LCFHRA HR RoundUp, April 2015


LCFHRA HR RoundUp, April 2015
Molly Collyer, PHR, Editor
A p ri l 2 0 1 5
Chapter News/Upcoming Events
Mark Your Calendars!!
Understanding the Four Change
Styles (Wilmington)
Tuesday, April 21
Hampton Inn Medical Park
Event Type: Member Meeting
Leveraging Marketplace Trends
Event Type:
Chapter News/Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events, Cont.
Chapter News
Chapter News – Updates
2015 Sponsoring Partners
Contact Us
We are pleased to announce that our
chapter has been awarded the 2014
Gold EXCEL Award as well as 2014 SHRM
Membership Super Star Status!
Tuesday, April 21
Onslow Government Center
Member Meeting
The SHRM EXCEL award recognizes outstanding
achievements in chapter operations and a
commitment to providing meaningful programs
and services to our members. It also is
recognition of continued growth and
development as a business leader, capable of
developing strategies that lead to business
success! Recognition from SHRM: "By achieving
this award, your chapter distinguishes itself as an
outstanding organization dedicated to serving the
needs of your members and to the advancement
of the human resource management profession"
Congratulations LCFHRA on achieving Membership
Super Star distinction for the calendar year
2014. Our overall SHRM membership growth was
4% or more!
Chapter News
Upcoming Events, Cont.
Change Freak: Understanding
the Four Change Styles
Date: Tuesday, April 21
Date: Tuesday, April 21
Time: 11:30am – 1:00pm
Time: 11:30am – 1:00pm
Place: Hampton Inn Medical Park
Place: Onslow County Government Center
2320 South 17 Street, Wilmington, NC
It is difficult to get people to change. This is because
everyone has a unique change style, which affects the way
they think and feel about change. Understanding these
differences is essential to transforming individuals, teams,
departments and organizations.
In this session Dr. David Rendall will complete an
assessment of each person's change personality. This will
be followed by an explanation of the strengths and
weaknesses of each style. Then we'll look at ways to
approach change that fit with an individual’s unique style.
It's easy to see some of these styles as more desirable than
others. However, each has value and can be used to
improve the organization.
During the last fifteen years, David Rendall has spoken to
audiences on every inhabited continent. His clients
include the US Air Force and the Australian Government,
as well as companies in the Fortune 50, AT&T and State
Farm Insurance, Fortune 500, Ralph Lauren, and Fortune
Global 500, BASF, GlaxoSmithKline, and Tyco
David has a doctor of management degree in
organizational leadership, as well as a graduate degree in
psychology. He is the author of three books:
Leveraging Marketplace Trends
Regarding Compensation, Policies,
and Benefits (Jacksonville)
The Four Factors of Effective Leadership
The Freak Factor
The Freak Factor for Kids
234 NW Corridor Blvd, Jacksonville, NC
All organizations are challenged to understand market
conditions and trends. Having a good handle on what other
organizations are doing can help in the evaluation of internal
programs, practices, policies, etc. Decisions regarding the
alignment of compensation and benefits strategies to
company goals should be supported by data rather than
emotional response.
Speaker Molly G. Hegeman, MPA, SHPR, VP of HR
Services at CAI will review relevant North Carolina based
market data, including:
 Actual salary increase budgets for 2014
 Salary increase projections for 2015
 Reported pay differentiation based on performance
 Average health insurance premiums for 2014
 Workplace culture initiatives
 Other pertinent survey data regarding practices and
current trends
Learning objectives include:
 Recognizing the importance of current trends regarding
employer’s pay and HR policies and practices
 Understanding the practical and realistic ways to
evaluate an organization’s existing strategies, programs,
 Identifying the benefits of using data to support the
decision-making process and making recommendations
to Senior Leadership
Registration for these events closes on Friday, 4/17 @ 5pm
Register online at
FREE for members, $20 for guests
We look forward to seeing you there!
Chapter News
Seven Steps to an Exceptional Training Program
Written by Niguelle Pittenger, PHR, M.A., Organization Development Consultant, LCFHRA Programming Chair
Printed with permission from Capital Associated Industries, Inc.
Have you been charged with developing a training
program for your workplace? Or, do you currently have a
program in place that seems hit or miss, at best?
We know that training is essential. Countless studies
show that training will prepare future leaders, raise
performance standards and improve employee retention
and morale. Research tells us that companies that
consistently invest in training see higher results in
productivity, profitability and customer satisfaction.
But, how do we build training programs that produce
these results?
training that will be outsourced, research and selection
of training providers will occur. Finally, everything is
compiled into a written training plan.
Step 4: Prepare Participants
Research shows the effectiveness of developmental
training for an employee is heavily influenced by their
manager’s encouragement and support. Prior to the
session, talk with the employee about the connection
between the training and their success, the purpose of
the training and how they will apply their new skills
when back on the job.
Developing an exceptional training program begins with
gaining organization support, moves through assessing
training needs and creating a training plan to meet
those needs, and on to implementing and evaluating the
training. An exceptional training program doesn’t stop
there, but continues with the employee’s return to the
workplace and the transfer of learning that must occur.
Finally, the new skills and knowledge are built into
ongoing employee development plans. A brief overview
of each step follows.
Step 5: Implement and Evaluate the Training
Step 1: Getting Started
Step 6: Transfer Learning to the Workplace
In order to create a successful training initiative, it is
essential to have support and backing from the
organization and its key stakeholders. This support may
take the form of providing resources such as time,
budget and staff, or by demonstrating both in words and
actions full commitment for the program. In order to
obtain this support, make a business case for the
training program by showing how the training will
influence key strategies and goals of the business.
The transfer of learning stops at the designer and
trainer, and shifts to managers and supervisors. After
the training, discuss what the employee learned and
review any action plans created during the training.
Provide plenty of opportunities for them to practice
their new skills, and respond with feedback, support
and encouragement.
Step 2: Assess Training Needs and Set Goals
Use this opportunity to build ongoing employee
development plans. An individual development plan
(IDP) is one such tool that can be used to assist
employees in career and personal development, and
can help create maximum application of new skills and
behaviors back on the job.
After identifying the company’s strategic goals and
establishing buy-in and responsibilities, the next step is
to identify and assess needs. The training needs
assessment will identify gaps in organization, task and
individual performance. These gaps are then analyzed
and prioritized and turned into the organization’s
training objectives, which in turn form criteria for
measures of success. It is important to note that not
every performance gap will be resolved by training.
Step 3: Create Training Plan
Once the company’s training needs have been
determined and prioritized, a comprehensive training
plan can be created. With the training budget in mind, a
decision will be made as to which training needs can be
met internally and which will be outsourced. For the
The implementation phase is where the training
program comes to life. The training program is officially
launched and conducted.
The training initiative should be continually monitored
to determine program and instructor effectiveness, and
knowledge or skill acquisition. Success is measured
using criteria or metrics established prior to the
implementation of the training program.
Step 7: Plan for Ongoing Development
To summarize, in today’s changing workplace, every
organization, no matter what size or what industry, has
an opportunity to utilize the development of employees
as a significant strategic advantage. Using the seven
steps described in this article can assist you in
leveraging this strategic advantage to impact
performance, productivity and results.
Copyright © 2015 by Capital Associated Industries, Inc.
Printed with permission from Capital Associated
Industries, Inc.
Chapter News
LCFHRA in the Community
LCFHRA Annual ‘FEED NC’ Food Drive!
Get Ready! The Lower Cape Fear HR Association will be hosting
their annual FEED NC food drive in conjunction with the NC State
SHRM from May 1st through June 31st. We encourage all members
to bring in non-perishable food to the monthly member
meetings in April, May & June. We also encourage members to
get their employer’s involved in the food drive. This is a great
cause and all the donations will be delivered to the Food Bank of
Central & Eastern NC, which serves 34 counties in our area of the
Monetary donations can be made as well; $1 is equivalent to seven pounds of food! We
can accept cash or checks. Checks should be made payable to the LCFHRA and in the
memo line include “food drive.”
Our group is really trying to be innovative this year and raise as much awareness as
possible about the food drive. NC has the 6th highest food hardship and in the 34
counties alone that the Food Bank of Central & Eastern NC serves more than 651,000
people struggle to access nutritious and adequate amounts of food. This is a wonderful
opportunity to make a large impact in our community and we hope our group of
networking professionals can help spread the word!
Stay tuned for further information and don’t forget to grab a couple extra cans
during your next grocery store visit!
Considering pursuing an MBA?
UNCW offers a part-time Professional Master of Business Administration degree in 22
months! An MBA from UNCW can help you advance your career, strengthen your business
skills, while networking with other local professionals from a variety of
industries/professions. Our hybrid program consists of face-to-face classes Monday
evenings with the remaining portion of the coursework online.
The deadline to apply is June 1st!
Interested in Becoming a Sponsor of LCFHRA?
We have five sponsorship levels to choose from! We feel we have a plan for everyone's budget.
LCFHRA holds 10 meetings/events per year. Sponsoring LCFHRA is a great opportunity for you to
showcase your business to over 150 HR professionals. LCFHRA is one of over 500 affiliate chapters of the
Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) and this chapter serves New Hanover, Pender, Brunswick,
and now Pender Counties.
If your company is interested in supporting our local chapter, or if you know of a company that would be
interested, or if you would like more information on the various levels available, please email or call 910-791-2147.
Thank you in advance for supporting the local Human Resource Chapter.
We look forward to partnering with you this year.
Thank You! 2015 Sponsoring Partners
Platinum Level Sponsors
Gold Level Sponsors
Connect with us!
Lower Cape Fear Human Resource Association
PO Box 4023
Wilmington, NC 28406
Visit out our website!!