Data Access Portfolio (DAP V2.9)
Data Access Portfolio (DAP V2.9)
ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use esrin Via Galileo Galilei Casella Postale 64 00044 Frascati Italy DOCUMENT Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Prepared by Reference Issue/Revision Date of Issue Status B. Hoersch, V. Amans ESA COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 1.0 31/03/2015 Draft ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use APPROVAL CHANGE LOG Reason for change Issue Nr. Revision Number Date CHANGE RECORD Issue Number 1 Revision Number 0 Reason for change Date First issue 31/03/2015 DISTRIBUTION Name/Organisational Unit Page 2/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 Pages Paragraph(s) ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use Table of contents: 1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................... 6 1.1 Reference documents ........................................................................................................6 1.2 Abbreviations ....................................................................................................................6 1.3 Document overview ......................................................................................................... 8 2 USER CATEGORIES AND LICENSING SCHEME ....................................... 8 2.1 Copernicus Services [Copernicus_Services] ................................................................... 8 2.2 Institutions and bodies of the Union [Union_Inst] ........................................................ 8 2.3 Participants to a research project financed under the Union research programmes – space [Union_Research_Projects_space] ...............................................................................9 2.4 Participants to a research project financed under the Union research programmes – non space [Union_Research_Projects_non-space] ................................................................9 2.5 Public Authority [Public_Auth] ........................................................................................9 2.6 International Organisations and NGOs [INT_ORG_NGO] ...........................................9 2.7 Public [Public] ...................................................................................................................9 2.8 Licensing scheme ..............................................................................................................9 3 COPERNICUS SPACE COMPONENT ........................................................ 11 3.1 Resolution Classes........................................................................................................... 11 3.2 Copernicus Dedicated Sentinel-1 Mission ...................................................................... 12 3.3 Copernicus Contributing Missions ................................................................................. 12 4 CORE DATASETS ..................................................................................... 13 4.1 Overview of CORE datasets ............................................................................................ 13 4.2 Detailed description of CORE datasets .......................................................................... 15 4.2.1 Optical HR Pan Europe coverage (HR_IMAGE_2015) ............................................... 15 4.2.2 Optical VHR multispectral and panchromatic coverage over Europe (VHR_IMAGE_2015) ............................................................................................................ 18 4.2.3 European Optical MR1 composites (MR_IMAGE_2015) ............................................ 21 4.2.4 Optical MR2 worldwide coverage (MR_OPTICAL_GLOBAL) ...................................23 4.2.5 Optical LR worldwide coverage (LR_OPTICAL_GLOBAL) ....................................... 24 4.2.6 European HR2 Multitemporal Coverages (EUR_HR2_MULTITEMP) ......................25 4.2.7 VHR1-2 Urban Atlas 2012 ............................................................................................. 27 4.2.8 SAR HR2/MR1 Worldwide coverage (HR2-MR1_SAR_GLOBAL) ............................ 28 4.2.9 Sea Ice Monitoring HR1/MR2 SAR (SAR_SEA_ICE) ................................................ 29 4.2.10 Altimetry and Atmospheric datasets ...................................................................... 31 5 ADDITIONAL DATASETS......................................................................... 32 5.1 List of ADDITIONAL datasets ........................................................................................32 5.2 Detailed description of Additional datasets .................................................................. 34 5.2.1 VHR1 SAR and Optical ................................................................................................. 34 5.2.2 VHR2 SAR and Optical ................................................................................................ 36 5.2.3 HR1 SAR and Optical ................................................................................................... 38 5.2.4 HR2 SAR and Optical ................................................................................................... 40 5.2.5 MR1 SAR and Optical ................................................................................................... 42 6 EO DATA ORDERING WITHIN ADDITIONAL DATASETS ........................43 6.1 Order parameters ........................................................................................................... 43 6.1.1 Size of Minimum Orderable Area ............................................................................... 44 Page 3/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use 6.1.2 Satellite Tasking lead time ........................................................................................... 48 6.1.3 Processing Options ....................................................................................................... 49 6.1.4 Cloud Coverage Classes ................................................................................................ 49 6.1.5 SAR Polarisation .......................................................................................................... 50 6.1.6 Delivery timeliness ....................................................................................................... 50 6.2 Quota allocation, consumption and reshuffling ............................................................ 50 6.2.1 Quota consumption ....................................................................................................... 51 6.2.2 Quota exhaustion and reshuffling................................................................................. 51 6.2.3 Quota allocations per Project ........................................................................................52 7 CSC-DA SERVICES................................................................................... 65 7.1 Copernicus Space Component Data Access (CSC-DA) infrastructure ...........................65 7.2 Rapid Emergency Activation Satellite Tasking ............................................................. 66 7.2.1 Rush tasking schemes .................................................................................................. 66 7.2.2 CCMEs emergency service support .............................................................................. 66 7.3 Registration and Signature of ESA-User Licence .......................................................... 68 7.3.1 Sentinel data access ...................................................................................................... 68 7.3.2 Contributing Missions data access............................................................................... 68 7.4 EO data ordering ............................................................................................................ 68 7.5 Subscription Request ..................................................................................................... 69 7.6 Discovery and download ................................................................................................ 69 7.7 Direct access to CCMEs or CDS on-line repositories .................................................... 69 8 USER SUPPORT SERVICES .................................................................... 69 8.1 Web Portal ...................................................................................................................... 70 8.2 Day-to-day support for enquiries and ordering ............................................................ 70 8.3 Specific support regarding the data offer ...................................................................... 70 ANNEX 1: EEA39 AREA OF INTEREST .......................................................... 71 ANNEX 2: ACQUISITION WINDOWS FOR HR/VHR _IMAGE_2015 ............. 72 ANNEX 3: PROJECTION INFORMATION FOR HR/VHR _IMAGE_2015 ....... 74 ANNEX 4: MAP OF LARGE REGIONS & CLOUD COVER ZONES ................... 75 ANNEX 5: CLOUD COVER AND HAZE .......................................................... 76 Page 4/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use List of tables Table 1 Datasets licensing scheme (D = Download, V= View) ............................................... 11 Table 2: Missions made available in Data Warehouse Phase 2 ............................................ 13 Table 3: CORE datasets, DWH phase 2 (2014-2020) ........................................................... 14 Table 4: CORE datasets generated in previous phases and available in DWH phase 2 (20142020) ...................................................................................................................................... 14 Table 5: List of ADDITIONAL datasets available in DWH Phase 2 ...................................... 33 Table 6: SAR VHR1/Emergency/Standard/Archive/New Acquisition ................................ 34 Table 7: Optical VHR1/Emergency/Standard/Archive/New Acquisition ............................ 35 Table 8: SAR VHR2/Emergency/Standard/Archive/New Acquisition ................................ 36 Table 9: Optical VHR2/Emergency/Standard/Archive/New Acquisition ........................... 37 Table 10: SAR HR1/Emergency/Standard/Archive/New Acquisition ................................. 38 Table 11: Optical HR1/Emergency/Standard/Archive/New Acquisition ............................. 39 Table 12: SAR HR2/Emergency/Standard/Archive/New Acquisition ................................. 40 Table 13: Optical HR2/Emergency/Standard/Archive/New Acquisition ............................ 41 Table 14: SAR MR1/Emergency/Standard/Archive/New Acquisition ................................. 42 Table 15: Optical MR1/Emergency/Standard/Archive/New Acquisition ............................ 42 Table 16 Baseline options and ADD–Ons options................................................................ 44 Table 17: CCMEs minimum order size and incremental area ............................................... 48 Table 18 Copernicus EMS Rapid Mapping ............................................................................ 52 Table 19 Copernicus EMS Risk and Recovery Mapping ....................................................... 53 Table 20 Copernicus EMS Validation Mapping .................................................................... 54 Table 21 Copernicus Security Service – SATCEN ................................................................. 55 Table 22 Copernicus Security Service – DG-ENERGY ......................................................... 55 Table 23 Copernicus Security Service- EEAS ........................................................................ 56 Table 24 Copernicus Land Service – Global Land ................................................................ 57 Table 25 ADVANCED SAR-Union Research Project ............................................................ 57 Table 26 APHORISM-Union Research Project ..................................................................... 58 Table 27 DECUMANUS-Union Research Project ................................................................. 58 Table 28 ERMES-Union Research Project ............................................................................ 58 Table 29 EU FAST-Union Research Project .......................................................................... 59 Table 30 GMES Masters-Union Research Project ................................................................ 59 Table 31 ITACA-Union Research Project .............................................................................. 60 Table 32 NORTH STATE-Union Research Project ............................................................... 60 Table 33 PHAROS-Union Research Project .......................................................................... 61 Table 34 POLAR ICE-Union Research Project ..................................................................... 61 Table 35 RASOR-Union Research Project ............................................................................. 62 Table 36 SEN3APP-Union Research Project ......................................................................... 63 Table 37 SPACE NAV-Union Research Project .................................................................... 63 Table 38 PREFER-Union Research Project .......................................................................... 64 Table 39 GLASS-Union Research Project ............................................................................. 64 Table 40 CCMEs emergency service hours, emergency orders cut-off times and expected rush delivery timeliness ......................................................................................................... 68 Page 5/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use 1 INTRODUCTION The Data Access Portfolio Document (DAP) defines the datasets that are made available to the Copernicus Users in response to their Earth Observation data requirements, for a certain period of time, and the conditions (i.e. data licensing, product types available, delivery timelines, data access mechanisms) under which they are accessible. It is therefore the baseline for implementation of the Copernicus Space Component Data Access (CSC-DA) Services. This data and services (including licensing) offer is based on agreements with the Copernicus Contributing Mission Entities (CCMEs). In case of a Mission failure or temporary unavailability, ESA will provide backup solutions or temporary replacements where feasible. Up-to-date information and operational Mission news is available on the CSC-DA Web portal at This version of the DAP informs the Copernicus users about the CORE datasets that will be procured under this new Data Warehouse phase (acquisitions partly done in 2014) and the envelope of quota per dataset allocated to authorised users within ADDITIONAL Datasets until 31 December 2105. The document also addresses access to the datasets already procured under the previous Data Access phases. Information on the implementation status of all datasets, updated on a monthly basis, is available on the CSC-DA Web portal. 1.1 Reference documents Copernicus Data Access:ESA-User Licence Data Warehouse Requirements V2.0 – Copernicus Data Access Specifications of the space-based Earth Observation needs for the period 2014-2020 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2011-2014 [RD - 1] [RD - 2] [RD - 3] 1.2 Abbreviations ADD AOI ACP BRM CCM CCME CDS CDS-CI CDS-SCI CET CQC CSC ADDITIONAL datasets Area of Interest Acquisition Coverage Plan Background Regional Mission Copernicus Contributing Mission Copernicus Contributing Mission Entity Coordinated Data Access System CDS – Core Infrastructure CDS – Services Coordinated Interface Central European Time Coordinated Quality Control Copernicus Space Component Page 6/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use CSC-DA DAM DAP DEM DWH EEA Copernicus Space Component Data Access Data Access Portfolio Management Data Access Portfolio Digital Elevation Model Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (Canada) Data Warehouse European Environment Agency EC European Commission EMS EO EOLI ESA EU EUSI FTP GCL GCP GRD GSD HR IW LLT LR LUZ KML KMZ MR N/A ND NRT ONA Ortho Pan Pansharp Pol PST Emergency Mapping Service Earth Observation Earthnet On-Line Interactive European Space Agency European Union European Space Imaging File Transfer Protocol GMES/Copernicus Client Ground Control Point Ground Range Detected Ground Sample Distance High Resolution Interferometric Wide Swath Mode Long Lead Time tasking Low Resolution Larger Urban Zones Keyhole Mark-up Language Keyhole Markup Language, Zipped Medium Resolution Not Applicable Normal Delivery Near Real Time Off-Nadir Angle Orthorectified Panchromatic Pansharpened Polarisation Pacific Standard Time Rapid Emergency Activation for Copernicus Tasking Synthetic Aperture Radar Shape file Short Lead Time Services Provider Emergency Request Form Shuttle Radar Topography Mission DFAIT REACT SAR SHP SLT SPERF SRTM Page 7/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use SST UTC VHR 1.3 Sea Surface Temperature Universal Time Coordinated Very High Resolution Document overview The present document is divided into the following sections: Section 1: Introduction, describing the purpose of the document, reference documentation and the list of acronyms used within the document. Section 2: User Categories and Licensing scheme, introducing user categories as well as access rights defined per user category and datasets type. Section 3: Copernicus Space component, defining the missions contributing to the Copernicus Portfolio. Section 4: CORE Datasets, describing the detailed specifications of the predefined datasets. Section 5: ADDITIONAL Datasets, listing on-demand datasets and the relevant portfolios of missions for both Emergency and Standard mode. Section 6: Data Ordering within additional datasets is described. Section 7: CSC-DA Services, describing the CDS infrastructure, Rapid Emergency Activation Satellite Tasking, registration, ESA-User Licence, data ordering and Data Access. Section 8: User Support Services, outlining the channels of support offered to users. ANNEXES: supporting documentation for the implementation of CORE datasets. 2 USER CATEGORIES AND LICENSING SCHEME The categories of Copernicus Users eligible for accessing data from the Copernicus Space Component are defined and maintained by the European Commission (EC) in the Data Warehouse requirements document [RD-2]. Seven categories for which the legally binding definitions are part of the ESA-User Licence have been identified. Their respective access rights are described in section 2.8. 2.1 Copernicus Services [Copernicus_Services] This category includes the Copernicus Services first established under the Regulation (EU) No 911/2010 and then under Regulation (EU) No 377/2014 establishing the Copernicus Programme and repealing Regulation (EU) No 911/2010. 2.2 Institutions and bodies of the Union [Union_Inst] This category includes: - The European Institutions set up under the EU Treaties; - Agencies and other Union Bodies set up under the EU Treaties; - Contractors of such entities. Page 8/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use 2.3 Participants to a research project financed under the Union research programmes – space [Union_Research_Projects_space] This category includes any natural or legal person officially registered as participant of a project funded under the space themes of EU research framework programmes. Participants to very limited activities closely linked to Copernicus like Copernicus Masters may be eligible to this user category on a case by case basis upon confirmation by the European Commission. 2.4 Participants to a research project financed under the Union research programmes – non space [Union_Research_Projects_non-space] This category includes any natural or legal person officially registered as participant of a project funded under EU research framework programmes outside the Space themes. 2.5 Public Authority [Public_Auth] This category includes: - Any government or other public administration of States participating in the Copernicus Programme including public advisory bodies, at national, regional or local level; - Any natural or legal person performing public administrative functions under national law, including specific duties, activities or services in relation to an EU policy; - Any natural or legal person having public responsibilities or functions, or providing public services relating to an EU policy under the control of a body or person falling within (1) or (2), such as a contractor of a public authority; - Any research and academic organisation; - Contractors of such entities. 2.6 International Organisations and NGOs [INT_ORG_NGO] This category includes: - Any international governmental organisation created by an international treaty which can be looked up in the UN online database of treaties. Specialised agencies of the UN are included; - Any international non-governmental organisation specialised in humanitarian development or environmental activities. 2.7 Public [Public] This category includes any natural or legal person. 2.8 Licensing scheme The access rights of each user category are part of the agreements with all Contributing Missions Entities negotiated by ESA; they are reported in table 1 below for both CORE Page 9/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use and ADDTIONAL datasets, procured in the previous or the current Data Access Phases. Download and View rights are defined where they apply for a dataset or dataset type (CORE, ADD), per user category. Discovery is instead open to all Copernicus Users Categories for all datasets and is not reported in the table below. User categories Dataset [Copernic us_ Services] [Union_ Inst] [Union_Research_ Projects_ space] [Union_Research_ Projects_ non-space] [Public_ Auth] [Int_Org_ NGO] [Publ ic] New CORE Datasets HR_IMAGE_2015 D D D D D V - VHR_IMAGE_2015 D D D D D V V MR_IMAGE_2015 D D D - D - - MR_OPT_GLOBAL LR_OPT_GLOBAL HR2MR1_SAR_GLOBAL (Sentinel-1) D D D D D D D D D D D1 D2 D D D D D D D LR_SAR_GLOBAL (Sentinel-1) D D D D D D D HR2-MR1_SAR_Sea_Ice D D D D3 - - - EUR_HR2_ MULTITEMP D D D D D D V VHR1-2_ Urban_Atlas_2012 D D D D D V V CORE Datasets from previous phases IMAGE2006 D D D - D - - IMAGE2009 D D D - D - - DWH_MG2_CORE_01 D D D - D - - D D D - D V V D D D - D - - DWH_MG2b_CORE_03 / Riparian areas DWH_MG23_CORE_08 1 1 km Proba-V only 2 1 km Proba-V only 3 Excluding Radarsat-2 Mission Page 10/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use User categories Dataset [Copernic us_ Services] [Union_ Inst] [Union_Research_ Projects_ space] [Union_Research_ Projects_ non-space] [Public_ Auth] [Int_Org_ NGO] [Publ ic] DWH_MG2_CORE_09 D D D D D D V DWH_MG1_CORE_11 D D D - D - - DWH_MG2b_CORE_30 D D D - D - - Altimetry and Atmospheric datasets D D D D D D D D - - - - New ADDITIONAL datasets 2014 -2020 All ADDitional datasets 2014-2020 D D D D ADDITIONAL datasets from DWH phase 1 (2011-2014) All ADDitional datasets of DWH phase 1 D D D - - Table 1 Datasets licensing scheme (D = Download, V= View) 3 COPERNICUS SPACE COMPONENT The Copernicus Space Component (CSC), operated by ESA, represents the main geospatial resource for the Copernicus programme; it relies on a constellation of dedicated missions - the Sentinels - as well as on a set of EO space missions not dedicated to Copernicus but contributing to it according to agreed operational scenarios and service levels for a harmonised data provision to the Copernicus users. As of 2015, access to data from 60 European and international space missions operated by national agencies or commercial entities will be granted to eligible Copernicus users. Since 2014, the dedicated Sentinel-1 mission developed by ESA has enlarged significantly the overall operational Earth Observation capability needed to support the Copernicus users. 3.1 Resolution Classes All missions of the Space Component are classified primarily by sensor type (SAR or Optical) but also by resolution classes defined as follows: - VHR1 Very High Resolution 1 where resolution <=1m - VHR2 Very High Resolution 2 where 1m < resolution <=4m - HR1 High Resolution 1 where 4m <resolution<=10m - HR2 High Resolution 1 where 10m <resolution<=30m - MR1 Medium Resolution where 30m <resolution<=100m - MR2 Medium Resolution where 100m <resolution<=300m - LR Low Resolution where resolution >=300m Page 11/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use 3.2 Copernicus Dedicated Sentinel-1 Mission Sentinel-1 is the first of the six dedicated satellite mission families that ESA is developing for the Copernicus programme. It comprises a constellation of two polarorbiting satellites, performing C-band SAR imaging. Sentinel-1A is approaching routine phase (planned for early June 2015) while Sentinel-1B is scheduled for launch in 2016. Full operations capacity of the mission with the two satellites in orbit is expected by end 2016. Sentinel-1C and -1D are currently being procured and are planned to continue the series. Sentinel-1 predefined observation scenario supporting Copernicus monitoring services, aims at producing a consistent long-term data archive built for applications based on long time series. It is published at /sentinel-1/observation-scenario. Data processing is systematic and the data are made available online. Since October 3rd 2014, Sentinel-1A data are available as follows: - Systematic processing of acquisitions over MyOcean areas of interest and delivery in a dedicated repository (NRT3h for agreed priority areas); - Fast24 production worldwide in the scientific data hub ( for contribution to the HR2-MR1_SAR_GLOBAL CORE dataset and to HR2/MR1 ADDITIONAL datasets. On-line registration is required for all users. Access to archived data will be made available through specific means, starting gradually mid-2015. 3.3 Copernicus Contributing Missions The table below presents the list of Data Warehouse Phase 2 Copernicus Contributing Missions, divided per mission type (SAR/Optical/Atmospheric) and, in addition, for the Optical missions, per resolution class. The missions in italic will be available at a later stage, when launched or integrated into the CSC-DA. SAR VHR1-MR1 Optical VHR1/2 COSMO-SkyMed Constellation ERS Envisat ALOS-PRISM Kompsat-5 Deimos-2 * PAZ Dubaisat-2 AURIGA BLACKSKY constellation Optical HR1/2 Optical MR1/2 Atmospheric missions ALOS-AVNIR2 Deimos-1 INGENIO CryoSat ERS ERS Envisat Envisat GOSAT Landsat5Landsat-8 PERSEUS Proba-V ODIN Page 12/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 Resourcesat-1, Resourcesat-2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use SAR VHR1-MR1 Optical VHR1/2 RADARSAT-2 RISAT GeoEye-1* INGENIO IRS-P5 CartoSat TerraSAR-X, TanDEM-X Ikonos-2 KHALIFASAT Kompsat-2 Optical HR1/2 Optical MR1/2 Atmospheric missions Proba RapidEye Constellation ResourceSat-1, ResourceSat-2 SPOT-4, SPOT-5, SPOT-6-7 TH constellation UK-DMC2 Kompsat-3 Pleiades-1A/1B QuickBird-2 SPOT-5, SPOT-6-7 SkySat TH constellation WorldView-1, WorldView-2 WorldView-3* Worldview-4 Table 2: Missions made available in Data Warehouse Phase 2 (* Available during Q2 2015) 4 CORE DATASETS They are the fixed part of the data offer, typically pre-defined large coverages, identified to cover the needs of the Copernicus services and other activities requesting Earth Observation data, like Union financed research projects and the activities of Union agencies (EEA, EMSA, SatCen, etc.). CORE datasets are characterised by fixed tasking, systematic or not, data processing and delivery timeliness parameters defined in the dataset description below. 4.1 Overview of CORE datasets Table 3 provides the list of the CORE datasets to be delivered by the Copernicus Missions within Data Warehouse phase 2 (2014-2020). Page 13/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use Dataset ID HR_IMAGE_2015 HR_IMAGE_2018 VHR_IMAGE_2015 VHR_IMAGE_2018 MR_IMAGE_2015 MR_IMAGE_2018 HR1_OPT_GLOBAL HR2_OPT_GLOBAL MR_OPT_GLOBAL LR_OPT_GLOBAL HR2-R1_SAR_GLOBAL LR_SAR_GLOBAL HR2-MR1_SAR_Sea_Ice EUR_HR2_MULTITEMP VHR1-2_ Urban_Atlas_2012 Dataset short description 2 high-resolution coverages of EEA-39 within vegetation season 2014-2015 High-resolution coverages of EEA-39 within 2017-2018 1 very high resolution coverage 20142016 (<=1m pan, ±2-4 m MS) 1 very high resolution coverage 20172019 8 MR1 monthly coverages of Europe from March to October 2014 Systematic Sentinel-2/-3 data supply Systematic Sentinel-2 data supply Systematic Sentinel-2 data supply Optical MR2 worldwide coverage Optical LR worldwide coverage Systematic Sentinel-1 data supply Systematic Sentinel-1 data supply Systematic daily SAR data over ice covered areas 7 monthly coverages of Europe Apr-Oct 2015 295 LUZ Missions Spot-5, Resourcesat-2 Systematic Sentinel-2 PleiadesA/B,GE-1, WV-2, WV-3, Deimos-2, Dubaisat-2 Not yet procured Resourcesat-2 Proba-V 100m Proba-V 333m and 1km systematic Sentinel-1 data supply, complemented by Radarsat-2, TerraSar-X, Cosmo Skymed Deimos-2 WorldView-2 Table 3: CORE datasets, DWH phase 2 (2014-2020) In addition to the newly procured datasets, the large coverages generated during the previous phases listed in table 4 are also available to authorised users, as per access rights defined in section 2.8. Their detailed description can be found in [RD-3]. Dataset ID DWH_MG2-3_CORE_08 Dataset Title 2 Optical HR Pan EU coverages (Image2012) 2 Optical HR Pan EU coverages each (Image2006 and Image2009) Optical VHR2 coverage EU 2011-2013 and Riparian zones (gap filling from DWH phase 2) Monthly composites EU 2011-2012 DWH_MG2_CORE_09 Sub-Saharan Optical coverage HR2 2011-2013 DWH_MG1_CORE_11 Sea Ice monitoring 2011-2014 DWH_MG2_CORE_01 DWH_MG2_CORE_02 DWH_MG2b_CORE_03 Urban Atlas (2006, 2009) Table 4: CORE datasets generated in previous phases and available in DWH phase 2 (2014-2020) DWH_MG2b_CORE_30 Page 14/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use 4.2 Detailed description of CORE datasets The tables below describe the predefined characteristics of the CORE datasets. 4.2.1 Optical HR Pan Europe coverage (HR_IMAGE_2015) FIELD VALUE Title Optical HR Pan Europe coverages DWH-ID HR_IMAGE_2015 Applications Continuation of pan-European land services, including Corine Land Cover (CLC) and the production of High Resolution Layers (HRL) on land cover characteristics by the Union, EEA and Member States. This dataset could also partially meet EFFIS requirements. Selected missions SPOT-5, Resourcesat-2 Spatial Resolution/ Spectral bands SPOT-5, HRVIR, 10m Resourcesat-2,LISS-III, 23.5m Spectral bands: P (Resourcesat-2), green, red, NIR, SWIR Page 15/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use Processing levels / Product quality Processing Levels Spot-5: All data will be delivered in level 1A and level3/Ortho with the following specifications: Level 1A, 10m: - System corrected and at-sensor radiometric and geometric calibrated data, includes basic corrections such as rectilinear geometry, radiometric distortion - Radiometric correction: Calibration parameters enabling the conversion of DN into spectral radiance as well as the solar spectral radiance are given in the metadata file (*.dim). Level3/Ortho 10m, EU LAEA projection, ETRS89 (EPSG code 3035) for all countries - except DOMS that will be delivered only in national projection - and 10m, national projection: Reference: Reference 3D DEM (on areas on which Reference 3D is not available, SRTM DEM will be used) Resampling using cubic convolution method. GCP file available in CDS archive DIMAP V1, SPOT5 data will be delivered in geoTIFF v6 format INSPIRE compliant metadata for all processing levels in XML format will be delivered once INSPIRE metadata developments are concluded, expected within 2015; DIMAP V1 until then. CRS table CRS_v2_05062014 in Annex 3 Processing Levels Resourcesat-2: All data will be delivered in level 1A and level3/Ortho with the following specifications: Level1 (system corrected), 23.5m: Radiometrically and geometrically system corrected data with parameters enabling the conversion of image digital numbers (DN) into spectral radiance (Lmin, Lmax, sun elevation and, not part of the product, the spectral response curve). RPC files Level3/Ortho-rectified, 25m, EU LAEA projection, ETRS89 (EPSG code 3035), 20m, national projection: Reference: CORE_001 COV#1 of DWH V1 (IMAGE 2012), supplemented by IMAGE 2009 data, CORE_003 and other references where required Ortho-rectification makes use of RPC functions and is based on the following DEMs: SRTM-C band, DEMs of national land surveying offices of Finland, Norway, Sweden, ASTER GDEM and where required other DEMs Resampling using cubic convolution method at native resolution of 20 m GCP file with respect to reference data set - INSPIRE compliant metadata for all processing levels in XML format will be delivered once INSPIRE metadata developments are concluded, expected within 2015. - File format and structure: GeoTIFF fully compliant with TIFF version 6. However, products for some national projections may have to be delivered in ESRI Header (EHdr) format, band interleave by line (BIL), no compression, when the projections cannot be handled properly in GeoTIFF. Page 16/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use Continued Product Quality Spot-5: - Radiometric resolution: 10 bit Presence of perennial snow and glaciers is to be expected in products Haze: acceptability assessed by EEA The sun elevation angle is higher than 20° to ensure sufficient illumination and to minimize the effect of shadows. The off-nadir viewing angle is less than 25°. Grid alignment: GeoTIFF key Pixel alignment: UP corner of the UL pixel of an image dataset shall be an integer multiple of the pixel size Geo-location relative accuracy: HR_IMAGE_2015 will be processed on Airbus DS Geo SA own DEM. Product Quality Resourcesat-2: - - Surface Radiometric resolution: 10 bit Presence of perennial snow and glaciers is to be expected in products The sun elevation angle is higher than 20° to ensure sufficient illumination and to minimize the effect of shadows. The off-nadir viewing angle is 0°. Grid alignment: The GeoTIFF key "GTRasterTypeGeoKey" shall have the value 1, corresponding to "RasterPixelIsArea". Pixel alignment: The values of the coordinates for the upper-left corner (x and y) of the upper-left pixel of an image dataset shall be an integer multiple of the pixel size (resolution) in the corresponding direction (x and y). Geo-location relative accuracy: Relative accuracy (2014-2015): less than 1 pixel difference to the reference dataset (see above) ~6 M km² Area of interest 39 European states (EEA39, see Annex 1) including all islands of those countries plus French Overseas Department [French Guiana, Martinique, Guadeloupe, Mayotte, Reunion] but excluding French Overseas Territories. Reference year/Acquisitions &Tasking Strategy/ Acquisition windows & constraints Reference Year is 2015. Spot-5 data are available only in 2014. Systematic tasking took place in 2014 for Resourcesat-2 over Europe within the extended windows, and will continue in 2015 within the extended windows. Acquisition windows are defined in Annex 2. The starting and ending dates of these windows can be subject to modifications from CSP to ESA only in case of late onset of vegetation, so that ESA can inform CCMs with a ten day advance notice for any change of either an earlier start and/or later end. It is assumed that such changes shall be the exception and take place on country basis. Page 17/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use Delivery 2014 archive will be delivered after EEA approves the data processing proposal. Data acquired in 2015 will be available after the end of the acquisition campaign, again subject to EEA approval. Delivery mechanism FTP@CDS: data available at the Core Infrastructure (CDS) Backup RapidEye constellation Additional Information Data selection will be performed under EEA responsibility Licence - Copernicus_Services : DOWNLOAD Union_Inst: DOWNLOAD Union_Research_Projects_Space: DOWNLOAD [Union_Research_Projects_nonspace]: DOWNLOAD Public_Auth: DOWNLOAD INT_ORG_NGO: VIEW Public: DISCOVERY 4.2.2 Optical VHR multispectral and panchromatic coverage over Europe (VHR_IMAGE_2015) FIELD VALUE Title Optical VHR multispectral and panchromatic coverage over Europe DWH-ID VHR_IMAGE_2015 Applications Land local component applications for hotspots, i.e. specific areas of interest at pan-European level (EEA39) (land cover over riparian zones for the purpose of biodiversity monitoring, monitoring of coastal areas, risk areas, protected areas (Natura 2000 sites), Land Parcel Identification…) and at national level. Selected missions Pléiades 1A & 1B, WorldView-2, WorldView-3, GeoEye-1, Deimos-2, Dubaisat-2 The AOI has been allocated as follows: Pléiades 1A & 1B, 89 large regions Deimos-2/Dubaisat-2, 17 large regions WorldView-2, WorldView-3, GeoEye-1, 31 large regions Spatial Resolution Spectral resolution - VHR1 panchromatic/VHR2 multispectral (bundle products) - Spectral bands: • GeoEye-1: Pan, Blue, Breen, Red, NIR • WorldView-2: Pan, Coastal, Red, Blue, Red Edge, Green, NIR-1 and 2, Yellow • WorldView-3: Coastal, Red, Blue, Red Edge, Green, NIR-1 and 2, Yellow • Pleiades: Pan, Blue, Green, Red, NIR • Deimos-2 and Dubaisat-2: Pan, Blue, Green, Red, NIR Page 18/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use Processing levels / Product quality - L1 (system corrected), L3 (ortho) bundle products - Presence of perennial snow and glaciers is to be expected in products. - Sun elevation angle higher than 20° - Off-nadir viewing angle less than 30°. - Reference: CORE_003 delivered during DWH phase 1 - Cloud coverage: 5% and 20% per production unit/delivered product according to zones (see Annex 4) - Haze: acceptability assessed by EEA - CRS table CRS_v2_05062014 in Annex 3 • GeoEye-1, WorldView-2, WorldView-3: Radiometric resolution: 16 bits Geometric resolution: 50cm File Format: GEOTIFF (fully compliant with TIFF version 6.0) Dynamic Range Adjustment: OFF Ortho-rectified at-sensor radiance values (resampled using cubic convolution method) Projection/Datum: UTM/WGS84 (for Ortho Ready Standard product); LAEA [EPSG code 3035] or National projection(for Ortho product) Datum: WGS84 (for Ortho Ready Standard Product); ETRS89 [EPSG code 3035] (for Ortho product); National projection. Tiling: 16k GCP file with respect to reference data set Orthocorrection: • Ortho ready processing with basic corrections such as rectilinear geometry, radiometric distortion (i.e. source data). • Ortho-rectification full-parametric or making use of RPC functions • Grid alignment: GeoTIFF key: The GeoTIFF key "GTRasterTypeGeoKey" will have the value 1, corresponding to "RasterPixelIsArea". • Pixel alignment: the values of the coordinates for the upper-left corner (x and y) of the upper-left pixel of an image dataset will be an integer multiple of the pixel size (resolution) in the corresponding direction (x and y). Ortho-rectification accuracy: Relative accuracy less than 1 pixel difference from DWH phase 1 CORE_003 Metadata: INSPIRE compliant metadata for all processing levels in XML format will be delivered once INSPIRE metadata developments are concluded, expected within 2015. Page 19/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use Processing levels / Product quality (continued) • Pleiades 1A/1B Level 1A: System corrected and at-sensor radiometric and geometric calibrated data Ortho: - Reference 3D DEM (on areas on which Reference 3D is not available, SRTM DEM will be used) - Resampling/Native resolution =0.50m - Resampling using cubic convolution method - GCP file with reference dataset: available in CDS Radiometric correction: Calibration parameters enabling the conversion of DN into spectral radiance+ solar spectral radiance Orthocorrection: Ortho ready processing includes basic corrections such as rectilinear geometry, radiometric distortion - European projection: ETRS89/LAEA - Grid alignment: GeoTIFF key Pixel alignment: UP corner of the UL pixel of an image dataset shall be an integer multiple of the pixel size Geo-location relative accuracy less than 1 pixel wrt. CORE_03 (same reference which is Reference 3D) Metadata: DIMAP V2 and DIMAP V2 tailored, which is partially compliant with INSPIRE until INSPIRE metadata developments are concluded, expected within 2015. File format: geoTIFF v6 or JPG2000 optimized • Deimos-2 and Dubaisat-2 Level1 (system correction) (L1B): - System corrected and at-sensor radiometric and geometric calibrated data; - Ortho layer, (i.e. x, y coordinates (ETRS89)) Ortho-rectified Level to ETRS89/LAEA and National projection (L1C): - Reference: CORE_003 delivered under DWH V1 - Ortho-rectified at-sensor radiance values (resampled using cubic convolution method); - GCP file with respect to reference data set Radiometric resolution: Both Deimos-2 and Dubaisat-2 have a bit depth of 10-bits signal dynamic range. Radiometric correction: Radiometric calibrated data with calibration parameters enabling the conversion of image digital numbers (DN) into spectral radiance (W/m2/sr/um). Solar spectral irradiances within each spectral band and the solar elevation for each scene are provided to convert the image DNs into TOA (Top Of Atmosphere) radiances values Page 20/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use Ortho-correction: Ortho-rectification making use of RPC. Default DEM is SRTM V3. Ortho-rectification accuracy: less than 1 pixel difference from DWH phase 1 CORE_003 Processing levels / Product quality (continued) File format and structure: geoTIFF fully compliant with TIFF version 6 Metadata: DIMAP v1 metadata for both L1B and L1C processing levels until INSPIRE metadata developments are concluded, expected within 2015. ~6 M km² 39 European states (EEA39, see Annex 1) including all islands of those countries plus French Overseas Department [French Guiana, Martinique, Guadeloupe, Mayotte, Reunion] but excluding French Overseas Territories. The overall AOI is extended by a 2 nautical miles buffer. Surface Area of interest The overall AOI of interest is divided into 137 Large Regions (see Annex 4). Reference year/Acquisitions &Tasking Strategy/ Acquisition windows & constraints Delivery Delivery mechanism Licence Reference year: 2015 +/-1 year. Acquisition windows are defined in Annex 2. The starting and ending dates of these windows can be subject to modifications from CSP to ESA only in case of late onset of vegetation, so that ESA can inform CCMs with a ten day advance notice for any change of either an earlier start and/or later end. It is assumed that such changes shall be the exception and take place on country basis. Delivery will be made at the end of each acquisition window, per large regions and no later than 90 days after acceptance, assuming progressive production approval by EEA. FTP@CDS: data available at the Core Infrastructure (CDS) - Copernicus Services : DOWNLOAD Union_Inst: DOWNLOAD Union_Research_Projects_Space: DOWNLOAD Union_Research_Projects_non-space: DOWNLOAD Public_Auth: DOWNLOAD Int_Org_NGO: VIEW Public: VIEW 4.2.3 European Optical MR1 composites (MR_IMAGE_2015) FIELD VALUE Title European optical MR1 composites (MR_IMAGE_2015) DWH-ID MR_IMAGE_2015 Page 21/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use Applications Pan-European land services and EFFIS. Intra-seasonal time series are essential for the production of High Resolution Layers (HRL) on land cover characteristics by the Union, EEA and Member States, in particular for vegetation related discrimination of characteristics, such as grasslands or semi-natural vegetation. Selected Missions Resourcesat-2 Resourcesat-2 , AWiFS, 60m Spatial Resolution Spectral bands: Green, Red, NIR, SWIR Spectral bands Processing levels / Product quality Processing levels: Level 1 (system corrected): Radiometrically and geometrically system corrected data with parameters enabling the conversion of image digital numbers (DN) into spectral radiance RPC files Level 3 (ortho-rectified) ETRS89/ETRS-LAEA Reference: CORE_001 COV#1 of the DWH V1 (IMAGE 2012), supplemented by IMAGE_2009 data and CORE_003 and other references where required cubic convolution resampling GCP file with respect to reference data set; Metadata: INSPIRE compliant metadata for all processing levels in XML format will be delivered once INSPIRE metadata developments are concluded, expected within 2015. Radiometric correction: Ortho-rectified Level: Level 1: Radiometric calibrated data with calibration parameters enabling the conversion of image digital numbers (DN) into spectral radiance Orthocorrection: Ortho-rectification makes use of RPC functions and is based on the following DEMs: SRTM-C band, DEMs of national land surveying offices of Finland, Norway, Sweden, ASTER GDEM and possibly other DEMs European projection in ETRS89, LAEA (EPSG code 3035). Grid alignment: The GeoTIFF key "GTRasterTypeGeoKey" shall have the value 1, corresponding to "RasterPixelIsArea". Pixel alignment: The values of the coordinates for the upper-left corner (x and y) of the upper-left pixel of an image dataset shall be an integer multiple of the pixel size (resolution) in the corresponding direction (x and y). Ortho-rectification accuracy: Absolute accuracy: Ortho-rectification must be accurate to less than 0.75 pixel size equivalent RMSE and a max displacement of less than 1.5 pixels in no more than 0.1% of any 50x50 km2 area within the AOI with respect to the reference data set. File format: GeoTIFF fully compliant with TIFF version 6 Surface Area of interest ~6 M km² 38 European states (EEA39, see Annex 1). Page 22/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use Reference year/Acquisitions &Tasking Strategy/ Acquisition windows & constraints Delivery 8 monthly coverages from March to October 2014. The CCME has assessed for each month the quality of the products available and will compose the best coverage possible for any given month, minimising clouds/haze and number of individual products. 8 partial coverages are available, no interaction with CSPs is foreseen Within 2015 Delivery mechanism FTP@CDS: data available at the Core Infrastructure (CDS) Licence - Copernicus_Services : DOWNLOAD Union_Inst: DOWNLOAD Union_Research_Projects_Space: DOWNLOAD [Union_Research_Projects_nonspace]: DISCOVERY Public_Auth: DOWNLOAD INT_ORG_NGO: DISCOVERY Public: DISCOVERY 4.2.4 Optical MR2 worldwide coverage (MR_OPTICAL_GLOBAL) FIELD VALUE Title Optical MR2 Worldwide coverage DWH-ID MR_OPTICAL_GLOBAL Applications Main application: Global Land, for the production of bio-geophysical parameters Spectral and Spatial Resolution Spectral resolution: Optical multispectral sensors with visible and near infra-red (VNIR); short wave infra-red (SWIR); The spatial resolution of this product varies from 100 m × 100 m to 350 m × 160 m for the VNIR bands, and from 180 m × 185 m to 660 m × 300 m for the SWIR bands Selected missions Area of interest Acquisitions &Tasking Strategy PROBA-V Worldwide systematic coverage, between Lat. 35°N and 75°N, and between 35°S and 56°S. Near-full coverage every 5 days at Equator Systematic acquisition since December 2013. The systematic supply of the 100m product starts from 1st April 2015 Page 23/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use Processing /Product quality/aux. data S1 TOC 100m: atmospheric corrections applied, daily synthesis product Projection: Plate Carré Absolute geometric accuracy: 60 m Standard deviation: 45 m Radiometric accuracy: 5% absolute, 3% relative Radiometric resolution: 12 bits per pixel Composite characteristics: daily composite Delivery Data are typically available in NRT24h, delivery is guaranteed within 48h, with a success rate of >99.4% on monthly basis FTP@CCM (FTP pull by user) Licence - Copernicus_Services : DOWNLOAD Union_Inst: DOWNLOAD Union_Research_Projects_space: DOWNLOAD Union_Research_Projects_non-space: DOWNLOAD Public_Auth: DOWNLOAD Int_Org_NGO: DISCOVERY - Public: DISCOVERY 4.2.5 Optical LR worldwide coverage (LR_OPTICAL_GLOBAL) FIELD VALUE Title Optical LR Worldwide coverage DWH-ID LR_OPTICAL_GLOBAL Applications Spectral and Spatial Resolution Main application: Global Land, for the production of bio-geophysical parameters 2 VIS channels (BLUE and RED), 1 NIR channel, and 1 SWIR channel. No MIR or TIR channel is available. • Spatial resolution = 333m The spatial resolution of this product varies from 100 m × 100 m to 350 m × 160 m for the VNIR bands, and from 180 m × 185 m to 660 m × 300 m for the SWIR bands. This means that the SWIR band resolution < 2 * VNIR resolution. • Spatial resolution = 1km The products are spatially resampled to 1km, Selected missions PROBA-V Page 24/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use Area of interest Acquisitions & Tasking Strategy Between Lat. 35°N and 75°N, and between 35°S and 56°S. Full coverage every two days at Equator Systematic acquisition since December 2013. Processing /Product quality/aux. data • • • • Level 1C: Raw data, no atmospheric correction, no projection, no radiometric correction applied, daily product (333m only) S1 TOA: no atmospheric corrections applied, daily synthesis product S1 TOC: atmospheric corrections applied, daily synthesis product S10 TOC: atmospheric corrections applied, 10 days synthesis product Projection: Plate Carré. Absolute geometric accuracy: 60 m Standard deviation: 45 m Radiometric accuracy: 5% absolute, 3% relative Radiometric resolution: 12 bits per pixel Delivery Data are typically delivered in NRT24h, delivery is guaranteed within 48h, with a success rate of >99.4% on monthly basis FTP@CCM (FTP pull by user) Licence - Copernicus_Services : DOWNLOAD Union_Inst: DOWNLOAD Union_Research_Projects_Space: DOWNLOAD Union_Research_Projects_non-space: DOWNLOAD Public_Auth: DOWNLOAD Int_Org_NGO: DOWNLOAD (1km), DISCOVERY (333m) Public: DOWNLOAD (1km), DISCOVERY (333m) 4.2.6 European HR2 Multitemporal Coverages (EUR_HR2_MULTITEMP) FIELD VALUE Title DWH-ID Applications European HR2 Multitemporal Coverages EUR_HR2_MULTITEMP Continuation of previous pan-European land services and land use/land cover mapping efforts. Multitemporal agricultural studies and crop classification. Page 25/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use Selected missions Spatial Resolution/ Spectral bands Processing levels/Product quality The objective of the wall-to-wall Multitemporal HR2 image acquisition is to cover the entire AOI on a monthly basis during the 2015 vegetation period. Deimos-1, DMC-UK2 Deimos-1, DMC-UK2: 22m Spectral bands: Green, Red, NIR Processing Levels The scenes will be provided in L1T level of processing, ortho-rectified Level to ETRS89/ETRS-LAEA: • Reference: CORE_001 COV#1 of DWH phase 1 (IMAGE 2012) or GLS2000/STRM V3 • Resampled to native resolution (22m): Ortho-rectified atsensor radiance values (resampled using cubic convolution method); • GCP file with respect to reference data set; Radiometric resolution: minimum bit depth of 8 bits signal dynamic range. Product quality: According to zone dependency, the smallest possible unit of production and for which Contributing Missions have a quality index shall have a maximum allowed Cloud Coverage threshold as follows: • Zone A: CC 20% max; • Zones B, C and D: CC 10% max (optimally), alternative 20% Products spanning across zones are allowed with the least stringent cloud coverage. Presence of perennial snow and glaciers is to be expected in products. The sun elevation angle shall be higher than 20° to ensure sufficient illumination and to minimize the effect of shadows. The off-nadir viewing angle shall be less than 30°. Metadata: • DIMAP v1 metadata for L1T processing levels Ortho-rectification accuracy: • Relative accuracy (2014-2015): Reference less than 1 pixel difference with CORE_001 COV#1 of DWH phase 1 (IMAGE 2012) or GLS2000 and STRM V3 File format: File format and structure: geoTIFF fully compliant with TIFF version 6 Surface Area of interest ~6 M km2 39 European states (EEA39, see Annex 1) including all islands of those countries plus French Overseas Department [French Guiana, Martinique, Guadeloupe, Mayotte, Reunion] but excluding French Overseas Territories. Page 26/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use Reference year/Acquisitions &Tasking Strategy/ Acquisition windows constraints Reference Year is 2015 & Acquisition windows Monthly acquisition windows starting on April 1st and ending in October 31st. Objective: One cloud-free coverage per month Delivery Delivery mechanism Licence All data will be delivered within 2015 (monthly delivery of the whole of Europe) FTP@CDS: data available at the Core Infrastructure (CDS) - Copernicus_Services : DOWNLOAD Union_Inst: DOWNLOAD Union_Research_Projects_Space: DOWNLOAD [Union_Research_Projects_nonspace]: DOWNLOAD Public_Auth: DOWNLOAD INT_ORG_NGO: DOWNLOAD Public: VIEW 4.2.7 VHR1-2 Urban Atlas 2012 FIELD VALUE Title DWH-ID Applications Selected missions VHR1-2 Urban Atlas 2012 N/A Mapping for city planning at local scale WorldView-2 Spatial Resolution/ Spectral bands VHR1 pan, VHR2 multispectral Processing levels/Product quality Pan, Coastal, Red, Blue, Red Edge. Green, NIR, Yellow L3 Ortho Projection: WGS84/UTM - ETRS-89/LAEA Ortho Ready Standard 40 cm PAN & 120 cm Multispectral 8 band Bundle Parameters: • Geotiff • 16 bit • Dynamic Range Adjustment (DRA) off • 16k tiling • 4x4 cubic convolution • UTM/WGS84 Quality: • Geolocation accuracy specification of 5 m CE90 (WV-2) at less than 30° off-nadir, excluding terrain effects • Geometric corrections applied • Geolocation information applied • Applied terrain information: coarse DEM • 10m RMSE on average. • No haze Page 27/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use • • 537.502 km2 Surface Area of interest Reference year/Acquisitions &Tasking Strategy/ Acquisition windows constraints Delivery Delivery mechanism Licence Incident angle < 20deg Cloud coverage <= 5% per LUZ 290 of the 305 Urban Atlas Zones 2010+ 5 Urban Atlas Zones over Croatia Feb 2011- Oct 2013, to be completed by acquisitions in 2015 & Within 2015 FTP@CDS: data available at the Core Infrastructure (CDS) - Copernicus_Services : DOWNLOAD Union_Inst: DOWNLOAD Union_Research_Projects_Space: DOWNLOAD Union_Research_Projects_non-space: DOWNLOAD Public_Auth: DOWNLOAD Int_Org_NGO: VIEW Public: VIEW 4.2.8 SAR HR2/MR1 Worldwide coverage (HR2-MR1_SAR_GLOBAL) FIELD Title DWH-ID Dataset description VALUE SAR HR2-MR1 worldwide coverage HR2-MR1_SAR_GLOBAL Global Land coverage Mission group/Selected missions Spatial Resolution/ Frequency/ Polarisation MG1: very high to medium resolution SAR - SENTINEL-1A Area of interest Worldwide coverage: target: all land surfaces from 90° North to 90° South and from 180° West to 180° East. (with a hole at the Poles due to SAR right looking only). Minimum baseline: all land masses between 75° North and 56° South and between 180° West and 180° East. AOI in km2:149 248 300km² non-contiguous AoI Spatial resolution: HR2/MR1. Frequency band: C. Interferometric Wide Swath mode (IW) Polarisation: VV or VV-VH (and HH or HH-HV for polar areas) InSAR (Interferometry) Page 28/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use Acquisition windows & constraints Sentinel-1 coverage frequency over land depends on areas, spanning from every repeat cycle in Europe to few coverage per year for areas of low interest. Observation requirements outside Europe must be discussed with relevant Copernicus services. Predefined observation scenario available at Processing /Product quality/aux. data Absolute Radiometric Accuracy (3 sigma): 1dB. Radiometric resolution (S1 IW GRD product): 1.7 dB Pixel coding: 16 bits per pixel. Projected over a regular grid. Geometric accuracy: optimally RMSE (i.e. max. absolute 1-Dimensional Root Mean Square Error threshold [m] required on product) shall be 1/3 resolution. Delivery timeliness and mechanism The data should be delivered within 24h after the acquisition (Fast24h) on the scientific data hub (http// Licence All user categories: DOWNLOAD 4.2.9 Sea Ice Monitoring HR1/MR2 SAR (SAR_SEA_ICE) FIELD VALUE Title Sea Ice Monitoring DWH-ID SAR_SEA_ICE Applications Sea ice monitoring to support marine activities and data assimilation for ice and weather forecast models. Mission group/ Selected missions - MG1/SENTINEL-1A, Radarsat-2, COSMO-SkyMed, TerraSAR-X Spatial Resolution - HR1, HR2, MR1, MR2 (≥5m and ≤ 300m) Frequency bands - C band : SENTINEL-1A, Radarsat-2; - X band : COSMO-SkyMed, TerraSAR-X; Polarisation - Single/Dual Page 29/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use Operational modes SENTINEL- 1A: - Interferometric Wide, swath 250 Km, 20m res - Extra-Wide, swath 400 km, 50 m res (or ~ 90m) Radarsat-2: - ScanSAR Wide, swath 500 km, 100 m res - ScanSAR Narrow, swath 300 km,50 m res - Wide, swath 150 km, 30 m res COSMO-SkyMed: - ScanSAR Wide, swath 100 km, 30 m res - ScanSAR Huge, swath 200 km, 100 m res - StripMap HIMAGE, swath 40 km, 5 m res TerraSAR-X: - ScanSAR, swath 80 km, 18 m res - ScanSAR Wide, swath 200 km, 40 m res Processing levels /Product quality - Radiometric resolution: 16 bits per pixel. - Processing level: L1 Area of interest Baltic, Eurarctic, Arctic ocean, Greenland, Antarctic. AOIs are non-contiguous and may change in extension during sea ice season. Quotas Till end of 2020: - Radarsat-2: 5385 products - TerraSAR-X: 1950 products - COSMO-SkyMed: 6030 products Reference year/Acquisitions &Tasking Strategy/ Acquisition windows & constraints Systematic Sentinel-1 daily coverage over sea ice zones, from 1st April 2015 until 31st December 2020 Radarsat-2, COSMO-SkyMed, TerraSAR-X data are used to complement SENTINEL- 1A by providing gap coverage over the main AOIs. Orders from eligible Users are expected on a monthly basis, around 1st of the month for the period 16th of the same month to 15th of the following one. For the Baltic, coverage is needed from November to May. For the other AOIs an all year coverage is needed. Timeliness of data delivery NRT1h (Optimal); NRT3h (latest) Except COSMO-SkyMed: - Greenland: within 12 hours (6 hours average) SENTINEL- 1A NRT3h over Baltic, Eurarctic, Greenland waters Delivery mechanism FTP@CCM data available at the CCM (FTP pull by user) FTP@CDS for the archive Page 30/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use Additional Information COSMO-SkyMed: - Ascending passing time generally takes place at around 6:00 AM local time. - e-GEOS provides information about the scheduled acquisitions as soon as available: • About 20 hours ahead of an Ascending morning acquisition • About 8 hours ahead of a Descending evening acquisition. Licence - Copernicus Services : DOWNLOAD Union_Inst: DOWNLOAD Union_Research_Projects_Space: DOWNLOAD Union_Research_Projects_non-space: DOWNLOAD CosmoSkyMed), DISCOVERY (Radarsat-2) Public_Auth: DISCOVERY Int_Org_NGO: DISCOVERY Public: DISCOVERY (TerraSAR-X, Sentinel-1A data: DOWNLOAD for all Copernicus users 4.2.10 Altimetry and Atmospheric datasets Dataset title Global/Regional Systematic Ocean Colour data DWH2 DS ID OC _2014-2020 ESA and ESA TPM missions Envisat Systematic Global and Regional sea surface temperature data SST_2014-2020 Envisat, ERS Systematic Global and Regional Altimeter / Sea Level data ALT_2014-2020 Envisat, ERS, Cryosat Data for aerosol monitoring and forecasting AER_2014-2020 Envisat, GOSAT Data for sulphur dioxide (SO2) atmospheric composition monitoring and forecasting SO2_2014-2020 Envisat, GOSAT Data for formaldehyde (HCHO) atmospheric composition monitoring and forecasting HCHO_2014-2020 Envisat Data for Ozone (O3) atmospheric composition monitoring and forecasting O3_2014-2020 Envisat, ERS, GOSAT Data for Carbon Monoxide (CO) atmospheric composition monitoring and forecasting CO_2014-2020 Envisat Page 31/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 Delivery mechanism Systematic access from ESA ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use Data for Carbon Dioxide (CO2) atmospheric composition monitoring and forecasting CO2_2014-2020 Envisat, GOSAT Data for Methane (CH4) atmospheric composition monitoring and forecasting CH4_2014-2020 Envisat, GOSAT Data for Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) atmospheric composition monitoring and forecasting NO2_2014-2020 Envisat, ERS 5 ADDITIONAL DATASETS The ADDITIONAL Datasets are the on-demand part of the data offer, assumed flexible enough to accommodate the specific requirements which are not covered by the CORE datasets and not foreseeable in advance. They represent a large volume of EO data classified by resolution type to cover a range of specifications by Copernicus users, e.g. geographical area, processing levels, lead times, delivery mechanisms to be selected at ordering time among the proposed ones for the specific dataset. They are typically related to emergency and security services which require fresh data over critical areas. However on-demand ADDITIONAL data are available also for nonemergency applications, for which requirement details are only known at short notice (e.g. areas of interest, time window of interest, data type, etc.). The eligibility of Copernicus users to order EO data under a given Additional dataset is established by the European Commission who assigns a quota expressed in Km2 per data type on a yearly basis (see quota assignment section 6.2). The allocation per project for the year 2015 is reported in section 6.2.3. The content of ADDITIONAL datasets is organized per resolution class and the relevant portfolio of missions offered for both Emergency and Standard modes is described in section 5.3. 5.1 List of ADDITIONAL datasets Each dataset represents: - A resolution class (see section 3.1), - A service type: Emergency or Standard, Archive or New tasking - A mission type: Optical or SAR Table 5 presents the list of datasets which content in terms of contributing missions is described in section 5.2. Page 32/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use Emergency datasets Archive New Rush Acquisition Rush Optical VHR1 Optical VHR2 Optical HR1 Optical HR2 Optical MR1 SAR VHR1 ADD_003a ADD_003b ADD_001a ADD_001b ADD_021a ADD_004a ADD_004b ADD_002a ADD_002b ADD_022a ADD_007a SAR VHR2 SAR HR1 SAR HR2 SAR MR1 Standard datasets Archive New Standard Acquisition Standard ADD_008a ADD_011a ADD_011b ADD_009a ADD_009b ADD_020a ADD_015a ADD_012a ADD_012b ADD_010a ADD_010b ADD_018a ADD_016a ADD_007b ADD_008b ADD_015b ADD_016b ADD_005a ADD_006a ADD_013a ADD_014a ADD_005b ADD_023a ADD_006b ADD_024a ADD_013b ADD_019a ADD_014b ADD_017a Table 5: List of ADDITIONAL datasets available in DWH Phase 2 Page 33/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use 5.2 Detailed description of Additional datasets 5.2.1 VHR1 SAR and Optical Standard Emergency SAR VHR1/Emergency/Standard/Archive/New Acquisition TERRASAR-X 1m High-res. SpotLight 300MHz Y Y COSMOSkyMed 1m Spotlight-2 Y Y Ortho * Y Quad Stereo Y Multi-look Single Staring SpotLight Dual Spotlight 0.24 m ScanSAR TERRASAR-X Stripmap Mission Resolution (m) Polarisation Archive ADD_015a New Acq. ADD_016a Archive ADD_007a New Acq. ADD_008a Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Table 6: SAR VHR1/Emergency/Standard/Archive/New Acquisition * Not applicable to Emergency Page 34/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use Standard Optical VHR1/Emergency/Standard/Archive/New Acquisition Mission Bands Resolution (m) Pan, VNIR 0.5 m Pan, VNIR 0.75 m WorldView-1 Pan 0.5 m WorldView-2 Pan, VNIR (4/8bands) 0.5 m Pan, VNIR 0.5 m Pan, VNIR 0.6 m Pan, VNIR 1m Pan, VNIR 0.31, 1.24 m Pleiades-1A/1B Deimos-2 * GeoEye-1* QuickBird IKONOS WorldView 3* Pansharped Panchromatic Yes Yes Multispectral Emergency Archive ADD_011a New Acq. ADD_012a Archive ADD_003a New Acq. ADD_004a Bundle Stereo Ortho** Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (4/8bands) Table 7: Optical VHR1/Emergency/Standard/Archive/New Acquisition *Available during Q2 2015, ** Not applicable to Emergency Page 35/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use 5.2.2 VHR2 SAR and Optical Standard Emergency RADARSAT-2 RADARSAT-2 1m 3m RADARSAT-2 3m TERRASAR-X TERRASAR-X 1.7 m 1.1 m TERRASAR-X 2.2 m TERRASAR-X TERRASAR-X COSMO-SkyMed 3.3 m 3.4 m 3m SpotLight A (SLA) Ultra Fine (UF) Wide Ultra-Fine (WUF) Y Y Y Spotlight SL High-res. SpotLight 150MHz High-res. SpotLight 150MHz/300MHz StripMap Y Y Y Y Stereo Ortho * Y Y Y Y Stripmap HIMAGE (single look) SCS L1A processing Quad Y Y Y Y Spotlight SL Multi-look Dual Single Spotlight ScanSAR Polarisation Stripmap Mission Resolution (m) SAR VHR2/Emergency/Standard/Archive/New Acquisition Archive ADD_015b New Acq. ADD_016 b Archive ADD_007b New Acq. ADD_008 b Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Y Y Y Y Table 8: SAR VHR2/Emergency/Standard/Archive/New Acquisition *Not applicable to Emergency Page 36/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use Standard Emergency Mission Bands Resolution (m) Optical VHR2/Emergency/Standard/Archive/New Acquisition SPOT-5 Pan, VNIR 2.5 m SPOT-6/7 Pan,VNIR 1.5 m Pleiades1A/1B VNIR 2m WorldView-2 VNIR (4/8bands) 1.8 m GeoEye-1* VNIR 2m QuickBird VNIR 2.4 m IKONOS VNIR 4m Cartosat-1 Pan 2.5 m Deimos-2* VNIR 3m WorldView-3* VNIR (4/8bands) 2m Pansharped Panchromatic Multispectral Bundle Stereo Ortho** Archive ADD_011b New Acq. ADD_012b Archive ADD_003b New Acq. ADD_004b Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Table 9: Optical VHR2/Emergency/Standard/Archive/New Acquisition *Available during Q2 2015, **Not applicable to Emergency Page 37/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use 5.2.3 HR1 SAR and Optical Standard Emergency 5m TERRASAR-X COSMO-SkyMed 5m 8m 8m 8m 6.6 m 5m Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Archive ADD_013a New Acq. ADD_014 a Archive ADD_005a New Acq. ADD_006 a Y Yes Yes Yes Yes Y Yes Yes Yes Yes Y Y Y Y Y Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Y Yes Yes Yes Yes Ortho* Y Y Y Y Y Stereo Y Quad Y Y Multi-look Spotlight ScanSAR Multi-Look Fine (MLF) Wide Multi-Look Fine (MLFW) Extra Fine (XF) Fine (F) Wide Fine (WF) Wide Standard StripMap Stripmap HIMAGE (Multilook) Excluding SCS processing Dual 5m Single RADARSAT-2 Polarisation Stripmap Mission Resolution (m) SAR HR1/Emergency/Standard/Archive/New Acquisition Y Table 10: SAR HR1/Emergency/Standard/Archive/New Acquisition *Not applicable to Emergency Page 38/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use Standard Optical HR1/Emergency/Standard/Archive/New Acquisition Mission SPOT-5 SPOT-5 SPOT-6/7 RapidEye Resourcesat1/2 Bands Pan, VNIR Pan, VNIR, SWIR VNIR VNIR VNIR Archive ADD_009a New Acq. ADD_010a Archive ADD_001a New Acq. ADD_002a Pansharped Panchromatic 5m 10 m Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No 6m 6.5 m, 5m 4 5.8 m Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Resolution (m) Multispectral Bundle Stereo Yes Yes Yes Ortho* Table 11: Optical HR1/Emergency/Standard/Archive/New Acquisition *Not applicable to Emergency 4 Emergency re-sampled to 5m resolution for orthorectified products Page 39/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use 5.2.4 HR2 SAR and Optical Standard Emergency TERRASAR-X Sentinel-1 18.5 m 20 m Envisat-1 ERS-1/2 COSMO-SkyMed 30 m 30 m 30 m 20 m Ortho * Stereo Multi-look Spotlight Wide (W) Y Y Y Standard (S) Y Y Y Extended Low (EL) Y Extended High (EH) Y ScanSar Interferometric WideSwath (IW) ASAR IM, AP IMAGE (IM) ScanSar Wide StripMap Ping Pong ( Alternating Pol) Y Y Y Y Y Y Quad Dual 25 m Single RADARSAT-2 ScanSAR Mission Polarisation Stripmap Resolution (m) SAR HR2/Emergency/Standard/Archive/New Acquisition Archive ADD_013 b New Acq. ADD_014b Archive ADD_00 5b New Acq. ADD_006 b Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes** Yes** Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Table 12: SAR HR2/Emergency/Standard/Archive/New Acquisition *Not applicable to Emergency ** Best effort Page 40/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use Standard Optical HR2/Emergency/Standard/Archive/New Acquisition Mission SPOT-4 Resourcesat1/2 Deimos-1 / UK-DMC 2 / Landsat-5 Landsat-7 Landsat-8 Proba Bands Resolution (m) VNIR, SWIR VNIR, SWIR 20 m 23 m VNIR 22 m VNIR, SWIR VNIR,SWIR,TIR, PAN VNIR,SWIR,TIR, PAN VNIR 30 m 30 m 30 m Pansharped Panchromatic Multispectral Bundle Yes Stereo Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 18,36 m Yes Archive ADD_009b New Acquisition ADD_010b Archive ADD_001b New Acquisition ADD_002b Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes No No No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No No Ortho* Yes Yes Table 13: Optical HR2/Emergency/Standard/Archive/New Acquisition *Not applicable to Emergency Page 41/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 Emergency ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use 5.2.5 MR1 SAR and Optical Standard Emergency 100 m TERRASAR-X COSMO-SkyMed 40 m 100 m Ortho * Stereo Multi-look Y Y Y Y Y Y Quad Spotlight ScanSAR ScanSar Narrow (SCN), ScanSar Wide (SCW) WideScanSAR ScanSar Huge Region Single look Dual 60 m Single RADARSAT-2 Polarisation Stripmap Mission Resolution (m) SAR MR1/Emergency/Standard/Archive/New Acquisition Y Y Y Y Archive ADD_017a New Acq. ADD_019a Archive ADD_023a New Acq. ADD_024a Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Table 14: SAR MR1/Emergency/Standard/Archive/New Acquisition *Not applicable to Emergency Standard Emergency Mission Bands Resourcesat-1/2 VNIR, SWIR Resolution (m) Optical MR1/Emergency/Standard/Archive/New Acquisition Pansharped Panchromatic Multispectral 56 m Yes Bundle Stereo Ortho Archive ADD_020a New Acquisition ADD_018a Archive ADD_001a New Acquisition ADD_002a Yes Yes Yes No Table 15: Optical MR1/Emergency/Standard/Archive/New Acquisition Page 42/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use 6 EO DATA ORDERING WITHIN ADDITIONAL DATASETS 6.1 Order parameters During an order submission, authorised users have to properly identify their requirements within the list of order options so that the Services Coordinated Interfaces (SCI) is able to select the best contributing mission to fulfill the order. Selected parameters (add-ons) may be subject to a cost uplift if different from the baseline which then result in a higher quota consumption. A matrix highlighting differences between baseline and add-on options is shown in Table 16. While the dataset selection provides the information about data type, resolution class and service type, AOI, time window and the following order parameters have to be selected at order submission time: • Satellite Tasking lead time (for new acquisitions) • Processing Options • Cloud Coverage Class • SAR Polarisation • Delivery timeliness AddOns/Deductio Basic Features Dataset Type Tasking Lead time Delivery timeliness Product Processing Cloud cover Archive_rush New acquisition_rush Archive_standard New acquisition_standard N/A Rush N/A Normal ArchRush NRT3h ArchNormal Normal Up to non_ortho As requested Up to non_ortho N/A Up to non_ortho Up to non_ortho As requested Cloud-free20 Archive_rush New acquisition_rush Archive_standard New acquisition_standard N/A N/A N/A LLT 5, SLT, SLT+ Normal5 Fast245 N/A Fast24 N/A N/A Ortho Ortho N/A N/A TOC or BOA reflectance TOC or BOA reflectance Tasking Lead time Delivery timeliness Product Processing Atmospheric corrections 5 price reduction involved Page 43/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use Cloud Cover N/A N/A N/A Table 16 Baseline options and ADD–Ons options 6.1.1 Cloud-free5, Cloudfree10, Cloud-free15 Size of Minimum Orderable Area The different data providers accept any area of interest (AOI) but a minimum order size and an incremental area extension is applied when delivering and invoicing a product. Therefore user quota will be impacted accordingly. • If the AOI defined by the user is smaller than the minimum order size, the latter applies systematically and the corresponding number of km2 are deducted from the user available quota. • If the ordered AOI is bigger than the minimum order size, incremental area will apply up to full coverage of the AOI. Details of the specific values per Mission, instrument mode and product type are indicated in table 17. CCME AIRBUS Defence and Space (DE) Mission TerraSARX Minimu m Incremental orderabl area e area [km2] [km2] Sensor mode/ Product name Archive /New Acquisition Staring SpotLight both 15 15 High Resolution SpotLight 300MHz both 35 35 StripMap single pol both 1,000 1 StripMap dual pol both 500 1 SpotLight both 100 100 High Resolution SpotLight 150MHz both 50 50 StripMapRaD single pol both 1,000 1 StripMapRaD dual pol both 500 1 ScanSAR both 15,000 5 WideScanSAR both 50,000 10 Page 44/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use CCME Mission SPOT-4&5 AIRBUS Defence and Space (FR) e-GEOS COSMOSkyMed Constellatio n IRS-P5 Cartosat-1 GAF AG EUSI Sensor mode/ Product name All products Archive 1000 1 All products Archive 100 1 New 500 1 Archive 25 1 New 100 1 Spotlight-2 Archive 100 100 StripMap HIMAGE Archive 1600 1600 Spotlight-2 New 100 100 StripMap HIMAGE New 1600 1600 StripMap HIMAGE both 1600 1600 ScanSAR Wide both 10000 10000 StripMap PING PONG both 900 900 ScanSAR Huge both 40000 40000 SPOT-6&7 Pleiades Minimu m Incremental orderabl area e area [km2] [km2] Archive /New Acquisition All products PAN-Aft or PAN-Fore both 310 1 Resourcesat LISS-IV, Mono -1/2/2A both 1,850 1 Resourcesat LISS-III, -1/2/2A multispectral both 6,000 1 Resourcesat AWiFS, multispectral -1/2/2A both 10,600 1 25 1 100 1 WV-1/2/3 Pan-Sharpened (4Band), bundle 4 Band / Standard or Ortho Ready Standard, 8-Band bundle / Standard or Archive New Page 45/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use CCME Mission Sensor mode/ Product name Archive /New Acquisition Minimu m Incremental orderabl area e area [km2] [km2] OrthoReady Standard VHR1 GeoEye-1 QuickBird IKONOS WV-2 GeoEye-1 QuickBird IKONOS Pan-Sharpened (4Band), bundle 4 Band / Standard or Ortho Ready Standard Archive Pan-Sharpened (4Band), bundle 4 Band / Standard or Ortho Ready Standard Archive Pan-Sharpened (4Band), bundle 4 Band / Standard or Ortho Ready Standard Archive Multispectral (4/8Band) / Standard, OrthoReady Standard, Stereo 25 1 100 1 25 1 100 1 25 1 100 1 Archive 50 1 New 100 1 Multispectral Standard, OrthoReady Standard, Stereo Archive 50 1 100 1 Multispectral Standard, OrthoReady Standard, Stereo Archive 50 1 100 1 Multispectral Standard, OrthoReady Standard, Stereo Archive 50 1 100 1 New New New New New New Page 46/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use CCME Mission WV-1/2/3 GeoEye-1 QuickBird IKONOS MDA Radarsat -2 Sensor mode/ Product name Archive /New Acquisition Minimu m Incremental orderabl area e area [km2] [km2] Archive 100 1 New 100 1 144 144 400 400 1250 1250 1250 1250 625 625 625 625 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 22500 22500 4500 4500 5625 5625 10000 10000 22500 22500 Ortho, VHR1/2 Spotlight A (SLA) beam mode both Ultra Fine (UF) beam mode both Wide Fine Quad-Pol (FQW) both Wide Standard QuadPol (SQW) both Fine Quad-Pol (FQ) both Standard Quad-Pol (SQ) both Wide Ultra-Fine (UFW) beam mode both Fine (F) beam mode both Multi-Look Fine (MLW) beam mode both Wide Fine (FW) beam mode both Wide Multi-Look Fine (WMLW) beam mode both Extended High (EH) beam mode both Standard (S) beam mode both Wide (W) beam mode both Page 47/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use CCME Mission Sensor mode/ Product name Archive /New Acquisition Extended Low (EL) beam mode both ScanSAR Narrow (SCN) beam mode both ScanSAR Wide (SCW) beam mode both BlackBridge RapidEye constellatio n 6.5m resolution, multispectral - DMI Deimos-2/ Dubaisat-2 Pamsharped, Archive Panchromatic. Stereo, New Multispectral both Minimu m Incremental orderabl area e area [km2] [km2] 28900 28900 90000 90000 250000 250000 1,000 1 50 1 100 1 Table 17: CCMEs minimum order size and incremental area 6.1.2 Satellite Tasking lead time Each order for data to be acquired in the future shall contain a target acquisition window which defines the programming notice. The list of tasking lead times and corresponding definitions is shown in the table below. “Normal” lead time is the default scenario for standard requests while “Rush” is reserved for emergency activations. Selection of SLT or SLT+ through the tasking window definition may imply an additional cost and therefore a larger quota consumption. It is to be noted that the order processing time is up to 2 days that are added to the programming notice, except for orders within emergency datasets. Long Lead time (LLT) Request notice : > 1 month prior to acquisition window start time Normal lead time (NLT) Default option for standard orders Request notice: between 1 month and 2 weeks prior to acquisition window start time Short Lead Time (SLT) Request notice : between 2 weeks and 4 days prior to acquisition window start time Short Lead Time Plus (SLT+) Offered for Standard Orders. Acquisition to be performed between 48 and 72 hours from order submission to CCME Rush Only for emergency orders. Acquisition to be performed within 48 hours Page 48/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use from order submission by eligible user 6.1.3 Processing Options Different types of product and processing levels offered for each mission are based on the default list of products generated by the Copernicus Contributing Missions. The following options are generally possible: • For radar datasets • Single look • Multi look (available in different geometric corrections, e.g. georeferenced, ellipsoid or terrain corrected) In turn, each one of the two above options is available in different polarisations (e.g. single, dual, quad and cross/alternating or multi-Polarisation) depending on the SAR sensor. • For optical datasets • Orthorectified • Non-orthorectified In turn, each one of the two above options is available as follows: - Panchromatic - Multispectral (available in 1, 3, 4, 5 or 8 bands) - Pansharpened (available in band combinations 4321, 432 or 321) - Bundle (available as [Panchromatic + 4 Multispectral bands] or [Panchromatic + 8 Multispectral bands]) - Stereo or mono 6.1.4 Cloud Coverage Classes For optical data, the following cloud coverage categories are selectable. The default value is Cloud-free20, the other values must be selected at order submission. Cloud-free5 Cloud-free10 Cloud-free15 Cloud-free20 Cloud cover within the image shall not amount to more than 5% of the AoI Implying a cost uplift Cloud cover within the image shall not amount to more than 10% of the AoI Implying a cost uplift Cloud cover within the image shall not amount to more than 15% of the AoI Implying a cost uplift Cloud cover within the image shall not amount to more than 20% of the AoI Page 49/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use 6.1.5 SAR Polarisation For SAR data, the following polarisation categories apply. Polarisation is normally embedded in the product and sensor type and already shown in the dataset portfolio. Single Single polarisation Dual/Alternating Dual /Alternating polarisation Multi-Look Multi-look polarisation Quad Pol Full/quad polarisation 6.1.6 Delivery timeliness Among the following delivery timeliness options, only Fast24 is selectable within standard orders, other values are the default ones for both Emergency and Standard orders. Arch Rush Archive For Emergency Activations only. Product is delivered within 3 hours from order confirmation New Rush New For Emergency Activations only. Product is delivered between 2 and 5 hours from sensing Fast24h New Offered within Standard datasets for urgent orders. Product is delivered within 24 hours from sensing. It implies a cost uplift ArchNormal Arch Default within Standard datasets. Product is delivered within 5 working days from order confirmation Normal New Default within Standard datasets. Product is delivered within 5 working days from sensing 6.2 Quota allocation, consumption and reshuffling The quota assignment process operates within a global framework of quota assigned by EC per Copernicus user or project for the 44 datasets defined in section 5.2. There is no quota assignment per individual mission rather per data and service type. The assigned quota is an indicative number of square kilometers (km2) of data available within a dataset to a single Copernicus user or project. Quota allocation is performed on a yearly basis. ESA and ESA Third Party Missions are not subject to quota allocation and can be made available in any relevant dataset, on top of the missions specified in section 5.2. Page 50/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use 6.2.1 Quota consumption The quota consumption depends on: (a) the actual number of square kilometers delivered; this depends on the minimum order/AOI size and minimum AOI incremental size for the mission and type of product requested; (b) the actual cost of the product delivered; within a dataset, the cost of the individual product may vary depending on mission and add-ons requested in the order (e.g. orthorectification, faster delivery, etc.). For more details on how the km2 accounting per CCM is handled, please see section 6.1.1. The type of product delivered depends on the order options as specified by the Copernicus user. Order options may have a major impact on the price/km2 of the delivered product e.g. the selection of higher level, most expensive (e.g. orthorectified, or stereo) products lead to earlier depletion of the assigned quota than ordering the same number of km2 at lower processing level (e.g. non-orthorectified panchromatic level). 6.2.2 Quota exhaustion and reshuffling In case a Copernicus user requires an update to the assigned quota once the DAP has been issued, the following rules apply: 1. The user shall contact the Account Managers, the dedicated interface for issues related to the data offer, in order to define and justify the new requirements 2. The Account Manager will analyse the request and, in case of major deviation, request the CCMs Contract Manager, to agree to an adaptation at the next revision with the EC. 3. In case of a small deviation to an existing dataset or quota exhaustion, the user shall send the order to the User Support Services team who will cater for the authorisation of the deviation from the Account Manager. In case such alterations/deviations from DAP datasets occur, they will not be immediately reflected in a new DAP version, but monitored by the Account Managers and documented on the CSC-DA Web portal. Page 51/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use 6.2.3 Quota allocations per Project Quota allocations are listed per Copernicus user and per dataset. A continuous monitoring of the quotas’ consumption is performed on a per service basis. At regular intervals until the end of the phase, the consumption will be assessed by the EC and ESA, in order to take corrective measures if required. Users are responsible for managing their own overall quotas per dataset. The quota usage is advertised on the CSC-DA web portal on a monthly basis. Copernicus EMS Rapid Mapping Dataset Title Archive_rush_ Optical_HR1 Archive_rush_ Optical_HR2 Archive_rush_ Optical_VHR1 Archive_rush_ Optical_VHR2 Archive_rush_ SAR_HR1 Archive_rush_ SAR_HR2 Archive_rush_ SAR_VHR1 Archive_rush_ SAR_VHR2 Archive_rush_ SAR_MR1 Dataset ID D2_MG2_CERM_001a Quota (km2) 28,500 Dataset Title New acquisition_rush_ Optical_HR1 D2_MG2_CERM_001b 20,250 New acquisition_rush_ Optical_HR2 D2_MG2b_CERM_003a 7,500 New acquisition_rush_ Optical_VHR1 D2_MG2b_CERM_003b 27,750 New acquisition_rush_ Optical_VHR2 D2_MG1_CERM_005a 2,250 New acquisition_rush_ SAR_HR1 D2_MG1_CERM_005b 77,250 New acquisition_rush_ SAR_HR2 D2_MG1_CERM_007a 1,500 New acquisition_rush_ SAR_VHR1 D2_MG1_CERM_007b 12,750 New acquisition_rush_ SAR_VHR2 D2_MG1_CERM_023a New acquisition_rush_ 562,500 SAR_MR1 Table 18 Copernicus EMS Rapid Mapping Page 52/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 Dataset ID Quota (km2) D2_MG2_CERM_002a 16,500 D2_MG2_CERM_002b 7,500 D2_MG2b_CERM_004a 8,250 D2_MG2b_CERM_004b 27,000 D2_MG1_CERM_006a 122,250 D2_MG1_CERM_006b 366,000 D2_MG1_CERM_008a 3,750 D2_MG1_CERM_008b 150,000 D2_MG1_CERM_024a 517,500 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use Copernicus EMS Risk and Recovery Mapping Dataset Title Dataset ID Quota (km2) Archive_standard Optical_HR1 Archive_standard Optical_HR2 Archive_standard Optical_VHR1 Archive_standard Optical_VHR2 Archive_standard SAR_HR1 Archive_standard SAR_HR2 Archive_standard SAR_VHR1 Archive_standard SAR_VHR2 D2_MG2_CERR__009a 7,500 Dataset Title Dataset ID New acquisition_standard D2_MG2_CERR__010a Optical_HR1 D2_MG2_CERR__009b 7,500 New acquisition_standard D2_MG2_CERR__010 b Optical_HR2 D2_MG2b_CERR_011a 3,750 New acquisition_standard D2_MG2b_CERR_012a Optical_VHR1 D2_MG2b_CERR_011b 5,625 New acquisition_standard D2_MG2b_CERR_012b Optical_VHR2 D2_MG2_CERR__013a 3,750 New acquisition_standard D2_MG2_CERR__014a SAR_HR1 D2_MG1_CERR__013b 3,750 New acquisition_standard D2_MG1_CERR__014b SAR_HR2 D2_MG1_CERR__015a 2,625 New acquisition_standard D2_MG1_CERR__016a SAR_VHR1 D2_MG1_CERR__015b 3,750 New acquisition_standard D2_MG1_CERR__016b SAR_VHR2 Table 19 Copernicus EMS Risk and Recovery Mapping Page 53/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 Quota (km2) 5,625 5,625 2,625 2,625 3,750 3,750 3,750 3,750 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use Copernicus EMS Validation Mapping Dataset Title Dataset ID Archive_standard D2_MG2_CEVM_009a Optical_HR1 Archive_standard D2_MG2_CEVM_009b Optical_HR2 Archive_standard D2_MG2b_CEVM_011a Optical_VHR1 Archive_standard D2_MG2b_CEVM_011b Optical_VHR2 Archive_standard D2_MG2_CEVM_013a SAR_HR1 Archive_standard D2_MG1_CEVM_013b SAR_HR2 Archive_standard D2_MG1_CEVM_015a SAR_VHR1 Archive_standard D2_MG1_CEVM_015b SAR_VHR2 New acquisition_standard D2_MG2b_CEVM_012a Optical_VHR1 Table 20 Copernicus EMS Validation Mapping Page 54/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 Quota (km2) 5,400 750 9,000 6,000 3,750 7,500 7,500 3,000 300 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use Copernicus Security Service – SATCEN Dataset Title Dataset ID Quota (km2) Archive_rush Optical_VHR1 New acquisition_rush Optical_VHR2 Archive_standard Optical_VHR1 D2_MG2b_SACE_003a 1,600 Dataset Title New acquisition_rush Optical_VHR1 D2_MG2b_SACE_004b 1,600 New acquisition_rush SAR_VHR1 D2_MG2b_SACE_011a 1,600 New acquisition_standard Optical_VHR1 Table 21 Copernicus Security Service – SATCEN Copernicus Security Service – DG-ENERGY Dataset Title Dataset ID Quota (km2) Archive_standard D2_MG2b_DENR_011a 4,500 Optical_VHR1 Table 22 Copernicus Security Service – DG-ENERGY Page 55/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 Dataset ID Quota (km2) D2_MG2b_SACE_004a 1,600 D2_MG1_SACE_008a 800 D2_MG2b_SACE_012a 1,600 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use Copernicus Security Service- EEAS Dataset Title Dataset ID Quota (km2) Archive_rush Optical_VHR1 Archive_rush Optical_VHR2 Archive_rush SAR_VHR1 Archive_rush SAR_VHR2 Archive_standard Optical_VHR1 Archive_standard Optical_VHR2 Archive_standard SAR_VHR1 Archive_standard SAR_VHR2 D2_MG2b_EEAS_003a 1,300 Dataset Title New acquisition_rush Optical_VHR1 D2_MG2b_EEAS_003b 800 New acquisition_rush Optical_VHR2 D2_MG1_EEAS_007a 50 New acquisition_rush SAR_VHR1 D2_MG1_EEAS_007b 425 New acquisition_rush SAR_VHR2 D2_MG2b_EEAS_011a 700 New acquisition_standard Optical_VHR1 D2_MG2b_EEAS_011b 450 New acquisition_standard Optical_VHR2 D2_MG1_EEAS_015a 25 New acquisition_standard SAR_VHR1 D2_MG1_EEAS_015b 225 New acquisition_standard SAR_VHR2 Table 23 Copernicus Security Service- EEAS Page 56/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 Dataset ID Quota (km2) D2_MG2b_EEAS_004a 1,075 D2_MG2b_EEAS_004b 650 D2_MG1_EEAS_008a 50 D2_MG1_EEAS_008b 350 D2_MG2b_EEAS_012a 575 D2_MG2b_EEAS_012b 350 D2_MG1_EEAS_016a 25 D2_MG1_EEAS_016b 200 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use Copernicus Land Service – Global Land Dataset Title Dataset ID Quota (km2) Archive_standard Optical_HR1 New acquisition_standard Optical_HR1 D2_MG2_GBAL_009a 25,000 D2_MG2_GBAL_010a 50,000 New acquisition_standard Optical_HR2 D2_MG2_GBAL_010b 200,000 Table 24 Copernicus Land Service – Global Land Union Research Project-ADVANCED SAR Dataset Title New acquisition_standard Optical_VHR1 New acquisition_standard Optical_VHR2 New acquisition_standard SAR_HR1 New acquisition_standard SAR_HR2 New acquisition_standard SAR_VHR1 New acquisition_standard SAR_VHR2 Dataset ID Quota (km2) D2_MG2b_ADSA_012a 200 D2_MG2b_ ADSA _012b 400 D2_MG1_ ADSA _014a 400 D2_MG1_ ADSA _014b 56 D2_MG1_ ADSA _016a 30 D2_MG1_ ADSA _016b 150 Dataset Title New acquisition_standard SAR_MR1 New acquisition_standard Optical_MR1 Archive_standard SAR_MR1 Table 25 ADVANCED SAR-Union Research Project Page 57/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 Dataset ID Quota (km2) D2_MG1_ADSA_017a 60 D2_MG2_ADSA_018a 400 D2_MG1_ADSA_019a 400 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use Union Research Project-APHORISM Dataset Title Dataset ID Quota (km2) Archive_standard_Optical_VHR1 D2_MG2b_APHO_011a 100 Archive_standard_SAR_VHR2 D2_MG1_APHO_015b 19,200 Table 26 APHORISM-Union Research Project Union Research Project-DECUMANUS Dataset Title New acquisition_standard Optical_VHR1 New acquisition_standard SAR_VHR1 Dataset ID Quota (km2) D2_MG2b_DECU_012a 5,400 D2_MG1_DECU_016a 800 Table 27 DECUMANUS-Union Research Project Union Research Project - ERMES Dataset Title Dataset ID Quota (km2) New acquisition_standard Optical_HR1 D2_MG2_ERME_010a 1,140 D2_MG1_ERME_016b 2,240 New acquisition_standard SAR_VHR1 Table 28 ERMES-Union Research Project Page 58/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use Union Research Project - EU FAST Dataset Title Dataset ID Quota (km2) Archive_standard Optical_HR1 D2_MG2_EUFA_009a 600 Archive_standard Optical_HR2 D2_MG1_EUFA_009b 9,606 New acquisition_standard SAR_VHR2 D2_MG1_EUFA_016b 400 Archive_standard Optical_VHR1 New acquisition_standard _Optical_VHR1 New acquisition_standard_Optical _HR2 New acquisition_standard_SAR_H R2 Dataset ID Quota (km2) D2_MG2_EUFA_010b 17,402 D2_MG1_EUFA_014b 17,402 Table 29 EU FAST-Union Research Project GMES Masters Overall Winner 2012 Dataset Title Dataset Title GMES Masters Best Service 2013 Dataset ID Quota (km2) Dataset Title Dataset ID Quota (km2) D2_MG2b_OW12_011a 3,500 Archive_standard_SAR_HR1 D2_MG1_BS13_013a 8,300 D2_MG1_BS13_014a 16,000 New Acquisition_standard_SAR_ HR1 Table 30 GMES Masters-Union Research Project D2_MG1_ OW12 _012a 2,300 Page 59/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use Union Research Project - ITACA Dataset Title Dataset ID Quota (km2) Archive_standard Optical_VHR2 D2_MG2b_ITAC_011b Archive_standard SAR_VHR1 D2_MG1_ITAC_015a 1,200 Archive_standard SAR_VHR2 D2_MG1_ITAC_015b 1,200 350 Table 31 ITACA-Union Research Project Union Research Project - NORTH STATE Dataset Title New acquisition_standard Optical_VHR1 Dataset ID D2_MG2b_NOST_012a Quota (km2) 4,013 Archive_standard_SAR_HR1 D2_MG1_NOST_013a 92,500 Archive_standard_SAR_HR2 D2_MG1_NOST_013b 92,500 Table 32 NORTH STATE-Union Research Project Page 60/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use Union Research Project - PHAROS Dataset Title Archive_standard Optical_HR1 Archive_standard Optical_HR2 Archive_standard Optical_VHR2 Archive_standard SAR_HR1 New acquisition_standard Optical_HR1 New acquisition_standard Optical_HR2 Dataset ID Quota (km2) D2_MG2_PHAR_009a 16,000 D2_MG2_PHAR_009b 16,000 D2_MG2b_PHAR_011b 16,000 D2_MG1_PHAR_013a 16,000 D2_MG2_PHAR_010a 16,000 D2_MG2_PHAR_010b 16,000 Dataset Title New acquisition_standard Optical_VHR1 New acquisition_standard Optical_VHR2 New acquisition_standard SAR_HR1 Dataset ID D2_MG2b_PHAR_012a D2_MG2b_PHAR_012b D2_MG1_PHAR_014a Quota (km2) 8,000 16,000 8,000 Table 33 PHAROS-Union Research Project Union Research Project - POLAR ICE Dataset Title New acquisition_ rush_Optical_VHR1 New acquisition_ rush_Optical_VHR2 New acquisition_ rush_SAR_VHR2 Dataset ID Quota (km2) Dataset Title Dataset ID Quota (km2) D2_MG2b_POLI_004a 2,250 Archive_standard_SAR_HR2 D2_MG1_POLI _013b 100,000 D2_MG2b_POLI _004b 2,250 Archive_standard Optical_HR2 D2_MG2_POLI _009b 3,000 Archive_standard_SAR_MR1 D2_MG1_POLI _019a 10,200,000 D2_MG1_ POLI _008b 25,000 Table 34 POLAR ICE-Union Research Project Page 61/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use Union Research Project - RASOR Dataset Title Archive_rush_ Optical_HR1 Archive_rush_ Optical_VHR1 Archive_rush_ Optical_VHR2 Archive_rush_SAR_HR1 Archive_rush_ SAR_VHR2 New acquisition_ rush_Optical_HR1 New acquisition_ rush_Optical_VHR1 New acquisition_ rush_Optical_VHR2 New acquisition_ rush_SAR_HR1 New acquisition_ rush_SAR_VHR2 Archive_standard_ Optical_HR1 Dataset ID Quota (km2) Dataset Title Dataset ID Quota (km2) 6,000 Archive_standard_ Optical_HR2 Archive_standard_ Optical_VHR1 Archive_standard_ Optical_VHR2 11,185 Archive_standard_SAR_HR1 D2_MG1_RASO_013a 320 1,660 Archive_standard_SAR_HR2 D2_MG1_RASO_013b 215,720 D2_MG2_RASO_002a 16,500 Archive_standard_SAR_VHR1 D2_MG1_RASO_015a 800 D2_MG2b_RASO_004a 1,875 D2_MG1_RASO_015b 49,000 D2_MG2b_RASO_004b 12,600 D2_MG1_RASO_014b 6,600 D2_MG1_RASO_006a 835 D2_MG1_RASO_016a 2,000 D2_MG1_RASO_008b 1,960 Archive_standard_SAR_VHR2 New acquisition_ standard_SAR_HR2 New acquisition_ standard_SAR_VHR1 New acquisition_ standard_SAR_VHR2 D2_MG1_RASO_016b 28,500 D2_MG2_RASO_009a 18,000 D2_MG2_RASO_001a D2_MG2b_RASO_003a D2_MG2b_RASO_003b D2_MG1_RASO_005a D2_MG1_RASO_007b 6,400 1,525 Table 35 RASOR-Union Research Project Page 62/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 D2_MG2_RASO_009b 43,200 D2_MG2b_RASO_011a 12,385 D2_MG2b_RASO_011b 32,800 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use Union Research Project - SEN3APP Dataset Title Archive_standard Optical_HR1 Archive_standard Optical_VHR1 Archive_standard Optical_VHR2 New acquisition_standard Optical_HR1 New acquisition_standard Optical_VHR1 New acquisition_standard Optical_VHR2 Dataset ID Quota (km2) Dataset Title New acquisition_standard SAR_HR1 New acquisition_standard D2_MG2b_ SEN3_011a 900 SAR_HR2 New acquisition_standard D2_MG2b_SEN3_011b 61,200 SAR_VHR1 New acquisition_standard D2_MG2_ SEN3_010a 61,200 SAR_VHR2 New acquisition_standard D2_MG2b_SEN3_012a 2,100 SAR_MR1 Archive_standard 52,00 D2_MG2b_SEN3_012b 0 SAR_MR1 Table 36 SEN3APP-Union Research Project D2_MG2_SEN3_009a 64,80 0 Dataset ID Quota (km2) D2_MG2_ SEN3_014a 9,000 D2_MG1_ SEN3_014b 60,000 D2_MG1_ SEN3_016a 60 D2_MG1_ SEN3_016b 37,500 D2_MG1_ SEN3_017a 100,000 D2_MG2b_SEN3__019a 120,000 Union Research Project - SPACE NAV Dataset Title New acquisition_rush SAR_HR1 New acquisition_rush SAR_HR2 New acquisition_Rush SAR_MR1 Archive_standard SAR_HR1 Archive_standard SAR_HR2 Dataset ID Quota (km2) D2_MG1_SPAN_006a 10,000 D2_MG1_SPAN _006b 40,000 D2_MG1_ SPAN_024a 4,000,00 0 D2_MG1_ SPAN _013a 50,000 D2_MG1_ SPAN _013b 200,000 Dataset Title New acquisition_standard SAR_HR1 New acquisition_standard SAR_HR2 New acquisition_standard SAR_MR1 Archive_standard SAR_MR1 Table 37 SPACE NAV-Union Research Project Page 63/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 Dataset ID Quota (km2) D2_MG1_SPAN_014a 3,000 D2_MG1_SPAN_014b 100,000 D2_MG1_SPAN_017a 10,200,000 D2_MG1_SPAN_019a ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use Union Research Project - PREFER Dataset Title Archive_rush Optical_HR1 Archive_standard Optical_HR1 Archive_standard Optical_VHR1 Archive_standard Optical_VHR2 Archive_standard SAR_VHR2 Dataset ID Quota (km2) D2_MG1_PREF_006a 21,600 D2_MG1_PREF _006b 33,066 D2_MG1_ PREF _024a 9,000 D2_MG1_ PREF _013a 5,000 D2_MG1_ PREF _013b 20,000 Dataset Title New acquisition_standard Optical_HR1 New acquisition_standard Optical_VHR1 New acquisition_standard Optical_VHR2 New acquisition_standard SAR_VHR2 Dataset ID Quota (km2) D2_MG1_PREF_014a 38,461 D2_MG1_PREF_014b 9,000 D2_MG1_PREF_017a 5,332 D2_MG1_PREF_019a 45,000 Table 38 PREFER-Union Research Project Union Research Project - GLASS Dataset Title Dataset ID Archive_standard D2_MG2b_GLAS_009a Optical_HR1 Table 39 GLASS-Union Research Project Page 64/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 Quota (km2) 9,600 7 CSC-DA SERVICES 7.1 Copernicus Space Component Data Access (CSC-DA) infrastructure The CSC-DA infrastructure, developed by ESA in the frame of the Copernicus Space Component programme, relies on the ground segments of various data providers plus a set of coordinating functions in charge of ensuring internal coordination and control guaranteeing the Users with a harmonized access to CSC data. As depicted in Figure 1, the Coordinated Data access System (CDS) is the centre of the operational system. It is in charge of coordinating the data flow between the data providers and the Copernicus Users, through the implementation of predefined datasets and the processing of asynchronous data requests based on mission capacity analysis as well as on the established agreements with CCMEs. The CDS ensures a harmonised user interface for the Copernicus Users. It also supports the production and dissemination of multi-mission collections, and provides a dedicated storage for CSC long-term data preservation. Data from the systematic global missions, including the Sentinels, are however not duplicated in the CDS archive but kept in the mission ground segment archive. Figure 1. CSC-DA high level decomposition ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use 7.2 Rapid Emergency Activation Satellite Tasking Copernicus Users authorised to open emergency activations (with a specific quota for emergency datasets) interface the Rapid Emergency Activation Satellite Tasking (ex-GEST) team of the CSC-DA for submission of data requirements. The REACT (Rapid Emergency Activation for Copernicus Tasking) team schedules rush acquisition and/or rush data retrieval from CCMs archive. 7.2.1 Rush tasking schemes In this second phase of the Data Warehouse, the principle of 3-attempts will be applied by Optical missions: three consecutive acquisitions will be scheduled by the same data provider, in order to improve the chances of delivering a cloud-free image within the shortest timeframe possible. When the first valid (acceptable with respect to clouds) acquisition is confirmed, processing is performed and tasking stops. In case all 3 acquisitions are cloudy, a single rush tasking is charged and the corresponding quota deducted. A new emergency tasking scheme will also be tested in 2015, when all CCMEs fulfilling the service provider requirements will be requested to programme their satellites until a first satisfactory image is delivered. Only the fastest provider(s) will be paid. 7.2.2 CCMEs emergency service support The following table lists the CCMEs emergency service hours, deadlines to receive emergency tasking requests and expected delivery timeliness in nominal conditions. CCME Emergency support service hours Tasking cut-off times (UTC) Deimos 24h/7 days None (uplink at each orbit) e-GEOS ESA GAF AG 24h/7 days Monday to Thursday: 8:30-17:15 CET Friday: 08:30-16:00 CET Monday to Friday 08:00-16:30 CET -7:30 for data collection from 18:21 same day to 6:21 the next day -17:30 for data collection from 6.21 to 18.21 the next day N/A N/A Page 66/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 Rush data delivery timeliness (in nominal conditions) Within 3 hours from order confirmation (archive) and 5 hours from sensing (new) Within 3 hours from order confirmation (archive) and 5 hours from new acquisition downlink (new) Note: A minimum acquisition window of 12-hr should be specified (single shot orders are highly discouraged, in order to take advantage of the constellation) Best effort Archive data delivery within core time on working days: ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use (archive data retrieval only, no tasking) EUSI AIRBUS Defence and Space (DE) MDA BlackBridge AIRBUS Defence and Space (FR) • 24h/7 days None 24h/7 days - 08:30 of day 0 for tasking opportunities from 18:02 of day 0 to 07:17 of day 1 - 21:30 of day 0 for tasking opportunities from 07:17 of day 1 to 18:01 of day 1 24h/7 days 08:00-20:00 CET/7 days 09:00-23:00 (CET)/7 days for new tasking 24/7 for archive request None (4 uplinks per day) - 09:00 for tasking opportunities from 13:00 to 23:59 of the same day - 18:00 for tasking opportunities from 00:00 to 12:59 the day after Pleiades: - 18:30 of day 0 for tasking opportunities on the same day over Asia from 23:00 - 20:00 of day 0 for tasking opportunities on day 1 over Europe and Africa from 04:00 - 20:00 of day 0 for tasking opportunities on day 1 over America from 11:40 SPOT-6/7: - 21:00 of day 0 for tasking opportunities on day 1 over Europe and Africa from 05:40 and over South America from 09:30 Page 67/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 within 6 hours for Resourcesat-2 • within 8 hours for Resourcesat-1 • within 14 hours for IRSP5 Cartosat-1 Within 24 hrs from order confirmation (archive) or new acquisition downlink (new) Within 3 hours from order confirmation (archive) and for new acquisitions: • Europe, within 3 hrs • Rest of the globe: within 7hrs (latency to be communicated at planning time) SSC processing requires the use of the science orbit; this results in a delivery time that can exceed 7 days. Delay may happen in case of sensitive data Within 3 hours from order confirmation (archive) and 5 hours from sensing (new). Delay may happen in case of sensitive data During the extended emergency service hours: within 24 hrs from order confirmation (archive) or sensing (new) Within 3 hours from order confirmation (archive) and 5 hours from sensing (new) In case of archive data repatriation required, delay may be up to 7 working days Note: orthorectified products can be delivered under the availability of Ref 3D DEM otherwise the user will be informed and a primary product will be delivered ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use - 09:30 of day 0 for tasking opportunities on the same day over North America from 13:10 and from 18:25 over the Pacific zone - 18:30 of day 0 for tasking opportunities on the same day over Oceania from 22:10 and on day 1 over China from 01:50 Table 40 CCMEs emergency service hours, emergency orders cut-off times and expected rush delivery timeliness 7.3 Registration and Signature of ESA-User Licence 7.3.1 Sentinel data access A simple on-line registration is required to access Sentinel-1 data at Users shall take note of the ESA-User Licence regulating the use and distribution of Sentinel data available at 7.3.2 Contributing Missions data access Registration with the Copernicus Services Coordinated Interface (SCI) is required for access to data from Copernicus Contributing Missions. The user profile allows to define the access rights. Signature of the Licence (ESA-User Licence) for the use of CSC-DA data is a prerequisite and part of the registration process described at If consortium of companies requests access to EO data, its coordinator is responsible for the provision and maintenance of the list of its members. He/she may sign the licence on behalf of the whole consortium. The list of users is provided to the data providers. Access restrictions may apply depending on the data provider (see the mission-specific annex to the licence). 7.4 EO data ordering The on-demand (ADD) datasets are activated upon user requests (orders) for new or archived data. Authorised Copernicus users with an assigned quota may submit an order through the CDS ordering interface. Only authorised users are entitled to submit emergency requests for rush delivery of new or archived data covering a disaster area, including one-off or repetitive (crisis monitoring) rush satellite tasking, processing and NRT dissemination. The emergency datasets have been created for this purpose. Emergency requests are managed according to dedicated procedures executed by the Rapid Emergency Activation for Copernicus Tasking (REACT) team within the Services Coordinated Interface (SCI). Page 68/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use An order cancellation may be accepted if justified but will have to be confirmed with the CCME. Sentinels data access is instead open and no data ordering is required 7.5 Subscription Request The CDS-SCI implements the predefined (CORE) datasets according to DAP specifications. Once EO data are available within a dataset, authorised users may request access to these data by subscribing to the dataset. More information is available access/subscription-to-datasets. at No subscription is needed to access Sentinel data which are directly available after on-line registration. 7.6 Discovery and download All Copernicus users may browse the catalogue of data available in the CSCDA archive (EOLI-Sa) while download capability depends on access rights. Login account is user specific and is provided during the registration process. The data are organised by dataset, mission and by resolution type. Visibility of the CCMEs own catalogues is also implemented. More information is available 7.7 in the GCL user manual at Direct access to CCMEs or CDS on-line repositories A large majority of the EO data products procured from the CCMEs are available on-line. These data are disseminated to the CSPs: • • directly by the CCMEs (FTP@CCM), when stringent timeliness delivery requirement applies (e.g. rapid mapping or sea ice monitoring purposes) from the Coordinated Data Access System archive (FTP@CDS) for non-NRT deliveries or when cumulative datasets are generated as the result of the contribution from several EO missions (e.g. predefined large datasets). Duplicated delivery (FTP@CCM and FTP@CDS) is only available for data delivered within emergency datasets; in this case, a specific repository called Emergency Basket is generated and dedicated fixed accounts (both at CCME and CDS) are provided to the authorised users. Data access accounts are User or Service project as well as CCME specific and are provided at ordering start-up. 8 USER SUPPORT SERVICES Page 69/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use Three channels of support are offered to users to cover different levels and types of enquiries and needs. 8.1 Web Portal Two points of entry are available for information on the Copernicus dedicated missions ( and the Copernicus Contributing Missions ( respectively. 8.2 Day-to-day support for enquiries and ordering The operational support to Copernicus Users is provided by the Services Coordinated Interface (SCI), the day-to-day interface to get help in accessing Earth Observation (EO) data distributed within the CSC-DA, including the Sentinels. The SCI team can be contacted via email at Service hours are: - Monday to Thursday from 8:30 to 17:15 (CET) - Friday from 8:30 to 16:00 (CET) - REACT (dedicated emergency support): 24 hours/7 days The CDS-SCI can also be reached by phone at +44 1252 362136 8.3 Specific support regarding the data offer The management of Users requirements is performed by the Account Managers who are the dedicated interface to Copernicus Users for issues related to the data offer, including analysis of the evolving requirements and approval of deviations from the data offer where possible, authorisation of data ordering in case of quota exhaustion, etc. The Account Managers organize regular collection of Customer feedback as an input to the continuous improvement process of the CSCDA and regularly assess progress with the Service Projects. Results, analysis and recommendations are published at: https:// They can be contacted at or by phone at +39 0694180749 / 80623 / 88659. Service hours are Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 17:00 (CET). Page 70/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use ANNEX 1: EEA39 AREA OF INTEREST EEA39: Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Kosovo under the UN Security Council Resolution 1244/99, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Montenegro, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom [including all islands of those countries, e.g. Azores, Madeira, Canary, Baleares, Greek islands, Corsica, Sardinia etc.] French Overseas Departments: French Guiana, Martinique, Guadeloupe, Mayotte, Reunion. Page 71/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use ANNEX 2: ACQUISITION WINDOWS FOR HR/VHR _IMAGE_2015 Country Code Ext Window start Nar Window start Nar Window end Ext Window end Albania AL 15-Jun 01-Jul 31-Jul 15-Aug Austria West (<13°E) AT_W 15-Jun 01-Jul 15-Aug 31-Aug Austria East (>13°E) AT_E 15-Jun 15-Jun 15-Aug 15-Sep Belgium BE 01-Jun 15-Jun 15-Sep 15-Sep Bosnia and Herzegovina BA 01-Jun 15-Jun 15-Aug 15-Sep Bulgaria BG 01-Jun 15-Jun 15-Sep 15-Sep Croatia HR 01-Jun 15-Jun 15-Sep 15-Sep Cyprus CY 01-May 01-Jun 31-Jul 15-Aug Czech Republic CZ 01-Jun 15-Jun 15-Sep 15-Sep Denmark DK 05-Jun 15-Jun 15-Sep 15-Sep Estonia EE 05-Jun 15-Jun 15-Aug 31-Aug Finland North (> 65°N) FI_N 20-Jun 01-Jul 10-Aug 15-Aug Finland Central (61°N - 65°N) FI_C 15-Jun 01-Jul 10-Aug 15-Aug Finland South (< 61°N) FI_S 05-Jun 01-Jul 10-Aug 20-Aug France North (> 47°N) FR_N 01-Jun 15-Jun 15-Sep 15-Sep France South (< 47°N) FR_S 01-Jun 15-Jun 15-Sep 15-Sep Germany DE 01-Jun 15-Jun 15-Sep 15-Sep Greece GR 01-May 01-Jul 31-Jul 15-Aug Hungary HU 01-Jun 15-Jun 15-Sep 15-Sep Iceland IS 01-Jul 15-Jul 15-Sep 30-Sep Ireland IE 01-Jun 15-Jun 15-Sep 15-Sep Italy North (> 41°N) IT_N 15-Jun 15-Jun 15-Aug 15-Aug Italy South (< 41°N) IT_S 01-May 01-Jul 31-Jul 15-Aug Kosovo KS 01-Jun 15-Jun 31-Aug 15-Sep Latvia LV 05-Jun 15-Jun 15-Aug 31-Aug Liechtenstein LI 15-Jun 15-Jun 15-Aug 15-Sep Lithuania LT 05-Jun 15-Jun 15-Aug 31-Aug Luxembourg LU 01-Jun 15-Jun 15-Sep 15-Sep Malta MT 01-May 01-Jun 31-Jul 15-Aug Macedonia (Republic of) MK 01-Jun 15-Jun 31-Aug 15-Sep Montenegro ME 01-Jun 15-Jun 15-Aug 31-Aug Netherlands NL 01-Jun 15-Jun 15-Sep 15-Sep Norway North (> 65°N) NO_N 01-Jul 05-Jul 10-Aug 15-Aug Norway South (< 65°N) NO_S 01-Jul 05-Jul 10-Aug 31-Aug PL 01-Jun 15-Jun 15-Sep 15-Sep Poland Page 72/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use Portugal PT 15-May 01-Jul 15-Aug 15-Aug Romania RO 01-Jun 15-Jun 15-Sep 15-Sep Serbia RS 01-Jun 15-Jun 15-Sep 15-Sep Slovakia SK 01-Jun 15-Jun 15-Sep 15-Sep Slovenia SI 15-Jun 15-Jun 15-Sep 15-Sep Spain ES 15-May 01-Jul 31-Jul 15-Aug Sweden North (> 65°N) SE_N 01-Jul 05-Jul 10-Aug 15-Aug Sweden Central (61°N - 65° N) SE_C 01-Jul 05-Jul 10-Aug 31-Aug Sweden South (< 61°N) SE_S 05-Jun 15-Jun 15-Aug 15-Sep CH 15-Jun 01-Jul 15-Aug 31-Aug TR_W 15-May 01-Jul 31-Jul 15-Aug Turkey Central-West (30°E - 35°E) TR_C-W 01-Jun 15-Jun 15-Aug 31-Aug Turkey Central-East (35°E - 40°E) TR_C-E 15-Jun 15-Jun 15-Aug 31-Aug Turkey East (>40°E) TR_E 01-Jul 01-Jul 31-Jul 15-Aug UK North (Scotland + N. Ireland) UK_N 15-Jun 15-Jun 15-Sep 15-Sep UK South (England + Wales) UK_S 01-Jun 15-Jun 15-Sep 15-Sep Switzerland Turkey West (< 30°E) For the Atlantic Islands and French DOM areas, the following time windows are to be applied: a) Azores: narrow [01-Aug | 15-Aug], extended [15-Jul | 30-Aug]; b) Canaries: narrow [01-Jul | 31-Aug], extended [01-Jun | 30-Sep]; c) Guadeloupe: December to March; d) French Guiana: July to December; e) Madeira: narrow [01-Aug | 15-Aug], extended [15-Jul | 30-Aug]; f) Martinique: December to March; g) Mayotte: April to November; h) Reunion: May to December. Page 73/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use ANNEX 3: PROJECTION INFORMATION FOR HR/VHR _IMAGE_2015 National projections Transformation parameters Page 74/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use ANNEX 4: MAP OF LARGE REGIONS & CLOUD COVER ZONES Zone A [CC 20% max]: Areas at northern latitudes and/or with very narrow phenological windows and or very difficult observation conditions. Zone B [CC 10% max]: Areas at mid-latitudes with a high probability of suitable acquisition windows during the observation periods. Zone C [CC 5% to 10% max]:: Areas at lower latitudes with extended phenological observation periods and predominantly clear sky conditions during those. Atlantic islands belong to Zone C. Zone D: Overseas areas (i.e. French DOMs) – not shown on the map Page 75/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use ANNEX 5: CLOUD COVER AND HAZE The identified classes are the following: 1) Almost transparent haze 2) Semi-transparent haze/clouds 3) Clouds 4) Shadows 5) Snow Below some typical examples for each of the above classes are provided. On the right column an interpretation of the cloudy areas is given, obtained from manual digitization of clouds and shadows and the usage of a closure algorithm applied with 500 meters radius obtained. These masks are given as guideline. Class Image sample Clouds and shadows image interpretation info Almost transpare nt haze SPOT5 2.5 meters CORE003 Almost transpare nt haze WorldView 2 0.5 meters Page 76/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 No clouds ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use Almost transpare nt haze SPOT5 2.5 meters CORE003 Semitranspare nt haze/clou ds SPOT5 2.5 meters CORE003 Semitranspare nt haze/clou ds WorldView 2 0.5 meters Page 77/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 No clouds ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use Semitranspare nt haze/clou ds SPOT5 2.5 meters CORE003 Semitranspare nt haze/clou ds SPOT5 2.5 meters CORE003 Clouds SPOT5 2.5 meters CORE003 Page 78/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004 ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use Clouds GeoEye Multispect ral 2.0 meters Clouds SPOT5 2.5 meters CORE003 Page 79/79 Copernicus Space Component Data Access Portfolio: Data Warehouse 2014 - 2020 Issue Date 31/03/2015 Ref COPE-PMAN-EOPG-TN-15-0004