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here - Rhode Island SHRM
Call for Nominations! RI SHRM Accepting nominations for our Annual Outstanding Public Servant Award 2015 Objective: This award, sponsored by RI SHRM, recognizes the outstanding contributions of a Public Servant who has promoted, sponsored, or initiated legislation that has demonstrated awareness of the value of involvement of human resource professionals in the legislative process and has affected positive changes in workplace legislation. Who is eligible: Public Servants Criteria: Sponsored a bill or legislative initiative that promotes a positive work-place initiative. Recognizes that the Human Resources Professional is a valuable resource to addressing concerns within the workplace. Recognizes the value of input from Human Resource Professional constituents. Past Public Servants honored by RI SHRM: 2002 Rep. Beatrice Lanzi 2003 Rep. Thomas Winfield 2004 Lt. Gov. Charles Fogarty 2005 Secretary of State Matt Brown 2006 Gov. Donald Carcieri 2007 Lt. Gov. Elizabeth Roberts 2008 RI Health Insurance Commissioner, Christopher Koller 2009 Senate President Teresa Paiva Weed 2011 Representative Deborah Ruggiero and Doctor David Gifford 2012 General Treasurer Gina Raimondo 2013 Representative Patricia Serpa Nomination Process: RI SHRM Chapter and at-large members may forward the Nomination form to: Cindy Butler, SPHR, Director Government Affairs, RI SHRM E-mail: Nominations must be received by March 14, 2015. The Legislative Affairs Committee will review all nominations and recommend a finalist to the Director, Government Affairs, State Chapter Director and President of Chapter Operations for approval. The winner will be announced at the RI SHRM 16th Annual Legislative & Employment Law Update to be held on April 9, 2015 at the Providence Marriott, One Orms Street, Providence, RI. RI SHRM Nomination Form Outstanding Public Servant Award 2015 Nominee’s Name: Public Office Holder: City: Phone: State: Fax: Zip: Email: 1. Have you told the nominee you are submitting this nomination? 2. Did the nominee sponsor a bill that promotes a positive work-place initiative? 3. If yes, please provide the name of the bill, the number of the bill and which legislative session it was introduced. 4. Explain how this bill/legislative initiative promotes a positive work-place initiative: 5. Explain how the nominee values the Human Resource Professional input and advocacy: 6. Please describe any additional activities that may demonstrate the nominee’s outstanding leadership, and motivation on issues that positively impact Human Resource Professionals and the business community at-large. 7. Any additional comments about the nominee: Nomination submitted by: Designate if Chapter Member/At-large Member: Return to: by March 13, 2015