SAINT AGNES CHURCH - Saint Agnes Catholic Church
SAINT AGNES CHURCH - Saint Agnes Catholic Church
SAINT AGNES CHURCH 1140 EVERGREEN ST., SAN DIEGO, CA 92106 May 24, 2015 Pentecost Sunday REV. EDWARD P. MCNULTY PASTOR REV. JOSEPH MEL COLLIER SUNDAY ASSOCIATE BUSINESS MANAGER/PARISH SECRETARY FRANCINE SANFILIPPO PARISH OFFICE: 223-2200 FAX : 223-7568 MASSES: Saturdays: 4:30 pm Vigil of Sunday Sundays: 8:00 am, 11:00 am & 5:30 pm Weekdays: Mon., Weds., Fri., 7:30 am; Tues. & Thurs., 5:30 pm Holy Days: 7:30 am, 5:30 pm CONFESSIONS: Saturday from 3:45-4:15 pm First Fridays - before Morning Mass SCHOOL OF RELIGION: 223-9748 FAX: 223-4725 BAPTISM: Make arrangements 3 months in advance. Parish Website: MARRIAGES: Please contact the Priest nine months in advance. Page Two Saint Agnes May 24, 2015 This weekend we celebrate Pentecost and recall the tremendous gift of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the Church. At the Second Vatican Council in the Decree on the Church’s Missionary Activity the fathers reminded us that “On the day of Pentecost, however, (the Holy Spirit) came down on the disciples that he might remain with them forever; on that day the Church was openly displayed to the crowds and the spread of the Gospel among the nations, through preaching, was begun.” Our celebration today is an annual reminder that the spread of the Gospel message begun by the Apostles so long ago continues in and through the Church today. We must make it our mission to carry on this essential work of the Church. Pentecost Sunday May 24, 2015 There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit.- 1 Corinthians 12:4 Monday, May 25 7:30 am †Maria & Manuel Cileu †Santos & Jose Goncalves Tuesday, May 26 5:30 pm †Horacio, Joao, & Ligia Tabiu Wednesday, May 27 7:30 am †Bridget & Matthew Whelan Thursday, May 28 5:30 pm †Alvaro Ferreira †Norberta Teixeira Saturday, May 30 4:30 pm †Herbert D. Miller Sunday, May 31 8:00 am 11:00 am . 5:30 pm DATE I am pleased to share with you that this coming Friday (May 29th) Deacon Bernardo Lara will be ordained to the priesthood for the Diocese of San Diego. I would ask you to keep him in your prayers as he begins his ministry. I would like to congratulate all of our parishioners who have/will be graduating from grade school, High School, College or Graduate School this month. May God continue to empower you with his wisdom, charity and love. Once again this year our parish will be holding a Triduum of masses in honor of our fathers both living and deceased. Therefore, if you would like to enroll your father in these masses please fill out an intention envelope which can be found in the pews and return it to the parish office no later than Friday, June 20th. Friday, May 29 7:30 am This weekend we also celebrate Memorial Day and remember and express our gratitude for those who have served our nation in the military. I offer for your reflection a brief passage from a presentation that Pope John Paul made to a gathering of military chaplains. In his talk he reminded them that: “The Catholic Church's respect and concern for those involved in military service is clearly expressed in the Second Vatican Council's Pastoral Constitution Gaudium etSpes. There we read: ‘Those... who are dedicated to the service of their country and are members of armed forces should regard themselves as ministering to the security and freedom of their peoples, and while they are performing this duty in the right manner they are genuinely contributing to the establishment of peace’.” †Maria A. Joaquim Bibiama Medina, & Manuel, Maria, Aurora & Victor Silveira Mr. & Mrs. Leoberto Marques For the people of Saint Agnes WEEKLY INCOME for May 17, 2015 ENVELOPES AMOUNT 5/17 230 Parish Development Fund: 5/17 5 $6,768.00 $ 155.00 Parish Office Closed The parish office will be closed on Monday, May 25, 2015, in observance of Memorial Day. Mother’s Day Collection 5/10/15 $2,126.00 Page Three Pentecost Sunday WEEKLY CALENDAR OF EVENTS Sun 5/24 Mon 5/25 Tues 5/26 Wed 5/27 Masses 8 am & 11:00 am 7:30 am Mass 9:30 am Senior Fitness Class 7:05 am Voc. Rosary 5:30 pm Mass 5:30 pm Mass 7:30 am Mass No Recovery Meeting today 7 pm English Choir Practice Boy Scout Troop 500 7 pm Thurs 5/28 Fri 5/29 Sat 5/30 5:30pm Mass 7:30 am Mass 9:30 am Senior Fitness Class 7:00 pm NA Meeting 4:30 pm Vigil Mass 7 pm Catholic Men’s Fellowship 7:45 pm AA Hall 22ndAnnual Festa da Santissima Trindade (Feast of the Holy Trinity) Mr. & Mrs. Leoberto Marques and Family Cordially invite you to join in the celebration of the Holy Trinity Recitation of the Holy Rosary May 26th- May 29that 7:00pm U.P.S.E.S Hall High Mass and Crowning May 31stat 11:00am St. Agnes Catholic Church St. Agnes Religious Education will be out of session from now through mid-September. Registration materials for the fall can be obtained by calling our office at 619-223-9748 or by downloading the packet from our website. Baptismal Workshop The next Baptism class is scheduled for Tuesday, June 2 , 7:30pm at the Parish Center Room 1. To sign up or more info, please call Jeanette Finete at 619-224-7562. of Saint Agnes Women’s Guild Luncheon & Meeting Wednesday, June 3, 2015 11:30 am Best Western Island Palms 2051 Shelter Island Drive Cost: $24.00 Raffle Prizes! Her Royal Majesty Queen Mariana Patricia Marques and Small King Leoberto Jose Marques Followed by a traditional Portuguese Luncheon of “Sopas” in the U.P.S.E.S Hall Sponsored by the U.P.S.E.S Trinity Sunday Organization SAINTAGNES MISSION CIRCLE BREAKFAST NEWS! The Saint Agnes Mission Circle Breakfast will be Special held on, Sunday, May 31, after the 8:00am Date Mass. in the Parish Hall. On the Mission Circle bulletin board to the left of the church entrance we posted personal thank you notes from the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth in Nazareth, Kentucky who are the order to which our missionary Sr. Nalini Meachariyil belongs. If you recall, Sr. Nalini visited us a few years ago on her way to Kentucky and told us of her work in the diocese of Garborone, Botswana with Pabalelong (meaning love and care) hospice. See: Metsimotlhabe.html She told Incredible stories of the cultural stigma of AIDS/ HIV that forces people into hiding and isolation from their families. Thank you for your contributions to our six missionaries! Every penny is donated and appreciated. See our website: maintained by our webmaster, Paul Grimes. email Kathy Grimes at: St. Agnes Mission Circle All women of the parish and guests are invited. Detach here. Please save information above. ==================================================== Please send reservation form with your check payable to: St. Agnes Women’s Guild St. Agnes Parish Office at 1140 Evergreen St. San Diego, CA 92106 (or place reservation/check in the Saturday/ Sunday collection basket) Your Name Name of Guest(s): Your Phone No. Amount Enclosed $ Please indicate your choice for lunch: Oriental Chicken Salad Palm Deli Club with Fruit Vegetarian Panini with Fruit Coffee, Tea & Dessert included. Deadline for reservations and payment is June 1, 2015. No Exceptions For more info, please contact Maria Schaniel 619-221-4102