April 12, 2015 - Sacred Heart Susanville


April 12, 2015 - Sacred Heart Susanville
Second Sunday of Easter
(Sunday of Divine Mercy)
April 12, 2015
Today’s Readings: #903
Acts 4:32-35
Psalm 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24
1 John 5:1-6
John 20:19-31
04/13 St. Martin I, Pope, Martyr
Order of the Mass #140
Gloria #146
Profession of Faith #148
WELCOME TO OUR SACRED HEART CHURCH! To all who celebrate with us, whether longtime residents or
newly arrived in the Parish, we thank God for you. To register, please visit or call our office at 257-3230 between
9:00 am and 1:00 pm, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, or e-mail us at sacredheartssv@yahoo.com
WEEKLY OFFERINGS FOR: Holy Thursday: $195.00 – Good Friday: $357.00 –
Holy Saturday: $702.00 – Easter: $4,622.00 –
Poor Box: $97.00 – Votive Candles: $116.00 –
Thank you! May your loving offerings be greatly rewarded!
The donation for devotion candles is 1/$3.00 and 2/$5.00 – Thank you!
Mass Intentions for Week of April 11-March 19
Second Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday)
Saturday, 04/11
3:00 pm
+Richard Esparza Martinez
By Frances Dunquez
Sunday, 04/11
5:30 pm
+Rick Honea
By Gloria Honea & Family
Santa Misa
8:00 am
11:00 am
5:00 pm
Parishioners of Sacred Heart
For Peace
For Vocations
Monday, 04/13
8:00 am
+Viola Means
Tuesday, 04/14
8:00 am
+Jim & Liz Weeks
Thursday, 04/16
6:00 pm
+Jacob Pitte
Friday, 04/17
8:00 am
SI Richard Barrington Murphy
By Mary Murphy
Sunday, 04/12
Third Sunday of Easter
Saturday, 04/18
3:00 pm
Souls of the Faithful
Saturday, 04/18
5:30 pm
+Aniceto & Amelia Ortega
By Ed & Mary Tynan
Parishioners of Sacred Heart
For Peace and End to
For Vocations
Sunday, 04/19
8:00 am
11:00 am
Santa Misa
5:00 pm
Pray for the sick & homebound in our parish especially:
Johnny Garate
Monica Mallery
Trenton Ignacio Urrutia-Dixon
William McDowell
Jane Davis
Andrew Monty
Rita Wilczynski
Heddy Chrzanowski
Nancy Brown
Amanda & Christopher Monty
Juanita Binkley
Kris Woodruff
Jerry & Dollie Douglass
Rocky Langslet
Richard & Adelaide Garoppo
Gary Taylor
Bebe & Abigail Martinez
Melissa Barnetche
Joyce Whitcome
Angela Stafford
Amy Pierce
Ray Berettini
Ricardo Palatones
David Stribling
Kelli Brawley
Lisa Courtemanche
Pat Wilson
Gina Rogers
Mary Marcotte
Leah Faye Bendix
Petra Venegas
Bernie Novotney
Patricia Bowen
Rita Retterath
Michaela Lasky
Jewel Courtemanche
Linda & Nick From
Kevin Farwell
Mary Giacomelli
Kolby Loflin
Frank White
Gino Surian
Robyn Alfonso
Jane Barakat
John Allaway
Joseph Mulvhill
Gregory Lovelady
Michael Schmidt
Irene Bengoa-Trout
James Monty
Manuel Sanchez
Rod Hoffman
Dan Gustafson
Lorraine Wavrick
Robert Stribling
Bob Loflin
Kenneth Hamilton
Al Garcia
Gay Delgado
Don Allison
Marylee Fruehan
Linda Amrein
Rosellen Bonny
C. T. Neely
Ron Morrissey
Jo Neely
Jeanne Haycraft
Laura Geoia
Rodney Patterson
Kiefer Crosby
Kerry Michelle O’Brien
Judy McCoy & family
Dejua Greely
Margaret Wirth
George Hansen
Rose Nunez
Lois Welch
Susan Baston
Francisco Aquino
Mark Wheeler
Larry Boston
Norma Epperson
Ninfa Cisneros
Edwin Hart
Vonda Emmert
Manuela Delgado
Mary Murphy
Marylynn Baker
Samuel Stagno
Eileen Richard
Emiliana Galaz
Paul Hemp
Dwight Weatherford
Kory Felker
James Wheeler
Bill Swingle
Rhonda Lavacot
Cody Walsh
Please notify the office when a name may
be added or taken off the prayer list
Sacred Heart Parish Weekly News Bulletin
-Divine Mercy Sunday
-Easter Egg Hunt & Party – 12 pm
-Infant Baptism Classes-MM Hall-10:00-11:30 am
-Sacred Heart Aux. Meeting – 12:30 pm -MM Hall
-Infant Baptism Classes-MM Hall-10:00-11:30 am
-Second Collection-Catholic Home Missions
Note: Building Maintenance collection moved to May 3.
Bulletin Deadline: Tuesdays by 11a.m.
Religious Education News
RCIA: Mystagogy runs from April 7th to May 24th. As part of the
Mystagogy period for RCIA, we will be running the acclaimed 10
DVD series called “Catholicism” with Fr. Robert Barron. We will
begin the series on Tuesday, April 14, from 6:30 pm-8:00 pm at
Monsignor Moran Hall. Everyone is welcome. Please join us for
study, discussion, and fellowship.
Religious Education Classes from Kindergarten thru
High School:
April 12 – CCD classes; Easter Party after 11 am Mass
April 19 – CCD classes
April 26 – CCD classes
*CCD registration forms and calendars are in the vestibule
under the Religious Education bulletin board.
Congratulations to our Newest Catholics!
The following individuals received the Sacraments of Initiation at
the Easter Vigil this year:
Ryan Thomas Alkire
Alyssa Gentry
Madox Joseph McIntire
Landyn Ezekial McIntire
Hailey Elizabeth Barton
First Eucharist
Ryan Thomas Alkire
Alyssa Gentry
Hannah Carson
Ryan Thomas Alkire
Alyssa Gentry
We pray that they may hold
fast in their lives to the
Sacraments they have received
in Faith through Christ our
Risen Lord.
Born to Eternal Rest
Please pray for Viola Means and Jacob Pitt who have gone to
their eternal rest last week. We offer condolences to the Means
family and Joni Pitt’s family. Let us pray for their souls and all
the souls of the faithfully departed through the mercy of God rest
in peace. Amen.
Infant Baptism Classes for Parents and Godparents
Please contact the office at 257-3230 or the Hall at 257-8008 on
Mon/Tues/Thurs between 9-1 pm to schedule classes & Baptism.
Bautismos para niños Llamen a el salon los Lunes, Martes o
Jueves entre 9 – 1 pm, 257-8008.
Please check the Religious Education Bulletin Board in the
vestibule for updated information.
2015 Scholarships
The Knights of Columbus are offering three $1,000.00
scholarships. Contact the Lassen High School Counseling Office
for all the necessary information.
The Sacred Heart Auxiliary is offering scholarships to
graduating high school seniors who will attend college in the Fall
of 2015 and are practicing members of Sacred Heart Catholic
Church. Applications may be picked up in the vestibule of the
Church or at the Lassen High School Counseling Office.
Deadline is Tuesday, April 28th, 2015.
Thank You for the Easter Flowers!
We would like to thank all of you who gave
offerings for the beautiful Easter Flowers. May
the Lord grant you abundant blessings!
Easter Egg Hunt
Once again, the Easter Bunny has agreed to be here at Sacred
Heart Church right after the 11:00 Mass on Sunday, April 12th,
2015. There will be designated areas where the hunts will take
place according to age groups. After completion of the hunt, all
adults and children are invited to the Hall for treats such as cake
and punch. See you there!
2015 Men’s Day of Faith Renewal
Saturday, April 18
8:00 am-3:15 pm
Listen to Tim Staples, a world renowned Catholic lay apologist
and evangelist, speak at St. Mels Parish Center in Fair Oaks, Ca.
The event begins at 8:00 with a rosary, followed by Mass with
Bishop Cotta. Then, we move to the Parish Center for food, talks,
and if the Spirit moves you, Confession. The cost is $35 in
advance, $40 at the door. It is open to all men 17 years and
older. Please visit:
Divine Mercy Sunday
April 12, 2015
Divine Mercy Sunday falls on the Sunday immediately
following Easter and is dedicated to the devotion to the
Divine Mercy promoted by the Polish nun, St. Faustina
Kowalska, who was canonized by St. John Paul II in 2000. The
late pontiff designated the Sunday after Easter as Divine Mercy
Sunday and also decreed a plenary indulgence associated with
this devotion.
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