Queen Anne High School Parent Council


Queen Anne High School Parent Council
Queen Anne High School Parent Council
Annual General Meeting
Thursday, 12 June 2014
Kevin Mitchell, Patricia McKibben, Hilary Warnock, Susan Menzies, Ruth McFarlane, Jackie Campbell,
Angela Malcolm, Ingrid Glendinning, CllrDavidMogg, Cllr Helen Law, Alison Lowrie, Linda Noble and
Jen La Trobe
Gillian Holland, Fiona McCulloch and Sheila Sheddon
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Unanimously approved by those present.
Chair’s Report
Copy of full report attached.
Secretary/Treasurers Report
Copy of full report attached.
Nominations For Parent Council
The following parents were elected to represent the parent body on the Parent Council: Kevin Mitchell,
Susan Menzies, Sarah Halliwell, Kathryn McSkimming, Jen La Trobe, Fiona McCulloch, Mandy Vipond,
David Waterworth, Patricia McKibben, Linda Noble, Ingrid Glendinning, Gillian Holland, Jason Johnson,
Hilary Warnock and Alison Lowrie.
No Resignations.
Co-opted Members
The following staff and Councillors were co-opted to the Parent Council: Ruth McFarlane (Rector),
Angela Malcolm, Jackie Campbell, Cllr Mogg, Cllr Campbell and Cllr Law.
No Resignations
Patricia McKibben will continue in this role in the absence of any nominations: Proposed: Linda Noble,
Seconded: Mandy Vipond
Secretary – Patricia McKibben will continue in this role in the absence of any nominations: Proposed:
Alison Lowrie, Seconded: Hilary Warnock
Chair – Kevin Mitchell will continue as Chair in the absence of any nominations: Proposed:
Patricia McKibben, Seconded: Susan Menzies
Kevin thanked those present for their continued support.
Date of Next Ordinary Meeting
Thursday 11h September 2014 at 7pm.
Date of Next AGM
Thursday 11 June 2014 at 7pm.