Spring 2015 – 24-Hour Silent Retreat Registration Info – PDF


Spring 2015 – 24-Hour Silent Retreat Registration Info – PDF
Spring 2015
24-Hour Silent Retreat
Hosted by the Troubadours of the Susquehanna Franciscan Fellowship (TSSF) and
Saint James Episcopal Church, Lancaster, PA
All Are Welcome!
When: May 29 & 30, 2015
Where: Lancaster Theological Seminary (LTS)
555 West James Street, Lancaster, PA 17603
Website: https://lancasterseminary.edu
(Handicapped accessible. Five minute cab ride to LTS from the Amtrak Lancaster Station.)
This 24-Hour Silent Retreat is open to anyone who has an interest in enriching their faith and
making a deeper connection with God in the beauty of silence. Spouses and partners are
welcome to attend. Space is limited, so it is best to register early. You are welcome to spend
Saturday night at LTS for an additional fee. (See registration form).
Friday – May 29, 2015
1:00-4:30pm Participants arrive for
registration check-in and tour
5:00pm – Evening Prayer (optional)
6:00pm – Dinner
7:00pm – Meeting of Participants to Discuss
Expectations and “Rules” of the Retreat
7:30pm – Compline (optional)
The Great Silence Begins
Saturday – May 30, 2015
7:00am – Coffee
8:00am – Morning Prayer (optional)
8:45am – Breakfast
Noon – Noonday Prayer (optional)
12:30pm - Lunch
5:00pm – Holy Eucharist (optional)
6:00pm – Dinner
The Great Silence Ends (after Dinner)
7:00pm – Debriefing with Participants
Check out and Departure after Debriefing
For centuries people of faith have gone on silent retreats and stayed at hermitages to reconnect,
refocus and commune with God. Bring your Bible, prayer book or other reading materials,
prayer beads or anything else helpful for you to focus on the Divine. Practice contemplative
prayer and/or take naps!
The LTS campus will be virtually empty of students as school will not be in session. The
seminary has many places, both inside and out, where participants can sit or walk in silence. The
local community and area are safe and participants can take walks to nearby Buchanan Park or
the campus of Franklin & Marshall College, which is across the street. There are small
kitchenettes where participants can make tea, coffee or have snacks (healthy snacks will be
provided or bring your own).
Luke 5: 15-16 “But the news about Him was spreading even farther, and large crowds were gathering to hear Him
and to be healed of their sicknesses. But Jesus Himself would often slip away to the wilderness and pray.”
Making the Most of Your 24-Hour Silent Retreat
Everyone begins a silent retreat wondering how they are going to handle the quiet. Normally, a
few minutes of peace and quiet is great, and then we get busy again with everything we have to
do. What do I do with hours or a whole day of silence? Coming into silence with a busy mind is
like leaving a fast, crowded highway and pulling off the road to a deserted place. As soon as you
arrive at the silent retreat, the peace and quiet that is present asks us to slow down. All the
questions we had in our mind also begin to slow down. Everyone is there for the same thing. We
all want to simply be with God and have the time to investigate the longing of our souls.
So, what do I “do” on a silent retreat? This is a non-directed retreat, so use your time as you
wish. Many people who go on silent retreats take prayer beads, read their Bibles, Book of
Common Prayer or other devotional materials, others write a journal of the experience or poetry,
take walks or naps or find a “spot”, either inside or outside, where you can be alone. God speaks
to us in silence, so just sitting and listening and using contemplative prayer practices is a
wonderful way to use your time. Ask God the hard questions and then just listen.
During this 24-Hour Silent Retreat, the only words spoken will be the responses during the Daily
Offices (Morning Prayer, Noonday Prayer or Evening Prayer) and during the Holy Eucharist.
All are welcome to receive Holy Communion. Those services are optional, so you may want to
attend all of them, some of them or none of them. That is up to you. Before the silence begins,
we will gather as a group to review the rules of the retreat and have a short discussion about
expectations. For those interested, a primer on contemplative prayer practices will also be
available. At the end of the retreat, we will have a debriefing session for those interested.
Questions? Contact Anna Pruett, TSSF at annapruett5@gmail.com 717.421.7753 or
Br. David Rutledge, OSF at drutledge1225@gmail.com 717.475.0218
Registration Form – Deadline May 6, 2015
Spring 2015 – 24-Hour Silent Retreat
May 29 & 30, 2015
Please check:
___Private Room (one person) – $135.00
___Private Room (two persons) - $200.00
Private Rooms: private bathroom with shower, 1 double bed (full-sized bed which can sleep two
persons), microwave oven, small refrigerator, coffee maker, TV
___Single Room (one person) - $125.00
Single Rooms: shared bathroom (shower and toilet) with neighboring room, single bed, sink
Included in the cost are 2 dinners, 1 breakfast, 1 lunch, healthy snacks and drinks. Also, each
room will have bed sheets, blankets, pillows, pillowcases and towels.
(Note: You are welcome to stay Saturday night as well for an additional $60 for single
room and $70 for a private room)
Amount enclosed: $________________
(Non-refundable after May 6, 2015)
Name(s): ____________________________________________________________
Phone: (____) ______________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________
SPECIAL NEEDS (dietary, physical, etc.): ___________________________________
Name and Phone Number of Emergency Contact: ______________________________
Complete this registration form and mail with your check made payable to
“Anna Pruett, TSSF”. (Put “Retreat” in memo line.) Space is limited, so register today!
Mail to:
Anna Pruett, TSSF
Hardscrabble Cottage
1319 N 2nd Street
Harrisburg, PA 17102