The Crier - Sacred Heart Catholic Church


The Crier - Sacred Heart Catholic Church
The Crier
Congratulations to Andrew Cadotte,
Aaron Crawford, Eric Crawford, David
Enriquez, John Fuller, Scott Hickerson and
David Riggs who took their Second and Third
Degrees in January.
We also welcomed Michael Gonzalez
who has reactivated his membership.
Our annual Winterfest Dinner/Dance,
held on the 17th of January, was a rousing
success. Grand Knight Jim Shaw thanked
everyone who assisted and participated. Joe
R y c k o ff a n d a g r e a t t e a m d e s e r v e
congratulations for a great job.
We had more people eat dinner than
we’ve experienced in the last several years.
And we had the most successful raffle ever.
You brothers donated some great gifts and
then bought more raffle tickets than we ever
sold before.
The net income to the Council, after all
expenses were paid, was over $3,600. What
a great way to start the year!
Sacred Heart Council 10998
February 2015
Because of the amount to be spent, the
motion has to be published before it can be
voted upon. The vote will take place at the
next meeting.
Joe Ryckoff talked about the
upcoming Fish Fries. The only change will
be the serving time which will be set from
5:30 to 6:45 PM. This will allow time for
people to finish eating and get to the
Stations of the Cross at 7 PM.
At the January meeting, prayers were
offered for:
Fr Koch, Juanelle Zier,
Dan Schnick, Marge and Robert
Fourgeron; Roger Hinesh, Ed
Laughlin, Ralph Trujillo, Kris
Wilber, Geneva Pennartz, Leroy
Lay, Kate Talley, Mary Beth
Gerstner, Freddy DeHoyos,
Dale Probst, Thom and Linda Reed, Russ
Detwiler, Judy Shaw, Patricia Creel, Cathy
McElroy, Joe Anderson, William Cantrell,
Walter Veitenheimer, Dick Miller (brother of
David Miller), Jerry Brungardt, Art Davila,
Lienste Boody, Frieda Koenig and Father
A motion was made to give $75 per Oren Key.
month to seminarian John Martin as long as
he is assigned to Sacred Heart Parish. The RECRUITING
The Supreme Office would like
support will start in January. The motion was
each Council to hold a recruiting drive
seconded and passed.
Deputy Grand Knight Chris Fryer has in March each year because we
been gathering information to have aprons, celebrate Founder’s Day on March 29th
with the Council logo, made for members to to mark the anniversary of the Order.
buy. After discussion, a motion was made to
We have not done this before, but
allow the Deputy Grand Knight find the best this year might be our time. I’ll be
deal and purchase 24 aprons. The motion looking into what we should do and I’d
was seconded and approved.
like each member to think about the
A motion was made to donate $500 to men you know who would make good
Sacred Heart Parish toward the purchase of Knights. And pass those names on to
a new commercial refrigerator for the kitchen
me or one of the Council Officers.
in the Parish Hall. The motion was seconded.
Page 2 February 2015
The Crier
Council 10998 Calendar of Events
Grand Knight
Jim Shaw - 691-8237
4th - Officers Meeting at 7:30 PM in the Pastoral Center Annex
17th - Serve Meal at Faith Mission at 7:30 PM
Fr Jack McKone 723-5288
18th - Ash Wednesday - short Council Meeting after 7 PM Mass
Deputy Grand Knight
20th - Fish Fry - we serve at 5:30 PM
Chris Fryer 405-612-8495
27th - Fish Fry - we serve at 5:30 PM
Jerry Brungardt - 689-9979
4th - Officers Meeting at 7:30 PM in the Pastoral Center Annex
6th - Fish Fry - we serve at 5:30 PM
Jim Bracket - 855-1987
13th - Fish Fry - we serve at 5:30 PM
Financial Secretary
17th - Serve Meal at Faith Mission at 7:30 PM
Bob Butterfield - 867-0844
18th - Council Meeting at 7:30 PM in Pastoral Center Annex
20th - Fish Fry - we serve at 5:30 PM
Roger Hering - 855-4762
27th - Fish Fry - we serve at 5:30 PM
30th - 5th Monday Dinner Club (all members are invited)
Dennis Marquardt
1st - Officers Meeting at 7:30 PM in the Pastoral Center Annex
Randy Maddox - 538-4003
15th - Council Meeting at 7:30 PM in Pastoral Center Annex
Inside Guard
21st - Serve Meal at Faith Mission at 7:30 PM
Russell Lofgren
Outside Guard
John Creel
I’m trying something new - wishing a Happy Birthday the
brothers celebrating. February Birthday wishes to:
Dennis Marquardt
Ed Laughlin
1st Year Trustee
Mike Bahr
George Lary
David Bindel
2nd Year Trustee
Mike Lowe - 632-9039
Manuel Borrego Jr
3rd Year Trustee
Robert Bruhn
Evan Stubbs - 855-3982
George Crawford
District Deputy
Aaron Crawford
Dave Miller - 552-0772
Chuck Del Toro
Crier Editor
Mark Englishbee
Jim Wise - 855-6438
Ronnie Fisher
Forrest Hill
Richard Koetter
Daniel Leslie
Rich Likely
Matt Malone
Michael Martini
Jeff McCarthy
Father Jack McKone
Anthony Schreiber
Jodie Walker
Ed Wegmann
Written contributions to the
Crier are welcome. If you
have something about the
Knights or your religion that
you'd like to share, just call
me or send me an email.
The Crier
Page 3
February 2015
I don’t know who wrote this, but I thought it was interesting. There are five
lessons and I will publish a lesson each month for five months.
First Important Lesson - Cleaning Lady.
During my second month of college, our professor gave us a pop quiz. I was a
conscientious student and had breezed through the questions until I read the last one: “What
is the first name of the woman who cleans the school?” Surely this was some kind of joke. I
had seen the cleaning woman several times. She was tall, dark-haired and in her 50’s, but
how would I know her name?
I handed in my paper, leaving the last question blank. Just before class ended, one
student asked if the last question would count toward our quiz grade.
“Absolutely,” said the professor. “In your careers, you will meet many people. All are
significant. They deserve your attention and care, even if all you do is smile and say “hello.”
I’ve never forgotten that lesson. I also learned her name was Dorothy.
1. Healthy relationships nourish us and teach us how to love. Whether these
relationships come through family, friends, or a faith-based group, if we seek, we
will find. God will always lead us to what we need. Our job is to be open and
willing to follow.
2. Today we worship things like social media, movies, sports, food, and
entertainment. These are the idols that presently enslave our culture. And what
makes matters worse is the fact that many of us don’t even realize that we’re
worshiping false gods.
3. We are so consumed with the things of the created world that we forget
that there even is a creator! This is the essence of idolatry. We gladly follow
anything other than a God who makes demands on us and tell us what to do with
our money, our bodies, our time… our lives.
How do we promote vocations in the Catholic Church? One way is to talk
about them. If our children and grandchildren never hear us talk about the religious life,
how will they know about it. But we do have some help. There are numerous on line
sites that address vocations. Two internet sites that might offer you good information
are “” and “”. Check them out and ask young people
what they think about men and women who devote their lives to God.
Do you need some insurance? The Knights of Columbus Insurance has products that will
work for you and your family. If you have questions or needs, please contact our local
agent Randy.
Randy Brock
Sacred Heart Knights of Columbus
Council 10998
1504 10th Street
Wichita Falls, TX 76301-4394
Happy Valentine’s Day
May the grace of the
Holy Spirit fill your heart
with love all year long!