“Be The Change You Want To See In The World”


“Be The Change You Want To See In The World”
“Let Us Journey Together”
Dear Parents & Faculty
May 2015
Here we are…the last FULL month of the school year. We are wrapping up the school year and
kicking off summer. We have summer reading lists as well as vacation plans. We’ve got a lot to
look back on and a ton to look forward to for next school year. The PTU is no different. We have
a lot that went on this year and a lot more we are looking at doing next year. I’ll devote next
month’s newsletter – the last of the year – to a “State of the PTU” by recapping all we did and
all we are planning on doing. For now, let’s just think about May and the here and now.
First let me close out Fish Fry talk to say it was a tremendous success. It would not have
happened if it weren’t for the volunteers that came out in numbers each week and made it
happen. I could not possibly have enough room to thank each person individually but know
that it is with my sincerest gratitude that I say a HUGE thank you to everyone for the time you
put in to give us record numbers; it is truly a blessing to have you all show up and give your
time week after week. We are still one of the only parishes that do not REQUIRE our families to
work at the Fish Fry. We are not going to change that next year and I would love to see some
other faces become “regulars” and pitch in. If you’re like me, you’ll find it very rewarding.
Know that your efforts allowed us to raise more than $6000 more than last year’s Fish Fry. Stay
tuned to find out what we will do in the school with those funds - we’re always proud of what
we can accomplish together.
If you were a Fish Fry volunteer or a volunteer at any other PTU event this year, or if you came
to a PTU Business meeting, your name will be entered into the drawings for tuitions and other
prizes. The drawings will be held at the Family BINGO Night scheduled for May 20, at 7:00 in
the gym. This event is for PTU members only and is our capstone event for the 2014-2015
school year. If you have or know of any donations that can be used for prizes or you’d like to
contribute in any way, please contact Jackie McCarthy @ 216-650-7952. See you T-H-E-R-E.
Speaking of Jackie, the next Market Day pick up is the 14th. If you haven’t already, hopefully
you see this by the deadline and order some cookie dough or pizzas and support this month’s
incentive. If we sell more than 100, we will double our incentive percentage to 30%!! Get your
orders in today so you don’t miss out. Once again, if you are not a regular Market Day shopper I
ask that you try it out once and purchase JUST ONE item and see how it works.
You may have noticed that our recycling bins have changed. After ownership of our old vendor
changed, we decided it would be best for us to switch to River Valley Recycling. Our Recycling
Chairperson Kim Tenerowicz and I met with our new rep and are very excited to have them on
board. We are able to keep the same solid rate and that means, with your use and support, we
will continue to earn for throwing all our paper in the bins - all cardboard MUST be flattened.
We are very good at getting the paper there but there is always room for improvement. The
best part is, we get a check every month and the checks get bigger with the more paper we
recycle. Contact Kim @440-842-8915 with any questions you may have and KEEP RECYCLING!
The next monthly PTU business meeting will take place on May 13 at 6:30 in Lower Parish Hall.
I would like to set a plan of attack for next year’s events and build our calendar. If you have
some suggestions, please drop me a line or come to the meeting to share, as we want to make
sure our events are of interest to all of you. We are keeping meetings to about an hour and
would love your input. See you on the 13th.
Now for our monthly health tidbit. Recently, the 6th and 8th grade Health classes have been
studying nutrition. Part of the unit included the introduction of a valuable tool that tracks the
food they eat. The government sponsored website, choosemyplate.gov, has opened many
students' eyes to the short comings and overindulgence of their daily diets. Choosemyplate.gov
not only gives the students a caloric goal based on multiple factors, but also gives an in depth
analysis of various essential nutrients-carbs, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. The students
are learning to adjust their eating habits based on this feedback for a more well-balanced
nutrient intake.
There are many smart phone apps that provide similar information on the go. One of the most
popular food tracking apps is My Fitness Pal. This app has many of the same features of the
Choose My Plate website and can be used with your on-the-go lifestyle. This was of course just
one Health assignment, but it could be so much more for your family. I encourage you to have
conversations with your kids about what they are eating and use these tools to support you.
Almighty God
We give you our school.
We give you all the teachers and staff who work here,
We give you all the children who study here.
We pray our school would be place of great discovery, adventure and creativity.
May it be a place where we love to learn and where we learn to love,
A place where everyone is respected and all are deeply valued.
We ask all this through Jesus Christ our Lord.
God Bless,
Chris Bentley
President, St Charles PTU