Using Field Markup quick start


Using Field Markup quick start
DocuSign Quick
Start Guide
Using the Field Markup Feature
There may be times when you want to be able to negotiate small changes to certain aspects of your
documents with other signers during the online signing process. For example, a sender and signer
may want to propose changes to a closing date or some other small change in the document.
Using the DocuSign® Field Markup feature, a sender can allow certain field content to be edited
through DocuSign, while managing approval initials from all signers for the changes and maintaining a
secure audit trail of the changes.
When Field Markup is enabled for a field, changes made by one recipient can be reviewed and
approved by all recipients. Recipients that signed a document before the changes were made are
given a new opportunity to review and approve the changes before any document is finalized.
Note: The Field Markup feature is only supported in DocuSign Business, Business Premium,
Enterprise, System Automated (SA), DocuSign for REALTORS, and DocuSign for Real Estate plans.
Your account may not support this option. To access this functionality, contact your Account Manager
or DocuSign Support ( for assistance.
This guide provides information on:
The envelope lifecycle when using shared Field Markup
How to add and enable Field Markup in a document
How to use Field Markup in a document and what recipients see in a modified document
How to view the history of changes to documents
The procedures in this guide assume that you have a DocuSign account and are logged on to the
console. For more information and details on any of these subjects, see the Classic DocuSign
Experience User Guide.
Table of Contents
Envelope Lifecycle ............................................................................................................................... 2
Enabling Field Markup ......................................................................................................................... 2
Using Field Markup in a Document ...................................................................................................... 3
Reviewing a Document with Field Markup Changes ............................................................................ 3
Reviewing Envelope History ................................................................................................................ 4
For More Information ........................................................................................................................... 4
221 Main Street, Suite 1000, San Francisco, CA 94105 Ι Tel. 866.219.4318 Ι Ι © DocuSign, Inc.
Using the Field Markup Feature Quick Start Guide
Envelope Lifecycle
When using Field Markup, the sender selects which fields other recipients can edit. The sender also
selects whether or not signers that have already completed signing are required to review and initial
the changes. Note that a signer that makes a change to a field always must initial the change.
When a document with Field Markup is enabled is sent and a signer makes a change, that signer
must initial the change in the right margin of the document on the same line as the change. If the
sender selected to have all signers initial the changes, any signers that have already completed
signing the document are notified that a change was made to the document and that they will have to
review and initial the changes to complete the envelope. Signers can still decline to sign a document.
Signers that had already completed signing a document also have the opportunity to make changes to
the fields enabled for markup. Then other signers can review and initial the change or make their own
change. This allows the negotiation process to go back and forth until all signers agree to the
Enabling Field Markup
Only the Data Field, Check Box, Radio Button, and Drop Down tags can be enabled for Field Markup.
The process for sending an envelope with Field Markup is similar to the normal process for sending
an envelope. The changes to the normal process are described in the following procedure.
Note: Field Markup cannot be used with In Person Signing. Additionally, if Document Markup is
enabled for the envelope, Field Markup is allowed on all tags that allow Field Markup, even if Allow all to
edit is not selected on the individual tags.
1. Create a new envelope. Add documents, recipients, Email Subject and Email messages, and
Envelope Settings normally.
Note: You might want to add a note to your recipients informing them that they can use the field
mark up feature.
2. Add tags for recipients normally.
To enable the tags for markup, drag and drop the tag onto the document and open the Properties
dialog box.
Select Allow All To Edit
Select Allow All To Edit to enable the tag for markup and collaboration.
By default, Require Initial is also enabled when a tag is enabled for markup. This requires
that signers that have already completed signing must review any changes to this field and
initial the change to complete the envelope.
221 Main Street, Suite 1000, San Francisco, CA 94105 Ι Tel. 866.219.4318 Ι Ι © DocuSign, Inc.
Using the Field Markup Feature Quick Start Guide
Optionally, select Require All to require that information be entered in this tag in order for the
signer to complete the envelope.
Note: The Require All property is not included for the check box tag since enabling Require
All would require that the check box be selected (checked).
Complete the remaining properties for the tag and click Apply to save the changes.
Continue to add other tags as needed.
3. After tags are added, complete sending your envelope normally.
Your recipients receive the request to sign a document and, during the signing process, they have
the option to use field markup.
Using Field Markup in a Document
When the recipient reaches the tag (Data Field, Check Box, Radio Button, or Drop Down tag) enabled
for editing, either by clicking Next or by clicking in the field, and makes a change to the information, a
small tab appears to the right of the field. This indicates that changing the field information requires
initialing the change. The initial tab is placed in the right-hand margin of the document.
An example of this is shown below, with the small tab indicating that changes to the field must be
initialed by the signer making the change.
After making a change to the field, the recipient initials the change and completes signing the
The document is then sent to the next recipient and to signers that have already completed signing.
Reviewing a Document with Field Markup Changes
If another recipient makes changes to a document you have signed by changing information in a tag,
an email message is sent to you saying that there are suggested changes to the document and who
made the changes. When you open the document, an initial tab is added in the document’s righthand margin on the same line where any changes are located.
Note: If you had previously made a change to a tag and that tag was modified by another signer, your
initials from your previous change are removed from the document. However, the information about
the change is retained in the document history.
Your initial tab
Initials of the person that made the change
If you agree with the change, you can initial the change to complete the document.
221 Main Street, Suite 1000, San Francisco, CA 94105 Ι Tel. 866.219.4318 Ι Ι © DocuSign, Inc.
Using the Field Markup Feature Quick Start Guide
If you don’t agree with the change, you can make a change to the information in the field or
decline to sign the document. If you make a change, you must initial the change.
After initialing any changes or making changes, complete signing the document normally. The
envelope is sent to the next recipient to signers that have already completed signing.
These changes and counter-changes can go back and forth until all recipients agree to the changes
or someone declines to sign the document. All of the changes are recorded in the document history.
Reviewing Envelope History
The document history view shows the Envelope Data, Record Tracking information and the actions
users carried out in the document, including any changes to field information.
1. Find and select the envelope.
2. Click Actions and then select History. The envelope history is opened in a new browser window.
The browser shows the Envelope Data, Record Tracking information and the actions taken by the
Click Printable Version to see a version formatted for printing.
Click Certificate to see and print the envelope certificate information.
After you are done viewing the history, click Close to close the browser window.
For More Information
For more information about additional DocuSign features, go to the DocuSign Support Site.
221 Main Street, Suite 1000, San Francisco, CA 94105 Ι Tel. 866.219.4318 Ι Ι © DocuSign, Inc.
Using the Field Markup Feature Quick Start Guide
Copyright, Trademark and Patent Information
Copyright ©2003-2015 DocuSign, Inc. All rights reserved.
For information about DocuSign trademarks, copyrights and patents refer to the DocuSign Intellectual Property page
( on the DocuSign website. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of
their respective holders.
No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any
purpose, without the express written permission of DocuSign, Inc. Under the law, reproducing includes translating into
another language or format. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this manual is accurate. DocuSign,
Inc. is not responsible for printing or clerical errors. Information in this document is subject to change without notice.
Version: DocuSign Release March 2015
If you have any comments or feedback on our documentation, please send them to us at:
Summary of changes for this version:
Added information about the Require All property to the Enabling Field Markup section.
221 Main Street, Suite 1000, San Francisco, CA 94105 Ι Tel. 866.219.4318 Ι Ι © DocuSign, Inc.