Classic DocuSign Experience Account Administrator Reference Guide


Classic DocuSign Experience Account Administrator Reference Guide
Information Guide
DocuSign Experience
Account Administrator
Reference Guide
221 Main Street, Suite 1000, San Francisco, CA 94105 Ι Tel. 866.219.4318 Ι Ι © DocuSign, Inc.
Classic DocuSign Experience Account Administrator Reference Guide
Copyright ©2003-2015 DocuSign, Inc. All rights reserved.
For information about DocuSign trademarks, copyrights and patents refer to the DocuSign Intellectual Property page
( on the DocuSign website. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of
their respective holders.
No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any
purpose, without the express written permission of DocuSign, Inc. Under the law, reproducing includes translating into
another language or format. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this manual is accurate. DocuSign,
Inc. is not responsible for printing or clerical errors. Information in this document is subject to change without notice.
Classic DocuSign Experience Account Administrator Reference Guide: Updated June 5, 2015
If you have any comments or feedback on our documentation, please send them to us at:
Summary of changes for this version:
Added a note to the Format for Time Signed setting explaining that if it is set to None, the
account time zone is still displayed adjacent to the date as part of the timestamp when viewing
envelope events in the Classic DocuSign Experience web application, in the envelope history,
and certificate of completion.
221 Main Street, Suite 1000, San Francisco, CA 94105 Ι Tel. 866.219.4318 Ι Ι © DocuSign, Inc.
Classic DocuSign Experience Account Administrator Reference Guide
Table of Contents
Introduction.......................................................................................................................................... 5
Accessing the Account Preferences .................................................................................................... 5
Account Administration Options ........................................................................................................... 5
Address ......................................................................................................................................... 6
Branding ........................................................................................................................................ 6
Billing ............................................................................................................................................. 7
Invoices ......................................................................................................................................... 7
Connect ......................................................................................................................................... 7
Envelope Custom Fields ................................................................................................................ 7
To Add a Custom Field ............................................................................................................ 7
To Delete a Custom Field......................................................................................................... 8
Features ........................................................................................................................................ 8
Reminders and Expirations ............................................................................................................ 8
To Set Envelope Reminders and Expirations ........................................................................... 8
Users ............................................................................................................................................. 9
To Add a New User .................................................................................................................. 9
To Add Multiple Users from a CSV file ................................................................................... 10
Searching for Users ............................................................................................................... 11
To Update User Information ................................................................................................... 12
To Update Group and Profile Information for Multiple Users from a CSV file .......................... 12
To Reset a User’s Password .................................................................................................. 13
To Close a User ..................................................................................................................... 13
Groups ......................................................................................................................................... 14
To Create a New Group ......................................................................................................... 14
To Modify a Group ................................................................................................................. 15
To Remove a Group............................................................................................................... 16
Manage Signers........................................................................................................................... 16
To Add a Single Manage Signer Account ............................................................................... 16
To Add Multiple Manage Signer Accounts with a CSV file ...................................................... 17
To Remove a Signer from the List .......................................................................................... 18
Permission Profiles ...................................................................................................................... 19
To Create a New Permission Profile ...................................................................................... 19
To Modify a Permission Profile ............................................................................................... 19
To Remove a Permission Profile ............................................................................................ 20
221 Main Street, Suite 1000, San Francisco, CA 94105 Ι Tel. 866.219.4318 Ι Ι © DocuSign, Inc.
Classic DocuSign Experience Account Administrator Reference Guide
Permissions Setting Descriptions ........................................................................................... 20
Envelope Publish ......................................................................................................................... 23
Locked Out Users ........................................................................................................................ 24
To Unlock Users .................................................................................................................... 24
Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure ................................................................................ 24
Enabling the Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure for your Account. .......................... 24
Using Block Editing to Change the Disclosure Settings .......................................................... 25
Using HTML Editing to Change the Disclosure Settings ......................................................... 25
Application Marketplace ............................................................................................................... 25
API............................................................................................................................................... 25
Features Section Information ............................................................................................................. 25
Sending and Signing Options ....................................................................................................... 26
To add payment processing information:................................................................................ 28
Manage Account Options ............................................................................................................. 32
To set the password strength policy: ...................................................................................... 33
To set the Trusted IP Addresses: ........................................................................................... 34
To set document retention information: .................................................................................. 34
To set the signature adoption configuration options: .............................................................. 35
Authentication Options ................................................................................................................. 37
To set Phone Authentication Preferences: ............................................................................. 38
To set the Access Code Format ............................................................................................. 38
DocuSign API Options ................................................................................................................. 39
Advanced Options ....................................................................................................................... 39
New Features Section.................................................................................................................. 41
To Add BCC Email Addresses ............................................................................................... 44
To View History or Close BCC Email Addresses .................................................................... 45
Sharing Templates as an Administrator ............................................................................................. 47
To share existing templates: .................................................................................................. 47
Shared Template Folders ............................................................................................................ 48
To add a new Shared Templates sub-folder: .......................................................................... 48
To add templates to a Shared Templates sub-folder: ............................................................. 49
Sharing a Shared Templates sub-folder: ................................................................................ 49
User Permissions and Sharing .......................................................................................................... 50
User Permissions ......................................................................................................................... 50
Sharing Settings .......................................................................................................................... 51
221 Main Street, Suite 1000, San Francisco, CA 94105 Ι Tel. 866.219.4318 Ι Ι © DocuSign, Inc.
Classic DocuSign Experience Account Administrator Reference Guide
Time Zone Abbreviations ................................................................................................................... 51
Recommended PayPal Account Settings........................................................................................... 54
Enabling the Secure Token Setting .............................................................................................. 54
Recommended Page Layout Setting ............................................................................................ 54
221 Main Street, Suite 1000, San Francisco, CA 94105 Ι Tel. 866.219.4318 Ι Ι © DocuSign, Inc.
Classic DocuSign Experience Account Administrator Reference Guide
This reference guide describes the Account Administration options available to DocuSign® customer
administrators and provides information on how to use the options. All of these options are found in
the Preferences section of the Classic DocuSign Experience.
Note: The options available to a Customer Administrator will vary depending on your account
plan. For more information about which options are available for your account, check your
account plan, or contact your Account Manager or DocuSign Service ( for
This guide provides information about all the available options and how to work with those different
Additionally, Customer Administrators can set template sharing options for all the templates in the
account and a procedure for sharing templates is included in this guide.
Accessing the Account Preferences
From the Classic DocuSign Experience, click your profile image in the upper right
and select Preferences.
Select to view your Preferences
The Preferences page is displayed.
Click a navigation tab (Home, Manage, Send or Dashboards) to return to that tab.
Account Administration Options
The different Account Administration options are described below, except for the Features section,
which is covered in the Features Section topic.
The Preferences page lets you access the Account Administrator options. Click on the option name in
the navigation panel on the left side of the page to open that option.
221 Main Street, Suite 1000, San Francisco, CA 94105 Ι Tel. 866.219.4318 Ι Ι © DocuSign, Inc.
Classic DocuSign Experience Account Administrator Reference Guide
This section lets you view and edit the main address for your company.
You can change the billing address information for your company by replacing the current information
and clicking Save. The lines that have an asterisk (*) adjacent to them are required information.
This section lets you set the look and feel of your organization’s brand to the sending, signing, and
email process making it easier for users to identify documents coming from your organization.
Note: The Branding feature is only supported in DocuSign Business, Business Premium,
Enterprise, System Automated (SA), and DocuSign for Real Estate plans. Your current account
may not support this option. The ability to use multiple brand profiles and advanced branding with
resource files must be enabled separately for accounts. To access this functionality, contact your
Account Manager or DocuSign Support ( for assistance.
See the Branding Your DocuSign Account Quick Start Guide for more information about branding
your account.
Additionally, if your account can use Branding resource files, please refer to the information guide for
that file:
Signing Resource file:
Version 1.0
Version 1.1 (DocuSign Winter ‘15 signing experience)
Email Resource file:
Version 1.0
Version 1.1 (DocuSign Winter ‘15 signing experience)
221 Main Street, Suite 1000, San Francisco, CA 94105 Ι Tel. 866.219.4318 Ι Ι © DocuSign, Inc.
Classic DocuSign Experience Account Administrator Reference Guide
This section lets you view your billing information. Some accounts have access to edit service plan
and billing activity information.
This section provides you with a view of your most recent invoice summaries. The invoices shown
depend on the billing for your account.
This section lets you view and edit your Connect Service integration profile and settings and view your
integration logs. The Connect Service enables the sending of real-time data updates, such as
changes in envelope status, to external applications.
There are several options for using the Connect Service; you can use a custom listener or external
sources (such as eOriginal or Box).
For more information about setting up and using the Connect Service with a custom listener, see the
DocuSign Connect Service Guide in the Developer Center section of the DocuSign website.
For more information about setting up and using the Connect Service with eOriginal, see the
DocuSign Connect Service and eOriginal Set Up Guide.
For more information about setting up and using the Connect Service with Box, see the DocuSign
Connect for Box guide.
Envelope Custom Fields
This section let you create, edit, and delete envelope custom fields. These fields can be used in the
envelopes for your account to record information about the envelope, help search for envelopes and
track information. The envelope custom fields are shown in the Envelope Settings section when a
user is creating an envelope. The envelope custom fields are not seen by the envelope recipients.
To Add a Custom Field
1. Click Add to add the custom field.
2. Type the Name for the custom field.
3. Select if the custom field is shown and required.
Select Show to have the field show up in the Envelope Settings section when an envelope is
being created.
Select Required to require the user to enter information into the field before sending an envelope.
221 Main Street, Suite 1000, San Francisco, CA 94105 Ι Tel. 866.219.4318 Ι Ι © DocuSign, Inc.
Classic DocuSign Experience Account Administrator Reference Guide
4. From the Type list, select the type of custom field (Text or List)
If you selected List, type the list values separated by a semi-colon. For Example, if you want the
list options to be North, South, East and West, you would type North;South;East;West.
Text type envelope custom fields can be a maximum of 100 characters.
For List type envelope custom fields the list values can be a maximum of 2048 characters, but
each value can only be a maximum of 100 characters.
5. Click Save to save the new custom field.
To Delete a Custom Field
1. Find the custom field you want to delete.
2. Click Delete adjacent to the custom field.
3. The system will ask you to confirm that you want to delete the custom field.
Click OK to delete the field
Click Cancel to return to the web application without deleting the field.
This section lets you view and update you the Feature settings for your account. Due to the large
number of important items in this section, the information about the Feature settings is covered in a
separate section of the guide. See the Features Section Information section of this guide for more
information about the Features settings.
Reminders and Expirations
This section lets you view and edit the envelope reminder and expiration setting for your account.
These are the default settings shown when users send envelopes. If you do not set the reminder and
expiration information, your account will use the default DocuSign values (no reminders are sent and
envelopes expire after 120 days). The time zone used to determine when to send reminder emails is
the time zone setting for the sender, if senders can set their own time zones, or the account, if
senders cannot set their own time zone.
Note: All envelopes that are not completed will Expire after the set expiration/void time.
To Set Envelope Reminders and Expirations
221 Main Street, Suite 1000, San Francisco, CA 94105 Ι Tel. 866.219.4318 Ι Ι © DocuSign, Inc.
Classic DocuSign Experience Account Administrator Reference Guide
Note: Any changes to the default reminders and expirations only affect envelopes sent after the
change is saved. Envelopes that have already been sent are not affected.
1. To set the envelope reminder, type the number of days after an envelope is sent until a reminder
is sent to the recipient and how often to repeat the reminder.
Select the check box adjacent to Send Reminder.
2. To set the envelope expiration time, type the number of days after an envelope is sent until it is
voided and how many days before the expiration that a warning message is sent to the recipient.
Select the check box adjacent to Expire/Void Envelope.
3. If you do not want your users to change these settings, select Do NOT allow users to override
these settings.
4. Click Save to save the envelope reminder and expiration settings.
This section lets you add, manage and remove users from your account. The user table shows
general information about the users in your account, including the Permission Profile for a user and
the Groups to which the user belongs. When updating a user, you can scroll through the user list or
use the Look for: field and Find button to search for a specific user. When adding new users, you
can add users one at a time or by uploading a CSV (Comma Separated Value) file with multiple users.
To Add a New User
1. Click New
2. Type the Email address for the new user and, optionally, select the Group(s) for the user and then
click Check Address.
Important: You cannot add users to the Everyone and Administrators groups using this method.
All users are automatically added to the Everyone group. A User can only be added to the
Administrators group by changing the user’s Permission Profile or Permissions settings.
Type the user Name. Optionally, type the user’s Job Title, select a user permission profile from
the Available Profiles list, select a default Language for the user, and select the user group from
the In Group(s) list. When you are done adding the personal information, click Save.
221 Main Street, Suite 1000, San Francisco, CA 94105 Ι Tel. 866.219.4318 Ι Ι © DocuSign, Inc.
Classic DocuSign Experience Account Administrator Reference Guide
3. You are ready to send the activation email. Optionally, for additional security, you can add an
Access Code to the activation email. You will need to provide the access code to the new user.
Click Send to send the activation email is sent to the user. Click Done to return to the Manage
User List page.
The new user will follow the instructions in the email to activate their account. If you need to
resend the activation email, click Send Activation on the same line as the user name.
To Add Multiple Users from a CSV file
1. Create a comma-separated value (CSV) file with users. Use the following information when
creating the file.
The first line of the file is the header row for the file and defines each of the columns. The
acceptable header values are: User Name, User Email, User Title, Group and Permission
Profile. The User Title, Group and Permission Profile header values are optional. Multiple
Group headers can be added to the file to add users to multiple groups. The header values
are not required to be in the order listed and are not case-sensitive, but the text must match
listed header values.
In the following lines of the file, add the user information with commas used as the delimiter
(separator) between each value.
If adding a Group or Permission Profile value, it must match existing Group and Permission
Profile names.
Note: You do not need to add users to the Everyone group, since all users are automatically
adding to that group.
A field can be enclosed in double-quotation marks (“). This allows you to enter information that
has a comma or double-quotation marks in it. Example: if a User Title is Inside Sales, NE you
would type “Inside Sales, NE” in the User Title field.
Tip: If you are using Microsoft® Excel® to create your file, you only need to enter the User
Name, User Email and User Title in different columns and save the file as a CSV file. You do
221 Main Street, Suite 1000, San Francisco, CA 94105 Ι Tel. 866.219.4318 Ι Ι © DocuSign, Inc.
Classic DocuSign Experience Account Administrator Reference Guide
not need to add commas or double-quotation marks in the columns; Excel will automatically do
this when you save the file.
2. On the Manage Users page, click New/CSV.
3. Select the CSV file you want to upload by clicking the Browse button, locating the file on your
computer or network and clicking Open.
4. Click Submit.
The file upload begins. A Submission ID is created and shown in the SubmissionID field. The
status of the upload is also shown. Click Refresh to update the status of the upload.
The system makes two passes through the CSV data. The first pass is an error scan. If there is an
error in the file, the system displays a message with the problem line and the error reason. The
second pass, which only occurs if the first pass did not detect any errors, adds the new users and
checks for redundancy.
An activation email is sent to the new users in the uploaded file.
Note: An access code cannot be added to activation emails sent in this manner.
The new user will follow the instructions in the email to activate their account. If you need to
resend the activation email, click Send Activation on the same line as the user name.
5. When the upload is completed, you can repeat steps 3 and 4 to upload another file or click Done
to return to the Manage User page.
Searching for Users
In the Look for field, type the search term you want to use for the search and click Find. The search
looks through the User Name and Email information to narrow the displayed user list.
221 Main Street, Suite 1000, San Francisco, CA 94105 Ι Tel. 866.219.4318 Ι Ι © DocuSign, Inc.
Classic DocuSign Experience Account Administrator Reference Guide
The search will accept partial terms for the search and does not look at capitalization.
Example: Typing 'Jo' and clicking Find would list Joan Anchor, Bill Jones, Joe Smith and
Clicking Clear removes the search term and restores the entire list of users.
To Update User Information
1. Find the user whose account you want to update and click Open on the same line.
2. Select the appropriate page for the changes you want to make:
Note: See the User Permissions and Sharing section of this guide for more information about
setting user permissions and sharing information.
DocuSign recommends that you use Permission Profiles when setting user permissions. Using
profiles makes it easier to maintain control of user permissions.
To change personal information for the user (such as user Name, Company, Job Title, or
Language), type the changes and click Save.
Note: Changing a user’s Name will change the information on the user’s ID card, but will not
change a user’s saved signatures.
To change the Permission Profile for the user, select the profile from the Available Profiles
list and click Save.
To change the account permission settings for the user, click Permissions. Select the
Permission Profile or manually select the permission settings and click Save.
To change the personal address for the user, click Address, update the address and click
To change sharing information for the user, click Sharing, select the other users that will be
able to see and act on the user's folders and click Save.
3. After saving a change you are returned to the Manage user List page.
To Update Group and Profile Information for Multiple Users from a CSV file
1. Create a comma-separated value (CSV) file with users that you want to update. Use the following
information when creating the file.
Note: When updating user group information, the user is added to the new group(s). Users
cannot be removed from groups using a CSV file upload.
The first line of the file is the header row for the file and defines each of the columns. The
acceptable header values are: User Name, User Email, User Title, Group and Permission
Profile. The User Title, Group and Permission Profile header values are optional. Multiple
221 Main Street, Suite 1000, San Francisco, CA 94105 Ι Tel. 866.219.4318 Ι Ι © DocuSign, Inc.
Classic DocuSign Experience Account Administrator Reference Guide
Group headers can be added to the file to add users to multiple groups. The header values
are not required to be in the order listed and are not case-sensitive, but the text must match
listed header values.
Note: For existing users, you can use the header value MembershipId instead of User Name
and User Email.
In the following lines of the file, add the user information with commas used as the delimiter
(separator) between each value.
If adding a Group or Permission Profile value, it must match existing Group and Permission
Profile names.
A field can be enclosed in double-quotation marks (“). This allows you to enter information that
has a comma or double-quotation marks in it. Example: if a User Title is Inside Sales, NE you
would type “Inside Sales, NE” in the User Title field.
Tip: If you are using Microsoft® Excel® to create your file, you only need to enter the User
Name, User Email and User Title in different columns and save the file as a CSV file. You do
not need to add commas or double-quotation marks in the columns; Excel will automatically do
this when you save the file
2. On the Manage Users page, click New/CSV.
3. Select the CSV file you want to upload by clicking the Browse button, locating the file on your
computer or network and clicking Open.
4. Click Submit.
The file upload begins. A Submission ID is created and shown in the SubmissionID field. The
status of the upload is also shown. Click Refresh to update the status of the upload.
The system makes two passes through the CSV data. The first pass is an error scan. If there is an
error in the file, the system displays a message with the problem line and the error reason. The
second pass, which only occurs if the first pass did not detect any errors, adds the new users and
checks for redundancy.
The Group and Permission Profile information are updated for the users.
Note: If the user does not exist in the account and the User Name and User Email were included
for the user, an activation email is sent to the user.
5. When the upload is completed, you can repeat steps 3 and 4 to upload another file or click Done
to return to the Manage User page.
To Reset a User’s Password
This function allows customer administrators to initiate a password reset for their users.
1. In the Users table, find the user that needs to have their password reset and in the Password
Action column for the user click Reset Password.
2. A reset password email is sent to the user. The user clicks the reset password link and follows the
instructions to change their password.
To Close a User
Closing a user removes that user from your account. You can view users that are closed by selecting
the Show closed users check box.
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Classic DocuSign Experience Account Administrator Reference Guide
Note: Closed users cannot send new envelopes or access their account. Envelopes these users
sent before being closed can be completed normally.
1. Find the user whose account you want to close, click Close on the same line as the user name.
2. Confirm that you want to remove the user from the account.
After closing the user account you are returned to the Manage user List page
This section lets you create, modify and remove Groups in your account. The Group management
option allows Customer Administrators to create user groups, assign users to the groups, set the user
permissions for the groups and, if Account Branding is enabled, set the brand profiles a group can
use. You are not required to set Permission Profiles for a group, but this makes it easier to manage
user permissions for a large number of users, without having to change permissions on a user-byuser basis. Groups can also be used with template sharing to limit user access to templates.
There are two default Groups in the system: Everyone and Administrators. These groups cannot be
renamed or removed from the system. The Everyone group contains all active account users. The
Administrators group has all active users that have the Manage Account user permission selected.
To Create a New Group
1. In the Groups list, select New Group.
2. Type the Group Name for the new group.
3. Select the users for the new group from the Available Users block and click the double arrow
button (>>) to move the users to the Group Users block. You can select all the users in a block by
selecting the check box adjacent to Name in the header.
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Classic DocuSign Experience Account Administrator Reference Guide
4. Click Save Changes to save the group and users.
5. Click the Permissions tab, select the Permission Profile for the group and then click Save
If you want to create a new Permission Profile, see the To Create a New Permission Profile
6. [Optional, if Account Branding is enabled] Click the Brands tab to set the brand profiles for the
group. This sets the brand profiles the group members can use when sending envelopes and
creating templates.
Select the brand profiles for the group from the Available Brands block and click the double arrow
button (>>) to move the brands to the Group Brands block. You can select all the brands in a
block by selecting the check box adjacent to Name in the header.
If more than one profile is assigned to a group, the group members will have access to all the
brand profiles for the group and their default brand profile is the account default brand profile. If a
user is a member of multiple groups, the user will have access to the brand profiles for all their
groups and their default brand profile is the account default brand profile. Account Customer
Administrators always have access to all brand profiles.
Click Save Changes to save the group and brand changes.
To Modify a Group
1. In the Groups list, select the group you want to modify.
To rename a group: Click Rename and type the new Group Name.
To add or remove users: select the users for the group from the Available Users or Group
Users block, as appropriate, and click the move button to move the users. You can select all
the users in a block by selecting the check box adjacent to Name in the header.
Important: You cannot add users to or remove users from the Everyone and Administrators
groups using this method. A user can only be removed from the Everyone group by closing
221 Main Street, Suite 1000, San Francisco, CA 94105 Ι Tel. 866.219.4318 Ι Ι © DocuSign, Inc.
Classic DocuSign Experience Account Administrator Reference Guide
the user. A User can only be added to or removed from the Administrators group by changing
the users Permission settings.
To change a group’s Permission Profile: click the Permissions tab and select the new
Permission Profile for the group.
See the Permission Profiles section for information on creating or modifying a Permission
[Optional, if Account Branding is enabled] To change a group’s Brands: click the Brands tab
and select the brand profiles for the group.
2. Click Save Changes to save the change to the group.
To Remove a Group
Note: The Everyone and Administrators groups cannot be removed from the system.
1. In the Groups list, select the group you want to remove.
2. To remove a group, click Remove.
The group is deleted.
Manage Signers
This feature was added to help companies meet regulatory signer log on requirements for certain
applications and is not active for all accounts. Manage Signers provides the ability to create a
DocuSign account for signers that are not part of your organization, so envelopes can be sent to
those signers when the Signer Login Requirement – Account Required setting is used for your
account. When a signer account is created, an invitation email is sent by DocuSign to the signer.
The signer opens the email, clicks the Activate link and is taken to a secure website to enter a
password and activate their account. Once the signer activates their account, they are able to view
and sign envelopes as requested. The signer account is the same as a DocuSign free account.
Note: It is recommended that you contact your signers before creating a signer account to let
them that they will be receiving an account activation email from DocuSign. If a signer already
has a DocuSign account, they will not receive an account activation email and they are added to
your managed signer list.
You can add signer accounts one user at a time or by using a comma-separated value (CSV) file to
upload multiple users. The procedures for each process are given below.
To Add a Single Manage Signer Account
1. In the Classic DocuSign Experience, go to Preferences and click Manage Signers. The Manage
Signers page is displayed.
221 Main Street, Suite 1000, San Francisco, CA 94105 Ι Tel. 866.219.4318 Ι Ι © DocuSign, Inc.
Classic DocuSign Experience Account Administrator Reference Guide
2. Click Add a new signer. The Create a Signer page appears.
3. Enter the signer information, all fields with an asterisk (*) are required.
4. Click Create Account. An account activation is sent to the signer.
Note: If the Signer Name and Signer Email fields match a current DocuSign user, no activation
message is sent and the signer is added to the list of managed signers.
5. Repeat this procedure to add another signer account. When you have finished adding signer
accounts, click Done.
To Add Multiple Manage Signer Accounts with a CSV file
To use a comma-separated value (CSV) file to upload multiple signer accounts:
1. Create a CSV file with the signer information. Use the following information when creating a CSV
The format of the lines in the CSV file is: Signer Name, Signer Email, Signer Organization
Name, Signer Street Address 1, Signer Street Address 2, Signer City, Signer State, Signer Zip
and Signer Phone Number with commas used as the delimiter (separator) between each
The Signer Organization Name, Signer Street Address 2, and Signer Country fields are
optional. The Signer State is the two letter code abbreviation for the state or Province.
The file can use a header line that has the field names.
A field can be enclosed in double-quotation marks (“). This allows you to enter information
that has a comma or double-quotation marks in it. Example: if a Signer Street Address 1 is
101 My Way, Apt 102 you would type “101 My Way, Apt 102” in the Signer Street Address 1
Tip: If you are using Microsoft® Excel® to create your file, you only need to enter the fields in
different columns and save the file as a CSV file. You do not need to add commas or doublequotation marks in the columns; Excel will automatically do this when you save the file.
221 Main Street, Suite 1000, San Francisco, CA 94105 Ι Tel. 866.219.4318 Ι Ι © DocuSign, Inc.
Classic DocuSign Experience Account Administrator Reference Guide
2. From the Classic DocuSign Experience web application, click you profile image in the upper right
and select Preferences.
3. In the navigation pane on the left side of the page, under the Account Administration heading,
click Manage Signers. The Manage Signers page is displayed.
4. Click Import a list of new signers. The Add New Members from CSV File page appears.
5. Select the CSV file you want to upload by clicking the Browse button, locating the file on your
computer or network and clicking Open.
6. Click Submit.
The file upload begins. A Submission ID is created and shown in the SubmissionID field. The
status of the upload is also shown. Click Refresh to update the status of the upload.
The system makes two passes through the CSV data. The first pass is an error scan. If there is
an error in the file, the system displays a message with the problem line and the error reason.
The second pass, which only occurs if the first pass did not detect any errors, adds the new users
and checks for redundancy.
7. An activation email is sent to all the new signers in the uploaded file.
Note: If the Signer Name and Signer Email fields match a current DocuSign user, no activation
message is sent and the signer is added to the list of managed signers.
8. When you have finished adding signer accounts, click Done.
To Remove a Signer from the List
To remove a signer from your list of managed signers:
221 Main Street, Suite 1000, San Francisco, CA 94105 Ι Tel. 866.219.4318 Ι Ι © DocuSign, Inc.
Classic DocuSign Experience Account Administrator Reference Guide
1. From the Classic DocuSign Experience web application, click you profile image in the upper right
and select Preferences.
2. In the navigation pane on the left side of the page, under the Account Administration heading,
click Manage Signers. The Manage Signers page is displayed.
3. Find the signer you want to remove and click Remove on the same line as the signer’s name.
The signer is removed from your managed signer list.
Note: The signer’s DocuSign account is not closed and they can still access their account.
Permission Profiles
This section lets you create, modify and remove Permission Profiles in your account. Permission
Profiles are a standard set of user permissions that can be applied to individual users or users in a
Group. This makes it easier to manage user permissions for a large number of users, without having
to change permissions on a user-by-user basis.
There are three default Permission Profiles: Account Administrator, DocuSign Sender and DocuSign
Viewer. The DocuSign Sender and DocuSign Viewer profiles can be modified, renamed or removed
from the system. The Account Administrator profile can be modified, with the exception that the
Manage Account option cannot be cleared.
To Create a New Permission Profile
1. In the Permission Profile list, select New Permissions.
2. Type a Profile Name for the new profile.
3. Select the permission settings for the new profile. See Permissions Settings for more information
about the different settings.
4. Click Save to save the new profile.
To Modify a Permission Profile
1. In the Permission Profile list, select the profile you want to modify.
2. To rename a profile: click Rename and type the new Profile Name.
Note: The Account Administrator profile cannot be renamed.
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Classic DocuSign Experience Account Administrator Reference Guide
3. Change the permission settings for the profile. See Permissions Settings for more information
about the different settings.
Note: The Manage Account option for the Account Administrator profile cannot be cleared.
4. Click Save to save the modified profile information. The permission changes are applied to all
users and groups that have been assigned to the profile.
To Remove a Permission Profile
Note: The Account Administrator profile cannot be removed from the system.
1. In the Permission Profile list, select the group you want to remove.
2. To remove a profile, click Remove.
The profile is deleted.
Permissions Setting Descriptions
The Permissions settings, along with how they are implemented, are described in this section.
Note: Many of the Permissions options are only active if the corresponding option in the Features
section is selected.
There are two methods for implementing the options in the Permissions section:
Check box: Select or clear the check box to enable or disable the option for the user.
List: A dropdown list used to select how the option is enabled for the user.
Manage Account (Check box) – This option lets the user manage account settings, manage user
settings, add users, and remove users. Selecting this option will automatically add users with this
permission profile or setting to the Administrators user group.
Access to the New DocuSign Experience (List) – This controls whether access to the New
DocuSign Experience. The setting will take effect the next time a user logs on to DocuSign. The
three options are:
No: Users will not have access to the New DocuSign Experience.
Optional User can opt in: Users have the option to use the New DocuSign Experience or the
Classic DocuSign Experience and can switch between the two options.
Yes: Users are required to use the New DocuSign Experience.
Note: If Yes is selected, users that have Manage Account access are still be able to switch
between the two options.
Sending and Signing Options
Send Envelope (Check box) – This option lets the user send envelopes.
Cannot Add Tags in Send or Correct (Check box) – When this option is selected, users will not
have access to the tag palette when sending or correcting envelopes. This is also known as
Express Send.
Sequential Signing (UI) (Check box) – This option lets the user define the routing order of
recipients while sending documents for signature.
Signer Attachments (Check box) – This option lets the user add requests for attachments from
signers while sending documents.
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Classic DocuSign Experience Account Administrator Reference Guide
Signing on Paper Override (Check box) – This option lets the user to override the account
setting that determines if signers may sign their documents on paper as an option to signing
electronically. See the Allowing Recipients to Sign On Paper quick start guide or the DocuSign
Service User Guide for more information.
Notify when Recipients View (Check box) – When selected, this option will send an email to the
sender the first time a recipient opens an envelope.
Self-signed recipient emails (List) – This option selects how self-signed documents (documents
sent using the Sign a Document Now button) are presented to the email recipients for the
permission profile or user. This setting also affects self-signed documents sent from DocuSign
mobile applications and will override the account setting. It is only available if the Allow members
to change option is selected for the account. There are two possible selections:
Send Link: A secure link to the self-signed documents is included in the email. Email
recipients click the link to be taken to the completed documents, where they can view and
download the documents.
Attach PDF: A PDF of the completed documents is attached to the email. Email recipients
can view and download the attached documents.
My local time zone (List) – This option selects the default time zone to be used in the web
application display for the Permission Profile. A member of the profile can set their own time zone
preference to override this setting if the Allow account member to set their own unique time zone
option is active.
Format my local date and time as (List) – This option selects the format used in the web
application for the user. This option sets the time zone used in the Date Signed tags if a signer
does not have a DocuSign account. It also sets the format used when the user signs an envelope.
See the Time Zone Abbreviations section for time zone abbreviations and UTC offsets.
Allow Bulk Recipients (Check box) – When selected, this option allows the user to send
envelopes using the Bulk Recipient feature. See the Using the Bulk Recipient Feature quick start
guide or DocuSign Service User Guide for more information about this feature.
Manage Templates (List) – This option defines the user’s template usage and management
None: This user cannot use, create or share templates.
Use: This user can use templates created and shared by other users, but the user cannot
create or share templates.
Create: This user can create and use templates, but the user cannot share templates.
Share: This user can use, create and share templates.
Address Book (List) – This option defines the user’s address book usage and management
Note: If the Recipient Auto Complete setting is enabled for your account, this option also limits
the suggested recipients when adding a new recipient to an envelope to the names for the
selected option. Otherwise, the suggested recipients are not limited. Contact your Account
Manager if you have questions about the Recipient Auto Complete setting for your account.
Use Personal Only: This user can create and use contacts in a personal address book.
Use Shared Only: This user can use contacts in shared address books.
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Use Personal and Shared: This user can use contacts in a personal and shared address
Share: This user can create, use and share contacts in a personal and shared address
DocuSign API
API UserName – This is the user name for the user when the user sends using the DocuSign API.
This information is not visible when viewing a Permission Profile; it is only visible when looking at
the Permissions for a specific user.
API AccountId – This is the account ID for the account when the user sends using the DocuSign
API. This information is not visible when viewing a Permission Profile; it is only visible when
looking at the Permissions for a specific user.
Submit DocuSign API Requests (Check box) – This option lets the user send documents and
manage envelopes using the DocuSign API.
Account-Wide Rights (Check box) – This option allows the user to:
View, manage and request status of all envelopes for the account through the DocuSign
API. The user can use the following API methods: RequestPDF, RequestDocumentPDFs,
RequestStatus, EnvelopeAuditEvents, AcknowledgeAuthorativeCopyExport,
ExportAuthorativeCopy, VoidEnvelope, RequestRecipientToken, TransferEnvelope,
GetEnvelopeStatus and RequestEnvelope. Note that some of these methods have
additional specific requirements in addition to having Account-Wide Rights, see the
DocuSign API Developer’s Guide for more information about API usage.
Use the Send On Behalf Of feature.
If the user is a Customer Account Manager, transfer envelopes between users.
Send On Behalf Of Rights (API) (Check box) – This option lets the user send envelopes for (on
behalf of) other users through the DocuSign API. The user must have Account-Wide Rights
enabled to use this option.
Sequential Signing (API) (Check box) – This option lets the user define the routing order of
recipients for envelopes sent using the DocuSign API.
Enable API Request Logging (Check box) – This enables users to capture API requests and,
when available, responses to assist with troubleshooting REST and SOAP API issues. When
enabled SOAP or REST API requests and responses for the user are added to a log. There are
two buttons associated with this option, one to download a zip file of the log and another to clear
the current log entries. A log can have a list of up to 50 requests/responses with the current
number shown to the right of the buttons. Logging is automatically disabled when the log limit of
50 is reached. Private information, such as passwords and integrator key information, which is
normally located in the call header is omitted from the request/response log.
DocuSign Desktop Client (Check box) – This option lets the user send and manage envelopes
from the DocuSign Desktop Client. The DocuSign Desktop Client is installed separately.
PowerForms (Check box) – This option enables the user as a PowerForms sender.
PowerForms Admin (Check box) – This option enables the user as a PowerForms
administrator. This lets the user create, manage and download the PowerForms documents.
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Classic DocuSign Experience Account Administrator Reference Guide
TransactionPoint (Check box) - This option lets the user select an envelope from their web
application and upload the envelope documents to TransactionPoint.
eVault (Check box) – This option lets the user send documents for electronic vaulting at
Transfer Envelopes to User (Check box) – This option lets Customer Administrators transfer
envelopes from other accounts to this user.
Allow sender to set email language for recipients (Check box) – This option enables the
option for the sender to set the language used in the standard email format for a recipient when
creating an envelope.
Envelope Publish
This section lets you publish envelope information from your account to CSV and XML files.
1. In the navigation bar on the left side of the page, under the Account Administrations heading, click
Envelope Publish.
The Envelope Publish page appears with the search criteria shown at the top of the page.
2. Enter the selection criteria for the envelope report:
Note: Typically users do not have more than one account or access to envelope reports for other
Type or select the date range for the search.
Select the Envelope Status for the search.
You can type Recipient and/or Subject information to further limit the search.
Select Show Recipient Information to display the recipient names and email address for the
envelopes that meet the search criteria.
Select Show Custom Fields to display envelope custom fields for the envelopes.
3. Click Generate.
The envelope report for the entered search criteria appears.
The default view shows 20 envelopes per page in the report. You can display 20, 50 or 100
envelopes per page by selecting the appropriate option.
You can sort the data in the envelope report by clicking on the column heading for the column
you want to sort.
Optionally, select Apply DocuSign Connect settings to apply Connect settings to the output.
Optionally, select Publish XML for all or some envelopes to add XML information for other
You can save or view the information as a comma separated value (.CSV) or XML file by
clicking Save data as .CSV file or Publish XML.
You can print the report using your browser’s print feature.
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Classic DocuSign Experience Account Administrator Reference Guide
Locked Out Users
This section lets you release users in the account from a system imposed lock.
To Unlock Users
1. Find and select the user(s) that need to be unlocked.
2. Click Unlock to unlock the user(s).
Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure
This page is used to enable and customize the Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure for your
If enabled for your account, the disclosure is shown to each new recipient. The recipient must read
and agree to the terms of the disclosure before viewing or taking action on the documents you send
Note: There is an option to require recipients to view and agree to the terms in the disclosure
each time they open an envelope. See the Features – Electronic Record and Signature
Disclosure frequency option for more information.
DocuSign provides this disclosure for your convenience only. If you have questions about using a
disclosure, please contact your legal counsel.
Enabling the Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure for your Account.
1. At the top of the page, select Yes, I elect to use an Electronic Record and Signature
Disclosure with my signers.
The consent withdraw option and disclosure block editing information is shown.
2. Optionally, select if you want to allow your customers to withdraw their consent.
After enabling the Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure for your account, you can
customize the disclosure. There are two ways to customize your Electronic Record and Signature
Disclosure: using block editing or using HTML editing. With block editing, you add your account
specific information to the blocks by answering the questions adjacent to the blocks and the
information is added the standard disclosure. With HTML editing, you can create a free-form
disclosure using HTML formatting. The instructions for customizing the disclosure are provided
Important: If you change the disclosure settings, all unsigned recipients in all outstanding
envelopes will be required to accept the disclosure again.
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Classic DocuSign Experience Account Administrator Reference Guide
Using Block Editing to Change the Disclosure Settings
1. Edit your Account Name as need and, optionally, select if the DocuSign account name for the
account should be updated to be the same as the disclosure account name.
2. All other information blocks in the disclosure are optional. Review the questions on the left side of
the block and enter or select the appropriate information on the right side of the block.
3. After making the changes to the blocks, click Next >> to review the changes you have made. The
customer disclosure is shown.
4. After reviewing the disclosure information:
Click Save to save the changes OR
Click Back to make more changes.
Using HTML Editing to Change the Disclosure Settings
1. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Edit Custom Disclosure.
2. Type your HTML formatted disclosure text in the Enter HTML Below: block.
Important: Javascript, XML, or CSS style tags cannot be used to edit this field. HTML is required
to maintain the display formatting.
To view and edit the disclosure for a particular language code, select the language in the
Language Code list and click Get Current Disclosure. The disclosure for that language is
shown in the Enter HTML Below: field.
3. To review the changes you have made, click Preview. A new browser window opens with your
disclosure information for review. Close the new browser window when you are done reviewing it.
4. After reviewing the disclosure information:
Click Save to save the changes OR
Note: When you save the changes, only the disclosure for currently selected Language Code is
Click Cancel to return to the disclosure page without saving the changes.
Application Marketplace
Clicking Application Marketplace connects you to the DocuSign Marketplace that shows solutions that
connect with and extend the value of DocuSign.
This section shows if API access for your account is enabled, provides information about your
Integrator’s Key, and example API information.
Features Section Information
The Features section is used to view and update the feature settings for your account. There are five
parts to the Features section that set the different options for your account: Sending and Signing
options, Manage Account options, Authentication options, DocuSign API options and Advanced
221 Main Street, Suite 1000, San Francisco, CA 94105 Ι Tel. 866.219.4318 Ι Ι © DocuSign, Inc.
Classic DocuSign Experience Account Administrator Reference Guide
Note: The Features enabled for your account are based on your account plan. Not all features
are available to all account plans. For questions or more information about your account plan,
review your account plan or contact your Account Manager.
There are several methods for implementing the options in the Features section:
Check box: Select or clear the check box to enable or disable the option. If a feature is
enabled for your account, you can typically disable it by clearing the box.
List: A dropdown list used to select how the option is enabled for your account.
Text/Data Field: An editable text or data field allowing you to customize the setting for your
Link: A link to a page where the option settings for your account are modified and saved.
All of the options, along with how they are implemented, are described below:
Access to the New DocuSign Experience (List) – This controls whether access to the New
DocuSign Experience. The setting will take effect the next time a user logs on to DocuSign. The
three options are:
No: Users will not have access to the New DocuSign Experience.
Optional User can opt in: Users have the option to use the New DocuSign Experience or the
Classic DocuSign Experience and can switch between the two options.
Yes: Users are required to use the New DocuSign Experience.
Note: If Yes is selected, users that have Manage Account access are still able to switch between
the two options.
If the Optional User can opt in or Yes access option was selected, you can also set the access
options for specific Permission Profiles, Groups, and Users.
Sending and Signing Options
Sequential Signing UI (Check box) – When selected a user can define the routing order of
recipients while sending documents for signature.
In Person Signing (Check box) – When selected, this option enables the signing host function. This
option removes the requirement for a signer to have access to their email by using a signing host, with
a DocuSign account, to facilitate the signing process.
In Person Signer ID Question (Text Field) – The text field provides a space to type a question that
an In Person signing host uses to collect personal information from the recipient. The response to this
question is saved and viewable in the Certificate associated with the envelope.
Default Account Time Zone (List) – This option selects the default time zone to be used in the User
Interface display. A member of the account can set their own time zone preference to override the
account default if the Allow account member to set their own unique time zone option (see below) is
Time Zone used for API (List) – This option selects the default time zone used for DocuSign SOAP
API operations.
Format for Date Signed (List) – This option selects the date format applied to the Date Signed tags.
Format for Time Signed (List) – This option selects the time format applied to the Date Signed tags.
You can also select to Include AM/PM designation for the time.
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Classic DocuSign Experience Account Administrator Reference Guide
The Date Signed/Time Signed shown in the Certificate of Completion uses the sender’s format and
time zone (if the sender cannot set a unique time zone, the account time zone used). The time zone
shown in the History view depends on the viewer. If the sender is viewing, the information is shown in
the sender’s format. If the signer is viewing and the signer does not have a DocuSign account, the
format used is set by the sender’s account and the time zone used is set by the sender’s settings (if
the sender can set a unique time zone, that time zone used). If the signer has a DocuSign account,
the format used is determined by the signer’s account settings. In all cases, a time zone abbreviation
is shown; see the Time Zone Abbreviations section for time zone abbreviations and UTC offsets.
Note: If the Format for Time Signed setting is set to None, the account time zone is still
displayed adjacent to the date as part of the timestamp when viewing envelope events in the
Classic DocuSign Experience web application, in the envelope history, and certificate of
completion. The time zone information is included so that in cases where time-sensitive
documents are included in an envelope the envelope event times still can be tracked.
Example: if a document needed to be completed by the end of 5/31/2015 Pacific Time, it could be
completed on 6/1/2015 in Japan, Tokyo Standard Time, and still be valid.
Allow account member to set their own unique time zone (Check box) – When selected, account
users can set their own personal time zone, which can be different that the default account time zone.
Enable watermark for in-process documents (Check box and Link) – When selected a watermark
is displayed on envelopes that are printed by a recipient before the signing process is completed. The
link is used to configure and preview the watermark. See the Using the Watermark Feature quick
start guide for more information about configuring the watermark.
Signer Attachments (Check box) – When selected a user can add requests for attachments from
signers while sending documents.
Allow Multiple Signer Attachments (Check box) – When selected a user can add multiple requests
for attachments from signers while sending documents.
Concatenate Signer Attachment Documents to the Parent Document (Check box) – When
selected and when signers upload attachments, the documents are linked to the document with the
Signer Attachment tag.
IMPORTANT: When this option is enabled, signers do not have the option to remove an
When this option is enabled and users clone an envelope that has signer attachments, the
attachments are retained in the new envelope. This could cause unintentional issues with sharing
data between signers.
Allow Markup (Check box) – When selected a user can choose to allow recipients to edit envelope
data using the Document Markup feature. See the Using the Document Markup Feature quick start
guide or the DocuSign Service User Guide for more information about Document Markup.
Bulk Recipient (Check box) – When selected the account is eligible to use the Bulk Recipient
feature. This option must also be enabled for individual users to allow them to use the feature.
Enable Payment Processing (Check box and Link) – When selected, this enables the Payment
Processing feature for the account. The link provides access to the Payment Processing through
PayPal™ set up page, where the associated PayPal account information is entered. See the Using
the Payment Processing Feature quick start guide or DocuSign Service User Guide for more
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Classic DocuSign Experience Account Administrator Reference Guide
To add payment processing information:
IMPORTANT: The Enable Secure Token setting for your PayPal account must be set to Yes.
See Enabling the Secure Token Setting for more information. We also recommend that your use
PayPal page Layout C with your account. See Recommended Page Layout Setting for more
1. Click the Enable Payment Processing link to go to the Payment Processing through PayPal Set
Up page.
Note: You must have a PayPal Payments Advanced, PayPal Payments Pro, Payflow Pro or
Payflow Link account to use this feature. Even if Enable Payment Processing is selected, the
feature is not fully enabled until the PayPal Merchant account information is entered.
2. Provide the following information for your PayPal account:
Partner: Type the partner name for the account. This is the same as Partner on the PayPal
Manager Login.
Merchant Login: Type your Merchant Login. This is the same as Merchant Login on the
PayPal Manager Login. PayPal uses the terms ‘Merchant Login’ and 'Vendor'
User: Type the User name associated with the account. This is the same as User on the
PayPal Manager Login.
Password/Confirm Password: Type and then confirm the password associated with the
PayPal Advanced Merchant account.
Currency: Select the currency type used for PayPal transactions with your account.
Note: If you change the Currency type, the change will affect any envelopes that have not
been completed.
3. Click Save to save your PayPal account information.
Enable Calculated Fields (Check box) – When selected, senders can add Formula tags to
documents. The Formula tags allow the sender to enter a formula that uses data from other tags in
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Classic DocuSign Experience Account Administrator Reference Guide
an envelope or template to calculate a final value for the Formula tag. See the Using the Calculated
Fields Feature quick start guide or the DocuSign Service User Guide for more information.
Enable Send to Certified Delivery (Check box) – When selected, senders are able to use the
Acknowledge receipt Recipient Action. With this Recipient Action the recipient must receive the
completed documents for the envelope to be completed, but the recipient does not need to sign, initial, date
or add information to any of the documents. This option requires that the Sequential Signing UI option is
Enable Send To Address Recipients (Agent recipient type) (Check box) – When selected this
option enables the Send to Manage feature allowing users to use the Address recipients Recipient
Action in envelopes. This option requires that the Sequential Signing UI option is enabled. See the
Using Agent Managed Envelopes quick start guide or the DocuSign Service User Guide for more
Enable Send To Manage Envelope (Editor recipient type) (Check box) – When selected this
option enables the Send to Manage feature allowing users to use the Manage envelope Recipient
Action in envelopes. This option requires that the Sequential Signing UI option is enabled. See the
Using Agent Managed Envelopes quick start guide or the DocuSign Service User Guide for more
Enable Send To Manage Recipients (Intermediary recipient type) (Check box) – When selected
this option enables the Send to Manage feature allowing users to use the Manage signers Recipient
Action in envelopes. This option requires that the Sequential Signing UI option is enabled. See the
Using the Intermediary Recipient Feature quick start guide or the DocuSign Service User Guide for
more information.
Sign on paper (Check box) – When selected a user can enable signers to sign on paper as an
option to signing electronically. See the Allowing Recipients to Sign On Paper quick start guide or the
DocuSign Service User Guide for more information.
Fax delivery to recipients (Check box) – When selected the Fax Out option is enabled. This allows
senders to send documents through DocuSign and have recipients receive the documents by fax.
See the Using the Fax Out Feature quick start guide or the DocuSign Service User Guide for more
Sign on paper user override (Check box) – When selected this option allows users to override the
default account setting for the Sign on Paper option. The user must also have the Signing on Paper
Override option in the Permissions section enabled to use this option.
Signers can reassign envelopes (Check box) – When selected this option allows a recipient to
redirect an envelope to a more appropriate recipient.
Allow override of reassign by sender (Check box) – When selected this option allows a sender to
decide if a recipient can redirect an envelope to a more appropriate recipient.
Signer Login Requirements (List) – This option selects the Login requirements for the signer.
Important: If you use Direct PowerForms or captive/embedded signers, the “Account required
…” settings are bypassed for those signers. If your workflow requires that the signer have an
account, you should not use those methods.
There are four possible selections:
Not required to login: The signer is not required to log on to the system. If the signer has a
DocuSign account, they can sign their document from the email link without logging on.
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Classic DocuSign Experience Account Administrator Reference Guide
Login required if signer has an account: If the signer has a DocuSign account, they must
log on to sign the document.
Account required – login to initiate session: The sender cannot send an envelope to
anyone who does not have a DocuSign account.
Account required – login for each envelope: The sender cannot send an envelope to
anyone who does not have a DocuSign account and the signer must log on the system for
each envelope they will sign.
Signer can sign on a mobile device (Check box) – When selected this option allows a signer to use
the Designed for Mobile signing interface to sign documents from a mobile device.
Signing auto-navigation rule (List) – This option selects the navigation policy for recipients for initial
navigation through a document. Subsequent navigation will use the Navigate all fields rule. This
option is also referred to as SmartNav™. There are seven possible selections:
Navigate required fields: The initial navigation moves to the next blank or filled-in required
field. Optional fields are skipped. Subsequent navigation will use the Navigate all fields rule.
Navigate blank required fields: The initial navigation moves to the next blank required field.
Subsequent navigation will use the Navigate all fields rule.
Navigate all fields: The initial and subsequent navigation moves to the next required or
optional field.
Page Only: There is no automatic navigation to the next field. The signer must manually
navigate through the document. The signer can scroll through the document, click the Next
arrow, or use the document map on the right side of the browser to go to specific pages in the
document. Subsequent navigation will use the Navigate all fields rule.
Page then Navigate required fields: The initial navigation goes to the top of the next page
and then moves to the next blank or filled-in required field on the page. If there are no
required fields on the page, the navigation stops at the top of the page and shows the Next
arrow. Subsequent navigation will use the Navigate all fields rule.
Page then Navigate blank required fields: The initial navigation goes to the top of the next
page and then moves to the next blank required field on the page. If there are no blank
required fields on the page, the navigation stops at the top of the page and shows the Next
arrow. Subsequent navigation will use the Navigate all fields rule.
Page then Navigate all fields: The initial navigation goes to the top of the next page and
then moves to the next required or optional field page. If there are no required or optional
fields on the page, the navigation stops at the top of the page and shows the Next arrow.
Subsequent navigation will use the Navigate all fields rule.
Note: In the current signing experience the Page then Navigate all fields option takes the
signer to the top of the page if there are no fields on the page. If there are fields on the page,
it will take the signer to the first field on the page. This is a known issue. The new signing
experience (enabled by selecting the Use DocuSign Winter ’15 Signing Experience option)
corrects this issue so the Page then Navigate all fields option acts as described above.
Signer auto-navigation override (Check box) – When selected this option allows senders to disable
the recipient signing auto-navigation feature for envelopes they send.
Signer can create account (Check box) – When selected this option allows a signer to create a
DocuSign account to store their signed documents.
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Classic DocuSign Experience Account Administrator Reference Guide
Attach documents to completed envelope email (Check box) – When selected the envelope
documents are included as a PDF file attachment to the completed email that is sent to senders and
signers. This is non-secure email. Enabling this option is not recommended if documents will carry
personal private information.
Display SecureField initial value to all recipients (Check box) – When selected the initial value of
the tags for all recipients is written to the document when sent.
Data Population Scope (List) - This option sets how data is shared for tags with the same tag Label.
This applies to Check box, Company, Data Field, Dropdown List, Full Name, Formula, Note and Title
IMPORTANT: Changing this setting will affect envelopes that have been sent, but not completed.
There are two possible selections:
Document: DocuSign tags in a document with the same Label populate with the same data.
Envelope: DocuSign tags in all documents in the envelope with the same Label populate with
the same data.
Attach Certificate of Completion to the Envelope PDF (Check box) – When selected if the
envelope documents are downloaded into one PDF, the Certificate of Completion is appended to the
end of the file.
Suppress Email to Embedded Signers (Check box) – When selected an email completion notice is
not sent to embedded signers when envelope signing is completed. This option is only used with the
embedded signing function of the DocuSign API and cannot be selected if the Use Envelope
Complete Email for (non-suppressed) Embedded Signers option is selected.
Use Envelope Complete Email for (non-suppressed) Embedded Signers (Check box) - When
selected an email completion notice is sent to embedded signers when envelope signing is
completed. This option is only used with the embedded signing function of the DocuSign API.
Allow Conditional SecureFields (Check box) – When selected the conditional tags (SecureFields)
option is enabled for the account. See the Using Conditional Fields quick start guide or the DocuSign
Service User Guide for more information about Conditional tags.
Require Decline Reasons (Check box) – When selected this option requires recipients to provide a
reason for why they are declining an envelope.
Allow Sign a Document from Home Page (Check box) - When selected this option adds the Sign
A Document Now button to the Home page for all account users.
Signer Session Timeout (min) (Data Field) – This option sets the amount of idle activity time, in
minutes, before a signer’s session timeouts, requiring the signer to access the envelope again. The
minimum setting is 1 minute and the maximum setting is 120 minutes.
Self-signed recipient emails (List) – This option selects the account setting for how self-signed
documents (documents sent using the Sign a Document Now button) are presented to the email
recipients. This setting also affects self-signed documents sent from DocuSign mobile applications.
There are two possible selections:
Send Link: A secure link to the self-signed documents is included in the email. Email
recipients click the link to be taken to the completed documents, where they can view and
download the documents.
Attach PDF: A PDF of the completed documents is attached to the email. Email recipients
can view and download the attached documents.
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Classic DocuSign Experience Account Administrator Reference Guide
Additionally, you can select the Allow members to change option. When this option is selected the
Self-signed recipient emails option can be set in the Permissions settings for a permission profile or
an individual user and will override the account setting. Additionally, DocuSign mobile application
users can set the email option used when sending from the application.
Transfer Envelope Custody (Link) – This link provides access to the Transfer Envelopes page. The
Transfer Envelopes page is used to set up automatic envelope transfer rules and to transfer
envelopes between account users. See the Transferring Envelopes quick start guide for more
information about transferring envelopes.
Set Recipient Sign Language (Check box) – When selected senders can select the language used
for a recipient when creating an envelope. This option sets the language used in the standard email
format and initial signing view for the recipient. It does not translate the Email Subject, Email
Message text or note text.
Allow sender to set email language for recipients (Check box): Allows senders to set note and
email languages for each recipient in an envelope.
Enable Offline Signing (Check box) – When selected, envelopes signed using offline signing on
mobile devices are synchronized with this account.
Signature Pad Type (List) – This option is used to select the signature pad used by your
organization. See the Signature Pad Information guide for more information on using a signature pad
with DocuSign.
There are three possible selections:
None: This turns off the signature pad feature for your account.
Topaz: Enables your account to work with Topaz Systems, Inc™ signature pad devices.
ePad with IntegriSign: Enables your account to work with ePadLink ePad-ink with
IntegriSign™ signature pad devices.
Use DocuSign Winter 2015 Signing Experience (Check box)
IMPORTANT: This function is available on the DocuSign DEMO and Production environments.
You can turn on and off the feature until August 31, 2015, when it becomes mandatory for all
When selected, the new DocuSign signing experience is used for all envelopes sent from the account.
Manage Account Options
Email Notifications (Link) – This option sets the default email notifications for new account users
and for API envelope recipients that create a DocuSign account after signing. The notifications alert
the user to envelope actions and other information regarding envelopes. To control the notifications,
select which user type you want to set notifications for, select the settings and then save the
information. Users can modify their email notification settings in their own Preferences.
Password strength (Link) – This option sets the password strength policy for account users.
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To set the password strength policy:
1. Click the link to go to the Password Strength Settings page
2. Select the Password Strength for the account.
Basic – The minimum password length is 6 characters with no other requirements. To have
the password expire, select Expiration and type the number of days until the password
Medium – The minimum password length 7 characters and must have one uppercase letter,
one lowercase letter, and one number or special character. To have the password expire,
select Expiration and type the number of days until the password expires.
Strong – The minimum password length 9 characters and must have one uppercase letter,
one lowercase letter, one number, and one special character. To have the password expire,
select Expiration and type the number of days until the password expires.
Custom – This selection lets you customize your password settings. To have the password
expire, select Expiration and type the number of days until the password expires. Set the
Minimum Password Length (6 to 15 characters) for user passwords. Set Minimum Password
Age (0 or more days) for a password, this is the minimum number of days before a password
can be changed. Set the Lockout Duration time in minutes or Until Unlocked by an
Administrator. Select if uppercase, lowercase, number and/or special characters are needed
in the user password. Finally, select the number of Password Questions Required (0 to 4) to
confirm a user’s identity when a user needs to reset their password.
3. Click Save to save your password strength settings.
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Trusted IP addresses (Link) – This option is used to limit account logins to a range of specified IP
(internet protocol) addresses.
To set the Trusted IP Addresses:
1. Click the link to go to the Manage Trusted Login IP Addresses page.
2. Type the IP addresses that will have access to your account. Different IP addresses must be
separated by a semi-colon (;). An asterisk (*) can be used as a wild card in the address.
3. Click Save to save the trusted IP address information.
Account Branding (Link) – This option can be enabled by your Account Manager. When enabled
this option is used to set look and feel of the web application sending and signing views and the
emails from your account by changing the colors, logo and text for your account. See the Branding
Your DocuSign Account quick start guide for more information.
Document Retention (Link) – This option is used to set the number of days that documents in
completed, declined and voided envelopes are retained. You are not required to set a retention date,
in which case documents are retained indefinitely. When the retention date setting is reached, the
envelope documents are placed in a purge queue for deletion in 14 days. A warning email notification
is sent to the sender and recipients associated with the envelope notifying them that the envelope
document will be deleted in 14 days and providing a link to the documents. Another email is sent 7
days later with the same message. At the end of the 14-day period, the envelope documents are
deleted from the system.
To set document retention information:
1. Click the link to go to the Document Retention Settings page
2. Type the number of days to retain documents from completed envelopes.
3. Optionally, select the Remove meta data option.
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When a document retention setting is set and the option is selected, DocuSign will delete the
original envelope documents, any fields that were added to the documents, and any attachments
that were added the envelope from the system. When a document retention setting is set and the
option is not selected, then DocuSign only deletes the original envelope documents from the
4. Click Next.
5. Confirm your document retention settings by typing “I agree” into the text field and then click
Signature Adoption Configuration (Link) – This option is used to set the signing options for the
account. This includes the default signing modes, limiting signature styles for adopting a signature,
locking a recipient’s name for signing and, for drawn signatures/initials, setting the minimum pixels
required to adopt a signature.
To set the signature adoption configuration options:
1. Click the link to go to the signature adoption configuration page.
2. Optionally, select Disable draw signature to disable the draw signature and initials option,
even if the signer has a HTML5 browser.
3. Optionally, select Disable style selection to disable the select style option (signers are
required to draw their signature and initials). Signers must have a browser that supports
HTML 5 to use this option.
4. Optionally, select Disable upload signature to disable the upload signature and initials
5. Select the default signing mode for standard signing and mobile signing.
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This mode sets the dialog box shown when a signer is adopting their signature or initials after
clicking a Signature or Initial tab. Selecting Start on adopt shows the Adopt screen, with the
different signature styles. Selecting Start on draw shows the Draw screen, where the signer
draws their signature or initials. Selecting Start on upload shows the upload mode, where the
signer can upload a file with their signature or initials.
Note: The signer must already have existing files with their signature and initials to use the
upload option. DocuSign does not let the signer generate the signature/initial file during the
6. Optionally, for the draw signature and initials option, set the minimum number of pixels
required to adopt a signature or initials.
7. Optionally, select Lock the recipient name to prevent the signer from changing their name
when adopting a signature.
Note: If this option is selected, a signer’s name can only be corrected by users with access to
the Correct function for the envelope.
8. Optionally, you can select the signature styles available to signers. Clear the check box
adjacent to the signature style to remove it from the list of available styles.
Note: The Arial Unicode signature style cannot be removed from the list.
9. Click Save to save the signature adoption configuration for your account.
Sender can set Sign in Each Location (Check box) - This option enables the Sign In Each
Locations feature, which allows senders to require signers to write (draw) their signature and initials in
each signature/initial tag in an envelope. See the Using the Sign In Each Location Feature quick start
guide or DocuSign Service User Guide for more information about this feature.
Session Timeout (mins) (Data Field) – This option sets the amount of idle activity time, in minutes,
before a user is automatically logged off of the system. The minimum setting is 1 minute and the
maximum setting is 120 minutes. The default and recommended setting is 20 minutes.
Mobile application session timeout (mins) (Data Field) – This option sets the amount of idle
activity time, in minutes, before a DocuSign mobile application user is automatically logged off of the
system. If the setting is 0, then DocuSign mobile application users are never automatically logged off
the system. The minimum setting is 1 minute and the maximum setting is 120 minutes.
Note: Currently this setting only applies to the DocuSign for iOS v2.8.2 or later mobile app.
Enable Shared Template Folders (Check box) – When selected, this option allows users with
shared templates privileges to create shared template folders and assign permissions for the folders.
Envelope ID stamp control (Check box and Link) – When selected, this option allows account
users to remove the Envelope ID from the envelope document margins. Senders can set this in the
Message window when sending an envelope. The link sets the Envelope ID stamping default value
for the account (either Remove Stamps or Stamp Pages).
Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure frequency (List) – This option determines how often
a recipient is asked to accept the current disclosure notice. It is important to note that recipients who
are part of the sender's account are never required to accept the disclosure. There are two possible
Once: Recipients only need to accept the disclosure the first time they do business
electronically with the account.
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Always: Recipients must always accept the disclosure notice.
Authentication Options
Note: The Authenticate on return access to envelope, Authentication Required, and
Authentication Expiration options are specific to the use of the DocuSign third-party ID check
Authenticate on return access to envelope (List) – This option determines when authentication
checks are applied to envelope access. There are two possible selections:
Initial Access: The authentication check only applies to the initial access of the envelope.
Each Access: The authentication check applies to each attempt to access the envelope.
Authentication Required (List) – This option determines how authentication is configured for the
account. There are three possible selections:
Always: Authentication checks are performed on every envelope.
Never: Authentication checks are not performed on any envelopes.
Optional: Authentication is configurable for each envelope.
Authentication Expiration XXXX and valid for XX days (List and Data Field) – This option
determines when a user’s authentication with this account expires.
Always: The system does not take past-authentications into account.
Never: If the last authentication for a user is valid, the user is not required to authenticate
Variable: If the authentication for a user is valid and within the “valid for XX days” value, the
user is not required to authenticate again.
Number of ID Check question attempts allowed (Data Field) – This option sets number of unique
ID Check question sets a recipient can get before being locked out of an envelope. The value can be
set to any number from 1 to 255.
IMPORTANT: There is an additional charge for new set of questions a recipient gets.
For recipients that must complete ID check authentication before accessing their documents, a new
ID Check question set is generated each time the recipient:
Tries to access the documents from the link in the email notification or from the Access
Documents link on the DocuSign website.
Tries to access their documents from the recipient’s DocuSign account.
• Refreshes their browser while viewing the actual ID Check questions.
If a recipient exceeds the number of unique question sets allowed by the account, the recipient is
considered to have failed the ID Check and the sender is notified of the failure. The sender can
resend the envelope, which will reset the recipient’s question sets giving the recipient the opportunity
to answer the ID check questions.
Authentication by Social ID (Check box) – When selected a Social ID provider, such as Facebook,
Google, Salesforce, or LiveID, can be used to validate a recipient’s identity.
Require Signer Digital Certificate (Check box) – When enabled, the sender can require the signer
to apply a digital certificate at the time of signing. This creates a final document that has been digitally
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Classic DocuSign Experience Account Administrator Reference Guide
signed using PKI. The sender can select the appropriate certificate from the list of enabled Digital
Certificate types. For information about how digital certificates are used, see the Requiring Digital
Certificates quick start guide or the DocuSign Service User Guide. DocuSign currently supports two
types of digital certificates:
Require DocuSign Express Digital Signature: This is a one-time use digital signature
certificate with DocuSign, Inc. as the Root Certificate Authority.
Require SAFE-BioPharma Digital Signature: This is a digital signature certificate provided
by SAFE-BioPharma through Verizon Universal Identity Services.
Require OpenTrust Digital Signature: This is a digital signature certificate provided by
Phone Authentication Preferences (Link) – This option sets the phone authentication preferences
for the account. For more information about how Phone Authentication is used, see the Adding
Signer Authentication quick start guide or the DocuSign Service User Guide.
To set Phone Authentication Preferences:
1. Click the link to go to the Phone Authentication Preferences page.
2. Select the items that are set as the default options in the Authentication Steps dialog box for users
of this account.
Selecting Recipient-provided phone numbers sets the Recipient may enter a new phone
number option in the Phone Authentication, Authentication Steps dialog box as selected.
The Validate recipient provided phone numbers option is currently not used.
3. Click Save, to save your changes.
Sender as Signer must authenticate when requested (Check box) – When selected, a sender that
is also a recipient of an envelope must follow the authentication requirements for the envelope, except
for email authentication.
Access Code Format (Link) – This option provides customers with the ability to set their own
requirements, such as minimum length and format, for access code authentication.
To set the Access Code Format
1. Click the link to go to the Access Code Format page.
2. On the Access Code Format page:
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Select Access Code format required to enable the option.
Select the Minimum Access Code length. This can be 6 to 50 characters.
Optionally, select if Access Code must have at least one letter character, at least on
number character, and at least one special character. Special characters are any
keyboard characters that are not letters, numbers, or spaces.
3. Click Save to save the changes.
DocuSign API Options
Enable DocuSign API (Check box) – This option enables the DocuSign API for your account.
DocuSign Connect (Check box and Link) – This option enables the Connect settings and the link
lets you view and edit your Connect Service integration profile and settings and view your integration
logs. The Connect Service enables the sending of real-time data updates, such as changes in
envelope status, to external applications.
For more information about setting up and using the Connect Service, see the DocuSign Connect
Service Guide in the Developer’s Center section of the DocuSign website.
Enable Mobile Push Notifications (Check box) – This option allows account users to receive
notifications in DocuSign mobile Apps about their envelopes.
Sequential Signing (API) (Check box) – This option enables users to define the routing order of
recipients using the DocuSign Service while sending documents.
Advanced Options
DocuSign Desktop Client (Check box) – This option enables sending and managing envelopes
from the DocuSign Desktop Client for your account.
eVault (Check box and Link) – This option enables electronic document vaulting at eOriginal and the
link lets you enter your credentials for the eOriginal system. The link also provides a way to view
information about envelopes that failed to vault and to attempt to retry vaulting those envelopes.
In session Landing pages (Check box and Link) – This option enables you to define custom
landing pages for Embedded Signing recipients. A landing page is a webpage where the embedded
signer is sent for different envelope events. Clicking the link takes you to the Embedded Signing
Landing Pages page, where you can type the URLs for your custom landing pages.
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TransactionPoint (Check box) – This option enables documents and data to be sent to Transaction
PowerForms (Check box) – This option enables the ability for account users to create, manage, and
download the PowerForms PDF documents. The user must also have the PowerForms or
PowerForms Admin option in the Permissions section enabled to use PowerForms.
Social ID Login (Link) – This option allows members of the account to use their Social ID credentials
to log on the Classic DocuSign Experience. Click on the link to see the list of Social ID credentials
currently available for use with the Classic DocuSign Experience. To enable the option, select
Enable Social ID Login for this account and then click Save.
SAML Configuration (Check box and Link) – This option is part of the Single Sign-On (SSO)
settings for an account. Customers wanting use SSO with SAML 2.0 must engage with DocuSign
Professional Services to ensure the set up functions correctly. This link goes to a page that allows a
customer administrator to upload an updated X.509 certificate and change the Identity Provider
Endpoint URL associated with the SSO setup.
Enable External Document Sources (Link) – This option allows administrators to select the list of
external document sources available to senders for the account. Click the link to go the Enable
External Document Sources page.
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On the Enable External Document Sources page, select the external document sources from
which your users can upload documents.
If no external document sources are selected, then your senders cannot add documents from
external sources.
• Click Save to save the changes.
Configure DocuSign Security Appliance (Link) – This option allows you to setup and enable
DocuSign Security Appliances. This option is limited to DocuSign Enterprise plans. Your system
must be set up to work with the DocuSign Key Manager and Security Appliance to use this option.
New Features Section
This section shows options that are enabled (selected) for your account. The options available
depend on the type of DocuSign plan you have. In some cases, you will be able to modify the
Enable Tag Type Data Field (Check box) – When selected, the Data Field tag is available for
account senders.
Enable Tag Type Radio Button (Check box) – When selected, the Radio Button tag is available for
account senders.
Enable Tag Type Check box (Check box) – When selected, the Check box tag is available for
account senders.
Enable Tag Type DropDown (Check box) – When selected, the DropDown tag is available for
account senders.
Enable Tag Type Approve Decline (Check box) – When selected, the Approve and Decline tags
are available for account senders.
Enable Tag Type Note (Check box) – When selected, the Note tag is available for account senders.
Enable Sender To Change Tag Assignment (Check box) – When selected, senders can reassign
tags from the tag Properties dialog box.
Enable Tag Data Label (Check box) – When selected, the tag Properties – Label field is available
for editing.
Enable Data Field Regex (Check box) – When selected, the tag Properties – Regex field is available
for editing.
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Enable Tag Location (Check box) – When selected, the tag Properties – Location fields are
available for editing.
Enable Tag Scale (Check box) – When selected, the tag Properties – Scale field is available for
Enable Tag Locking (Check box) – When selected, the tag Properties – Locked field is available for
Enable Saving Custom Tags (Check box) – When selected, the Save as Custom option is
available in the tag Properties dialog box.
Enable Tag Text Formatting (Check box) – When selected, the tag Properties – Formatting fields
are available for editing.
Allow Auto Nav Settings (Check box) – When selected, a signing auto-navigation rule can be
Enable Shared Custom Tags (Check box) – When selected, Custom Tags can be shared.
Allow Resource File Branding (Check box) – When selected, the account can use resource files as
part of account branding. Account Branding must be enabled to use this option. See the Branding
Your DocuSign Account quick start guide for more information.
Allow Document Visibility (Check box) – When selected, a Document Visibility option can be set for
the account.
Document Visibility (List) – This option sets how Document Visibility is set up for the account. See
the Document Visibility quick start guide for information on how this features works. The five
Document Visibility options are:
Off: Document Visibility and the Document Visibility grid are not active for the account.
Must Sign To View Unless Sender Account: With this option, Document Visibility is enabled
for all envelopes sent from the account and any member of the sending account can view all
the documents in an envelope.
Must Sign To View Unless Sender: With this option, Document Visibility is enabled for all
envelopes sent from the account and only the sender can view all the documents in an
Sender Can Set Must Sign To View Unless Sender Account: With this option, the sender
has the option of enabling Document Visibility for the envelope. When enabled for an
envelope, all the documents in an envelope are still visible to any member of the sending
Sender Can Set Must Sign To View Unless Sender: With this option, the sender has the
option of enabling Document Visibility for the envelope. When enabled for an envelope, all the
documents in the envelope are only visible to the sender.
Enable In Person Signing (Check box) – When In-Person signing is enabled for the account.
Advanced Correct (Check box) – When selected, the advanced correct option is available for
account users.
Start in Advanced Correct Mode (Check box) – When selected, account users will start in
Advanced Correct mode when correcting envelopes.
Enable Data Field Size (Check box) – When selected, the Maximum number of characters field is
active in the tag Formatting Properties.
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Allow Envelope Custom Fields (Check box) – When selected, the Envelope Custom Fields option
is enabled for the account.
Allow Envelope Custody Transfer (Check box) – When selected, envelope transfer is enabled for
the account.
BCC for Email Archive (Check box and Link) – This option provides the ability for an account to
automatically receive a copy of all email communications between your organization and your signers.
When this option is enabled, a blind carbon copy (BCC) email for all envelope-related, systemgenerated emails is sent to the verified email addresses provided for your account. An account can
have up to five active BCC email addresses.
If this option is enabled, you must ensure that DocuSign emails are not going to junk or spam folders
for the active BCC email addresses. You must allow email from the email address
and the domains &
Optionally, you can allow emails for specific IP addresses. The DocuSign email server IP addresses
• - Production Mail Server Seattle
• - Production Mail Server Chicago
• - Demo/Preview Mail Server
Any email DocuSign sends on your behalf of your account to senders or recipients is also sent to the
BCC email addresses. The specific email types sent to BCC email addresses are:
In Session Recipient Envelope Signed
Failed Envelope Vaulting
Recipient Envelope Complete
Recipient Envelope Complete In Person
Envelope Activation Failed
Envelope Activation (this includes reminder and expiration emails)
Certified Delivery Notification
Reassign Signer
In Session Recipient Envelope Viewed
Envelope Corrected
Fax Received
Envelope Voided
Change Signer
Voided Fax Received
Recipient Add Access Code
Fax Received Wet Sign
Carbon Copy Notification
Envelope Declined
Purge Documents
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Document Markup Activation
Agent Notification
Recipient Envelope Complete In Person
To Add BCC Email Addresses
1. If you are already in the Features section, skip to step 2. Otherwise, from the Classic DocuSign
Experience, click your profile image in the upper right and select Preferences. In the navigation
pane on the left side of the page, under the Account Administration heading, click Features.
2. Scroll down to the New Features list and click BCC for Email Archive
3. In the Email field, type the email address and click Add email to BCC list.
DocuSign sends a validation email message to the email address.
The validation email will contain a link that, when clicked, updates the status of the BCC email
address to active.
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4. When the BCC email address becomes active, customers can close a BCC email address and
view the history of the BCC email address. An account can have up to five active BCC email
To View History or Close BCC Email Addresses
1. If you are already in the Features section, skip to step 2. Otherwise, from the Classic DocuSign
Experience, click your profile image in the upper right and select Preferences. In the navigation
pane on the left side of the page, under the Account Administration heading, click Features.
2. Scroll down to the New Features list and click BCC for Email Archive.
3. In the Blind Carbon Copies Settings list, find the Email Address you want to view the history for or
that you want to close.
To close a BCC Email Address: In the Action column for the email address, click Close. The
system will ask you to confirm that you want to close the email address. If you choose to close the
address, the closes the email address and updates the history for that address.
To view the History for a BCC Email Address: In the Action column for the email address, click
History. The history for the email address is shown at the bottom of the page. Click Close
History to close the information.
Well-formatted Signatures and Initials (Check box) – This option controls the appearance of the
DocuSign signature. When this option is selected, extra information is placed around the signer’s
signatures and initials to make it easy to recognize the signature as being created by the DocuSign
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Classic DocuSign Experience Account Administrator Reference Guide
service. This extra information appears on the documents, including the Certificate of Completion, for
envelopes sent by the account. DocuSign eSignature formatting includes:
DocuSigned by:’ for signatures and ‘DS’ for initials
A blue border on the left
The user’s script name and initials
• A partial Global Identifier for signatures
When this option is not selected (disabled), only the signer’s script name or initials are shown.
DocuSign eSignature format enabled
DocuSign eSignature format disabled
Why use the “DocuSign eSignature format”?
With the DocuSign eSignature Format enabled, the signature is easily recognized as a DocuSign
signature. When disabled, only the signer’s signature appears.
If you expect to be dealing with others who understand the DocuSign signature indicates a secure
document handling process, and that they can rely on the document to be tamper proof, that there
is an online backup, etc, then you should enable the DocuSign eSignature Format to make sure
other can easily tell that the signature is from DocuSign.
If you expect to be sending documents to others who are not familiar with DocuSign, and do not
expect extra layers of security, but perhaps just require faxed in documents, you should consider
disabling the DocuSign eSignature Format so these recipients are not confused by the additional
What the Recipient Sees when Signing
If this option is not selected (disabled) for an account, when a signer clicks a signature or initials
tag, the Adopt Your Signature dialog appears normally, but the DocuSign signature and initials
appear without the eSignature formatting. The eSignature formatting also is not shown on
documents, including the Certificate of Completion, for envelopes signed by the user.
221 Main Street, Suite 1000, San Francisco, CA 94105 Ι Tel. 866.219.4318 Ι Ι © DocuSign, Inc.
Classic DocuSign Experience Account Administrator Reference Guide
Sharing Templates as an Administrator
Sharing a template allows other users to access and use the template to send envelopes.
Administrators have access to and can change the sharing options for existing templates through the
Classic DocuSign Experience Manage tab. The All Account Templates folder has all the templates,
shared or unshared, in the account.
To share existing templates:
1. With the Manage navigation tab selected, in the Templates section of the navigation panel, click
the All Account Templates folder.
Find and select the template you want to share. You can select multiple templates.
2. Click Actions and then select Share.
The Template Sharing dialog box is displayed.
221 Main Street, Suite 1000, San Francisco, CA 94105 Ι Tel. 866.219.4318 Ι Ι © DocuSign, Inc.
Classic DocuSign Experience Account Administrator Reference Guide
If you selected multiple templates to share: a blank box indicates all the templates are not shared
with any Groups/Members, a checked box indicates all the template is shared with a
Groups/Members, a red question mark (?) indicates all the templates are shared with some, but
not all, Groups/Members.
In the Groups tab, select the groups that will have access to the template. Click Select All to
select all the groups in the list. All templates are automatically shared with the Administrators
Click the Members tab. Select the members that will have access to the template. Click
Select All to select all the members in the list.
Note: Due to the way Group and Member template access is tracked, Members will not be shown
as selected when viewing the Members tab even if the Member is part of a selected Group.
3. Click Save to save the template sharing information.
Shared Template Folders
DocuSign builds on the value of templates by giving you more control over sharing different templates
with different groups or departments. You can create additional shared template folders and subfolders and assign different groups to the folder. With this capability, administrators can more easily
organize templates and end users can more quickly locate the right templates to use.
To add a new Shared Templates sub-folder:
You can add a sub-folder under the Shared Templates folder to manage template sharing. Once a
sub-folder is added, it can be shared with Groups and users and is shown under the user’s Shared
Templates folder. Any templates in the sub-folders are automatically shared with the users.
1. Select the Shared Templates folder and click Add Folder.
221 Main Street, Suite 1000, San Francisco, CA 94105 Ι Tel. 866.219.4318 Ι Ι © DocuSign, Inc.
Classic DocuSign Experience Account Administrator Reference Guide
2. A folder, named New Folder, appears at the bottom of the list. Double-click on the New Folder
and type the name or the folder.
To add templates to a Shared Templates sub-folder:
1. Find the template (this can be in My Templates or Shared Templates). In the Result Panel, click
on the template and drag it to the sub-folder you are going to share.
Note: When a template is added to a Shared Templates sub-folder, it will still appear in the main
Shared Templates folder in addition to appearing in the sub-folder. The templates in the subfolders will have different IDs than the original template, but all these templates are related and an
update to one is reflected in all.
In the example below, the Sample Boiler Plate Document is being added to the Education
Templates folder.
Sharing a Shared Templates sub-folder:
You can share all the templates in a sub-folder by sharing the sub-folder with groups or users. To
share a sub-folder:
1. In the Navigation Panel select the sub-folder you want to share, click the Actions menu (on the
right side of the web application) and select Share Folder.
221 Main Street, Suite 1000, San Francisco, CA 94105 Ι Tel. 866.219.4318 Ι Ι © DocuSign, Inc.
Classic DocuSign Experience Account Administrator Reference Guide
2. In the Folder Sharing dialog box, select the Groups and Members that the sub-folder is shared
with and then click Save.
Note: All templates are automatically shared with the Administrators group.
User Permissions and Sharing
This section provides information about the Permissions and Sharing settings for your users.
User Permissions
User permissions can be customized for a user or a Permission Profile can be applied for a user or for
multiple users in a Group. The user table shows general information about the users in the account,
including the user’s Permission Profile and the Groups to which the user belongs.
Note: The Permission column in the user table only shows profiles set by selecting a user and
then selecting a Permission Profile. It does not show any profiles set by being a member of a
221 Main Street, Suite 1000, San Francisco, CA 94105 Ι Tel. 866.219.4318 Ι Ι © DocuSign, Inc.
Classic DocuSign Experience Account Administrator Reference Guide
DocuSign recommends that you use Permission Profiles when setting user permissions. Using
profiles makes it easier to maintain control of user permissions.
If a user is a member of multiple Groups and the groups have different Permission Profiles, the
settings used for that user are the most permissive settings in all the associated profiles.
Example: A user is a member of two groups, in the Permission Profile for one group the Signer
Attachments option is selected and in the other it is not. The user is able to use Sender Attachments
since it is the most permissive setting in the Permission Profiles.
If you want to customize a user’s permission settings, you can select the appropriate settings and
save the changes. However, if a user is part of a Group with a set Permission Profile and the profile
settings are changed, the user’s permission settings will be changed to be the same as the profile.
Sharing Settings
The Sharing settings are used to select which users can view and manage envelopes in the current
user’s folders.
The selected users view and manage the shared envelopes from their own folder list.
The selected users can correct, resend or void envelopes. The selected user cannot send a new
envelope or sign an envelope for the current user.
Time Zone Abbreviations
The following list has the abbreviation, offset from UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) and name of the
time zones used in the DocuSign system.
(UTC+04:30) Kabul
(UTC-09:00) Alaska
Afghanistan Standard Time
Alaskan Standard Time
221 Main Street, Suite 1000, San Francisco, CA 94105 Ι Tel. 866.219.4318 Ι Ι © DocuSign, Inc.
Classic DocuSign Experience Account Administrator Reference Guide
(UTC+03:00) Kuwait, Riyadh
(UTC+04:00) Abu Dhabi, Muscat
(UTC+03:00) Baghdad
(UTC-03:00) Buenos Aires
(UTC-04:00) Atlantic Time (Canada)
(UTC+09:30) Darwin
(UTC+10:00) Canberra, Melbourne,
(UTC+04:00) Baku
(UTC-01:00) Azores
(UTC+06:00) Dhaka
(UTC-06:00) Saskatchewan
(UTC-01:00) Cape Verde Is.
(UTC+04:00) Yerevan
(UTC+09:30) Adelaide
(UTC-06:00) Central America
(UTC+06:00) Astana
(UTC-04:00) Cuiaba
(UTC+01:00) Belgrade, Bratislava,
Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague
(UTC+01:00) Sarajevo, Skopje,
Warsaw, Zagreb
(UTC+11:00) Solomon Is., New
(UTC-06:00) Central Time (US &
(UTC-06:00) Guadalajara, Mexico
City, Monterrey
(UTC+08:00) Beijing, Chongqing,
Hong Kong, Urumqi
(UTC-12:00) International Date Line
(UTC+03:00) Nairobi
(UTC+10:00) Brisbane
(UTC+02:00) Minsk
(UTC-03:00) Brasilia
(UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US &
(UTC+02:00) Cairo
(UTC+06:00) Ekaterinburg
(UTC+12:00) Fiji
(UTC+02:00) Helsinki, Kyiv, Riga,
Sofia, Tallinn, Vilnius
(UTC+04:00) Tbilisi
(UTC) Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon,
(UTC-03:00) Greenland
(UTC) Monrovia, Reykjavik
(UTC+02:00) Athens, Bucharest
Arab Standard Time
Arabian Standard Time
Arabic Standard Time
Argentina Standard Time
Atlantic Standard Time
AUS Central Standard Time
AUS Eastern Standard Time
Azerbaijan Standard Time
Azores Standard Time
Bangladesh Standard Time
Canada Central Standard Time
Cape Verde Standard Time
Caucasus Standard Time
Cen. Australia Standard Time
Central America Standard Time
Central Asia Standard Time
Central Brazilian Standard Time
Central Europe Standard Time
Central European Standard Time
Central Pacific Standard Time
Central Standard Time
Central Standard Time (Mexico)
China Standard Time
Dateline Standard Time
E. Africa Standard Time
E. Australia Standard Time
E. Europe Standard Time
E. South America Standard Time
Eastern Standard Time
Egypt Standard Time
Ekaterinburg Standard Time
Fiji Standard Time
FLE Standard Time
Georgian Standard Time
GMT Standard Time
Greenland Standard Time
Greenwich Standard Time
GTB Standard Time
221 Main Street, Suite 1000, San Francisco, CA 94105 Ι Tel. 866.219.4318 Ι Ι © DocuSign, Inc.
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(UTC-10:00) Hawaii
(UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata,
Mumbai, New Delhi
(UTC+03:30) Tehran
(UTC+02:00) Jerusalem
(UTC+02:00) Amman
(UTC+03:00) Kaliningrad
(UTC+12:00) PetropavlovskKamchatsky - Old
(UTC+09:00) Seoul
(UTC+12:00) Magadan
(UTC+04:00) Port Louis
(UTC-02:00) Mid-Atlantic
(UTC+02:00) Beirut
(UTC-03:00) Montevideo
(UTC) Casablanca
(UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US &
(UTC-07:00) Chihuahua, La Paz,
(UTC+06:30) Yangon (Rangoon)
(UTC+07:00) Novosibirsk
(UTC+01:00) Windhoek
(UTC+05:45) Kathmandu
(UTC+12:00) Auckland, Wellington
(UTC-03:30) Newfoundland
(UTC+09:00) Irkutsk
(UTC+08:00) Krasnoyarsk
(UTC-04:00) Santiago
(UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US &
(UTC-08:00) Baja California
(UTC+05:00) Islamabad, Karachi
(UTC-04:00) Asuncion
(UTC+01:00) Brussels, Copenhagen,
Madrid, Paris
(UTC+04:00) Moscow, St. Petersburg,
(UTC-03:00) Cayenne, Fortaleza
(UTC-05:00) Bogota, Lima, Quito
(UTC-04:00) Georgetown, La Paz,
Manaus, San Juan
(UTC-11:00) Samoa
(UTC+07:00) Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta
(UTC+08:00) Kuala Lumpur,
(UTC+02:00) Harare, Pretoria
(UTC+05:30) Sri Jayawardenepura
Hawaiian Standard Time
India Standard Time
Iran Standard Time
Israel Standard Time
Jordan Standard Time
Kaliningrad Standard Time
Kamchatka Standard Time
Korea Standard Time
Magadan Standard Time
Mauritius Standard Time
Mid-Atlantic Standard Time
Middle East Standard Time
Montevideo Standard Time
Morocco Standard Time
Mountain Standard Time
Mountain Standard Time (Mexico)
Myanmar Standard Time
N. Central Asia Standard Time
Namibia Standard Time
Nepal Standard Time
New Zealand Standard Time
Newfoundland Standard Time
North Asia East Standard Time
North Asia Standard Time
Pacific SA Standard Time
Pacific Standard Time
Pacific Standard Time (Mexico)
Pakistan Standard Time
Paraguay Standard Time
Romance Standard Time
Russian Standard Time
SA Eastern Standard Time
SA Pacific Standard Time
SA Western Standard Time
Samoa Standard Time
SE Asia Standard Time
Singapore Standard Time
South Africa Standard Time
Sri Lanka Standard Time
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(UTC+02:00) Damascus
(UTC+08:00) Taipei
(UTC+10:00) Hobart
(UTC+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo
(UTC+13:00) Nuku'alofa
(UTC+02:00) Istanbul
(UTC+08:00) Ulaanbaatar
(UTC-05:00) Indiana (East)
(UTC-07:00) Arizona
(UTC-04:30) Caracas
(UTC+11:00) Vladivostok
(UTC+08:00) Perth
(UTC+01:00) West Central Africa
(UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin,
Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna
(UTC+05:00) Tashkent
(UTC+10:00) Guam, Port Moresby
(UTC+10:00) Yakutsk
Syria Standard Time
Taipei Standard Time
Tasmania Standard Time
Tokyo Standard Time
Tonga Standard Time
Turkey Standard Time
Ulaanbaatar Standard Time
US Eastern Standard Time
US Mountain Standard Time
Venezuela Standard Time
Vladivostok Standard Time
W. Australia Standard Time
W. Central Africa Standard Time
W. Europe Standard Time
West Asia Standard Time
West Pacific Standard Time
Yakutsk Standard Time
Recommended PayPal Account Settings
This section has information about PayPal account settings and how to correct some potential errors
with the integration between DocuSign and PayPal.
Enabling the Secure Token Setting
The Secure Token setting for your PayPal account must be enable to ensure secure transactions.
Follow the steps below to enable the Secure Token setting:
1. Login to PayPal account using PayPal Manager
2. Click Service Settings.
3. Click Hosted Check Out Pages Set Up
4. Set the Enable Secure Token, under Security Options, to Yes.
5. Click Save Changes.
Recommended Page Layout Setting
DocuSign recommends you use the PayPal page Layout C in your PayPal account that interacts with
DocuSign. Using that page layout should prevent cases where a signer sees the PayPal error
"Merchant Design Identification Error" in a pop-up window. To change the page layout:
1. Login to PayPal account using PayPal Manager
2. Click Service Settings.
3. Click Customize.
4. Under the Customize Your Page section, click Layout C.
5. Click Save and Publish.
221 Main Street, Suite 1000, San Francisco, CA 94105 Ι Tel. 866.219.4318 Ι Ι © DocuSign, Inc.
221 Main Street, Suite 1000, San Francisco, CA 94105 Ι Tel. 866.219.4318 Ι Ι © DocuSign, Inc.