St Rita Inside only 3 29.pages


St Rita Inside only 3 29.pages
Mass Intentions for the Week
March 28
March 29
March 31
5:30 PM
7:00 PM
8:00 AM
10:00 AM
12:00 PM
5:00 PM
8:30 AM
Altar Linen
March 29 Kathy Kinder
Saint Rita
$ 11,241
†Michael DiPinto By Barbara DiPinto
7:00 PM
HOLY THURSDAY Lord’s Last Supper
People of St. Rita & †James Allen By Teresa O’Neal
April 3 GOOD FRIDAY, No Masses
Stations of the Cross
Divine Mercy
Veneration of the Cross
Christ the King Stations
Christ the King Veneration
(No 1st Friday Adoration)
April 2
Upon This Rock
8:30 AM
Caring & Sharing of South Walton
- Please take donations to
the Mary Star of the Sea Room.
Education of Future Priests
Mass, No Holy Communion Service
Wednesday April 1
Caring & Sharing
Building Fund
†Tony Logue By John & Kathy Houlihan
†Tony Logue By Joe & Kathy Tullos
The People of St. Rita
† Dolores Cranston By A Friend
March 30
†Mary Kelly By Jim Kelly
8:30 AM
April 5 Janice Schmitt
12 Brigid Iannuzzi
19 Elizabeth Stay
Robert Gonzalez By Mona Tidwell
Spanish Mass
3 PM
5 PM
6:30 PM
7 PM
April 4
April 5
3:00 PM
8:00 PM
Divine Mercy
7:30 AM
9:30 AM
11:30 AM
5:00 PM
9:00 AM
†Pat Crossin By The Murray Family
The People of the Parish
†Michael DiPinto By The DiPinto Family
†Tony Logue By Felita Asteinza
Christ the King Mass
Prayer Requests
Society of
SINCE 1833 !
& well
St. Rita
& Resurrection.
Vincent DePaul
Grow spiritually,
make new
friends &
live as
Christ taught us, “I was hungry & you gave
me community
food…” We want
as aTax
member to
share your time, treasure and talents to
assist those in need. For more info call
Please call Stephen Elliot
Stephen Starkey at 678-362-0284.
at 404-867-8734.
¿Necesita ayuda? Llame a la
Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl
al (850) 278-6166 después de
5PM y pregunte por Felita.
Palm Sunday
Marilyn Aber
Chuck Allen
Sue Atkinson
Sharon Bologna
Joshua Boudreaux
Mindy Broussard
Kacee Bercegeay
Fernando Calle
Daniel Carlton
Clay Casey
Fred Casey
James T.
Cinnamond Tracy
Cobia Michelle
Clancy Mae
Baby Sophia Cooper
Darya & Danika Darley
Josh Doherty
Jan Ebbecke
Andrea Eller
Anne Ferguson
Ann Floreck
Jeanne Forte
Nick Gallo
Rob Gibson
Maria Gouin
Hayden Green
Rosemary Greenkorn
Richard Hackle
Lori Herring
Jeff Hill
Mike Klein
MaryAnn Krebs
John LeBleu
Joseph LeBleu
Paul LeBleu
Concetta Loduca
Dee Logue
Monica Lopez
Jim Mahan
Betty Miller
Patrick Malambrie
Patrick Miller
Brian Murray
Pat Neal
Berenice Newell
Carolynn Opar
Boone Pendergast
Steve Peterson
Christopher Pierce
Samantha Reed
Deborah Pendergast
Roselyne Rose
Melissa Savoie
Susie Segar
Joyce Schilly
Charles Shromer
Chris Simerly
Liz Skalicky
Nick Sorel
Jennifer Trousdale
Keith Tullos
John Vambro
Cliff Wesson
Herb Weinand
Ulrika Laurence
We are in the process of updating our prayer requests.
Please call the office at 850.267.2558 if you wish to add
or delete a name from the prayer list.
March 29, 2015
This Week at St. Rita
Mon. Mar 30
5:30pm Church - Ecumenical Choir
7pm Church - Prayer Group
Tues. Mar 31
9:15am MSSR - Catholicism Class
6pm MSSR - Movie Night: Bishop Fulton Sheen
7pm Office - Men’s Grow Group Wed. April 1
No Religious Education Today
9am MSSR - Sewing Group
4:30pm Church - Youth Choir
Thur. April 2
6:30pm Library - Catholicism Study
Fri. April 3
Good Friday
Rosary & Chaplet after daily 8:30am Mass
Triduum Schedule
Holy Thursday, April 2nd
7pm Mass followed by Adoration for 1 hour
Good Friday, April 3rd
Stations of the Cross 2:30pm
Divine Mercy 3pm
Veneration of the Cross 5pm
Christ the King Stations 6:30pm
Christ the King Veneration 7pm
(No 1st Friday Adoration)
Saturday, April 4th
Divine Mercy, 3pm
Easter Vigil, 8pm
Easter Sunday, April 5th
Masses: 7:30am, 9:30am, 11:30am, 5pm
Christ the King, April 5th
Mass: 9am
Palm Sunday
From the GOD SQUAD:
How to Prepare for
Divine Mercy
(The first Sunday after Easter)
Jesus told St. Faustina that this Feast
of Mercy would be a very special day
when “all the divine floodgates
through which graces flow are
opened” (St. Faustina's Diary #699).
Jesus promised that “the soul that
will go to confession (before Divine
Mercy Sunday) and receive
Communion (on Divine Mercy Sunday) shall obtain
complete forgiveness of sins and punishment”.
(Diary #699). This is an enormous benefit because
normally, confession does not remove the “temporal
punishment” or “unhealthy attachment to creatures “
due to our sins. (The Catechism of the Catholic Church
Step One: The whole Lenten season is the best
preparation for Divine Mercy Sunday. Through increased
prayer and personal sacrifices we seek to remove
all attachment to sin. Frequent examinations of conscience
regarding our relationships with God and our relationships
with others is instrumental in striving for purity of heart.
Jesus knows our weaknesses and wants us to put our
complete trust in Him.
Step Two: Learn to pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy
and pray it often for the conversion of sinners, especially
during the 3 o'clock hour.
Step Three: Strive to show mercy to others through
frequent acts of charity. Jesus wants us to show mercy to
others as a condition for receiving His Divine Mercy. He is
especially pleased when we offer our acts of mercy for
love of Him.
Step Four: Pray the Novena of Divine Mercy beginning
on Good Friday. Jesus wants us us to take an active part
in pleading His Divine Mercy for hardened and apathetic
Step Five: Go to confession before Divine Mercy Sunday.
The Church offers a plenary indulgence, under the usual
conditions, for participation in the Divine Mercy celebration,
which allows for one to go to confession after Divine
Mercy Sunday. However, the promises of Jesus for
participation in the Divine Mercy devotion actually exceed
the benefits of a plenary indulgence and presuppose
confession before Divine Mercy Sunday. (John Paul II
Institute of Divine Mercy, Understanding Divine Mercy.)
March 29, 2015
Apr 4:
Easter Vigil Mass 8pm
(RCIA Practice 10am)
Apr 10-12: High School Campout,
Camp Timpoochee
Apr 14:
Christ the King Confirmation 6pm
Apr 19:
Saint Rita Confirmation 5pm Mass
(Practice TBD)
Apr 26:
1st Communion: 10am Mass
(Practice Apr. 25, 10am)
Tuesday, March 31
Mar 31 Tues.
Chrism Mass Pensacola
10am-2pm at the Cathedral
of the Sacred Heart
April 2
Holy Thursday 7pm
April 3
Good Friday 5pm Veneration
(No 1st Friday Adoration)
April 4
Holy Saturday 8 pm
April 5
Easter 7:30, 9:30, 11:30, 5pm
April 12
Divine Mercy Sunday
April 19
Confirmation 5pm
April 26
1st Holy Communion 10am
6:00 - 7:30PM MSSR
Save the Date:
Family Honor’s
“Real Love & Real Life”
Chastity Program
is being held on
April 25th for 7th & 8th grade teens
and their parents. The program is
hosted by Sacred Heart Hospital, and
it has been presented in our area
for over 13 years.
Please contact Matt Hitpas at
850.384.5060 or for
more information.
Also visit:
Palm Sunday
March 29, 2015
Tuesday, 10 March 2015
“An open door”
(by L'Osservatore Romano, Weekly ed. in English, n. 11, 13 March
“Asking forgiveness is not simply making an apology”. It isn’t easy,
just as “it isn’t easy to receive God’s forgiveness: not because He
doesn’t want to give it to us, but because we close the door by not
forgiving” others. In his homily during Mass at Santa Marta on
Tuesday, Pope Francis added an essential element to his reflection
on the path of repentance that characterizes Lent: the theme of
His reflection began from the passage of the First
Reading from the Book of the Prophet Daniel (3:25, 34-43), which
tells of the Prophet Azariah, who “is being tested and recalls the
trial of his people, who are slaves”. But, the Pontiff pointed out,
the people “weren’t slaves by chance: they were enslaved because
they abandoned the Law of the Lord, because they sinned”.
Therefore, Azariah prays: “For your name’s sake, O Lord, do not
deliver us up forever! Do not take away your mercy from us! For
we are reduced, we have sinned. We are brought low this day. This
day we ask mercy”. In other words, Azariah “repents. He asks
forgiveness for the sins of his people”. Thus, the prophet, put to
the test, “does not lament before God”. He doesn’t say: “You are
unjust with us, look at what has happened to us now...”. Instead,
he affirms: “We have sinned and we deserve this”. This is the
crucial detail: Azariah “has the sense of sin”.
The Pope then pointed out that Azariah does not say to
the Lord: “Sorry, we made a mistake”. In fact, “asking forgiveness
is something else”, it’s not the same as making an apology. These
are two different things: the first is simply asking to be excused,
the second involves the acknowledgement of having sinned.
Indeed, sin “is not simply a mistake. Sin is idolatry”, it is
worshipping the “many idols that we have: pride, vanity, money,
the self, wellbeing. This is why Azariah doesn’t simply apologize,
but “begs forgiveness”.
The day’s passage from the Gospel according to
Matthew (18:21-35) then led Francis to address the other side of
forgiveness: from the forgiveness sought from God to the
Palm Sunday
forgiveness given to our brothers. Peter asks Jesus the question:
“Lord, if my brother sins against me, how often must I forgive
him?”. In the Gospel, the Pope explained, “there aren’t many
times in which a person asks forgiveness”. He then recalled a few
events, such as “the sinner who cries at Jesus’ feet, bathes his feet
in her tears and dries them with her hair”. In that case, the
Pontiff said, “that woman had sinned much, loved much, and
asked forgiveness”. Then he recalled the episode in which Peter,
“after the miraculous catch of fish, says to Jesus: ‘Stay away from
me, for I am a sinner’”. There, however, Peter “realizes that he
hadn’t made a mistake, that there was something else inside him”.
And again, we can consider “when Peter cries, the night of Holy
Thursday, when Jesus looks at him”.
In any case, there are “few moments in which
forgiveness is sought”. But in the passage from the day’s liturgy,
Peter asks the Lord how great the measure of our forgiveness
must be: “Only seven times?”. Jesus answers the Apostle “with
word play meaning ‘always’: seventy times seven, that is, you must
always forgive”.
Here, Francis emphasized, this speaks of “forgiveness”,
not simply to apologize for a mistake, but to forgive “one who has
offended me, who has harmed me, one who through his/her
cruelty, has injured my life, my heart”.
And thus the question for each of us today is: “What is
the measure of my forgiveness?”. The answer can be found in the
parable Jesus tells of the man “who was forgiven” an incredible
monetary debt of “many, many millions”, and who then, quite
happy about being forgiven, goes out and “finds a companion who
owes him perhaps a debt of 5 euros and sends him to jail”. The
example is obvious: “If I cannot forgive, I cannot ask
forgiveness”. This is why “Jesus teaches us to pray like this to the
Father: ‘Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass
against us’”.
What does this really mean? Pope Francis answered by
inventing a dialogue: “Father, I confess, I am going to confess....
— And what do you do, before confessing? — I think about the
things I have done wrong — Okay — Then I ask the Lord’s
forgiveness and I promise not to do it any more.... — Good. And
then you go to the priest?”. But first “you are missing something:
have you forgiven those who have harmed you?”. Since the prayer
we were taught is “Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive others”,
we know that “the forgiveness that God will give you” requires
“the forgiveness that you give to others”.
In conclusion, Francis summarized his meditation: first,
“Asking forgiveness is not simply making an apology”, but “is
being aware of the sin, of the idolatry that I have done, of the
many idolatries”; second, “God always forgives, always”, but He
also requires that I forgive, because “if I don’t forgive”, it is in a
sense as if I were closing “God’s door”. This is a door that we
need to keep open: let us allow God’s forgiveness to come in so
that we may forgive others.
March 29, 2015
Big Bucks Raffle
10 Fabulous
Guaranteed Prizes
Sunday, April 12, 2015
During the Saint Mary
Catholic School
28th Annual Spring Fling
3PM at NWFL Fair Grounds
$100 Donation per ticket
win up to $12,000!!!!!!
For more information, please contact
Mrs. Kristin White at 850.243.8913
between 8am and 3pm (Mon-Fri)
Join the Ecumenical Choir
of Walton County in:
A Service of Worship
in the Style of Taize’
Begin your Holy Week
with a time for personal Meditation,
Relection, Music and Readings
Tuesday, April 14th Noon
The Bowery on 30A
2052 W County Hwy 30A
RSVP by April 12th
Palm Sunday
St. Rita Catholic Church *
137 Moll Drive - SRB
**Our new location**
March 30th (Monday Evening)
7:00 pm
March 29, 2015
Please Pray for Father Kevin and
His Continuing Recovery –
++Prayer Requests for God’s Loving
and Divine Healing
March 7, 2015
to soothe the hearts and souls in a positive manner of those
around the world wishing to destroy Christians. We ask that
their evil hearts be turned to the goodness of God!!!
We also pray for these CTK Family Members; their Relatives and
their Friends: David Caggiano, Mary Helen Kirby, Bertha Turner,
Mindy Broussard, a special request, a friend of Ina Santos, Mel
Chaney, Joyce Schilly, Ann Aultman, Dan Carlton, Rhonda Trainer,
Gerald Foreman, Lily Mc Coy, Phillip and Mary Maple, Dan Dowd
Sr., George Dunnigan, Jim Sandoski, Dottie Drury, Michael Fries,
Patrick Smith, Nancy Stock, Dave Baron, Skippy Hoffman,
Giovanni Turner
Please pray for the Heavenly eternal repose of the soul of Gary Kinnen who
passed away this week from the complications of Alzheimer’s. Please also pray
for Almighty God to comfort his family and friends in their time of sorrow.
15542 Business Highway 331
Freeport, FL 32439
FAX 850-267-3711
Christ the King
Church Ministry
Be Sure to Take a Blessed Palm
Home With You Today!
March 29, 2015:
Eucharistic Minister - Reese Orlosky
Lector - Myron Tassin;
Ushers - Don Norse, Reese Orlosky`
April 5, 2015: EASTER SUNDAY
Eucharistic Ministers:
Maryann & Joe Guss, Luann Schley
Lector - Margaret Aresco
Ushers - LaureenRiggi, Chuck Kersten
CSA Update The Goal assigned to CTK from
the Diocese is $2565 and we are now at over
$2100 - so we are almost to our Goal…
Thank You for your generosity!
Ladies Altar Guild Meeting is being held on
the 3rd Sunday of each month beginning on April
19th. This is an Open Invitation to all those
women who have never attended our CTK Family’s
Ladies Altar Guild Group meetings. We promise
that you will not be asked to run for office nor to
be on any committees ;o) At the April Meeting,
we will have a guest speaker from Freeport who
will be making a very brief presentation of
interest to all of us!
BUNCO: Please remember that you must
be at least 18 to play. If you need any further
details …Contact: Luann Schley 585-0589, Pat
Dowd 835-0094 or Ina Santos-835-0037. In April,
CTK-sponsored Bunco (usually held the first
Friday of the month) will be on the second
Friday, April 10th at 6:30 PM since the first
Friday in April is on Good Friday. In May, we
will go back to having Bunco on the first Friday.
Bunco is open to everyone, not just CTK-ers!
CTK Social Hall...Family Members who wish to
utilize the Hall are to make arrangements through
Dave Doring at or
A CTK MEN’S CLUB has been suggested:
Sign-up sheet is in the vestibule and the Social
Center for those who would like to discuss this
MARCH 29, 2015
Easter Update
April 5th…We are asking everyone to please donate a living flower plant (of your selection)
and bring it to the Church by 10:00 AM on Saturday, April 4th . Decorating the Church will
be on that day at 10:00 AM. Mass on Easter will be at 9:00 AM and there will be no time
to do any decorating on Sunday. Many hands make light work so all are invited to
come and help decorate the Church to honor the Risen Christ!!! We will also be
having our Traditional Easter Egg Hunt for the children immediately following Mass.
Plastic eggs for you to fill for the children are available in the vestibule and in Social
Center Store Room. These eggs can be brought to Church on Saturday morning or on
Easter morning before Mass ;o)
PARISH ROSTERS: are available via email at - If you do not
have email, please contact Ina Santos 835-0037. For future reference, you should keep these
lists in a folder on your computer.
April 4- Bring your flowers to the Church by this date; decorating of the Church will begin
at 10:00 AM… You can bring your filled plastic eggs on this date also.
April 5- Easter Mass at 9:00 AM…If you have not done so, please bring your filled plastic
eggs to Mass for the Children’s’ Easter Egg Hunt…Thank You! Monthly Potluck
rescheduled for the first Sunday in May - 3rd.
April 10-Bunco 6:30 PM – CTK Social Center…Bring your friends ;o)
April 14 (Tuesday) 6:00 PM –- Confirmation of our wonderful Addison, Antonio and
Lana at CTK; Reception to follow in the Social Center…
PARKING LOT: Thank you to all the CTK Family for your generous donations to the
Building Fund that made this update possible. Thank you also to Bob Santos for doing
all the protocols with contractors and for overseeing this to fruition. ;o)
“SUGGESTION BOX” in the vestibule to express your desires/needs/wants on ANY
TOPIC related to CTK…
BIBLE CLASS: Spanish Language Bible Class meets on Tuesdays at 7:00 PM at CTK
2015 is the YEAR OF CONSECRATED LIFE Please pray for vocations!
Offertory$ 1,100
Building Fund
Information for “In Christ’s Corner” or to be added to the CTK Information
Master email list – Send it to Sally at
by SUNDAY EVENING in order to go into the following week’s Bulletin.
If you are out of town and would like internet access to the information
in our bulletin, you may go to the website.