sponsorship opportunities - REACH Beyond Domestic Violence
sponsorship opportunities - REACH Beyond Domestic Violence
PLEASE JOIN REACH BEYOND DOMESTIC VIOLENCE I N B U I L D I N G H E A LT H Y C O M M U N I T I E S 2015 GALA S AT U R DAY, N O V E M B E R 7 R E N A I S S A N C E B O S T O N WAT E R F R O N T H O T E L P L E A S E C O N S I D E R PA R T I C I PAT I N G I N T H I S W O N D E R F U L E V E N T Your Reach for the Stars sponsorship helps us raise awareness, and provides critical funding for our programs and services for adults and children who experience domestic or relationship violence. F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N P L E A S E C O N TA C T Courtney Opalka Meyer 781.891.0724 x 104 courtney@reachma.org Raise awareness NOVEMBER 7 Reach for the Stars Additional benefits are listed below. Galaxy $25,000 • Presenting sponsor with two prominently-placed tables reserved in company name with twenty complimentary tickets to the Gala • Full page ad (inside cover) in the Reach for the Stars program book • Significant recognition and logo in all Reach for the Stars mailings and advertising • Recognition, with hyperlink, on REACH website • Opportunity to speak from the podium during the program Constellation $15,000 •T wo prominently-placed tables with sixteen complimentary tickets to the Gala •F ull page ad in the Reach for the Stars program book •S ignificant recognition and logo in all Reach for the Stars mailings and advertising •R ecognition, with hyperlink, on REACH website Star $10,000 •O ne table reserved in company name with ten complimentary tickets to the Gala • Full page ad in the Reach for the Stars program book •S ignificant recognition and logo in all Reach for the Stars mailings and advertising •R ecognition, with hyperlink, on REACH website Comet $5,000 • One table reserved in company name with eight complimentary tickets to the Gala • Half page ad in Reach for the Stars program book Moonlight $2,500 • Four complimentary tickets to the Gala • One-third page ad in Reach for the Stars program book We invite all sponsors to host a domestic violence training for their employees, provided without fee by REACH staff. Thank you 7 8 1.891.0724 | for supporting REACH Beyond Domestic Violence. FAX 781.891.3861 | HO T LINE 80 0. 899. 4000 | WWW. R EA CHM A . O R G SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES ALL REACH FOR THE STARS GALA SPONSORS WILL BE RECOGNIZED ON THE REACH WEBSITE, SAVE-THE-DATE AND INVITATION, AND WITH PROMINENT SIGNAGE AT THE EVENT.