. Topic 10. The medicine of the XX century. The characteristic features of the development of medicine in the XX century. Differentiation and integration of sciences in the twentieth century. Wars and their significance for the development of medicine. Military medicine in the XX century. Pediatrics. Pharmacology. New drugs and methods of diagnostics, treatment and prophylaxis of diseases. The Nobel prizes in the field of medicine, physiology and related sciences. Medicine and health care in Ukraine in the Latest period. The main stages of the development of medicine and public health in Ukraine. Peculiarities of socio-political history of medicine in Ukraine. The ideologization of science and medicine. Medical education. The creation of the higher Women's medical courses. Organization of scientific-medical institutions, bacteriological institutes. Scientific publications - «Kharkov medical journal», «Russian journal of skin and sexually transmitted diseases» (Kharkov). Medical section of the Ukrainian Scientific Society in Kyiv. The medical Commission of the Scientific society named after T. Shevchenko (1898). The creation of the Ukrainian clinic «People's hospital» (1903). The Ukrainian society of doctors (1910), publication of «The medicinal collection» (1898-1901). Ukrainian medical journal «The life and knowledge» (Kyiv, 1913), «The health» (Lviv, 1914), «The bulletin of the Ministry of public health and guardianship agencies» (1918-1920), «The bulletin of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences». «The Ukrainian Renaissans». The Ukrainian national idea and the development of science and medicine. Setting the task «to create the Ukrainian national medicine as a science and as a practical branch of scientific knowledge» (O. Korczak-Czepurkivsky). The creation on the 3 of May, 1918, by the government of the Ukrainian State of the Ministry of public health and guardianship (V. Lyubinsky, O. Korczak- Czepurkivsky). The output of the medical journal «Ukrainian medical news», conducting of all-Ukrainian physicians Congress, the creation of the all-Ukrainian Union of physicians. Creation of the medical faculty of the Ukrainian state University, the first of its professors (O. Korczak- Czepurkivsky, E. Chernyakhivsky, O. Chernyakhivsky M. Vovkoboy, M. 27 Neschadymenko). Ukrainization, its importance for the development of national science and medicine. The beginning of the teaching of medical disciplines in Ukrainian language. Publication of medical dictionaries (M. Galin, O. Chernyakhivsky, E. Chernyakhivsky). Scientific and publishing activity of the Institute of scientific speech AUAS. Development of the scientific and medical institutions. The formation of the Ukrainian scientific medical institutions. The heavy conditions of work in the period of the famine of 1922 and the Holodomor of 1932-1933. The creation in Lviv the Ukrainian (secret) University with the medical faculty (1921-1925) the activity of M. Pamchishyn. Organization in Czecho-Slovak Union of Ukrainian doctors (1922), the foundation of the magazine «Ukrainian medical journal» (1923-1925), edition in Prague of a number of textbooks for Ukraine. The repressions of the totalitarian regime against the Ukrainian national medicine. Deukainization. Cessation of Ukrainization (1933) and administrative elimination of the Ukrainian language from scientific, educational and medical institutions of the Ukrainian SSR. Condemnation of works on Ukrainian medical terminology as harmful and enemy, the links in the concentration camps of the employees of the Institute of scientific speech AUAS. Dissolution of the Medical section. Shootings of Ukrainian scientists-doctors in 1937. Demographic consequences of the Holodomor and repressions. The development of Ukrainian soviet medicine. Hard controversial nature, objective evaluation of the priorities. Psychopathology and politics. Medicine in the independent Ukraine. Improvement of medical education. Achievements of scientific schools of P. Kostyuk, M. Amosov, L. Malaya and others. Worldwide recognition of achievements of such scientific centers, as Institute of clinical and experimental surgeon, Institute of cardiovascular surgery, Odessa Institute of ophtalmic diseases and tissue therapy, Institute of gerontology. Medicine and the consequences of Chernobyl disaster. Formation of the Academy of medical sciences (O. Vozianov). The founding of all-Ukrainian medicinal society (L. Pyrig). Problems of the bioethics and Christian ethics in medicine. The first national Congress of bioethics (September, 2001). Conference «Medicine and Ukrainian culture» (1993). Ways of the reform of the medicine, new legislation: «Fundamentals of legislation of Ukraine on health protection» (1992), «About sanitaryepidemiological well-being of population of Ukraine» (1994). Main ways of the reform of the public medicine in market conditions, development of pharmacology. The main directions and achievements of development of experimental, clinical, preventive medicine and organization of health care in Ukraine in the XX century. The main trends of the development of the basic clinical disciplines: surgery, therapy, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, neurology, psychiatry, gerontology. The success of microbiologists, epidemiologists, virologists, hygienists. The development of cryomedicine, space medicine. Ophthalmology. The formation of Filatov school of ophthalmologists. M. Levitsky. The surgery. M. Volkovich, E. Chernyakhivsky. B. Andriivsky. G. Ivanitskii. Physiology. The world's first recording of EEG (V. Pravdicz-Neminsky, 1913). Research of V. and O. Danilevsky. Electrophysiology. V. Chagovets. The anatomy. V.P. Vorobiev (1876-1937) and his «Atlas of human anatomy» (1938-1942). M.S. Spirov (1892-1969) (a study of the lymphatic system, study of the structure of the central nervous system of the person, the question of theratology, teaching methods and history of anatomy). R.D. Sinelnikov (1896-1981). «Atlas of human anatomy». Pathologic anatomy. P. Kucherenko (1882-1936); his work «Pathologic anatomy» (1936), «Incretoric glands and malignant neoplasms» (1937), «Materials to the power of endemic volo in 28 Ukraine» (1931). The Ukrainian Union of pathologists (1926). Association of pathologists of Ukraine (1993). Microbiology. D.K. Zabolotny (1866-1929), M.F. Gamalija (1859-1949), V. Pidvysotskiy, M.P. Neschadymenko (1869-1942), L.V. Gromashevsky (1887-1980). Schools of therapy. T.G. Yanovsky (1860-1928) and his therapeutic school. The basic works «About the importance of bacteriology for diagnosis and therapy of internal diseases» (1892), «Diagnostics of diseases of the kidneys in connection with their pathology» (1927), «Pulmonary tuberculosis» (1923), «Main therapeutic means for urinary stones before and now» (1928), «Syphilis kidneys». V.M. Ivanov (1892-1962). Therapeutic school of M.D. Strazhesko (18761952). Otorhinolaryngology. The formation of Ukrainian scientific school. O. Puchkivsky - the author of the first Ukrainian leadership on otolaryngology, O.S. Kolomijchenko (1898-1974). Obstetrics and gynecology. O. Krupsky. G.F. Pisemsky (1862-1937). Organization in Kiev the first consultation for pregnant women. Dermatovenereology. O. Tyzhnenko. Psychoneurology. M. Mishchenko. The formation of Ukrainian neurological school. B.M. Mankivsky (1883-1962). Psychiatry. The development of children's psychology and child psychopathology. I.O. Sikorsky (1842-1919). The foundation of the Medical-pedagogical Institute for mentally retarded children. The organisation of the first in the world the Institute of child psychology (1912). Pathophysiological direction in psychiatry. V.P. Protopopov (1880-1957). Biochemical direction in psychiatry. O.I. Yushchenko (1869-1936) and his work «The essence of mental diseases and biochemical research» (1912). Hygiene. O.V. Korczak-Czepurkivsky (1857-1947). S.M. Igumnov (1864-1942). «Essays of the development of zemstka medicine in the provinces, which became a part of the Ukrainian SSR, Bessarabia and the Crimea» (1940). The development of the Ukrainian theoretical scientific schools: hygienists (V. Udovenko, V. Pidgaetsky), histologists (O. Leontovich, O. Czerniahivsky), anatomists (O. Ivakin), pathanatomists (P. Kucherenko), pathophysiologists (M. Vashetko), microbiologists (D. Zabolotny, O. Krontovsky, M. Neschadymenko), physiologists and biochemists (V. Radzymovska). The achievements of Ukrainian scientists in the field of blood transfusion (N. Kramarenko, V. Shamov), vaccination against tuberculosis, tissue therapy. The world's first kidney transplant in Ukraine, Y. Voronyi. Pharmacy. The nationalization of pharmacy in 1920. The development of the pharmacy network in the pre-war period. Pharmaceutical education in the pre-war period. Consequences of the war. The development of pharmacy in the post-war period. Achievements of Ukrainian pharmacologists and pharmacists. I. Gunsky, V. Zapadniuk, V. Czernykh, I. Czeckman, F. Trinus. Public medicine. O.V. Korczak- Czepurkivsky, B. Matiushenko, D. Oryna. Fight against epidemics. Organizational principles of the Soviet system of health care. Treatment-andprophylactic assistance. Protection of motherhood and childhood. Organization of the health service in the country. The famine in Ukraine and its social and medical consequences. Public medicine in the Western Ukrainian lands prior to the beginning of the Second world war. Health protection in time of war. The health consequences of the war for Ukraine. The main directions of the health care in the post-war period. Research of Ukrainian scholars on the social patterns of health and health care. The development of the network of medical higher and secondary educational institutions, training of medical personnel. Topic 11. International cooperation in the field of health protection. The International Red Cross. The history of creation. The international Committee of the assistance to the wounded (1863). Geneva conventions (1864). The establishment of the international Committee of the Red Cross (1876). The basic directions of activity. 29 The world health organization (WHO). The history of the creation (April 7, 1948.) and the basic directions of activity. International WHO's programme. Information-statistical activities. International humanitarian movement «Physicians of the world against violence and terrorism», 2003). Topic 12. Medical ethics and deontology in the modern world. Bioethics. The crisis of the doctrine of «social engineering» and «social technologies». Anthropogenics and policy. Eugenics. Eugenic movement in European history. Eugenic legislation (Institute of racial biology, 1922), their inhumane nature. «Racial hygiene» in Germany. «The law about forcible sterilization» (1933). Eugenic movement in the Ukraine. The ideologization of science and medicine. «Michurinska genetics» (USSR, 1929-1964). Human genetics, genetic engineering and ecological ethics. Moratorium on carrying out of genetic engineering experiments. Asylomar scientific conference (February, 1975). The basic principles of genetic engineering research. Technology of sequencing of DNA (group of V. Gilbert, and A. Maxam in Harvard, group of F. Senger in Cambridge). The international project «Human Genome» - determination of the molecular structure of the human genome (the beginning of 1980, the project manager is J. Watson, the completion on the 10 of January 2000, June 2000) and the activities of the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium, TIGR (The Institute of Genomic Research) and Celera. The program «Ethical, legal and social implications of the project «Human Genome» ELSI (Ethnical, Legal, and Social Issues) in the framework of the Project «Human Genome». The international organization HUGO (Human Genom Organization), Global bioethics. V.R. Potter. «Bioethics: bridge to the future». Genetics (Genetic ethics, genetics), genetization of culture. The liberal neoeugenic. «The new biopolitic» of the European Union. Topic 13. The history of medicine of the region and educational establishment. 30 4. AN APPROXIMATE STRUCTURE OF THE TARGET LOAN Topic Lectures Seminars IWS Individual work Thematic module 1. Introduction to the history of medicine. Medicine of primitive society 1. History of medicine as a science and a subject of teaching. Medicine of primitive society 2. Traditional medicine of the peoples of the world 2 2 1 3. Thematic module 2. Medicine Of The Ancient World Medicine in the countries of he 2 2 Ancient World 4. Thematic module 3. Medicine in Middle Ages Medicine of early and developed 2 2 middle Ages 5. 6. Medicine of Renaissance Medicine of the peoples of the American continent before and after the conquest 7. History of the Ukrainian medicine (on the basis of the Museum of medicine) 8. 9. 2 2 2 2 Thematic module 4. Medicine of the New time. 2 2 Medicine of the New time. Thematic module 5. Medicine in the XX century. 2 Concepts of modern natural science and medicine. Biomedicine 2 2 10. The medicine of the XX century. Medicine and health protection in Ukraine in the Latest period 11. Medical ethics and deontology in the modern world. Bioethics. 2 12. International cooperation in the field of health 2 13. The history of medicine of the region and the educational institutions 2 Preparation for the classroom 7 Performance of course work Final control Total hours 6 14 2 8 16 30 Audience work – 50% IWS – 50% 31 5. THEMATIC PLAN OF LECTURES № i/o Theme Introduction to the history of medicine. Medicine of primitive society Medicine Of The Ancient World 2 Medicine of early and developed middle Ages 3 1 4 5 6 7 The number of hours 2 Medicine of Renaissance Medicine of the New time. Medicine in the XX century. The history of medicine of the region and the educational institutions 2 2 2 2 2 2 14 Total 6. THEMATIC PLAN OF SEMINARS № i/o Theme The number of hours 1 Introduction to the history of medicine. Medicine of primitive society 2 Medicine Of The Ancient World 2 3 4 Medicine of early and developed middle Ages Medicine of Renaissance 2 2 2 History of the Ukrainian medicine (on the basis of the Museum of medicine) Medicine of the New time. 6 2 Medicine in the XX century. Medicine and health care in Ukraine of the Modern period. Final control 8 2 5 7 2 2 16 TOTAL 7. THE THEMATIC PLAN OF INDEPENDENT WORK OF STUDENTS № i/o Subjects that are not taught at classrooms approximate distribution of hours I. Medical ethics and deontology in the modern world. Bioethics. 2 2. Concepts of modern natural science and medicine. Biomedicine 2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. International cooperation in the field of health Traditional medicine of the peoples of the world. Medicine of the peoples of the American continent before and after the conquest Performance of course work Preparation for the classroom preparation for the final control TOTAL 2 3 6 7 8 30 DISTRIBUTION of the POINTS APPROPRIATED to STUDENTS № Module 1 (the current testing) Thematic module 1. Theme 1 . Thematic module 2. 15 15 15 32 Theme 2. Thematic module 3. Theme 3 . Theme 4. Thematic module 4. Theme 5. Theme 6. Thematic module 5. Theme 7. Together thematic modules : Independent individual tasks for students: Writing a course work on the history of medicine The final control of learning module Together the sum of points : 15 30 15 15 30 15 15 15 15 105 15 80 200 Note: at mastering of theme after the traditional system to the student are given a score «5» - 15 points, «4» - 12 points, «3» - 10 points, «2» - 0 points. Maximum number of points for ongoing training activities of the student - 120. The student is allowed to the final control under the terms of the curriculum and, in the event for the ongoing training activities he scored no less than 70 points. The final control is credited to the student, if he gets when performing the test control of theoretical training of not less than 50 points. 8. QUESTIONS FOR THE FINAL CONTROL 1. History of medicine as a science and a subject of teaching. 2. Features of the historico-medical research and their values in the preparation of a future doctor. 3. The main industries of the historico-medical research. 4. Periodization and chronology of the historical era and the initial treatment. Relative and absolute dating. 5. Sources of the history of the primitive society and the original medicine. 6. Bioarcheology. 7. The problem of reconstruction of primitive history and primary health care. 8. Ethical problems of biohistory. 9. The formation of the primitive society and the initial treatment. 10. Species Homo neanderthalensis (Homo neanderthalensis europeus, Homo neanderthalensis africanus, Homo neanderthalensis skhulensis) and the problem of the origin of medicine in human society. 11. Diseases of the ancient people. 12. Treatment in the heyday of the primitive society. 13. Rational methods of collective treatment. 14. Initiative diseases, dreams and magic healing in archaic culture. 15. Evolution of animism. Fetishism. Animism. 16. The consequences of the Neolithic revolution. Change in diet. 17. Healing practice in the period of decline of the primitive society. Lifetime and post-mortem and symbolic trepanation. 18. National treatment in synpolite companies of aborigines of Australia, Asia, America, Africa and Oceania. 19. Ukrainian folk medicine. 20. General features of development of the treatment in the countries of the Ancient world. 21. Medicine in the countries of ancient Mesopotamia (Sumer, Babylonia, Assyria). 22. Characteristic features of ancient Egyptian culture, and medicine. 23. Diseases of the ancient Egyptians. 33 24. Kakhun medical papyrus: structure and content. 25. The development of medical knowledge in ancient India. 26. Medical ethics of ancient Indian doctors. 27. Ancient China: the conceptual model of the world and medicine. 28. The philosophical foundations of traditional Chinese medicine. 29. The methodology of the ancient Chinese science. 30. The pulse diagnosis in the ancient Chinese medicine. 31. Organization of medical case in ancient China. 32. Anatomical knowledge in ancient China. 33. Medicines of ancient Chinese medicine. 34. Communication of ancient science and medicine with other aspects of culture (mythology, religion, philosophy, the arts). 35. The organization of medical case in Ancient Greece. 36. Hippocrates, his life and work. 37. « Hippocrates collection», its structure and content. 38. Medical ethics of the ancient Greek doctors. 39. The anatomical exploration of Gerophilus from Halkedon. 40. Erasistrat and his contribution to the development of anatomy and pharmacy. 41. Organization of medical case in Ancient Rome. 42. Methodological direction in medicine: Asklepiad from Bithynia and the basis of the «joint pathology». 43. Galen and galenism in the history of medicine. 44. Features of Byzantine culture, and medicine. 45. The Late-Ancient enciklopedizm: the life and works of Orybazii from Pergamos. 46. Paul Eginsky and his work Epitomoe Medicoe Libri Septem. 47. The monastery hospitals and organization of medical case in the Byzantine Empire. 48. Features of development of medicine in Arabic Caliphates. 49. Islam (622) and the development of the hygienic traditions. 50. Abu Bakr ar-Rasi and his work. 51. Abu al-Qasim al-Zakhravi and his «Treatise about surgery and tools». 52. Abu Ali Ibn Sina and his work «A Poem about medicine.» 53. Arab culture and Moorish Spain. «The hygienic advice» of Maymonid. 54. Translation College in the city Toledo and its influence on the development of medical knowledge in Western Europe. 55. Medicine in the hierarchy of occupations in the medieval West. 56. Science and medicine through the eyes of the Christian philosopher and theologian Giovanni Fidanci (Bonaventure from Boniarei). 57. Universities and state power in the Middle Ages. 58. Medical knowledge and healer practices in the medieval culture. 59. Marbod Rensky and his «Lapidary». 60. The Renaissance of XII c. 61. Paris University and medicine of XIII c. 62. Benedict Nursijsky and the monastic medicine. 63. Religious brotherhood and their care for the sick. 64. Folk magic and Church ritual in the medieval culture. 65. Albert the Great and medical knowledge in XIII c. 66. Reception of Aristotle in the medieval culture. 67. Medical ethics in the Middle ages. 68. The medieval monastery hospitals. (Basilea, hospitals in the monastery of Monte Cassino, Fulda, Bobbio.) 69. Odo from Man and his work «About the properties of herbs». 70. The disease in the picture of the world of medieval folk culture. 34 71. The epidemic of leprosy in Europe (1000-1400). 72. The «black death». 73. The epidemic of ergotism (Mal des ardents, Feu sacre, Feu de Saint-Antoine). 74. Prophylactic direction in medieval medicine. 75. Alchemy and medicine. 76. Treatise of Arnold from Villanova «About the preservation of youth and removal of old age». 77. Middle Ages and the scientific thought. 78. Reception of the Arabic-speaking knowledge and the development of the scholastics. 79. Scholasticism and medicine. Scholastic quaestio i reportatio. De quolibet. The rules of the dispute. 80. Medicine Of Kievan Rus. 81. Old Russian medical educational literature. 82. Medical ethics ancient doctors. 83. Medicine of medieval China. 84. The Canon of Tibetan medicine «Chzhud-she» (VII C.). 85. «Consolation when fevers» of Mkhitar Geratsi. 86. Amirdovlat Amasiaci and his work «An Unnecessary for the ignorant». 87. Christianity and Genesis Neweuropean natural history. 88. Medicine of the Renaissance epoch. 89. Place of M. Ficino in intellectual history. 90. Narrenschiff: madness in the Renaissance culture. 91. Art studies and medicine. 92. Anatomical studies of Leonardo da Vinci. 93. The medicine of the future, in the treatise of F. Bacon «About the dignity and growth of Sciences». 94. Paduan University in the XVI c. 95. Andreas Vesalii and his works «Таbulae anatomicae sex (1538) and the «De humahi corporis fabrica» (1543, 1555). 96. Medicine in the Renaissance utopia projects. 97. Magic and science in the epoch of Renaissance. 98. The development of clinical medicine in the Renaissance. 99. The medical system of Paracelsus: Middle Ages or the Renaissance? 100. The formation of physiology as a science in the epoch of Renaissance. Jatrophysics, jatromathematics, jatrochemistry. 101. U. Harvey and his work «Anatomical study of the motion of the heart and blood in animals». 102. Treatise of R. Decartes Description du corps humain (Description of the human body, 1648). 103. Development of surgery in the period of the late Middle Ages. Ambroise Pare. 104. Features of development of epidemics in the period of the late Middle Ages. 105. Medical ethics in the age of Renaissance. 106. The spread of Renaissance and humanistic ideas in Ukraine, their influence on the development of medicine. 107. «Aristotle's gate, or Secret Secret - Secreta Secretirum» - the first scientific medical encyclopedia (the first scientific compendium of medicine), which began to spread in the Ukraine. 108. George Drogobych. 109. Hospital schools and the training of physicians. 110. Medicine of the peoples of the American continent before and after the conquest. 111. The scientific revolution of the XVII century, its influence on the development of science and method of cognition. Experimental and mathematical science. 112. Newton's mechanics as a research program. Quantitave explanation of nature. 113. Education movement and its influence on the development of medicine. The idea of «social medicine». 114. Medicine and politics in the age of Enlightenment. 35 115. The idea of public health: I.P. Frank, I.L. Danilevsky. 116. «Ukrainian medical education». 117. Big natural-scientific discoveries of the end of the XVIII century, and the first half of the XIX century, and their influence on the formation of medical theories. 118. The struggle of vitalism and mechanicism in medicine. 119. The introduction of clinical teaching in the leading medical centers of Western Europe. Leiden University. 120. The opening of percussion and auscultation. 121. Application of methods of physical diagnosis by Ukrainian doctors. 122. The history of the discovery of anesthesia and its application in clinical practice. 123. Standards of ethical conduct of medical professionals in the works of the outstanding Ukrainian doctors of the XVIII-XIX centuries. 124. European «Union health». Scientific society of physicians in Ukraine in the XVIII-XIX centuries. 125. Establishment of the medical business in Ukraine/Russia in XVIII century. 126. The development of normal anatomy. The introduction of anatomical dissections in the teaching of anatomy in Western Europe. 127. The beginning of the anatomical dissections in Russia. The teaching of anatomy in Russia (K.I. Shchepin, A.P. Protasov). 128. P.A. Zagorsky – the founder of the first Ukrainian/Russian anatomical school. 129. The contribution of I.V. Buyalsky, and M.I. Pirogov in the development of normal anatomy. 130. The development of pathological anatomy. Macroscopic period (J. Morgagni, M.F. Bisha). 131. Microscopic period in the development of pathological anatomy (K. Rokytansky, R. Virchow). 132. Cell theory of the structure of organisms. The development of Cytology as a separate science. 133. The basic principles of morphological method of R. Virchow. 134. The cellular pathology of R. Virchow. Criticism of the main provisions of cellular pathology. The formation of neurogenic theory of diseases origin. 135. Empirical measures to combat epidemics of plague, smallpox, cholera. 136. D.S. Samoilovich - the founder of national epidemiology. 137. The discovery of the method of vaccination. 138. Empirical methods for preventing the development of purulent processes in wounds (I. Zemmelveis, I.V. Bujalsky). 139. The development of physiology and experimental medicine (F. Magandi, G. Helmholtz, K. Ludwig, O.M. Philomafitsky). 140. I.M. Sechenov and his work «The reflexes of the brain». 141. The contribution of Ukrainian physicians in the reform of higher medical education in the Russian state at the end of the XVIII century. 142. The conception of the demographic statistics: J. Graunt (1620-1674, England), U. Petty (16231687, England). 143. The orders of the social welfare. The formation of Zemska medicine. 144. Training of physicians. Yelisavetgrad medico-surgical school. Kyiv-Mohylanska Academy. 145. The medical faculties of the universities of Ukraine (Kharkov, Kiev, Odessa). 146. The contribution of medical Ukrainians in the development of national and world medicine. 147. Discoveries in the field of medicine and physiology, awarded with the Nobel prize. 148. The main directions and achievements of development of experimental, clinical, preventive medicine and organization of health care in Ukraine in the XX century. 149. The Ukrainian national idea and the development of science and medicine. 150. The development of the Ukrainian theoretical scientific schools in the XX century. 151. The world health organization (WHO). The history of creation. 152. The history of formation of national societies and the international organizations of the Red Cross and Red Crescent societies. 153. Museums of Kiev, reflecting the development of medical and pharmaceutical business in 36 Ukraine. 154. The international project «Human Genome». 155. A brief history of the NMU. 9. THE FORMS OF CONTROL Mastering of the topic (monitoring) is monitored at the seminars according to the specific objectives, the evolution of thematic modules (final control) – on the last seminary's lesson. It is recommended to use such means of determining the level of students ' training: computer tests, problem power, situational tasks. 37