10th April 2015 - University of Cambridge Conservation Research


10th April 2015 - University of Cambridge Conservation Research
10th April 2015
Research Funding Opportunities
Talks and Events (Internal and External)
News Items
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Conservation-related Research Funding Opportunities
H2020-WASTE-2015-two-stage waste: a resource to recycle, reuse and recover raw materials
Horizon 2020 Societal Challenges
Closing date: 21st April
Data, Risk and Environmental Analytical Methods (CDT)
Closing date: 26th April
Towards Engineering Grand challenges: Network and Multidisciplinary Research Consortia Call
Closing date: 28 April 2015
Cambridge Conservation Initiative
Collaboration Fund
Closing date: 1st May
Geologists’ Association
The Curry Fund
The Curry Fund exists to support a variety of causes such as facilitating geological publications,
including film, video and television productions, geological conservation.
Closing date: 20th May
Ornithological Society of the Middle East, the Caucasus and Central Asia
These grants support bird conservation and ornithological research projects in the region. There is
no upper limit to the size of grants but most average between £500 and £1,000.
Closing date: 31 May 15
ESPA Regional Opportunities Fund: Small Grants Scheme
Closing date: 1st June 2015
Expedition award
African Bird Club
This award is for larger conservation projects on ornithology in Africa. One award of up to £3,000 is
available each year.
Closing date: 30 Jun 15
Small cat action fund
This supports in situ conservation and research activities on different small cat species. Funding of
up to US$15,000 is available for projects lasting one year.
Closing date: 01 Jul 15
Project grants
Conservation, Food and Health Foundation
These support non-profit, non-governmental organisations to build capacity within the developing
countries in the fields of conservation, food, and health. The average award amount is US$17,000
and grants rarely exceed US$25,000.
Closing date: 01 Jul 15
Nisbet research award
Waterbird Society
The aim of this grant is to support research and conservation of waterbirds with preference given to
work focused gulls or terns. One or more awards of a maximum of US$1,000 will be awarded per
Closing date: 15 Jul 15 (Forecast)
Standard research grants
Natural Environment Research Council
This is an open competition for curiosity-motivated basic, strategic or applied research. Grants are
worth between £65,000 and £800,000 at 100 per cent full economic cost.
Closing date: 21 Jul 15
Bird protection project grants
Club 300 Foundation for Bird Protection
These support conservation and research projects related to bird protection all over the world. The
focus is on projects related to highly threatened or poorly known species. Grants are worth up to
US$5,000 each.
Closing date: 31 Jul 15
Van Tienhoven Foundation for International Nature Protection
This aims to promote the protection and conservation of ecosystems and their flora and fauna.
Projects may be granted up to €20,000 each.
Closing date: 15 Aug 15
H2020-DRS-2015 disaster resilience: safeguarding and securing society, including adapting to
climate change
Proposals may address topics within crisis management, disaster resilience and climate change,
critical infrastructure, communication technologies and interoperability and the ethical and societal
Closing date: 27 Aug 15
Prince Bernhard Nature Fund – Prins Bernhard Natuurfonds
The aim is to help save critically endangered flora and fauna in the tropical and subtropical regions
of Africa, Asia and Latin America. Grants are worth up to €25,000.
Closing date: 01 Sep 15
H2020-ISSI-2015-1 call for integrating society in science and innovation
Horizon 2020: Science With and For Society
Proposals may address the following topics: pan-European public outreach – exhibitions and science
cafés engaging citizens in science; knowledge sharing platform; on-line mechanisms for knowledgebased policy advice; supporting structural change in research organisations to promote responsible
research and innovation.
Closing date: 16 Sep 15
Primate Conservation
Support for original research that can be used to formulate and to implement conservation plans for
the species studied. Funding of approximately US$2,500 is provided on average, with a maximum
grant of US$5,000.
Closing date: 20 Sep 15
UK mammals grants
People’s Trust for Endangered Species
These grants support work relating to the conservation of mammals in the British Isles and Eire.
Grants are worth between £250 and £30,000, although the average amount granted to date has
been about £9,000.
Closing date: 13 Oct 15
Postgraduate research awards
Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers)
These enable PhD students to undertake fieldwork or data collection in the UK or overseas. Two to
three awards, worth £2,000 each, are available in each of the aforementioned areas.
Closing date: 23 Nov 15
International Association for Bear Research and Management
These support conservation, education and research projects that benefit biologically sound bear
conservation and management efforts. The minimum grant is worth US$500 while no more than
US$15,000 will be awarded over a three-year period, except in special circumstances.
Closing date: 01 Dec 15 (Forecast)
Big cats initiative
National Geographic Society
This seeks to advance the understanding and conservation of the world’s big cat populations,
protecting and restoring them and their habitats via an interconnected series of innovative fieldbased, action-oriented strategic programmes. Projects currently funded range from US$10,000 to
Marsh award for insect conservation
Royal Entomological Society
This recognises an outstanding contribution to insect conservation on the basis of lifetime
achievement or considerable and exemplary contribution to a significant project or undertakings.
The prize is worth £1,000.
Closing date: 31 Dec 15 (Forecast)
Economic and Social Research Council
These support individuals or teams at eligible institutions to conduct research projects, large-scale
surveys and other infrastructure or methodological developments in any area within the council’s
remit. Grants range in size from £200,000 to £2 million at 100 per cent full economic cost.
COMING SOON: Student research scholarships
Bat Conservation International
*** Bat Conservation International will shortly be inviting applications for its student research
scholarships. Closing date information has not been confirmed, but the call is expected to open in
January 2015. The following information is subject to change. These enable students to conduct
research on conserving bats and the ecosystems they serve worldwide. Scholarships are worth up to
US$5,000 each. ***
Closing date: 15 Dec 15 (Forecast)
Talks and Events
Smallholder agriculture and food security: examining the routes for diversifying and sustaining
rural livelihoods in sub-Saharan Africa
Dr. Shailaja Fennell (Lecturer in Development Studies, Department of Land Economy)
Biffen Lecture Theatre, Department of Genetics, Downing Site
Wednesday 22 April 2015, 13:00-14:00
Will we cause our own extinction? By Dr Toby Ord (Oxford)
Centre for Study of Existential Risk
24th April 2015, 4pm
Remaking our future: a radically different approach
Rob Shaw, Director of Sustainability & Climate Change, LDA Design.
Lord Ashcroft Building (LAB) 005 (Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge Campus)
Friday 24 April 2015, 13:00-14:00
Designing cities to improve health and well-being: contributions from the HABITAT multilevel
longitudinal study of Brisbane (Australia) neighbourhoods
Professor Gavin Turrell, Queensland University of Technology
Large Seminar Room, 1st Floor, Cambridge Institute of Public Health
Tuesday 28 April 2015, 12:30-13:30
Mechanisms for encoding integrated calcium signatures in plants
Dr Myriam Charpentier, John Innes Centre
Auditorium of The Sainsbury Laboratory (Bateman Street)
Tuesday 28 April 2015, 16:00-17:00
Who should value nature?
Dario Kenner, Why Green Economy.
Lord Ashcroft Building (LAB) 027 (Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge Campus)
Wednesday 29 April 2015, 13:00-14:00
The genomics of adaptation in plants: moving from model to non-model species
Dr Daniele Filiault, Gregor Mendel Institute.
Auditorium of The Sainsbury Laboratory (Bateman Street)
Wednesday 29 April 2015, 16:00-17:00
The History of Millet in Southern Caucasus: A Stable Isotope Perpsective
Dr. Estelle Herrscher (Aix Marseille University, CNRS, LAMPEA - UMR 7269, France).
BioAnth Lecture Theatre (Room 41), Division of Biological Anthropology
Wednesday 29 April 2015, 16:30-17:30
Can GM crops feed the world?
Professor Sir Brian Heap
Biffen Lecture Theatre, Department of Genetics, Downing Site.
Wednesday 06 May 2015, 13:00-14:00
African Heritage Challenges: Development and Sustainability
Register online at www.crassh.cam.ac.uk/events/25667
Speaker to be confirmed
Friday 15 May 2015, 09:00-18:00
The conservation science/policy interface: challenges and opportunities (ZSL)
16th April, Booking required
Presidential Address on “Garden ecology”, and AGM
Cambridge Natural History Society
16th April, 7pm
CCCEP Spring Lecture: Copenhagen 2009 vs Paris 2015 - Can the media influence the outcome of
the UN's climate change talks? (ESRC Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy, University
of Leeds)
12th May 2015, 6pm
Tomorrow’s City Today: Prospects for standardising sustainable urban development (University of
12th June 2015, 10am – 4.30pm
2nd London Annual Planning for Climate Change Conference, UCL
25th June 2015
17th Annual Bioecon Conference “Experimental and Behavioural Economics and the Conservation
of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services” Call for Papers by 22nd May 2015
13th 15th September 2015
Research Papers
Fisheries law in action: An exploration of legal pathways to a better managed marine environment
Ecosystem health towards sustainability
Habitat fragmentation reduces biodiversity
Tourism-conservation enterprises for community livelihoods and biodiversity conservation in Kenya
The biological impacts of artificial light at night: the research challenge
The role of one health in wildlife conservation: a challenge and opportunity
Protecting Nature for the Sake of Human Beings
Sustainable food production: constraints, challenges and choices by 2050
Apes in the Anthropocene: flexibility and survival
General News
App Study
Cambridge wellbeing and prosociality lab in collaboration with the Zoology department would like to
invite you to take part in our App study. This study is part of a program of research at the University
of Cambridge on human wellbeing. We are interested in understanding more about the relationship
between the environment you are in and happiness. For this purpose we are building a wellbeingtracking app and we would like to have your opinion on its functionality and features. The only
requirement to participate in this study is to own a smartphone (Android or iPhone). We do not
collect any identifiable data; we are only interested in your feedback regarding our app. There are no
risks to your participation in this study.If you wish to participate please follow this link and choose
among our available time slots. The study will be held at the psychology department (downing site)
and the reception will instruct you where the study will be held on your arrival.
New Journal
We are currently recruiting for a new Energise Cambridge committee!
Energise Cambridge directly negotiates with the University’s key decision makers on environmental
and sustainability issues, engaging students on these issues and making a real difference. We have
played a key role in putting environmental issues on the University's agenda and securing an
ambitious new University Environmental Policy. Join us to continue pushing for change!
Positions available:
- President
- University Policy Officer
- Policy Area Champions
- Campaigns and Student Engagement Officer
- Web and Publicity Officer
More information can be found at http://energisecambridge.weebly.com/events-and-news
How do I get involved? Send an email to energisecambridge@gmail.com with the following details:
• Name, college, csrid and phone number
• Year and subject of study
• Position(s) you are interested in
• Expression of interest – why you want to be involved
Roles and responsibilities of universities in relation to planetary sustainability – watch the debate
UCCRI hosted a panel discussion as part of the Cambridge Science Festival, on 16 March 2015. Read
more about this topic and watch the debate online.
Your research video
Time and date: Monday 27th April, 10am – 5pm
Location: Mac suite, Phoenix 2 Training Room, New Museums Site
Course content: ‘Your research video’ is a one day course which teaches researchers the skills
required to make a short film. The course shows how very low-budget short films can create
excitement and generate discussion about research. Participants will explore filmmaking techniques
and plan, film and edit footage to give them the skills to produce a short film.
Capacity: 15 places - allocated on a first-come first-served basis. To apply please email
Communications skills for public engagement
Time and date: Thursday 7th May, 2-5pm
Location: Seminar Room E, 17 Mill Lane
Course content: This half day course will look at the purpose of a presentation and how to choose an
effective medium and venue to get a research message across to a public audience. It will be highly
interactive, using methods from stand-up comedy, and will give all participants the opportunity to
develop, practice and present their own short piece. The course is designed specifically for research
staff and students who are very hesitant about speaking in front of the public. The course will cover
techniques to overcome nerves, the importance of rehearsal and how to deal with unexpected
Capacity: 8 places. To apply please email a short paragraph (approx. 60 words) to
kathryn.muir@admin.cam.ac.uk briefly outlining why you would like to take part in the course and
what you would hope to gain from it.
Future Earth is seeking Research Liaison Officers for its globally distributed Secretariat
Locations: Boulder (USA), Montreal (Canada), Paris (France), Stockholm (Sweden) and Tokyo (Japan).
Closing dates: Variable across hub locations:
Paris (France): To be confirmed
Montreal (Canada): To be confirmed
Stockholm (Sweden): May 10, 2015
Boulder (USA): To be confirmed
Tokyo (Japan): To be confirmed
Candidate must have an advanced scientific degree (Doctorate or equivalent) in a relevant natural or
social science discipline.
Start date will be as soon as practical upon selection of a candidate.
Research News
Governing the UN Sustainable Development Goals: interactions, infrastructures, and institutions
Ethical Consumption
Identifying policy instruments to reduce environmental footprints
The Guardian launches major series on climate change
Ivory and saving elephants: how corruption is undermining every aspect of conservation
Consequences of residential development for biodiversity and human well-being
Would protecting tropical forest fragments provide carbon and biodiversity co-benefits under
Nearly one in 10 wild bee species face extinction in Europe while the status of more than half
remains unknown
New Journal online Ecosystem Health and Sustainability
Air pollutants could boost potency of common airborne allergens
Molecule from plants could make our roads and roofs 'greener'
A planetary boundary for biodiversity
If you have any events or news items you would like to add to this newsletter please send by email to:
University of Cambridge Conservation Research Institute
Website: research-institute.conservation.cam.ac.uk/
Twitter: @cambridge_uccri