April 12 2015 - web - Sacred Heart Catholic Church


April 12 2015 - web - Sacred Heart Catholic Church
17 Ann Avenue • Valley Park, MO 63088 • 636-225-5268
One Heart, One Mind
The Easter sacraments of initiation have
called us to become a community of God’s
people. The program for this “community of
believers is to be of one heart and one mind.”
The Second Reading deals with the one
heart part of being community: loving God
and loving God’s children. The Gospel deals
with the one mind part of being community:
belief in Jesus even among those who have
not seen.
What is such a community like? Look at
the Reading from Acts. The early church of
Jerusalem respected the apostles and their
witness to the resurrection, and along with
that they shared their possessions.
Voluntarily surrendering their right to
private ownership, they created a situation in
which no one among them was needy. All
members of the community had what they
needed, or if they didn’t have it, they got it
from the community.
The passage from Acts does not attempt to
impose on us a specific economic system.
Rather, it tells us that whatever economic
system the followers of Jesus Christ espouse,
it had better be a system that provides for the
needs of all the people.
A well-ordered human society requires that men recognize and observe
their mutual rights and duties. It also
demands that each contribute generously to the establishment of a civic order
in which rights and duties are progressively more sincerely and effectively
acknowledged and fulfilled.
It is not enough, for example, to
acknowledge and respect every man’s
right to the means of subsistence. One
must also strive to insure that he actually has enough in the way of food and
Vatican II, Constitution on the Church
(1964) 18
Mass Intentions and Readings
Monday, April 13
Easter Weekday; St. Martin I, Pope, Martyr
Acts 4:23-31 Ps 2:1-9 Jn 3:1-8
6:30 am † Lawrence Art Zachritz, Jr.
8:00 am † Ken Fisher
Tuesday, April 14
Easter Weekday
Acts 4:32-37 Ps 93:1-2,5 Jn 3:7b-15
6:30 am † Poor Souls
8:00 am † Jim Weber
Wednesday, April 15
Easter Weekday
Acts 5:17-26 Ps 34:2-9 Jn 3:16-21
6:30 am † Anna Volk
8:00 am † Anna Henricks
Thursday, April 16
Easter Weekday
Acts 5:27-33 Ps 34:2,9,17-20 Jn 3:31-36
6:30 am † Anna Marie Wieda
8:00 am † Dolly Hernandez
Friday, April 17
Easter Weekday
Acts 5:34-42 Ps 27:1,4,13-14 Jn 6:1-15
6:30 am † Albert Fiala
8:00 am † Marian Lemp
Saturday, April 18
Easter Weekday
Acts 6:1-7 Ps 33:1-2,4-5,18-19 Jn 6:16-21
8:00 pm † Living and Deceased Families of
William and Catherine Williams
5:00 pm † Patrick Carroll
Sunday, April 19
3rd Sunday of Easter
Acts 3:13-15, 17-19 Ps 4:2,4,7-9 1 Jn 2:1-5a Lk 24:35-48
7:00 am † Ken Fisher
8:30 am Anne Gantner
10:15 am
† Mary Ellen Kelly
12:00 pm † Matilde Flores
6:00 pm Parishioners
his week’s Prayer Intention
For the grace of healing:
that God will heal our
wounds of body, mind
and spirit and enable us
to become instruments
of healing and hope for
others who are wounded
As You Pray This Week
Remember Those Who Are Sick
Ken Miller
Julia Drummond
Mary Jo Tuberty
Dale Pracht
Mike Hamm
Roger Welsh
Dottie Blair
Evelyn Grzeskowiak
Matt Courtney
Dolores Gebaur
Verna Dodge
Dale Cox
Rich Barbieri
Kyle Wilken
Bill Salsmon
Melissa Gibson
Joe Kline
Patricia Bowser
Nancy Libera
Dan Callahan
Marian Menz
Janet Popp
Peter McGauly
Charles Nahlik
Roberts Family
Linda Dunn
Kate Long Kilgore
Shirley Jones
Florence Gunter
Norma Buffa
Barb Murdock
Rose Westermann
David McCarthy
Corey Rolwes
Addison Sokeland
Madeline Seward
Connie Hagedorn
Cecelia Hagedorn
Patty Burres
Brown Family
Donna Renaud
Evan Merli
Jack Hermen
Sylvia Tierney
Remember Those In Service to Our Country
Chris Hardy
Katie Alsup
Nicholas Knudtson
Michael Duncan
Robert Ottinger
Scott Ottinger
Kurtis Colona
Colleen Hunter
Ken Hardy
Carl Degenhart
Rest in Peace
Marian Lemp
mother of Jim (Kim)
Benjamin Xu Wolff
son of Gregory and Wei Xu
Banns of Marriage
2nd Bann
Sarah Haines and Aaron Young
April 25, 2015
Your Gift to God
Sunday, March 29:
Regular Contributions......................................... $25,386.51
Budgeted Amount ............................................. $29,000.00
Excess (Deficit) ..................................................... ($3,613.49)
Friday, April 3:
Good Friday Holy Land Collection ....................... $1,665.00
Sunday, April 5:
Regular Contributions......................................... $33,606.01
Budgeted Amount ............................................. $29,000.00
Excess (Deficit) ....................................................... $4,606.01
February weekly average .................................. $26,851.45
“Preserving our Heritage” - February.............. $134,087.50
Church Sound System Improvement Goal ...... $38,000.00
Collected to date ............................................... ($25,184.00)
Balance .................................................................$12,816.00
Darine Bram
Ian Hunter
Brian Cox
Adam Boode
David Lewis
Thank you…
In the name of all the parishioners, I would like to thank those who coordinated and prepared our Holy Week and Easter services. It takes the efforts of many
individuals working together to have the prayerful and beautiful liturgies that we
have at Sacred Heart Parish. In particular I want to acknowledge the Liturgy Commission; the choirs, cantors and musicians; the lectors, extraordinary ministers
of the Eucharist, servers and ushers; church decorators; sacristan, parish staff
and maintenance staff.
Saturday before Holy Week, Parishioners beautify
the Sacred Heart Grounds
Thank you to the many parishioners, who came and raked, weeded, trimmed
and mulched the planting beds at the parish. It only took a few hours to accomplish because of the large number of volunteers. We could not have done it without the parish volunteers of all ages. A special thanks to Jerry Paszkiewicz and
the Men’s Club for organizing the morning and for providing refreshments. The
mulch was donated by Patrick Geraty of St. Louis Compost.
Annual Catholic Appeal
The Annual Catholic Appeal begins next weekend in all our parishes. The
theme this year is the Peace Prayer of St. Francis, where we ask God to make us
instruments of His peace – to help us to seek not so much to be consoled as to
console, to be understood as to understand, or to be loved as to love.
Together, we can live the words of the Peace Prayer as a parish by participating
in the Annual Catholic Appeal. Your gift will help ensure we will be able to reach
out with a message of hope and peace, celebrating the sacraments, and healing
those in need. The Annual Catholic Appeal provides resources for Catholic education and the many ministries and apostolates that address spiritual and material poverty.
Next weekend Mr. Paul Masek will be speaking about the ACA at all the Sunday
Masses. Paul is known to many of our parishioners as one of the presenters at
the Confirmation day of prayer. He is the coordinator of The REAP Team (Retreat
Evangelization And Prayer) a retreat ministry of the Catholic Youth Apostolate of
the Archdiocese of St. Louis.
Giving Plan
Congratulations to our recent winners in
Giving Plan Sign
Up Bonus.
Each of the winners will receive a
$50.00 Gift Card to Dierbergs:
March, 2015:
Rick and Gay Thompkins
By signing up for the Automatic Giving Plan, you too will be entered into
the monthly drawings. For more details, go to the Parish Website,
www.sacredheartvp.org and go to the
right side of the page for the link to
assist you.
Congratulations to the March winner
in the Automatic Giving Drawing
March’s winner of a $50 gift card to Dierbergs is Rick and Gay Tompkins. Thank
you for participating in the Automatic Giving Plan for Sacred Heart. Enrollment/
Authorization Forms for Automatic Giving are available in the back of church and
on the parish web-site sacredheartvp.org.
A common issue for very large parishes like ours is the feeling that my little
donation to the parish doesn’t matter. This feeling often results in insufficient
revenue for a parish. The Automatic Giving Plan is a way of making donations
without having to use checks or remember your envelopes. Any offering you designate will be posted directly to your giving record.
Automatic Giving has many benefits for you and for Sacred Heart:
* Simple. You save time writing checks.
* Safe. Your transactions and records
are secure and their confidentiality
* Flexible. You choose whether to
make your gift weekly, semi-monthly,
or monthly.
* Convenient. On those Sundays when
you’re not able to be at Mass at Sacred
Heart, you don’t have to worry about
missing an offering.
* Effortless. Instead of scrambling for
cash or a pen at offertory time, it now
becomes a moment to offer your gratitude to God.
* You’re in control. You can budget
your parish giving based on your total
financial circumstances.
* Your parish has the resources it
needs. It provides a dependable income
stream to support Sacred Heart’s liturgies, ministries, and programs.
Divine Mercy Sunday
Prayer Service
A prayer service in honor of Divine
Mercy Sunday will be held in Church
today, Sunday, April 12th from 2:00 3:30 pm. The service will include Eucharistic Adoration, Confession, readings, homily and praying the Divine
Mercy Chaplet. Come and experience
the mercy and peace promised from
Our Lord through the writings of St.
~~ Jesus told St. Faustina that it was
His desire that we celebrate this special feast: "The Feast of Mercy emerged
from My very depths of tenderness. It is
My desire that it be solemnly celebrated
on the first Sunday after Easter. Mankind
will not have peace until it turns to the
Fount of My Mercy" (Diary of St. Faustina, 699).
Do you believe in the resurrection?
This is a good thing to ask, at least so St. Paul says,
because if the answer is “no,” then “our faith is in
vain” (1 Cor 15:14).
But sometimes it
is hard to know what
this “resurrection” is.
Couldn’t it simply be
bringing Jesus back
to life so he could go
on as before? In no
way. Jesus was deeply marked by injuries, humiliation and
death, and a mere
return to life would
let these recede into
the background of an
ordinary life.
Here is a metaphor to suggest a better answer.
There is a spiritual soil that all life sprouts from. In
his death Jesus plunged deep down into this soil. He
had stumbled, fallen, and had lost the very thing we
think is irreplaceable and to be guarded beyond all else:
But think about it. Life is only a garden plant, and it
grows from a loam so rich that we hardly notice it. That
spiritual soil is love, vast and quiet love.
But doubt sets in. Doubting Thomas was resentful,
probably broken-hearted. He warded off his grief by
simple denial. Unless I “put my finger into the nail
marks and put my hand into his side, I will not believe” (Gospel).
And men. In the gospel of Luke, the women, not the
men, had seen the empty tomb and angels, and they
took it seriously. But “ … their words seemed an idle
tale, and [the apostles] did not believe” (Lk 24:11). In
Matthew, Jesus came first to the women, but when the
men went to the place said he would meet them, “they
worshipped him, but some doubted” (Mt 28:17). In Mark,
Jesus appeared first to Mary Magdalene, but when she
went to the apostles, you guessed it, they rejected her
testimony (Mk 16:9). Nor did they listen to the men who
had met Jesus walking to Emmaus (Mk 16:12-13).
Hard to miss the fact that women usually believed
and men usually did not. The women dared to trust
what they saw. Sure, women have been given lower
status in culture throughout the ages, but it is a big mistake to ignore their testimony.
Dan Brown’s Da Vinci Code is another vehicle for
huge doubt. For him, males have systematically repressed the essence of Christianity. The real truth,
guarded through centuries, he claims, is that Mary Magdalene was Jesus’ secret wife. Moreover, a flesh and
blood descendent from Jesus is alive today (a woman,
living in secret and in fear for her life). Obviously if the
gospels are just huge cover-ups, then the resurrection
would be just one more spin of a glittering wheel of deception.
What is the truth about the resurrection?
Jesus’ life, death and resurrection aimed us toward
the source of all life, the source of the universe, of the
trees, of the women and the men, of marriage and of
offspring. Jesus was the river of love that God had
poured into the world. He was now flowing back into
the ocean of the Trinity and taking us along, whichever
of us chooses to believe.
That is the resurrection.
Do you believe in it? If you do, then you believe that
love is the foundation of life. Just put your finger into
the mark of the nails, and put your hands into his side
and you will find it.
John Foley S. J.
Eucharistic Adoration
Jesus gave His life for
you! Can you give him
just one hour?
Can you imagine how
much God loved you to
give HIS life for you?
Wow! How can you
ever repay Him?
Well, you could start
by telling Him "Thanks"
in person at Eucharistic Adoration.
Jesus is waiting! Adoration is every
weekend from 7:30 pm on Sunday Monday at 1:00 pm.
Contact Judy
bargerja@hotmail.com or call 636-343-6025
with any questions.
Sacred Heart Respect Life Committee
Saturday, April 18 –
Prayer Vigil – 11:00 am.– 12:00 pm Planned
Parenthood, Stonegate Plaza
Saturday, April 18 –
Helpers of God’s Precious Infants Mass – 8:00 am
Cathedral Basilica
Thursday, April 23 –
Respect Life Meeting – 7:00 pm Sacred Heart Room (Church Hall)
Saturday/Sunday - April 25, 26 –
Distribution of Mother’s Day Cards to benefit Birthright.
Archbishop’s Gospel of Life Prayer Breakfast:
The Respect Life Committee has reserved a table for 10 to the upcoming Archbishop’s Gospel of Life Breakfast on Wednesday, May 13th. It will be held at the
Ritz-Carlton St. Louis and begins at 6:00 am with the Rosary and then Holy Mass
at 6:30 am followed by a served breakfast and keynote address by Bishop Paul D.
Sirba of Duluth, MN, titled, “The Joy of the Gospel of Life in a Throwaway Culture.”
shvp_respect_life@att.net or call Christine at 314-578-5949.
Dear Parishioners,
11 of our 8th Grade students have been selected and received the Glory Awards for having been an example of one
of the characteristics of good Missouri citizens which are
carved into the walls of the Missouri House chamber. These
students received their award on Tuesday, April 7, in Jefferson City.
Those students are:
Libby Trn – Knowledge
Lexi Ruzicka - Law
Kathryn Echele - Justice
Jack Schlote - Fraternity
Joseph Kelly - Education
Meaghan Roussin - Progress
Grace Mudd - Honor
Leah Ramspott - Truth
Dominic Cyr - Virtue
Zach Lakamp - Temperance
Lauren Reifsteck - Charity.
Sacred Heart and we are now accepting registrations.
If you are interested in touring our school, please contact
the office. I would be glad to show you around our school
and all the wonderful things going on at Sacred Heart Catholic School. Again, I would like to thank you for your continued support of Sacred Heart Catholic School. If you would
like to share your time and talent with the school please contact us either by phone or email.
Blessings to you and your families,
Mr. Larry Hoskins
Principal - Sacred Heart School
Tuesday, April 14:
Wednesday, April 15:
Thursday, April 16:
If you know anyone who is interested in our Preschool and
Elementary School please have them contact the office. We
are currently adding a 5 day Preschool 4’s program here at
Chess Club, 3:00 pm
Outdoor Education Grade 6
Math League: St. Justin
RCIA for Children
“Jesus and Me” for children ages 3, 4, and 5 during the 10:15
Congratulations to Alan R. and Maddie H. who were re- am Mass on Sunday. Registration forms for the 2915-2016
ceived into full communion of the church at the 8:30 am school year are available in the Religious Education Office,
the back of Church, the Parish Office, or on the parish webMass today.
First Eucharist
The First Eucharist Retreat/Practice is scheduled for Sun- Leaders needed for
day afternoon, April 19 from 1:15 - 4:00 pm in the Church. Liturgy of the Word for Children
The second grade families will celebrate First Eucharist on
Liturgy of the Word for Children is on Sunday at the 10:15
Saturday, May 2 at 10:30 am and 1:30 pm. Please keep in your am Mass. This is a year-round program with the exception of
prayers these children as they prepare to receive the Eucha- certain holiday weekends. The purpose of Liturgy of the
rist for the first time.
Word for Children is to help children in Kindergarten
through grade 3 better understand the Sunday readings and
how they can put God's Word into action in their lives.
The Sponsor/Candidate Commissioning is Sunday, April 26
We are looking for more teams (2 adults per team) to lead
at the noon Mass followed by lunch and meeting in the Par- this ministry. Currently, we have 3 sets of teachers, which
ish Center.
means that each team teaches once every 3 weeks. We
would like to have 6-8 teams. If more teams sign up, the
PSR Registration is Online!
scheduled times would decrease.
Sacred Heart’s Parish School of Religion is for all children
LEADER RESPONSIBILITIES: Leaders are provided with
in grades 1 through 8 who attend a public or private nonprintouts of the readings and activity/discussion ideas at the
Catholic school. It is very important that we put our chilbeginning of the semester that corresponds with their scheddren’s religious education as a number one priority. Sacred
uled Sunday. Preparation time varies (depends on the leadHeart PSR will not refuse religious education because of any
er’s comfort level and teaching objective). Leaders arrive
family’s inability to pay tuition fees.
about 20 minutes before Mass to set up the St. Anthony
Current PSR families should have received an email from
Room. Actual teaching time is approximately 15-20 minutes.
the Religious Education Office with a link to register their
After Mass, leaders check the St. Anthony Room to put away
child(ren) for PSR.
Families new to the PSR program neeed to register online
If you are interested in this ministry, please call the Reliat the following link or go to the parish website and click on
gious Education office at 636-225-0341 or cdegenthe link to register.
Easter blessings! Alleluia!
Cheryl Degenhart
Jesus and Me
Sacred Heart Parish offers a Sunday Preschool program,
What’s happening
in April???
Sunday, April 19, 2015
2:00 – 5:00 pm
Youth Group Easter Party
“From the Heart” Bag Sunday
and Life Night - “Freeze”
*Twilight Prayer: Wednesdays,
7:00 - 9:00 pm
Reservations Required by
April 13, 2015.
No admission fee.
“Sacred Heart-Valley Park Youth Group”
Welcome New Parishioners to
Sacred Heart
A free will donation will be taken, and raffles will be
available, all to benefit the
St. Vincent DePaul Society
If you are searching for a place to call “home,” why not
join our Parish Family? Simply complete this form and
return it to Monica in the Parish Office, or call her at 636225-5268.
There are 2 ways to make a reservation: by hosting a table,
or simply reserving a space and joining the fun. Table Hostesses will compete for cash prizes by decorating their table
with the theme, and serving food of their choice. Theme for
the day is: “Sunday Afternoon…”
Name _____________________________________________________________
Address ___________________________________________________________
For more information or to reserve a table, visit the parish
website: www.sacredheartvp.org or contact:
Patti Anderson at 314-852-1992 or
email patti0301@yahoo.com
City/State/Zip Code __________________________________________________
Phone _____________________________________________________________
Huge Treasure Sale
mec Bluffs Drive, where Sulphur all expectant mothers during their pregMeramec Bluffs Retirement Center is Springs and Vance Road meet. For nancy or during their wait for adoption.
hosting another of their sales on Tues- more info call 636-861-0600.
CO-ED Faith Sharing Group
day and Wednesday, April 14-15 from
Prayers and Roses
Join us every Wednesday from 7:30 7:00 am until 2:00 pm. Featured items
8:30 pm in the Sacred Heart Room on
include furniture, adult clothing, houseExpecting or adopting? Contact Pat the lower level of the church. Call Mary
hold goods, décor, small appliances,
at 314-795-8103 or 636-343-6644 Grace Villmer-314-537-7800; Jeff Villmer
bedding, linens, purses, shoes, kitchen- 314-686-2977 or Sister Cathy at 636-225
ware, books, puzzles and so much so the Respect Life group can place a
red rose for you at the Blessed Mother -5268 with questions.
The event is held indoors at #1 Mera- statue in church. Our parish community will pray for you and your child and
Cost: $7.00 pp
($9.00 after Apr. 29th)
Monthly Meeting and Social
MONDAY, MAY 4, 2015 - 11:15 AM
Enclose fee and drop
registration in collection
basket or bring to the
Parish Office. We look
forward to seeing all of
you! Join us!
NAME ________________________________________________________
PHONE ________________________________________________________
# ATTENDING __________________
Circle of Concern Tax Preparation
The Circle of Concern is a site for the AARP TaxAide program that provides free assistance for those
filing 2014 federal and state income tax returns. Persons over 55 and those with low incomes are invited,
but no one will be turned away. Appointments on
Tuesdays are reserved for Circle of Concern clients.
Appointments for Thursdays, through April 15th, may
be made by calling 314-525-1660. If there are any
questions, please contact the Circle of Concern at 636861-2623.
Catholic Singles
The Catholic Singles softball and sand volleyball
leagues begin in April. If interested, contact kevinreese75@yahoo.com.
Also, the CSAC Spring Dance will be held at Church
of the Ascension on Saturday, April 18th from 8:00 pm
- 12:00 am. For more information contact Gina at
Bunch for Bunko
Join us Friday, May 1st to play Bunco with a
fun Bunch! Wine, Soda, Tasty Snacks & Yummy Desserts; Fabulous Silent Auction, 3 Winner Prizes, & Attendance Prizes: Only $15 per player! Doors open at
6:15 pm, & Dice are Rollin' at 7:00 pm. St. Joseph Manchester. Reservations: Stephanie 636-227-8596
2015 Volleyball and Soccer
Believe it or not, it’s time to start thinking about our
upcoming Fall sports. SHAA On-Line registration is
now open.
Volleyball – Open to Grades 3 through 8
Any questions, contact Lay Directors Chrissy
Curran or Colleen Rossomanno at shvpvolleyball@sbcglobal.net
(Evaluations will take place the end of May…
more info to follow)
Soccer – Open to Grades Pre-K through 8
Any questions, contact Lay Director Chad Cor
si at ccorsi2009@gmail.com
Please use the following link to register: https://
This link is also available from our Athletic Association website: www.eteamz.com/shaa
Please note that you must still mail in a separate
$100 Work Commitment/Uniform Deposit check to
our SHAA Registrar, Denise Pudlo at 1016 Arborgate
Court, Fenton 63026. Unfortunately, this cannot be
paid online. (If signing up for both Soccer & Volleyball,
two checks are needed)
Please make sure to indicate what grade your child
will be in the FALL of 2015.
Anyone interested in coaching must also register in
our system. (This includes all returning coaches)
o we’ve had John the Baptist, Stephen, Matthias, Barnabas, and
Ignatius, which brings us now to Alexander, or rather Pope St.
Alexander I. The traditions around St. Alexander are a bit hazy –
he wasn’t the most well-known or popular pope in the history
of the Church – but apparently, he was important enough at the
time to find his way into our prayers! He was the 5th pope to succeed St. Peter the Apostle, and reigned from around 107 to 115,
although that is somewhat disputed. He was Roman by birth, and
became a priest of the diocese of Rome, until he became the Bishop of Rome under the Emperor Trajan.
St. Alexander is actually pretty important to the Church, as he is
sneakily responsible for some of the practices that we use even
today. One of these is the practice of using holy water fonts in the
home. If you don’t have one of these, look it up at your local Catholic goods store. Blessing ourselves as we enter and leave our
homes is a great way to keep our minds on Christ and protect our
home and family against the influences of sin.
A related practice attributed to St. Alexander is the use of blessed
salt in the home as well. This isn’t as common as holy water, but it
is a traditional practice of the Church to remind us of Christ’s call
to be the “salt of the earth” and to protect against the Evil One. Often times, the blessed salt is dissolved in the holy water fonts for
double the blessings and protection! Let me know if you want
some salt blessed...
St. Alexander is also credited with being the first to include the
institution narrative (the Qui Pridie as it is called), which as you
might recall, are the words commemorating and bringing about
again the events of the Last Supper during Mass. This is the most
important part of the Eucharistic Prayer, so this is quite a contribution to the Church from St. Alexander. Many scholars don’t really
believe that he is responsible for this, but who cares, right? That’s
what tradition says!
Tradition also tells us that St. Alexander (after bringing us holy
water, blessed salt, and the Institution Narrative), suffered martyrdom alongside two of his priests, Eventius and Theodulus, on the
Via Nomentana, northeast of Rome. The Roman Martyrology,
which catalogs the martyrs for each day, says that he suffered
“fetters, imprisonment, the rack (what is that?!?), and torture by
hooks and fire” before he was slain with “sharp implements”, whatever that means. Needless to say, it wasn’t pleasant! In 1855, his
body, along with Eventius and Theodulus, was discovered in a subterranean cemetery, supposedly on the site of his martyrdom. His
relics were then translated to the ancient basilica St. Sabina on the
Aventine Hill in Rome, where you can still see and venerate them
Sunday, April 12
7:00 pm Adult Open Gym
Monday, April 13
Tuesday, April 14
8:30 pm Adult Volleyball
Wednesday, April 15
Thursday, April 16
Friday, April 17
Saturday, April 18
KEY: KA - Kateri Court • KI - Kister Court
This past basketball season Forty-Six 1st & 2nd grade boys & girls from Sacred Heart completed an Instructional Basketball Academy held in the Parish Center. Over the course of the season the young players were exposed to the fundamentals of basketball. Thank you to Sacred
Heart players and coaches who devoted their time effort to the program.
The joy of our Risen Lord was evident in the beauty of our Church this Easter Season.
Thanks to the many who donated flowers in honor of, or in memory of, a loved one.
We are grateful to you and our prayers remain with you.
In loving memory of Philip & Santa Castro
…Love Angela & Family
In loving memory of the Weber Family
…Love Helen Weber
In loving memory of the Gebel Family
…Love Helen Weber
In loving memory of John Magre & Mildred Richardson
…Love John, Brigitte & Stella Magre
In loving memory of Irene & Joseph Lesyne
…Love Jorine & Eugene Caruso
In loving memory of Grace & Louis Caruso
…Love Jorine & Eugene Caruso
In loving memory of Pearl Sprock & Mike
…Love Husband and Dad & Family
In loving memory of Nick & Rose
…Love Mary & Earl
In loving memory of Tom & Nadine
…Love Mary & Earl
In loving memory of Ted Hunstad …Love the Hunstad Family
In loving memory of Hertha & Rudy Hartmann
…Love The Hunstad Family
In loving memory of Mary & Phil Bellantone
…Love the Gunn & Hunstad Families
In loving memory of Dora & Al Prosperi
…the Gunn & Hunstad Families
In loving memory of Maher & Hayden Families
…Love Hayden Family
In loving memory of Paszkiewicz, Pinski, and
Allerton Families
…Love Jerome Paszkiewicz &
Polly Moore Families
In loving memory of Norbert Hartenbach Family
…Love Sylvia & John Tierney
In loving memory of Jack Tierney Family
…Love Sylvia & John Tierney
In loving memory of Albert & Agnes Rehme
…Love Audrey Angevine
In loving memory of Father Albert Rehme
…Love Audrey Angevine
In loving memory of our parents Ernie and Celia
…Love Jim & Judy Barger
In loving memory of our parents Art & Evelyn
…Love Jim & Judy Barger
In loving memory of Sue Kuhnert
…Love the Kuhnert Family
In loving memory of Cory Hecht
…Love Mom & Dad
In loving memory of the Stretch & Janson Families
…Love Kathy Janson
In loving memory of Jeffrey Helfrich
…Love Grandma & Grandpa Brinker
In loving memory of Peter Rallo
…Love Katherine Rallo
In loving memory of Lawrence & Patricia Siebert
…Love Joseph & Julie Siebert Family
In loving memory of Richard Rosemann
…Love Rosalinda
In loving memory of Susan Rosemann
…Love Mom
In loving memory of Anselmo Bueno
…Love Bueno-Strahlendorf Families
In loving memory of Anselmo Bueno II
…Love Bueno-Strahlendorf Families
In loving memory of Fr. Joe Niezgova
…Love Bueno-Strahlendorf Families
In loving memory of Flores Family
…Love Bueno-Strahlendorf Families
In loving memory of Peter A. Rose
…Love Mom& Dad
In loving memory of Kenneth V. Fish
…Love Marjorie Fish
In loving memory of Gebel & Weber Families
…Love Helen Weber
…Love Helen Weber
In loving memory of Jim Weber
In loving memory of Jeanne Titter
…Love Rick, Stephanie & Julie
In loving memory of Corynn Boresi
…Love Joy & Mike Boresi
Year of Consecrated Life
...runs through February 2, 2016. A Come and See Open
House will be held at the Missionary Sisters of St. Peter
Claver on Sunday, April 26th from 1:00 until 4:00 pm. The
Missionary Sisters of St. Peter Claver are located at 667
South Woods Mill Road in Chesterfield.
Mid-life Singles (mid-30s to 50s)
Rregister today for a life-changing REFLECT weekend retreat at King’s House Retreat Center, Belleville, IL (20 min.
from downtown St. Louis), on April 17-19, 2015. Cost is just
$185 for meals and a single room. Take a chance and get
involved... you won't regret it! Call 312-532-8286,
visit www.ReflectRetreat.comfor details.
Journey Drummer With ‘Open Arms’ Helps Fire-Weary
High School Band
SALEM, OR - After he learned that fire shut down an Oregon high
school band, destroying classrooms, uniforms, sheet music and
instruments, the drummer for legendary rock band, Journey,
came to the rescue.
The musician who’s laid down the beat for “Faithfully” more
times than he can probably remember is keeping faith with
fellow band members in his home state.
“That was the only reason I stayed in school,” Deen Castronovo recalled. “I was terrible in every subject except band.”
He pledged to chip in $10,000 to help restore the program
for South Albany High School. And he plans to deliver the
money in person when he gets a break from his current tour
later this month.
“I would love to talk to the kids, give them some encouragement,” he told the Albany Democrat-Herald.
Families, as you plan for 2015,
keep in mind…
As you make plans for your family please keep in
mind the following programs that are offered at Sacred
Heart. Because of the nature of these programs we can
offer them only at certain times of the year.
Vacation Bible School
for 4 years to grade 4 is scheduled for June 8-12
Server’s Camp
for 6th, 7th and 8th grade students who want to
learn to serve at Mass is scheduled for June 8-12
Teen ACTS Retreat
for high school students is scheduled for
July 23-26, 2015
The specifics of registration for these programs can be
found on the parish website, www.sacredheartvp.org.
Mass Schedule
Weekend ............................................................................. Saturday (Vigil) 5:00 pm
Sunday 7:00, 8:30 & 10:15 am,
12:00 noon & 6:00 pm (Life Teen)
Weekday ................................................................ Monday-Friday 6:30 & 8:00 am
Saturday 8:00 am
Civil Holidays................................................................................................. 9:00 am
(Memorial Day, 4th of July,
Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day)
Confessions ....................................................................... Saturday 3:45 - 4:40 pm
or by appointment (call the Parish Office)
Eucharistic Adoration ......................................................................Sunday 7:30 pm
through Monday 1:00 pm
Special Liturgies
Weddings ............................................................... Arranged 6 months in advance
Baptisms .......................................................................................... Sunday 1:00 pm
(prior instruction required)
Children’s Liturgy of the Word .......................................................Sunday 10:15 am
(during Mass)
Parish Staff
Pastor ............................................................................................Rev. Denny M. Schaab
Associate ......................................................................................Rev. Michael J. Grosch
In Residence ......................................................................................... Rev. Robert J. Suit
Deacon ................................................................................... Rev. Mr. David E. Lemoine
Deacon .................................................................................. Rev. Mr. Charles R. Snyder
Deacon .................................................................................. Rev. Mr. Thomas E. Forster
Pastoral Associate ......................................................................... Sr. Cathy Vetter, CCVI
Director of Religious Education .................................................. Mrs. Cheryl Degenhart
Parish School Principal .....................................................................Mr. Larry E. Hoskins
Acting Director of Youth Ministry ...................................................Fr. Michael J. Grosch
Director of Liturgical Music ......................................................... Mr. Nathan D. Jackson
President Parish Council ......................................................... Mrs. Mary Grace Villmer
Parish Offices
Parish Business Office .............................................................................. 636-225-5268
Fax....................................................................................................... 636-225-6969
Hours ................................................................Monday-Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Parish School & Preschool Office ............................................................ 636-225-3824
Religious Education Office .........................................................................636-225-0341
St. Vincent de Paul Helpline ..................................................................... 636-825-2097
P.S.R. Classes ........................................................................... Monday 5:30 & 7:15 pm;
Tuesday 6:00 pm
Saturday and Sunday, April 18-19, 2015
5:00 pm Fr. Denny
Deacon Charlie
7:00 am Fr. Bob
8:30 am Fr. Bob
10:15 am
Fr. Mike
Deacon Dave
12:00 pm Fr. Mike
Deacon Dave
6:00 pm Fr. Denny
Sunday, April 12
8:50 am
10:15 am
10:15 am
1:00 pm
3:00 pm
Extraordinary Ministers
5:00 pm
7:00 am
8:30 am
10:15 am
12:00 pm
6:00 pm
Melinda Fuchs (P), Mark Muehleisen (P), Ann Haffner (P), Linda Glassner,
Kathleen Koenigsfeld, Anne Daniels, Tom Simone, Jill Jones, Barb Jost
Janet Meyer (P), Connie McGuire (P), Gary Barron (P), Joan Sutterer,
Joy Gioia, Jerome Paszkiewicz
Chuck Donnelly (P), Ginny Fischer (P), Tom Fischer (P), Lois Kruessel,
Dave Henke, Steve Otto, Mary Denise O'Boyle, Phyllis Verseman, Gale Wessling
Cindy Eatherton (P), Gay Tompkins (P), Jim Winkler (P), Tony Paszek,
Nancy Anglo, Jeremy Overman, Katie Kempf, Bob Fahey, Maria DeBlaze,
Elaine Zobrist (B)
Nathan Davis (P), Pat Hayden (P), Bev Werner (P), Tim Reilly, Pat Rung,
Mark Flauter, Monica McLain
Anne Gantner (P), Sally Adams (P), Cathy Tate (P), Brenda Tate, Pat Curran,
Carolyn Curran, Paul Carcagno, Elia Gonzalez, Ron Dace, Jennifer Carcagno
5:00 pm
7:00 am
8:30 am
10:15 am
12:00 pm
6:00 pm
Tim Sansone (1), John Wahle (2) (sub req.)
Bob Lallinger (1), Mary Lee Barron (2)
Gail Ramspott (1), Keith Anderson (2)
Bunny Winkler (1), Brian Wetter (2)
Heather Huels (1), Nancy Kingsbury (2)
Jann Bufka (1), Amanda Heard (2)
5:00 pm
7:00 am
8:30 am
10:15 am
12:00 pm
6:00 pm
Joe Kelly, Clare Hilton, Nicholas Pilla
Jacob Kacich, Malorie Horman. Seth Kacich
Jacob Boaz, Zack Swayne, Erich Mueller
Olivia Boden, Andrew Boden, Alexandria Boden
Gavriel Helm, Ryan Huels, Colleen Huels
Monica Young, Elizabeth Trn, Jacob Heard
Ushers & Greeters
5:00 pm
7:00 am
8:30 am
10:15 am
12:00 pm
6:00 pm
Curt Bennett, David Staffen, Kristen Stachowski, Karl Koenigsfeld
Craig Caruso, Mike Ebert, Harry Kuhnert, (need 1)
Frank Kruessel, Paul Gabris, Mike O'Boyle ,Harvey Reinkemeyer
John Moore, Elizabeth Moore, Tom Schaefer,Tony Artman
Kim Lemp, Jen Ryder, Justin Ryder, Ann Woods
Kim Gossett, Stan Miller, Laura Craig, Mary Favier
Scrip Volunteers
5:00 pm
7:00 am
8:30 am
Cathy Donahue
Sue Zack
Bridget Renner
10:15 am
12:00 pm
6:00 pm
Nancy Stachiw
Gerry Lange
Beth Zeiter
MASSES: 7:00, 8:30,10:15, 12:00 noon and 6:00pm
Donut Sunday
Jesus and Me
EC 205-206
Liturgy of the Word for Children
Teen ACTS Formation Meeting
Monday, April 13
9:30 am
Mon-Dazed Women
3:00 pm
Girl Scout Troop 72 - Henderson
3:00 pm
Play Practice
3:00 pm
Scouts - Echele
5:15 pm
PSR - ME Beginning Prayer
5:30 pm
PSR - ME Classes
7:00 pm
PSR - ML Beginning Prayer
7:15 pm
PSR - ML Classes
7:30 pm
Monday Knights
8:00 pm
Men’s Club
MASSES: 6:30 am and 8:00 am
EC 102
EC 300
Tuesday, April 14
5:45 pm
PSR - T Beginning Prayer
6:00 pm
PSR - T Classes
6:30 pm
Cub Scout Leader Meeting
7:30 pm
Faith Sharing (Men)
MASSES: 6:30 am and 8:00 am
Wednesday, April 15
3:00 pm
Brownies - McQuade
3:00 pm
5:00 pm
Friends of Bill W.
7:00 pm
Faith Share
7:00 pm
Life Teen Band Practice
7:30 pm
Co-Ed Faith Sharing
MASSES: 6:30 am and 8:00 am
EC 300
EC 103
Thursday, April 16
1:00 pm
Mother’s Sharing Faith
3:00 pm
Children’s Choir Practice
4:30 pm
Children’s Choir Practice
6:30 pm
Parish Choir
8:00 pm
Athletic Association
MASSES: 6:30 am and 8:00 am
Friday, April 17
9:00 am
Quilting Club
3:00 pm
MASSES: 6:30 am and 8:00 am
EC 102
Saturday, April 18
8:00 am
9:30 am
3:45 pm
ACTS Sister Act
Contemporary Group Practice
Sacrament of Reconciliation
VIGIL MASS: 5:00 pm
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
10:15 am
Alicia Bueno, Michelle Pelikan
Money Counter Apostolate
Dave Howard, Patty Anderson, Angela Castro
April 19:
Music Ministry Schedules
April 18:
April 19:
5:00 pm
7:00 am
8:30 am
10:15 am
12:00 pm
Larry and Nate
Tony and Cindy
Dan and Emma
Parish Choir
Contemporary Group
AU - Auditorium (Parish Center) • CA - Cafeteria (Church Hall) •
CH - Church Hall • CU - Church • DL - Didian Lot • EC - Education Center • GH Great Hall (Parish Center) • JR - Joseph Room (Parish Center) •
LY—Lobby (Parish Center) • LL - Lower Lot • MR –Mary Room (Parish Center) •
NC - Nazareth Center • PC—Parish Center (All Locations) •
PL - Parking Lot • PO—Parish Office • SA - St. Anthony Room (Church Hall) • SH Sacred Heart Room (Church Hall) • ST - Stage •
UR - Upper Room (Parish Center)