2015 website insert - Redmond Community Presbyterian Church


2015 website insert - Redmond Community Presbyterian Church
March 22, 2015
Welcome to Community Presbyterian Church! Each week we are privileged to
have new people attending worship for the first time, and we want you to feel
welcome among us. Following the service please join us in Teddy’s Hall for
fellowship and refreshments.
Two Adult Education Classes meet at 9:30 am The group in the Mt.
Room is using a Lenten series entitled “Walking the Way of the Cross with
Paul.” Today the topic will be “Power made perfect in weakness” led by Rocky.
There will not be a class next week due to the Cantata but on Easter the topic
will be “Do not be conformed to this world” led by Bob.
The Adult Study of the Epistles welcomes all each Sunday morning in the
library. Today they will begin studying Thessalonians.
CPC’s Annual Easter Egg Hunt will be held on Easter Sunday, April 5,
between first and second service. If you would like to help with this event,
please bring individually wrapped candy (non-melting) to the church office
by March 25. All are welcome to help stuff the eggs following the Lenten
Supper on Wed., March 25.
The April Monthly Men's Breakfast will be held on Wednesday, April 1, at 8:00
am in Teddy’s Hall.The cost of the breakfast is $5.00.The guest speaker will be Tom
Barber, a retired music teacher, who continues to make music with the CPC Praise
Team and with other Central Oregon groups. Please use the sign-up sheet if you plan
to attend.
Free Blood Pressure Screenings, in the Wellness Office, 10:00-11:00 only.
An AARP Senior Safe Driving Class will be held at CPC on Monday, April 20,
from 9 to 4 aiming at drivers age 55 & up. Current rules and regulations of driving
will be offered and one can likely get their insurance reduced.The cost is $15 for
AARP members or $20 for others. Bring a sack lunch. Sign up in the lobby soon as
there is a limit of 25 people per class.
Equal Exchange Fair Trade Coffee will be sold today in Teddy's Hall.The church
kitchen could use a donation of Fair Trade Fellowship Blend coffee if you would like
to purchase some that would be used during the after-worship fellowship time.
Sound Tech Assistance Needed ASAP for 9:00 am worship. Call the church office
to sign up for training. Also, please consider joining our Praise Team with your voice
or instrumental talent. Contact Karen Sipes if you would like to share your talent.
Lenten Soup Supper series will conclude this Wednesday at 6 pm in
Teddy's Hall. The soup is free and there is a short devotional following. On
March 25 volunteers are needed for cleaning up & washing dishes.
Hospitality Desk Greeters Needed The Membership and Outreach Team is
searching for individuals to host the “Hospitality Desk” just before/after the 9:00 am
worship service. No experience needed, only a desire to welcome members and
visitors with a smile. If you are interested, call Joe Kosanovic @ 541-604-4010.
Weekly Bible Study with Pastor Rob Pastor Rob is providing two opportunities
for weekly study based on our current sermon series: “Faith Lessons From Jesus.”
Jesus is the best Life Coach the world has ever known.To explore how to learn the
amazing lessons of life which Jesus shared throughout his ministry please attend
worship on Sunday and one of the Bible Studies--either Mondays at 5:30 pm or
Tuesdays at 1:00 pm.
Enhance Your Worship Experience with a Hearing Device If you have
trouble hearing the worship service, special hearing devices are available. Try
one out in the lobby and/or call the church office (548-3367) and one will be
reserved for you to use each Sunday.
CPC Easter Cantata will be held next Sunday, March 29. The Chancel
Choir, with orchestra, will present “Come Touch the Robe” at 9 & 11 am.
New! Sunday Eve Biblical Forum Beginning Sunday, April 12, Dr. John
Nastari will be leading a Biblical study series entitled “What the Bible Says.”
The Forum will meet at 5:00 pm the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month
at the church. Topics will include what the Bible says about: itself, God, Christ,
the Holy Spirit, heaven and hell, suffering, marriage and divorce, salvation, etc.
Plan to join this study and be prepared to be both challenged and uplifted!
Have you heard about the Wellness Team’s new book club? All are
welcome to join in the discussion of their first book “Finding Alice.” Finding
Alice is a powerful, honest story of individual suffering and hope, a family’s
shared ordeal, and a search for true mental and spiritual healing. The group will
met on Sunday, April 26, from 1:00-2:30 pm in the CPC Eby Room. For
more info contact: Peggy Waggoner at peggyiseminger@aol.com or 541-5486880 or Linda Shaw at longjourneyhome40@gmail.com or 541-548-8637.
The Deacon for March - to help with special needs is:
David Barnes
~~~~~~ This Week at Community Presbyterian Church ~~~~~~
March 22
9:00 Contemporary Worship Service
9:00 Nursery Care
9:15 NO Classes for Children or Youth (Spring Break)
9:30 Adult Ed Classes – Mt. Room & Library
10:30 NO Youth Groups ~ Spring Break!
11:00 Traditional Worship Service
5:00 Kisauni Prayer Group @ Steve & Viki’s
9:15 Chair Aerobics
1:00 Art Group
1:30 Seekers’ Study Group
5:30 Sermon Discussion
6:30 Centering Prayer
12:00 Knitters @ Jan’s
1:00 Sermon Discussion
3:00 Scholarship Team
7:00 Boy Scouts
9:30 Ladies Bible Study @ Nygren's
1:00 Bridge Group
5:30 Prayer Service
5:30 Praise Team
6:00 Lenten Soup Supper
7:00 Chancel Choir
9:15 Chair Aerobics
2:00 Kisauni Team
7:15 Men's Study @ Madeline's Grill
11:00 Memorial Service for Ila
1:00 Cantata Rehearsal
Sermon Series: Faith Lessons from Jesus
10. “Being Hearers and Doers”
Scripture: Matthew 7: 24-29
March 22, 2015
Pastor Rob Anderson
Community Presbyterian Church
PO Box 1689 – 526 NW 19th Street
Redmond, OR 97756
541.548.3367 www.redmondcpc.org
If you have anything for which you would appreciate your church family’s
prayers, please call it in to the church office (548-3367), so that it may be
included on the list. We will also announce prayers called in after the list is
printed or those shared on Sunday morning on the yellow pew cards.
Carlson Family ~ death of our Beloved Ila
Cheryl Edwards ~ foot surgery recovery
Family of James Hanzely
Margaret Herbison ~ broken knee cap
Craig McGarraugh ~ health concerns
Lee Menown ~ health concerns
Ted Outcalt ~ health concerns
Family of Romano Romani
Earlene Terry ~ health concerns
Those serving in the Military
Our mission church in Warm Springs & Pastor, Rev. Rick Ribeiro
The clean water & hunger program in Bolivia &
Presbyterian Companionship Facilitator, Chenoa Stock
The Jericho Road/Jericho Table/Weekend Food Programs
PCEA (Presbyterian Church of East Africa) Kisauni Parish
in Kisauni Kenya, near Mombasa & their pastor, Geoffrey Hiuhu
And from the Presbyterian Mission Yearbook of Prayer:
The Outreach Foundation; Presbyteries of Indian Nations, Mission,
New Covenant, Palo Duro, The Pines and South Louisiana.