Sacred Heart Bulletin â 05/10/15
Sacred Heart Bulletin â 05/10/15
THE TOWER May 10, 2015 Sixth Sunday Of Easter HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY SACRED HEART PARISH Hearts Contemplating Christ Thanks to the vision of our first pastor, Father Haarth, Sacred Heart parish has its own cemetery, a small place of great peace and beauty. In 1937 a parish historian noted that “More than once he (Father Haarth) personally dug the grave for the interment of a parishioner whose family could not afford the expense of the grave digger”. Father Haarth is buried there. A visit to the cemetery is like a scene from Thornton Wilder’s play Our Town. Stories can be read upon the gravestones, people who have shaped our history are laid to rest there, old friends, precious young children, beloved family members. Join us for a beautiful liturgy to celebrate not only the lives of all who are at peace there, but all our beloved dead. MEMORIAL DAY MASS Sacred Heart Cemetery Lee Road just north of Dundee Road Northbrook Monday, May 25th at 10:00 AM Hearts Nurtured by Faith If God can work through me, he can work through anyone (St. Francis of Asssi) Congratulations and Blessings to our First Communion Students Delfina Ayerza Sarah Hayes Ryan Nielsen Lily Babnik Lila Hernandez Elle Pagliaro Brigid Bachman Anne Heywood Sullivan Pierre Lily Bowman Jimmy Hines Finn Pluta Patrick Boyle Charlie Hoffman Alex Preda Matthew Bradley Connor Howard Reiana Rigodon Luke Byrnes Gunner Hutchen Anna Rivera Mary Larkin Buchanan Jacob Hutchen Lucia Serrano Luke Campbell Esteban Iacobelli Sofia Serrano Cameron Claybrook Ryan Klein Will Shea Robert Cody Patrick Kraft Emilia Smith Paul Craddock Mary Lindstrom Claire Smylie Addyson Darragh Caidyn Lowry Drew Southwell Beatrice DeMontfort Walker Jaxson Mackey Christina Tobon Quinn Devereux Finn McCabe James Turansick Luke Dillig Anna McDowell Eloise Vollmer Christopher Donaldson Ben Meyer Sean West Joseph Drehkoff Trey Meyers Caroline White Nelson Goodrich Holly Nesbitt Jimmy White Camille Gourley Elyse Newlands Kathryn Wylie Ava Half Sam Newlands HEART TO HEART pastor to parish Bearing Fruit in Love Everything we do as a parish is the result of dedicated believers who commit themselves to Christ and his mission by following his commandment to love. That’s what we hear in this weekend’s gospel passage. Jesus tells his disciples then, and now, “This I command you: love one another” (John 15:17). That’s our reason for being. That’s the reason for this parish of the Sacred Heart. It’s a wonderful thing that the name which identifies us as a parish gets “to the heart of the matter.” Christ, who is fully divine, loves us with a human heart, a heart overflowing with love. It is in that overwhelming divine love that all our human loving is made possible. The Sacred Heart of Jesus enables our hearts to be loving, giving and sacrificing—emulating his beautiful example. Mothers Appealing This weekend at all the Masses, we celebrate and honor our mothers. Also, this weekend mothers of the parish are stepping forward to appeal to us as a family of faith. Like any household, our parish family receives income and has expenses. Like all households, there are some years where we as a parish experience bumps in the road. The Finance Council has taken a deep look at our financial situation and determined that if the trends continue, we will incur a shortfall of nearly $200,000 at the end of June. This is due to a number of factors. Mainly, our Sunday collections are significantly behind budget ($82,000 as of 5/2/15) and our expenses are up from budget (due to increased maintenance personnel costs, landscaping, heating, fuel and food costs, and maintenance supplies). Who better to encourage us than the mothers of this parish? Moms bring out the best in us. Moms bring forth, nurture and nourish life. Our parish family is full of life and vigor, and this challenge before us can and will be met. Filled with the love of God in Christ, how can we not respond to the challenge and make the sacrifices necessary to love one another? Stepping into the Future In the end, this is not about budgets and shortfalls. It’s about being a family, a household created in love for the purpose of sharing and radiating love. It’s about looking forward, not behind, and about growing into what God is preparing for us in the years ahead. There are so many bright spots right now that give us a glimmer into that appealing future. The Nite Lites event in support of our parish school netted a record-breaking $300,000 this year. That’s astounding. After five months of diligently preparing, searching and interviewing, our two search committees, as well as the school and religious education boards, have filled the positions of principal and director of religious education with highly qualified, enthusiastic women, Ms. Kristen Fink (principal) and Ms. Sue Lehocky (DRE). There is so much good in this parish. So many dedicated parishioners! We are poised on the cusp of a wonderful future. We won’t stumble because of our current operating shortfall. In fact, this is an opportunity for all the individual households that make up this one household of the faithful to respond to the appeal crafted by the Parish and Finance Councils at their joint meeting of April 28. It’s an appeal grounded in the strong community feeling already well in evidence here at Sacred Heart. Why? Because our own hearts already beat in tune to the Sacred Heart of Jesus who says, “This I command you: love one another.” Hearts Alive in Worship My only desire is to unite myself to God (St. Paul of the Cross) Baptism By Appointment We celebrate Baptisms on Sundays following the 10:30 Mass. Our Baptism Guidelines and Baptism Information Forms are available on our website For further information, please contact Trish O’Toole in our Parish Office at 847-446-0856. Baptism Preparation 4th Sunday of the month 9:15 - 10:15 am in the Parish Office Conference Room. Sacrament of Matrimony Contact a priest or deacon 6 months prior to the anticipated date of marriage. Sacrament of Anointing Please call one of the priests at 847-446-0856. Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 9:00-9:30 am ATTENTION ALL ALTAR SERVERS, EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS, GREETERS, AND LECTORS! ADULT FAITH FORMATION SCRIPTURE REFLECTION GROUP FORMING MONDAYS 9AM Join Judy Pyke on Monday mornings at 9am (after the 8:30am Mass) in the Parish Office Fireplace Room to read and delve into the Scriptures for the coming Sunday. The reflection group will meet for 1 hour to “break open the Word”, so that participants can ponder the readings for the coming week. Breaking open the Word” parallels the “Breaking of the Bread” for just as we are nourished by the Bread of Life, so too are we nourished by the Word of God. We break bread, eat, digest and become bread for others. We also break open the Word, digest it, and become the living Word for others. This practice of breaking open the Word helps us experience the deep conversion that comes only from an encounter with the living Word of God, and enables us to connect faith and life. Join us! All are welcome. Sessions will begin on Monday, May 11th. It's that time again: time to prepare our next quarter's Liturgical Ministers' Schedule. The upcoming Summer Schedule will run from Monday, June 15th, to Sunday, September 6, 2015. By Monday, May 18, please let Barbara Anderson know any conflicts you have. She can be reached at . If you do not have email, please leave a message at the Sacred Heart office: (847) 446-0856. Many thanks! Hearts Nurtured by Faith If God can work through me, he can work through anyone (St. Francis of Asssi) SCHOOL NEWS RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS SPARKED HEARTS HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! The GOOD NEWS is we have a new DRE! I met Ms Sue Lehocky and will be meeting with her in the next weeks. I'm very impressed with her and want to thank the search committee, R.E. Board and all who are responsible for hiring her. She begins July 1. SUMMER SERVICE TRIP will be to McAllen, TX July 26– Aug. 1, where we will work with Habitat for Humanity and Sacred Heart Humanitarian Respite Center. See the website for more information. Please contact Carol if you are interested in going on the trip, and adults I need you, too! Congratulations to our 2nd graders receiving their 1st Communion on Saturday. There will be a transition meeting for those parents whose students will be going from 5th grade to 6th grade, on Monday, May 11th in the Parish Center, at 2:15pm. Tuesday, May 12th there will be a PTO meeting at 8:30am in the Parish Center. The School Board will meet at 7:15pm in the Faculty Room at school, on Tuesday evening. Thursday, there will be a transition meeting for parents of students going from 3rd to 4th grade in the Parish Center, at 2:15pm. The “Do Your P’Art” program will take place at the Lakeview Center on Thursday and Friday for our 1st, 3rd and 4th graders, where they will create a “water” art project. Friday is Spirit Wear Day! Student Council Elections will be on Friday! The JK students will be going on a field trip to Tower Beach this Friday at 9:00am. Catechists are still needed, especially for the middle grades 4, 5, & 6. Please consider this important ministry and call the Religious Education Office to volunteer. 847-446-6535 Classes are finished for the school year. Registration is being received for the new 2015-2016 school year. Register online by June 15 for the lower rate. Go to the parish website and follow the leads to the religious education site and registration. We pray for our 1st Communion students and their families who celebrated Saturday. Congratulations! Have a great week. NCYC Interested in attending the National Catholic Youth Conference this November? This is an incredible opportunity to learn, pray, celebrate, and have fun with 23,000 Catholic teens from around the country. Contact Carol if you are interested! JUNIOR HIGH NIGHT is every second and fourth Tuesday of the month. All sixth, seventh, and eighth graders welcome. May 12 is our next meeting! It’s almost the end of the year, so let’s go out with a bang! Our last meeting of the year is up to you, so come to plan a special event! Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @SparkedHearts and find us on Facebook! Contact Carol anytime 847446-0856 x. 132 or Hearts Making a Difference The nation doesn’t simply need what we have. It needs what we are. (St. Teresia Benedicta , Edith Stein) ST. COLUMBANUS: SAVE THE DATE! SATURDAY JUNE 20th CHICAGO FOOD DEPOSITORY ANNUAL HUNGER WALK Join parishioners from St. Columbanus and Sacred Heart to walk in this year’s Chicago Food Depository Hunger Walk to support the St. Columbanus Food Pantry. ELIZABETH MINISTRY ROSARY The Elizabeth Ministry will say the Rosary in the Chapel upstairs in the Parish offices once a month at 9am on the following Thursday mornings: May 14 June 4 The Rosary lasts 20-30 minutes and is a lovely way to connect with other women/moms in the parish. The 5K (3.1 mile) walk takes place along the lakefront, starting at Soldier Field. We step off at 8:30am just south of Soldier field, and head south to 31st street circling McCormick Place. It’s a lovely—and easy—walk. MINISTERS OF CARE TRAINING St. Columbanus receives $12 for every person who walks on their behalf. A training session will be offered this summer and fall at St. Benedict Nursing and Rehabilitation Center Hollbrook Hall 6930 West Touhy Avenue Niles, Illinois. Can you join us to support St. Columbanus? Meet Judy Pyke at 8am near the Starting Line. It’s a wonderful and fun opportunity for us to help our St. Columbanus friends and neighbors. This course is designed with the person in mind who is new to parish ministry. Each session will focus on a particular aspect of the Ministry of Care; however, the unifying thread woven through all is a commitment to helping you develop the skills and confidence needed to be a source of comfort to those who are sick. Unable to walk that day? You can make a Donation! Visit: http:// Events/HungerWalk/458880719? pg=team&fr_id=1590&team_id=1201 4. If you write a check, note St. Columbanus #A01033 in the memo line. Help make St. Columbanus one of the leading fundraisers again this year& join the group! Contact Judy Pyke at the parish office or at to sign up! We are in need of Ministers of Care to bring Communion to the sick, homebound and hospitalized of our parish. Sessions will run two hours and will include a talk given by an experienced facilitator accompanied by group discussion and/or an exercise to help you practice a particular skill. If you have any questions regarding the Ministers of Care Ministry, please contact Mike McNulty or Judy Pyke at 847-446-0856. ONGOING OPPORTUNITIES TO SHARE Tuesdays and Thursdays during the School Year Tutor Elementary students at St. Columbanus School. Leave SH at 9am, return by 1:30pm. Wednesdays St. Columbanus Food Pantry: Packing of Food at 7am at St. Columbanus Rectory Garage; Distribution of Food at 10am. Thursdays Shadow a Minister of Care at LakeCook Nursing Home or Glen Oaks Nursing Home. Contact the Parish Office for more information. Third Sunday of Every Month A Just Harvest Community Kitchen: prepare casserole and/or serve dinner. Arrive by 4:30pm, home before 7:00pm. Contact Patty Sanfilippo for more information. RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY Join our Respect Life Ministry in our weekly prayer for life: For all Mothers: May God bless them with wisdom, strength, patience and great love. We pray to the Lord! Hearts Connected for Community Love is the beauty of the Soul (St. Augustine) FREE JOB SEARCH ASSISTANCE (our website: Time: Sunday, May 17, 10:15AM until Noon Location: Holy Cross Church Community Room 724 Elder Lane Deerfield, IL 60015 Organization: Career Renewal Ministry We are a group of 20 volunteer advisors who provide FREE one on one assistance to help individuals navigate the job search maze. Established in 1986, Career Renewal has assisted more than 1000 people by walking with them through every step in the job search process. Contact: Mickey Casner or SharonDieter Hearts Connected for Community Love is the beauty of the Soul (St. Augustine) THIS WEEK AT HEART Monday, May 11 Scripture Reflection Group 9:00AM/POFR Grades 5 to 6 Transition Mtg., 2:15PM/PCR SH Enrichment 3:15PM/PCR Kitchen Religious Ed Board Meeting 7:00PM/School Library Sacred Heart Men’s Club Mtg.,8:00PM/PCR Tuesday, May 12 PTO Meeting 8:30AM/PCR Prayer Group 9:00AM/POFR SHS Girls Club 3:15PM/PCR Kitchen Junior Board of Rush University Medical Center 7:00PM/PCR School Board Mtg., 7:15PM/Teacher’s Lounge Wednesday, May 13 SH Enrichment 3:15PM/PCR Kitchen Catholic Charities 6:30PM/POCR Thursday, May 14 Grade 3 to 4 Transition Mtg., 2:15PM/PCR Bridal Shower for SH Teachers 3:15PM/PCR Saturday, May 17 Fr. Kisaka’s Farewell Mass 10:30AM/Church Fr. Kisaka’s Farewell Reception 11:15AM/PCR MOM’S NIGHT OUT: AT HOME WITH OUR FAITH SAVE THE DATE: Our next gathering will take place on THURSDAY MAY 21st at 7pm in the Parish Office Fireplace Room. Join us! STEWARDSHIP GIVING May 3, 2015 YTD Actual Sunday and Christmas Collection: $ 925,816 YTD Budgeted Sunday and Christmas Collection: $1,007,517 Shortfall: ($ 81,701) Actual Easter Collection $ 62,084 Budgeted Easter Collection $ 62,000 Actual in Excess of Budget $ 84 The following Winnetka businesses are supporting our initiative as well, and have agreed to donate a portion of their proceeds for the week of May 10th to Sacred Heart for the Wounded Warrior Project! Londo Mondo, Blowout Bar, O’Neil’s, Trifecta & Little Ricky’s Restaurants. SCHEDULE Mass Intentions Monday, May 11 7:00am Special Intention 8:30am Mary Ryan Townsend Tuesday, May 12 7:00am Intentions of the Prayer Group 8:30am Kerry Ellen Nolan Wednesday, May 13 7:00am Intentions of Rose Walsh 8:30am Nancy Beal Thursday, May 14 7:00am Residents of Glen Oaks & The Grove Nursing Homes 8:30am Victims of the Nepal Earthquake Friday, May 15 7:00am Monica Yolles 8:30am Grace Anderson Saturday, May 16 8:30am Parishioners of St. Columbanus 5:00pm Carl Anderson Sunday, May 17 7:30am Frank & Teresa D’Astici 9:00am Barbara Jules 10:30am Robert Geier 4:30pm Parishioners of Sacred Heart MINISTERS OF CARE May 14 Lake Cook/Marijo Erzinger Glen Oaks /June Hocter, Cathy Nowacki LITURGICAL MINISTERS—May 16-17 5:00pm Saturday May 16 Presider Fr. Kartje/Deacon Keenan Greeter(s) Dee Hanlon, Ed Kuffert Servers Evan Dobsch, Mary Bridget Jones, Johnny Joyce Lector(s) Barbara Anderson Eucharistic Ministers Don Devlin, Sheila Devlin, Dee Hanlon, Cathy Leonard, Patty Sanfilippo Cantor/Choir Saturday Choir 7:30am Sunday May 17 Presider Fr. Lanza Greeter(s) Gerry Sunko Servers Ian Graves Lector(s) Chris Lane Eucharistic Ministers Gerry Sunko, Nancy Wais, Pete Wais Cantor/Choir Laura Fox 9:00am Presider Fr. Lanza/Deacon Keenan Greeter(s) Sally Hoban, David James Servers Jack Craddock, Ryan Kelly, Claire Kelly Lector(s) Joe Ogiony Eucharistic Ministers Mary Jo Bushell, Arlen Craddock, Sally Hoban, Robert Maganuco, Josephine Olson Cantor/Choir Shannon Barker Keys 10:30am Presider Fr. Nyache Farewell Mass/Deacon McNulty Greeter(s) Erin Allgaier Servers Aidan Adler, Patrick Adler, Sam Rushin Lector(s) Bill Hague Eucharistic Ministers Tim Cawley, Maureen Chavoen, Julie Conte, Robert Conte, Marijo Erzinger Cantor/Choir Sacred Heart Choir 4:30pm Presider Fr. Lanza Greeter(s) Marion Powers Servers Alexa Balsam, Petrea Balsam, Charlotte O’Bryan Lector(s) Catherine Lehman Eucharistic Ministers Lynn Finneke, Catherine Lehman, Marion Powers Cantor/Choir Children’s Choir Altar Servers Daily Mass 8:30am May 18 Bailey Byrnes, Scott Grodecki May 19 Ryan Craddock May 20 Ryan Kelly, Rory McGuire May 21 Maureen Hines May 22 Ryan Kelly May 23 Sophie Zajdela SACRED HEART PARISH CONTACT INFORMATION Pastoral Staff Rev. Steven M. Lanza, Pastor— Associate Pastor—Rev. Collins Kisaka Nyache— Pastor Emeritus—Rev. Robert E. Ferrigan—847-647-6557, Rev. Robert J. Heidenreich Pastoral Associate—Judy Pyke— Permanent Deacons—Michael J. McNulty——Gerry Keenan— 773-251-6626 Director of Music—Todd Gresick— Children’s Choir—Kathy Janega Keenan— Business Manager/Administrative Assistant to the Pastor—Michelle Wasielewski— Sacristan Coordinator—June Hocter— Youth Minister—Carol Nowatzke— Principal—Sr. Kathleen Donnelly , O.P.— 1095 Gage Street—847-446-0005— Religious Education Director—Sr. Luanne Wilhelm, SLW— 1095 Gage Street—847-446-6535— Support Staff Administrative Assistant & Bulletin Editor—Trish O’Toole— Accounting/Census/Contributions/Tuition—Cindy Atsaves— Bookkeeping—Suzie Danstrom— Parish Office 847-446-0856/Fax 847-501-5311/ Hours: Monday & Tuesday 8:30am—8:00pm, Wednesday—Friday 8:30am-4:30pm School Office : 847-446-0005 Religious Education Office: 847-446-6535 Visit our website Find us on Facebook & Follow us on Twitter: @SHWinnetka CHURCH NAME AND NUMBER — Sacred Heart Church #862 ADDRESS — 1077 Tower Road Winnetka, Illinois 60093 PHONE — 847-446-0856 CONTACT PERSON — Trish O’Toole x 101 SOFTWARE — Microsoft Publisher 2007 Adobe Acrobat 8.0 Windows XP Professional PRINTER — HP Laserjet 1022 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT = 12 SUNDAY DATE OF BULLETIN May 10, 2015 THANK YOU!