Pray For The Recovery of: - St. Joseph of the Palisades


Pray For The Recovery of: - St. Joseph of the Palisades
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Church of St. Joseph of the Palisades, West New York, NJ
April 4-5, 2015
Masses in English (E) Masses in Spanish (Sp)
Misas en Inglés (E) Misas en Español (Sp)
ST. JOSEPH’S - 64TH Street
Sat. 4/4 10:30 Hermes Antonio Lozano/Familia y hijos
Sun. 4/5 7:45 Catherine Smolinski/Catherine Stumpf
8:45 Ana Maria Segovia/Hijos y Nietos
10:00 Souls in purgatory/Taveras Family
11:00 Gustavo Lopez/Esposa e hijos
12:00 Deceased members of the DeFino Family/
1:30 Ercilia Mejia/Hija, Vilma Chavarria y Nietos
Mon. 4/6 8:30 Helen & Joseph Kressman
7:00pm En acción de gracias/Eugenia
Tues. 4/7 8:30 Anna Dennison/Ruth Pizzo
12:15 Lilia Rosales/Daughters
7:00pm Enio Martinez, Anniv./Esposa y hijos
Wed. 4/8 8:30 Julia Fischer/Catherine Fischer & Children
7:00pm Ana Rosa Campo/Nietos y hijos
Thurs. 4/9 7:00 Patricia DeFino, B’day/Family
12:15 Mercedes Hernandez/Familia
7:30pm En acción de gracias Dario y Wanda
Taveras, por 27 años casados
Fri. 4/10 8:30pm Mary Mercurio/Granddaughter,
Catherine Stumpf
7:00pm Francisca Yraheta
Sat. 4/11 8:30 Domenico & Maria Mircovich/Maria
Sat. 4/4
Sun. 4/5
Mon. 4/6
Wed. 4/8
Fri. 4/10
8:30 Solemn Easter Vigil
10:00 Katherine Forenza/Patrick & Joseph
12:15 Ben Carratura/Evangelina y Familia
7:30 Souls in purgatory/Circe
7:30 For the intentions of Sergio Correa/Nancy
7:00 For the intentions of Sergio Correa/Nancy
Sun. 4/5 9:30 Aniceto Cuesta/Teresita Perez y Familia
In Loving Memory:
Trustees of the Parish: Mr. Augustine Toomey, Jr.
Mr. Jose Saud
Sacrament of Baptism - Sacramento de Bautismo:
The 2nd Sunday of the month in English
Call the rectory for information/registration.
Primer, Tercer y Cuarto Domingo del mes en
Español. Llamar a la rectoria.
Sacrament of Reconciliation - Confesiones:
Saturdays/Sábados: 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Weekdays/Dias de Semana: 6:30 p.m.-7:00 p.m.
Sacrament of Matrimony - Matrimonios:
Registration one year prior to the date of
marriage. Call the Rectory for appointment.
Registrarse un año antes de la boda.
Llamar a la rectoría para una cita.
Pastoral Care of the Sick - Enfermos:
Family member must call the Rectory to notify
a priest.
Un familiar debe llamar a la rectoria para
informar al sacerdote.
Funerals - Funerales:
All deceased Catholics are to have a funeral
Mass before being buried. Arrangements made
through the Funeral Home.
Todo difunto católico debe ser llevado a la
iglesia para la Misa de Funeral antes de recibir
cristiana sepultura. Arreglos a través de la
Religious Education - Catequesis:
English: Sunday 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
St. Joseph’s Grammar School
Español: domingos, 8:15 a.m.
Escuela Elemental de San José.
Parish Membership - Miembros de la Parroquia:
Every Catholic family should register in the
St. Joseph’s
Altar Bread & Wine:
Deceased members of the DeFino Family/Family
Pray For The Recovery of:
Arleen M. Conil, Logan Andres Norman,
Jesús Villegas, Juan José Caro,
Margee Sanchez, Luke Abbadessa,
Eva Draude, Manuel Prieto,
Jonathan Jimenez, Marisol Marin, Cathy Quinn,
Hector Valderrama, Ligia BaraƩo, Patrick Comess,
Musika Yuh
April 4-5, 2015
Acts 2:14, 22-33; Ps 16:1-2a, 5, 7-11;
Mt 28:8-15
Acts 2:36-41; Ps 33:4-5, 18-20, 22;
Jn 20:11-18
Wednesday: Acts 3:1-10; Ps 105:1-4, 6-9; Lk 24:13-35
Acts 3:11-26; Ps 8:2ab, 5-9; Lk 24:35-48
Acts 4:1-12; Ps 118:1-2, 4, 22-27a;
Jn 21:1-14
Acts 4:13-21; Ps 118:1, 14-15ab, 16-21;
Mk 16:9-15
Acts 4:32-35; Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24;
1 Jn 5:1-6; Jn 20:19-31
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Church of St. Joseph of the Palisades, West New York, NJ
Dear Friends,
From the very moment of His
Resurrection Jesus called on His
Apostles to “Go out and Baptize all
nations, In the name of the Father
and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”
Here at St. Joseph of the Palisades we seek
to fulfill that mandate. Every month infants and
small children are brought to the fountain of life
which is Baptism. And every year adults come to be
Baptized, Confirmed and initiated into the life of
Christ through Holy Eucharist.
As we celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus
and His incredible Mercy we welcome these adults
Baptized this Easter:
Lima Icela, Lopez Freddy, Par Esteban
And on Divine Mercy Sunday, next week we
congratulate and affirm the faith of these who are to
complete their initiation into our faith through
Confirmation and First Eucharist:
Cintia Alvarado, Mario Alvarado, Sasha Antequera,
Elena Argueta, Joan Calarco Ortiz, Paul Chevez,
Dayana Chilchoa, Yulissa Chilchoa, Cecilia
Colocho, Yakelin A. Coxaj, Jose Crisantos, Octavio
DeGabriel, Manuel Dominguez, Evelyn Enriquez,
Cruz Flores, Gustavo Genao, Luis Gomez,
Karirenize Guerrero, Nancy Guerrero, Elsa
Guevara, Jacqueline Jaramillo, Adriana Jimenez,
Massiel Jiminian, Rosa Luc Misa, Deborah
Maiorano, Ismael Marin,
Christopher Maxi, Jessica Mendez, Rogelio Munoz,
Radicel Ovalle, Martha Pirca, Edward Quiroz,
Laureano Rebollar, Carlos Rivas, Eudocia Rivera,
Juan Carlos San roman, Edgar Sanahi,
Maribel Serrano, Gregorio Valerio, Marina Varela,
Pedro Fernando Xuruc, Nicole Zepeda,
Alicia Garcia, Leonardo Ambo
April 4-5, 2015
Weekly Collection for March 22, 2015
This week’s collection:
Approximate attendance at Mass:
Number of envelopes used:
Money received in envelopes:
Money received not in envelopes:
2nd collection for St. Vincent de Paul:
Average weekly expense:
(Deficit for the week)
- $4,610.76*
*This debt is paid from our EMERGENCY RESERVE FUND.
Did you know you can GIVE ONLINE?
• Donate in seconds! Anytime, anywhere!
Even from your phone!
• Rest assured your donations are 100% secure.
• Set up recurring donations.
• Receive email confirmation and track all donations with
access to your records 24/7.
• Stay connected with us.
• Your recurring donations through online giving enable
us to plan with confidence.
e-Giving is available at
Divine Mercy Sunday
Sunday, April 12, 2015
3:00 p.m.: The Divine Mercy Chaplet
followed by a
Bilingual Mass (English/Spanish) in the
Upper Church
and then the
Veneration of the Divine Mercy Image
and a First Class Relic of St. Faustina .
All are invited!
Thanks to Our Franciscan Sisters
When: Saturday, April 18th
2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Where: St. Joseph’s Community Center
Menu: Spaghetti & Meatballs
May God’s blessing be upon them all as they
live their faith in Jesus Christ.
Sincerely yours,
Rev. Msgr. Gregory Studerus
$20 Adults — $5 Child
Tickets available in the Rectory Office through Monday,
April 13.
The Sisters, with their Spiritual Director, Father Charles
Reinbold, will be here. For more information please call
(201) 854-7006.
We are Easter people and Alleluia is our song!
—St. Augustine
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Church of St. Joseph of the Palisades, West New York, NJ
Trip to the Sands Casino
Pocono, PA
Monday, April 6, 2015
$33 per person ($20 back in slot cash & $5 food voucher)
A valid government ID is required to receive incentives.
Boarding time will be at 9:45 a.m. Bus will leave St. Joseph’s
parking lot at 10:00 a.m. Parking available at St. Joseph’s.
For reservations call Sheila Dunne at 201-951-5515. Tickets
available at the Rectory. No rain date—no refunds.
Our Catholic Faith:
Comes through Baptism
Please share the news: The Lord said: “Go out
and Baptize all nations, in the Name of the
Father and of the Son and of The Holy Spirit.” This is the
way our Catholic faith becomes part of us. For anyone
interested in becoming Catholic, now is the time to begin
learning what we believe. Please encourage family or friends
without Baptism to contact the parish before Easter of this
year so that they might be included in the learning and
preparation program for the year ahead.
Citizenship Study Group
Are you preparing to take your Citizenship Test? Would
you like to join our study group? Over a 6 week period, we
will review the 100 questions, the Pledge of Allegiance and
some history of the USA. This course is offered in English
on Wednesday evenings at 7 p.m. in the Grammar School.
Classes will be held May 6, 13, 20 & 24, June 3 and 10.
If you are interested please register in the rectory office.
English Golden Age Group Meeting
Wednesday, April 8
2:00 p.m.
Lower Community Center
All are welcome, especially those 50 and over, those who
are retired, widows and widowers, or those who are
interested in some new activities in their lives. Father
Jozef invites you to an afternoon of enjoyment.
2015 Anniversary Liturgies
The Archdiocese is once again preparing the
annual tradition of honoring those couples who
will be celebrating five, twenty-five and fifty years
of Christian marriage in the year 2015. These anniversary
liturgies will be celebrated by Archbishop John J. Myers in
the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Newark as
April 19: 3 p.m.: 50 years (All Counties)
May 3: 3 p.m.: 25 years & 5 years (All Counties)
It is our desire that every couple in the Archdiocese
deserving of such recognition be present at the appropriate
liturgy. The presence of a large number of couples will give
favorable witness to the strength and stability of Christian
marriage in today’s society.
Parishioners interested in celebrating one of these
anniversaries are asked to call the Rectory to sign up.
April 4-5, 2015
2016 Mass Book will open on Thursday, April 23
The 2016 Mass Book will open on Thursday, April 23 at
9:00 a.m. in the Rectory Office. Donation for Masses are
$20 for Weekend Masses, Holidays and Holydays; $10 for
weekday Masses. Please note: You will be served on a first
come, first serve basis.
Mrs. Peggy Schiebel will be at Immaculate Heart of Mary
Chapel to reserve Masses for the chapel on Saturday, April
25 and Sunday, April 26 after the Masses.
There are still Masses available for 2015. Please inquire
about these.
Pastoral Council Meeting
Monday, April 13
7:45 p.m.
Upper Community Center
A representative from every organization and Ministry
must attend the meeting.
Academy of St. Joseph News
Please join us as we welcome
Most Reverend Bernard A. Hebda, Coadjutor Archbishop
of Newark;
Most Reverend Thomas A. Donato, Auxiliary Bishop
of Newark;
Most Rev. Manuel A. Cruz, Auxiliary Bishop of Newark
for the celebration of Mass in recognition of the achievement
of our school, now the Academy of St. Joseph of the
Mass will begin at 1:30 p.m. on Friday, April 24, 2015
RSVP: April 17, 2015
Eileen Donovan-Ferrando, Principal
Lauren Lytle, Assistant Principal
(201) 861-3227
Bring a Can OR give a Dollar
Our Food Pantry collection will take place the last
weekend of every month. We ask you, our parishioners, to
bring a can of soup or tuna fish or a jar of peanut butter or any
non-perishable item to church but should you forget, we will
gratefully accept a dollar. Thank you for any choice you
Tax Statement
To obtain a statement of your contribution to the
parish during the year 2014, please fill out the
following and return to the rectory or you may
deposit it in the collection basket.
Name: ____________________________________
Address: __________________________________
Telephone #: ______________________________
Envelope #: ______________________