2015 Technical Inspection Form Rally Sport Region Driver`s School


2015 Technical Inspection Form Rally Sport Region Driver`s School
2015 Technical Inspection Form
Rally Sport Region Driver's School
Inspector & date
2015 Grid Inspection Form
Rally Sport Region Driver's School
PCA Region
Vehicle Make
Body Style
This half to be completed at the track
Numbers on car.
All tech inspection deficiencies corrected.
License & State
Modifications (continue on back of form if necessary)
If wheel bearing deficiency noted at left, re-inspected OK (initial__________)
PASS FAIL This half to be completed by a qualified inspector prior to the event
Metal-to-metal seat belts securely mounted. Harnesses must conform to specifications as
prescribed in the Porsche Club Racing specifications. All cars are required to have minimum 3point seat belt system properly mounted (factory belts are ok). All 911s and 912s from 1968 and
earlier must be modified to lower outboard seat anchors so the lap portion of the belt crosses the
pelvic bone and lower abdomen and then downward as near 45° as possible. Equal restraints on
driver and passenger sides.
No looseness in the steering or suspension
Correct adjustment of the front wheel bearings (If failed and fixed, re-inspect at Track)
Equal restraints on driver and passenger sides.
Wheel covers removed.
Tire pressure, minimum low 30s (lb).
Lug nuts torqued to 90 ft•lb, or manufacturer specifications. (Steel lug nuts recommended)
Loose items removed from trunk, glove box, interior, including loose floor mats, garage door
openers, radar detectors, etc.
Sufficient brake pads/linings (50% or greater). Test drive to ensure correct brake function.
Brake lights (recheck all 3 working).
No leakage of fluids (gas, oil, brake fluid, coolant)
Front and rear windows unobstructed.
Tires in good condition, both sidewalls and tread (3/32 minimum tread for street tires). Check
sidewalls for rot or cracking. Rims and stems in good condition.
Helmet – SA2005 or SA2010 only. (Snell "M" helmets only allowed on green group in cars
w/o roll bars. Check fit for all drivers. Name on left side of helmet.
Pedals in proper working condition with no looseness or binding in operation. Brake pedal should
feel firm. Throttle pedal, cable and linkage to operate freely. Throttle return spring required & in
good operating condition.
Gas & oil caps tight.
Appropriate clothing and shoes.
Stop lights functioning.
Open type cars must have adequate roll bars. Please refer to written RSR Policy on Open Type
Cars. You will not be permitted to run if you fail to meet this Policy.
No cracked glass. Windshield wipers and blades adequate.
Brake fluid checked. It is recommended that you change your brake fluid frequently during
the season, using a product like Motul or ATE Super Blue. RSR reserves the right to refuse
entry to the event based on the condition of your brake fluid.
Registration Desk
Inside and outside rearview mirrors.
18 years or older with valid Driver License which must be presented Registration.
Battery securely held down with metal mounts. Positive post covered.
Brake fluid level, last flushed on (date)
(last 9 months?)
Insurance waivers signed.
Rally Sport Region Qualified Inspectors
Engine and transmission mounts secure.
Road test (if possible)
Fan belts (tension and condition).
Inspected by:
No structural rust.
The participant is responsible for the safety of his/her automobile
and should know the condition of all items on this list. The Dealer
inspector will not be held liable for the safety of this vehicle. Take
this form to a qualified RSP-PCA inspector as listed on the right Address
side of this form or Porsche Dealer.
1st Driver Signature & date
2nd Driver Signature & date
Jim Dunham
Tom Green
Matt Huber
Jeff Jones
Dan Kantrow
Phil Kish
(313) 805-3229
(734) 429-5958
(810) 225-8372
(248) 615-8964
(734) 395-6603
(734) 424-9788
Nino Vitale (V&W)
(586) 777-4190
Tim Pott
(734) 761-1088
David Laing
(248) 304-9091
Gary Starin
(248) 887-2524
Chris Braden (Munks) (248) 681-8081
Rick Mammel
(248) 442-9008
Check the RSR website for list of shops
For technical questions contact Tim Pott (734) 761-1088 or tcpott@gmail.com
All other questions contact Christian Maloof (track@rsrpca.org)
© 2015 Rally Sport Region - PCA