Kohelet Gala 2015 Ad Form - Kohelet Yeshiva High School
Kohelet Gala 2015 Ad Form - Kohelet Yeshiva High School
15TH ANNUAL KOHELET YESHIVA HIGH SCHOOL GALA AD FORM Honoring Our Alumni Who Have Served in the Israel Defense Forces and Sherut Leumi Thursday, June 18, 2015 / Gala Chairs: Yonina and Zev Jacobson / Ad Book Chairs: Diane Irwin and Lisa Wise Become a Kohelet Mosaic Trustee. Gifts at this level include a full size digital ad and 2 dinner reservations. Ads and Dinner Reservations ❏ MOSAIC DIAMOND ❏ MOSAIC EMERALD ❏ MOSAIC SAPPHIRE ❏ MOSAIC RUBY ❏ MOSAIC GOLD ❏ MOSAIC AMETHYST ❏ MOSAIC SILVER ❏ ❏ ❏ $25,000 $18,000 $10,000 $7,200 $5,400 $3,600 $1,800 With respect for the environment and to make your generous gift go further, we will create an electronic ad journal that will be featured at our event. AD DIMENSIONS: All full size ads are 8x10 horizontal. Half size ads are 5x8 (either horizontal or vertical layout) All quarter size ads are 5x4 horizontal All eighth size ads are 2.5x2 horizontal All camera-ready design, including business cards, must be submitted digitally in high resolution JPEG, PDF or PSD format to $1,000 Half size digital ad and 2 dinner reservations $750 Quarter size digital ad and 2 dinner reservations $500 One eighth size digital ad and 2 dinner reservations Ads Only ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ $750 Full size digital ad $500 Half size digital ad $250 Quarter size digital ad $180 One eighth size digital ad gala@koheletyeshiva.org. Designs can be black and white or full color. Or we will design your ad if you enter your text in the space below: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Deadline for submission of ads: June 9, 2015. Send ads to: gala@koheletyeshiva.org Name_____________________________________________ Best Contact Number___________________________________ Email_____________________________________________ Ad Solicited By_________________________________________ Please visit www.koheletyeshiva.org/gala to submit your ad online, or email your digital ad to gala@koheletyeshiva.org ❏ I will not place an ad, but I would like _____ dinner reservation (s) at $180 per person. ❏ Enclosed is my check payable to Kohelet Yeshiva High School for $___________. Attendees _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I hereby authorize KYHS to charge my credit card in the amount of $ ___________. ❏ Visa ❏ Mastercard ❏ Amex Card Number _______________________________________ Expiration Date _____________ Security Code______________ Name on Card ______________________________________ Signature ____________________________________________ For more information, please call Rhona Gerber at 215-313-1576 or Nora Dunne, Business Manager at 610-667-2020 x1140 or email gala@koheletyeshiva.org. 223 North Highland Ave., Merion Station, PA 19066 | 610-667-2020 | fax 610-667-2223 | gala@koheletyeshiva.org Thank you for your generous support of Jewish education!