Advertise in the evening`s program booklet
Advertise in the evening`s program booklet
Federation for Children with Special Needs Gala 2015 Celebrating Every Child ADVERTISE IN THE GALA 2015 PROGRAM BOOKLET! Get your information out to the parents, organizations, institutions and professionals in attendance while supporting the Federation’s Mission. Program Booklet Production Schedule Full Page 2015 Edition Ad Commitment Ad Due May 15th April 10th April 17th Standard Sizes and Pricing Half Page Business Card Quarter Page Size Dimensions Price Quarter Page 2” (w) x 3.5” (h) $250 Half Page 4.5” (w) x 3.5” (h) $500 Full Page 4.5” (w) x 7.5” (h) $750 Resolution & File Types Artwork must be 3oo dpi resolution (grayscale preferred) in TIF, EPS, JPG or PDF format. For more information or to advertise in the Gala 2014 program booklet contact Sarah Stevenson at or 617-236-7210, ext. 372. Ads due: Friday, April 17, 2015 (please note the width/height requirments) The Schrafft Center | 529 Main Street, Suite 1M3 | Boston, Massachusetts 02129 Phone: (617) 236-7210 | Fax: (617) 241-0330